#Jace you are an enigma and it's making me angry
adaines-furious-feast · 4 months
I am so torn between wanting "Jace was in the wrong place at the wrong time/caught Porter's eye for whatever reason and gave in because he's terrified of the fate that befell Lucy" and "they be fucking and/or Jace was just supporting his bestie's goals this entire time".
But I'm mostly scared of there being nothing
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fierygoddess-2 · 11 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊
𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕿𝖜𝖔
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Summary: (Y/n) finally meets Aemond, but it’s not the way you would expect first impressions to go, with a battle. Let’s see what Aemond thinks of the Ice Dragon as they encounter each other more and more. (Sorry I suck at summaries)
Warnings: Fighting, Weapons, Character Death, Slight Sexual Reference, Aegon is a warning in itself (Let me know if I missed anything)
A/n: I’m so excited to add Aemond more into this story. Thank you everyone for liking this story and I hope you stay as this journey continues. Also thank my friend who threatened to steal my dog if I didn’t continue this series :D
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Your fierce icy eyes stared deep into Aemonds dull blue ones as you studied his movements. As you did that, it gave him the opportunity to study your features. From your (h/c) dreads that were in a half up and half down style. To your sun-kissed skin where if he looked close enough he could see a faint scar that ran from the top of your seemingly plump lips to your chin. Then Aemond went to your eyes and he couldn’t help but be captivated by them.
How could your blue eyes look so cold, but hold so much fire in them.
The fire in your eyes made many who stood before you turn to ash from a single glance, but for Aemond it was different. When he stared into your eyes all he wanted to do was play with the fire, as if the flames were his only source of life and happiness.
Aemond was distracted by you, which you noticed and allowed you to make your move. “You left yourself open.”
You dashed forward and sliced your sword at his neck, but he managed to parry your attack in the nick of time. But, what caught him off guard next was when you pushed his sword to the side with your own sword and turned your body swiftly around while grabbing his arms. As you caught his arms you tossed his sword across the training ground with your own sword nearly piercing someone. Now Aemond was caught in your vice grip and weaponless with your sword aimed above his neck.
“It looks like I’ve won One-Eye.” You whisper into his ear with a small smirk on your face.
Aemond didn’t know what to think. He should be angry by getting beaten by a girl in front of nobles, but also in front of his nephews that he despised with every fiber of his being. He should be angry at the name you called him by. But, he didn’t feel embarrassed or even angry.
No. What Aemond felt at that moment as he laid trapped was the feeling of fascination, of curiosity. He honestly had no clue why he was feeling this, let alone with someone he met today, but you were an enigma to him and all he wanted to do was figure you out. ‘To figure out the enemy’ was what he told himself, but deep down he felt that that wasn’t the full truth.
After a minute or two you finally let Aemond go and sheathed your blade. You looked at Aemond, ready to say something, but a guard had silenced you when he ordered someone to open the gate. Everyone’s attention shifted towards the gates and what you saw made you grip the hilt of your sword tightly, making your knuckles turn white, which didn’t go unnoticed by Aemond.
The flags of house Valeryon stood tall as the man that you wish to meet the side of your blade stood in the center. As Vaemond Valeryon and his guards walked up towards the castle gates he stared at Luke, which caused you to move next to him. Vaemond shifted his gaze towards your piercing blue eyes and was visibly shaken, but he quickly composed himself and looked away from you as he went through the Red Keep’s gate.
After a few minutes of you glaring at the gates, you turned towards Luke and Jace. “Let’s go. We should explore more of the castle.” You say trying to ease the tension that grew when Vaemond appeared. They nodded there heads and followed you inside, what also followed you was Aemonds stare as you walked away with your brothers.
“What an interesting creature you are, Ice Dragon.” Aemond whispered.
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After exploring the Red Keep with Luke and Jace for a while, you decide to split from them and explore the castle on your own for a little. You walked the halls of the great castle until you found yourself in the castle’s courtyard. That’s when you noticed three figures standing by the Godswood. As you got closer you realized that one of the figures was your mother, Rhaenyra. The other two were, “Princess Rhaenys. Rhaena.”
The two women turned to you and smiled. “(Y/n)!” Rhaena ran up to you and gave you a tight hug. You hugged her back with the same amount of force.
“I’ve missed you.” Rhaena sighed.
You broke the hug and placed both of your calloused hands on her shoulders as you chuckled, “You saw me just this morning.”
The two of you smiled at each other before your eyes drifted to her grandmother who was smiling at the way you two were.
“It’s been so long since I’ve last seen you Princess Rhaenys. How is Prince Corlys faring? “ You walked up to her and gave her a hug which she gladly returned.
Once she pulled away from the embrace she responded, “What have I told you about calling me Grandmother. Corlys would wish you to call him Grandfather. You are family to us, blood or not.” Her tone made her seem like there was no disagreeing with her. Rhaenys then sighed softly before speaking once more, “Corlys is doing better now than he was before. All he needs is rest.”
“That’s good to hear, Grandmother. I pray that Grandfather heals fast so that he may sail the seas once more with Sea Snake.” You shared a smile with your grandmother before Rhaenyra clears her throat to get everyone’s attention. You could tell there was tension between your mother and grandmother.
“Might I speak to the Princess alone, Rhaena and (y/n)?” Rhaenyra asked.
You nodded your head at your mother before holding out your arm for Rhaena to grab, which she gladly did by linking her arm with yours. You two bid farewell and headed back inside the castle.
As you walk down a series of corridors with Rhaena in your arm, you could help but bask in the silence that enveloped the two of you. You missed Rhaena, your sister, it has been some moons since you got to properly speak to her with all your training getting in the way. You and her had many things to talk about, but in the silence is where you truly understood each other and in reality silence is also conversation.
You honestly felt at peace after being without it for so long. But it wasn’t long until the peaceful silence was soon filled with a Rhaena’s soothing voice.
“I heard from some of the maids and nobles that the Ice Dragon had beaten Prince Aemond in a sparring match.” Her smile soon turned into a smirk.
You chuckled, “Yes I did. He left himself vulnerable during the spar and was easy to defeat. He looked to be a good opponent when he was fighting one of the Kings Guard, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Well anyone who fights you is sure to meet their end quickly.” You gave Rhaena a loving smile that seemed to brighten your vibrant blue eyes. “If not by your blade than by your eyes and I think Aemond’s end was the latter.”
You pondered the thought before you hummed, “Maybe. But sooner or later my fire will turn him to ash as they inevitably do.”
“Maybe. Or he might play with your fire instead.”
You looked at Rhaena with a small smile, “Isn’t that a thought. Time would surely tell.” Then you two slowly walked towards Rhaena’s chambers and you bid her a goodnight before making your way to your bed chambers for the night.
Once you got settled for bed you had one thought that stuck with you. ‘Someone to play with my fire.’
“That would be a first.” You whispered to yourself before succumbing to the world of sleep.
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You stood with your family in the throne room, clad in the same leather armor that your mother had gifted you a few days prior, with your sword securely sheathed on your non-dominant sides hip. Your (h/c) dreads were pulled up back, which your mother keeps telling you brought out more of your features. Aemond seemed to agree with your mother because he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful your face was, from your cheekbones, to your lips, and your eyes. Even though you were across the room from him, all he could see was stare at you from across the room like you were the only one there. He felt a weird feeling in his chest. This feeling felt so foreign to him, felt strange, but he liked the feeling that he got every time he saw you.
‘But what is this feeling.’ Aemond thought to himself. This feeling had him on the edge and he was determined to find out just what this feeling was no matter what. He was soon taken out of his thoughts when his grandfather spoke.
“Though it is the great hope of this court that Lord Corlys Velaryon survive his wounds. We gather her with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark. As Hand, I speak with the King’s voice on this and all other matters. The crown will now hear the petitions. Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon.” Otto Hightower finished speaking and gave the floor to Vaemond. Your attention was then focused on the mentioned man as you glared at him as he looked at your family, but Luke took most of the heat of his stare.
There was a steady pause before Vaemond turned to Alicent Hightower, “My Queen,” He then turned to Otto, “My Lord Hand. The history of our noble houses extend beyond the seven kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria. For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas.” You sigh before muttering under your breath, “Aōha drēje dīnagon iksos naejot sagon se līve hen embar.” (Your rightful place is to be the whore of the sea). Rhaena and Daemon seemed to have heard you because a small chuckle was heard from her and a small smile appeared on Aemonds face, which they both lowered their heads to hide. It went unnoticed however as Vaemond continued on with his speech, “I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother’s seat. I am Lord Corlys’s closests kin, his own blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins.”
Vaemond was soon cut off by your mother, Rhaenyra, “As it does in my sons, the offspring of Leanor Velaryon. If you cared so much about your house’s blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir. No, you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition.”
“You will have chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra.” Queen Alicent cut in, “Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard.”
You grabbed your mother’s hand, which she gladly took, as you looked over at Queen Alicent. As you looked over, you noticed Aemond’s eye trained on you, it made you feel uneasy, but you slowly looked forward. Completely ignoring his stared, which caused an unsettling fire to burn in his chest, but he intended to ignore it for now.
Vaemond was now completely turned towards your family. He had a small smile on his face that you wished to punch off of him, but you held yourself as much as you could. “What do you know of Velaryon blood, Princess? I could cut my veins and show it to you and you still wouldn’t recognize it.”
‘I would gladly cut your veins for you.’ You thought as you tightened your hold on Rhaenyra’s hand.
“This is about the future and survival of my house, not yours.” It didn’t go unnoticed when he looked at Luke, but if looks could kill Vaemond would be burned by the intensity of your glare. Vaemond noticed your stare and felt uncomfortable and scared on what laid behind it. He quickly turned around and addressing the Queen and the Lord Hand. “This is a matter of blood, not ambition. I place the continuation of the survival of my house and my line above all. I humbly put myself before you as my brother’s successor…the lord of Driftmark and the Lord of the Tides.”
“Thank you Ser Vaemond.” Otto thanked Vaemond before calling up Rhaenyra to the center to speak.
“If I am to grace this farce with some answer, I will start by reminding the court that nearly 20 years ago, in this very—” Every turned to look at the opening doors to see who interrupted the proceedings, but when they noticed who it was everyone shocked.
“King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.” One of Kings Guard announced.
You were shocked to say the least. You were told that the King would be bed ridden, but here he was trying his best to walk to the throne. This was your first time ever seeing the King and you were told and heard many rumors about his illness, but you never thought that he would look this bad. Barely able to walk and had a golden mask covering his face, which you could only assume was to hide how much his face had decayed, from what you heard from your family.
Everyone continued to watch in mild shock as the King continued his trek to his throne. From the corner of your eye you could see how shocked Vaemond was to see his presence, as he looked at Otto and Alicent Hightower. You smirked knowing that whatever plan they had conjured up was now going up in glorious flames.
Once King Viserys made it to the steps of the throne where Otto lay standing, he turned to speak to his Lord Hand, “I will sit the throne today.”
“Your Grace.” Otto acknowledged his King
As King Viserys tried to get up the steps, one of his guards came up to help him, “I’m will be fine. I will be fine.” He wanted to be strong in front of his people, but that was proving to be hard as he struggled to climb up the stairs to his throne.
You watched as your father moved from his place beside you to help his brother. Daemon may seem ruthless, violent and many other things, but he does care about his family even though others might not see it. Even after all that has happened between the two, Daemon still cared about his older brother. It brought a small smile to your face when you saw your father place Viserys’ fallen crown back onto his head before he walked back down towards your family. Once he stood back by you, you patted his arm, “Ao gaomagon emagon nykeā caring paktot.” (You do have a caring side) You said trying to ease the tension and it worked when Daemon gave you a small smile.
The small semblance of ease was broken when King Viserys started talking to the court, bringing you back to what was at hand, Jace’s succession to Driftmark.
“I must…admit…my confusion.” King Viserys hoarse and breathy voice traveled around the room. “I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present…who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys’s wishes is the Princess Rhaenys.”
Everyone turned to look at Princess Rhaenys, who you were glad was able to finally speak her mind about the whole thing. “Indeed, Your Grace.” Rhaenys stepped into the center of the room to finally give her remarks. “It was ever my husband’s will that Driftmark pass through Ser Leanor to his true-born son…Lucerys Velaryon.”
When Rhaenys said that Luke is the rightful heir to Driftmark, you slowly moved to stand next to Luke and once you were next to him you grabbed his hand in pure happiness. This didn’t go unnoticed by Aemond. Who felt the strange, foreign feeling in his chest as he stared at you and Luke’s conjoined hands, wished for nothing but to take his dagger and slice his nephew in the eye as retribution for his lost one. But, also for being near you.
“His mind never changed. Nor did my support of him.” Rhaenys continued on, “As a matter of fact, the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luke to Lord Corlys’s granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena. A proposal to which I heartily agree.” You were shocked at the proposal as was everyone else, but you were pleased to know that your family would be united.
“Well…the matter is settled. Again. I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.” King Viserys announced. You could tell that some people didn’t like the settlement, but you didn’t care what they thought. All you cared about was that your brother got what was and is rightfully his. But Ser Vaemond couldn’t agree to that.
If only he had kept his mouth shut and had not uttered the words that he would soon say, he probably wouldn’t have met his end.
“You break law…” Ser Vaemond spoke to the King, “and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare tell me…who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon. No. I will not allow it.” You let go of your brothers hand as you slowly put it on the handle of your blade.
“‘Allow it’? Do not forget yourself, Vaemond.” King Viserys warned him. But he did not heed his warning as he turned and pointed at Luke and shouted, “That is no true Velaryon, and certainly no nephew of mine!”
Rhaenyra pushed Luke towards the doors, “Go to your Chambers. (Y/n) go with him.” She stated, but you were to furious to listen. The fire you possessed now burning within you. Rhaenyra soon turned back to Vaemond, “You have said enough.”
“Lucerys is my true-born grandson. And you…are no more than the second son of Driftmark.”
“You…may run your house as you see fit…but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned…” Vaemond turned towards your brother again as he uttered his next words, “I will not see it ended on the account of this—” He paused before he said the dreaded word. That was until Daemond spoke in a soft, but menacing tone, “Say it.” Vaemond glared at him and it became utterly silent.
Then you’re sweet, but venomous voice broke through the silence. “Go on. Say it.” As Vaemond broke eye contact with Daemon and turned his attention towards you, your flaming blue eyes immediately started burning into him, slowly turning him to ash where he stood. The people in the room waited in anticipation as this scene unfolded. Vaemond’s eyes didn’t leave yours when spoke, “Her children…” he paused before shouting, “are bastards!” The words echoed throughout the room. If you weren’t angry before well now you’re furious. He had awoken the dragon that laid deep within you. He back was now turned to you as he spoke his next words.
“And she…is…a whore.” The crowd gasped as he boldly announced that the King’s daughter was a harlot. King Viserys slowly got up from his throne and pulled out a dagger, “I…will have your tongue for that.”
Nobody had realized that you slowly made your way to Ser Vaemond and when they did it was too late. Your sword had moved through the air and sliced half of his face clean off. Finally ending his sorry excuse for a life. His body now laid motionless on the floor. Some of his blood had splashed onto your face, but you didn’t care you wipe it off. You wiped his disgusting blood off your sword with your arm before sheathing it once more.
All of the people in attendance gasped and covered their eyes as they witnessed the murder of Ser Vaemond Velaryon, but many people expected this as he did denigrate the King’s daughter and grandsons.
“He could keep his tongue.” You smirk as you stare at his body.
The guards soon surrounded you with their swords drawn. One of the guards shouted, “Disarm her!”
“No need.” You sauntered back over to your family, not before catching Aemond’s intense stare. You smirk up at him and then turn around to look at your family, who were giving you different degrees of expressions, but they were all grateful to you for ending that despicable man’s life.
Aemond however was still staring at you even after you turned away. You kept surprising him every time he saw you. He would think that he had an understanding about you, but you proved him wrong every time. He was now attracted to you more than ever now, not just by your beauty but by your fierce personality. How you both powerful and violent, but so magnificent.
He needed to talk to you, be near you. He didn’t care about you being an enemy to his family. All he wanted now was to in your presence. Aemond hadn’t realized how deep he fell into the flames, your flames at that very moment. But he didn’t burn. Oh no, he would be the one to play with it and you would let him.
“She’s the one that defeated you in a duel, my dear brother?” Aemond’s brother Aegon spoke. “I must say, she looks utterly beautiful. I wonder what it would feel like to have her in my bed while she moans my name and have her lips wrapped around my—” Before Aegon could finish his sentence, Aemond spoke, “She’d probably kill where you stand.” Aegon could hear the frustration in his brother’s voice.
“Is my brother angry. Does my brother finally want a woman now.” Aegon teased his brother. Aemond tried to ignore him, which proved to hard for him, but then he heard his sister Helaena, who still had her ears covered, whisper something that confused him.
“The warriors flame will soon merge with another flame. They will forever be tangled.”
Aemond knew his sister said unusual things, but he couldn’t help but think that what she just said revolved around you, especially with the way Helaena glanced over at you. He wanted to ask his sister what she meant, but his focus was soon on his father who was groaning badly.
“Call the maesters!” Alicent ran over to her husband.
“Father?” Rhaenyra stepped away from her family and stood at the bottom of the steps to the Iron Throne.
Alicent grabbed her husband to try and move him and had asked him to take something for his pain, but he refused to do so. Soon one of his guards and a maester took him out of the room probably to his bed chambers to rest. You then walked over to your mother to comfort her. You held your mother’s hand and soon led her out of the room with the rest of your family following behind.
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You sit in your bed chambers playing a game of chess to pass the time until the maid that you were talking to earlier comes back. The maids name was Emmalina and she was a sweet girl that liked to talk. She had mentioned how in awe she was when she heard that you had not only for defeating Prince Aemond in a duel, but for killing Ser Vaemond. Emmalina had said to you that she had wished to be like you, a beautiful and fearless woman, but she was stuck being a maid.
You thought of how young she had looked. Being no more than six and ten years old. She was younger than you and was being forced to work, but she still had that innocence to her that you hoped would stay. The two of you talked for a while until she left to go get some hot water for your bath, since you still had some of Vaemond’s blood on you.
It has been a while since she had left and you had wondered what was keeping her. You were about to get up and search for her until there was a knock on your door. You got up to answer the door, “I was wondering what took you so—” You finally were able to see who was behind the door and it wasn’t Emmalina.
“And what do I owe the pleasure, One-Eye?”
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When I read this ...Sander saying this to Hanna, also feels like he is saying it to himself as well about Robbe...now that he's gonna be raising his baby alone...
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And then there's Robbe, in the first chapter, within moments of setting his eyes on Amelia goes: “I want to move back in.” ...“...Now I know how I want to be involved. I want to be here. Every day. Living it with you. Being here for both of you. Relieving some of your worries and stress. Taking on some of the responsibilities.”,,,, already a dad.🤍
The selflessness and love that is so inherent to Robbe couldn't have peaked more, he is such a giver<333 and I can't stop thinking how Sander's heart must have been bursting with love in that moment. Robbe is so right for him :') he is even beyond what Sander could think of.
I love your Robbe so much ❤️•́ ‿ ,•̀
This could get long...you have been warned. 😆😍
The one thing that becomes abundantly clear in my fics (and on my tumblr) is that I LOVE Robbe. He is by far my favorite character in all of Skam, and there's a reason for that. I am drawn to a very specific type of person. My family jokingly calls it "the boy scout," but essentially I find kindness and goodness attractive. There's a reason Captain America is my favorite Avenger and that I cried when Sam "I'm the most amazingly, wholesome, good person on the planet" Wilson became the new Cap. (Seriously, ugly crying, I love Sam Wilson.) I adore Peeta. He was my favorite character from day one, and when that goodness was destroyed in Mockingjay, I cried angry tears. She ruined the most loyal, honest character ever. Alec in The Shadowhunter Chronicles--his defining characteristic is that he's a protector, fiercely loyal. He didn't kill a demon until he was 19 bc he was out there defending Jace and Isabelle instead. Sure, he can be a sassy ass, but goodness literally pours out of him. Any time Magnus describes him, it's like he can't comprehend how honest and wholesome he is. It's literally what attracts him at first--shock at this enigma of a Shadowhunter. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point.
Back to Robbe, so canon Robbe is like this for me. He never spoke ill about his mother or MI. All he did was love and support her. He never pretended to like Jana, and he immediately felt guilty for messing things up for Jens. He suffered a shit ton more homophobia during season 1 and 3 than the other Isaks, which is why his internalized homophobia was so deeply rooted (and why he did make a few bad choices - faking it with Noor, the slur). He actually liked Noor--as a friend, and that's why he tried so hard to make it work, and why they stayed friends afterward. And here's the big one for me, he BROKE UP with her before pursuing Sander. Sure, the pool kiss happened first, but it wasn't planned. He did not purposefully cheat. He manned up and didn't ghost her. For me, that was HUGE. And then we get to Sander. He biked around in the cold for over an hour, only to be pushed away. He broke up with Sander, not bc he was afraid of his MI, but bc he was told it was better for him, that he needed to stay away. Admittedly, his fear, shock, and misinformation led to illogical thinking, resulting in breaking up with Sander over text, and who would have thought Moyo would be the one to clear that up (whoo!). But the second he realized he was wrong, that he'd made a mistake based on incorrect info, he fixed it. He reached out. He called. He texted. He went to visit him. He didn't wait for Sander to need him, to reach out to him. He was actively pursuing him, all while thinking it was over bc he screwed up. All of this is what makes Robbe so special to me. He isn't perfect, but he always acts with a kind heart. None of this has been negated or challenged in later seasons. His fierce, loyal devotion to Sander is all over insta, and he literally glows with pride.
Now to my Robbe in "I Want it All," he's not perfect by any means, not like the Robbe in "Color of Love." I think that one was a little too one-dimensional, mainly because it was all seen through Sander's rose colored glasses. "I Want it All" was actually difficult at first because I usually write from Sander's POV, and it started with Robbe. I find it much easier to think like Sander and just gush about him. Having to be in Robbe's head made things more challenging, but what I've found as the story has progressed, is that Robbe's amazingness is still obvious, BUT we can see that he's flawed. He's (unintentionally) been awful to Sander. Many times. He allowed the Broerrrs to affect their relationship; he was a total ass after the kiss; and he completely ignored his own physical and emotional reactions to Sander, immediately followed by flaunting a completely inappropriate and awful boyfriend in his face, however unconsciously. I'm personally convinced, and since it's my story, I can state it as fact, I guess, that Robbe's jealousy chose Carlos to purposefully punish Sander for proposing to Hanna. It was a rebound, just not in the traditional sense. Granted, he's completely unaware of all this.
Somehow he's still the most caring, supportive, loving friend. One of my personal favorite moments is when he's taking care of Sander during the pregnancy. That's such a selfless, loving thing to do, and he's doing it by choice, not because anyone asked. He recognized that Sander was struggling to balance everything, and he stepped in. To me, that's love. It's unconditional, and that's what drives Robbe. He loves Sander unconditionally, and it's completely unrelated to romance. Even before he realized he was in love with him, he always gave Sander what he needed--a partner to raise his daughter with, companionship, laughter, help around the house, little presents that represent how important Sander is to him, etc. Apart from recognizing the meaning of his and Sander's feelings, he's completely in tune with him and always has been. We're not there yet, but imagine how heartbroken and utterly awful Robbe will feel when he realizes just how long Sander has been waiting for him. We got a glimpse of it in ch. 5, but our poor boy is going to judge himself rather harshly.
The dynamic is so different between them because Robbe is oblivious to his feelings, and Sander is not. What Robbe does and how he acts is completely out of love, no strings attached. He has no ulterior motive. That's what makes him so kind and sweet. Sander's actions, at least in this last part, are always tainted by his unrequited love for Robbe. He loves him. Always, but his disappointment and frustration get in the way. His choices and actions take that unrequited love into consideration, and because of where they are in their lives and the miscommunication, he actually acts against his own interests and feelings to try and protect himself. It's a very interesting distinction when you think that the one who is romantically in love with the other is the one in a serious relationship with someone else while the oblivious one hasn't really dated and only got a boyfriend after the proposal. Ouch. I'm not attacking Sander here at all because I love him too, and it's my fault he did all this; but my clear, obvious preference and love for Robbe and his absolute kindness and goodness, really shines through here.
Anyway, this really was long, but I do love Robbe. He is my favorite, and chances are any future fics will continue to make that obvious.
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marcythewerewolf · 7 years
Some Lord of Shadows Thoughts, In No Particular Order
I think Jace’s name is in this book more than Kieran’s which is obnoxious. Also every appearance of his was prefaced by a multi-sentence description of how gorgeous he was. This did not stop even when he showed up purely to be a dick to Kit. I officially hate book Jace now. He’s drunk the Kool Aid and he’s part of the Shadowhunter establishment and he’s insufferable so thanks for that book. ‘
Shadowhunters are a cult. Full stop. Sometimes it seems like the book has started to recognize this but then it backtracks and goes back to glorifying them. They’re so rich, they’re so pretty! Like, yeah, but they’re also super racist and hugely regressive and directly responsible for the suffering of thousands. Sure, they do some good along the way but so does Salvation Army, they’re still BAD. Look past all the glitter and propaganda and they’re just magical thugs who haven’t gotten past the middle ages and at this rate never will. The Blackthorn kids are better off without them. 
Kit is probably the most sympathetic person in the entire book and I do want him to run away and set up a pawn shop in Ohio? Save him from everyone but especially Jace. 
At one point his face was described as angular though, which makes me wonder if CC has seen a fifteen year old ever. You do it once, it’s justifiable, but most teenagers have a bad case of the baby face and saying other wise is ridiculous. This cheekbone addiction is getting out of hand. 
This book was so ridiculously heterosexual. Like, just such a pervasive case of unfortunate and tragic heterosexuality. So casual. So pointless. Magnus first gets brought up as “glittery”. One character thinks in all seriousness that you only get one dad. Gwyn is painfully straight for no apparent reason when faeries should and previously have been all sorts of flexible. It’s just... bad. 
The centurions are all kind of awful and I didn’t bother to learn their names. 
That being said, I did like the focus on Diana. She’s beautiful and amazing and brave and I love her. 
This is just blatant apologism for what happened to Anselm Nightshade. You set up a situation like that, you deal with the consequences of it, you don’t wimp out. 
The kids went to Faerie together and I am glad for that. They did just kill of Iarlath with no fanfare, but now his headcanon bf are chilling together and we got some follow up on Malcolm’s faerie ties so I’m not too mad about that. 
“Her old tutor, Katerina.” God, where’s my  Katerina spinoff. She has gotten no lines ever and because of that I love her. 
I do like anything with faeries very much but it could afford to be a little less fantasy and a little less chaos theory. The rest is just an issue of misplaced expectation. Obviously I like some of my interpretations better (killing girls is so stupid and outdated, an actual curse dooming him to have fifty sons all the time is maybe a twist) but other than that, nice worldbuilding, solid writing. 
Faeries! Gosh, I just love them so much. Faeries all the time, that what I want. 
The Unseelie King is super interesting. His kids are more trite, but hey, I love them anyways. 
On a related note, have I mentioned how much Gwyn just wants his big dumb teenagers to be safe and happy? Kieran and Mark aren’t even twenty and they need to take care of each other and not die. What a quality Faerie Dad. 
Some times these kids act dumb but i do not begrudge them it on account of them being children. 
The book got good about halfway through, which I appreciated. Kieran my sweet bratty boy, Nene the enigma, the courts, this is some good stuff I appreciate. 
What I did not appreciate was the killing off of Arthur. Like, come on. You’ve already done a disservice by magicking up your mental illness, you don’t have to kill him off too. A much more straight forward solution would have used the fact that Malcolm and Annabel were technically married, have his death revive her, then have confused Annabel and her angry zombie husband coming after the Institute, then Annabel realizing what was really going on and turning on Malcolm. Less in between steps. Failing that, ancient aunt they mentioned last book. 
Mark, Miach, darling, in fairness, the Seelie Queen’s lover very much did kidnap you. She was kidnap complicit. Don’t be trusting her. She absolutely had Sebastian’s baby. 
Memory loss plots are rather boring, but I recognize they do something for some people, so it might just be a cup of tea situation. Enjoy your memory loss then, friends. 
The Kieran/Mark/Cristina plot is juicy and I do like that but I want More Diana and Helen and Aline back and Answers first, you know?
One of the downsides of these books being about Shadowhunters is that it always comes down to the Shadowhunter heroes fighting and killing the irrational villainous Downworlder hordes which is Unfortunate. That conflict with Barnabas could have gone so much better. 
People need to stop trying to brainwash Kit with this Herondale stuff. People don’t go around calling me by my great-great great grandmother’s name and expect me to sit down and take it. Sure, we’re technically related, but that’s not how convention or basic politeness works. Your name is what you are raised with and more importantly it’s what you choose. His name is Kit and he’s a Rook until he decides, on his own without the constant pressure of adults, to be something else. 
As an extension of that? All these callbacks to the other book? They’re getting old and frankly more than a little annoying. 
Jessamine died in 1878. Edgar Allan Poe died in 1849. I’m telling you guys, the timeline just doesn’t line up. She wasn’t even born when Malcolm was young and building his house.
Kieran is a very impulsive boy who is already too invested in his Shadowhunter bf and gf. I don’t make the rules. 
I tried not to read too much into the Disaster Children literally burning down a church and having a weird intimate moment but they really are a mess. No laws, no holy lands, nothing but family, and nothing comes before family. I’m much more invested in them when they’re tearing down the establishment and making terrible toxic Wicked Powers choices. 
AIRMED WAS THE DAUGHTER OF MANNAN. This is basic people. Do your research. 
See, the memory loss plots always backfire unless you come clean. Lying never pays, kids. 
My Diana theories are more or less confirmed which I appreciate, thank you very much. 
I do very much wish they’d at least had the decency to leave bby Morgenstern a bby, that or go all the way and age him a few decades so you had a fifty something year old claiming to be Clary’s nephew. Much better than this cliche storm. 
I recognize that Annabel got a short shift in life, but so did Malcolm, frankly. The fact that he gets a life of torment and a horrible death at the hands of one he loved while she gets to wander off and live happily is a little concerning to me. Why do Downworlders not get to be happy? Downworlders, and Arthur Blackthorn, apparently, aren’t allowed to live nice, non-tragic lives, but pretty young Shadowhunters can get away with anything. At this point I would have preferred a disappointing end for Annabel. Get that good tragedy going. The Blackthorn’s clearly have a bad case of the Gothics they need to fulfill. 
Oh. OH. There we go. There’s the Blackthorn drama I crave. 
My sweet girl, my sweet girl Livvy. She’s coming back as a ghost, isn’t she?
So that’s about five hours. My record holds. The book wasn’t bad, it was just sooooo long. I feel like it could have used a ruthless editor with a really good grasp of the classics to clean things up a bit. Didn’t make me laugh as much, but that might just be a result of my evolving sense of humour. Drama got good nearer the last half of the book. There was some nice stuff in there. Overall, not a waste of five hours, and I’m not mad. Just please, someone de-brainwash these Shadowhunter children. They’re in a cult. Someone needs to tell them that they’re in a cult. Save Kit, he’s getting pulled in as well.  
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