yuurei20 · 5 months
Jack Info Compilation Master List
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Jack 1 - Family and Hometown
Jack 2 - Jack and Leona (pt1)
Jack 3 - Jack and Leona (pt2)
Jack 4 - Jack and Leona (pt3)
Jack 5 - Jack and Leona (pt4)
Jack 6 - Jack's Principles (pt1)
Jack 7 - Jack's Principles (pt2)
Jack 8 - Competition, Cactus and More
Jack 9 - Jack and Crewel
Jack 10 - Teamwork, Spelldrive, Tail
Jack 11 - Embarrassed
Jack 12 - Jack and Epel
Jack 13 - Jack and Ruggie
Jack 14 - Port Fest (pt1)
Jack 15 - Port Fest (pt2)
Jack 16 - Exercise (pt1)
Jack 17 - Exercise (pt2), Crowley and Romance
Jack 18 - Jack and Ace, Deuce and Sebek
Jack 19 - Honorifics and Azul
Jack 20 - Beanfest
Jack 21 - Unique Magic and the Main Story
Jack 22 - Fairy Gala IF and Sense of Smell
Jack 23 - Jack and Riddle
Jack 24 - Jack and Vil
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iamsiimonevl · 7 years
Did you know that every time Jacksepticeye Tweets, a JUMBO SAM PLUSH is offered for FREE? #JackFacts
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holsepticeye · 7 years
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@therealjacksepticeye I’ve learned a lot of stuff from #JackFacts !! haha
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twilight-eclipsed · 7 years
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@therealjacksepticeye, Did YOU know that you cannot milk a banana or a chocolate but if you could do so, I would milk a chocolate. Also. Really? I support ALL of your pizza decisions (and like them a lot) but THIS is too far, Jack.
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septicshaye-blog · 7 years
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But Jack that means that you have destroyed thousands of acres of rainforests!
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hansab95 · 7 years
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And here we are again learning with the great and wonderful teacher Jackaboy! 😁 loving these little jackfacts, they say you learn something everyday! @therealjacksepticeye
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lonelyteaspoon · 7 years
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look how freaking happy he is with his banana milk!! Most valuable thing here on the world :P
but hey speaking about banana’s make me hungry, so quick @therealjacksepticeye you have a #jackfact about banana’s?? ^-^
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dissidiawol · 4 years
JackFact: jack wears a different belt and buckle in every picture but you just cant see it but it is different every time ok? ok?
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spoey-blog · 6 years
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#pinkfairy #rosebush #jackfacts #urbanpermaculture #springtime (at Oakley, Cincinnati)
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yuurei20 · 7 months
Jack Info Compilation part 9: Crewel
Jack says he has “a hard time dealin’ with” Crewel, who he describes as “intense.”
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In Book 6 Crewel compliments him on a motivational speech he gives to Epel about focusing on the present.
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Jack expresses doubt about Crewel’s ability to design a body for Ortho (Crewel: “A mere pup, concerned about ME?”) and compliments him in a conversation with Sebek about the depth of his knowledge of the fae, saying that he even impressed Vil. He also mentions needing to remember to thank Crewel during Port Fest.
As potionology teacher Crewel seems familiar with transformations: Deuce mentions a lesson they had with Crewel where he explained that transforming into another creature without the aid of a potion (like Jack can) requires “extremely high-level magic.”
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The two overlap in a vignette where Jack is experiencing difficulty sprinting as fast as he feels he ought to be able to.
Jack is training for an interschool competition and says that while he knows he’ll get picked to represent NRC, it “feels like my body just isn’t functioning as well as it should be…I just hate that I can’t figure out what’s holding me back. I’m not overdoing it, I’m not neglecting my health…so why?”
Crewel calls the students over, saying that Jack is in need of correction. Jack is resistant, saying that “track’s nowhere near your territory.” (Crewel: “This is precisely why I cannot stand puppies.”)
Crewel reveals that he has deduced the reason why Jack has been failing to perform his best: “You’ve been focusing on building your pectoral and brachia muscles, and now your upper half is bursting at the seams…a poor fit in any one spot changes the feel of the whole outfit.”
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Crewel adjusts Jack's uniform (“I will warn you, however, not to open the zipper at your tail too widely. It’s not a very becoming look.”) and reminds them that they will be barred from all track meet competitions if they fail their final exams.
(In a different vignette both Deuce and Jack win an award for their accomplishments at the track meet, implying that Crewel’s advice was a success.)
Jack’s clothes being ill-fitting seems to be a theme: he says that his school uniform is “tight around (his) abs,” possibly because of all the weight training that he does.
Vil also lectures him for wearing his ceremonial robes incorrectly.
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jack-fact · 7 years
Who is Sally Yates?
Now that we’ve just gotten out of the totally fun and interesting TrumpCare news cycle (which is not even close to over yet hahahahahaha), cable anchors and Twitter warriors alike will engage tomorrow in yet another bloody clash over one person: Sally Yates. Yes, I realize you probably have no idea who that is. Let me give you some background.
Mrs. Yates has been a lawyer since 1986, and served early as a lawyer for the Department of Justice. She developed a reputation for pursuing white-collar crimes, and in the early 90′s was named Chief of the Fraud and Public Corruption sector of the Department. She has been a US Attorney since 2002, and was named a federal attorney in 2010. Two years ago, she was confirmed by the Senate to become Deputy Attorney General of the United States.
During her Senate hearings, when members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were asking Yates questions to determine whether she was ready for office, Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama asked her “Do you think the attorney general has a responsibility to say no to the president if he asks for something that’s improper?” In a nutshell, if the president asks the DOJ to do something they know or think is illegal, would she resist or refuse? The president at that time was Barack Obama, so it’s not difficult to assume that the person Sessions had in mine when asking this question was ol’ Barry himself. Yates responded “I believe that the attorney general or the deputy attorney general has an obligation to follow the law and the Constitution, and to give their independent legal advice to the president.” Satisfied with that answer, the Senate confirmed Yates by a vote of 84 to 12.
Fast forward to recent history. A little over a week after being inaugurated, on January 30th, President Trump signed an executive order banning immigration or refugee intake from seven “high-risk” countries in the Middle East, which was met with a slightly peeved response. Nothing too bad. However, there were numerous concerns after the signing of the order over whether or not it was, you know, legal or not. Sally Yates, who was named acting (or temporary) Attorney General until the previously-mentioned Jeff Sessions was approved by the Senate, was definitely leaning towards the “not legal” side. So much so, in fact, that she ordered the DOJ not to enforce the order, saying “I am not convinced that the defense of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities of the Department of Justice, nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful… For as long as I am the acting Attorney General, the Department of Justice will not present arguments in defense of th[is] executive order.” Obviously, having your head lawyer who is supposed to be defending your executive orders turn around and tell you that you just did something blatantly illegal would be distressing for anyone, so the President did the reasonable thing and sacked her immediately. 
Fast forward to mid-February. The President’s National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn, who was already a little controversial, is kicked out of office after classified reports are leaked that he lied to Vice President Mike Pence about having phone conversations with the Russian Ambassador to the United States during the transition process. Even though it was rumored that Pence had discussed relieving US sanctions on Russia in those phone calls, which would be a serious violation of the Logan Act (which prohibits US civilians from negotiating on the government’s behalf with foreign governments), the White House stated that the reason for his dismissal was simply that he had lied to Pence. It came out at the same time as Flynn’s firing that the Justice Department had warned the White House about these phone calls far earlier, and that Justice was concerned Flynn was being blackmailed by Russia. I invite you to guess who was confirmed to be the person in the Justice Department who warned the White House about Michael Flynn weeks before he was fired. Come on, guess. Oh, fine….
I don’t deal in guessing very much, so I’m not going to tantalize you with possibilities like whether Yates was fired over the immigration ban or whether it was really an attempt to silence her from uncovering a massive scandal within the first month of a fledgling presidency. However, I will present some facts and allow you to decide for yourself: Yates warned the White House about Flynn’s compromised state in “late January.” She was sacked on January 30th. Flynn was not fired until February 13th. Yates was asked to testify in front of the House Intelligence Committee in March, but the White House attempted to block her from speaking by claiming executive privilege. Yates is finally scheduled to speak in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee tomorrow, May 8th, and is expected to “contradict” the White House’s side of the story and state under oath that she offered a “forceful warning” about Flynn’s presence in the White House long before any action was taken. Already, the White House is purportedly planning to paint Yates ”as a Democratic operative who was out to get Trump from the beginning, and willing to torque the facts to advance her agenda.” 
I’ve presented you with a basic overview of Yates’ life, career, and recent drama. Decide for yourself whether she sounds like a partisan hack or a concerned citizen, because tomorrow a war will erupt over her name and reputation.
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iamsiimonevl · 7 years
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#JackFacts, from torture to education. The story of a legend.
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tarnisheddragon · 7 years
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This has been 10 facts with #JackFacts!
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holsepticeye · 7 years
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@therealjacksepticeye Thankyou for all the memories we have made so far, lets go make some more! Thankyou for letting me grow with you...Thanks for staying interactive with us! I know you say that you are as thankful as us but honestly...  Thankyou for the last 5 amazing years!! 
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And now, facts with Jacksepticeye.
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theidioticcanadian · 7 years
Idea for the next Power Hour
Jack just reading out a bunch of #JackFacts 
(it’s a stupid idea but isn’t that what the Power Hours are?)
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