#Jacob Nordangård
darkmaga-retard · 1 day
Next week, a gaggle of globalists will descend on the UN to rubber stamp the Pact for the Future, a new document from the kleptocrats laying out their goals for global government and universal neofeudal enslavement. What, you didn’t think the UN was an innocent organization devoted to world peace, did you? Well, you certainly won’t after this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast. United Nations delenda est.
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Here’s What’s Next on the Globalist Calendar
Interview 1814 – The UN’s Apex Body with Jacob Nordangård
Our Summit For Our Future – #SolutionsWatch
What is the Summit of the Future?
Latest Pact for the Future revision
Episode 087 – The UN Doesn’t Love You,
UN Peacekeepers raping children in Haiti and Liberia
UN Peacekeepers raping children in Ivory Coast and southern Sudan
UN peackeepers involved in gun running and gold smuggling in the Congo
A UNICEF program discourages breastfeeding in Botswana. Infant deaths ensue.
UN complicity in forced sterilizations of rural poor women in Peru
Polio vaccines delivered as part of a UNICEF program in Nigeria were found to be contaminated with sterilizing agents
Wilsonian “New World Order”
The WWI Conspiracy
Cordell Hull, in his 1939 Advisory Committee on Problems of Foreign Relations, drafted a plan for a global government with an “Executive Council” and a “General Assembly”
Hull created a Division of Special Reserach in 1941 to pursue a “future world order” involving a “world assembly”
Just weeks after Pearl Harbor, Hull set up an Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policy—including not just government officials but the president of the Council on Foreign Relations and the editor of the CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine—to work on the formation of a world governmental organization to birth the New Post-WWII World Order
SDG Goal 16: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”
Target 16.9: By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy – Julian Huxley wants UNESCO to make eugenics “thinkable” again
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Three New Pacts to Be Approved at the UN Summit
The Foreboding UN Convention on Cybercrime
Canadian pandemic bill would regulate meat production, develop contract tracing
Japan Prepares Eighth Round of Vaccinations with Self-amplifying mRNA
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon
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axel-b-c-krauss · 2 months
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lasseling · 8 months
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world-of-news · 9 months
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vinie59 · 1 year
Histoire du Forum Économique Mondial par le Dr. Jacob Nordangård traduit...
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god-whispers · 1 year
week in review headlines
"behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me." psa 40:7
AI can create a 'new Bible,' influential author declares: 'In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct' Yuval Noah Harari — an influential author, professor, and renowned public intellectual — said recently that artificial intelligence can create a "new Bible."
Advanced Technology Paving The Way: US Airforce AI-Enabled Drone Turns On Its Operator Recently the U. S. Air Force conducted a simulation in which an AI-enabled drone tasked with destroying surface-to-air missile sites attacked the very officer who was controlling it.
The ultimate goal of the Globalists is to create a singleton The ultimate goal of Agenda 2030 is to create a “singleton,” Dr. Jacob Nordangård said.   A singleton is a world order in which there is a single decision-making agency at the highest level…“I don’t think they will succeed because they don’t work from truth, they work from lies.  And truth always wins in the end,” Dr. Nordangård said.
Is AI the end of the world or the beginning of something new? AI is the end of the world! In something out of the start of a horror movie, this week top artificial intelligence researchers called for major regulation of the technology, releasing a one-sentence letter: “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.”
Air Force base hosts drag show it calls ‘essential for military readiness’ Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada hosted its first officially organized drag show earlier this month and said the event was essential for the morale and overall readiness of its troops.
PRIDE MONTH: Here’s How the Navy Is Training Sailors on Proper Gender Pronouns The Navy is training its members to create a “safe space” by using proper gender pronouns in a new instructional video modeled after a children’s show.
Europe Horrified by Surge of Migrant Children Engaging in Mock Gang Rapes and Beheadings Migrant children’s disturbing mock rapes and executions in Europe reveal a culture of silence, where politicians, police, and media deliberately ignore the crimes to protect their immigration policies.
DEATH is the new GREEN: Ireland to cull 200,000 cows to meet so-called “climate targets” Over the next three years, the government of Ireland is planning to murder upwards of 200,000 head of cattle because allowing the creatures to live might “warm” the planet too much, they claim.
GREAT RESET: World’s Largest Asset Management Firm BlackRock Behind Forcing DEI And ESG On Companies Via Chinese-Style ‘Social Credit’ Scheme Last week I was researching a story about the DEI page on the Chick-fil-A website, and all the purported furor it was generating. I’ll be honest, I knew about the environmental, social, and governance initiatives known as ESG, but I knew nothing about the diversity, equity and inclusion of DEI. Where is all this coming from, and why is nearly every major company doing it? As it turns out, there is a simple, one-word answer to that question. BlackRock.
Xi Jinping is Directing High-Level National Security Officials to Prepare for Conflict With the West On May 30, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping said to his top national security officials to be prepared for “worst case scenarios” and “stormy seas.”
GROOMERS: US Department of Education Wishes Kids a ‘Happy Pride Month The US Department of Education is wishing children a ‘Happy Pride Month’ and has changed its Twitter profile picture to the so-called ‘progress pride flag’.
Examining ‘Pride Month’: The Days Of Lot Before Our Eyes Our Sodom-like society continues to rage toward the Judgment-producing moment in which Jesus said He will be “revealed” (Luke 17: 28). There will be at that future time, the Lord foretold, things going on which will look exactly like things that were happening as the vexed Lot observed his surroundings in the doomed city of Sodom.
3 in 10 Young Americans and Mostly Democrats Support Government Cameras Installed in American Households, Survey Says In a society increasingly shaped by technology and security concerns, a concerning trend is emerging among younger generations in the United States.
PHILADELPHIA mosque caught performing child bride marriages A Philadelphia mosque has been allowing marriages between child brides and adult men. According to Clarion Intelligence Network, sources are aware of an investigation into the underage marriages that have taken place for years.
The Church of Psilomethoxin Uses Psychedelics to Worship The army vets behind the Church of Psilomethoxin have a unique sacrament – one that involves a drug derived from shrooms and a poisonous amphibian.
South Africa plans to limit water for white people by enacting “race quotas”… This is one of those story titles that makes you go, “Is this for real?” But then you actually open it up and realize it’s true, leaving you wondering what on earth is going on in our messed up progressive clown world.
Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers To Hide Their Nazi Patches, NYT Admits The New York Times has been forced to very, very belatedly deal with something which had long been obvious and known to many independent analysts and media outlets, but which has been carefully shielded from the mainstream masses in the West for obvious reasons.
Claim: Assisted Suicide Becomes 3rd Leading Cause of Death in Quebec — 7% of All Deaths Canada looks set to face another record-shattering year of euthanasia deaths in 2023 after a reported 35 percent rise to some 13,500 state-sponsored suicides in 2022, an analysis of official data shows.
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newsvoicetv · 1 year
Jacob Nordangård: FN ska styra över oss alla i den nya multipolära världen
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lucidora · 1 year
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inkymp · 2 years
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tinyshe · 4 years
Bill Gates secured contact tracing agreements with US government six months before pandemic The foundation of the American billionaire and vaccine advocate Bill Gates negotiated a $100 billion contact tracing agreement with a Democratic congressman in August 2019, more than six months before the WHO classified Covid-19 as a pandemic and many months before the first outbreak in China.
The congressman involved, Bobby L Rush, as well as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, not only have a well-timed interest in virus pandemics in common, but are also climate alarmists.
The shocking revelation was made by whistle-blowers John Moynihan and Larry Doyle during a podcast of the Thomas Paine Podcast, run by journalist Mike Moore (not to be confused with left-wing populist political activist and filmmaker Michael Moore). Financial investigators John Moynihan and Larry Doyle became famous after they revealed during a congressional hearing in 2018, the massive tax frauds that the Clinton Foundation had committed.
They testified before Congress, describing in detail how the systematic fraud took place. The Clintons allegedly avoided paying up to $2,5 billion in federal taxes.
This time the two whistle-blowers discovered how Gates Foundation representatives met with US Congressman Bobby L Rush in the Central African country of Rwanda in mid-August 2019 to find out who would be given profitable US government contracts for tracking software. After the Coronavirus became known to the world, Rush came up with a bill to establish a programme for nationwide Coronavirus testing and contact tracing to be run by the US National Public Health Agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
It was on August 12, 2019 that Rush had traveled to Rwanda for a week with his wife to participate in discussions with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF).
Curious timing: Bobby Rush met with Bill Gates in Rwanda months before pandemic to secure lucrative government contracts. Screenshot: The Daily Beast
Nine months after this meeting, just as the Corona pandemic hit the United States and large parts of the world were locked down, it was none other than Congressman Rush who on May 1 introduced the congressional proposal HR 6666 COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.
In order for it to be implemented, no less than $100 billion of US tax money has been earmarked. This law states, among other things, the ability “to track and monitor the contacts of infected individuals [persons they have been in the vicinity of] and to promote the quarantine for such contacts…”
Bobby L Rush is a black Democratic congressman representing the state of Illinois. The Democratic congressman from Chicago made headlines by speaking in front of Congress wearing a hoodie and thus breaking the House’s dress code in support of the Trayvon Martin hoax.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the world’s largest so-called charity in terms of capital assets and has made itself known for being very active globally for all kinds of vaccinations. Bill Gates has said in several interviews that normality would not return if the entire world population cannot be vaccinated with at least two injections each.
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund is an alleged philanthropic foundation created and run by members of the powerful Rockefeller family since it was founded in New York in 1940. RBF has been active in anti-global warming campaigns in which carbon dioxide is portrayed as a deadly threat against humanity. This is despite the fact that Rockefeller in particular has been perhaps the foremost representative of the oil industry. Swedish researcher Jacob Nordangård in his book Rockefeller – A climate-smart history (2019) revealed that they have in fact total control over the climate debate.
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund announced recently that it would increase its annual spending and allocate an additional $48 million over the next five years to address critical “system failures” that underlie both the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing racial crisis. The money, approved with the unanimous support of the board, will be used to promote “racial justice”, as well as ways to deal with global climate change and inequality.
The Corona pandemic, which is being lumped together with the climate threat and racism, is thus said to be due to undefined “system errors” that must be rectified.
The system media’s total lack of interest in the sensational revelation raises even more important questions.
Mike Moore writes under the pseudonym “Thomas Paine”. Moore has previously worked for the FBI, DEA (US Federal Police for Drug-Related Crime), the White House, several other investigative and information gathering agencies, and private security companies. He has won the coveted Gerald Loeb Prize for Journalism. As a certified fraud investigator, Moore previously led anti-money laundering operations for the investment bank Citi. He is an expert in secure telecommunications, counter-espionage, HUMINT (personal intelligence gathering) and OSINT (intelligence gathering from open sources). Moore has a low profile and is safety conscious, so he rarely appears in public
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
It is satisfying that an increasing number of academics have joined and expanded on my earlier and current work on the Trilateral Commission, Technocracy, and Transhumanism. Jacob Nordangård, PhD in Sweden, has written the definitive Rockefeller: Controlling the Game, which anchors modern globalization (Technocracy) to the Trilateral Commission, founded by Rockefeller and Brzezinski in 1973.
One review states, “The Rockefeller family’s utopian dream of a perfect world will have serious consequences for the survival of the human species and life as we know it.” Indeed, this utopian dream is Technocracy, and it is a clear and present danger to humanity. ⁃ Patrick Wood, Editor.
I think the first time I came across Jacob Nordangård was when Ivor Cummins promoted his work, but my mind was too full of other things at the time, and I didn’t pay attention.
Then I read Elizabeth Nickson’s excellent review of Jacob’s wonderful book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game, and went on to read the book. I highly recommend it.
As long-time readers know, I’ve been very interested in Climate Change™ for some time. You can find many of the stacks I’ve written on the subject here, and I even produced my own eBook on the subject.
Among all the untruths that are The Reality™, I have particular disdain for this one because it depresses the young, making them anxious and pessimistic. That’s part of its function.
I’ve heard far too many people say that they don’t want to have kids, because “what’s the point?” There’s a special place in hell for the developers of this lie.
It’s a manufactured construct patiently built by the force of immense wealth of a primary developer.
Nordangård points the finger at that primary developer, the Rockefellers, and brings the receipts.
This is the same force that created the fossil fuel myth.
This is the same force that created predatory allopathic modern Cartel Medicine.
This is also a eugenicist depopulationist force, something the book highlights well.
It’s an important book born out of exquisite research that is sorely needed.
It’s the best book I have come across on the subject.
I reached out to Jacob, and I’m grateful that he accepted the invitation to do this interview.
With thanks and appreciation to Jacob Nordangård, Ph.D.
The Pharos Chronicles – Jacob Nordangård, PhD | Substack
Skyhorse Publishing
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axel-b-c-krauss · 4 months
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namastefamily · 2 years
Mardi toujours
“World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed Bill Gates (Global Leader of Tomorrow 1992) and Justin Trudeau (Young Global Leader, unknown class) POSTED BY: JACOB NORDANGÅRD VIA PHAROS FEBRUARY 7, 2022 Please Share This Story! PDF 📄 It was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program. This was the same year that Agenda 21 and…
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cornelias1 · 5 years
Från Kalle Hellberg   <[email protected]>
Avsnitten efter del 6 från SwebbTV:s höstkonferens. De flesta är mycket sevärda, tag dig tid att se dessa:
Del 7
Fil dr Jacob Nordangård har forskat i upprinnelsen till klimatfrågan. Det han upptäckte var anmärkningsvärt. Hela fenomenet med klimathot är ett välregisserat område för att…
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earpeeler · 9 years
No Clean Singing - Wardenclyffe
No Clean Singing – Wardenclyffe
Comrade Aleks has interviewed Jacob Nordangård of the Swedish band Wardenclyffe for No Clean Singing. Here is an excerpt: Sweden outfit Wardenclyffe were named after one of the most ambitious Nicola Tesla projects, so this doom band moves a bit aside from the main occult direction which was set to the scene by dark gods. Wardenclyffe consists of Ola Blomkvist from doom congregation Griftegard,…
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darkmaga-retard · 14 days
James Delingpole
Sep 07, 2024
Global warming is a gigantic conspiracy. Yes, well, dur, obviously we’ve known that for years. I wrote about this myself more than a decade ago in my book Watermelons, which poured scorn on the pitifully scant evidence supportive of the utterly dishonest thesis that global warming is a) man-made b) unprecedented or c) any kind of threat we should take seriously.
What I hadn’t quite appreciated when I wrote the book, though, was the vital role played by the family that did more than anyone to invent, promote, and finance the global warming mega scam: the Rockefellers.
For this discovery, I am indebted to Jacob Nordangård, a Swedish academic (and part time heavy metal vocalist), who first rumbled the Rockefellers when he was still an ardent greenie and doing a research paper on Peak Oil theory. You can hear him tell the story of how he saw the light, and talk about much else besides, on my latest podcast.
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