#Jaehyun x oc
finaleourconcert · 1 day
miss bluebell
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One week later—
"Okay," Jaehyun clapped his hands together, nodding firmly. "You did great, Minhyuk, let's take a break."
"I thought you were never gonna say that!" The child yelled as he got up from his seat by the piano. "I need to make sure Miss Bluebell has her brunch time too!"
Jaehyun's eyebrows furrowed, repressing a mocking smile. If there was one thing Jaehyun was, it was curious. "Miss Bluebell?" He asked as both of them walked down the stairs into the enormous bright kitchen.
"Yeah! Our new gardener. Out of all the gardeners we've ever had she is my favorite. Her favorite flowers are bluebells so I call her Miss Bluebell! She is very nice. She says we always have the best peaches in the market!" The kid fast-talked as he opened the fridge, took a tupperware and threw many pieces of fresh peaches into a bowl. Then, he took a fork and a pack of wet wipes and placed everything in a fancy food tray that had been clearly set up by the service. He looked up from his task, smiling from ear to ear, "Let's go!"
"Sure." Jaehyun smiled back, his eyes never leaving the tray between the kid's shaky hands as he strolled behind him.
When little Minhyuk called for her, the gardener raised on her feet and turned to them, wiping her gloves on her work-overalls before taking them off as she answered, "Good morning to you too, sir!" The woman's tone wavered near the end when she caught sight of someone else beside him.
The child put the food tray down the pine table under the gazebo and passed her the pack of wet wipes, "Miss Bluebell, this is my piano teacher Professor Jeong! He is the reason you heard the piano play when I was with you."
Jaehyun's brain froze, just like when you take a bite off your ice cream and it's too cold for your brain to process. She seemed to be going through a similar reaction because they stood in silence for a moment so long that Minhyuk found it odd. 
"Is some–" The house's phone began to ring in the distance, "Ah, yes, that must be Dad. I need to take it. I'll be back!" And a second later, Minhyuk disappeared into thin air, leaving the two adults alone.
The unexpected silence, filled with surprise and confusion, was starting to ring in her ears and his pitch-dark eyes piercing hers just as intensely was ripping her apart. Was this a staring contest all of sudden?
"The 'no lighter' girl from the pub?" Jaehyun finally snapped, breaking the silence. 
A choked laugh left her throat, "The comedian who should quit smoking?" She titled her head and Jaehyun noticed a smudge of dirt on one of her cheeks.
His lips curled up into a smile. It was nice to hear someone address him with that word. It was clear she didn't know who he was, or rather who he had been, not until now at least, and the thought that there was a big chance she wouldn't think of him as 'the comedian' from now on kind of saddened him.
"In the flesh." Jaehyun nodded, scrunching his nose. "Oh, sorry, my name is Jaehyun." He said, putting his hand out for a handshake.
She quickly finished wiping her hands with the –now dry– wet wipe she had been holding onto for minutes and took his hand in hers, shaking it shortly but firmly despite her smaller hand size. "Sunok."
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tags: @nosungluv @nctjunie @yewshi @kodasity @impossiblesongshark —☸
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ncityprincess · 2 years
what do you say, my dear?
ceo jaehyun x executive assistant reader
this is just filthy 😔 4.4K words
ok this is officially my longest fic😭 you all must suffer through my jaehyun brain rot with me😤 plot: your sexy boss jeong jaehyun offers you a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Milan, for work purposes of course. mr. jeong makes some bad decisions, but it takes two to tango. who knew sininng could feel so good.
p.s if the business terms I used don't make a lick of sense please don't beat my ass 😭🙏🏾 MDNI
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“y/n, come into my office. we need to discuss something”
you instantly felt a rush of nerves run through your body.
you had started off as a temp at Jeong Financial last summer. you had been out of college for a few years, lost and trying to find your footing in the so called “real world.” you spent your first two years out of college working at an upscale lounge. while the tips were incredible, the graveyard shifts and your newfound numbness to the stench of liquor was not your ideal lifestyle. it was time to dust off your resume and get to work. a recruiter from Jeong Financial had reached out on linkedin, and from there your journey in the corporate world had begun.
on your first day of work you were scheduled to have a meet and greet with the CEO, Jeong Jaehyun. you hadn’t really done any research on the company, as you were desperate to just get your foot in the door. you weren't sure what you were expecting the ceo to look like, but it certainly wasn't this.
jeong jaehyun was the only son of his two parents. they had built jeong financial from the ground up in the 80s, and eventually passed down the company to their son.
Jaehyun wasn't some stuffy old man, he was a devilishly handsome Adonis in his late 20s that kept his hair styled and wore brands you couldn't even begin to pronounce. he had a killer smile that could, and did, light up every room he was in, with dimples to match. he was tall and muscular, and could easily quit his job at any point to become a model. people simultaneously respected and feared him. men that were twice his age and nowhere near jaehyun's level envied him. the Human Resources ladies made any excuse to come to his office.
he was also married. with two children.
your first meeting with mr. jeong rendered you shocked by his gorgeous features. while he certainly carried himself with dignity and pride, he still made you feel like you were an equal. he asked you about your interests outside of work and what your goals were. you mentioned that you would like to eventually work your way up to executive assistant to the ceo, to which he smiled.
"well y/n, you certainly have the potential to flourish as an executive assistant. I can tell you're passionate about the industry and that's the type of woman I want on my team. forget temping, why don't you start reporting directly to me from now on. my current assistant can help you transition into the role. she's retiring next month."
you sat there in utter shock, processing his proposal. you had entered the company fully expecting to start from the bottom. how did you get offered your dream position within 20 minutes of you working for the company? you didn't have time to analyze the situation, so you settled for a simple "yes!"
fast forward a year, and you had been assisting jaehyun with his daily tasks: checking emails, setting up meetings, sitting in on his lunches, going with him to seminars. the job had forced the two of you to become really close. each interaction you had made you more and more infatuated with him. and you were positive the feeling was mutual.
jaehyun would stare just a little too long at you, admiring your figure in your pencil skirts and dresses. he complimented you every single morning, mostly innocent. mostly.
"y/n, the coffee you made me is phenomenal! you should add professional barista to your resume"
"wow, that blouse really brings out your eyes"
"I couldn't imagine not having you around"
sometimes you would notice an underlying hint of flirtation, but it never went into inappropriate territory. the man was all about his image after all. you certainly weren't complaining, in fact, you fed into it. you accepted his sweet words. you craved them. but you always kept the fact that he was married in the back of your mind...
you stood up from your desk outside of his office and smoothed out your black, boatneck dress. your heels clicked on the marble floor with each step you made toward his office. Jaehyun let you into the large corner office first, shutting the door behind him.
"everything ok sir?" you asked while sitting down in the expensive chair in front of his desk.
jaehyun walked around the large mahogany desk and sat in his chair. he looked like an absolute dreamboat. the large, floor to ceiling windows in his office brought in a ton of sunlight behind him, making him look particularly angelic.
"oh yeah, everything is more than ok. it's FANTASTIC actually. that's why I called you in here today."
"phew, you should've led with that sir" you said jokingly, taking a slight sigh of relief.
jaeyhun's eyes widened, shocked that you were so uneasy. "y/n, my dear, your performance over the past year has been outstanding. your organizational skills, your punctuality, your magnetic personality. you have nothing to worry about."
you hoped he didn't notice the blush that you felt forming on your face. he had always called you innocent pet names, it was in his nature. but being called his dear while receiving all of that praise? it certainly drove you crazy.
"thank you sir, that means a lot to me" you said sincerely.
jaehyun leaned forward in his seat, making you mirror his actions.
"jeong financial is projecting to make more than double what we made last year. with the launch of our second office in New York City, we were able to drive in even more consumers than we ever have. we had a meeting with the board of directors to finalize our latest expansion efforts--we are opening our very first European office in Milan!"
"what!? oh my gosh that's amazing news! this is incredible sir. what does this mean for us?" you inquired, wondering where you would come in in all of this
"well, I have a meeting next week to meet with the person who is going to run the Milan office. this is going to be an intense week filled with lots of information, and I'm going to need someone to help me stay on track. and that, my dear, is where you come in."
your ears perked up, "I'm listening"
"I'm going need my right hand lady with me to help me get through this week. if you're up for it, I'll arrange for you to have your own hotel room and all of your expenses to be paid with the company card. I'll even include a well-deserved bonus for the next pay period. what do you say, my dear?"
milan!? you had never been to Europe before, let alone had a gorgeous, wealthy man offering to sponsor your trip to Milan.
for work purposes of course.
"what do I say? I say, let me pack my bags!" you said while bouncing in your seat like an excited puppy.
he let out a hearty chuckle, his eyes taking a sneaky peek at your bouncing cleavage. you were so cute in his eyes. so tantalizing. so intoxicating.
"atta girl! I wish all of my business partners were as cute as you–"
you stopped your movements, and a loud silence washed over the room. you guys made eye contact with one another, analyzing and dissecting the flirty comment that lingered in the air.
"...I don't get to see those types of reactions often in this line of work" jaehyun cooly clarified.
you blinked and smiled softly, your eyes glancing down at the framed picture of jaehyun, his wife, and his son and daughter posed perfectly in front of the fireplace–not a hair out of place. the white picket fence-esque family of four would easily be the envy of any outsider looking in...
you and jaehyun had touched down in Milan in the early afternoon on Saturday. you wanted nothing more than to get a nice shower in and see what Milan had to offer. you weren't scheduled to do any actual work until Monday morning.
the whole journey here was absolutely seamless. you, jaehyun, and a few other members of the board had flown privately in the company jet. how did a girl who was serving drinks to sleazy drunk men not too long ago end up in a scenario like this? the prearranged company driver had driven you all to the gorgeous hotel. you felt like a real life princess being pampered like this.
after jaehyun got you all checked in, he made his way over to you and handed you your room key.
"we're going to be next door to each other, hope that's ok with you?
you smiled, "it's perfect, thanks again for letting me join you. I know how important this trip is for the company."
"nonsense, it's you I should be thanking. without you I would be an absolute mess trying to sort everything out."
you two made your way to your respective rooms in comfortable silence. something about being in a new country, roaming through the halls of a luxury hotel with your handsome boss made you feel a certain kind of way.
"alright, this is us! hey, would you like to grab dinner with me later? there's a Michelin star restaurant on the rooftop. their wine selection is supposedly out of this world. my treat, of course"
just a dinner? with your boss? seemed innocent enough.
"yeah that sounds amazing actually, my first authentic Italian dining experience" you smiled
"wow, I get to dine with you for your first ever Italian meal, what an honor. be ready by 7:00?"...
it was 6:47 and you were running around your hotel room like it was on fire. what was one supposed to wear to a swanky Italian restaurant with their handsome boss as their non-date date? you didn't want to try too hard because you didn't want to overstep any boundaries, but you also wanted to dress to impress. you sifted through your entire suitcase and eventually settled for a navy blue wrap dress and some nude pumps. you jumped slightly when you heard a knock at the door. 7:00 pm on the dot.
you sprayed some floral perfume and looked yourself over one more time in the full length mirror. good enough, you thought.
you opened the door and you were immediately taken aback by the man standing in front of you.
jaehyun's hair was gelled back with a few stray pieces hanging in front of his face. he wore an all black suit that complimented his broad shoulders and athletic build. he sported that signature dimpled smile as he greeted you.
"wow y/n, you look lovely tonight. you ready to eat?"
you sure hoped you were.
the restaurant was absolutely stunning. white table clothes, restaurant goers adorned in the finest clothing and jewels, romantic Italian music creating a magical ambiance. it made you forget that you were here on a work trip.
jaehyun had asked the waiter to sample a few of the wines, allowing you to get a feel for what you liked. eventually you settled on a particular pinot noir. he ordered the bottle, and the wine continued flowing. the two of you had talked about some pending work items. he briefed you on how Monday's meeting would go, and eventually the conversation became less work centric. the wine you both shared also made the professional walls lower.
"so y/n tell me, you have anybody waiting at home for you?" jaehyun sneakily inquired.
you giggled, running your hand through your hair, "hehe no relationships for me, I've been single since I graduated college."
jaehyun smirked slightly, liking the answer you gave him "what a shame. a woman as beautiful and as intelligent at you should have men lining down the block."
on a normal day, you'd blush at one of his borderline flirty comments. but tonight, with you sitting across from the most handsome man you'd ever laid eyes on in a fancy Milan restaurant, you went for a different approach.
"oh really? and would you happen to be one of those men lining down the block, sir?"
you leaned forward, letting your hands rest on your hands. this position also gave jaehyun a fantastic view of your cleavage, which you took full advantage of.
jaehyun chuckled, running his hand over his jaw. "in a perfect world, yes, yes I would"
the ball was back in your court.
"what, jeong jaehyun: the handsome, Forbes 30 under 30, multi-millionaire ceo doesn't see the world as perfect?" you weren't sure where this confidence was coming from, but you didn't question it further.
jaehyun smirked, enjoying this bold side of you. a little too much.
"well my dear, if the world was so perfect, you would've been mine by now, but that's not the case right?"
finally. no more tiptoeing the line of flirting. jaehyun had effectively ripped off the bandaid and laid out his true feelings about you.
"...but what about–"
"my wife? my kids? like I said, in a perfect world."
from the moment you walked into his office last summer like a wide eyed puppy, jaehyun knew he wanted you. you were a breath of fresh air. your positivity, your youthful energy, your ravishing looks. you were a slice of normalcy in his everyday hectic life. every time you walked into his office with that cute pep in your step made him forget about all of his worries at work and at home. it made him long for a timeline where you two could be together normally, without the pressure of keeping up appearances for his wealthy family. he had been born into a lifestyle that was already paved for him. sure, he loved his wife and kids and he loved running one of the top financial firms in the entire world. but deep down he craved a normal life. a life that he got to choose.
you both had finished up your dinner, and made your way back to your hotel rooms. in the elevator, you two had stood closely next to one another. your arms and hands were barely brushing each others, desperately wanting to make a move. the elevator dinged and you two stepped out.
once you reached your rooms, jaehyun spoke up breaking the silence.
"y/n, I had a wonderful time with you tonight. thanks for keeping me company."
you smiled, not really wanting the night to end just yet. "I really enjoyed myself sir, I've never had a dining experience like that before"
jaehyun stiffened slightly."y/n, my dear, I've been meaning to talk to you about this. you really don't have to be so formal with me, even at work. just jaehyun is perfectly fine"
"oh, im sorry sir–I mean...jaehyun. I just didn't want cross any boundaries that's all."
"no need to apologize, I appreciate your manners." jaehyun paused for a minute, deciding if he was going to act on his impulses.
he chose to do so.
"y/n, if you aren't too tired, you're more than welcome to join me on the balcony tonight. I always love to watch the stars late at night when I travel"
how could you turn that down?
"I'd really like that jaehyun" you said sweetly as you smiled up at him. he opened the door to his room and let you inside, looking around the hallway before closing the door.
you continued walking towards the French doors of the balcony and pushed them open. the cool night air felt amazing, cooling down your wine and pasta filled body. sure enough, you looked up at the night sky covering Milan and saw millions of bright stars. the scene took your breath away. who knew so much beauty existed in this big, crazy world.
you heard jaehyun's footsteps coming up behind you. he admired your goddess like form as you looked up at the night sky. you looked so beautiful like this, his tipsy state enhancing the feelings he already had for you. his feet moved faster than his brain and he came up behind you, brushing your hair over your shoulder.
you turned your head around to look up at him, eyes wide and filled with growing lust. he had taken off his suit jacket, leaving him in his dress shirt with a few loose buttons at the top and suit pants. his hair had gotten slightly messy, making him look absolutely irresistible.
the two of you made intense eye contact with one another, and before you knew it, you were in a passionate make out session with your boss. his large hands cupped your face, deepening the kiss. you kissed him back with everything you had in you. the months of stolen glances, sly remarks and heated exchanges all led up to this point. you didn't care that he was your boss, you didn't care that he had a family, all you cared about was how good his lips tasted against yours.
jaehyun lifted you up off of your feet and sat you on the bistro table. you leaned in to continue kissing him, but he stopped you in place by holding your jaw firmly with his hand.
"this ok, my dear? I can stop all of this if you want me to" he asked in a serious voice, staring down at your beautiful flustered face.
"yes please sir, just kiss me" you whined
jaehyun dove right back into kissing your lips. his tongue fought for dominance, winning effortlessly. you moaned when your tongues made contact, making you tilt your head back. his mouth followed your movements, making its way across your entire face. he kissed all over your cheeks and jawline. his lips eventually trailed up to your ear softly, making your eyes roll back.
"sweetheart, I told you, it's jaehyun" he whispered in your ear in his deep voice. he didn't want to think about work, he wanted to make this moment feel as real as possible.
he needed to hear you say his name.
he kissed down your neck slowly, in absolutely no rush. his hands trailed up and down your sides, asking for permission to see more of you. you grabbed the ties of your wrap dress and undid them, pushing the pieces of fabric to the side and off your shoulders. you pulled your arms out of the dress and it fell in a pool at your seated hips.
"I've wanted this–for so long my dear–you're absolutely–ravishing" jaehyun said between kisses. each kiss went lower and lower toward your bra clad cleavage. jaehyun reached around your back and undid your lacy black bra. he watched in awe as your round breasts dropped out of the cups of your bra. he wasted no time and roughly licked and kissed your boobs. you moaned out softly, the thought of being almost fully naked for your boss on a balcony in the middle of Milan sitting in the back of your mind.
the thought sent a rush of electricity to your clothed core.
he continued his ministrations with his mouth on your nipples, and his hand slowly trailed down your stomach, making its way into your panties. you let out of soft gasp, your hips involuntarily bucking against his hand. his fingers softly moved up and down on your pussy, allowing your clit to slowly warm up to his touch. after a while, he finally slipped two fingers into you, moving in and out of your body at a steady pace. you let out a delicious sound of satisfaction, leaning back on your hands.
"aww, when's the last time you let a real man touch you sweetheart, huh?" jaehyun's muffled voice asked against your breasts.
"fuck, I can't remember" you whined. every other man you had ever been with was inferior compared to jaehyun. you didn't even want to think about them.
he chuckled, "huh, that's because no man has EVER touched you the way I can. and they never will" he said darkly.
his fingers picked up the pace, making you let out a long, drawn out moan. he abruptly pulled his fingers out of your body and held them in front of his face. he observed them closely, making you clench around nothing.
"so messy, but I bet I could make you even messier"
he shoved his fingers into your mouth, and you eagerly lapped up your juices. you moaned at the taste of yourself, and looked jaehyun straight in his eyes. the sight of you two like this on the balcony for anyone to see was sinfully erotic.
you both wanted more.
he grabbed your hand and helped you on your feet. he slid your panties all the way off of your body, and you stepped out of them, leaving your heels on. your leaned up to kiss him again, and he smirked against your lips, smacking your ass as he tasted your arousal on his tongue.
you unbuttoned his dress shirt quickly, wanting to feel him already. he undid his expensive leather belt, tossing it to the side carelessly. he pulled the shirt off of his body, and turned you around so the front of your body was facing the railing of the balcony. you looked down at the city lights and cars beneath you, feeling a rush of euphoria. your braced yourself on the railing and pushed your ass out at him.
jaehyun bent down, spreading your cheeks, and licked a slow stripe from your clit to your ass. you let out a squeal of surprise and pushed back onto his face. he stood back up and pushed his pants and underwear down, gliding a hand down the slope of your back.
"how are we preventing pregnancy, my dear?" he asked, leaning down to your ear.
you reached around his head, holding his face next to yours. "I'm on the pill don't worry. please just..."
"shh my dear, I'm gonna take care of you, I promise."
jaehyun spat on his palm and rubbed it against your pussy.
"mmmmm please" you moaned out impatiently.
he jerked himself a few times with his saliva covered palm and lined his tip up with your entrance. he finally pushed in, and the two of you let out satisfied sounds. he gathered your hair into his hand and gripped it firmly. never pulling, just as a place holder.
his began to pick up the pace and soon enough you were overcome with intense pleasure. your hips pushed back against his, making your ass jiggle with each thrust. you let out a loud moan into the night, feeling like you were on top of the world. who knew you'd end up in Italy, bent over a balcony by none other than jeong jaehyun.
you fucking loved it.
"yeah that's it sweetheart scream for me. let all of Milan know what a fucking whore you are letting me fuck you like this" jaehyun encouraged you with a smirk.
you let out a squeal when he hit a particularly deep spot. you were so close to coming you could taste it.
"fuck say my name baby, let me hear it" jaehyun gritted out desperately.
"fuck jaehyun I'm right there please" you screamed out.
"shit!" jaehyun groaned out loudly and pulled you up by your hair. he pulled out of you, turned you around and picked you up. you let your legs wrap around his body as he carried you swiftly back into the hotel room.
you gasped loudly when you tossed you onto his large bed like you weighed nothing. he placed your legs over his shoulders and dove right back into your pussy without warning.
"ahhhh fuck" you moaned out. you were positive this was the loudest you'd ever been while having sex. no man had ever made you feel this good. it was absolutely sinful, but felt like heaven.
jaehyun nuzzled his face against your calf, placing soft kisses as he went.
"come on dear, give it to me. I wanna see you cum real pretty for me" jaehyun encouraged you.
those nasty words filled up all of your senses, instantly making you cum for him just like he wanted. he listened to your delicious sounds, your involuntary movements from your orgasm hypnotizing him. he wanted to keep this memory of you like this in his mind forever.
he pulled out of you as you came down from your high. sitting back on his heels to admire your sexy body.
“uh oh, look at the mess you’ve made sweetheart”
he reached down and wasted no time diving face first into your pussy.
you let out a high pitched scream, desperately trying to run away from his ravenous mouth to no avail thanks to his arms trapping your thighs in place.
“let me clean it up baby” he muffled out the filthy words against your overly sensitive clit.
you were sure you were having some kind of out of body experience. who knew pleasure of this magnitude existed. even if it was at the hands of a married man.
he pulled his mouth away from you slightly and firmly smacked your outer thigh, cutting you off.
“didn’t i just FUCKING tell you to not to call me that”
before you could correct your mistake he went right back into eating you out. you moaned a desperate plea out to him.
“ohhhh my god jaehyun please” your desperate voice went up a few octaves
you couldn’t hold on anymore and shortly after felt a rush of liquid shoot out of you. he licked you completely clean and tried his best to keep your hips from bucking around. you finally felt him pull away and you tried to catch your breath.
he got out of the bed and went into the bathroom briefly, leaving you to come down from your intense back-to-back highs. he came back to you with a warm washcloth and tried his hardest not to press on your sensitive bundle of nerves as he cleaned you up.
you muttered out a small “thank you” and he placed a gentle kiss on top of your head.
you must have dozed off for a few minutes because you woke up to him fully clothed, pulling his shoes back on. you sat up, still slightly spent from your session.
“wha? where are you going?” you asked him in a soft, sleepy voice, startling him slightly
“shh just go back to bed my dear” he said in a hushed tone
“but…but you didn’t get to cu—“
“don’t worry about it, now get some rest”
he grabbed a few of his belongings and quietly made his way out of his hotel room, leaving you speechless. jaehyun silently made his way to the elevator, heading down to the hotel bar. when the elevator doors shut he pulled out his phone.
2 missed calls: mrs.
you stood in the shower in your own hotel room, letting the hot water flowing from the shower head mix in with the hot tears streaming down your face.
what did you just do?
thanks for reading! please consider leaving a tip if you enjoyed the story 👑🍭
part two
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midstofroses · 8 months
Love Me Like That
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❝𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆— 𝑶𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆.❞
Pairing: Jeong Yuno-Jaehyun (nct) x (fem!oc) Original Character
» Genre: one-shot, soft-angst, underlying suggestive– reader discretion advised ▪︎ ex to lovers » Disclaimer! This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or even other fictional stories is purely coincidental
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Sienna stepped into the room, the aroma of pizza lingering in the air. "You're just in time. Did you bring the pizza?" Her friend– Nabi asked, revealing the items she had bought. "Yeah, and got some chicken too," she smiled excitedly.
Their living room was transformed into a haven for a movie marathon, a night to savour their well-deserved chill and create fond memories. Nabi's eyes sparkled with excitement as she accepted the food. "Well, then you should go clean yourself and come back here so we can start our movie night."
"I'll be quick," Sienna chimed.
After a brisk wash, the refreshing feeling enveloped her. A slight relief washed over her, even though her raging hormones from that time of the month still caused her physical discomfort.
While picking up her pyjamas, she noticed a mountain of clean clothes at the edge of her bed. Sighing, she decided to restore order before rejoining her friends. Sienna's frustration grew when the drawer refused to close. It wasn't as if she had bought new clothes for her drawer to betray her.
After several failed attempts, she couldn't contain her anger and punched the drawer in frustration.
"I missed him," she mumbled, catching her breath. The reason for her inconvenience dawned on her – her clothes weren't folded the way they used to be when he was around. How foolish of her.
Leaving her dark room, Sienna went to the kitchen where Kai noticed her friend's slightly bruised hand. "Oh? What happened to your hand?" she asked in confusion.
"Oh, it's nothing. I just need to run water on it," Sienna replied, brushing off the concern.
"Make sure you put ointment and bandage it after cooling it off," Kai advised.
"Yeah, will do," Sienna responded, putting on a brave smile beneath her troubled emotions.
"Oh, by the way, Jaehyun came by this afternoon looking for you," Nabi announced, interrupting the moment. Kai recalled the earlier encounter, suspecting a disagreement.
"Did you guys fight?" Kai asked, and Sienna's expression grew timid. She didn't want to discuss him; it was giving her a headache.
"He brought red velvet cupcakes," Nabi added, trying to lighten the mood. Sienna glanced at the coffee table, spotting the cupcakes – a favourite treat of theirs.
"You mentioned it's your first day of 'red days.' I guess having Jaehyun be part of your monthly flow app is so useful," Nabi giggled, proud of the gesture despite the situation.
"Heh, I guess so," Sienna chirped, trying to keep the conversation light while tending to her hand. "Why does he always have great timing?" she pondered, glancing at her phone with unread messages from Yuno piling up.
As they settled into their movie night, Kai brought up the topic of sharing expenses in a relationship. The conversation flowed, intertwining with the movie's background noise.
"I totally agree with you gals, but if the guy made you feel uncomfortable throughout the date, I'd rather pay my half and be done with it," Sienna commented, sharing her perspective.
Kai expanded on the aftermath, "So he wouldn't have the chance to point stupid things. Such as he paid the whole time, but he would act like a sad boy or an ass since the date didn't end well, right?"
"Exactly! Ugh, that's the feeling I hate," Sienna raged, hugging a pillow. After her emotional outburst, she finally indulged in the red velvet cupcake she had been craving.
As the night deepened, the snow outside intensified, creating a cosy atmosphere in their little bubble of friendship. "But if you think about it like this, he wasted your valuable time." Kai offered a new perspective. “So you at least did not waste your own money”
"But that's not what she came for in the first place," Nabi pointed out, settling the situation. “Besides we all know we can earn more money than to live like that.” 
"I'd still rather drown myself than give him the privilege to think he spoiled me with his own money," Sienna expressed her feelings, hormones adding a touch of intensity.
The three friends continued their night, sharing deep conversations and appreciating each other's presence. Unbeknownst to them, Sienna was truly grateful, even amid the challenges she hid behind her facade.
As the last days of spring dwindled, Yuno felt a magnetic pull towards the enchanting nights, eager to grasp the remnants of the season before the relentless heat of summer took over. The crisp wind, a balm for his cluttered mind, whispered promises of clarity.
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"This feels nice," he murmured, eyes fixed on the captivating night unfolding in the park by the river. Soft lights adorned the streets, and cherry blossoms, in their final dance, swirled around, accompanied by the gentle melody emanating from his headphones.
On a whim, Yuno invited Johnny for a spontaneous bike ride, half-expecting a decline. Much to his surprise, his best friend agreed, and they found themselves in a nearby park, a place etched with memories of their shared adventures.
Yuno, seeking an escape from the confines of home and work, embraced the freedom of riding through the city. The wind carried untold stories, and the cityscape unfolded its secrets.
"Hey, there's no one in the court," Johnny observed, diverting Jaehyun's attention. "Wanna play?" Jaehyun suggested.
"Yeah, it's been a while. It's going to be fun," Johnny agreed, infusing the atmosphere with infectious enthusiasm. After a few spirited rounds, they decided to take a breather, relishing the camaraderie that defined their friendship.
Perched on a bench around the court, they savoured water and ice cream. Johnny playfully teased, "Jae, not to sound like a jealous second babe, but don't you usually ask Sienna for these?" Laughter bubbled up, but beneath the banter, Jaehyun grappled with emotions threatening to surface.
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The dark room lit up with the moonlight and the desk lamp near her, Yuno smiled seeing Sienna was waiting at his place.
He closed their proximity by hugging her. Yuno always takes this kind of opportunity whenever she waits for him to come home after a long day from work. He feels relieved from his stress even with just one hug from his favourite person. 
After letting him hug her, Yuno stared at her with curiosity “You’d spend the night here?” 
Sienna gulped avoiding his gaze. "You went over my head and paid for my University fees without telling me." Her voice was monotone, standing up from where they were sitting. 
"Oh, I guess it's too late for a surprise now." He looks up at her, smiling giddily. But, he recognizes her demeanour changes negatively, making his face drop in worry. 
“Let me remind you, I'm not a girl who you could just simply pay for, Yuno.” She scoffs painfully. “If you think your grand gesture was cute, well news flash I’m disappointed.” Sienna attempts to calm her voice down, “You didn’t even bother to have this conversation with me!” But alas her blood boils with her tears slowly falling from her eyesight becoming an ocean of pain. 
Yuno stood up straight. “It’s just money, Sienna.” He chortles, brushing his hair out of his face.“I don't want you to be stressed because of money.” Yuno huffs out, confused by her action. “I could always make more money for me– for us.” Yet he strives to get close to her, cupping her face with his hands softly caressing her stained cheeks. “And I can help you with that, can’t you see it? I want to support you so you can reach your goal!” His voice and face emitted torment, he hated how this situation occurred. 
Her birthday was coming up, and all he wanted was to do something that alleviated her burden. 
She removes his hands from her face aggressively, moving away from him. 
“You think my family and I can’t handle our shit?” she sarcastically laughed, trying to stop her sobbing, though it was difficult to execute. Anxiously she bit her bottom lip harder.
He could sense her walls starting to appear once again, his nightmare slowly coming to life.  
“Sure I'm struggling, my family is struggling.” The young lady asserts, “But I've experienced far much worse than this bullshit and we’ve survived.'' Sienna picked up a pillow and slammed it on the coach. “Why can’t you believe in me?!” With every word she screams out, the pillow gets slammed on the coach. Relinquishing her anger through the use of this method. She stopped her antics, breathing heavily. Sienna peer dead in the eyes of him. “I just needed more time to accomplish things, not all plans can sail smoothly.” Her voice cracked, eyes were gradually forming to puff. 
“Sienna, I know how much you want to study again, despite not having it as your first choice with this course.” His body quivered, tears heavily forming as he scanned her figure.“Whenever I see how you recall your memories with your friends or when you help them study, you always have that spark.” He carries on describing his affection towards Sienna and how he witnessed her in the past years of their relationship. “I just want to bring that spark back.” He’s not the type who would just sit down on purpose. If he indeed has the means to help her out, even just a little he would do it in a heartbeat. 
Life is hard and he desires to be a partner where she can lean onto him safely. 
Yuno wanted to come closer to her, yet she immediately flinched and it broke his heart into pieces seeing her first instinct was to run away from him. 
“Jeong Yuno, You’re not getting the point here.” Sienna sniffles as she shakes her head while gazing down on the floor. “We’re over.” she declares, with his furrowed brows “No.” He sternly demands.
She sneered, “After all of this, I'll do the grand gesture to finally break this relationship off.” With her last remark, her body evacuated from his place. 
Yuno followed her out but she was too fast and he was too slow to handle the situation, he got lost finding her.
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Jaehyun just bared his soul to Johnny, revealing the painful truth of his recent breakup with Sienna, a wound haunting him for three months. It marked a vulnerable moment for Jaehyun, who, until now, had grappled with the harsh reality and denial.
Unbeknownst to Jaehyun, Johnny already knew the heart-wrenching details. A week earlier, Kai, Johnny's girlfriend, had shared the relationship's demise with him. Though Kai hadn't intended to spill the beans, the weight of the secret pushed Johnny to convince her to share the truth.
The revelation left Johnny stunned.  Sienna was dead serious with Kai, She didn’t want to entertain questions about them so only a few people got to know the real state of their relationship. Johnny unwittingly became one of those few.
Now, faced with Jaehyun's raw emotions, Johnny wrestled with the delicate balance between concern for his friend and utmost respect for their privacy. He had upheld his end of the bargain, bearing the weight of their shared secret. As a pillar of support, Johnny stood ready to help Jaehyun navigate the emotional turmoil, recognizing Yuno's need for that gentle push.
"How did you cope up?" Johnny delicately probed, shattering the unspoken barriers.
"After that night, every week I'd visit their house, hoping to find her. Eventually, I had to stop when a big project came my way. But I kept leaving messages, calls, even emails," Jaehyun confessed, his unwavering dedication to Sienna palpable. Two years into working with an architecture company, Sienna had been his anchor.
"Sometimes I'd order stuff to be delivered to their home. But after two months, I received a message from her. One message that I thought was my chance to come back into her life, and then I saw it." Jaehyun sighed deeply, the raw pain reflected in his eyes. "She sent: 'It's about time you stop this, don't tire yourself out."
That broke Yuno once again. It snapped his brain, and I focused on work, endless work, stuck at his place, never having an inch to socialize.
Earlier that morning, Jaehyun had grappled with anxiety before a crucial presentation. He dialled Sienna's number, seeking support, but as he hesitated his thumb hovered, preparing to drop the call. To his surprise, her mom picked up, offering words of encouragement and cheering him on.
"She hasn't told them," Johnny stated bluntly.
"No, and obviously I didn't have the heart to either," Jaehyun admitted, the weight of his emotions palpable. The conversation with Sienna's mom provided a brief respite, helping him get through the day and close a deal with clients.
"You're so down bad for Sienna," Johnny remarked, understanding the depth of his friend's emotions. As Jaehyun struggled to contain his feelings, Johnny encouraged him to let them out.
As if on cue, Jaehyun lets himself slowly reveal the emotions that’s been wanting to gush through his walls.
Well, to be fair, this wasn’t his first time crying. He sure had those little episodes in the craziest random time of the day where Yuno would have a mini breakdown remembering his situation with her.
Believe it or not, there was a particular night when he devestatedly couldn't sleep. He tried everything.
First, Yuno got himself up for a quick jog for him to wear out and took a warm shower, though it only made him feel more alive. So he resumed by drinking some wine as he watched a movie, played soothing music, and even read a book. But, it all went down the drain due to his brain failing to focus.
His last resort was masturbating. With no brainer, of course, he would think of her. Although, the fact that he remembers their moments together, he instead ended up crying that night and which made him fall asleep.
It was not the expected way, but it worked.
"I know I fucked up," Jaehyun confessed, tears flowing freely. "But how exactly? To the point she ended up breaking up with me?" The wounds deepened as he confronted the reality of his mistakes.
Johnny, offering comfort, reassured Jaehyun that Sienna's situation was tough. However, he pointed out that Jaehyun's well-intentioned actions were not executed correctly.
"Always remember this, Yuno. As much as you want to help people, you also have to remember where they're standing from. A good honest deed has a chance to appear as insensitive and patronizing," Johnny advised, hitting the core of the issue.
In the real world, complexities surpassed those of fairy tales and movies. Jaehyun realized he should have communicated with Sienna before assuming he could magically alleviate her problems.
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Entering the diner, the music from the speakers greeted her. Setting the vibe already makes her feel at ease with the atmosphere where she’s hanging out tonight. Her gaze stopped wondering as she saw Kyujin and Minghao already sitting. Meanwhile, Seokmin was standing up talking on his phone. He has the right hunch that his friend has work left to discuss. 
They greeted her as she put herself comfortably on her seat. She’s with one of her old university buddies. Due to her problem, she couldn’t keep up with her batch graduating on time. Nonetheless, they kept strong connections with each other even if they are now working and she’s back with her University life. 
“Seokmin should have left his phone on aeroplane mode,'' Kyujin remarked as she shook her head from side to side. Minghao nodded, however, he pressed the thought  “Well to be fair, it might be an emergency with work that he needs to mend.” 
“At least he is paid though.” Sienna chimed smiling, Her friends knew for over those two years of her not attending university she was working on her corporate days before and tended to overtime as well. It’s not so different with her university work taking her life after hours, the only thing she was not paid to do overtime may it be her university and unfortunately her corporate days. 
“Sorry about that, but no worries it won’t bother our dinner.” he smiled at them, “Give me your phone” Kyujin, as the mom of this group Seokmin simply followed her. “There.” his phone successfully turned out to be in aeroplane mode.
Sienna snorted, Seokmin was astounded by what her friend doing “I said I’m sorry” He pouted “Fine keep it on aeroplane mode. If there’s anything I’ll handle it tomorrow.” he said proudly, “Yeah, handle it on your working hours.'' Minghao, who is also a big advocate of work and life balance, reminded him as he patted his friend's hand. 
As the night settles with them, Seokmin opens the topic “Nabi is out right with Jaemin’s family?” On the table while they started to eat their order. 
The girl next to her nodded as she ate the cheezy fries ``Yeah and Kai, She has this workshop she needs to attend." She starts to explain her housemate's situation "So basically both of them will not be back until next week.'' 
With the new information, Kyujin excitedly clapped. “Well then, you have no excuses not to come. It’ll be fun. Besides, Mingyu deserves to have some OG guests.” Kyujin is always amazing at pursuing people and Sienna is always weak for her friend.
“Didn’t you say you wanted to drink this week, take this chance with us. It has free drinks and food anyway.” Comically his brows go up and down. “And you know what free food and drinks taste like.” He ends his last speech of temptation.
“A hit or miss.” She put her tongue out as she deadpans her friend.
Minghao laughed at the banter between Sienna and Seokmin. “We’re aware that you're not reliving the song ‘Stuck with U’ by Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber for letting yourself feel stuffed for a whole month in your apartment. ” He finally joined, even has the gut to make a joke out of her situation pulling a quote-unquote with his hand gestures. However, they were right Sienna when given a chance to stay at her comfort home would make the most out of it. 
Although now she's on a dinner date with them; After a month of hibernation, she just now greeted the outside world properly. “It's not my fault that my subjects are eating me up. Besides, earlier I had to attend University onsite so plus points to that and now I’m already with you guys, here eating dinner.” Sienna puckered her lips, still up for this debate despite being conquered by those trio.
Seokmin snorted at Sienna’s last comment “Yeah, right!” letting his hand grab her head and squeeze it as if he was a crane and she’s a toy. 
“Sizt no!” Kyujin pouted and shook her head daintily. “How about this since you’re already out of your cocoon, just try to spend some of the days this week outside.” she negotiates with the girl who does not care one bit about Seokmin’s antics as she’s busy munching her ice cream. 
“Exactly, just end your week with good vibes, you’re no guard dog.” Minghao with his witty brain could not let her go, when those three come together it’s like Sienna is fighting against the world. 
She sighs in front of them, letting her head roll over to her left side finally expressing her being defeated. 
As if an accomplished couple made their child have nowhere to go but listen to them, Kyujin and Minghao high-fived each other and held their hands shakingly. It’s their mini-victory move. “If you guys keep being cute, I feel like ants would eat us up.” She joked. 
Seokmin looked at the girl next to her cheekily “Oh Sienna, Sienna, Sienna” repeating her name in a sing-song tone, whilst shaking his head playfully. “You just miss someone.” 
Minghao covered his mouth, acting surprised. “Offt Seokmin dropping the bomb.” Kyujin teased the fire, showing her actions with her hands dropping. 
It’s been 8 months since the breakup. 
Sienna squinted her eyes as if throwing daggers at him. “Oh, shut up.” She smacked his left shoulder. 
Leaving them chuckling at their antics.
Quickly changing the subject, Sienna sits properly. “Fine, this Saturday I’ll attend Mingyu’s place.” Rolling her eyes dramatically “The booze should be great, or I'm out.” 
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Despite a busy schedule, Yuno got dragged out for a coffee successfully by his work partner Jungkook before they would drive to meet their client onsite. 
Yuno’s eyes glanced at the interior of the cafe, and he stopped when he saw a familiar physique after a long time. It was Sienna focused on her laptop, wearing her signature hoodie with her glasses.
He and Jungkook sat near the cafe counter waiting for their order. The guy simply watched her and couldn't help but still have a longing feeling of adoration.
Of course, she’s not alone, she’s with two people that look like her classmates. 
He smiled at his thoughts thinking she also might get dragged outside as well, which she truly needs. Sienna always tends to trap herself in her room, especially on a weekend; little sunlight isn’t enough for her.
Sensing that one of her classmates was about to look around, he avoided his stare at her and exactly with that their little buzzer turned on letting them know that their orders were complete to go. 
On the other hand Sienna did mini stretches to her arms as Her eyes slowly looked outside the cafe and saw a familiar back, she steadily recognized when the view of the man got a good side view. “Oh it's Yuno...” she whispered, then it truly sank at her making her eyes widen, almost choking herself while she drank her matcha frappe. 
“Omygod— Sienna!” Both of her friends reacted frantic, Giving her all the tissues they have to her. 
"You good now? What happened?” Jungwoo queried and looked to where she was staring earlier, but failed to recognize what made their friend go nuts. 
Sienna shakes her head “Oh no it’s nothing..” she tries to cover her tracks, could not even think of a proper excuse. 
Seungkwan oozes suspicion with the younger girl but lets her know that it’s fine to not be forced to tell.  
“I have this event I need to attend.” Jungwoo didn't prolong the weird air, taking the chance to express his dread. 
Sienna laughed at the poor puppy. “Isn’t your parents' fundraising event?” Seungkwan recalled their conversation back then. “That's tough. Knowing your parents, they would want it to be perfect.” Sienna bluntly says. “Exactly, it’s going to be a pain in the neck.” Jungwoo rolled his eyes with exaggeration.
She isn’t well into those kinds of grand parties either. It only reminds her back then when she felt she was out of the picture whenever with Yuno.
The only thing she cares about is to support Yuno in whatever journey he has to accomplish, that's why she lets him take her in these events. 
Nonetheless, some of the invitees couldn't be bothered hiding their expressions.
It continued until she ended up walking on eggshells while attending these events. She's well aware those people were irrelevant, and Sienna needed to be stronger.
However, with the compilation of Backhanded comments she receives:
"Well in your generation, love matters more." 
"Oh darling, you'll have your time." 
With those gazes, she could just disappear into thin air as if she were prey. 
Little by little it consumed her. 
Sienna’s train of thought snapped immediately.
"Earth to Sienna." 
Seungkwan patted the girl's shoulder, bringing her back to their conversation.
"Sorry, what?" 
Jungwoo pouted more than he could do and continued to ask them. "Are you guys free to be my dates this Saturday?" Hoping that they would agree to be together with his misery just to make something out of it and not worry about socializing much in the event. 
"Pass." Seungkwan quickly replied while shaking his head left and right to his friend, "I got other things to assemble from our course organization seminar."
Sienna couldn't help but chuckle at Jungwoo's reaction when he started begging with his actions through his hands. "Sorry, but I have a party to attend as well." Pursing her lips tightly. 
Seungkwan grabbed Sienna's left arm, wanting her to mimic the way he waved goodbye towards Jungwoo, "Be strong, Soldier." She played along with the guy next to her and both shared the same smiles with their two cents. 
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Sienna dressed up a bit, well it’s a party, after all. Her cute black mini dress complimented her heel loafers. She’s not going to lie it’s been a while for her to dress up, and it feels good. 
As she stepped into the dimly lit venue, bathed in hues of purple and blue lights, a familiar voice cut through the atmosphere. "Sienna!" Kyujin’s excitement radiated as she embraced her. "Are the other two here already?" she inquired after the warm hug.
"Yup, we can huddle over there, it's much more comfortable." 
Navigating their way to the living room, Sienna spotted Minghao and Seokmin, who were already in high spirits, sitting side by side with welcoming smiles.
"For a minute I thought you backed out." Minghao teased, earning a giggle from Kyujin.
Minghao's knack for reading people was, as always, on point. Sienna was hesitating for a moment at the entrance, with her heart pounding with uncertainty. The decision to attend this gathering had been a last-minute contemplation. She knew a few faces in the crowd, but it was the ghost of him that lingered in her thoughts. Earlier that day, an unexpected wave of nostalgia engulfed her, triggering what she reluctantly dubbed a "Relapse." She found herself tumbling down a rabbit hole of old photos and videos, relics of a time when they were entwined in each other's lives.
As she stood there, the weight of unanswered questions pressed upon her. Were the people around her aware of the demise of their once-shared world? A shiver of anxiety ran down her spine at the mere thought of being questioned about a love that now existed only in fragments of the past.
Eight months had passed, yet the grip he held on her heart remained unyielding. The invisible threads of their history continued to bind her, leaving Sienna entangled in a web of longing and unresolved emotions.
"Aye, don't be like that," she chuckled, waving her hand dismissively. "I even brought snacks." Seokmin, ever observant, noticed the packaging. "Oh! I guess the lady at that sweet shop was your mom then."
Sienna looked curious to him wanting him to continue. "Your mom was carrying  a navy blue handbag right?" Sienna vividly remembers making her head nod. 
Seokmin already felt proud with his keen eyes, no wonder the lady was familiar to him. 
"I was in front of the store parking lot and got a glimpse of your mom Entering the store." He pointed out the sweet shop's name. 
Her mom visited her earlier to personally break the news that her mom's land had already been sold with a very great offer. She expressed how she was so thankful that they waited and did not rush the selling of their property which led them to accumulate a huge deal. 
In celebration, her mom remembers her daughter tends to like honey biscuits as the reason why she was at a sweet shop. Little did her mom know that the reason why she liked them was because Jaehyun influenced her since it was his childhood favourite sweets. 
That was the trigger for her to this party since she had the feeling she would just dwell on her emotions at home alone. Distraction is highly needed.
After a couple of hours, Jaehyun arrived at the scene of the party. Mingyu greeted the guy and pointed to where Sienna was located. 
Earlier, Mingyu had noticed Sienna alone in the corner of his sofa, engaging in a conversation with herself. Even to the untrained eye, it was apparent she had indulged a bit too much in the festivities. Her body tends to flop side to side with her head spinning lightly. 
The three musketeers that she was with beginning at the party left earlier, and because of still not wanting her to leave early she stayed besides she put an excuse that some of the people she knew here she wanted to catch up. 
Out of concern, he immediately contacted Yuno. Mingyu is one of those people who are not updated with the situation of the two people. 
Yuno swiftly appeared in front of the lady, whose now trying her best to stay awake by softly slapping her cheeks and opening her eyes wide. In response, Jaehyun sighed and approached her, wrapping his flannel around her—his way of acknowledging how chilly she could get.
“You’re drunk, let’s go home.” 
Sienna, with a pout, insisted, "I'm not drunk, just tipsy... I can still take it." She reached for her cup, but Jaehyun lightly caught her hand. "Sienna, please..." he pleaded. Reluctantly, she let go of the cup, covering her face with her hands. "Ugh, you're so boring; I don't want to go home yet." Despite her wobbly stance, a stark contrast to her claim of sobriety, she stood up.
Giggling, she attempted to stare at Jaehyun. Her brain, clouded by sweet toxins, transformed her surroundings into a hazy spectacle. Jaehyun, seizing the opportunity, gently gripped her figure securely and let her follow his body towards the exit. “You can get whiny when you're drunk.” 
She bit her bottom lip, staring at him as her eyebrows furrowed. “N-No, I'm not” she chirped yet Jaehyun could still hear her as how close their bodies were now, he was left only to chuckle at her attitude. 
Jaehyun was wearing his beanie and glasses, matching them up with the dim party lights, as to why Sienna has slow recognition due to her alcohol influence. However, her sixth sense just lets her guard down due to familiarity. 
Pulling up to the car, Sienna settled herself comfortably in the front passenger seat. Jaehyun reached for the blanket tucked at the back and gently draped it over her figure.
“Can we open the window?” Sienna peered outside, where the street lights cast a soft glow. Jaehyun obliged, clicking the switch to let in the cool night air.
“Better?” He questioned, as he eased the car into motion.
She closed her eyes, letting the refreshing breeze envelop her. After stealing a glance at Jaehyun, she responded with a serene, "Yeah."
Fully aware now that she was in the company of Yuno, Sienna marvelled at how her instincts had effortlessly guided her away from the crowd and toward him.
“Is anybody at your home right now?" Hearing him, Sienna shakes her head slowly, her eyes remaining closed to contain the lingering dizziness.
"Both of them are out of town." 
Jaehyun hummed in agreement, his thoughtful expression barely visible in the dimly lit car. "I can't leave you alone at your house. You should rest at my place instead, He declared that if there's an argument needed to be brought up it would be useless.
With Sienna's mind in its current state, his decisiveness didn't bother her. It was a welcome assurance amid the swirl of emotions she grappled with.
They both slowly entered Yuno’s place, easily passing by the lounge area to his private room. Letting the lady sit as he turned on the lamp next to his bed. 
He took some cotton pads and makeup remover. It's been a while since he opened this particular side of his nightstand, back then it was her side of the bed anyway. 
His hands gingerly swipe the damped cotton throughout her face, she looks entrapped by his aura, The way his eyes twitched and and his bottom lip bitting due to his hyperfocus, it might not be obvious but with her hazy view she could see behind his glasses are eyebags that has been a bit more obvious. With this situation, it brings back memories as if it were only yesterday. 
"They're all clean." he huffs proudly as he returns the essentials to its container, "Let me get you some water." Before he could even get up, Sienna stole a kiss from him, jaehyun was caught off guard he flinched and stared at her flushed self. His eyes roamed from her sombre eyes gradually to her lips, breathing against each other– the air thick with anticipation.
Leisurely discarding his glasses, he leaned toward her. Eventually, his instincts couldn't resist the magnetic pull of the moment, and he found himself reciprocating the kiss. His dominant hand found the nape of her neck, while the left rested on her waist tightly.
Amidst the fog of sweet alcohol lingering from her system invading his space of mind. the kiss deepened, and their bodies drew dangerously closer within seconds.
With that snap of realization, Yuno stopped the act, dazed by her. 
He would do anything for her, he constantly yearned for her even after all that happened. Yet, he refused to take advantage of her vulnerability. As he struggled to formulate the words he needed to convey, he grappled with the elusive thoughts.
He wanted to reassure her, to make her understand. But his brain seemed to be on strike, rendering him helpless.
Cold sweats build up over him, He suddenly feels like a teen boy who's in front of his huge crush.
"Sienna, I—" His words were abruptly cut short as she averted her eyes, rising slowly. As she hastened away, he found himself perplexed by the startling shift, his body instinctively following her.
Realizing the toilet room lights were open, he moved fast behind her. Already hiding how flustered he is.
Efficiently gathering her hair into a ponytail as she faced the toilet— letting out the toxins from her system. he offered a comforting rub on her back. His eyes fell on the drawer beneath the counter, remembering the hair ties she had left behind. He snatched one and secured her hair.
Perhaps, it had always been the right choice not to clean out the stuff she kept in his place.
"Take it easy," he hummed, attempting to access a smaller drawer, anticipating a towel within. All the while, he continued to rub her back, providing solace amid the discomfort.
With the final flush from the toilet, she ceased her ordeal. Jaehyun proactively used the towel to dab at her mouth. "Feeling better?" he asked, focused on the task.
She nodded, touching his hands and prompting him to halt. "I'm sorry.." she sighed, closing her eyes and braving the persistent dizziness. His gaze softened, taking in her dishevelled appearance, the messy ponytail he had made, her droopy eyes, and her flushed figure.
“Let’s go to bed—” he cleared his throat “Let’s take you to bed, you need to rest up hmm?.” 
Her body went near him, and put her head on his chest “Don’t leave….” He looked down, already feeling his shirt getting drenched.
She is already crying. 
He patted her head. "I won't," he assured, breathing heavily. "I won't leave you alone… so let’s go to bed." With a controlled but strained voice, he subdued the surging emotions.
Carrying her to bed, he tucked her in gently. Although he yearned to lie beside her, this wasn't the moment. He settled beside the bed on his rug, holding her hand, watching over her. As he hummed softly, he moved strands of hair away from her face, his quiet presence coaxing a serene expression onto her face.
Even in mere proximity, he found solace.
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The sunlight tiptoed into the room, gently rousing Sienna from her deep slumber. A momentary panic seized her when her eyes landed on a head resting at the edge of the bed. Quickly regaining composure, she realized Yuno was sleeping on the floor beside her. His head lay on the mattress, while his body occupied the floor.
Her heartbeat slowed, confusion swirling in her mind as she tried to make sense of the situation. Battling a hangover headache, she opened her eyes gently, fixating on the man's face. It had been too long since she allowed herself to bask in the sight of him, and the ache of missing him resurfaced.
Almost by instinct, her hand lightly caressed his bangs, now dyed in a darker shade. Moving to his eyebrows and eyes, the familiarity felt both comforting and oddly unfamiliar after all this time.
His eyes twitched slightly, signalling his impending awakening. As her brain flashed fragments of memories from the previous night, embarrassment coursed through her.
Jaehyun's eyes fluttered open, meeting hers. Sensing her staring fixed on his lips, he gently grabbed her hand, preventing her from retracting her actions. "You're awake," she timidly said, attempting to downplay the significance of her actions.
She didn't get an immediate response, but now it was Yuno's turn to observe her. Despite having done the same the night before, this morning ritual fed his yearning for the simple moments they used to share.
"Do-Don't just stare at me like that," she uttered, biting her bottom lip.
"I'm sorry," he muttered. After a comfortable silence, she replied, "Don't bother, it's not like it's a big thing," avoiding his piercing stare, her cheeks flushing with warmth.
He shook his head slowly. "I have a lot to say sorry for."
Puzzled, her mind hinted at their last fight, the night they broke up. "I understand. It's not my decision to make."
"I should have talked with you before acting out my will with this, especially when it’s strongly sensitive for you… “ His voice became small but he needs to take accountability.
“I was selfish. I figured since I have the privilege to save up, all I could think was part of my savings was all about you."
"I should have known better."
Sienna always loved how pure this guy can get. She recognized the sincerity of his intentions.  “I was too defensive and insecure to begin with every time I could see how people view us. I love how they take pride in you for what you do, but when I’m in the picture with you I could feel they always have this impression in our relationship that I’m not enough for you."
"I felt embarrassed, my inferiority complex burst." her eyes welled with emotion.
"You know I struggled to ask for help, and I always tried to conquer that, but when our last fight happened, it got me overwhelmed. It was an extreme gesture, and it felt like you were forcing me to be someone I'm not prepared to be." With his sincerity, she felt attacked and unsafe at that time. She was clouded by her negative thoughts and forgot she had him all this time – he was there to pick her up when she was feeling blue.
Yuno softened his gaze at her, “I’m sorry. I was so blinded and didn’t reassure you enough about our relationship, that it got to your thoughts. I don’t care about them, and I know it will be tough for you to immediately not care. So I’ll do my best to be there for you– reminding you to think of me and only me when you doubt, and I will never get tired of making you feel secure.”
She nodded and continued, "I’m fully aware that I have a lot on my plate, especially back then, working to support my family and myself." Her voice cracked as she struggled to compose herself. "And it's just so embarrassing how I know you so well. You’ve always wanted to help me— you’ve always been there, whether I’m struggling financially or whatever situation I'm facing. I just couldn’t take the bullet of reality that I needed to accept. “ 
Her eyes continued to sting. With every word she spilt, tears flowed down her cheeks.
He was the sunshine she couldn't handle.
"But I broke it. I promised you a slow and steady relationship."
Sienna looked at him stunned, he remembers. 
“See you’re a guy who has a light that shouldn't be tainted.” she blurted out, sniffing. 
Jaehyun shook his head slowly. Vividly his dimples, and a reassured smile carved his lips. “Sienna when I’m with you. I’m only a normal guy, a guy who loves you deeply, who wants to be with you.” He caressed her cheeks, gingerly wiping away the tears that streamed from her eyes. 
Heart fluttering, realising once again that's she is truly in love with this person.
"I'll do better to make myself be deserving of you; I'll work hard.” She firmly stated, Her innocent orbs now filled with passion. “You did receive the money earlier, right?” After meeting her mom, Sienna transferred the money he paid for her university fees. 
"You're more than enough, and I will always support you." Jaehyun held her hand tightly, bringing it close to his mouth. “And then, for the meantime, I’ll keep the money in my savings. That will be for us in the future.” He planted a soft kiss on her hand as if sealing a promise of his commitment.
“Besides, all I ever want is for you to spend your time with me – grow old together.” He whispered, his eyes reflecting a future filled with shared unwavering love. With those words, he painted a canvas of a lifetime. Sienna's heart swelled with a mix of emotions, and as they embraced, they both knew that their love story was not just a chapter but a timeless journey of growing old together.
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I hope you guys enjoyed it!꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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orangesaek · 2 years
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you were invited to the company's yearly Christmas party, and everybody is required to bring a plus one. your co-workers start teasing you about bringing your imaginary boyfriend to the party, betting amongst themselves that you'd show up to the party and go home alone, not knowing who your boyfriend actually is.
characters: boyfriend!jaehyun x female reader
word count: 947
genre: i can't think of anything to perfectly describe this, but maybe some fluff? a bit of romance? anyway, it's basically just jaehyun being your hot & handsome bf
warnings: very slight workplace bully!ng (or teasing among workmates tho). that's it.
disclaimer: this is entirely fiction. pic not mine — full credits to the owner. strictly do not re-upload or translate anywhere else! lowercase intended. not proofread.
"so, uhm, where's this boyfriend you told us about?" one of your co-workers asked in a teasing tone.
it was just last week when your manager had started distributing the invitation letters for the Christmas party, which was a yearly thing, but you were taken by surprise when it was announced that each attendee must bring a plus one, and that everybody is required to attend, or else a "penalty" awaits. you weren't even sure if the whole penalty thing was true, but you didn't have any plans on risking your job.
you were just peacefully taking a sip of wine when your so-called department friends made their way to you, suddenly asking you for your plus one's whereabouts. you let out a nervous laugh, trying to look as calm as possible.
"h-he's already on his way," you quietly replied, but it was true. jaehyun did text you not too long ago that he's already in the car and that he'll be at the venue soon. it hasn't been that long since you started working for the company, and as much as you wanted to make friends with everybody, it was just too difficult for you. especially if you're surrounded by the not-so pleasing type of people.
you didn't miss the exchanged glances, followed by some snickering from your colleagues (which you believe they "tried" to hide).
"well, we look forward to meeting him," one of your colleagues said. "i mean, if someone does come or whatever." they added, snorting along with the others. you gave them a nervous smile, wishing that jaehyun would arrive fast.
feeling a bit more anxious by the minute, you took out your phone and was about to give jaehyun a call to ask for an update when you faintly heard some whispering and some people gasping.
"oh. my. god." one of your colleagues said.
"isn't that..." you heard another one say.
you looked at them, a bit confused as to why so many of them looked so stunned, some even covering their mouths in shock, like they just saw an alien or something. you decided to look at the direction they were looking at. and you finally understood why.
jaehyun was walking towards your direction, his dimples in full display as he was smiling your way. he just looked so perfect. like a sculpture that came to life.
jaehyun works as a model. with his handsome looks and chiseled body, it didn't take long before he took the modelling industry by storm. he was named as one of the country's top models — walking on the runway for high-fashion brands, appearing in numerous tv commericials and billboards, getting featured in magazines many times a year, and endorsing countless brands. you could amost see his face everywhere you go.
your relationship with him was definitely one of the things you never expected to happen in your life. he was a celebrity while you were just a regular girl who had a 9-5 job. regardless, jaehyun fell in love with you and never gave up on pursuing you even after you have rejected him multiple times. you were honestly unsure about your future with dating someone like him, but the consistent effort he made throughout those months of pursuing you was what made you say yes to him. and you were glad you did because he has been nothing but everything you ever asked for in a man.
you gave him a shy smile before taking a glance around you. you could see everyone looking at your boyfriend in awe. it seemed like he was walking on a runway, only that he was walking towards you. his eyes looking at you and only you.
"hey, beautiful" jaehyun said, his smile growing bigger, dimples becoming even more visible when he was finally in front of you. he took your hand and kissed the back of it. "i'm sorry i took so long. i swear i would have flown the car if i could." he added.
you swore you could see everyone looking at the two of you now. the whispers have become a lot more audible, with some taking out their phones to take pictures. the attention at that moment felt a bit too much, but what can you say? it's the one and only jeong jaehyun.
"no, babe, it's alright. i'm just glad you got here safely," you answered, smiling shyly at him. "thanks for coming."
jaehyun pulled you lightly for a quick hug, not missing a kiss on the top of your head. "of course. anything for the love of my life." he said. you could smell the perfume you gave him as a gift for his birthday, which was also Valentine's day.
breaking away from the hug, you turned to look at your colleagues (who were now gawking at the sight of you both) in amusement.
"guys, meet my boyfriend, jeong jaehyun" you said, already feeling your confidence go up again. you glanced up at jaehyun with a proud smile.
"nice to meet you all. i'm jeong jaehyun, her boyfriend" jaehyun said as he flashed them one of the most beautiful smiles they have ever seen. "and soon-to-be husband." he continued.
although you were blushing so hard after what he has said, you gave him a shy smile before turning your attention back to your colleagues, who were still looking so stupidly at the both of you.
"i told you guys i wasn't making things up about having a boyfriend," you said, trying to sound nonchalant. "and the one and only jeong jaehyun at that."
you smiled to yourself in victory, feeling so content with the look of stupidity on their faces.
- end.
a/n: the story's all over the place, i know. my brain's not working 100%, but I really want to write something :') sorry, and thank you in advance if you finished this story (and maybe, just maybe, liked it as well) i'll post better stuff soon! 💚
requests are OPEN! 💗
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sweetiesicheng · 2 years
jaehyun - one morning
word count : 521
happy jaehyun day ! who cares about Valentine’s Day anyways?
"y/n! open the door!" you heard someone pounding on your front door. you opened your eyes and huffed out a sigh before sitting up. "y/n!"
who the hell comes to my house at seven in the morning?
even though your pillow was calling your name, you got out of bed and walked out of your room. you walked up to the front door and looked through the windows to see jaehyun standing there with bags in his hands.
you unlocked and opened the door, "what?" you asked, squinting at the brightness.
"good morning to you too. i'm making breakfast," jaehyun said and let himself in. he slipped his shoes off and put slippers on.
"oh sure, come on in and make breakfast. it's not like you woke me up and just barged into my house or anything," you sarcastically spoke. you closed the door and locked it again before walking away from the front door.
you heard jaehyun moving about in the kitchen but ignored him and went back into your room. you plopped down onto your bed and instantly closed your eyes, not even bothering to crawl beneath your blanket because of how tired you were.
after what felt like a long time, you woke up when you heard jaehyun walk into your room.
"i made food."
"sleepy," you spoke.
"i made your favorite."
you instantly sat up, "waffles with cinnamon sugar?" you asked.
you stared at jaehyun, who was wearing your apron. he nodded his head and grinned.
"come on, let's go," he instructed while walking out of your room, leaving the door open.
you bolted out of the room and followed jaehyun into the kitchen. you saw a bunch of plates with food on them.
you tied your hair back and sat down at the table while jaehyun waited for another waffle to finish cooking in your waffle machine.
"i can't believe you showed up and just made breakfast," you said to him before turning back to look at him. he had his back to you.
"you literally told me to come over and cook breakfast for you when we were on facetime last night," he replied and put a freshly made waffle onto one of the plates in front of him.
"but i was really just craving waffles, you didn't actually have to come over," you said and leaned your head back. jaehyun turned around and bent down so he could kiss your forehead.
"a "thank you" would suffice," he said to you.
you laughed, "thank you, babe."
"you're very welcome," he said and kissed your forehead again before taking the apron off and sitting next to you.
you drank some coffee, "you know, you should wear an apron more often," you said to him.
he stuffed with face with some pieces of waffle, "why?" he asked.
"you look pretty good in it. next time, wear the apron without a shirt on," you grinned and jaehyun rolled his eyes at you.
"hell no," he said.
"i'll take that as a "yes"," you said to him and both of you continued eating breakfast together.
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hirayaaraw · 1 year
Compilation of all my works.
Jaehyun (NCT)
Unbreakable Ties Series
Mark (NCT)
First Love
Wonwoo (Seventeen)
Please Bother Me
You Are My Home
Of Taxes and Marriage - 2, 3
Jeonghan (Seventeen)
Fall From Grace Series
It All Ends Here
I Love You Like This
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lcvejaem · 2 years
2! Beomgyus mom is a MILF?!
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## — SYNOPSIS You’d always wanted a tattoo so when you heard that one of you and your friends favorite tattoo artist was coming into to town you made a appointment right away.
## — AN been on hiatus but im back! I hope you enjoyed please repost!
series m.list | previous | next
!tag list open (msg me)! @miriamxsworld
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Recess: playground fight
A series of drabbles and a little window into Jaehyun and Felicity’s life as a couple. From the story, Grad School (Special Term): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Their first fight happens on a Monday. Felicity yells at Jaehyun and she expects him to yell back.  Instead he embraces her as the rage in her chest wearily pulls off its mask to reveal loneliness. 
“Sorry for being difficult,” she sobs, “I… I don’t want to be a bother.” Jaehyun’s heart constricts. 
“Hey,” he says, gently pulling Felicity’s face up, “I’m the bad texter. I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention,” he says, leaving a small peck on her nose.
“Next time, tell me when you need me, okay?” 
Jaehyun loves his job, yes, but he’d do anything for Felicity.
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finaleourconcert · 1 month
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our composition book || jeong jaehyun social media au
who could have thought it would all start with a bunch of bad jokes?
'el señor de la noche' is a pub known in town for its very varied themed activities and parties, which can go from open mic/rap battle night to karaoke/concert night to evenings of dance practice for the elders to midnight dj sessions. and it is at this place where jeong jaehyun makes a reality of his frustrated childhood dream
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pairing: jeong jaehyun x oc
genre: strangers (to acquaintances) to lovers, mutual pining, just two adults trying to get through their quarter-life crisis
status: ongoing!–
important: all of nct 127 (ot8) members are involved but none of them are idols per se, there will be written parts as well so the fic as a whole makes more sense, updates are probably going to be random and slow but i will try my best, don't mind timestamps unless stated
author's note: this is my first time posting on tumblr because i generally write on ao3 but i thought it could be fun trying a smau this time so you guys are going to have to bear with me lmao also keep in mind english isn't my first language so there could be unintentional grammar mistakes
au's title: our composition book by wild nothing
any feedback (specially comments) is well appreciated <3
ps: if anyone wants to be tagged, let me know in the comments!
their profiles
friends profiles pt1 | friends profiles pt2 | friends profiles pt3
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen |
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ncityprincess · 2 years
anything for you, princess 👑
pairing: actor/sugar daddy? jaehyun x influencer?/sugar baby? female reader 
plot: tldr; reader gets flown out by actor jaehyun and they have sexy time for the first time 😁
note: this is my first ever story. i’ve been sitting on this idea for a minute and decided to go for it. this is extremely self indulgent. happy reading! 👑🍭
she woke up earlier than her alarm had, given she’d spent the past eight or so hours tossing and turning in bed anticipating the next day. she shot out of bed and started her day with one thing on her mind: him. 
him being her latest beau jeong jaehyun. it had all started a few months back. it was spring time, and she decided she wanted to bring some romantic energy to her instagram page. feeling flirty, the woman had uploaded a photo of herself holding a single red rose, adorned in a blood red satin dress that flattered her curvy figure. nothing too out of the ordinary, as she frequently posted pretty pictures of herself. 
apparently mr. jeong, seoul’s most popular up-and-coming actor, felt the dress flattered her too. the oh-so handsome star wasn't the type to use social media outside of work purposes, as it wasn't really his thing, but the picture had innocently landed on his explore page. anyone with eyes would have clicked on the picture too–she was beautiful! even though he knew dating could interfere with his career, he still felt like there was something about her. he took the chance and sent her a harmless message. i mean, it’s worth a shot right? you were too alluring to pass up.
 “i’d send you 11 more to make it a dozen, beautiful🌹” 
she read the message with a bit of a shy, but curious smirk.
that was a good one she had to admit.
she typically wasn’t one to read her message requests, after all, those guys usually weren’t her type. creep after creep. loser after loser. no thanks. 
but him. 
there was something about him. 
she clicked on his profile picture to see who this @_jeongjaehyun guy was. she had to admit his follower count was pretty daunting, she'd never been approached by someone like this before, but she continued to investigate further, wanting to see what else this jeong jaehyun had to offer. based on his bio he was an actor in korea. she hadn’t been too familiar with korean films, but she figured he had to be pretty talented if he had this many supporters. scrolling through his profile made her even more intrigued as she dug further. tons of behind the scenes footage from his films, pictures of trophies he’d collected from numerous award shows, mysterious and endearing videos of him riding his bike around the city with romantic music playing. jeong jaehyun was an enigma. she wanted him. 
he was annoyingly handsome, had romantic features, an entire catalog of acting experience. she definitely liked what she saw, but she just had to dig just a little more. she eventually accepted the message request and thought of a witty enough reply, not wanting to seem too bold. 
“maybe i’d let you 💋”
from there everything fell into place. he was perfect. he was equal parts suave and dorky. he had the most elaborate, yet elementary jokes. he spoiled her ROTTEN. christian louboutin, prada, la perla, chanel. she named it, he bought it. he wanted her to know how sincere his feelings about her were, and chose to show it through sending her pretty little presents every so often.
"beautiful girls deserve the most beautiful things" he would say.
the months went on and on...
he understood her, he listened to her, they had a deep and genuine connection. even with her being in new york city and him in seoul, they utilized every bit of free time to connect. face time became their norm over the past few months, and while it was convenient, it just wasn’t enough. they needed to be with one another in person. 
so it was settled: he bought her a first class ticket to seoul, arranged to have a driver pick her up from her apartment and drive her to the airport, sent his own chauffeur to drive her to his pent house apartment in seoul, and the two would finally meet. because he had an afternoon schedule around the time she would land in seoul, he left a spare key for the front desk along with her full name, granting her access to his apartment. she felt a huge responsibility being left alone with his luxurious apartment, but she also felt comforted knowing he trusted her that much. 
“i’ll see you soon, baby” 
she grabbed her packed belongings, most of which being the pretty presents jaehyun bought for her during these few months of them talking. she figured he would love to see her strutting around in the gifts he bought for her. she endured the extremely long flight from new york city to seoul, knowing each minute would bring her closer to her lover.
once the driver dropped her off at his penthouse, she grabbed the key from the receptionist after giving her full name, and made her way up to the 127th floor. she stared out of the glass elevator windows, looking out at the sea of city lights. with each floor the elevator ascended her heart raced faster and faster. 
he had told her to make herself at home. “my house is your house baby, do whatever you need to do to make yourself comfortable while i’m out. i left my card incase you need anything. see you soon.”
she set her red luggage down and made her way into his bathroom. he had left out a towel and wash cloth for her, along with any toiletries she may have needed. she stepped into the luxurious rainfall shower and fantasized about how the next few weeks would go…
she had just finished applying her lip gloss when she heard the front door open. she looked over herself one last time in the big full length mirror in jaehyun’s closet and quickly made her way to the entryway. he pulled the door open and immediately made eye contact with her. they stared at each other passionately before he set his keys down and quickly pulled her in for a kiss. no words needed to be exchanged, it was time to let their bodies speak for them. she reached up and grabbed his face, kissing him back with urgency. she moaned into his mouth, releasing months of pent up energy. the moment she had been waiting for was finally here. he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, inadvertantly knocking off her red bottoms he’d gifted her at one point.
“gosh jae, i’m happy to see you too” she giggled
he smiled against her lips and smacked her lightly on her ass. he finally made it to his bedroom and tossed her onto his silk bed sheets. she squealed when he dove right on top of her not wasting any time. his hands made his way to the hem of her crop top and ripped it off of her. he pulled back from her a little bit to look down at her riled up form.
“pretty, i bought this for you too huh?” he chuckled, tracing the top of her red lacy bra where her cleavage spilled out. “uh huh” she moaned. he grabbed her hand to help her sit up so he could take her bra off. he pulled off the rest of her clothes, along with the matching cheeky lace panties and gently laid her back down. he went right back into kissing her plump lips. the two lovers put their all into their kisses, making up for all the lost time. the months of phone calls, face times, letters, postcards, texts, naughty texts—the works. as amazing as these last few months were, nothing beats this feeling right now. finally being able to put their hands on one another. his hands massaged her large breasts, making electricity race through her body. his kisses slowly creeped down her cheek, her jaw, her neck, her décolletage, finally landing on her boobs. he kissed and fondled her chest with intense admiration. 
“you’re perfect”
she sighed and slowly tilted her head back into the pillows, fully immersing herself into the moment. all the nights she spent desperately yearning for his hands to explore her body and now she was living it. it was so much more than she could have ever imagined. he focused his tongue on her left nipple, swirling it around slowly. he wanted to take his time with her. savor the taste of her. the feeling of her. his beautiful girl. she moaned softly, running her manicured nails through his soft locks, encouraging him to keep going. his hand started to explore her body a little further, aiming for the spot she needed him most. his fingers softly landed on her clit, making her heart speed up. he looked up at her with her nipple still in his mouth and he gave her a cheeky grin. 
“this ok with you, princess?” 
she nodded eagerly, grabbing his hand and placing more pressure onto her clit, urging him to do something. he chuckled softly, taking the hint, and spread her plush thighs apart a little more. he wanted to make sure he had plenty of room to make her feel real good. he rubbed his fingers up and down her folds, getting his fingers wet with her arousal. she couldn’t believe how wet she was already. he made a noise of approval at her wetness and eventually his middle finger made it’s way into her warm hole. she instantly felt herself flutter against his finger. it had been so long since she’d been touched, it was all so overwhelming. she bucked her hips against his hand, asking for more. she whined loudly when his ring finger joined his middle inside of her. he kept his pace steady, admiring how gone she already was. 
“you like this baby?” jaehyun asked sweetly, with a hint of condescension.
“mmm so good jae, i want you so fucking bad” she moaned.
his fingers picked up the pace, hitting her sweet spot repeatedly. he pounded her with such force that she began rocking against his fingers greedily. she was so close to letting go. eventually she hit her peak and let out drawn out, lewd sound of satisfaction. she swore she was seeing stars.
“atta girl” 
she panted, making her chest raise up and down as she came down from her orgasm. as satisfied as she felt, she needed MORE. she was insatiable. she needed to feel all of him and she needed it NOW. she shot up and crashed her lips against his. jaehyun hadn’t taken his clothes off the whole time, leaving her aching to see him. she unbuttoned his dress shirt hurriedly and pushed it off of his broad shoulders. she pulled away to admire his muscular form. she couldn’t believe he was all hers. he gave her a smirk, gesturing to his body.
“like what you see, princess?”
with a bat of her eyelashes and a sweet smile, she unbuckled his belt and tossed it somewhere, then pulled off his pants and underwear in one go. jaehyun sat up against the headboard with his legs out straight, while she kneeled perpendicular to him, leaning over to touch his dick. she grazed the tip of his thick member with her finger tips. she leaned down and gave the tip a few sweet kisses and he cooed at her, stroking her hair. she finally licked a stripe from the base to the top of his dick and went to work with her mouth. she swirled her tongue all around his dick, wanting to make him feel good. he groaned and spit out a “good girl” through clenched teeth. she looked up at him with the most sultry bedroom eyes she could muster. her dark, smokey makeup she applied earlier definitely helped. he made a makeshift ponytail with his fist and bunched up her hair, not pulling but just holding it there. soon after he pulled her off of his dick, not wanting to cum that way.
“fuck, lay down baby” jaehyun said and got back on top of her. he placed a pillow under her head and her hips, making sure she was comfortable. he gave her one last kiss on her nose before lining his tip up with her entrance, slowly pushing himself into her warm hole. they both moaned out in unison, enjoying the intimacy of this moment. he began to pick up the pace, making her squeak and grab onto his strong biceps. her boobs bounced with each strong thrust, driving jaehyun absolutely insane. his eyes flickered from her beautiful fucked out face, back to her soft, voluptuous body. 
“you feel so good baby, can’t believe i finally get to have you like this. so perfect” jaehyun said while pounding her even harder. her hold on his biceps became stronger as she needed something to anchor herself onto. her moans got louder and louder, as did the sounds of their bodies crashing together. he grabbed her leg, placed it onto his shoulder, pressed a gentle kiss on her calf, then on her ankle, and finally the sole of her foot. she felt her soul leave her body as she begged him for more.
“please baby pleaseee” she whined.
he grabbed her other leg and placed it on his shoulder and thrusted at a deeper angle, really hitting the perfect spot. 
“fuck jae keep fucking me like that please baby”
he looked down at where their bodies collided and noticed her hand sneak down the front of her body. she played with her clit, desperately trying to reach her peak again. he grabbed both of her wrists, pinning them at the sides of her head and interlaced their fingers. their foreheads touched and they looked deeply into each other’s eyes. their lips met again, this time the kiss was passionate and needy. desperately wanting to finish each other off. finally, she felt the familiar sensation of an orgasm arriving and she let go, moaning her man’s name for the whole world to hear. he finished soon after with a guttural sound, emptying everything he had to offer into her. they laid there in bliss, waiting for their heart rates to return back to normal. 
jaehyun was about to pull out to get a bath started for the two of them but she wrapped her arms and legs around him, trapping him in place.
“no please, not yet” she said in a small voice, not wanting to ruin the intimate atmosphere. he chuckled softly, pressing soft kisses all over her pretty, flushed face. 
“anything for you, princess”
the end 💋
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official-shot · 2 years
dating history
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Xxx (date) — talk about vibes together
Xxx (since 2017) — wholesome vibes
Park Jimin (2014 - 2016) — breakdown
Lee Taeyong (2017 - 2019) — two creative chaotics
Lim Jaebom (since 2019) — breakdown
Kim Hongjoong (since 2021) — fangirling together
Winwin (2016 - 2017) — finish each other's sentences
Jeon Wonwoo (2018 - 2020) — nerds together
Jeong Jaehyun (2020 - 2021) — breakdown
Kim Doyoung (since 2021) — help each other let go and enjoy the moment
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angelsfat3 · 24 days
ꮩ, 你是我的一切。⸻[line without a hook.]
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ‘I am a wreck when I’m without you’ ︳SJ.
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Genre: fluff, suggestive, comfort, stable relationship (halfway).
Summary: You are the perfect boyfriend for him, you are everything he desires and craves... But malicious people always end up winning, sometimes.
C/w: Insecure reader, feminization, Jake being a sweetheart, reader being blind because of his insecurities. -ㅤTw: insecurity, fear, mention of depression, jealousy/envy. | nothing else, if it's the opposite, don't hesitate to let me know!
The first time you were paired up with Jake for a chemistry project, you weren’t sure what to expect. You’d heard the rumors—Jake Sim, the star quarterback, known for being aggressive on the field and a bit of a flirt off it. But there was something about Jake that drew you in, something beyond his athletic build and that charming smile seemingly designed to disarm anyone in his path.
It was his confidence, the way he carried himself like he owned the room wherever he went. And you, with your delicate demeanor, soft voice, and careful gestures, couldn’t help but wonder if you could ever measure up.
From day one in the lab, you noticed how Jake watched you, like he was trying to figure you out. Despite the differences between you, he didn’t seem fazed by your gentle manner. In fact, there was a curiosity in his gaze, almost like admiration, that made you both nervous and intrigued.
As time went on, his teasing and flirting became more apparent. Jake found excuses to brush your hand when passing you equipment, leaning in too close when he spoke, like he enjoyed being in your personal space. At first, it threw you off, but soon enough, you realized you couldn’t help but be drawn to him. Every time he called you "prince" in that playful tone, your heart would race, even though you couldn’t stop yourself from blushing—especially when he did it in front of your classmates.
Jake, for his part, seemed to enjoy every moment with you. He made you laugh with his antics and didn’t hesitate to show his interest, no matter who was around. What started as a simple academic partnership quickly became something more. After class, Jake would invite you for coffee or a walk around campus, and before long, those moments became the highlight of your day.
The chemistry between you two was undeniable—and not just the kind in the lab. The lingering glances, the accidental touches, the smiles that lasted a beat too long... It was clear that both of you felt something more, something that went beyond friendship. But neither of you seemed willing to take the first step, like you were both waiting for the other to speak up.
One afternoon, after a long lab session, the two of you were alone in the hallway. The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over everything. You’d decided that this was the moment. You couldn’t keep pretending that everything was normal when all you wanted was to be closer to Jake. Heart pounding, you turned to him, ready to say something, but before you could, Jake took your hand.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” Jake said, his tone more serious than usual. His gaze locked onto yours, and in that moment, you knew he felt the same. “I don’t want to keep pretending we’re just lab partners or friends. You’re everything I’ve been looking for, and you drive me crazy, [...]. So, will you be my boyfriend?”
Your breath caught for a second. You’d been about to say the same thing, but Jake, in true Jake fashion, had beaten you to it. A shy smile crept onto your face, and before you could respond, he was already pulling you closer, waiting for your answer.
“Yes, Jake,” you whispered, feeling the warmth of his hand enveloping yours. “Yes, I want to be your boyfriend!!”
Jake didn’t wait any longer. He pulled you into a tight embrace, and in that moment, you knew you’d found someone who accepted you exactly as you were, someone who saw in you all the things you were still learning to love about yourself.
From then on, things only got more intense. Jake had no qualms about showing how much he cared about you, even in front of his football buddies or while walking around campus. To him, you were perfect just the way you were, and he made sure you knew it. What started as a simple lab partnership turned into something beautiful—into a love that knew no limits or fears, where both of you found comfort and happiness in each other.
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A year had passed since your honeymoon with Jake began. Everything seemed perfect on the surface: the stolen kisses between classes, the prolonged hugs, and those nights when you stayed over at his apartment, curled up in his arms.
But in the last month, a shadow of doubt had begun to settle in your heart, an insecurity you hadn’t felt before. You tried to ignore it, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
Spontaneously, you started creating an irrational fear that you couldn’t meet the standards people had set for Jake’s partner.
That afternoon, after a particularly long class, you left the classroom intending to find Jake. You knew he was always waiting for you, no matter how late you finished.
And there he was, just as you had imagined, but this time, you saw him talking to Chloe, his lifelong friend. They were at a certain distance, far enough that you couldn’t hear what they were saying, but even so, just seeing them together made a pang of insecurity pierce your chest.
You stopped for a moment, watching the scene. Chloe laughed at something Jake had said, and then, as if she noticed, she looked at you from afar. She pointed in your direction, smiling broadly, and although you couldn’t hear her words, you could read her lips: "Your boyfriend is out, go kiss him, tiger."
Jake quickly turned, and upon seeing you, his expression changed. His eyes lit up, and a radiant smile appeared on his face.
He waved Chloe goodbye with a quick hand gesture and a friendly smile before heading towards you. You felt your heart race as he approached, but this time, it wasn’t just the excitement of seeing him, but also that pang of doubt you couldn’t shake off.
When Jake finally reached you, he didn’t wait a second before wrapping you in a warm embrace. He kissed your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, covering every inch of your face with little kisses that made you feel a mix of relief and anxiety.
"Finally, my love," he whispered against your skin, his voice full of affection and a hint of desperation. "Another minute in there, and I was about to go in and carry you out like a prince. I missed you so much." His tone was playful, and you couldn’t help but smile, though that shadow still lingered in the back of your mind, with that irritating little voice.
As you walked together towards the exit, Jake kept his arm around your waist, as he always did, showing you with every gesture how much he cared for you.
However, in the past month, those same gestures that once filled you with security now made you wonder if you were really enough for him.
What if he was more comfortable with girls like Chloe, who weren’t just attractive, but also shared his energy and personality? What if you, with your femininity, were a burden or something he had to tolerate? Why the hell weren’t you a girl?
You started recalling how, in recent weeks, you had noticed some passive-aggressive comments from Jake’s friends, especially his soccer team.
Things like: "[...] would be the perfect girl if only you were... well, a girl," or "Jake, your boyfriend looks like he’s from a fashion show, wouldn’t you like him to be more like... you know, a girl? Instead of an effeminate faggot pretending to be a woman." Although said in a joking tone, those words had begun to take root in your mind, making you question if you were really what Jake wanted or if, deep down, he also wished you were different.
With every comment, you felt that dark shadow slowly embracing you, making you start to feel disgusted by yourself, by who you were, by being you.
You tried to shake off those thoughts as you walked together, but you couldn’t help a part of you from feeling hurt and vulnerable. Jake noticed you were quieter than usual and pulled you a little closer to his side, looking down at you with concern.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asked softly, leaning down to search your eyes. "You seem a little distant... Did something happen? Did someone say something to you?"
You shook your head, forcing yourself to smile. "It’s nothing, just... a bit tired, I guess."
Jake frowned slightly, clearly not convinced, but he didn’t push further at that moment. Instead, he kept walking with you towards the exit, maintaining his protective embrace around you. But even as he surrounded you with his warmth, the doubt in your mind kept growing, darkening what should have been a happy moment.
You didn’t want Jake to think you didn’t trust him, but those comments and your own insecurities were eating you up inside.
You knew that eventually, you would have to be honest with him, that you would have to talk about what was bothering you, but you weren’t sure how to start without sounding weak or insecure.
And so, the silence between you remained, filled with unspoken words and unexpressed emotions, as you kept walking together towards the exit.
The weeks that followed your change in style were a whirlwind of emotions.
What started as a simple insecurity soon turned into an obsession that affected every aspect of your life.
The new clothes you had adopted, the loose shirts and dark jeans, not only transformed your appearance but also made you feel increasingly disconnected from who you really were, you were losing yourself. Every morning, when you looked in the mirror, you saw someone you didn’t recognize, and that only increased your anxiety.
Your insecurities grew so much that you even started dreaming of the worst-case scenario. In your nightmares, Jake laughed at you, mocking your efforts to fit in.
In some dreams, he confessed that he was with Chloe or other girls, as if the image you had created of yourself had completely failed to retain his attention.
You would wake up in the middle of the night with a racing heart, drenched in cold sweat, and found it hard to fall back asleep. These dreams only intensified the fear and insecurity you already felt in your daily life.
The change in your behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Jake’s friends. They started making increasingly blatant comments about your appearance. "Wow, [...], are you trying to be more masculine, or is it just a phase?" one of them joked, while another added, "With those clothes, you could finally pass as a guy. What’s up? Are you trying to impress someone?"
Although the words were wrapped in laughter, you couldn’t help but feel that they were criticizing an essential part of who you were. The discomfort was reflected on your face, and although you tried to respond with a smile, inside, you felt devastated.
What partly filled you with anger was that they always waited for the exact moment when Jake wasn’t around, avoiding his defensiveness with you.
Jake, for his part, was in a constant state of worry. He saw you growing more distant, and his attempts to get closer only seemed to make you more evasive. He had noticed how your responses were becoming shorter and how the excuses to not spend time with him were becoming more frequent.
Every time he invited you to his apartment, you found a reason to avoid it.
"I’m tired," you would say. "I’m really sleepy." "I don’t feel well." "I have to study for exams..."
Although Jake tried to maintain a compassionate attitude and not pressure you, his concern was evident.
Every time you were absent, he spent the time thinking about what he might have done wrong, wondering if there was something he could do to help you. He would spend sleepless nights going over old messages and analyzing conversations, looking for any clue that would indicate where he had failed.
One afternoon, while checking his phone, Jake found a message that made his heart stop. It was from a friend on his team, making a subtle jab about your appearance: "Did you see how [...] has been dressing lately? Looks like he’s trying to be more like a normal guy. What’s going on in his head?"
Jake’s worry turned into anguish. "What was happening to [...]?"
Not only did he see you growing distant, but it also seemed like you were forcing yourself to change your identity to fit a mold that wasn’t yours. Jake was desperate to get to the bottom of what was going on, but every time he tried to talk to you, you shut down even more.
One night, while you were in your room, clutching a pillow and feeling overwhelming sadness, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
The person you saw was not the same one who loved Jake, nor the one Jake had known and cherished from the beginning. Tears began to flow, and you felt trapped in a prison of insecurities that you had built for yourself.
You hated seeing yourself like this; your spark was gone, and your essence was missing. You were no longer the person who used to brighten the day just with their smile.
You didn’t know how to escape this maze of self-deception and fear, and the dread of Jake discovering your pain without you being able to tell him the truth only heightened your distress.
You wondered if, by being honest, you would only confirm your worst fears: that you weren’t enough, that Jake might find someone better, and that your efforts to fit in had only caused more damage.
Seeing your growing avoidance and the pain in your eyes, Jake was determined to do something, even though he didn’t know exactly what. His love for you was unconditional, and every time he saw you drifting away, he felt an overwhelming helplessness, his heart aching and squeezing with pain.
He wanted to tell you that you didn’t have to change, that he loved you just as you were, but he didn’t know how to break through the barrier you had erected.
The night you found yourself in your room, crying and wishing things could go back to how they were before, Jake was at his apartment, feeling a deep emptiness in his chest. He knew he couldn’t go on like this; he had to find a way to reach you before the distance between you became an insurmountable chasm.
So, he decided to send you a message, inviting you over to his apartment the next day for a whole day alone together.
Jake knew he needed to spend some one-on-one time with you to talk about what was happening and try to understand the distance you had placed between you two.
The message arrived on your phone in the middle of the rainy night.
Reading it, you felt paralyzed, unsure how to respond. You knew it was time to face reality and stop avoiding Jake. For long minutes, you wrestled with whether to write a sincere reply or come up with another excuse. You typed and deleted messages repeatedly:
"I'm sorry, but I have a lot of studying to do."
You deleted the message, feeling it wasn’t a real reason to avoid Jake.
Then you tried another: "I'm not sure if I’m free tomorrow…”
Again, you deleted it, feeling it was a vague excuse.
Finally, after much thought, you wrote something more genuine.
"Hi love, thanks for the invitation. I think spending the day with you would be good for me. What time would you like me to come?"
Sending the message brought a mix of relief and nervousness, as you constantly checked your phone for his reply. You knew this meeting was inevitable and that, although you feared facing the truth, it was also necessary.
Jake was your boyfriend, someone who loved you deeply, and he deserved to know what was going on.
Jake replied quickly: "Perfect. I’m looking forward to seeing you :((. I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow at 10 am!"
You spent the night tossing and turning in bed, consumed by anxiety. You imagined how the conversation would go, feeling a weight in your chest.
Doubts and fears tormented you: How would you explain your insecurities to Jake? How would you put into words the anguish you felt without it seeming like an attack on his love for you?
The next day, you arrived at Jake’s house with a mix of nervousness and hope. Jake greeted you with a warm hug, a gentle kiss on the lips, and a whisper full of affection: “I’ve missed you so much, my beautiful prince.” His gaze was fixed on yours, his eyes shining with an intensity that took your breath away, revealing all the love and devotion he felt for you. Every time he looked at you, you could feel his heart beating only for you, as if the entire galaxy was reflected in his eyes.
You spent the morning together, enjoying a homemade meal and an afternoon of movies. Jake couldn’t stop caressing your hand, drawing soft circles with his thumb, or stealing quick kisses on your forehead, cheek, and lips. Each kiss was filled with a restrained passion, as if he couldn’t resist the need to be close to you, to reaffirm his love for you.
However, the warmth of the environment couldn’t dispel the tension you felt. Jake noticed your discomfort and, by the end of the afternoon, looked at you with concern.
“Love,” he began, his voice soft and low, as his fingers gently stroked your cheek, “I know something is bothering you, something you’ve been keeping to yourself for a while. I’ve noticed you’ve been distant and evasive lately.” His eyes never left yours, searching to understand what was going on in your heart. “I just want to know what’s really happening.”
You sat on the couch, trying to gather the courage to speak. Jake moved closer to you, his warm hands holding yours, and his eyes filled with understanding and tenderness. The silence grew heavy as you searched for the right words. Jake leaned in, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before looking at you again, as if to tell you that he was there, that there was nothing to fear.
Finally, you lay back on the couch next to him, feeling his comforting warmth. Jake wrapped his arms around you, offering a steady support. With your voice trembling, you began to speak.
“Jake,” you started, your voice breaking with emotion, “I’ve been feeling so insecure. The way some of your friends make comments about my appearance, and how they compare me to a girl... Plus, whenever you’re not around, they take the opportunity to tell me I’d look better as a girl and to stop pretending to be so feminine... I-I’ve tried to change my style, dressing in a more masculine way, because I thought maybe that would make you more comfortable and that you wouldn’t have to deal with my way of being. But instead, I’ve only felt more lost, constantly comparing myself to your friend, to the cheerleaders... I envy them because I can’t be them, I can’t be what people expect when they find out I’m your partner...”
Tears began to roll down your cheeks, and Jake hugged you tighter, his concern evident. Gently, he started to stroke your hair and kiss your forehead, whispers filled with affection and comfort.
“Love, you don’t have to change anything to fit into some stupid standard that people created themselves,” Jake whispered, kissing your cheek as his hands continued to caress you with palpable devotion. “What I want most is for you to be happy and confident in yourself. It doesn’t matter how you dress or how you feel, I love you for who you are. You are perfect for me, just as you are.”
Jake continued to speak, his lips brushing your skin with each word, infusing every kiss and caress with a love that seemed endless. He looked into your eyes, his gaze filled with honesty and a love so deep that made you feel secure.
“When we get married, I’ll know that I’ll be joined in heart and soul with the best man in the world. I don’t want you to feel like you have to change anything for me to love you more. This heart only beats fast for you, you are my reason for everything. In fact, I’m the one who fears not meeting your expectations; I want to be the best boyfriend and future husband for you.”
His words were a balm for your anguish, and he hugged you even tighter, stroking your head and back. As you lay on his chest, feeling his heart beat in a calm and steady rhythm, Jake continued to whisper words of love and support.
“What I want, more than anything, is for you to be okay,” Jake said, his voice soft but firm. His fingers traced through your hair before descending down your neck, caressing every inch of your skin with infinite tenderness. “If there’s anything I can do to help you feel better, I’ll do it without hesitation. I’m here for you, to listen and support you in whatever you need.”
Jake’s words wrapped you in a cloak of comfort, and gradually, you felt more at ease. The weight of your insecurities began to lighten, and for the first time in weeks, you felt understood and loved. Jake, with his unconditional love, was willing to do anything to make you happy, to keep you safe, and to ensure you always knew how much he loved you.
Jake continued to hold you as you calmed down and started to relax, his voice soft and reassuring in your ears: “Remember, this heart only beats for you. You are the reason for my happiness, and nothing will change that, absolutely nothing or no one.”
That day at Jake’s apartment became a turning point for both of you, a reminder that even in moments of insecurity, true love can light the way to understanding and mutual growth. Jake loved you like no one else ever had, and his gaze, his touches, and his kisses were living proof of that unwavering devotion.
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ㅤㅤㅤBonus scene.
The café was full of students chatting and laughing, but for you and Jake, the world was reduced to that small corner where you both enjoyed each other's company. After the difficult days you had been through, you had become yourself again, regaining your confidence and style, feeling at peace with who you were. Jake had always been by your side, never leaving you for a moment, showing his love in a thousand ways, ensuring you never doubted his devotion again.
And when I say in any way... He did, he made you love your body from the moment you stayed at his place and his hands roamed to other places, but anyway!
You were sitting at a table by the window, enjoying a quiet lunch. Jake had you hugged around the waist, his hand gently caressing your hip as you shared a few bites and a laugh or two. Every now and then, Jake would lean in to kiss your neck, making you smile and laugh with that familiar tickle you enjoyed so much. His affection was so natural, so evident, that it made you feel loved and protected at all times.
As he traced small circles on your waist, you turned to look at him and found those eyes that always looked at you with adoration. Jake smiled and planted a kiss on your cheek, his lips lingering a bit longer than usual on your skin, as if he wanted to mark that moment.
Suddenly, a group of guys burst into the café, their hurried steps leading them directly to you. They were Jake's friends, the same ones who weeks earlier had made hurtful comments about your appearance and had, 'unintentionally,' triggered all your insecurities.
They stopped in front of you, their faces pale and their eyes filled with a mix of terror and regret.
"P-please, forgive us!," one of them said, with a trembling voice, "we didn’t mean to make you feel bad. It was j-just a joke... We really didn’t think it would affect you like this!"
You were left blank, unsure how to react. The guys, who were usually so confident and joking, now looked like scolded puppies, heads down and pleading eyes.
You looked at Jake, hoping he would help you decide what to do. When you turned to him, you noticed something that left you frozen: Jake's expression had changed drastically.
His eyes, which just moments ago had shone with love and tenderness, were now cold, almost inhuman.
He looked at them with barely contained fury, his lips forming a tight line while his hands remained on your waist, but now with a firmer grip, pulling you closer to him, to the point where your leg and his were completely pressed together—as if he were protecting you from something.
That murderous look on his face left you speechless; you had never seen him like this, and the intensity of his anger was palpable.
Jake’s friends noticed the change too, and their nervousness intensified. They looked even smaller under Jake’s icy gaze, as if they knew they were in danger.
After moments that felt eternal, you decided to speak, trying to ease the tension: "It’s okay... Don’t worry, it’s over."
But before you could close the issue with a kind smile, Jake whispered in your ear, his voice deep and soft, almost a dangerous murmur: "My sweet boy, no. It’s not okay what they did." His hand slid down your back to your waist, squeezing it affectionately but with a determination that brooked no refusal. "Do you forgive them or not, my prince? After all the crap they made you go through."
Jake looked at you with so much love and adoration that it completely disarmed you. Despite his fury, his eyes reflected such pure affection that you could feel the warmth of his heart melting away any doubt. You could almost see his pupils dilating into hearts as he awaited your response.
Not knowing what else to do, you nodded shyly and murmured: "Uh, well, yes... I forgive them, just... let it not happen again, please."
The guys quickly nodded, their faces full of relief and still fear, looking pale. "Y-yes, of course! We’ll never do anything like that again, we promise," they said with trembling voices before rushing away as fast as they could, as if fleeing from a predator.
When they finally left the café, Jake let out a soft laugh, one that seemed a bit darker than usual, and gave you a shiver down your spine.
You knew Jake was protective and possessive, but that laugh revealed a side of him you had barely glimpsed. A side that secretly fascinated you. Despite how unsettling it could be, you couldn’t help but be attracted to that intensity, to that almost dangerous devotion Jake had just for you.
"Bastards," Jake murmured with a crooked smile before turning his attention back to you.
And as if that dark side had never existed, he kissed you gently on the cheek, then on the lips, and finally on the neck, returning to being the same loving guy who made you feel like the most special person in the world.
His hands resumed tracing those soft circles on your waist while his lips left small kisses wherever they reached.
"I love you so much, baby," he whispered against your skin, and you knew he meant it. Jake wouldn’t let anything or anyone hurt you again. You were safe in his arms, loved in a way only Jake could offer you, with a mix of sweetness, passion, and a touch of danger that made your heart race.
Then, you squinted and looked at him with curiosity, raising an eyebrow. "Jaaaake... You had something to do with what just happened, didn’t you?"
Jake paused for a moment, only to then laugh softly against your neck. The sound was low, almost conspiratorial, and you felt his warm breath on your skin as his lips curved into a smile. Without moving his face from your neck, he whispered in your ear: "Mmh... Let’s just say I made sure they understood not to get involved in what does not concern them.."
You were left open-mouthed, surprised by what you had just heard. It wasn’t a direct threat, but the way Jake had said it... with that dangerous calm, made you understand that he had made it clear to those guys not to mess with you, at least not near you and him.
"What...?" You managed to stammer, still trying to process the situation.
Jake let out a small chuckle, noting your surprise. "Sorry, my love, but I had to make sure they understood that no one, absolutely no one, messes with you without facing me. You're mine and I have to protect you, always."
Despite how shocked you were, you couldn't help but smile. There was something about that protective, even a bit sadistic side of Jake that attracted you. The way he was willing to anything to make you feel safe, loved, was further proof of how deep his love for you was.
And when Jake kissed you again, first on the cheek, then on the lips, and finally on the neck, the whole world disappeared again, leaving you only with the guy who loved you more than anyone ever could.
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메모 ! 📌ㅤ⸻ㅤ I projected myself when writing this, but okay, I hope the bonus has continued... Necessary to the plot, Jake won't always be a sugar cube. He has to take care of what's his, y’know.
아이디어 !ㅤ⸻ㅤI'm very short of ideas lately, so feel free to leave me any requests! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
If you liked it you can like, follow me or reblog!! <3
ㅤㅤ All credits to @angelsfat3 / @foschiamara.
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jaelvr · 5 months
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Home | NCT 127 masterlist |
Requested : yes by @couturethiquefemboy
Prompts ;  121. “I miss you, more than I thought possible.” + 66. “kiss me harder.”
Pairing : frat! jaehyun x gn! reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff, suggestive
Word count : 5k
Content: mutual feelings, opposites, college au, basketball jock, dancer reader, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
You excused yourself from the group in the living room, making your way through the sea of bodies to the kitchen to grab another drink, refilling the red plastic cup of God knows what. He was sat on the counter, quick to dismiss the people in front of him as he saw you, sliding himself off before approaching you. His red-tinted sunglasses sat on top of his freshly dyed hair, the leather jacket pulled over his iconic jersey. "Hey sunshine." he murmured, his hand finding your waist. "I was wondering when you were going to come and annoy me." you chuckled, eyebrows raised as you sipped your drink. Jaehyun snickered at your retort. He was hoping you'd speak to him tonight, watching you all evening. “Just taking a break. I’ll go find someone else to annoy.” He smiled, his dimple showing against his smooth skin. “Unless you want me around?”
"Never do." you joked back, a small grin playing on your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He smiled down at you, grip on your waist tightening as he pulled you closer to his body, arms tight on your waist. "Never say never. I'll win you over eventually." Jaehyun gave you a cocky grin, gently nuzzling into your neck and placing kisses against it. "Keep dreaming, pretty boy." you whispered, biting your lip gently as your hand ran through his hair. Jaehyun smiled against your skin as your hand was in his hair. He kissed down your neck to your collarbone. His hands slowly made their way to your hips. Jaehyun kissed his way to your lips and finally claimed them. One hand gripping your hip, the other gently holding your chin. Your hand gently tugged on his hair as you made out, cheeks flushed. He smirked against your lips as he nipped at your bottom lip. His hand on your hip pulled you even closer. Jaehyun's tongue slipped through your lips to explore your mouth. His hand that held your chin slowly moved down your body to your thighs.
You grinned, pulling away as you heard your name being called in the other room. "That's my cue to leave." you murmured against his lips, pecking them one more time. Jaehyun was left disappointed. He wanted to keep kissing you. He leaned his forehead on yours with a smile. “Will I ever get you alone?” He whispered against your lips. Jaehyun pulled your face in for another quick kiss, his lips lingering. “I should let you go now. But please promise you’ll find time for me tonight.” He moved his hands to your hips so you could leave easily. His gaze not leaving you. "No promises, pretty boy." you giggled, kissing his cheek, your lipstick leaving a mark before you disappeared back into the crowd. Jaehyun watched you leave, still standing in the middle of the kitchen. He smirked, placing a hand over his cheek that still had your lipstick mark. He fixed his leather jacket and red-tinted sunglasses before going off to find someone else to pester.
He loved the chase, that's for sure.
Jaehyun slowly entered the studio, he watched your body move in the mirror. His eyes followed you gracefully throughout the room. Jaehyun loved watching you dance. He watched with such admiration. He was leaning on the door frame, just watching not wanting to interrupt your practice. You hadn't noticed him until you finished, seeing him smile as you looked up in the mirror. Jaehyun began clapping and whistling as you walked over to the stereo to turn the music off. He couldn’t help but watch you as you walked over to him. “That was quite the show sweetheart.” He smirked, his gaze roaming all over you. "Stalking me now?" you teased, shooting him a smirk as you wiped the sweat on your forehead, grabbing your towel. He followed behind you. His eyes were glued to your body as it was covered in sweat. Jaehyun bit his lip, shaking his head softly. He leaned down to your ear and grinned. “Just admiring the view.”
"Shouldn't you be in basketball practice?" you asked, head tilted as you drank some water. Jaehyun shrugged, leaning against the back wall. He crossed his arms over his chest. “I got out of practice a little bit ago. Figured you’d still be here so I came to bother you.” he smirked. “Besides… I got a better view here.” he murmured, eyes still wondering. "You always this insufferable? or just to me?" you asked, purposely bending down to place your water bottle back down. Jaehyun chuckled lightly. “Just you sunshine. You bring out the best in me.” His attention was pulled to your body when you leaned down. He licked his lips before going over to you. “You look… hot when you’re sweaty.” he murmured, arms wrapped around your waist again. "Is that so?" you murmured, hands resting on his chest. 
Jaehyun's hands slowly found their place on your hips. He smiled down at you, his thumbs gently rubbing circles. “You have no idea the things I’ve dreamt about…” he murmured, leaning a kiss to your neck. He planted a few loving kisses on your heated skin, nipping here and there. "Please do share." you murmured, smirking at him as you teased him with your wondering hands. His hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer to his body. He nipped and kissed all over your neck and lower jaw. “We could start out here. We could go over there.” Jaehyun gestured to the wall next to the stereo. His lips nipped at your earlobe. “Or… I can just take you right here...” Jaehyun's tone changed to a husky whisper as he kissed your skin.  "What if someone walks in?" you murmured, lips brushing against his neck. Jaehyun pressed his body against yours. “Mmm… I don’t care if someone walks in. Do you? I’d love for them to see how pretty you are.” 
"Jae..." you murmured, his name slipping out of your lips as he pressed kisses to your neck. Jaehyun paused. He pulled away slightly, looking into your eyes. He was surprised you had called him his actual name. “Say it again…” his tone was softer now. He caressed your cheek, his thumb brushing your cheekbone. "Jaehyun…" you murmured, looking up at him. “Much better. That pretty little mouth shouldn’t say my other name. It shouldn’t say any other guy's name.” Jaehyun had pulled your whole body against his. His lips captured yours. He poured his frustrations out through his kisses. They slowly grew more desperate. "Jae, please..." you let out whimpers, messily making out with him. “Mmm? Now you ask for things...?” he whispered into your ear. He nipped at your skin to tease you. “What do you want sunshine? Tell me.” Jaehyun's voice in your ear low and dark. The want building up inside of him. He began leaving more bruising kisses on your neck and collarbone. "You..." you murmured, in a daze.
“You have me sunshine.” Jaehyun murmured against your skin. He nibbled at the skin between your neck and collarbone, leaving soft and bruising kisses in his path. “All mine...” he nipped at your skin with a grin. Jaehyun took your hands in his and backed you into the wall. “Just like that. All mine.” There was a hint of possessiveness and jealousy laced in his tone. Just as things started getting more heated, his phone went off, interrupting the moment. Jaehyun was breathing heavily. His lips trailed to your collarbone and neck one more time. He stopped before pulling away altogether, reaching into his back pocket for his phone. “Goddamn it…. It’s probably coach.” He checked his phone and sighed. His breath was quick and his cheeks flushed. "S'alright, take it." you murmured, clearing your throat as you pulled away. Jaehyun paused and looked at you with an apologetic smile. He was obviously frustrated, and so close to losing it with you. He took a moment and pulled out his phone. “Give me a minute. I’ll be right back.” He sighed, stepping away from you. He went outside to take the call.
you let out a huff, running a hand through your hair. While this was nothing new between the two of you, it had never escalated this far. You sat down, reminding yourself that it probably meant nothing to the frat boy, doing this all the time with other people. Jaehyun took the call outside, his phone against his ear. He was pacing back and forth. The fact you let him kiss you like that was eating at him. You had turned him on more than anyone in a long time. he sighed as he hung up after a few minutes, and slowly made his way back into the studio, looking for you. Jaehyun's eyes were glued to your body as you started going through the routine again. Your body was so beautiful and graceful. He was mesmerized by you. He couldn’t help himself, his eyes took in every inch of you. Jaehyun finally stopped leaning against the doorway to walk over to you, he came up behind you. His hands slowly went around your waist, and he stood directly behind you. "Was it your coach?" you murmured, avoiding his eyes.
Jaehyun shrugged, his hands gently rubbing your sides. You could hear him take in your scent. “He can wait.” Jaehyun murmured. It drove him crazy. He moved your hair out of the way so he could plant a soft kiss on the back of your neck. "You should probably go to practice." you whispered, voice wavering slightly. "I was about to finish up and go home anyway." you lied, looking away. Jaehyun sighed, grabbing your hips tightly. He turned you around to face him. It was hard for him to be so close to you and not want to have you right there. “I just want one more moment with you before I go. Come here.” his grip tightened, not letting you out of his reach at all. "Jae-" you started before he cut you off. Jaehyun silenced you as he put his fingers against your lips, he pulled your hips against his body again, his body pressing against yours. “One minute. One more minute with you. That’s all I want and need.” He murmured, his lips meeting yours. His kiss was passionate and hungry. His hands gripped your hips, and he held you closer.
"You should go to practice now." you murmured once the pair of you had parted, not looking at him as you grabbed your stuff. Jaehyun stared at you. His lips curled in a slight frown. He hated the way you’d dismiss him. He'd had never felt such jealousy over someone before. He felt you belonged to him. Jaehyun knew he’d never be the guy to just let you go so easy. “You’re really leaving?” he muttered in a low and deep voice. "I'll see you tomorrow, Jaehyun." you murmured, sparing him a glance before walking out of the studio, leaving him standing in there alone. He watched you leave, His body was screaming at him to go after you. Every fibre in his being was pushing him to find you. But Jaehyun's ego, his pride wouldn’t let him chase after you. He clenched his fist and stomped out of the door. His mind screaming to go after you. Jaehyun leaned against his car in anger as his phone buzzed with another text and call from his coach.
You were so confusing.
Over the next few weeks, you avoided him, not responding to any calls or texts he'd left you and making sure not to bump into him in college. You were currently getting ready for your performance in the showcase for dance, doing a duet with Chan. He was part of the other frat group, and the rivalry between skz and ncit was strong, but you got along with both perfectly, his charming nature making it easy to bond. Your nerves were slowly kicking it, pacing around backstage. Jaehyun had given up on texting and calling you. He was frustrated and didn’t know what he did wrong. He knew he didn’t have any reason to be jealous or possessive of you, but that was exactly how he was feeling. knowing you would be performing tonight, he decided to come and watch your performances. Jaehyun entered the back room, standing close to the wall in the corner where he could see you without anyone noticing. He kept his eyes glued to you when you entered. He felt a spark of jealousy seeing Chan talk to you.
"Is it that obvious I'm nervous?" you murmured gently, looking up at Chan who was already gazing at you. Chan smirked, leaning against the wall. He had one arm crossed over his chest and his legs were crossed. He was trying hard to be cool and casual, it was hard with you so close to him “Yeah. It is pretty evident.” Chan mumbled. He leaned in close to you, placing his hands on your sides and whispering. “I’m sure you’ll do fine. You always do." He comforted, hands tightening. "What if I mess our dance up?" you frowned, unsure. Chan smirked. He leaned down close to you, his eyes looking into yours. He smirked and shook his head slowly. “Impossible. There’s no way you can mess up. Because if anyone screws up. It’ll be me, just so you know.” Chan leaned in to whisper against your ear. He smirked as his hands gripped your sides a little tighter. “But if you mess up. I’m making you come home with me tonight.” You wiggled slightly in his grip, laughing nervously, thinking he was joking.
Chan was definitely not joking. He had every intent on taking you home with him tonight. His plan was to charm you so much that you wouldn’t be able to say no. Chan had a cocky smirk on his face, his arms tightening around your waist. Before you could say anything, your names were announced, your cue to come on stage. You made your way on, your breath hitching as you saw Jaehyun in the audience, not expecting him to come.  Jaehyun's eyes were glued on you, the way the spotlight hit your skin just made you shine like a bright star. He hated that Chan was by your side. He could see the two of you dancing together, and it drove him crazy, attention was on you and not the performance. Jaehyun leaned back against the wall in the back to get a better view. Chan was taking a few steps with you, his hands gripping your waist tightly. Chan whispered sweet nothings in your ear as you guys danced. Jaehyun was fuming.
You focused on the dance, not paying attention to either of the boys throughout the performance, locking eyes with Jaehyun as you finished the routine. Jaehyun smiled as you locked eyes with him. His eyes were filled with pride as you finished the dance routine with Chan. He had seen your whole performance, his body was filled with jealousy and possessiveness during every movement Chan made with you. He clapped his hands as soon as you finished the performance, a jealous smirk on his lips as he saw Chan grab your wrist. you watched as you saw him disappear before you walked off stage, slightly tense with Chan's arm still around your waist, knowing that Jaehyun would be meeting you backstage. 
Jaehyun was waiting for you outside of the backstage room. His mood was different now. Instead of being frustrated and annoyed, he was possessive and jealous. You could see a dark aura around him. He grabbed your arm firmly, pulling you away from Chan’s grasp. “Come on, sunshine. I’m taking you home.” Jaehyun growled out as he pulled you deeper into the dark hallways. "Jae-" you started, eyes wide as he gently intertwined your hands. he shut you up by covering your mouth with his hand. One hand was still holding onto yours, the other one placed over your mouth. Jaehyun dragged you deeper into the back hallways, away from anyone else. “I don’t wanna hear a word of your bullshit right now sunshine.” he murmured. He dragged you into one of the empty rooms. "Jaehyun-" you murmured, trying to get him to listen. Jaehyun slammed the door shut, locking it. Jaehyun turned you around, so your back was against the door. He pressed himself against you. With his hands gripping your arms, he pinned you against the door. “Shut up for a minute and listen to me.” Jaehyun growled. His stare was intense and his grip on your body was tight.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re playing at, staying away from me. Ignoring my texts, and my calls and dodging me every chance you get.” Jaehyun muttered, his tone was angry and harsh. He looked as if he wasn’t himself. “I don’t know what to make of your little game. But I’m not going to sit back and let you just play with my feelings and mess me around. Got it?” His frustration was palpable, tension filling the room and his anger turning you on. "Just let me explain-" you started before he shook his head, finger on your lip again. “No. Don’t say a word. You've been ignoring my calls. you've been avoiding me. And the first time I see you in TWO weeks, you’re hanging onto a damn skz frat boy.” he bit back. Jaehyun gripped your waist tightly. He was a lot angrier than you had ever seen him. He felt his temper start to overtake him when he saw Chan take your arm and lead you away. He was so jealous that he felt as if he would blow a fuse right there. “I don’t want your damn explanations. I want you. I’m done with all the games. Whatever you’re playing at, stop it right now. Stop dodging me and coming up with excuses. And that little skz brat has no business having his hands all over you.”
"And you do?" you retorted, giving him a bratty attitude to rile him up. Jaehyun glared at you. Your bratty attitude had gotten to him. The anger from earlier was rising back up within him all over again. Jaehyun was losing his cool. His fists were clenched so tightly, his nails digging into his palms. “Yes. Yes, I do. I have every damn right to have my hands on you. I want you…all to myself. But you make it damn near impossible when you keep running from me.” he groaned. "I'm not running, I-" you grumbled, pausing as you struggled to come up with a reason. “Oh really? You’re not running away? Then how come every time I call you, you’re not answering, every time I text you, you text me back two hours later and you dodge me whenever I attempt to come see you?” Jaehyun muttered. His fingers dug into your hips and held you flush against the door. His body was pressed up against you so closely, his breath hitting you right against the neck and ear. He leaned his head in to whisper, his lips pressing in so close to your skin. “Quit the bullshit right now.” he ordered, looking at you. you let out a sigh, avoiding his eyes, not bothering to argue. 
Jaehyun stared at you. It infuriated him that you wouldn’t even be making eye contact with him. The anger was building up inside of him. Jaehyun gripped you tightly, one hand twisting into your hair. His breath was quick and heavy. he lowered his head close to your lip. “Look at me.” Jaehyun murmured. His voice was low and almost dangerous. He waited with bated breath for you to follow his order.” ...I'm sorry." you murmured, looking back up at him. Jaehyun released a soft sigh when you looked up into his eyes. His eyes blazed with anger and desire. He was so possessive of you at that very moment. Jaehyuns mood shifted at once he saw your eyes look up at him. His hands dropped to your hips again, his fingers digging in tightly. “I don’t want to hear your sorry. That’s not good enough. I’ve been dying to be in your life more. To be with you more. You are so damn beautiful and yet you keep running from me. Why?” he mumbled. "I…I got scared." you whispered, breath hitching. “Scared? Of what?” Jaehyun mumbled. The anger left him as soon as you said you got scared. Jaehyun's eyes instantly softened as he noticed how scared you were. His voice went softer, his hands dropping to your waist again. “Scared of what, baby?”
Your heart jumped at the nickname, liking how it sounded from him.” ...You know Jiung, right?" you asked hesitantly. Jaehyun nodded. He knew him pretty well. He knew the type of boy he was. His eyes dimmed at the mention of him. Jaehyun's jealousy got the best of him just thinking about him and what he'd possibly done to you. “Yeah…I know him. I know what kind of guy he is too. What did he do?” he asked, his face softening and voice full of concern and genuine. "I uh…me and him dated, last year. we...we were like this at the start, all over each other. Until I found out to him, we were never really serious, and he'd just led me on, seeing other people all the time. He laughed when I'd confronted him and told me I was stupid for ever believing a frat boy could change." you opened up, nervous about his reaction.  Jaehyun's eyes darkened as your words sank in. His hands tightened on your waist, his grip starting to tighten once more. He couldn’t imagine a guy doing something so horrible as to break someone's heart. No wonder you kept him at arm’s length. Jaehyun could hear your heart pounding a mile a minute, not even notice how tight his grip on you was getting. “And you thought I’d do the same? You thought I’d play you the same way he did?” he asked, his voice low. 
“...I guess. I was scared you would, so I thought pushing you away would be better and it wasn't because, fuck, I miss you, more than I thought possible." you explained, voice cracking. Jaehyun paused. He couldn’t believe what you were saying. You kept pushing him away because you were scared that he would break your heart. He finally loosened his grip on your hips and turned you around to face him. He brushed his fingers across your cheek. “I would never, ever do that to you. It’s not in me to break your heart. I’d tear the world to shreds rather than see you hurt or sad.” Jaehyun murmured. His fingers trailed down your cheek to your nose, his touch gentle. "I know you would. And I'm sorry for avoiding you." you murmured, forehead against his. Jaehyun gently gripped your hips again. His arms wrapped around you tightly, pulling you against his chest. Jaehyun's eyes were fixated on your lips. Everything about you right now was making him crazy. “I haven’t been able to sleep just knowing there is a chance that someone out there might hurt you. Someone like that, that frat boy…he had no idea how lucky he was to have gotten a chance with you. If only I knew I would have beaten his ass to hell and back…”
you laughed gently, shaking your head. "You two were good friends, I doubt you would've-" you started before he interrupted, kissing your forehead. He chuckled. Even with his frustration over thinking about how a guy could do that to you, your laugh and dimple were still so cute to him. Jaehyun leaned down and placed his lips against your forehead, kissing it gently. He pulled back. “I’m guessing you broke up during the summer?” he murmured, brushing the hair from your face. "Yeah, just before we started the second year. just before you started annoying me." you joked, poking his chest. He smirked to himself. He took in your adorable giggle and playful side. Everything about you was so irresistible, so beautiful. Jaehyun's eyes were glued to your lips once more, his hands slowly sliding to your hips. He pulled you back against him, your bodies pressed together, His breath hit you once more as he leaned in close to your ear. “I plan on making up for all that wasted time. I’ ’m going to be the best damn boyfriend you’ve ever had.”
"Who said you were going to be my boyfriend?" you teased, eyebrows raised in amusement. Jaehyun laughed at your comment. He smirked as a low chuckle escaped his mouth. Your brattiness was something that he absolutely loved about you. He grabbed your hips, pulling you flush against him once more. His body felt so close to yours, almost like he never wanted to leave you. “Who said I wasn’t already?” He murmured. Jaehyun was so serious right now, he wanted and needed you to be his. He couldn’t stand the thought of you with anyone else, especially Chan. you giggled, leaning forward and connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. Jaehyun groaned as your lips pressed against his. Every time you made a noise, it was like a jolt of electricity going through him. Your kisses were everything he wanted. And just how much you had missed him, made him want you even more. Jaehyun was kissing you eagerly, one of his hands sliding back up to your chin. He gently tilted your head back, his eyes glazed with desire. He couldn’t get enough of you, he never could. "Kiss me harder." you murmured in between kisses, arms around his neck. Just the sound of your whisper was enough to get his blood boiling. Jaehyun couldn't believe the amount of heat you were capable of generating in him. When you whispered those words, Jaehyun felt every nerve tingling inside of him. He wanted to kiss you harder, to kiss you deeper and keep you in his arms. Every inch of his body was screaming at him to do so. So, he did just that. Jaehyun grabbed your hips firmly, lifting you up in his arms. He pressed his lips on yours once more, the force of his kisses intensifying.
This was going to be a long night. 
cheers filled the sports hall. you stood up, cheering loudly, his jersey on as you watched him celebrate the win with his teammates briefly before he locked eyes with you. Jaehyun looked up from the huddle and saw you standing there. His heart skipped a beat when he saw you in the crowd with his jersey on. The cheers and voices around him faded as he locked eyes with you. Your cheering put a huge smile on his face. Jaehyun quickly broke away from the team and ran over to you. “Babe! What did I say earlier? You’re my good luck charm!” Jaehyun exclaimed once he got to you. He swung you up in his arms, lifting you as high as he could. You squealed, tightening your grip on him and laughing gently. "Well done, love." you murmured, caressing his cheek. Jaehyun grinned, the crowd cheering. The noise around them faded as he locked eyes only on you. “Thanks. But it’s all because of you. You came here and it brought me good luck.” He brought you down to his height and kissed your head gently. “Let’s get out of here. I wanna spend the night alone with you.” Jaehyun muttered passionately. He was ready to leave the game and spend an entire night with you. As he brought you close to his chest, his hand gently gripped your hip. "Got a reward for you at your place." you smirked, winking cheekily at him as your lips brushed against his neck. 
Jaehyun sighed at how playful and sassy you were with him. It got to him. The way you brushed your lips right against his neck made him want to pull you into the nearest room and shut the door. But not yet. He smiled when you mentioned the reward you had for him. But you could always have something new with Jaehyun, you were his reward. “Oh. I can’t wait to find out exactly what that reward is.” Jaehyun muttered sarcastically. But all of that sarcasm suddenly disappeared when your fingers grazed his waist. "I'm leading tonight though, baby." you murmured, your voice low as you kissed his neck. he moaned at the feeling of your lips pressing against his neck. When your fingers were lightly gripping his waist, that alone drove him crazy. Jaehyun could feel your hand on his side. His hips buckling, every cell in his body wanted to pull you to the nearest room. Your smirk only drove him crazy. The cocky grin on your face was hot as hell. Jaehyun groaned softly, leaning his head in close to hear better. “You think you’re leading tonight?” he whispered playfully, his voice hoarse. "Uh huh. gonna reward my baby..." you murmured, gently biting his earlobe and hands travelling down his chest.
"Give me one taste of your nectar."
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hirayaaraw · 1 year
Unbreakable Ties 7: The Waiting Game
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idol!Jaehyun x OC
Genre: Childhood Friends to Lovers; slow burn; angst
Tags: @yincotton @26zcl @ahtisa02 @joepomonerof @painted-hills @ukiyoneo @ourbeautifulaffair @wintersoulwarrior @cryingforjae
Note: This is a filler chapter. Let me know if you want to join the taglist. 🫶
Promises are meant to be broken. As much as they want to keep each other in arms length, it is impossible not to drift away. Jaehyun fly in and out of the country. When he stays in South Korea, it will be recording, practicing, attending a variety show, or attending a drama school. Eunhye sometimes only see him on TV or in twitter through the updates of his fansites. She also started working in a bank as a Financial Analyst. Breaking her back just to prove her worth to the higher ups.
It was a Saturday evening. Eunhye is getting dolled up to celebrate her birthday. It has been a while since the last time she celebrated it with him. The tradition faded into thin air. Jaehyun celebrates his birthday with his group and goes online to have a live with his fans. She was about to put her lipstick when someone knocked to her door.
When she opened it, Jaehyun showed with a wine and paper bags on both of his hands.
"Took you long enough to let me it." Jaehyun said then hugged her tightly before going inside. "You changed your sofa?"
"Yeah 3 months ago." Eunhye said while looking at him like she couldn't believe that Jaehyun is here. Jaehyun just smiled to cover his regrets for losing that much time.
"Do you have plans tonight?"
"Don't you have a schedule for tonight?"
They laughed together. Jaehyun shaked his head.
"Cleared my schedule tonight until tomorrow afternoon." He said while shaking the wine in front of Eunhye. Jaehyun went to the kitchen to prepare the cake. He puts the candle and lit the wick.
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Dear Eun Hye Happy birthday to you." While Jaehyun is singing, Eunhye just looked at him with tears threatening to fall. She missed him so much. She missed being with him all the time.
Now, she can't just call him ask Jaehyun to come over or go to the new trending cafe. They tried to go outside once but a sasaeng and paparazzi spotted them. The next day a blind item was published. Since then, his company asked Jaehyun not to go outside with her much to his dismay.
"Blow your candle and make a wish." Jaehyun told her when he noticed that Eunhye is staring at her. She closed her eyes and blew the candle. "What did you wish?"
Eunhye's wish is now in front of her so she just shrugged.
"World peace?" Which he laughed, but the truth is she wished to have more time with Jaehyun. Eunhye is scared that he will slip away and forget her.
"Let's cut the cake." Jaehyun is about to cut it when Eunhye screamed 'No'. "Why? Cake should be eaten."
"We don't have a cake later for you." Eunhye said that made him laugh. He nodded and proceed to putting the cake inside the refridgerator.
Despite having plans that night, Eunhye cancelled the night out with her friends. She chose to stay with Jaehyun. They cooked together whatever is in her cupboard. Jaehyun gave her a paper bag full of random items he bought from different countries he visited for work.
When the clock hits 12 AM, they used the candle and cake. Eunhye sang happily and Jaehyun was so happy to hear her voice again. He missed celebrating his birthday with her. Jaehyun blew the candle and smiled to her.
"What's your wish?"
"More of this." Jaehyun whispered while looking at the cake.
"Ha? I didn't catch that." Eunhye frowned.
"I said you are not allowed to know because the wish will not come true." He said but Eunhye squinted at him.
"I'll believe that bullshit so we can now eat the cake. Cut it now, Mr. Prada." She demanded and he followed. It will be a sight for his fans to see Jaehyun being whipped.
They drank the wine empty and tell endless stories to update each other until they fell asleep in the living room. When Eunhye woke up, Jaehyun is gone and she wonders if last night was just a dream.
She walked to her kitchen and saw an envelope. It was the same envelope Jaehyun will give to him every birthday since middle school. Eunhye opened it carefully and read the content.
Dear Eunhye,
Look how we made it! Early 20s and we are doing it well. I've been to a lot of places these past few months. I thought of bringing you there. I am sure that you will enjoy it. Someday let's travel together.
Your one and only,
The next time she heard a call from Jaehyun was he informed her that he is casted as a lead actor for a romcom. Jaehyun told her that he might not be able to visit her a lot during filming. Eunhye gave her support and told him not to worry.
Just like what she always do, Eunhye waits for him to come back and take of whatever Jaehyun can give. After all, he is her bestfriend.
Eunhye went home without any NCT album much to disappointment of Yeri. Kim Yerim ranted for hours about how easy it is to drop by any music store and get a copy. Eunhye told her to buy online and she will cover all the fees.
Eunhye went to her room to get her sleeping pattern back but she keep on tossing and turning even with the help of melatonin. There's sadness inside that she does not like to acknowledge. Although she went back home, it felt like there was a big void in her life.
She keep a blissfull front to his son but once he goes to school, Eunhye will succomb to this pit of emptiness. Her son, Jeno reminds her everything about him. From the smile, eyes, and their humor. Eunhye returned all the memorabilia Jaehyun gave except for their son. Contrary to Jaehyun's belief that she erased him to her life, Eunhye will be reminded of him for the rest of her life.
Seoul, South Korea
"Holy sh-- wait are you serious? like serious serious?" Mark asked him after Jaehyun asked if it is possible to visit every city of Canada in a year. "Well, I think it's possible but wow I haven't even visited half of it."
Her words linger in his mind. Jaehyun couldn't under why she said 'One of the Best Decisions of her life'. He thinks it is absurd.
"Crazy how she thinks that staying with you will destroy you." Johnny said after sipping his Americano. "Or maybe she said that after your chaotic confession."
"Very helpful, Johnny." He groaned. Jaehyun told them everything to seek advise after they comforted him they proceeded on laughing at his failed confession.
"So the plan would be you will take hiatus for a year to find Eunhye?" Mark asked him.
"Yes, that's the plan."
"It's like finding a needle in the middle of haystack." Johnny said. He is supportive in the idea of finding Eunhye but he is pessimistic at Jaehyun's plan. "Don't you have any better ways?"
"Do you have any idea, Johnny?" Jaehyun bites back.
"Get her IP address."
"You think I haven't tried? She's using VPN and I confirmed it when Eunhye said she lives in Canada. First time I checked she was in Paris so I went there---"
"Wait so that's why you were in Paris when the year she was gone?" Jaehyun nodded. "When you went to Mexico is she the reason too? And all your yearly vacation is to find her?"
Jaehyun sadly nodded. Foolish attempts to find her.
"That's the definition of world tour." Johnny said clapped slowly then Mark did too. "I don't know what to say, man. You love so deep."
"Anyway, we will have a concert in Toronto and Vancouver in 3 weeks. We can start finding Eunhye from there." Mark said in positive tone.
"Yeah. At least we now have a definite country." Jaehyun is so positive of finding her.
Almost 2 decades in the career made him brave and reckless. When Eunhye runaway, his hands were tied. No one is willing to help him or he has no way. His teammates are willing but they were all scolded and restricted by the company.
Everything is different now. Jaehyun can do whatever he wants. He has more freedom than before. All he needs is to see Eunhye and ask for her explanation. Closure. That's what he wants. If Eunhye wants him gone after he got the closure he wants, Jaehyun will move on with his life and carry his love for the rest of his life.
Tables have turned. Eunhye isn't the one who waits anymore. It is Jaehyun's turn to wait.
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lcvejaem · 2 years
1! deez nutz 😈
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## — SYNOPSIS You’d always wanted a tattoo so when you heard that one of you and your friends favorite tattoo artist was coming into to town you made a appointment right away.
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Recess: pinky promise
A series of drabbles and a little window into Jaehyun and Felicity’s life as a couple. From the story, Grad School (Special Term): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Felicity’s stomach is a mixture of butterflies and grasshoppers. Jaehyun on the other hand, is shameless. It was his idea to ask Felicity to her school’s prom, anyway. 
“You look so pretty, “ he whispers, swaying her in his arms on the dance floor. 
“I’d return the compliment Jae, but you seem to already know you look dapper in that suit,” she retorts.
Despite herself, Felicity glows. She’s only chaperoning tonight but Jaehyun’s charm manages to unearth a juvenile side of her that’s long been a miss. 
It was as he promised, just like we’re back in high school. But better.  a/n: happiest birthday jaehyunnn <3
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