#Jags Panesar
jackbatchelor3 · 10 months
Chatham and Riley; last time we saw them Jags was still alive.
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thank-god-and-you · 2 months
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Suki Panesar/Eve Unwin vs Suki Panesar & Nish Panesar [07/??]
One of the things I’ve always loved about the Sukeve and Nish storyline is the way that the show has carefully constructed the contrasts in Suki’s relationship with Eve and her relationship with Nish, be that through writing/directing/actor choices.
Time and time again, we see Suki providing comfort and reassurance to Nish as a means to an end. She couldn't be less interested in comforting Nish over his mourning of Jags if she tried. Her eyes averted, indifferent, holding him as a cursory reaction to the comfort he sought from her. There's no feeling in her embrace, an empty platitude, and she pulls away from it as soon as she is able.
By contrast, Suki is so tender with Eve during the traumatic resurgence of Caz and all the old guilt about Erica. When Eve goes on the attack, telling Suki to walk away because it's what she's good at, and that she's never cared about Eve hurting in the past, Suki makes it her mission to be there for her, even though it's dangerous for the both of them. After Eve assaults Caz, Suki is there immediately to hold her, with no judgement or admonishment ("I've got you."). Even with their separation, Suki offers lots of physical contact as reassurance, and the way she holds Eve in her arms, full-bodied and soft, not leaving her side for a moment, shows the depths of her feelings.
Also, Bal and Heather improvising the lap-nap? Absolute genius. <3 The ultimate showcase of the safety and tenderness and pure, unselfish love between Suki and Eve.
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bleakfeather · 1 year
soooooo….. vinny emotionally manipulating suki just like his dad because he’s got a gaping hole where his backbone should be and is constantly seeking approval and affirmation of his fragile masculinity like…. he couldn’t be kheerat!! he couldn’t be jags!! he couldn’t be ravi!! but he can bottle up that resentment and bitterness and anger at suki’s past actions n let it all fuel him. to mould himself to the only man left in his life that he hasn’t tried to be yet: nish. there is no actual personality there, just a simpering weasel willing to stoop as low as he can as long as daddy pats his head and gives him a gold star, as long as he can keep one foot in the doorway to being worthy in the eyes of those higher up the pecking order
it’s not actually about family, not really, or he wouldn’t be so willing to ignore suki point blank telling him she’s terrified of her husband - regardless of the affair!! bc you take eve out of the equation and vinny still has a mother clearly desperate to get out of an abusive marriage!! but for the sake of being A Panesar Man, vinny will dismiss it and insist she not only stay in that marriage, but tell her she’s disgusting to boot which….. honestly i have no words
jfc!!! there was a sickening lack of empathy, his self-serving vitriol firmly in place just like his dad. he really said “sacrifice your life and health and happiness or i’ll tell the murderer and abuser who terrifies you that you’re gay and in love with eve” and i hope it comes back to bite him on the ass because his actions are only gonna get so much worse from here
genuinely can’t tell who i hate more rn out of vinny and nish, like father like son (derogatory) <3
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
Heyyy everyone! So, I know its been a long while since I've posted, I decided to take a few weeks off for me, I was struggling to keep up with episodes and writing a blog whilst also working a full time job as well as trying to find a new house with my partner - it's been a stressful couple of weeks. Also I feel like I haven't been able to enjoy the episodes as much as I'm constantly making notes to make sure I don't miss anything in my blog posts, but over the last few weeks I've been able to binge watch all the episodes I have missed.
I have to acknowledge the fantastic acting skills from Stevie Basaula who plays Isaac Baptise, watching him play the role of someone with schizophrenia has been absolutely stunning. I always thought that Isaac going off his medication was going to cause him to go on a downward spiral, it seems that he has come completely obsessed with the murder of his brother Paul, and is eager to prove that Ruby has some hidden agenda regarding his death. It's been really fascinating watching Isaac become gripped with this theory he's put together in his mind. I can't applaud Stevie enough for his mind-blowing performance!  
To cover a few minor points of the recent episodes I have seen:-
Rainie and Stuart have finally chosen Bernie to be their surrogate
Jags ended up being murdered in prison
Suki blamed Vinny, to which Vinny then blamed himself and almost drank himself into oblivion
Seeking comfort, Vinny then ended up sleeping with Dotty, much to her regret
Dana found out the truth about Bobby's real identity and is left heartbroken
After some wise words from Peter, she decides to give Bobby a second chance
Phil and Kat have opened their new business together
After some wise words from Kat and Patrick, Denise allowed Phil to spend more time with Raymond
However he betrayed her trust by informing the young child that he was in fact his real Dad
Ben received some devastating news from Pam Coker
One of Paul's killers have been released from prison after only serving 5 years
Chelsea and Gray are now dating and he has asked her to move in! (HUGE RED FLAGS GOING UP!)
Overall it's been a dramatic and couple of weeks! Anyway the main reason I've wanted to write this post is that some exciting news was announced yesterday. EastEnders have cast Kate Robbins as the role of Jen Glover. The storyline regarding this new characters seems to be that she is introduced to the Square by Terry (Rocky) to suspend Whitney into the career of pop superstardom. This is quite an interesting turn for Whitney, I'm intrigued to see how all this will unravel. What will it mean for Whitney? Will she be successful or could this be another horrendous storyline which will see her get into some form of trouble? Who knows?!
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What are your thoughts on this upcoming storyline? Please feel free to let me know your thoughts! Oh that reminds me, regarding Janine's return, it seems that EastEnders will be putting together a huge fire stunt to welcome the power bitch back to the Square! What or who will cause the fire? Where will it be taking place? Could some of our beloved characters be seriously hurt? I for one am incredibly excited to see this all kick off! 
Even though this has been a nice blog post, I will be away for a week now as I'm going away with my partner for my birthday, when I'm back I'll try my absolute best to get back to blogging. Thank you all for being incredibly understanding! I'm looking forward to getting back into my blog properly. Enjoy the rest of your week everyone and I'll be back very soon! Love you all xXx  
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makesomehistory · 4 years
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You’ve grassed up your own son?!
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ballumbois · 4 years
among us: eastenders edition
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whitneycarter · 4 years
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He could be brain damaged! I kept saying we needed to call an ambulance.
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henryspearl · 3 years
jags deserved so much better😭
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rileychester · 3 years
Another thing that really pisses me off about the whole Ben and Jags thing.
I know I don't watch EE as solid as I used to, but from I have seen the whole Jags in prison because Suki put him there and Jags serving Vinny's prison time. That is hasn't been the strong full story that it could be. Kinda like how EE handled the whole domestic abuse storyline, but I'm digressing.
This should be the Panesars storyline, it should be something strong for them. But it feels more like EE has put as little work or thought into it as possible.
And throwing Ben in there, especially when we all know he won't face too much problems from it. Also Ben will be pulled out for Callum's PTSD storyline, it's doesn't feel like that Jags storyline will have the same weight that it should have because it's all half cocked.
That's just insulting and wasteful.
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sofarewellthen · 4 years
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So farewell then, Jags Panesar, Off to jail after being framed by your own mum, For a crime you didn’t commit. Everyone assumes you’re coming back, But I doubt the other Panesars will be around that long.
October 24th, 2020
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so after being built up to be part of a big, dark storyline, jags and habiba have just had two of the most underwhelming exits i’ve ever seen on eastenders
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jackbatchelor3 · 2 years
"You Mean NOTHING To Me!" 💔 Walford REEvisited EastEnders
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mr-and-mr-mitchell · 4 years
... I cannot stand seeing people being mean to the ones that don't deserve it on this show. Whitney, Kheerat, Jags. Whilst those that do deserve it aren't getting anywhere near the onscreen vitriol they deserve. Gray, Phil, Suki.
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jessepinkmvn · 4 years
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The last guy I... he didn’t really talk feelings.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"You'll Be Joining Ben In Prison!"
Tuesday 6th October 2020
Good evening everyone! I hope you've had a good Tuesday! After the big bombshell that ended last night's episode, I am so excited to see what tonight's episode has in store! I'm just going to start right away, the episode starts right where last night's ended! Frankie has just told Mick that she believes he's her Dad. I understand Mick is completely in shock, he doesn't seem to believe the poor girl, even insults her by saying he thinks she's ill! It's only when she mentions a name - Katy Lewis - that Mick realises she could be telling the truth. You can see he instantly recognises the name as soon as she says it, was it even before him and Linda got together?! Who knows, but I am really looking forward to finding out more about this!
At the police station, Callum has been called in, he is currently missing Lexi's dance grading. What could be so important that he had to be called in? I'm a little bit shocked that his boss is wanting to him to wear a wire, whilst living in the Mitchell household! After seeing Callum going behind Ben's back recently, I feel like he really isn't wanting to do this! He recognises that it's wrong, he's having doubts! But I do fear he'll be persuaded to wear it, believing he's doing the right thing, which he really REALLY isn't!!! I do feel really gutted as Callum starts to unbutton his shirt - does he feel he doesn't have a choice? Has he got himself in too deep now? I am really hoping that Ben will find out before it's too late, I can just see this going horribly wrong for Callum, in many many ways.
Back with Mick, he is still reeling from Frankie's news - as he stumbles along the street, to me it looks as if he wobbles into the fence, it looks as if he's about to have another panic attack! It's been a long time since he's had a serious panic attack, it's understandable that news such as big as finding out he could have another child would bring it on. As Frankie catches up with him, she begs him not to ignore her, at least hear her out and discuss it. Mick sees Max from across the Square and asks him to take the young lad home ... why do I sense that Max only agrees to take him as he knows Linda will be back at the house alone? That will obviously give them a chance to talk about recent events. As Max walks away with the little boy in tow, Mick agrees to talk with Frankie.
At the Atkins household, Gray returns from his meeting to find his house completely a mess! Pizza crusts laid all over the dining room table. He calls out to Whitney and asks her what happened whilst he was away, she explains to him that the poor kids hadn't eaten all day, so when she decided to treat them to a takeaway, the children got upset for having the wrong food. Gray apologises and Whitey tells him not to worry and not to take it out on his kids. Whitney explains to him that grief comes out in all sorts of different ways, the children are clearly missing their Mum and there's probably no way for them to tell anyone or show how they're feeling.
As Linda is busy working away, making herself and Mick a romantic meal, the buzzer of her flat goes, assuming it's her husband, she immediately lets them in. When Ollie comes running up the stairs, Max follows. Linda is clearly surprised to see him with her son, Max explains to her that Mick and Frankie have gone to the Prince Albert. Trying to be the good Samaritan, Max offers to help Linda with her cooking while she sees to Ollie. Did I sense a little bit of flirtation going on? When Linda says the words "No-one likes a show-off!" - I don't know, something is telling me that they do seem to like each other's company, it looks like there could be some attraction there. Whilst Max and Linda are at at the Carter's apartment, Mick is finally having his talk with Frankie. She reveals everything to him, how she found all his letters he wrote to her Mum and how she was always told that her Father had just walked out on her, but she came to realise it was the other way round. As Frankie is revealing everything to him, we see him grip his chair a lot tighter, is he on the verge of having another panic attack? It looks as if he's struggling to take in everything she's saying, but he seems to recall, and realises that what she is saying all makes sense, as he softly says "So that's why she left!"
Finally Callum arrives home, obviously we all know that he's now wearing a bloody wire underneath his clothing! We see Phil approach him as he comes down the stairs, he had previously asked Callum to try and find information on Raymond's adoptive family, whether they had anything on file. Callum admits that the family was clean, had no run-ins with the police, not even a speeding ticket. Phil thanks Callum for checking, as Phil is getting himself ready, Callum attempts to make small talk with him. Part of me is thinking that Phil isn't stupid, Phil will eventually get suspicious as to why he's asking about Danny all of a sudden, he pulls a look of suspicion straight away, but Callum quickly makes up the story that he'll be able to help if ever needed anyone else to work with. Hmm - I think this is going to go one of two ways - either Callum won't be able to get what he needs for the police, he'll be feeling under pressure and he'll eventually lose his job - OR - Callum will basically betray Ben and Phil, Phil will probably end up getting arrested for something he didn't do, or something? What do you guys think? Either way - I'm really not liking what Callum is doing right now. It's all going to end in tears!
At the Panesar family home, Vinny, Ash, Kheerat and Suki are all at home. Suki calls them round to the family table, informing them that she has something very important to tell them. She beings to thank her children for always stepping up and helping the family when needed, she explains to them that the police had approached her with a CCTV image in an attempt of her to identify who caused the attack on Martin. She tells Vinny that it was clearly him, but she informs them she didn't tell the police that. Vinny starts to panic as he fears his identity is going to be revealed. But then - she drops the bombshell and announces that it's Jag's turn to do something for his family - her children don't seem to understand what she means by this, it's only when Ash looks towards the washing and realises her brother's jeans are missing, she clicks on that her Mum has grassed up her own son to the police! Both Vinny and Ash are absolutely distraught, they look to Kheerat - who in all honestly looks absolutely speechless. He looks as if he's absolutely fed up with everything that is happening around him - grieving for the woman he loves and now realising he'll be losing his brother too. I think he realises there is no point in arguing and just simply says "Mum knows best!" - I think he's just purely defeated right now.
Out on the Square, Ben and Callum are ready to head off with Lexi to her dance grading. Lexi notices that her Grandad isn't with them, she asks her Dad's boyfriend why he's not coming. Callum explains to the young girl that he's got something else to take care of, but he'll able to watch a video recording of her later on. As Lexi rushes on ahead, Ben turns to his partner and asks straight out if Phil has actually gone to see Raymond, Callum admits that he has - I think it's then that Callum begins to feel guilty for what he's actually doing as Ben reveals to him that he fears for his Dad. If something was to happen and he wouldn't be able to see Raymond again, it would physically break him. It's true that Dennis meant a lot to Phil, he saw him as a soon - now Phil has the chance of being a Father to Raymond, he wants to grab that opportunity with both hands, but Ben fears if anything was to go wrong, Phil wouldn't be able to cope with another loss.
Back at the Carter's household, Max has finished working on Linda's meal for Mick. I'm just putting it out there, but do you think they're going to be an affair?! The more I see scenes between Max and Linda, the more I can see something happening between them. I mean, they've already kissed - what's going to stop them doing any more? I do believe that Linda loves Mick, but it's clear that he's not really been in her good books as of late, keeping an eye on her whilst she's surrounded by alcohol. Linda admit to Max that she fears her husband finding out that she took a gulp of vodka, but he promises her that he's not going to say anything. As Max goes to leave, he has one last thing to say to her, he reveals that he actually does have feelings for Linda, he understands that she's happily married and even compliments her and states the fact that she and Mick are a perfect couple, but he just felt that she had a right to know. With this knowledge, will Linda act upon it? Will they still be able to remain friends? There has been rumours and/or speculation that there could be a Max and Linda affair on the cards? But with Max promising to keep her secrets - will she feel the need to lean on him more and perhaps could things escalate for the two?
Back at Ruby's club, Mick is trying to understand what Frankie is wanting now she's revealed her identity. He informs her that he's unable to give her what she wants right now - with Linda being an alcoholic, if she was to find out about Frankie being Mick's daughter, it could set her off the edge. He explains to Frankie that he and her Mum was a long long time ago, and Linda isn't even aware of it. That's the big question now - will the rest of the Carter family find out and how will they react when they do? Especially Linda?! - OH THAT'S A STORY RIGHT THERE! - Linda finds out about Frankie being Mick's daughter, she feels betrayed, leans on Max and - boom - an affair starts!!! Haha! Too obvious?! Who knows?!
Meanwhile, on the Square, Habiba and Jags are leaving the Vic - they both seem really happy that they're relationship news is finally out and they have been accepted by the Panesar family, or so it would seem. As they discuss being open to the public about their relationship, Jags asks his girlfriend whether she's really truly happy with him, as she's assuring him a police car pulls up and suddenly a Police Officer is arresting Jags for the assault of Martin Fowler and for the robbery at the Minute Mart. Whilst all the commotion is going on in the Square, Suki appears from her home and watches as her son is being arrested and flung into the back of a Police car. Habiba and Jags are shouting in his defence that it's all a misunderstanding, she promises her boyfriend that everything will be okay. As the car drives away with Jags in the back seat, he calls out to his Mum as he sees her starring at him as the car drives past. Suki looks as if she's upset - but is she really? Why did she feel the need to set up Jags? I know it's silly to say, but is it because she doesn't like Habiba? Or is it because she thinks he's useless? Or did she just want to teach her son a lesson? I'm really unsure. What do you guys think?
Back at the Atkins household, Whitney has made sure that everything is looking clean and spotless. Gray re-joins her and thanks her for her help and support. As they begin to discuss Whitney's upcoming trial, Whitney can see how much Gray is struggling, she says to Gray that his children need him more than anything right now. They are all grieving and Gray needs to be with his kids. He begins to softly cry as he admits he's finding it hard without Chantelle, Whitney then makes the decision that she's going to call Gray's boss and inform her that he has stepped down from supporting her in court. She understands that he needs to be with his kids and not putting her first. Gray is reluctant to begin with, he states how much they've worked to build up her case, but Whitney is insistent - and instead, she agrees. Does this mean that Whitney is going to support herself in court, or is she going to get someone else in Gray's place?
Back at the Mitchell's, Ben, Callum and Lexi are all gathered around after seeing the little Tinkerbell at her dance grading. Phil is happily watching is Granddaughters performance on the phone. Callum is watching in the background how Phil is interacting with his Granddaughter, I'm sure it's making sense to him that all Phil cares about more than anything in life, is his family. He might've had a bad reputation back in the day, but his family has always come first. Phil gives his Granddaughter a doll as a present for being so brilliant, she leaves the room with a huge smile on her face, and Ben follows his daughter to get her ready for bed. With Callum free to talk to Phil alone, he asks how it was for him seeing Raymond, Phil opens up to him and admits it was hard, as he's literally just seeing his son in a hospital bed and he knows there's nothing he can do to help. He thanks Callum for filming the video of Lexi for him to watch, and gives him the biggest compliment he get receive "You're good for this family, Callum!" As Phil leaves the room, Callum smiles as he realises he's been accepted into the family, then his face becomes serious - for a moment, I thought, as he was alone, he would reach under his clothing and rip off the wire - but instead he gets out his phone and makes a call. Is guilt getting the better of him? I truly think he does not want to do this and he's going to make it perfectly clear to his boss that he wants nothing to do it - well, I hope!
Back at the Carter's, Mick and Linda are finally having their meal together, although Mick isn't looking interested in the plate of food that's been placed in front of him. Linda begins to ask whether he's alright, she asks about Frankie and Mick just doesn't want to talk about it! He leaves his plate of food and tells Linda to get off his case. You can see that Linda is feeling pretty annoyed by her husband, making him a romantic meal - which he doesn't seem interested in, trying to make conversation - only to be shouted at, and then to be rejected for the offer of having an early night together, to top it off their meal is interrupted my Frankie calling on the buzzer. Linda tells Mick that Frankie is waiting outside for him, is she going to get the wrong end of the stick and perhaps think that Mick is having an affair with Frankie - I mean, he did have a bit of thing with Whitney? Is this what causes her to fall into Max's arms? - Outside, Frankie waits patiently for Mick, as he opens the door ever so slightly, she tells him that all she wants is to get to know him, she's spent her whole life not knowing who her Dad was, and now she's found him - she's not going to let go! Mick slowly nods, is he going to end up having secret meetings with Frankie so they can get to know each other? Will Linda find out and take it completely the wrong way? I am so convinced that something like that is going to happen! What do you guys think?
The last scene of the episode tonight, Callum is finally standing up for what he believes in. He rips off the wire and confronts his fellow Detective and tells him he can't do what he's being asked of. He refuses to take part in it any longer. I feel relieved that Callum has come to his senses and realises what he's doing is wrong, he explains to his co-worker that he'll speak to his Supervisor and admit it was all a mistake. It's then that the Detective reveals the truth, it was only he and Callum who knew about the set up - Callum is left in shock, he really wasn't undercover after all. He's been used to do this Detective's dodgy work! He reveals to him that he has the recording of him assaulting Danny at the Arches, it's then he blackmails poor Callum and says if he doesn't do as he's asked, he'll be setting both he and Ben up and they'll both be sent to prison! Ooooooh what a dirty dirty man!!!! Callum is now backed into a corner, what the hell is he going to do now?!
I was so happy that Callum stood up to him and knew he was doing wrong! How is going to get himself out of this one now? Is there going to be a way for him to ask Ben or Phil for help? Can he perhaps subtly tell them that he's in trouble, being blackmailed and needs help! I'm kind of fearing what's going to happen to the Mitchell family now - not just Ben and Callum, but Phil also! What do you think is going to happen? Will Callum be able to turn things around and find a way out?! Overall a really good episode tonight, I really enjoyed it! I'll probably be back on Friday as I'll be working late on Thursday and will miss Thursday's episode. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and I'll be back very soon! Goodnight folks! xXx
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tazco · 4 years
Just got done catching up with all the episode since september. AND WHAT THE HELL is up with all these storylines??????? 
Is chantelle ever going to get justice that freak (gray) is walking around like nothing happened and these poor kids i really feel for them they didn't even get to say goodbye to her! Then you have that stupid women (rainie) asking a child to have a child!! Really where the hell are they going with this one there are a lot of ways to have a child IVF for one or adoption i mean really i would never do that me and my husband are also trying to conceive but i will ask my teenage niece or someone else's child ,Bianca should come back just to kick her ass!!!! 
Don’t even get me started on the whole callum being a double agent how the hell did he think that was gonna turn out!!!!! IF WE HAVE ANOTHER BALLUM-LESS CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR🤬I AM DONE WITH EE😡 ,I mean don’t the writes want anyone to be HAPPY!!!!!!!!! Now phil found the wire i didn’t want to know where that is gonna end up. Then you have linda and mick that was just awful in so many ways now mick wants to kill himself REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH and the whole dating for 2 minutes then married ruby and martin that was just ........... WOW no words i like ruby but what she did to stacey was just wrong, I damn near through up when with the whole stacey and kheerat thing🤮Suki suki suki having her own arrested just because she didn’t like the girl i mean really who does that? And how stupid are the cops jags will never be able to fit in those jeans!?!?!?!?
Ian and DI dickhead should just 🤬 .
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