#Jake Seresin X Navy Seal Reader
somethinginthewayiam · 3 months
The girl behind the bar (Part 1)
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pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x plus-size reader
warnings: language, high-quality banter
words: 2.7k
Summary: You freshly moved to San Diego and were in desperate need for a job. That's how you wandered into the Hard Deck, following the "Help Wanted" sign in the window. Not only is it your first time working in a bar, the crowd it hosts is also very new to you and one navy pilot in particular managed to get under your skin quite qickly...
a/n: I've started working on this story back in November 2023 and haven't touched it since February 2024. I'm halfway through the main story line but I'm kinda stuck. I hope showing you guys gets the wheels working again. Feedback is much appreciated!!
Link to my masterlist
“Hello?”, you asked as you entered the bar. It was a big room with a round bar counter in the middle of it. Tables and booths were spread across the space and hundreds of beer mugs were hanging from the ceiling. But besides that, the room was empty.
“Hello?”, you called out again, a little louder this time. An older man came through a door to your left, a dish towel hanging over his right shoulder and a trey of empty glasses in his hands. “Oh, hey there”, he said as he laid eyes on you. “Hi. I saw the ‘Help wanted’ sign outside”, you explained your early visit to the establishment, pointing towards the door.
“Penny!”, he called out. “Oh no, my name is Y/N”, you corrected him. “Penny’s the boss, darling”, he said and walked past you with a grandfatherly smile to put the trey on the bar counter.
“Sorry”, you said and felt your cheeks burning up. Great first impression, you thought to yourself with embarrassment. “What is it, Jimmy?”, a tall brunette came out of the same door the man had just appeared from. “This girl’s here for the job”, Jimmy told his boss and pointed at you before he started putting away the glasses under the bar.
“Hi”, you said to her when she looked at you. “Penny”, she said and extended her hand with a smile. “Y/N”, you replied as you shook it. “Come with me to my office, I got a few minutes”, Penny said and led you to a booth nearby.
“So, you want to work at a bar?”, she opened the impromptu job interview. “Ehm, yes”, you said and it came out like a question. “Have you ever worked at a bar?”, she asked further. “No, but I learn really quickly and I’m good with people”, you hastily explained. “Tell me a bit about yourself”, Penny continued with a warm smile.
“I just moved here from New Jersey. Two days ago, actually. I’m a hard worker and I really need the job to pay rent, so you can be sure I’ll show up every day super motivated”, you told her and tried to cover your anxiety with humor like you always did.
“This bar is the hot spot for the naval base her in North Island, so a lot of guys with all sorts of ego and authority issues. You’re sure you can handle that?”, she asked and narrowed her eyes a little bit. “I had all kinds of jobs dealing with difficult people”, you shrugged your shoulders. “I’m confident about handling a bunch of drunk guys”, you continued.
Penny looked at you in silence, contemplating your words. “Alright, let’s try it”, she finally said after what felt like forever. “Really?”, you asked surprised. “Yes. We are closed on Mondays, so you’ll have to work every day for the rest of the week. We’ll talk again after your first weekend shift, they’re our busiest nights. If I’m happy with your work and you’ll like it, too, we’ll see where we go from there”, she explained to you and a big smile formed on your face. You shook her extended hand, sealing the verbal contract.
“Jimmy will show you anything. We open at five”, she said and scooted out of the booth and led you over to the bar circle. That was in three hours, you noticed as you looked at the big clock hanging on the wall behind the bar. Suddenly you became very nervous. Somehow you hadn’t thought that you would be working the same day.
She formally introduced you to Jimmy, the other bartender that was working here and that Penny got along with the bar she had purchased three years ago.
“Disrespect a lady, the navy or put your cellphone on my bar – you buy a round. These are the three golden rules in this bar”, she said as she recited the plaque that was hanging in the middle of the bar circle on the middle counter. “If anyone disobeys the rules, we ring the bell”, she continued and reached her hand out and rang a big bell that was hanging from the ceiling and the loud noise rang through the empty bar. “And then what?”, you asked a bit irritated. “Then they have to buy a round for the whole place”, she answered your question with a smile that let you know that she liked it when that happened.
“Wow, that sounds expensive when the bar is full, right?”, you asked. “It is and therefore the rules shall not be broken”, Jimmy chimed in and a deep chuckle escaped his lips. You had to chuckle, too, at his words. “And if they can’t pay, it’s Overboard”, he added and winked at you. “They get thrown out”, Penny answered your inaudible question as you raised your eyebrows. “Okay”, you said and it sounded like a question. “Just wait for it, you’re gonna love it”, Jimmy told you and knocked on the bar counter.
“Okay, I’m gonna leave you two for now. Jimmy, you’re gonna take good care of our new girl”, Penny said and walked out behind the bar. “Sure thing, boss”, he promised with a nod. “We’ll take care of the paper work tomorrow”, she said to you before she left through the door again.
Jimmy spent the rest of the time until opening to give you the basic instructions on how to pour the most common drinks, work the register and running tabs.
Your first ever shift in a bar, you spent mostly handing out drinks that Penny or Jimmy had prepared, opening bottles of beer and cleaning up the empty glasses off the tables. Before you knew it, Penny called out the last call of the night and sent you home as you had finished cleaning up.
Your feet hurt like hell and your back was killing you when you fell into bed but you were happy that you had found a job. Penny and Jimmy seemed nice and you were sure you would get the hang of the whole bartender thing.
Two days later you worked your first Thursday, which according to Penny, would be your first busy night. You had the basics somewhat down but you were still nervous about the evening rush.
You had just started your shift and always spent the first hour restocking the bar, checking the register and wiping down the counter one more time.
When Penny opened the doors at 5 PM a few people already started to come in but thankfully it was still slow going. Penny went back to her little back-room office at the end of the little corridor where you would also find the storage room and the restrooms for the guests.
You were at the bar alone and spent your time cutting some limes. A man sat down at the bar, putting his phone on the counter. “Hi, what can I get you?”, you asked him as you noticed your new customer and wiped your hands on your apron. “A Whiskey please”, he said and gave you a friendly smile. He looked a bit older, maybe in his early fifties? But he still looked very good.
You nodded and grabbed a tumbler from under the bar. Then you turned around and looked at the dozen liquor bottles behind you. You had no clue what a Whiskey bottle looked like.
“Whiskey, Whiskey, Whiskey”, you mumbled to yourself under your breath. Or so you thought.
“On the far right”, you heard behind you. When you looked over your shoulder, the man pointed at the right end of the line of liquor bottles. You smiled apologetically and walked over. You still didn’t reach for a bottle immediately. “Second from the right”, he added and you finally found the right bottle.
“Thank you”, you told him with an apologetic smile and felt your cheeks getting warm. You were sure they were turning a red color as you filled his glass about an inch tall.
“I’m still new”, you explained your incompetence for fulfilling a simple drink order. “They often keep them in alphabetical order”, he told you and winked at you almost in a fatherly manner, like he had shared a secret to life with you. And in your current situation, he really did.
You turned around and looked at the bottles from left to right. “Huh, she really did. Thank you”, you said to him when you turned back around. “I’ll pretend I didn’t just notice that after three days of working here”, you told him and made it sound like you were sharing a secret with him, too. He chuckled into his glass before he took a sip. His phone buzzed and when he picked it up, he turned away from you to answer a text.
You turned around as well and took a look at the line of liquor bottles, trying to memorize their order. “Y/N, can you get this in the back and bring the next case of beer?”, Penny asked of you as she appeared in the circle. “Yeah sure”, you agreed and took the empty box from her hands.
“You gotta be kidding me”, you heard her say and thought she was talking to you, but when you looked up, you saw her staring at the man with the Whiskey.
“Pete”, she said. The man looked up and turned back around. “Penny?”, he asked, clearly surprised to see her here. And yet this one word carried so much, you felt like you shouldn’t be here.
“I’ll get the beer”, you excused yourself and left the two to themselves. Before you finally left the room, you turned around at the door and saw how they looked at each other. There was definitely some history there. You bit your lip to hide a smile and finally left for the storage room.
When the evening rush hit, you were overwhelmed by the number of orders coming from every side. Damn circle. The three of you tried to handle every order as fast as you could. Penny and Jimmy had a certain ease to them, moving quickly but without haste. You on the other hand ran around like a startled chicken, always bumping into Penny and Jimmy and seemingly always being in their way.
“Here you go”, you said as you handed three bottles of beer to a man, putting the money in the register, already receiving the next order from a woman to your left.
A blonde man in a khaki navy uniform appeared through the crowd, commanding his place at the front of the line. “Three beers”, he said. “Just a moment”, you told him and bent down to grab the tall beer glasses for beers from tap and walking over to the middle of the circle to fill them up.
“Come on, I ain’t got all night”, he said with an annoyed tone in his voice after just a few seconds of waiting. “I’ll be right there”, you told him again, sounding more and more desperate.
You didn’t pay him any more attention as you were in the middle of drawing a beer but he suddenly appeared again in the corner of your eye. When you looked over, you found him behind the bar, just grabbing three beers out of the cooler and prying the caps off with the metal opener. “Hey!”, you called out, putting down the glass you were holding. “Put them on my tab”, he just said and walked in front of the bar again.
"I don't even know who you are", you said surprised by his cockiness. "Name's Hangman. And you gotta be quicker if you wanna earn some tips, sweetheart", he said and winked at you. "And you will never drink here again if I ever catch you behind my bar again", Penny said as she appeared behind you, handing two tumblers with a brown liquid to another guy at the counter. "Your girl needs to be faster if she doesn't wanna start a riot", he said with a southern accent and a cocky expression on his face before he turned around and disappeared in the crowd. You noticed him coming back out at the dartboard as you couldn’t stop looking at him. His boldness fascinated and angered you to no end.
“Hangman…is he for real?”, you asked Penny when you turned around again. “That’s his call sign as a pilot. They all got one”, she explained to you as she added the drinks to his tab. “Most of them go by their call sign even outside of base”, she continued. “His real name is Jake”, she added, all while keep preparing drinks and handing them out. With a cock of her head, she motioned you to open some beers and she handed them out.
"You can't let them walk over you like that, you need to command your space. And your space right now is this bar", she told you. Normally you weren't too shy to talk back, but since you were new, you still needed to test the waters. But you took this as Penny's permission to be a bit mouthier to customers if needed.
You looked over at the dartboard where Hangman played with another guy in Khaki uniform. “Jake”, you mumbled his real name under your breath. And just like he had heard you, he looked over to you, winked and threw the dart into bulls eyes while still looking at you. He probably expected you to be impressed or swoon, but instead you rolled your eyes so hard at him that you feared they would get stuck.
A little while later, when the rush was over and you had time and room to breathe, Hangman and two of his buddies came over for another round. "Three beers, sweetheart. And don't make me come back there again", he said and gave you another wink, paired with a sly smile. It took everything you had not to pull a face of disgust.
Pretty boys like him always thought they owned the world. You learned quite early on that guys like him never even looked your way, let alone were interested in you. And because of that you learned to push down any interest you might have in them and cover it with sarcasm and wit.
Instead of an answer, you opened three bottles and placed them from right to left, Hangman being the last. "8,50. 8,50. 12 Dollars", you said as you placed the beers in front of the men. "Hey, why's mine more expensive?", Hangman asked with knitted eyebrows. "Douchebag tax. And don't call me sweetheart", you told him and now it was your turn to shoot him a cocky grin while you collected the money from his friends.
“You wanna pay cash or want me to put it on your tab?”, you asked him, an image of innocence. He looked at you a bit stunned by your boldness. He probably wasn’t used to be spoken to like that.
"Come on, I ain't got all night", you told him and let him hear the impatience in your voice. “Put it on my tab”, he answered after a few moments, unsure what to make of your behavior and took a sip. You turned around and put his latest drink into the register.
“Anything else I can get you, gentlemen?”, you asked but looked only at his friends. They answered with a smile and a shake of their heads, seemingly enjoying the way you treated their friend and colleague.
The three of them kept sitting at the bar but you took care of other customers.
When Penny rang for last round, she served them their final beers of the night and closed their tabs as you started to collect the empty glasses from the tables.
Just as you walked past the dartboard with a full trey of empty glasses and bottles, Hangman took a step back and smashed into you. The glasses clinked together loudly but somehow you managed not to drop any of them. Your whole body stiffened until the glasses stopped shaking.
“Whoa, gotta be careful there. You don’t want 7 years of bad luck if you break them”, was his only comment. Not sorry for running into you because I’m too arrogant to be aware of my surroundings. “I already met you tonight, it can’t get any worse than that. Also, that’s mirrors not glasses”, you told him with an annoyed sigh and let the unspoken jerk hanging in the air as you walked back to the bar.
“Oh, we’re gonna have a lot of fun”, Hangman said to himself under his breath as he watched you walking away.
next chapter: Part 2
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
My Brother's Wingman 18+
Request: Ok... I debated with myself, but... I'm gonna be a selfish bitch now and some idea in as a Bday present for me (even if its still coming on friday) and I hope you dont mind <3 
So I'd have MAJOR Rooster feels, you cant imagine! Thats why I thought about something with him, where she's Jake's sister and they have some kind of secret affair, as Bradley is slightly scared of what would happen if Jake finds out. Soo they sneak around for some time until one day you're both at Mavs hangar working on a plane (while he's gone with Penny and let's you over) and you get really turned on by Bradley being sweaty and covered in dirt, soo you somehow end up sleeping there together but later Jake comes there as he was looking for Bradley and catches you both, so you have to explain everything and Bradley fears the worst. Luckily Jakes cant do much against true love and finds his peace with it ? 
Omg does that makes sense? I'm also so so sorry it's gotten so long :O
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Seresin!Navy SEAL!Reader, Jake Seresin x Navy SEAL!Twin Sister!Reader
Warnings: fluff, smut
A/N: Happy belated birthday to the anon that sent this in and I'm sorry that it is late. I hope you enjoy! Also @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms prepare yourselves it gets steamy!
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Jake Seresin had a twin sister, you, that was almost a female version of him but could bring him down back to earth when he got too high and mighty. You both knew how to push each other’s buttons and you both did it out of love even if it seemed like you both were harsh to each other. You were a Navy SEAL and loved it, you really thought about becoming a pilot like your brother but you loved being on the ground more and plus you got to deal with guns and more combat.
You had been stationed at Naval Amphibious Base, in Coronado which was only 28 minutes away from where your brother was stationed now. Occasionally you would go down and visit him and go to a bar called The Hard Deck and have a few drinks with him and his new squad and you liked them all but one in particular caught your eye. When you saw him, he always had a Hawaiian shirt on with a white shirt underneath and form fitting jeans that hugged him everywhere and in all the right places, he also had this mustache that you could only imagine all the pleasure that it could bring you. It seemed like you had caught his eye too because he had been looking at you nonstop and you would only know this because you had been looking at him nonstop as well and throwing your signature Seresin smirk his way.
You had just arrived at The Hard Deck after your brother practically begged you to come and you finally broke down and said yes. You had just gotten back from a deployment and were more than eager to blow off some steam. You walked into the bar and looked around to find it filled with civilians, aviators, and tag chasers. You hadn’t come in your uniform because you didn’t want to be in it any longer even though you absolutely loved being in it but not at this moment. You immediately saw the blond haired, cocky, and full of himself aviator that was your brother. You walked over to him and pulled the pool stick from his grasp and took the shot yourself and sunk the ball and you smirked as you came up. “Hello, sister.” He said and you turned around to him.
“Why hello there, little brother.” You said he rolled his eyes.
“By one minute.” He said but pulled you in a hug and then you pulled away and looked at everyone who was silent and stunned.
“Aren’t you gonna introduce your sister to us, Hangman?” A guy a Hawaiian shirt and a mustache said and when you said that he looked good, he really looked good enough that you wanted to pull him inside the bathroom and do him right then and there. He had yet taken his eyes off you and you and you didn’t mind at all.
“Rooster this is my twin sister-“ Jake began
“Older sister.” You said smirking and looking at him for a second and then your eyes were back on Bradley and again he rolled his eyes.
“By one minute. As I was saying this is my twin sister, Y/N ‘Bullseye’ Seresin. She’s a Navy SEAL and off limits to anyone.” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“Well Y/N it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m Bradley Bradshaw.” Bradley said and sent a smirk of his own. Everyone went around and introduced him themselves with their names and their callsigns. You also learned that he was your brother’s wingman.
“Bullseye. How did you get that name?” Bob asked and you smiled at him.
“It’s because I never miss my target that I’m aiming at.” You said and Bradley could’ve sworn he was falling more in love and that his jeans were becoming a little tight. “I’m gonna get something to drink. Anybody want anything?” You asked and they nodded and told you what they wanted as you were walking up to the bar Bradley stopped you by the wrist.
“I’ll help you.” He said and when you looked over to your brother, he had this look on his face but you just smirked and dismissed it and headed to the bar with Bradley. You arrived there and Bradley flagged down what looked like to be the owner. She walked over and smiled.
“I haven’t seen you around before. I’m Penny.” She said and smiled a sweet smile that reminded you of a mother.
“I’m Y/N Seresin I’m visiting my brother.” You said and smiled and she nodded letting you know that she knew him.
“Ahhh so you’re her. He’s told us a lot about you.” She said
“All good things. I hope.” You said and she nodded.
“What can I get you two?” She asked
“Another round for the group and whatever she is having.” He pointed to you.
“I’ll take what my idiotic brother is having and put it on his tab.” You said and she nodded and chuckled and got to work.
“So how long have you been a SEAL?” He asked you and you turned to look at him.
“For as long as Jake has been an aviator. We went into the academy together and then we split paths but still stayed in touch with each other.” You said and he nodded
“Have you always wanted to be in the Navy SEAL?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yea I have. Mostly to get under my parent’s skin but it really spoke to me.” You said and he nodded and about that time Penny came back with the drinks and then you walked back over to the group and they took their drinks. The rest of the night was filled with drinking and getting to know each other and getting the chance to knock Jake down a peg and embarrass the shit out of him which you did with a smirk. After the embarrass the shit of your brother came to an end and everyone went to their other activities you slipped outside to grab some fresh air and look out over the ocean. You weren’t out there long when you felt someone slide up next to you. You turned and looked at the person and saw that it was Bradley and you smiled.
“Needed a break?” He asked and you nodded
“Yea, it was getting a little hot in there.” You told him you both looked at each other for a minute and then you both were leaning in until your lips touched and the sparks flew. You pulled away when air was needed.
“I really like you.” He said and you smirked.
“I really like you too.” You said and then you both leaned back in and the rest was history.
You and Bradley had been dating for 3 years and somehow managed to keep it a secret from your brother, and that was amazing because you were either there in San Diego on the weekends and would visit your brother or Bradley was at your place in Coronado. It had been your weekend to stay over at Bradley’s, he told you that he was going to be staying at Maverick’s, you had met him during your time visiting your brother and now boyfriend and you both really hit it off, hangar so he could work on a plane that he and Bradley had started to restore. You and Bradley have agreed to meet at his home and then he would drive to the hanger in his Bronco and grab some food on the way there. You both had just arrived at the hangar and after some making out you both got out and headed into the building it was late when you got there so you both figured you would eat and then he would work on the plane while you watched.
The next morning you both slept in but not for long because of your guys’ internal alarm clock and you both were up and heading out of the trailer. Bradley made you breakfast and as you both at cuddled up to each other you both enjoyed the comfort of each other. “Have you thought about telling my brother?” You asked him as you both had finished eating and you put your plates on the table in front of you.
“I’ve thought about it but scared about his reaction.” He said and you nodded “You?” He asked.
“I thought about it but I like keeping it a secret. He knows I’m seeing someone but he doesn’t know who and it’s driving him insane and I love it.” You said looking up at him and chuckled.
“I have to admit it is fun. He also knows I’m seeing someone but doesn’t know who.” He said and you chuckled. You both talked for a little bit and then you sat back and watched him work the plane and looked at the pictures and other things around the hangar. Every now and then you would look over and watch the muscles in Bradley’s back flex and it was slowly turning you on. He would occasionally turn around and look at you and you could see the dirt and grease smeared across his forehead and the sweat that was covering his forehead. You bit your lip as he turned back around and continued to work. You pressed your thighs together just thinking about him taking you right then and there all sweaty. It wasn’t long until you couldn’t take it anymore and slowly made your way to him and slid your hands up his back feeling his muscles work and then around his waist. He stopped what he was doing and turned his head where you captured his lips into a fiery passionate kiss, he brought his arms down and turned around dropping the tool he had in his hand neither of you caring. He brought his hands to your waist and slowly backed you up until you hit the shelf.
You looped your finger through his belt loops and tugged him closer enough to feel his erection through his form fitting jeans. He licked your bottom lip and you opened your mouth and his tongue slid into your mouth and your tongues battled for dominance until his won. You only pulled away when air was needed. Bradley’s pupils were blown with lust to the point where his irises weren’t visible. “You’re so sexy.” You said and that seemed to do something within him because he was attacking your neck in and you allowed him access he sucked and bit to the point you knew there was going to be hickeys. He trailed his hands down to the back of your thighs and patted them lightly signaling you to jump and you did so. This wasn’t the first time you both had sex together and each time you did so it felt like the first time and it was always so fiery and passionate but rough at the same time and you loved it and so did he.
Bradley walked towards the trailer and blindly opened it and then walked to the bed and then gently threw you onto you which made you squeal but then he climbed up and attacked your neck again which made you moan. “Bradley.” You moaned out and he slightly rubbed his clothed erection on your clothed core and you moaned again. He let up and smirked and you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I love it when you moan my name.” He said and then he was quick to shed his clothing and then he helped you get rid of yours until both were naked in front of reach other “Absolutely beautiful.” He said and your thighs clenched together around nothing. He brought his hand up to your soaked core and ran a finger up and down your folds “So wet for me.” He said and you nodded and moaned.
“You’re the only one.” You said and moaned when he slipped a finger in and rubbed your clit at the same time. Once he felt like you were ready, he pulled out and you whimpered at the loss of contact. You didn’t have to wait long until you felt him slide his erect cock up and down and then you both moaned as he slid into you. Your hands went his shoulders and dug your blunt nails into his shoulder blades as he set a slow and steady space. He put all of his weight on his elbows and continued a slow and stead pace. “Faster.” You moaned out and he did as you asked and picked up his pace.
“So tight. Always so tight when I fuck into you.” He said and moaned out he hit all right places and knew exactly where to hit to find your g-spot and when he did you felt the rubber band in your stomach tighten.
“Bradley, so close.” You said and he nodded.
“Hang on baby.” He said as he picked up his pace he started to sweat more and you had started to sweat as well. His thrusting was starting to get sloppy. “I’m close, baby. Cum with me.” He said and then he changed his angle to thrust deeper in you and that what made you come undone and you came hard as he came painting your walls white. He stayed put catching his breath while you caught yours. He slowly slid out of you and then laid beside you.
“That was perfect. Just like all the other times.” You said and turned your head to him and kissed him.
“You’re perfect.” He spoke. Both of you laid there for a few minutes and cuddled until your stomach growled and you both laughed. “I’ll go and get some dinner started.” He said and you nodded and laid there basking in the after sex high. Once you felt like you could walk you got up and put on your jeans and his shirt. You joined him and watched him cook and when he was done, he handed you your plate and then he sat down beside you on the couch that Maverick put in not that long ago and you both ate dinner and then headed to bed. Bradley closed the hangar up making sure everything was secure and pulled The Bronco inside. The both of you headed inside of the trailer and headed to bed.
The next morning you woke up after Bradley and your hand went to his side but you felt it was empty but still warm this confused you but you didn’t have a long time to be confused because you heard what sounded like your brother’s voice.
“Hey, Rooster! Maverick told me you were going to be here.” The voice said
“What’s up?” Bradley asked
“I needed the plans for the new Top Gun class that’s coming in on Monday.” He said
“Yea, they’re in The Bronco. I was gonna work on them this weekend but got distracted.” He said and they both headed to the car and that is when you decided to make your presence known. You got up and luckily was still dressed and walked out of the trailer.
“Jake?” You asked and he turned around not expecting someone else to be there as you walked closer to him.
“Y/N/N?” He asked and then Bradley turned around wide eyed. “What are you doing here?” He asked and you didn’t speak but then he turned to Bradley and he had a look of a deer caught in headlights. Jake went back and forth from you to him and then he took in your clothing. “Is that Bradshaw’s shirt?” He asked and again he got no answer.
“Jake.” You began “We can explain.” You said and he nodded and then you looked at Bradley and walked over to him and stood next to him and Jake turned to look at you both. “We’ve been together for 3 years. We both had fallen in love with each other 3 years ago when I met you down at The Hard Deck.” You said expecting him to be mad and lash out as you leaned into Bradley and he put an arm around you but he didn’t.
“I’m not mad.” He said and you made a face of shock and so did Bradley.
“You’re not?” You asked and he shook his head.
“No. I’m surprised you kept it a secret this long but I can’t be mad at true love.” He said and both you and Bradley sighed in relief “Besides I had my suspicions especially since Rooster kept disappearing every other weekend up close to your base and when you came down here to supposedly see me.” He said with a smirk “I’m happy for the both of you and I’m happy it was Rooster that you had fallen in love with.” He said.
“That means so much to us.” Bradley said and you nodded.
“Now those plans.” Jake said and Bradley nodded and grabbed them and the three of you headed over to the table and couch and you sat quietly thinking as they worked. You smiled watching the two people you love work together and get along, any other boyfriend would’ve only lasted a week around Jake but he was just being protective of his twin sister. You were just happy to finally have someone that loved you just as equally and maybe a little bit more than your brother. You knew everything was going to be fine and nothing in the world could split you apart from the two men you loved and held so close to your heart.
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Secret Family Recipe - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
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Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x female Reader
Summary: Just married, Jake's mother deems her new daughter-in-law ready to learn the families secret and special recipes. All. Jake has other some more slightly different plans.
Warnings: fluff. Slightly suggestive at the end - use of an innuendo - but otherwise pg
Wordcount: 1.3k
If you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I don't allow for my content to be copied, translated, or reposted on other websites/apps. Please don't steal my work.
A/N: This is part of @flufftober's Flufftober 2022 as well as my 300 Follower Celebration. Divider's are by the lovely @/firefly-graphics
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When she had met and consequently fallen in love with Jake Seresin she hadn’t expected to also fall in love with the way he loved his family, even less so with his family themselves. From the moment he had introduced her to them though, the deal had been sealed. They had welcomed her with open arms, not hesitating to make her part of the family even before Jake had officially done so.
“Now that you are a proper Seresin it’s time to introduce you to all our family recipes.” Jake's mother was excited for all she could tell. The woman had wasted no time to seize her chance and drag her into the kitchen while commandeering her son to go help on the ranch outside.
Now they were here in the huge country kitchen that the Seresin ranch had. It was the dream of every baker and cook. The kitchen island in the middle was littered with assortments of bakeware and ingredients of all sorts. It was an overwhelming amount of things she recognized and things she had no clue about.
First things first, however, they had turned towards the cups and big tea selection Mrs. Seresin curated. Standing beside her mother-in-law she nestled a big cup of steaming tea in her hands, while Jake’s mother stirred her own cup. 
“All of them?” she asked as Mrs. Seresin took a sip of her cup. Before the older woman could answer her, they were disturbed. In walked Ellie - Jake’s younger sister - causing both women to look her way.
“Jeez, mum, are we doing disaster prepping now, or are you trying to feed the entire Navy?” Ellie joked upon seeing the huge amount of things littering the workspace. 
Jake’s mother scoffed and rolled her eyes. “No. But it’s time to pass down the family recipes to your new sister-in-law.” 
Loudly gasping, Ellie turned towards her. “Really?” she asked excitedly, running over to her and bouncing back and forth on her feet. Smiling, she nodded at Ellie and asked, “Do you want to help too?” Ellie started to beam even brighter and nodded her head enthusiastically.
“Yes!” She squealed and raced to the sink to wash her hands, “Where are we starting?” But before Mrs. Seresin could answer Ellie gasped loudly once more and turned back around to eye her up and down.
“You aren’t pregnant are you?”
The question made her splutter and choke on the sip of tea she took. The droplets of sweet tea had made it down the wrong pipe and had her cough violently as she shook her head. Mrs. Seresin patted her on the back continuously.
“No!”, she managed to squeeze out in between the coughs and when the coughing had settled down she added, “Not yet. What makes you think that?” The surprise in her voice was clear. 
Jake and she had just gotten married. In fact, they had just returned from their honeymoon, spending now the last of his military leave with his family before they would fly back to where he was stationed. They wanted kids, that was no question and no secret either. But they hadn’t made any plans yet.
Ellie shrugged her shoulders, the disappointed look on her face unconcealed, “Well mum said it’s time for all of them. But going through every recipe at once seems rushed.”
“Ellie!” Jake’s mother scolded, looking rather bashful. “I am simply excited to pass along the recipes to another daughter. She is my only daughter-in-law.”
“Who says that? What if I decide to marry a woman later on?” Ellie’s quip made her mother roll her eyes.
“Fine. She is my only daughter-in-law for now.” With that, Ellie grinned triumphantly and nodded. Satisfied she turned back towards the many ingredients.
“So where do we start?” Y/N asked, eyeing all the things on the table.
In unison both Seresin women answered, “Pie,” to which Mama Seresin added: “Pumpkin pie. I just harvested these from the garden.”
Thus they started making the dough and the filling. Jake’s mother taught her all the little tricks and tips that made the recipe so special. That made the recipe a Seresin recipe. 
The first pumpkin pie was already in the oven, slowly baking and browning. The sweet fragrance of the baked good slowly spread throughout the kitchen when they heard the front door open just before the shuffling of someone removing their shoes. Just after Jake came waltzing into the kitchen barefoot. He grinned like a Cheshire cat at the look of the three women standing there together.
“Heya cowboy,” She greeted her husband - still getting used to the term - and smiled brightly up at him from the bowl she was mixing another batch of filling. Jake eyed her up and down before walking over.
He was just about to dip his pinky into the bowl when he was whacked with a wooden spoon by his mother. “Jacob Seresin you wash your filthy paws before you touch anything in my kitchen or so god will!”
Holding up his hands in defense and snickering quietly Jake obliqued. He trudged over to the sink to wash his hands with plenty of soap to get the dirt left from the work outside off of his fingers. Once he was down he came back over to her, to wrap his arms around his wife. Y/N shuddered as her shirt got soaked. Of course, he didn’t dry his hands, the cheeky little ass he was. With a groan, she elbowed him.
“Jake!” Her scolding didn’t impress him the slightest, he only chuckled into her ear and leaned his head on her shoulder.
“What are you doing?” He asked softly, pressing a kiss to her shoulder and squeezing her waist.
“Baking,” she answered with pursed lips causing him to rumble behind her - he could obviously see and smell that. His innocent kiss to her neck quickly turned less innocent as his teeth grazed over the sensitive skin. Goosebumps spread over her body, she nearly dropped the spoon she was holding from the sensation too. When he went so far as to even lightly bite her there, she shuddered against him, once more jabbing him with her elbow. He didn’t care. Of course, he didn’t.
“I can see that, sweets. But what are you baking?”
“Pumpkin pie.” 
Jake behind her hummed, “Delicious,” he whispered. The way he said it she wasn’t sure if he meant the pie or her.
Ellie groaned and shot a murderous glare towards her brother, “Shut up or I’ll dunk the bowl of pumpkin seeds on your head, Jake.”
Jake laughed once more, “You wouldn’t dare sully mum’s kitchen like that.” Ellie rolled her eyes and grumbled. He was right. Their mother would have a heart attack having pumpkin innards and seeds strewn through her kitchen.
Once Ellie had turned back to focus on her own task, Jake turned his attention back to his wife. He pressed himself against her back and rolled his hips against her behind. Lowly he murmured into her ear, “Want to sully somethin’ else later? I got some better seeds.”
His words made her feel like she was on fire. Heat crept up her neck and encompassed her cheeks and ears. Gasping, she faltered in her movement, nearly dropping the spoon in her hand into the bowl.
“Jake,” she whined quietly, huffing about his unfairness. How could he say this right now, in front of his family, and expect her to stay calm?
“Wouldn’t you like it if we had our own little pumpkin by next year?” His hands crept around her middle, one sliding under her shirt to rub against her belly. “I’d certainly enjoy seeing you as round as one.”
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thewulf · 1 year
Flatter Me || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Please do a Jake x reader where it’s angsty then fluffy! Like the reader likes jake and jake likes reader but they both are like “oh no how couldn’t they ever like me” so there’s an event and they decide to go together as friends cause they both don’t have a date but maybe reader was talking to rooster and thought it seemed flirty.. Read Rest Here
A/N: Loved writing this one! Just love fluffy Jake really :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.7k +
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“You were unbelievable! You are unbelievable.” Jake shot you a wink across the table after recalling some of his favorite memories in the Navy. The group of you had all just been inducted as instructors at Top Gun after passing all the tests and flight sims you needed to. It wasn’t easy. Probably one of the toughest things you had to do so far. But you’d all passed. Naturally. You were the best of the best.
“You flatter me Seresin.” You held up your beer to his before taking a quick sip of the cool liquid polishing off the glass.
He tilted his head taking a long look at you before responding, “The truth darlin’.” He let his accent draw out knowing you loved it making that very clear. You and Jake had run in’s throughout the years but never actually got to know each other until last year when you were moved to his base. You’d surprisingly gotten along right at the get go.
He only ever gave compliments to you. He made sure to look out for you. He adored you. You quickly found a way to weasel a way into his heart shattering that imagine of Hangman he so desperately tried to portray. You’d slipped right through the mask seeing him for him. Jake. Your Jake. Your favorite guy.
Shaking your head, you bit your bottom lip lightly not having a clue what you were doing to him, “You have a date to the ball yet?” You lost your confidence and sounded like a middle school girl trying to chat with her crush. You’d prayed he’d say no. He always said no. He wasn’t the ‘dating’ type. Or so, he always told you. That’s why you held back. Too scared to admit any sort of romantic feeling towards the man. You were terrified he’d high tail it in the opposite direction. Instead of freaking him out you’d just keep your lips sealed. Easy enough, right?
He shook his head, “Not yet.” He sighed taking a peek at you. He wanted to take you more than anything. He had been stalling unsure of how to ask you. He wanted to take you as more than friends, but he too was terrified of losing you. He knew that logically, that’d never happen. But things always changed when feelings were admitted to, “You?”
You sighed, “I think I’m going to have to ask somebody at this rate Jake. Not a guy has even looked at me.” It’d never bothered
Oh, how wrong you were. So, so wrong. But the guys knew that you were his girl. He’d made that adamantly clear. And he panicked. He panicked seeing the sadness you were trying so desperately to hide from him.
“Come with me.” He spit out.
Raising a brow, you leaned your elbows on the table using your palms to rest your chin, “Go on.”
He mimicked your actions. His eyes danced from yours down dangerously close to your lips then right back up, “I’ll take you to the Navy Ball. As friends. If you want.”
Damn. You’d gotten your hopes up with that one for a second too long, “As friends. Yeah.” You responded not knowing you’d just reinforced that for him in his own mind. The two of you playing a cruel game with the other and not even knowing it.
“Great.” He nodded giving your wrist a light tap, “It’s a date.”
The grin that erupted on your face couldn’t be stopped, not even if you tried. You didn’t try, “It’s a date Jakey boy.”
He rolled his eyes at that nickname. Only you were allowed to call him anything other than Hangman, really. But you pushed it with that one. No matter how soft his heart had really gone for you, “What color is your dress sweetheart?”
Your eye twitched at that new one. It was always darling with you. He’d never thrown out a sweetheart in all the time you’d known him, “A light blue.” You fished your phone out to show him a picture from the website.
He took a quick look before turning his eyes back up to you, “You’ll look beautiful in that darlin’.” He was laying it on thick now.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see. “Smiling warmly at the handsome pilot you turned towards the group that had begun chatting amongst themselves knowing you and Jake were going to be off in your own little world anyway.
“I’m out. Anybody need another?” A round of no’s followed by Jakes shaking head had you strolling up to the bar alone with your empty glass.
You’d been so caught up watching the people across the bar you hadn’t even seen Bradley stroll right up to you, “Would you look what the cat dragged in.”
You snapped your attention to the much taller dark-haired pilot, “Bradley!” You gave him a one-armed hug squeezing him tight not knowing you had a pair of eyes focused intently on the interaction.
“Congrats on making it in.” he smirked knowing he’d been induced six months prior. He’d never seemed to let you, or Jake live it down. He was the first to make it in.
“You finally got some competition huh?” You grinned knowing how to get right under his skin.
He laughed flicking you in the arm, “You can say that.”
You cooed placing a gentle hand on his arm. Mocking him absolutely. But that’s not what Jake saw, “It’s okay Bradley. You can give compliments. It won’t kill you.”
He grumbled, “That you know of.” Grabbing his beer he motioned you along, “Come on. Seresin’s been staring me down since I walked over to you.”
You grabbed it before shoving him lightly, “Shut up Bradshaw.”
He shook his head quickly, “I didn’t say anything. But you just did.” He shot you a wink before walking to the other side of the table. When you sat back down Jake was looking down and away. He was oddly quiet the rest of the night even as you finalized the plans to go to the Navy Ball, as friends. Friends. Friends don’t feel the way you do about him. Fuck being friends.
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You were always busy anymore, especially during the work week. So was Jake. So, you didn’t think too much of it when the two of you had barely communicated before the Ball. Little did you know he was trying to avoid you at all costs. He couldn’t be around you. You liked Bradley and he couldn’t take it. You never looked at him like you did Bradshaw at the bar. Eyes fluttering and your mouth bursting with giggles, cute as hell. Fucking Bradshaw was going to take his girl. How in the hell had he managed to get your sweet, sweet attention. Jake swore he was the least deserving of the group to get your attention.
So, he did what he did best and bolted from his problems. Avoided. He’d even found a new date for the Navy Ball. Convincing himself that it’d be for the best. You liked somebody else. You didn’t want to go with him to the Ball, as friend. When he didn’t hear back from you after he swore that he texted you he got a little worried but didn’t think too much of it. You were known for opening texts and responding days later. Maybe you were on a mission to find another date to the ball, Bradshaw probably. Fucking Bradshaw.
But Jake was an idiot. He never sent a text. Letting you get ready, drive to the venue and wait. Wait on his stupid ass. You sat at the gazebo in front of the venue waiting. Watching. Waiting and watching and starting to feel a little more apprehensive the longer it took for him to get there. You waved as the other men and their wives and girlfriends walked on in. You hid your sadness as Bradley passed by with the prettiest girl on his arm. You pulled out your phone. No text, no call. You could call him, but it just didn’t feel right. Something was wrong. You’d missed something.
What you weren’t ready for was Jake showing up thirty minutes after you’d planned with a beautiful girl on his arm. A beautiful girl in a light blue dress. You’d felt paralyzed. Maybe he wouldn’t look. Maybe you’d just be able to slip on out after another little bit. Once everybody had arrived. Fuck. What in the hell was happening?
“Y/N?” That familiar voice rang out breaking you from the spiral your mind was going on.
You sprung from your seat brushing the icy blue dress down, “Jake, where’ve you been?” Wide eyes looked at him as his kind eyes brushed over your features. He knew you saw the girl behind him. He saw the panic on your face. The wobble in your voice. The telltale signs you were about to cry. Shit. Did he send the text? He could’ve sworn he did.
“Y/N, I texted you. I found another date.”
You stepped back feeling the stone-cold dagger rip right through your heart. It was beating so damn fast it was hard to even think of a sentence in your head, so you shook your head instead. Shook it quickly buying yourself time, “I didn’t get a text.” Looking down you sucked in a heart breath. Breathe. You had to breathe. It was fine, a simple miscommunication.
He stepped forward feeling a similar pang through his own heart. Double shit, “I’m so sorry.” His heart was going to shatter when you stepped back again. You never ever ran from him.
“It’s okay. I should go. Enjoy your date.” You slipped out down the stairs behind you. Thanking the Lord that there were two sets of steps, and you could finally just run away from him. How fucking mortifying. Why would Jake like you? He wasn’t the dating type. He was Jake fucking Seresin. The playboy extraordinaire.
You dapped the inner corner of your eye trying to stop the inevitable waterworks that would commence once you got home. But Jake was quicker, “Woah, woah. Hold on.” Gently, he grabbed your elbow pulling you to a stop, “You can stay. You still have a ticket.” He tried to remind you feeling awful about it all. You weren’t finding another date. You were waiting on him.  
You shook your head quickly, “I don’t want to.”
“Why not?” He wouldn’t let you go. Even when you tugged a little.
“Jake. Just let me go home.” A single tear spilled down
“Y/N…” He looked into your eyes for something. Anything. But it was all sadness. Such sadness that he caused.
You yanked yourself away from him, “For the record. I didn’t want to just go as friends.” You let another tear fall before hightailing it to your car. Peeling out of the lot before he could even really process what the hell you’d just told him.
He ran to his date muttering a quick apology before handing her the tickets telling her to enjoy herself before getting the hell out of there. He had to get to you. You didn’t like Bradshaw. You liked him? Fuck. He groaned before throwing himself into his car and driving right to your place.
He knocked. And called. And knocked some more. You knew he had a key. He could use it but he was waiting on you. You decided to let him sit there for a good thirty minutes of incessant banging and calling before you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Would you shut the hell up?” You pursed your lips studying the handsome man before you.
His eyes went wide not thinking you’d actually answer, “Y/N I’m…”
“Annoying as hell.” You went to shut the door, but he stopped you. Stepping inside quickly, “I didn’t invite you inside Seresin.”
He grimaced knowing you were livid. You’d have every right to be. He was pissed with himself for being such an ass to you. His girl, “We need to talk. Can’t do
“We don’t.” He studied you. His heart ached as he saw the tears staining your beautiful makeup. Beautiful no matter what.
He sighed taking your hand, “Yes we do. Come on.” He pulled you to the couch. You’d just gone with it knowing it’d be now or tomorrow with Jake. There was no avoiding the rejection that was incoming. You gave yourself a little distance between the two of you.
You just felt like arguing at this point. You didn’t really need to pick a fight but here you were, “I said…”
He interrupted you before you could pick that argument completely though, “Do you like Bradshaw?” He knew you didn’t. But he needed to hear you confirm it.
Making a nasty face you responded to him, “Bradley? Ew. I don’t fucking like Bradshaw. Are you kidding me? He’s like my brother.” You fake gagged before crossing your arms over your chest. Was that what this was all about?
“But at the bar.” His heart dropped to his ass as he processed your words. You didn’t like Bradshaw?
You shook your head confused as ever, “You’re going to have to elaborate Jake.”
He waved his hand, “Never mind.” He’d really fucked this one up. How had he managed to do that so quickly? This was why he didn’t do relationships. This right here.
He did know one thing though. You were worth it. Whatever it was you needed to gain his trust that he brutally shattered in one moment. He knew you were worth whatever fight he needed to fight. He wasn’t a relationships kind of guy, but he would be with you. He wanted to be with you. He loved you.
You interrupted his thoughts with your own rambling, “That’s so gross Jake. Can’t believe you would even think that Jake Seresin! He’s…”
“I like you.” He interrupted your ramblings knowing
You snapped your neck so fast towards him he thought it’d give you whiplash, “What?”
Smiling he reached a handout for yours, which you’d never deny. Your heart fluttered as he laced his fingers within yours making sure to rub the back of your hand with his thumb, “You heard me sweetheart. I like you.”
“Oh, you do?” You couldn’t quite believe your ears right now. Jake liked you? The guy who didn’t do relationships? Now, what in the hell could that mean.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, “I do. A whole lot.” His eyes bounced around your face as you took in his words.
After a moment that felt far too long to him you let out a beautiful smile. The smile that pulled him right into you, “I like you too. A whole lot.”
This time it was his turn to look surprised, “You do?” He was mocking you at this point and you knew it. But it didn’t
“Asshole.” You shoved his shoulder lightly with your free hand that he caught with his own free hand far too easily.
“But I’m your favorite asshole, right?” He grinned leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand.
You shook your head, “You’re on the shortlist Jake.”
He chuckled looking at you softly. Softer than any expression you’d seen on the man prior, “I’ve never told you how truly beautiful you are Y/N.” He smiled seeing your expression of adoration as you listened to him, “Inside and out I’ve never met a more amazing person before. I like you a whole lot. I think I’m falling in love with you if we’re being honest here.” He let spill out before he could reign it in.
You wiped away the tears that were threatening to spill, “You flatter me Seresin.” Shaking your head, you buried your head in the crook of his neck wrapping your arms around him tightly. He responded by doing the same, pulling you into his lap completely. Oh, how he’d dreamed of this for a while. Dreamed of holding you in his arms.
“You deserve it sweetheart.” He brushed a hair out of your face once you looked back up to him.
You grinned not really believing this was happening after so long of pining for your friend. You’d all but given up at this point but here he was confessing his feelings so freely, “Would you kiss me?” You asked hoping you’d never wake from this dream turned reality.
His smile could’ve lit up an entire room, “I thought you’d never ask darlin’.”
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @dempy @mayhemmanaged
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I Vow
Part 5 of You Play Stupid Games, You Win Stupid Prizes
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Reader, Past! Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader
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Description: A year long engagement wasn't in the cards for you at all. But when the US Navy calls, your fiancé had to answer the call. So for most of your engagement, you've been planning the wedding with Jake signing off on the wedding via video calls and phone calls snuck in moments between hops. It's draining on you. Even with your mom and Maria Seresin taking the reins, all you want is Jake by your side at the end of the day. When Jake suggests eloping the day after he gets back, you get a fantastic idea. Having a wedding in Maverick's hangar with all of your favorite people there. The only trick? Making it a surprise for Jake.
Disclaimer: Female!Reader
Warnings: None! This chapter is sweet and fluffy!
The content presented in this story is for audiences age 18 and over only. MINORS DNI. I will not be accepting taglist requests from Blank or Ageless Blogs for this story.I do my best to portray adult relationships in this fic. Please do not interact with this story if you feel you are not ready to read about these themes.
Word Count: 4815
A/N: I can't believe it, but this is the last official chapter of YPSGYWSP! My first series, almost over! You'll excuse me if you hear some sobbing in the background as you read this chapter, right? We'll have an epilogue for Jake and Bitsie, so look out for that in the upcoming weeks! The bold and italicized parts are lyrics from the song Steal The Show by Lauv. Kudos to @mayhemmanaged for introducing the song to me! I love you all, and thanks so much for reading this story as I write it! - XOXO Star
AO3: Cross-posted here!
My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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"Bitsie, can you hear me?" Just the sound of Jake's voice makes you smile, grainy and choppy as it is. He's been deployed for nearly a year and you miss him so much that it feels like you're walking around with a missing limb.
"Yeah, Jakey. I can hear you. How are you, my darling? I miss you so much." You're so happy to hear from him that just hearing his voice soothes fears you only just seem to uncover every time you hear his voice.
"I'm alright, my Bitsie-girl. Tired all the time because apparently I can't sleep anymore unless you're in my bed. And I miss you too, sweetheart. So much. I'm sorry I left you to the mercy of my mom and sister while you're planning this wedding." He really does sound exhausted, his voice raspy in a way that makes you feel so fond.
"Don't apologize, Jakey! Your mom and Brianna have been amazing. Honestly, they've taken all of the planning out of my hands once I told them what I - what we - wanted. When my mom joined in, I really didn't have to do anything at all, other than stamp my seal of approval over everything." His love warms you from head to toe and is so apparent even just over the phone.
"Mmmm… God, I miss being able to see your pretty smile, baby girl." You can see the smile on his face and the look in his green eyes with every word he speaks.
"I miss you too, Jake. Home doesn't feel like home without you in it." 
It really doesn't. Your life feels empty without him in it.
"I really wish I hadn't been selected for this mission so soon after we got engaged. But, it's the Navy."
"It's the Navy." You blurt out in unison with him, gasping the minute you realized what you said. His quiet laughter sets you off until you're giggling giddily while lying in bed.
"I know our families have been making all of these plans, but I have a suggestion." You're intrigued despite yourself, because while you'd made plans for your wedding, all you really need for it to be the best day is Jake by your side. 
"What if we get married the day after I land? You grab Mara, I'll grab Javy and Mickey and his family and we run off to City Hall and get hitched. Cause Bitsie, baby, I can't wait another minute longer to call you my wife."
The more you think about it, the more you adore this idea. Jake is all you need.
"But won't you miss having your Mama there, Jakey?"
"Of course I will, sweetheart. She raised Brie and me all by herself while running a farm. But I don't want to wait a single minute longer. I just want to marry you, Bitsie baby." Just as you open your mouth to respond, you hear the beep indicating that your time is up.
"I love you, Jake."
"I love you, Bitsie. Goodnight, baby doll. Sleep tight."
When you hear the dial tone, you hang up, letting your phone drop down onto the sheets beside you. For all of the rumors about Jake, you know he loves his mom and sister. It doesn’t feel fair that you’ll be robbing the chance to celebrate with his family from him. Your own parents aren’t likely to be thrilled either. They love Jake and how happy he makes you. What if you plan to have the ceremony on the beach? Invite only your immediate family and your closest friends and have one of the admirals officiate?
You never thought your parents or Jake’s mom would latch onto the idea as well as they have, but they adore the idea. Before you can blink, it’s the day before Jake’s due to come home and you’re scrambling to make sure everything’s ready. You’ve called all of his squadron and Javy and made sure they all know the plan for the day after they get back. You’ve also found hotel rooms for your parents and Jake’s mom and Brianna. Everything is ready. All you’re missing for your wedding is your groom.
You wake up on the morning Jake’s due to come back to a voicemail. “Hey beautiful. I’m sorry, but it looks like we’ll be coming home a bit later than expected. There are storms which are slowing our progress. Everything’s alright. I miss you so much, baby and I’ll see you soon. I love you, my Bitsie-girl. Next time I see you, I’m marrying you.”
It’s with a heavy heart that you call your family and Jake’s informing them of the unforeseen delay. You head into work that day, vowing to keep your days off for your honeymoon, something else that you’ve planned extensively with flexible rescheduling policies. Everybody is more than a little surprised to see you, especially since it seems like everyone on base knows what you and Jake have planned. Admiral Simpson even pulls you aside, asking if everything is okay and that he is pulling all the strings to make sure Jake gets home to you as soon as possible.
His gruff concern makes you feel weepy, sad, and sorry for yourself,  so much so that you’re brushing away tears as you join Mara in your lab on base. Thankfully she keeps the conversation light and about the work you’re doing rather than focusing on Jake’s absence from your life. That’s how your day goes. It feels like time is passing by in a trickle and the worry deep in your gut feels more and more like a tempest in your gut. But somehow you managed to push the thoughts away, immersing yourself in your work. The day passes in a haze and you’re startled out of your meditative state to the feeling of someone patting your arm to get your attention. You push away from your desk and stretch, relishing in the pull of tight muscles that have been locked in the same position for far too long. 
“Yeah, Mar?” Your voice is garbled around a yawn as you turn around.
Mara hasn’t been shaking your arm at all. It’s Jake!
“Jake?” Your eyes widen in surprise, disbelief coloring your tone at the sight of him standing in your lab when you were least expecting him.
“Yeah, sweetheart. It’s me. Even a storm couldn’t keep me away from you.” You launch yourself into his arms before he even finishes speaking, kissing his smiling lips and sobbing into his shoulder.
“Jake! I missed you so much. How are you?” You’re babbling even as you’re examining everything about him. Other than the exhaustion on his face, and a few new lines he looks just like you remember him.
“I’m fine, Bitsie. Breathe.” His eyes twinkle in the waning sunlight as he tugs you close and kisses you, sweet and slow. Your arms rise to wrap around his neck unbidden even as your fingers grasp his curls tenderly. You’re breathless and weak-kneed when he pulls away and he knows it too, if the smirk on his gorgeous golden face is any indicator.
“Take me home, beautiful.” You’re only too eager to comply, shoving your files and laptop into your bag in such a hurry that Mara is laughing at you the entire time. Jake’s hand feels so good in yours that you feel like you’re dreaming the entire walk to the parking lot. You’re so thankful you have Jake’s truck on base because you can chuck his bag into the backseat and kiss him until your lips are spit slicked and red and all you can smell are the faded notes of his cologne and jet fuel.
“Home, baby. I want to feel you on my skin after so long without you.” You’re surprised you don’t break any speed limits on the way home, what with Jake’s hand on your thigh and the way it brushes closer and closer to the seam of your leg. You’re keyed up and nearly panting when you get home. It’s a huge deal that you manage to text Brianna and your mom to tell them Jake’s home, because that’s all the contact you have with your family and Jake’s until the next morning. 
Jake wakes you up the following morning with a cup of coffee and a huge smile on his face.
“Wake up, Bitsie baby.” You love that he’s a morning person, truly you do, but you maybe love it a little more when he hasn’t kept you up until 3 AM the night before.
“We’re getting married today!” Your eyes jolt open at his words, because for this, you’re just as excited as he is. Your wide smile matches his even as you snuggle into his side with your coffee in hand.
“I can’t wait, Jake.” Your voice is sleep-rough and soft, as you sip on the hot liquid, prepared how you like it. “M’gonna be yours forever soon. Sorry, there’s no return policy here.”
“I could never return you. I love you too much to do that.” Jake kisses your forehead before pulling away. “Javy’s picking me up soon, baby. I know I’m technically not supposed to see you until we actually get married, but I needed to kiss you good morning before I left and to tell you I love you.”
Your smile is soft as you take in the soft henley and shorts he’s wearing. You hadn’t even noticed he was dressed for the day. 
“I love you, Jakey. I’ll see you when we get married.”  His grin is as bright as the sun as you shuffle downstairs and wave goodbye to Jake and Javy as they leave.
You don’t get much time to yourself however, as Mara and Brianna pull into the driveway not long after. You have no idea what they have planned, especially since you aren't having a bachelorette party, but wanted to spend some time with your friends the day of your wedding as well.
"Where are we going?” When neither Brie nor Mara respond, you buckle in for the ride, content in the knowledge that Jake is alright and in the feeling of the sun on your face. You must fall asleep in the backseat because you wake up to Mara and Brie both grinning wickedly at you.
“Damn, Bitsie! Jake really must’ve worn you out last night!” Mara’s got a shit-eating grin on her face even as Brie gags behind her.
“I can neither confirm nor deny, Mar. Especially since his little sister is right there.” Your voice is wry as you get out of the car and take in the beautiful desert view. 
Brie just cackles before wrapping you up in a hug. “I know he fucks, Bits! He’s never hid that from me. I just like you too much to think about you and my brother like that. You’re too good for him, you know that?” Her voice is soft as she takes your hands in her own. “You make him so happy. I love seeing him like that. You keep him that happy and we’ll never have problems. And he’d better keep you that happy too. Or I’ll be having problems with him. He knows that, Bits.”
Your eyes are misty as you hug your soon-to-be sister-in-law for several long moments before wiping at your eyes and gesturing to the colossal building in front of you.
“So what are we doing here, you two?” 
“We’re having a spa day! So we’re going to get you all pampered and ready for Jake to sweep you off of your feet!” Where Brie leaves off, Mara continues. “We’ve got bottomless champagne, massages, mani-pedis, face masks, mud baths and more planned.”
When you just blink at them, because you’re sure you’re hearing things, they both just drag you into the facility after them. 
Six hours later, you walk out of the spa with your hair and makeup done and feeling more relaxed than you’ve ever been in your whole life. Every knot in your body has been pounded into submission and you’re so excited you think you’re likely to start crying if you think about Jake waiting for you in his service whites. You’re that happy that he’s home, that he’s safe, and that you’re finally going to be tied together for every struggle that life brings. The mood is light between Mara, Brianna and you as the three of you scream lyrics out the open car windows on your way further into the desert. 
The midday sun is just beginning to set when the three of you pull into the parking lot near Mav’s colossal desert hangar. It’s here that you and Jake will be getting married, officiated by Mav, with all the Daggers in attendance, as well as your immediate family, Jake’s mom, and Brianna. But you don’t get to see the magic Penny and both your moms have wrought on the hangar, as you’re immediately led by Mara into the trailer Mav has behind the hangar the minute the car stops. Your mom’s waiting there, to help you into your dress and Brianna and Mara into their bridesmaid dresses. 
Your dress is simple, knee length with lace all over and a flared silhouette. It’s not a conventional wedding dress by any means, but you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world when you look at yourself in the mirror. As a final touch, you wear the heirloom emerald necklace and earring set that Maria Seresin wore on her wedding day as well as the shoes that match. Your mom is misty-eyed as she draws the veil over your head.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart. Jake’s not going to be able to take his eyes off of you.” She wipes the tears from under her eyes. “Your dad’s waiting to walk you down the aisle, darling. He’s already made Jake promise to take care of you when he called to ask us permission to marry you. So this moment, it’s just about you and the man you love. We’re so proud of you. And we love you, so much.” Her voice cracks for the last few words and that’s when your own tears spill over.
You thank everything you know that the ladies at the spa used waterproof makeup on your face, because without it, you’d look a mess. You hug your mom tight and watch her go with the oddest feeling in your chest. You feel like you’re on the precipice of something unknown, and while you’re filled with the deepest joy you’ve ever felt, you can’t help feeling melancholic. You want to marry Jake, you love Jake, but marrying him feels like you’re shutting the doors to the life you lead before. It’s a challenge you’re willing to undertake, but it feels awfully final, taking this step.
“You look beautiful, honey. Are you ready? You can tell me, you know?” Your dad sounds so sad to give you away.
“Tell you what, dad?” You wrap your arms around your dad’s frail form and wonder when he started to grow old. This is the man who held your hand when you were learning to walk, the man who taught you how to ride a bike and drive a car.
“If this boy isn’t who you want to marry, just tell me and I’ll help you run away, okay?”
You have to laugh at his words, though your giggles are choked with tears. “I’m sure, dad. Jake’s the man I love, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
“I had to try, honey. I’m so proud of you, of everything you’ve accomplished as a woman, and I look forward to everything you accomplish as a wife.” You’re nearly sobbing again at the soft kiss your dad presses to your forehead. You brush the tears away and ready yourself to walk down the aisle towards the man who will be the rest of your life.
You cradle the bouquet of pale pink roses and baby’s breath in your right hand while you loop your other arm through your dad’s.
“I won’t let you fall, honey. I didn’t when you were learning to walk, I won’t now.” You kiss your dad’s cheek softly, hearing the hitch in his breath as the first swells of music float through the open hangar doors. 
It’s a song you’d mentioned on the off chance to Jake and your heart swells hearing the tones as Mara slips through the open doors on Mickey’s arm. Then Brianna and Javy. You can hear Jake’s gasp of surprise at the sight of his sister from where you are. Then your mom and Maria walk through the doors arm-in-arm. Standing in front of those open doors on your dad’s arm, a sudden fear halts your steps. Can you be a good wife to the beautiful man on the other side of those doors? Can you take care of him through everything else that you’ll face in your lives? You pray you can, because you’re not sure you could live another day without him by your side.
Your steps are perhaps too fast as you walk through the doors, but the minute your eyes meet Jake’s all your fear and hesitation fly away. He’s looking at you with so much love that everything else fades to the background. With each step you take, he mouths the words, “I love you�� to you, and you can’t help the giddy smile on your face as you look at him.
His smile is brilliant as he takes your hands in his after lifting your veil. You’re consumed with the urge to kiss Jake, and you can’t help how you peck his lips, chastely just once.
“Alright, alright, kids. Settle down.” It’s Mav whose words separate the two of you, even as Mara, Mickey and Javy heckle you.
“We’re gathered here today to celebrate the union of this young couple before me. I never thought I’d see Lieutenant Commander Seresin get married. In my time as his superior officer, I’m sorry to say that for much of it, I saw his reputation rather than the man he is. Until he met the beautiful woman he’s marrying, the woman he calls Bitsie. Their relationship has been far from easy. For Jake, it was love at first sight. For Bitsie, it took heartbreak to see his love. But whatever their journeys may have been to get here to this very moment, I’m honored to marry these two today. Our couple thank you for taking this time to witness their union, as do I.” He looks so proud to see Jake standing there in front of you. 
“I believe our couple have prepared some vows. Lieutenant Commander Seresin, if you would please?”
Your gasp of surprise is gentle and soft. You never discussed writing vows for one another.
“My Bitsie-girl. I know, you’re surprised that I prepared something, but in truth, I couldn’t see myself marrying you without telling you how much I love you. What Mav said earlier is right. I never saw myself marrying. It takes a special woman to withstand the stress and distance that the Navy can create in a relationship. I never thought I’d find that woman. At least, that is, until the day I saw you walk through the hangar doors in Miramar. You were breathtaking to me even then. It didn’t matter that you saw somebody else before me. I’m good, I’m very good and I had you in my target sights the minute I learned your name.”
Your giggle is watery at his words.
“It took another six months for you to see me, and Bitsie-darling, I would have given anything to change that day. I never wanted you to get hurt. I thought he was the right man for you, I truly thought he loved you as much as you loved him. So when I found you crying in the middle of the worst storm I’ve ever spent at sea, I took it upon myself to see your beautiful smile again. I don’t know when I changed in your eyes, but that day? That was the day when you changed in my eyes. I saw your strength, even when you cried in my arms. I saw the core of you. I saw how even when you were wounded you kept moving on. It never once affected your work, sweetheart. Your heartbreak never once kept you from excelling.”
“I’ve fallen in love with you more and more every minute of every day since then. Every day that I wake up to you in my arms, I’ll consider myself the luckiest man in the world. You mean so much to me, Bitsie-baby. I vow I’ll spend the rest of my life keeping you happy. I vow you’ll never want for anything. I know I’m only a man, I know I’m not perfect. But I vow I’ll do my best to make sure you’ll be loved everyday and every night. I love you, baby. It was the best day of my life when I asked you to marry me and you said yes.” 
You’re sniffling when he stops speaking, your tears welling over as he pulls a packet of tissues out of his pocket and hands you one. There aren’t very many dry eyes in the audience when you look out at your friends and family assembled before you. You pat your tears away before taking Jake’s hands in yours.
“Jake,” Your voice breaks just saying his name. “I can’t believe there was ever a time when I didn’t love you. I can clearly see the line in the sand of life, clearly marked before Jake and with Jake. It shames me to think of those months before we met, those months where I didn’t like you, where I treated you terribly, and thought the worst of you. Then he cheated on me, and fell from the pedestal I’d put him on, and I saw the truth. That rainy night was the first time I’d ever seen you as a friend, Jake, and I wish I’d accepted your overtures of friendship before then. You felt like home when I was far away from everything I’d ever known and when my heart was bruised, battered, and broken.”
It’s Jake’s turn to sniffle as you gather your errant thoughts and put them into words.
“Those first three months on the carrier were the happiest I’ve been in a long time. And that’s all because of you, Jake. You helped me find friends in people I’d only thought could be colleagues. You’re a better friend than anyone ever gave you credit for being, Jake. I’m still not sure when I fell in love with you, but I did love you. I loved you that day when I nearly lost you before I ever told you how I felt. I thought I loved my ex, truly I did. But the love I felt for you that day, Jake? It exceeded every milestone I thought love could ever possibly reach.”
At this moment, all you care about is Jake. You have tunnel vision, focusing on his face and only his face.
“So this is what I promise you. I vow to love you, through every earthquake and flash flood life throws at our feet. I vow that I will never again disregard your presence or its importance in my life. I vow that even when we’re gray and old you’ll still be my best friend. I vow that you’ll always be my partner in crime and my reason when all else is lost. I love you, Jake.”
Even Mav sounds choked up when you both turn to him. He takes the ring box from Javy and finally speaks the words it feels like you’ve been waiting your whole life for.
“This ring is an unbroken circle, with ends that have been joined together, and it represents your union. It is a symbol of infinity, and of your infinite love. When you look at these rings on your hands, be reminded of this moment, your commitment, and the love you now feel for each other.” 
Jake’s green eyes are just as teary as yours are.
“Jake, place the ring on Bitsie's finger and repeat after me: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever.”
Tears drip down your cheek as Jake utters the words before winking at you.
“And now… Bitsie, place the ring on Jake's finger and repeat after me: Jake, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever.” 
Mav’s voice wobbles at those last words, and you don’t sound any better as you repeat them.
“Before these witnesses, you have pledged to be joined in marriage. You have now sealed this pledge with your wedding rings. By the authority vested in me by the great State of California, I now pronounce you married! You may kiss your bride!”
Jake’s eyes glint mischievously as he tugs you in and kisses you, slow and sweet. He tastes like cinnamon and you kiss for several long moments before the cheering of everyone you love separates you.
Waiting for you as you turn to face your family and friends is a sword arch. Flower petals cascade over your head with each step as you walk towards the entrance of the hangar. You’re smiling from ear-to-ear as you walk down the steps with Jake’s hand securely in yours. You know exactly what you’re getting into when two swords bar the way.
“We challenge you, Lieutenant Commander Seresin. One kiss to pass.” It’s Mickey saying those words, and it’s a request you’re only too eager to comply with. 
When you and your husband, your husband, walk through the doors, you see a fairy tale scene. There are string lights festooned all over the place, shining merrily as Mav announces you and Jake as Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Seresin. You spend several long moments hugging your friends and family before a familiar song has you turning in your tracks. It’s Jake, still wearing his Navy whites holding his hand out for you. You take his hand easily, gasping and laughing when he spins you out onto the dance floor.
Started out on a one-way train
Always knew where I was gonna go next
Didn't know until I saw your face
I was missin' out on every moment
You’re tearing up again, even as Jake spins you around on the dance floor.
So if it's real
Then, darlin', let me know
I wouldn't mind
If you steal the show
You had no idea that Jake could dance like this. He takes your breath away, even as the lights make his eyes glint mischievously and his hair shines golden. Your golden boy, your husband. You get lost, staring into his gorgeous green eyes, coming back to yourself only when your chest is heaving and applause peppers the night air. That’s how the remainder of your night goes, dancing with your friends, dancing with your family, dancing with Jake again, and again, and again. The sun is rising on the horizon when the party finally breaks up. Jake and you settle into the backseat of Javy’s convertible exhausted but ecstatic.
“Was today everything you hoped for and more, my Bitsie-girl?” Jake’s voice is slurring in exhaustion, his Texan twang blurring each rough syllable.
“Our wedding was everything I wanted and more, Jake. Honestly, I was ready to marry you in City Hall. But having our friends and family there made it even better. I know how important it was for you to have your mom and Brianna there for your wedding. I would’ve done anything to make sure your family was there.”
The wonder in his eyes still makes your breath catch in your throat. 
“Why, Bitsie, baby?” 
“Because I love you. And this?” You point to the ring on your left hand. “This is for forever. Your family is mine. And I love how much they love you. Your mom, and Brianna love you as much as I do. There was nobody else I’d rather have standing for you during our wedding.”
The rest of your words get muffled by the kiss Jake presses to your lips. This? You’re ready to kiss Jake and be kissed by him for the rest of your life. It’s a price you’ll readily pay. If only you could go back in time and tell yourself when you were hurting after Bradley cheated that something better is waiting for you, if only you open your eyes to it. It’s something you’re so glad you did. Jake’s the love of your life. You know that now.
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✈️ @greenbaby12 ✈️ @mayhemmanaged ✈️ @desert-fern ✈️ @cassiemitchell ✈️ @eli2447  ✈️ @the-romanian-is-bae  ✈️ @luckyladycreator2  ✈️ @lunamoonbby ✈️ @daphne-turner ✈️ @angeliccks  ✈️ @dakotakazansky ✈️ @daisydaisygoose ✈️ @inky-sun  ✈️ @fighterpilothoe ✈️ @pulisvertz  ✈️ @wildxwidow ✈️ @angelbabyange ✈️ @chaoticassidy  ✈️ @kmc1989 ✈️ @sarahsmi13s  ✈️ @roosterforme ✈️ @lavenderbradshaw  ✈️ @bobby-r2d2-floyd ✈️ @lovinglyeternal ✈️@bradleybeachbabe  ✈️ @thedroneranger ✈️ @cherrycola27 ✈️ @roosterforme ✈️ @beccaanne814
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136 notes · View notes
thesilvercup · 2 years
Come Home Baby
Jake Seresin x Reader
Part two here: please don’t forget me
ok so part one of a new series I’m doing! Hopefully this one gets completed! Let me know what you think by liking, reblogging, or commenting! Or don’t! It’s not necessary ☺️
Warnings: angst? eventual smut and fluff (not in chapter one that’s for sure) uncomfortable breakup
Word Count: 1.016k
I know it’s late and I know you don’t want to hear from me but one thing that I want you to know is that I’ll always be there for you. No matter the day or year say the word and I’ll be there. Sent.
Fuck I really messed this up. That sounds so stupid. Texting people has always been hard for me. I just wanted to tell him one last time before we go our separate ways.
————————— earlier —————————
Jake and I had been dating for 4 years prior to this. I thought he was going to propose yet he told me that he was going away. Jake said not to wait for him but I’ll always wait for him. Mind, body, and soul I belong to him. Like the stars belong to the sky and the waves belong to the ocean. He wouldn’t listen to me and already packed his stuff out of my tiny apartment before I got back from work. But even then I couldn’t hate him.
His eyes were misty no matter how much he blinked and his voice had a tremor to it. “Why,” I cried out. “Why are you breaking up with me? I told you I would stand by your side through anything.”
“Becca,” he whispered, “I don’t want you to stand by my casket. I fly out tomorrow. Get over me. Hate me. Please.”
“Jake,” I croaked out, “I could never hate you. Not a single bone in my body could ever hate you in the slightest.” I reach up to try and hold his face in my hands one last time.
He pushes my hands away, for the first time ever. Tears slip down my eyes unbeknownst to him.
I collapse onto my couch we were hovering next to. The sobs break out of me once I hear my front door shut.
“Is this real,” I cry out. It simply can’t be! I wanted a life with him. Children, a house, a dog, anything. I wanted our futures to be inter winded. I need our futures to be intertwined.
As hours pass I find myself growing calmer but increasingly concerned for Jake. Why did he feel the need to break up with me? Is the mission that serious? It has to be. He loves me. He wanted to be together until our last breaths.
Is this some sick joke, I ponder. Tears quietly escape my eyes and trail down my face falling onto my now damp sweater, that Jake bought me. He said that it was his favorite color; baby blue. I break down again. Struggling to handle what happened I call the one person who could give me more insight, Allie. My lifelong best friend who is married to a Navy Seal.
After calling my best friend, Allie, I decide that he needs support. Allie spoke about what went through Alex’s mind every time he was deployed. He was scared to lose her, to lose his life, and never see her again.
Although this didn’t calm me down I decided o would just have to accept this as a known fact.
I draft multiple messages never seeming to be good enough. How could they be good? What requirements does a message like this need?
Thoughts race and race in my head until I write the best one. It should be good enough. My hand hovers over the send button. I close my eyes and tap it.
I open my eyes to check, it was sent.
I know it’s late and I know you don’t want to hear from me but one thing that I want you to know is that I’ll always be there for you. No matter the day or year say the word and I’ll be there. Sent.
I regret sending that so much. What if it was too much? Or even too little? Anxiety bubbles up in my stomach.
Fuck I really messed this up. That sounds so stupid. Texting people has always been hard for me. I just wanted to tell him one last time before we go our separate ways.
Shit! I forgot that Jake has his read receipts on. To calm my anxiety I turn my phone on do not disturb. I cant see his rejection to my pathetic text. Maybe he broke up with me because of how clingy I am? God, I can’t handle this.
I rush into my bedroom and pack up a few things. I can’t stay here. Not without him. Not in the ruins of us.
I call my parents to let them know what’s happening. They’re as confused as I am but not even the same but distressed. After our phone call I know that I have to go to the only place that will make me happy: California.
Back home surrounded by family and friends is what I truly need. So I gather my bags and lock up my apartment.
I pack my three bags into the trunk of my car. I check the time on my watch. It’s currently 6pm and 4 hours since Jake left me. The drive home is 20 hours long without stops. I have to leave tonight.
Pulling out of my parking space I make a quick stop at a coffee shop drive through. I get 3 iced coffees and some food for the drive.
The car connects automatically to my phone. And plays the last song I had on:
I Will Spend My Whole Life Loving You by Imaginary Future and Kina Grannis.
Oh my love, how you have hurt me. But oh baby, please come home to me. Love’s knife twists away at my heart.
I allow the song to play. As I drive down the highway I realize that I have no idea what my life will be like anymore. But loving Jake was so worth it even if I end up single forever. I slow down as I pass by a sign on the highway. It reads: thank you for staying in Texas.
I gently whisper, “goodbye Texas, I’ll miss you.”
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purelyfiction · 2 years
Crossfire -----✈︎ 4
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x F!Reader | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
Word Count: 2,955
Summary: So much is riding on this mission, including your future, and that of those you’ve come to adore like family. When a tumultuous turn of events has you doing emotional somersaults, you’re overwhelmed with everything this career has brought to you, including this moment.
Content Warning: This is a successor to the first parts, please read that first! || This story will have TopGun: Maverick plot line elements to it and will possibly spoil the movie for you. Please be aware. This - and all of my stories - is 18+. By continuing to read you agree that you are 18 or older and that any content you come across is by your own decision. || MOST DEFINITELY SPOILERS FOR TOP GUN MAVERICK!! you’ve been warned. Tw; topics of death, plane accidents
Author Note: oh hey there, you’re still reading this stuff? well i’m glad you are !! i’m in the midst of writing the next part and you guys are not ready for this. i also know this part is a smidge short, but i promise you it’s so so so much more than just a word count. with that - enjoy!!
                                                      ✈︎  ✈︎  ✈︎
With the discussion with Maverick under your belt - and some newfound confidence thanks to the information that was revealed, you were able to get some food in you. You then sat on deck, drumming your fingers on your helmet as you watch the sun rise. You jump when you hear a voice from behind you. To your surprise, it’s Hangman. You look up at him as your mind registers his words. ‘It’s at least a clear day.’ 
“Yeah. Maybe it’ll be a little easier.” You hum, feeling him take a seat next to you. 
“No luck with Rooster?” He asks, leaving you more surprised. It makes you look at his face, which for the first time doesn’t have the familiar daredevil grin on his features. Jake Seresin was never one to be serious. This was a version of him that you didn’t exactly enjoy. 
“No.” You sigh, turning your head back to the brightening colors in the sky. “I feel so damn guilty. It was over nothing too.” Your fingers are tracing over the crescent moon shape that’s painted on your helmet, shades of navy blue, yellow and stars litter the surface, your callsign written in a pleasant calligraphy font. 
“Well… maybe you try when he’s forced to hear you?” Hangman suggests and you furrow your brows, looking over your shoulder. 
“Jake, are you suggesting I try talking to him in the air? Mid-mission? Don’t you think we’ll be a little preoccupied?” You ask with a breath of air moving through you with astonishment. He shrinks. 
“Yeah… I guess.” The two of you sit in the quiet again. 
“Thanks for trying to find a solution, Hangman. But I don’t think there’s any bandaging that’s going to stick before we get in the air.” With that, you’re standing from your crisscross spot, reaching out a hand and helping him to his feet. He takes it, standing upright, pulling you to his chest and gripping onto you tight. 
“You come home. You hear?” A weak smile fills your face - not that he can see it with it hidden in his flight suit. 
“Loud and clear.”
Taking to the flightdeck, you can feel your heartbeat in every step you take toward your jet. Coyote is right beside you, quiet as a church mouse. It’s not long after that your helmet is on, in your spot in the pilot’s seat, adjusting your mask to loosely hang from its snaps. You take one last look around the flightdeck, seeing faces watching you. You spot Hangman and Payback standing at attention, a firm salute to the six of you. As the canopy comes down to seal the two of you in, you return it, somewhat teary eyed. 
You can only hope this isn’t the last you’ll be seeing them. God, you hope it isn’t. 
The force of takeoff that used to be so thrill inducing instead feels like dread following you. You’re pushed against your seat with the movement, scaling into the air. 
The airtower is confirming each of your names, confirming your radio connections. It’s the first time you hear his voice in what feels like weeks. 
“Dagger 2.” It’s almost impossible to ignore the slight shake in his voice. He’s as scared as you are, and neither of you were ready to face this. 
Yet here it was. 
With each mile you gain towards the target, the more your stomach aches. Approaching the mountain range, you know that this is no dream, no practice run. 
Don’t think. Do. 
Each turn has you sliding, forcing yourself to take calculated breaths, making sure that you’re getting enough oxygen. It’s easy to forget that you’re already on the clock, but Coyote’s keeping track. Luckily. 
You nearly graze the one mountain, and can hear Phoenix. “Easy, Dagger 3. You’re over-adjusting.” A breath as you enter your next turn, your entire body moving with the force. Finally, you’re out of the turns, pulling up in a straight climb. Your entire body is vibrating, your mind racing. You can hear Maverick in front of you, initiating the first round of firing. Miss. It’s now Rooster’s turn to take a shot. The carrier tower confirms the missile missed its target. As you’re climbing, you’re hearing him struggle to get the target to align. With no confirmed lock on target, he’s firing. Contact. 
With contact made, half the miracle work is done. That was only the first shot. You had to make the second one. 
The final one. 
If you don’t lock on, you can’t take the shot. Then you risk Phoenix missing as well. All your efforts would be for nothing - leaving you running from enemy fire, in a desperate attempt to get back to the carrier. You dip into the valley, a shake in the jet as you shift the crosshairs, the screen flickering with the vibrations from the speed. “Starting targeting.” A breath in, one out. It feels like you’re hyperventilating, yet taking the slowest breaths. In a brief moment, the target locks and you take your shot - without confirmation.”Dagger 3, did you take the shot? Dagger 3?”
You don’t remember if contact was made. All you remember is shifting into escape mode. Rising from the valley, into smoke filling the sky, immediately pulling up as hard as you can, the entire jet shaking as if you were careening from the sky, yet you’re going the opposite direction. You’ve nearly cleared the peak when it comes over your comms. 
“Dagger 1 has been hit. I repeat, Dagger 1 has been hit.” Your stomach drops, forcing you to push further. No, no, no. He needs help, he needs backup, a wingman. You want to get to him - need to get to him. As you increase the speed, your vision is beginning to go dark at the edges.
“Moonshine, we’re pushing 10 Gs as it is!” Coyote comes from behind you but you don’t hear him. 
10.1 10.2 10.3
Finally you clear the peak,making the aggressive change in direction, leaving you plummeting to the ground, soaring down, beginning the onslaught of avoiding enemy fire. Your hands are moving faster than your brain. You barely register what’s happening, but it’s that drive that gets out and into the clear. You feel faint, on the verge of blacking out, and it’s likely showing. Your name is coming through the comms’ Coyote’s searching for confirmation that you’re alright. With no words exchanged, the tower is checking in, forcing a response from you: “Dagger 3 is clear. No damage.” 
“We have to get him.” Rooster’s voice comes through. Oh God, Rooster don’t- 
“Dagger 2 you are to return to the carrier. We have no signal on Dagger 1, there is nothing we can do.” 
“We can’t just do nothing.” There’s tension in his voice, which leaves you with tears in your eyes. You want to go back, you want to support Rooster. Maverick. God, Maverick.
“You have firm orders.” Another voice, “Dagger 2 is out of position.” 
“Lt. Bradshaw. Bradshaw!” There’s no response. You attempt to reach out to him.
“Rooster! Rooster come on.” It’s then that you realize you’re not getting any feedback. “Coyote, can you hear me?” Pressing every button on your comms, you’re not getting anything. Nothing from your RIO, nothing from Dagger 4, the tower, Rooster. 
For the next thirty minutes, it’s you and the radio static as you lurch forward to the carrier. You rush your landing, well knowing that your aeronautics instructor would have heavily reprimanded you for such a landing. You’re numb, not from the vibration of the plane, or the screeching halt you’d suddenly come to.
You’re numb, because your favorite people were either MIA or on the way into enemy fire.
As soon as the canopy’s clear, you’re jumping from the craft and running, running to the tower. Despite the people yelling at you since the runway is active, Coyote begging you to stop. There’s no time for the elevator, so you’re taking the stairs, two at a time. Moving at such a speed, you inevitably trip, scraping the palms of your hands on the metal before getting up again. The sting of your hands pales to the ringing of your head, but you have no care or concern for your own well being at this moment. By the time you’ve reached the last landing, you’re gasping for air, barely any energy remaining. The door to the room moves with ease, and when you step in, all eyes are on you. 
The room is quiet when you throw the door open. Admiral Simmons looks at you, your rank leaving his mouth. “Dagger 2. Did he find him? Did Rooster find Maverick?” You’re panting, your lungs on fire. Eagerly, you’re waiting for an answer. 
There’s not a soul who dares to move, to speak. “Well??” One of the traffic controls turns to you. 
“Dagger 2 was hit. We just lost signal.” 
Your heart jumps into your throat. There’s barely any air moving through your lungs as it is, but now you can’t even begin to take a breath. Your chest is tight, the dark room spinning around you as tears flood your vision. “No… no .. but-but he’s okay? They’re okay… they have to be okay.” It’s a near sob that breaks through you, multiple sets of hands reaching your shoulders, guiding you out of the control tower room. 
You can tell you’re moving, yet your legs aren’t going anywhere. It’s then that you realize that Bob has an arm under your shoulder, Payback on your left. They’re physically carrying you down the steps as tears leave you immobile. They move with such caution, such care, yet your vision blurs it like they’re moving 100 miles per minute. When they get to the bottom of the staircase, they’re taking a break, trying to get through to you. You can’t. You… can’t do this without them.
Without him.
Your day started with hours feeling as though they were minutes. Yet now, curled in your bunk, you feel like minutes have become hours. Luckily for you, most of the cohabitants of the room had their own tasks at hand so they were not bothering you. Though, that meant they didn’t know. In a blissful state of ignorance. 
Two pilots were presumed to be dead. Two men who had helped you get to this spot, whether you were willing to admit that or not. The creaking of the quarter door has you shifting your head toward the sound. The lights were completely out, leaving a halo over the person entering, that was until she turns on the lights. “Shiner?” You pull the sheets over your head, a whimper accompanying it. Maybe you were being selfish right now. You were sure Phoenix wasn’t taking this easy either. With that reminder, you push the sheets back again, climbing from the bunk and to the floor where she joins you. “Bob and the rest of the guys were worried about you but… didn’t want to…” She nods her head toward the room, well knowing that men weren’t permitted in the sectioned off area of the ship.
“Right.” A slight laugh pairs with it as you wipe at your eyes. Sniffing, you take a look at her. Her hair is out of place from her helmet, her eyes just as red as your own had to be. You sigh and let your head hit the middle bunk, trying to stop the tears. Natasha speaks so softly in the eerie quiet. 
“Did you tell him?” The words crush you further, another wave begins to drown you in grief. You fall into her shoulder, where she’s wrapping her arms around you. 
“If you knew, I hope that he did.” Your voice cracks when you say it. “I can’t… it never got to be love. I loved him. I didn’t get to love him.” Natasha’s heart is breaking for you, her hand moving to the side of your head as your diaphragm muscle spasms, making your breath skip as you try to pull air into your lungs. She pulls your head toward her shoulder, your temple meeting the edge of her green t-shirt, soon enough stained with tears. 
“We’re all here for you, hon’. I brought you something from the commissary, it’s not gonna fix anything, but I just.. Hoped it could ease some of the big emotions.” She’s reaching into her pocket, struggling to pull out whatever she crammed into it. When it’s successfully released from the confines, she hands the package to you, making you pick up your head as she presents it. A mellow smile stretches across your face as tears flood your eyes again, hands carefully taking the gold packaging. Looking at you through the clear window in the plastic is a parade of rainbow gummy bears. A laugh starts to breathe life into your lungs, Phoenix looks at you with a confused smile. “What?” 
“Nothing.” You smile as you start to open the package, offering her some when it’s finally open. She’s happy to take some, leaving the two of you on the women’s quarter floor, a bag of gummies between the two of you, tears silently running down each other’s faces. 
It takes you another half hour or so to collect yourself off the floor, wash your face with cold water, blow your nose - compose yourself. You would have a debriefing to get to, no doubt about it. You’re leaning onto the sink basin, taking a shaky breath before looking into the mirror. As you’re thinking of exiting - the mirror rattles on the steel walls, the floor vibrates, a roaring coming from floors above you. 
Everyone had been grounded. So why was there a plane taking off?
Exiting the bathroom, you’re following the hallway to the nearest staircase. After already breaking into the control tower once, you move to the nearest jet and helmet, listening to the comms channel. “Lt. Seresin, ground your plane, immediately.”
“You said there was a signal, and with all due respect, if there is a sailor out there on their own, I’ll be damned if I’m sitting around and letting them die from my lack of action.” 
“What signal??” You jump on the line, only to be scolded as well. “I’m not flying, I’m listening. What signal is he talking about?”
“Maverick has a signal. He’s out there, I’m not letting him down.” A breath. Stay put, Mav. You’re mentally begging him to just sit and wait.
“Jake.” You warn, hearing him muttering something else. 
“Bring him home.”
In the half hour it should’ve taken Hangman to get there, you learned that Maverick had stolen an enemy craft and was attempting to fly that back to the carrier. They had no line of communication, just some signals and plane stats. It was nail biting to say the least. The radio crackles to life again. “I have visual on Maverick - and what looks to be Rooster.”
Your forehead drops to the side of the plane as relief sings through your heart. He’s alive. He’s alive. There’s minimal time for celebration as a rapid succession of events occurs. In the time of spotting them, Jake is firing shots and missiles - just barely saving their asses. You can hear laughter on Hangman’s end, some sort of teasing response to being a hero, before telling them he’d see them on deck. 
And you thought your landing was rough. The entire ship seemed to shake with intensity as the old craft scraped the asphalt - a horrifying sound pairing it. What without any wheels, there were less predictable endings. Upon stopping, you can see smoke and crew immediately hosing the nose of the jet down with extinguishers. Yet, the canopy pops up, a rather smiley Maverick popping up. “Did you guys miss us?” He cries out and you’re running again. You’re not the only one to start crowding the jet, but you’re certainly the closest to it.
 As you’re running, you watch as the brown haired male climbs from the jet, a little unstable when he reaches the ground. “Bradley!!” His head pokes up just in time for your chests to collide, your arms wrapping around him in the tightest death grip, tucking themselves under his armpits, your face crushing into his chest. Sore arms reciprocate the grip you have on him to hold onto you, reassuringly his head comes to meet the top of yours as sobs start up again. You barely make out the shushing sounds he’s offering over the cheers and chants overwhelming the top of the ship. A hand rubbing your back slowly, he’s squeezing you with all he has left in him. You don’t dare let go, gripping the canvas of his flight suit, taking a deep breath of him into your senses. It’s instant reassurance, this isn’t an imposter, a doppleganger, a replacement. It’s Bradley. 
“Moon,” Rooster finally speaks, his grip loosening on you, trying to pull you away. Instead, you hold on tighter, not wanting to release him. “Moon. Let go.” 
“No. Don’t make me, please, don’t make me.” Your words are muffled by his shoulder, which he is prying you from. When your eyes meet, you witness a new kind of relief. Not your own, but his. The blonde is soon taking your hand, undoing the zipper of his suit slightly, only to guide your hand onto his chest. Hazel hues connect with yours again.
“You feel that?” He quips, forcing you to nod rather hesitantly, a sniff matching it. Under your palm you can feel his pulse, his heart absolutely racing. “I’m here. I’m alive.” Rooster’s grip on your hand tightens at the words. “I’m not going anywhere, Moon. I promise.”
———————————————— ✈︎
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callsign-dexter · 1 month
Top Gun x Reader Masterlist
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Bradley Bradshaw
Be Mine Forever (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Floyd!Pilot!Reader)
I Apologize (Bradley Bradshaw x Benjamin!Air Force Pilot!Reader)
A Flight of Insecurities (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Meet and Greet (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Behind Closed Doors (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Simpson!Reader)
Out in the Open (Bradley Bradshaw x Simpson!Reader)
Hearts on the Edge (Bradley Bradshaw x Wolfe!Reader)
My Brother's Wingman (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Seresin!Navy SEAL!Reader, Jake Seresin x Navy SEAL!Twin Sister!Reader)
Love's Second Chance (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Adopted!Mitchell!Reader)
From Fear to Forever (Bradley Bradshaw x Pilot!Seresin!Twin Sister!Reader)
Intoxicated Confessions (Bradley Bradshaw x Pilot!Kerner!Reader)
Knight in a Hawaiian Shirt (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Shadow of Protection (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Jake Seresin
Surprise! (Jake Seresin x Best Friend!Reader)
Doppelgänger (Hangster and Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader)
Dagger Squad
Fight for Freedom (Dagger Squad x Reader)
Learning to Love Again (Dagger Squad x Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Tangled Hearts (18+ MDNI) (Dagger Squad x Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
A Guarded Heart (Maverick x Reader)
Beau Simpson
Wooing the Admiral's Wife (Beau Simpson x Wife!Reader)
A Father's Example (Beau Simpson x Wife!Reader)
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