#Javier is the one who asks if the broken cart needs help
manicmarsupial · 2 years
The Smallest Outlaw- Chapter 7: Snow More Mountains
Over 6 months since the last update. There is actually a valid reason. I needed urgent surgery to get my gallbladder out in February. Whenever your G.P rings you on a Saturday morning, it's never good. There were that many stones on the ultrasound that he couldn't tell if the gallbladder was inflamed or not. Over 50 stones they found!
Then while on a positive recovery for that, the hip operation I had been waiting over 7 years for gave me a weeks notice...at a hospital 150km away. Now I've got to rebuild the strength back up.
Positive side of things, I have been coming up with new ideas for the story...just not in chronological order.
As usual, suggestions welcome.
Chapter 7
When the storm eventually subsided and the snow had melted enough to move the wagons, the gang decided to start moving down the mountain and head East. Despite my constant protests, Hosea insisted that it was no trouble looking after me. I suspect that he knew I had doubts, probably because Arthur told him, and as such, had decided the best way to stop me running away due to low self esteem was to keep me quite literally in his pocket. I suppose from a survival perspective, he does have a point…and I can’t deny it’s warmer with his heavy coat insulating his body temperature.
I can hear the bustle of the other members of the camp packing up. Above me I recognise Dutch and Arthur talking. I can’t actually hear what’s being said but Dutch sounds confident.
“And we just robbed a Leviticus Cornwall train,” Hosea’s enthusiastic voice practically thunders in my ears, causing me to jump in fright.
It’s a wonder he didn’t have a career on stage with that volume. His next statement of suggesting the gang hide out at a place called Horseshoe Overlook isn’t as loud, but it still rumbles through his chest.
I feel him move as he finishes talking. The distinct ‘clomp’ of a wooden step and an upward swinging motion that made me topple backward meant Hosea boarded the wagon. I hear Arthur make a yell to urge the horses. The sudden movement causes me to stumble back, hitting Hosea’s chest, which feels like being slammed into a brick wall.
“You ‘right in there, Ollie?” his booming voice rumbles
“Oww…” I groan in reply.
“You going to come out of there?”
“No, it’s cold,” I fake whine.
Either ignoring my complaint, or not believing me, Hosea takes me out of his coat pocket and drops me onto his shoulder. I make an attempt to burrow into his scarf but just do my best to wrap part of it around myself and settle against the crook of his neck.
I can’t deny I’ve become quite fond of him. I’m still suspicious that there’s an ulterior motive behind him being nice to me. No one in this crowd of outlaws knows my hearing is absolutely useless. I was going to wait until they got to a town, but knowing they’re outlaws, I’m just going to escape when they get somewhere warmer.
I watch the layers of snow get thinner, and the patches of grass become bigger. I have been up this mountain a few times, but it seems different from the shoulder of a giant. Maybe being smaller had changed my view of things. I really don’t know.
The cart rocks and I’m brought back to reality.
“Get us out of the stream. You gotta keep us moving, but calm,” the volume of his voice reminding me why I favor being on his shoulder.
The sideways rocking of the cart stops for a brief moment as it continues forward.
There is a loud thunk and the cart lurches forward violently. I’m thrown from Hosea’s shoulder, only to land in his open hand.
“Ah, shit,” I hear Arthur grumble.
The cart shakes a little as Arthur gets off amid questions from the other wagons.
“I broke the goddam wheel,” Arthur gripes.
“Alright, let’s get it fixed,” Hosea’s voice practically thunders as he places his other hand over me as he dismounts the wagon.
He quickly hides me behind his shirt collar as another gang member approaches.
“You need some help?” the new arrival asks with a deep, rumbling voice.
I get a brief look at him. He has a dark complexion, as well as some of the features of the native people.
“Alright Charles,” Hosea’s voice snaps me out of my observation.
“You and me hold the thing up while you try to put the wheel back on, Arthur.”
I duck behind Hosea’s collar as he stands at the back of the cart. I feel his muscles tense when he lifts the wagon. There’s some loud thumping as I presume Arthur forces the wheel back on.
“See, you ain’t so useless after all,” Arthur drawls.
“Not quite,” Hosea gives a sarcastic laugh as he kneels down to pick up some of the fallen luggage.
He stops loading the cart and takes a few cautious steps forward. I poke my head around to see him looking up at a cliff, where three local natives are just sitting on their horses.
“What do you think?” Arthur mumbles.
“If they wanted trouble, we wouldn’t have seen them,” the dark-skinned man, Charles replies.
Hosea raises his hand in greeting.
“Poor bastards. We really screwed them over down here,” he explains quietly.
“Come on, let’s not push our luck.”
I hide back between Hosea’s scarf and collar as he starts moving.
“What happened?” I hear Arthur’s voice.
“Well, get in, and I’ll tell ya.”
I feel the rapid change in direction as he mounts the cart.
He gives Arthur directions, then explains the situation with the local tribes. It’s the usual kicked off good land then sent to struggle in dismal areas. There’s a bit of sugar-coating about the army being ‘unpleasant about it’.
“Unpleasant? How do you rob and kill people pleasantly?” Charles asks.
“I fear I was perhaps trying to simplify something more complicated for the benefit of our blockheaded driver here,” Hosea replies, aiming the veiled insult at Arthur.
“Don’t blame it on me. Never forget this is a conman, Charles, born and bred.” Arthur retorts.
Oh, great. As if I needed another reason to be suspicious. Now I find out that I’m being held “captive” by a giant bunko artist.
I hear Charles explain about his tribe, or lack of one, then his leaving home at thirteen. I selectively ignore further talking, focusing on the feel of Hosea’s voice as he speaks while I ponder where to go.
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
Being the Camp Doctor for the RDR2 Gang
added two characters no one asked for you cant stop me. still tryna get the hang of these guys!
In this imagine, you’ll be fixin up: Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch van Der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Sadie Adler, Micah Bell, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Sean MacGuire, Lenny Summers, Kieran Duffy, Tilly Jackson, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Karen Jones, Flaco Hernandez, Mr. Horley
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Arthur is grateful and appreciative of you, really! He just isn’t always comfortable going to you for help. He figures he shouldn’t bother you and he should fix his own mess, but all it takes is a stern look for him to sigh and agree to let you have a look. He gets hot under the collar when you lean in so close and touch him so kindly, so he’d really be itching for some small talk on your part. He feels like whenever he starts it, he says weird things, and his train of thought starts leaving the station when he catches a whiff of your perfume.
The whole experience gives him a mess of emotions, especially if you look after him while he’s sick (he ain’t the best patient) but Arthur can’t imagine going to anyone else when he’s hurt. He just likes your gentle touch too much. To repay you in his own way, he’ll bring any medicines and herbs he finds. Heck, you could give him a grocery list of things you need and he’ll come right back with all of it.
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John can’t go a week without hurting himself in some way, but he’s the type to get up, wipe the blood off and ignore it. Or just forget about it - so many times you’ve scolded him for coming to you only when an infection is setting in. It became a joke with the gang that John would mysteriously go missing anytime you went looking for him. You’d have to sneak up on him and pounce, sweetly asking why he’s never mentioned the fingers he broke a week ago. At least when he’s sick, he can’t go anywhere, so he has no choice but to sit and let you check up on him. The attention embarrasses him to no end so thank god for the excuse that the fever is making him red.
However, things were a little different after the wolf attack. You stitched him up neatly, and he was so tired, he let you fuss. You did him a serious favor, he thought, and he felt like he sorta owed you. John wasn’t sure what he’d do to make it up to you, but he could at least sit through your check-ups in the coming weeks, even if they got him feeling all sorts of things.
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He doesn't kid himself about what a valuable asset you are to the gang. He’s damn lucky he found you, and luckier that you agreed to work with him. Dutch is loud about telling people to go see you and ensures the medicine cart has what it needs, or everyone is in trouble. He likes to flatter you, both about how appreciated you are and how excellent your skills are. Both points are true, but he mostly does it because you’re cute and he wants to be on your good side. Even if you’re a capable shooter, he’d rather you stay in camp where you’re safe and not in the middle of danger. He’s very stubborn about this.
Dutch rarely gets himself hurt or sick, but he’ll still see you so he has a chance to be fussed over. Obviously, he won’t do it in front of everyone - he’d rather you treat any wounds he gets in his tent. He’s just needy like that and he enjoys watching your nimble hands mix this or stitch that. He might hang around the medicine cart while you treat others to watch you work … and discourage anyone else from flirting.
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Like Dutch, Hosea appreciates you and knows you’re an important part of the gang. He’ll be the one nagging others to see you when they’re hurt and sick and telling them to be still and let you work. You’ve helped him many a time as well, except not just with injuries. When he began to develop his cough, you noticed right away and asked him to try all sorts of comforting teas you put together. He told you not to fuss over him, but he couldn’t refuse something you worked so hard on … and they’re delicious. He has no idea how you made leaf water so appealing. 
On a side-note, Hosea likes watching you read your medical books because you have such an interesting expression when you study them. You’ll write notes in the margins and there’s probably a dozen bookmarks in it, it makes him proud in a strange way, like you’re working this hard to help others. He likes to sit next to you and see which chapter you’re working on this time.
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You were the one who helped her after she was brought to Colter, and she was in a daze through most of it. Once the group was off the mountain, she stayed close to your medicine wagon, appreciating your calm presence. Sadie finally thanked you then, since you seemed different than the others. She didn’t have much interest in medicine, but helping you was better than dealing with Pearson. Crushing herbs and cutting bandages helped keep her mind off things, and gradually you two began to talk and get to know each other better.
Later when she joined in on the gang’s jobs, she was often visiting you, only half-listening to your warnings to be more careful. Since she helped make your medicines, she knows what ingredients you need, so to make up for her recklessness she’ll often bring you supplies. When you fix her up, she takes good care of the wound so you don’t have to fuss with it later.
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Even though Micah knew how skilled you were, he never visited you. He’s not the type to seek help even if his insides are melting. He claims he never gets sick and he wouldn’t be so stupid as to get himself shot up - though not two weeks later, you spent an hour digging a bullet out of him. He drank through most of it to avoid showing how painful it was, but your stitches were quick and neat, and they didn’t bother him much. You kept checking up on him too, and you were glad he was taking care of the stitches. Micah wasn’t doing anything, really, he just knew it was stupid to mess with them (your compliment was nice, though).
When you removed them, you were happy that everything healed so well. You kept touching his arm and moving it, he finally had to pull it away because the realization that he hadn’t made anyone that pleased in a while was uncomfortable. After that, seeing you so close to the other men as you helped them tended to get him antsy. He still won’t go to you of his own violation when he’s hurt or sick; he hopes you’ll notice and go to him with that worried look on your face.
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For many years he’s had to take care of himself, no matter if he was hurt or sick. He does … a decent job, but not great, he’ll admit. So when he joined the gang, he was grateful there was someone like you around. Charles appreciates your neat stitches and how careful and considerate you are. When he came down with a small cold, you were right there with some medicine you made, even if he was still new. That sort of consideration just really gives him a pleasant, happy feeling, so he’s more than glad to help you out. Just give him a list of herbs you need, he insists on it. He’ll get some sinew and bone for you to make needles and thread out of, too. 
Charles likes to hang out when you’re making your own medicines and ointments. He recalls his mother doing something similar, so it’s very interesting to him. If you wouldn’t mind, he’d like to know how you do it, and how you know what to use. Also, when one of your patients is being difficult, he’s the one to walk over and tell them to behave.
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He wants to be the “tough guy” and brush off any injury, even if it really hurts, and he doesn’t want to admit when he’s feeling like death ... But the thing is, you’re nice. Sweet, even, and you have pretty hands and you’re so caring. You worry about him, so he feels rotten for not taking care of himself and going to see you. You check up on him too, make sure everything is healing alright, and it always gets him red-faced and nervous. There’s definitely been a few awkward but well-intended compliments. 
Probably because of his crush, he’s a very good patient when he’s sick. He hates feeling that awful so he’ll do whatever you say to get better. Everyone’s very amused at how obedient Bill has suddenly become, since before you showed up he’d just be a pain in the ass. Bill has no idea how to repay you, so he’ll bring you things that he thinks are useful, like some questionable bottles he thought were legitimate medicine.
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Javier likes to stop by your cart for silly things like a “broken heart”, just so he can chat with you and hang around. He appreciates your skills and compassion; he’s sure most of these guys would’ve bled out if you weren’t there, and he tells you so. While Javier played the tough guy in his adulthood and pretended he was fine, sitting with you brings back memories of when he was a kid and getting patched up by his ma. Watching your fingers move so expertly and carefully impresses him, and your compassion at how he’s feeling gets him all fluttery. 
He loves that sort of nurturing nature, so he’s an extra obedient patient for you and does his best to look after the injuries you fixed up. And while Javier normally hates people seeing him when he’s snotty and sick, he loves how you take care of him. He doesn’t even hide how pleased he is with your bedside manner. 
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No surprise, Sean acts tough when he gets the stuffing beat out of him, pretending it doesn’t hurt even as he wobbles. He’ll go to your medicine cart because you must want to chat, not because he’s convinced he broke a rib and he has half a mind to ask if they grow back (he often asks you stupid “medical” questions). He’s his usual big-headed flirty self as you treat him, flavored with plenty of jokes and occasional yelps from pain. So many times Sean has had to go back to you because he accidentally opened his stitches or sprained his wrist again. Hey, he gets to see you again, so it’s not that bad. 
Actually, you rarely have to check up on Sean because he likes hanging around your cart even when he’s feeling fine and has other things he should be doing. When he’s actually recovering from something, be it wound or sickness, he trails you like a puppy, asking you to take another look just in case. When he’s totally wasted he’ll steal this legit-looking snake oil and very proudly presents it to you before staggering off somewhere.
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Lenny is reasonable, he sees no shame in visiting you when he’s needing to be patched up or feeling under the weather. He hates feeling sick so he’s on point with taking the medicine you give him. And honestly … being treated by you, especially for colds and stuff, gets him a little case of the feelings. It reminds him of being back home, taking some remedy his mama put together to help a sore throat or bad cough. You often noticed this sentimental look on his face whenever you made him something.
He’s very interested in the whole process, so sometimes he accompanies you as you gather herbs or make medicine and asks you how it works. Eventually Lenny starts helping you out and being something of an assistant, although patching up bullet wounds and stitching skin makes him a bit queasy. He thinks your medical books are beyond cool and likes to read them, even if the information can be a bit dense. When he’s out he likes to search for similar books and hopes they’re useful to you.
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You were the one who treated the wounds he received when he was captured - the gang was willing to just leave them be, but Kieran overheard you arguing that you weren’t about to leave a man bleeding all over the place. You sounded tough and he flinched when you showed up with the needle, but once you started patching him up he was in awe of how gentle and careful you were. You kept asking if it hurt, and for the next few days you’d come by with medicine to make sure everything was healing alright. Kieran had never had such kind attention like that since… Well, he couldn’t remember. 
Afterward he knew he had to thank you somehow. His theoretical leash was still short, but he could look after the horses that pulled your cart. You realized how knowledgeable he was, so while you taught him about medicine for people, he’d teach you things about helping your horses. It goes without saying he grins like a dork whenever you thank him for it.
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She’s not the sort to be squeamish around blood, but that doesn’t mean she wants to be assigned to stitching up the boys when they get themselves in foolish situations. The good side is Tilly enjoys spending time with you, since you both are usually too busy with different things to chat. So when it’s her turn to be your assistant, she takes full advantage, catching you up with what’s been going on. If you’re more introverted she has all sorts of fun gossip, if you’re more outgoing she’ll encourage you to go on jobs with her and the girls, or just have fun with them. She’s also usually the one washing the blood out of your bandages before you disinfect them, so you have her to thank for that.
Tilly likes helping you gather ingredients to make medicine. Something about it just tickles her, like you know some secret that no one else does. She’s the biggest fan of your teas because nothing else helps her get through a headache, and if that wasn’t already a reason to like you, you’re so nice when she’s sick. She’s never had anyone be so attentive and kind to her when she’s ill, and it gets her a little embarrassed at how happy it makes her. 
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Oof, she really doesn’t like helping you clean up blood and guts, or lord forbid digging out bullets (once was enough!). So instead, she’ll steal you some good quality medicines and supplies she spotted, or she takes over your chores so you can rest after a night of patching wounds. A big reason she’s so grateful is because at the orphanage, no one gave a damn if she was puking her guts or gushing blood. The first time she was having horrible cramps she tried to hide it, but you were so sweet and empathetic. You gave her some strange tea, bundled her up with a blanket and set warm bricks wrapped in cloth to soothe the pain. She’d never been so tended to in her life, it made her speechless. 
After that Mary-Beth was in your corner. She’ll actually raise her voice and scold anyone who's being a difficult patient! And if someone is feeling even a little off, she’ll push them toward you. Karen teases her for having a crush, but that’s not it at all! She’s just grateful! Of course, this has all inspired her to start writing a romance about a soldier and a nurse he meets, so now you’ll catch her staring and furiously scribbling notes.
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Karen is a regular visitor because she ain’t about to deal with cramps or a cold if she can help it. She dislikes being slowed down because of her own body, and you’ve also assisted with some morning-after medicine and never told the camp or judged her for it. She respects you, but still likes to tease you about your “bookish” tendencies. She insists you need to stop fussing over everyone and do something for yourself. “Let them boys fend for themselves! Give ‘em a bottle of whiskey an’ a needle, they’ll figure it out.”
Karen doesn’t have patience or steady hands, so she doesn’t help directly with surgery, but she’ll clean up the mess afterward. A little-known fact is she’s the one who's responsible for the tidy way your medicine cart is laid out. It’s like organizing bottles of perfume and make-up, she says, so you can find things much easier now. She knows your teas and medicines work well, but she hates the taste, so she’ll add a shot of whiskey or a dollop of honey to help it go down.
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He’s always looked after himself, as his many scars can attest. He can get the job done, more or less, and he’s dug out a few bullets from himself and others. That’s less of a problem nowadays, considering his remote location, and few things get past his thick coat. Still, Flaco admires your skills. He hasn’t gotten to see you in action too much, but you’ve talked about people you’ve helped and the gang you tend to. He likes this caring, cautious nature of your’s. 
You couldn’t believe he didn’t even have bandages in his little cabin, so you put together a little box filled with bandages, ointments and medicines you’ve made yourself. Flaco tries to put on his usual gruff front, telling you not to bother with things like that, but he’s so touched. It takes him way back, reminding him of his mother and grandmother, both respected curanderas. He hasn’t thought of that in a long time. Anytime you brew something for him to help with aches or sleeping, he’ll drink it with a raspy laugh. 
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Well it's a good thing you have this skill, he thinks, because the lord knows you and your gang get into all sorts of trouble. Anytime Mr. Horley sees neat little stitches on you or your friends, he figures it's your work, and they heal well afterward. He never gets himself hurt, so he hasn't had a chance to see you work, but you'll still offer him some tea leaves you grew. At first he took it to be polite, but he and Mrs. LeClerk actually enjoyed it a lot. Jessica sends him to get more tea and medicine from you, half because she prefers your recipes, half because she wants you both to chat more. 
At some point Mrs. LeClerk had need of your skills, so he employed you to discreetly patch up some of her associates. That’s when he got to see you work, and he gave you several genuine compliments you didn’t expect. They were in his usual serious voice, but he meant it. He keeps his eyes and ears out for work you can do, just in case you drop by that day.
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spider--aye · 5 years
TWDG Rarepairs week, Day 4: Modern AU
Ship: lujavi (Luke x Javi)
Words: Oh shoot, 3 616, how is it even possible?!
Luke sighed deeply, sitting on a chair next to his friend's hospital bed. He glared over the man who looked away, avoiding Luke's gaze. Luke had a couple of scratches and bruises on his face, while his friend wasn't so lucky and except for those things he also had a broken leg. Eventually, the friend got bored with avoiding the gaze and turned his face in man's direction.
"Come on, Luke, it's not you who stays here for a couple of days," the black haired man mumbled.
"Your uncle is gonna be pissed, Nick," Luke pointed out.
"Honestly? I have no regrets," Nick smiled and looked at the ceiling.
"Okay, so do your thing, I guess. I'm getting out before Pete starts a riot," Luke sighed, getting up.
"You're a coward," Nick teased jokingly. Luke smiled and turned his head a couple of times.
"Nope, you're not getting me on the same trick twice. No way," the man answered.
"Damn it," Nick swore. He then sighed, eyeing Luke. "Try not to die while I'm away," he joked.
"Same goes to you, buddy!" Luke answered and waved goodbye before leaving the room.
As he was leaving, he passed Carlos, the doctor that lived a couple of houses from his own. They greeted each other and the man approached Nick with a face that was giving off that it wasn't the first time they were seeing each other in a situation like this. Luke was about to leave the hospital when he realized it was raining outside. With a sigh, he ran out from the building, yet by the time he found his car in the parking lot, he was already soaked. He sat in the driver's seat and felt stupid for not using the hospital's parking lot. He maybe would have to pay a little, but at least he'd be dry. He eventually started the car and it slowly rolled over to the road.
As he was passing the hospital, he saw someone. A man around his age, with brown hair and wearing a T-shirt with some logo. He was, of course, soaked because of the heavy rain and was trying to catch a taxi. Yet, another one passed him and splashed water all over him. He sighed and just stood there, waiting for another one to appear. After a moment of hesitation, Luke pulled over and rolled his window down.
"Trying to catch a ride?" he asked, and the stranger looked around uncomfortably.
"Yeah. Why?" the man asked, slightly eyeing Luke.
"I can drop you off somewhere if you want." Luke offered with a friendly smile. The man thought for a second.
"Yeah, that'd be nice. Thank you," he answered and slowly got around the car to sit next to Luke.
Luke started the car. They were driving in silence for a moment, while the stranger was trying to wipe the water off from his face with his clothing, that unluckily was soaked as well. With a sigh, he gave up.
"So, where should I drop you off?" Luke asked.
"Oh. Where will we be passing?" the stranger answered with another question.
"I'm going home, I live near the south side of the city, so we'll cross the center and head there. You live somewhere near?" Luke asked after explaining. The stranger took a moment to figure out where was south.
"Yeah, actually. A little more to the...left, I think, but yeah," he agreed.
"So I can basically drop you home," Luke offered.
"That'd be nice. Thanks," the stranger agreed again. "Hey, uh, not to be rude, but... what happened to your face?" he asked awkwardly after a moment of silence.
"Oh, this? It's a stupid story. Just, the dumbass I occasionally call 'my friend' figured it'd be a good idea to 'borrow' a shopping cart and ride in it down a hill. I was lucky, though, he has a broken leg," Luke answered, ashamed that he got tricked into that stupid idea. The stranger snickered.
"You did that? I heard something like this from my nephew but never would've guessed it'd be you," the stranger said surprised.
"And you? Did you got out of the hospital or something?" Luke asked.
"Yeah, but it was nothing serious, just a regular check-up," he answered.
"Check-up? You play sports?" Luke asked. The stranger smirked.
"Baseball," he answered simply.
"Oh, that's cool," Luke replied with a smile. "So, is it a hobby, or work?" he asked.
"Both," the stranger replied.
"Oh really? Why don't you have a car, then?" Luke questioned, causing the stranger to sigh.
"Brother dropped me off and didn't wait," he explained.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Should I turn left now?" Luke suddenly asked for directions.
"Yeah, that's here," he answered.
With a small conversation going on, Luke drove the man right to his house. He stopped the car near the sidewalk and turned it off.
"Thanks for the ride," the stranger thanked.
"No problem man," Luke answered with a smile.
"Oh, by the way, could you give me your phone number? I could return the money for the gas, then," the stranger offered.
"Uh, you don't have to," Luke answered.
"It's not much for me, I can pay," the stranger reassured and Luke nodded.
"Okay then," he answered and gave the man his phone number. After that, he saw the stranger nervously look at him and it took him a while to realize why was that. "My name's Luke," he introduced himself.
"Oookay, got it. And I'm Javier," he answered, shaking Luke's hand.
"All right, so see you later, I guess," Luke smiled.
"Yeah. Have a nice day," Javi wished.
Luke got home and returned to his daily routine. Ate some food, took his dog on a walk, fed it, read a chapter or two of a book that Sarah, Carlos' daughter had been recommending to everyone, did the dishes, ate dinner and without any issue fell asleep. In the morning, his routine was still undisturbed, followed by walking his dog and feeding it, eating breakfast, making the dishes and now instead of hanging out with his friend, Nick, he took his car and went to the hospital to check up on him.
By the time he left, it was afternoon and as he was making his way through the center, his phone rang. He stopped the car on a side of the road and picked up.
"Hey Luke, it's, uh, it's Javier. I wanted to give you back the money for gas," the speaker started.
"Oh, hi. Where are you?" Luke asked.
"Near the park in the center, but I have my car, so I can ride anywhere you need me to," Javier explained on the phone.
"All right, I'm just passing by, I'll be there in a couple of minutes," Luke assured.
"Oh, okay. So I'll wait here, I guess. See you in a minute!" Javi ended.
"Yeah, see ya'!" Luke answered and hang up.
He reached the park within' minutes, just as he promised and got out from the car, looking for Javier. When he spotted him he couldn't help but notice how different the man looked. He slowly approached.
"Hi, I'm here," Luke greeted.
"Oh, hi-" Javi answered and turned around, stopping midsentence as he saw Luke. "Oh, you look better when you're not, y' know, soaked," he said.
"Right back at you," Luke answered, smiling at the man.
"So, anyway, here's your money," Javi said, handing Luke money. Luke blinked.
"Are you sure? I mean- It's a lot more than I expected," Luke admitted.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Hey, by the way, maybe, I don't know, you wanna... go with me to eat something?" Javi offered.
"Well, I mean, sure. I'm free for over a week since my friend's in, y' know, hospital, so I'd be just bored home anyway," Luke agreed.
"All right then, come with me, I know a nice place selling burgers, if you're down t it," Javi smiled.
"Lead the way, man," Luke agreed once again.
They went into some small burger pub and ordered some food there. In the meantime, they talked to each other. Javi told Luke some stuff about baseball while Luke told him about his dog and the book he was reading. It turned out Javi was also in the middle of it, so the two found another topic to get on for some time. After the food arrived it turned out way better than Luke would've expected, he made a note to return there one day. Just as they were about to go their ways, Javi stopped him.
"Hey, I've been thinking, maybe you'd like to come to the baseball play I'm taking part in? IT's tomorrow and it'd be nice to have a friendly face in the crowd," he asked, scratching his neck.
"I'll try to be there," Luke promised and they went separate ways.
On his way home, Javi was thrilled. He was just so happy to happen to meet Luke the day earlier and even more happy to somehow have contact with him. He couldn't really tell why was that, but he just immediately liked the man. He walked into his house and took his bat. He then got back in the car and rode over to the place he was training at. There, he was practicing swings alongside his friends from his team.
The next day Javier and his teammates entered the stadium, all ready to defeat their today foes and go further in rankings. Yet Luke was nowhere to be seen. Javi sighed and tried to shake the man out from his head. He had to focus on the game. For his own sake.
The game began and Javi's team was roughly losing it. It was hard to keep up with their foes, who were probably training way longer than Javi and his teammates were. Things were going downhill since the very begging and it was almost guaranteed that Javi's team would lose. There were 15 minutes left. Javi was trying to be ready.
The ball was coming his way, he swung and... missed. He could hear some people laugh. Distracted, he tried to hit the other ball. Not only did he miss, but he lost his balance and fell to the ground, causing more people to laugh. He tightened his grip on the bat in annoyance, unsure if he should even bother to get up. That's when while running his eyes through the audience, he spotted a familiar, friendly face. He just lied for a moment, looking at Luke in the audience and then he got up, filled back with determination.
He stood his ground, turning his bat slowly, ready to swing. The last ball was coming to him with rapid speed, but he didn't hesitate. He just took a deep breath, thought of everyone watching him and took his shot. The ball crashed into the bat and was thrown away because of it. It was flying, flying, flying... it eventually got past the audience and out from the stadium. Javi stood there for a moment, admiring his work, before moving further.
Within those 15 minutes, Javi's sudden energy rush not only helped him but motivated his team that, in the end, won. The audience was cheering, but Javi was mostly glad to see Luke happily watching him. They waved to each other slightly, just like they were some spies giving each other a signal informing that they see each other.
Javi had never switched clothes this fast before. He wanted to catch Luke before he left for good. He just quickly laughed with the whole team of his and cleaned his face from dirt that got onto it when he fell and he was already wearing sunglasses to avoid fans and running outside, looking for Luke. It didn't take him long to find him, standing somewhere near the exit and seemingly looking through his phone while actually keeping an eye out, just like he'd expect someone to appear.
"Luke!" Javi cheered, waving his hands around and getting man's attention. Luke smiled as soon as he saw his friend run like this.
"Hey! Good game!" Luke complemented, keeping his smile up.
"How could I lose with you watching?" Javi joked.
They were standing so close to each other and Javi wasn't sure why'd he do that. Maybe because he was so thrilled, maybe because he was too tired to think, maybe there was any other reason for this, he really had no idea. But for some reason that was probably deep inside his head, he kissed Luke. He realized only a couple seconds after. As he pulled away he was getting pale, but his lack of color was soon enough replaced with blushing all over his face. He hid it in his hands and tried to mumble some explanation-apology, but wasn't really able to. When he was already making a plan to move to the other side of the country and trick his family into doing so, Luke laughed and slightly patted Javi's back.
"It's okay, man, I get it, you won," Luke smiled.
"Yeah, sorry, it's just... because of all these emotions and... yeah," Javi agreed and took a deep sigh on the inside.
"How about we go back to that burger place to celebrate?" Luke offered and Javi smiled, feeling like he just got out from a tight spot.
"I think that's for the best," he agreed and they went there.
Next morning Luke woke up in his home, in his bed, with his head hurting. He ran his hand through his hair, making sure it was not because of hitting something overnight but couldn't find anything. He yawned and looked around. He finally realized that he was hungover after last night. The first thing he thought was if he took his dog on a walk, but as he saw it sleeping next to his bed he calmed down. Yet a moment later a more serious question ran through his mind, causing him to flinch.
"Did I drive drunk?" he asked himself in disbelief. "No. No, I wouldn't do that!" he calmed himself and then sighed. "I'm staying in bed today," he then decided and closed his eyes.
It wasn't long until his phone called. He somehow reached it and waited for the signal to almost end before picking up.
"Hello, you've almost reached Luke, but I can't talk now, so leave the message after the signal," he said and then made a sound with his mouth and put the phone away, listening.
"Hey man, I'm not sure if it's really your voicemail or you're just not up to a conversation, so I'll make this quick," Nick's voice rang out. "Carlos is letting me out tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd be willing to pick me up. Pete will most likely be in work and I have no way of getting home on my own," he explained. Luke sighed.
"I've got your back, Nick," Luke assured and he could hear Nick chuckle in the background.
"Thanks, man," he thanked and hang up.
Luke sighed and tried to fall back asleep as the phone rang again. Just like the last time, he waited until the very last moment before picking up and said the formula again. Yet, he wasn't interrupted by Nick. It was someone else. So Luke put the phone away and listened.
"Hey, uh, hi. It's Javi. I, uh, hope you're alright after last night. I'm calling to make sure and also to tell you that it was me who drove you home, so you have nothing to worry about. And also... I... I was thinking. Like, about what happened after the play yesterday. Y' know, when we met outside the stadium. I am now sort of glad you didn't pick up because I can just... talk. So, I... ugh, this is stupid. All right, so... I think- I- ugh... I like you, okay? Like, a lot. More than I probably should," he sighed " More than a friend," he finally let out. Luke's heart dropped. "And- and I get it if you now just wish you didn't pick me up that other day and that you'll most likely text me to say to stay away and that's how it'll end, but... just if there's a slight chance you don't hate me or even, I don't know, feel the same way? Just... just call back, please?" Javi ended, but before he hung up Luke shook out from his confusion and grabbed the phone.
"You're serious?" he asked quickly. A sudden gasp was to be heard, alongside with a sound of phone falling. Then, it was picked back up.
"L- Luke? You've... heard it?" Javi asked. He was trying to hide it, but he was terrified.
"Yeah. Yeah, I did," Luke confirmed and both men sat quietly for a moment.
"So... yeah. I guess I'll be going..." Javi awkwardly tried to end the conversation.
"No, wait!" Luke stopped him.
"Ooookay?" Javi asked.
"I- Ugh, figured it'd be easier to say after you did it, but, yeah, I- I think I might feel the same way...?" Luke said. He was now just praying it wasn't some prank.
"Wait, really?" Javi asked, not even able to believe it.
"Yeah. Yeah, really. So... maybe... I don't know, let's... meet around... 2 p.m.? If you're free? Where... ever... you'd... like?" Luke offered, getting more shyer with each second.
"Uh... Yeah! That'd be- That'd be amazing!" Javi cheered through his phone. "So, maybe... at that cinema near the train station? What do you say?" he suggested.
"Sure," Luke nodded, even though Javi couldn't see him.
"Sooo... see you there?" Javi asked with a smile, even though he was not to be seen either.
"Yeah, of course. Bye," Luke hung up and lied back in his bed processing everything.
It all happened so fast he couldn't even really understand what was going on during the conversation and he had to think fast, but now was the time to analyze what happened. As he was doing this, he was blushing more and more, his body was slightly shaking, his breath and heartbeat were out of control... This conversation happened. He lied there in denial. Did he just set up a date for himself? Okay, maybe not date exactly, but something close at least? His emotions were offsetting each other, he was thrilled, excited, terrified, confused, worried, amazed, surprised, full of energy, froze up... He was going crazy!
He got up and ran into his bathroom and eyed himself in the mirror. He looked like a hungover beetroot, red all over his face, with messy hair and empty gaze. He jumped under the shower and took a fast, cold one to get rid of all these symptoms. When he got out he quickly dried his hair and made sure it looked okay. He eyes himself in the mirror again and was proud to say, he was looking better. Just like a beetroot, because the blush was not coming off. He swore quietly and got back to his room, looking for something to wear. It wasn't an event requiring him to wear a suit or something, but not a one to which you come over dressed in T-shirt and a pair of worn out jeans. He ended up picking a shirt and a new pair of jeans he bought to himself recently.
He washed his face one last time, took his beloved dog for a walk and then, as he got back he washed his face one more time, still hoping to get rid of his reddish cheeks. When it failed he gave up and, checking the clock multiple times, got to the place 15 minutes early. To his surprise, Javi was also already there, also blushing as hell, which made Luke feel a little better about his own look. He approached awkwardly.
"H- hi!" he greeted and Javi almost jumped at his voice behind him.
"Oh, hi, you- you got here early!" Javi also greeted, with a smile that was hiding the panic.
"So did you. It's good to see you," Luke answered, also doing his best to hide that he was freaking out.
"Y- you too," Javi answered, nodding.
"I'm sorry if I'm awkward, I'm just... Still processing the who thing. I can't believe you actually... feel that way too." Luke went ahead and apologized. Javi snickered quietly.
"Then we'll be awkward together," he joked, bringing a smile to Luke's face.
"So it'll be. Any movie you want to see?" the man asked, slowly feeling more comfortable.
"No, and you?" Javi answered, also gaining confidence.
"Guess we'll look through the offers," Luke guessed.
"Seems like this. Let's go," Javi answered and then reached out to Luke with his shaking hand. Hesitantly at first, Luke took it and both men, blushing furiously, headed to the theater.
The next day Luke picked up Nick as nothing happened. He helped him to the car and started it, slowly driving off. Nick took out a water bottle he got from Carlos while he was leaving and took a couple of sips. He grinned and looked over to Luke.
"So, what'd I miss?" he asked, taking another sip.
"Oh, not much, man. I got myself a boyfriend..." Luke hummed and Nick choked on his water.
"You did WHAT?" he asked, wiping the water off his face.
"Started dating a man. Thanks for breaking a leg, that's how we met," Luke smiled, but kept his eyes on the road.
"Oh, so I'm involved? No take-backs, man, you gotta tell me everything now," Nick demanded and Luke chuckled.
"Fine, fine..." he agreed, starting the story.
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