#Jay Rease
bookwormlover10 · 1 year
Hunter, maybe? To explain I mean
Hunter in this au I very different from Canon. For starters he wasn't created by Philip/ Belos but he was made by the suneye cult, secondly he is made from the bones of jay ( Caleb son in this au) and one tooth from Caleb. He didn't have a soul gem thing ( the thing that is in the middle of the gremwaker pictures. Please tell me what it is I can't remember) to put it in better terms it like he doesn't have his own heart. to copisat this he runes by magic electricity to keep him alive. He also has the tendency to eat a witchs bile sack. ( Eventually he starts eating whole paliman to stay alive) he also doesn't talk much due not having vocal chords only getting them when he was 8. ( I'll explain it more in his background later) so he talked in broken English. Also the cult called him #640
For his abilitys he had lightning power to electric people and can teleport with them. When he bleeds he can control his blood like a soulwaker ( he bleeds black to btw). He also has the ability to take off his limbs like Frankenstein.
For his background in this au, is that he is apart of a line of failed gremwakers that was created in the suneye cult after the war and "help" from the collector to serve the suneye cult ( like the golden guards but emo). He was reased by his brother. Like his brother and other before him he was contly being experimented/ modified on mostly being awake to. Even though he always head his brother to brion his day.
That all change when one day when he was 8 his brother gave him a monster Lilly pendant saying its the most beautiful flower he ever seen and hope that one day that he'll see them. Hunter mute at the Time just smiled with adoration, then his brother said that his going to the lab but told hunter not to follow him. But hunter being the boy that he is hud behind the door.... But what he saw wasn't pretty he saw his own brother having his vocal chords ripped out of him... His brother dies soon after.... Turns out his brother how much hunter wanted to talk and see the world. So knowing that he'll die he gave up his vocal chords to hunter.
Later that same day when he was grieving for his brother, he meet a woman with red heir in a cage with a werd.. puppy?. The women was crying and yelling " Caleb!!" . Hunter in the shadows repeds " C- leb" " who there?" The startled women yelled. Then Hunter nervously walked to the cage. The women when seeing the boys sweted her eyes and clearly says" h- hunter?" The boy turned his head in confused. " S- sorry that was my son's name" the women apologizing " thought he really didn't go by it looking back" she chuckled. Then she noticed that his eyes are pofy " hay were you crying " she asked in conserd the hunter started to salently cry. The women now have her mother entins on trying converting him whisper things like " hay it ok" and " what wrong?"
When the 8 year old finally calm down the women finally introduce yourself " I'm Evelyn what's your name little one?" Hunter in a whisper replied " 6..4..0" " ha that not really a name is it?" Evelyn said hunter ignore that pointing at the weird puppy. " You don't talk much do you?" Evelyn ask. Hunter nodded yes. Evelyn rolling her eyes terd back to the weird puppy. " I don't know his name but... Don't he look like a king to you?" Evelyn ask. Then Hunter agreed.
His relationship with Evelyn is like mother and son he actually called her mom at some point.
This is what he looks in my au for the most part I drew this before thanks to them came out
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I also Trace a screenshot to for fun mostly but might as well
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squib-2006 · 2 years
Squib can you give me... Kai hcs that you have 🤲🤲🤲
I have a whole post already going over most of my Kai hcs but fug it here’s some more.
Baby boi has some serious repressed trauma. Like you think Lloyd has bad trauma, at least the green bean talks about it. Like Kai never talks to anyone about his bad experiences ever. This is a bad habit built up on always having to put on a happy face for nya when that were younger.
On that same note kai is an excellent actor. As long as he isn’t put on the spot he can act how ever he wants to. In a situation where he needs to get away from the media? Well even if Kai is annoyed he can act all swave and talk his way out of having to actually say anything.
On his relationships with the other ninja I think it goes like this.
Lloyd: big brother/parental figure. He and Lloyd have a very strong bond. If Lloyd is ever frustrated or sad or mad or stressed he goes to Kai who will listen to him and give him good advice. To Lloyd’s dismay kai won’t ever vent to him about anything and deflects when Lloyd pushes him.
Nya: older brother/parental figure. He practically reased nya so there pretty close. Nya isn’t a afraid to call Kai out on his bullcrap though. The support eachother and respect eachother too. Kai is about over protective of her in earlier seasons but cools down a bit after she shows him she can take care of her self.
Jay: brotherly figure. There chaotic demon brothers your honor. They don’t hate eachother but get into a lot of petty squabbles and tease eachother. If push came to shove Kai would have jays back and vise versa. Kai’s cool about jay and nya dating on the inside but likes to tease jay about not approving. Up until the whole Yang thing jay had no idea if Kai actually approved of him and nya.
Zane: brotherly/parental figure. In Zane’s case he is more like a brother and adult figure in Kai’s life. The brotherly part because they joke and have fun together. But the parental part comes in when Kai can’t sleep, who reminds him to sleep, it’s zane, when Kai only takes the bare minimum to eat who puts more food on his plate, zane does, when Kai slips up and drinks a bit too much who takes care of him more often than not and keeps the slip ups to him self, zane does. Zane looks after all his brothers like a parent would look after wild uncontrollable children. Kai is no exception. Zane does feel a little guilt  towards Kai’s drinking problem due to him only gaining the problem after his “death.” Kai says it’s nobody’s fault but his own, but Zane still feels guilty about it.
Cole: brotherly. They act like two normal brothers would. They goof around and have fun.
That’s all I have for now cuz it’s like 2:30ish in the morning and I really need to sleep but I can’t cuz stupid brain sooooo. I hoped you liked it.
Thanks for asking me for some more hcs.
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mugenfinder · 2 years
Ohhe mademany...and we've all been programmed for one objective: destroy you-The supercomputerthatmadeus inc-reased Dr. Je-ro's hatred and made sure we cannot fail... Oh yes the hatred that Dr. Jay-ro fed in-to-his memry-banks grew exponentially to dominate all programs. Performing millions of calculations every second, the computer designed and built all of us-each as unique and can kill in its own way. Listen carefully-every movement, every gesture you are capableofperforming they're-all-stored in a giant database. You hold no surprises for us which is why Androids are capable of reading your every move.
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brittanafanfichelp · 4 years
hey sorry for being annoying and asking loads but i hope you’re doing okay with everything going on with naya :( i was wondering if you know about a fic where brittany has a baby and developes anorexia afterwards, thanks!
Hi :)! Don’t worry, it’s not annoying! I’m just really falling behind on all the ask at the moment. I’m still devastated over Naya, but it’s getting a bit easier every day. I hope you are doing alright too. 
I don’t remember a fic where Brittany develops and eating disorder after having a baby. I can only think of two fics where Britt has one at all. In My Head by GleekForHemo and Pound for Pound by Jay Rease. If anybody knows a fic like that let me know please!
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gguksgalaxy · 6 years
I’m not sure why i feel like this. Yesterday i got to see them live, i was there, i heard them, i saw them. And i feel...maybe I’m not realising it yet. It feels like a distant dream. A dream in which we, and so i, were a part of the reasing Jungkooks eyes shone with admirationg during euphoria. The way hed look around and smile when he wasnt singing, my heart was filled with love. We were part of the reason Jimin smiled so much on his birthday, he got to celebrate it with us. As he said, we were his present. Even though we knew hed been in pain a few days ago he truly shone so bright. we were part of them, of each other. I remember hearing their voices even tho it feels i didn’t pay enough detailed attention. I remember Yoongis voice standing out to me, the way it bounces through the arena. Not just when he sings or raps, but also when he speaks. He really knows to rile up a crowd, and use his pickup lines cuz really are we surprised? And Taehyung, the way his voice fills the arena so perfectly, recordings don’t so it justice. I cant truly describe the way his voice sounds but its full, and it makes you stop and let it grasp you. Same goes for Jin, Ephiphany was truly what he deserved. But you cannot truly understand it’s power until youve heard it live. It’s such an amazing song. Aside from the fact that he threw his dignity on the floor and proceded to trip over it. As for Hoseok, i remember thinking “oh wow Jays in the house”, but truly his stage presence is marvelous. Not just during his solo, but all the time. His energy is so contagious, and he really is a ray of sunlight. And then Namjoon, really he’s so handsome and even tho i wasn’t too close to the stage i can say that. He has so much pure enjoyment in being on stage, almost like he’s proud. Of us, of the others, of himself. It’s not pasted, it’s real, and he speaks with so much meaning.
Truly it was a joy to see them. To watch them perform to hear them sing, even if it feels like a dream, a mere thought. They really do goof around and they’re natural on stage. Not one concert is the same, they mold it to the atmosphere. And i tell you, it’s amazing.
But maybe most of all i was astounded by how they were able to bring so many people together. Everyone outside, in line, was all so sweet. We helped each other out, sang together, goofed atound. I met so many people, in the train, outside, and even the moment i sat down. We laughed together, we cried together. I was sick and during the performance of Tear my coughing got so bad i couldnt stand. And the people around me diverted their attention from the concert to offer we water and check if i was alright. At the end when the concert ended i was crying, and the girl next to me broke down into tears as well and i hugged her. And we just sat there crying togethet through the ending credits.
So as much as people can spread hate, i truly know now that ARMY and BTS is a family. A family i never really had, but found a home in.
Thank you BTS, for giving me, us, this.
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axe-writes · 4 years
If jeff grabbed my chin and reased my head to look at him I would die (cute boy ah) - jay
Oh he’s gonna, you’re all blushy and won’t look at him so he tilts your chin so he can look in your eyes.
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j-rease · 10 years
New Fanfiction: Being Human Update
I coauthored this fic with Guyana Rose and it can be found here: 
Summary: Superhuman Quinn Fabray finds a human mate in Shelby Corcoran. Will the dubious Noah Puckerman foil Quinn's plans to claim her bride? Or will Quinn find a way to take what's rightfully hers? Girl!peen Quinn. Smutacular.
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brittanafanfichelp · 5 years
Hey, I was wondering if you know about/have fics in which one of them has an eating disorder? Thank you
There are a couple of fics that I could think of:
Soft Like You and Soft Like You - EPILOGUE by Stalpankaka
If I Was Beautiful by Phoenix2312
Like You Eat by uhpockuhlipz
Pound for Pound by Jay Rease
All We Can Do Is Hope by hasmtan
In My Head by GleekForHemo
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j-rease · 11 years
Site Update
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