#Guyana Rose
nesiacha · 4 months
On this day die Louis Delgres freedom fighter
222 years ago, on May 28, 1802, the revolutionary Louis Delgrès died in Guadeloupe with a lot of his peers , because they tried to recover their freedom and dignity, suppressed by Napoleon.
Louis Delgrès was born in 1766 in Martinique and is considered a free person of color, a "mulatto." He quickly embraced the French Revolution and became a republican. He rose in rank and fought against the English, even spending time in prisons. He eventually became the head of the Basse-Terre district.
However, with the reinstatement of slavery, which betrayed not only the foundational ideals of the Revolution, the flag of France, but also the Black people who had fought for France, he decided to lead a rebellion with another hero, Joseph Ignace, against General Richepanse.
With Monnereau, a white Creole who was apparently hanged for this (but whom I believe redeemed the honor of white people and french people with this gesture), he wrote: "To the entire world, the last cry of innocence and despair. In the most glorious days of a century forever celebrated for the triumph of enlightenment and philosophy, a class of unfortunate people who are being annihilated feels compelled to raise their voice to posterity, to make known when they have disappeared, their innocence and their misfortunes (...)... You, posterity! Shed a tear for our misfortunes, and we will die satisfied."
After about ten days of fierce fighting, despite all their determination, Delgrès and his companions understood that all was lost. They decided to honor the adage "live free or die" and committed suicide with explosives in their refuge.
A severe repression followed, such as executions, deportation of Guadeloupeans and Haitians in 1802 ( one of the most famous victim of this is Jean Louis Annecy).
But their deaths were not in vain since the abolition of slavery occurred in 1848 (not to mention that the fights continued in Guyana and even saw victories in Haiti). Their sacrifice paved the way for greater freedom for their peers. Let us never forget them .
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
The Canary: Arrow 2x05 Review (League of Assassins)
Yeesh there is a lot of Lance drama in the beginning of Season 2. We finally get the backstory on Sara, but it’s the spectacular Oliver and Laurel scene that has me cackling.
Let's dig in...
Sara Lance
They reshot the whole pilot scene between Oliver and Sara only this time, we see what happens to Sara after the boat sinks and she’s swept out to sea. How this woman did not get hypothermia from only wearing a bra and underwear in the North China Sea is beyond me.
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This scene just incenses me.  It irks the absolute crap out of me when Sara says, “Laurel is gonna kill me.” Sara says it like she’s borrowing Laurel’s sweater without asking. YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH HER BOYFRIEND.  This destroys a relationship. She’s not going to kill you, but she will absolutely cut contact with you, Sara.
I know he’s pre-island Ollie and he’s just the absolute worst, but the smarmy “Your sister will never know” as he climbs on top of Sara is just so disgusting. I cannot fathom why people would ever want Laurel to be with Oliver after what he did. Forgive him, fine. Date him? Absolutely not.
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Okay, the rage is dying down. Hopefully this is the last time we have to watch this scene.
Sara is staying at the Queen mansion, which doesn’t see very covert, but with Moira in jail and Thea sleeping at Roy’s all the time it actually is a good place for Sara to crash. Better than a clock tower at least.
Oliver is still trying to convince Sara to let her family know that she’s alive, but she’s not convinced all family members *cough*Laurel*cough* will be happy to see her. Sara asks Oliver if he ever got back together with Laurel after he returned home.
Oliver: We tried. It’s too much.
Sara: Some things are better left in the past.
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After The Gambit sinks, Sara is floating on a door similar to Rose in Titanic when she’s picked up by the freighter.
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Source: saralances
We’re all going to pretend the canary landing right next to Sara is not the most obvious foreshadowing in the world. For anyone questioning if Arrow is making Sara their OG Canary – there’s your answer. You know - if the suit, wicked fight skills and sonic weapon didn’t answer it for you already.
The color of the Canary is important though. It’s yellow. Not black. Arrow is drawing a clear distinction between the two. This is an origin story. It’s not Green Arrow and Black Canary. It’s The Arrow and The Canary.
Sara is thrown in a cage on the freighter, similar to Oliver’s current predicament, but Dr. Ivo protects her from the crew members.  He tells Sara he is going to save the human race and invites her to help, so I can only conclude we’re going with Stockholm syndrome in the flashbacks. A twenty something college kid would have very little to offer a mad scientist.
However, Sara’s reticence to return to her family is not related to whatever happened on the island, but rather who she became and what she did to survive AFTER the island. We’re just about to get some details when a man dressed exactly like Malcolm Merlyn comes crashing through a window.  Oliver and Sara fight him, but before we can get any answers the man disappears. This is getting annoying. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN SOMETHING?
Oliver introduces Sara to his team and we get the iconic first meeting between Sara and Felicity.
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Source: oliversmoak
Sara does not want Team Arrow to find the assailant however. She knows exactly who he is. 
Sara: He’s called Al Ow-al, “The First.” And he’s a member of the League of Assassins.
Oliver has a very strong reaction to this revelation so we can deduce Sara didn’t join the Girl Scouts. The League is, you guessed it, a bunch of assassins who kill and vanish like ghost - previously thought to be an urban legend by Diggle. The League rescued Sara after the island, remade her into an assassin and she swore them her allegiance.
Sara left after she killed a local diplomat in Guyana and his children found his body the next morning. She didn’t want to be a murderer anymore, but now The League is coming after her.
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Source: laurelscanary
Felicity’s humor and compassion put Sara at ease after her horrifying confession and this is why I love this character.  There’s no judgment from Felicity. She sees Sara for what she is – a person in pain, even if Sara doesn’t see herself that way. Not unlike how Felicity looks at Oliver. And just like Oliver, Sara Lance is SMOAKED.
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Source: smoakamell
After Felicity finds Al Ow-al, Sara and Oliver argue about whose fight it is. Sara isn't used to playing with others, but you'd think she'd understand basic strength in numbers. This is the guy who trained Malcolm Merlyn. He stops an arrow with his bare hand while his back was turned!
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Al Ow-al: The child of Ra’s Al Ghul awaits your return.
I know who Ra’s Al Ghul is from my Batman days, but in Arrow's world he has a kid. A kid who sent Al Ow-al  to collect Sara alive or dead. This is getting complicated. Is there like an employment flow chart we can follow for the League of Assassins?
Oliver: The League of Assassins. Why wouldn’t she tell me what happened to her all those years?
Diggle: Probably the same reason you didn’t tell us what happened to you on the island.
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Wow. This is stunning lack of self awareness. Oliver, in case you haven’t noticed, Sara is the girl version of you.
The League has threatened Sara’s family, so Oliver keeps watch over Laurel. Felicity calls Detective Lance to convince him to leave town - while promising Sara to not reveal she's alive.
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Source: @noone-seesyou-likeido
Unfortunately, Lance does not listen to Felicity, so Sara decides her secret is not more important than her father’s life. Finally, she is seeing some sense. Diggle, ever the loyal solider, offers to go with as back up, but Sara continues to have this thing about fighting on her own. I guess being an assassin is a solitary job. This does give us one of the best bad ass Sara Lance speeches ever, however.
Sara: Dig, you may be a three tour Special Forces veteran, but I was trained by the people that make the Special Forces look like a kindergarten class. So step aside or get put down.
The reunion between Lance and Sara is all we hoped it could be. It’s not every day your kid comes back from the dead, but Paul Blackthorne does a phenomenal job of moving from shock and disbelief to overwhelming joy.
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Source: laurelscanary
Quentin wants answers, but he’s careful not to spook Sara who is still reticent to give details. They go through the nuclear bomb that was set off in their family (the divorce, the alcoholism).  Sara apologizes for the damage she caused, but Quentin insists he was to blame, which is more proof he is a really good dad.
He can clearly see his daughter has changed. She speaks Chinese now and is ready to fight to the death with a butter knife. He pieces together Sara is the woman in black; she knows Felicity, The Arrow and is wrapped up in this League that’s after both of them. How this man has not put together Oliver Queen is The Arrow I will never understand.
Quentin: If these assassins, if they hadn't shown up, would you have ever let us know that you were alive?
Sara: No.
Well, at least she’s honest. Sara promises Lance that she never forgot who she was or him despite staying away for so many years.
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She takes her father to the clock tower which she’s outfitted with booby traps for when the League comes for them both. Sara and Lance hold their own against the assassins, but when The Arrow arrives they achieve the upper hand. Sara has no problem breaking Al Ow-al’s neck, but allows one assassin to live to warn Ra’s Al Ghul.
Sara: Tell Ra’s Al Ghul that my family is off limits. His quarrel is with me.
She is ashamed to show Quentin who she has become – a killer.
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Source:  sohpiabush 
But Quentin feels only pride. How little children understand the depth of a parent’s love. We have already forgiven anything you’ve done or may do the moment you are born.
Quentin: I think you’re a survivor. I think you’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever known. You’re my daughter.
Sara leaves town to lead the League away from her family and Quentin agrees to keep her secret. He will not tell either Laurel or Dinah that Sara is alive because it would get them killed… or something.  The logic is not logical, but I don’t really care. They’ll hold the “Laurel finds out Sara is alive” card for May sweeps.
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Source: @laurelscanary
This is not the last we will see of Sara Lance. The Canary’s story is just getting started.
Oliver and Diggle
Despite Oliver's spectacularly hypocritical statement about Sara and honesty, there is serious emotional growth this episode. Oliver making this statement about forgiveness a year ago would have been unthinkable. He did not return home with any hope of being forgiven or even welcomed back. I'm going to give the Lance family a shoutout because they had the most to be angry about with Oliver. He asked both Laurel and Quentin for forgiveness and they each have extended olive branches at various time. Hell, Laurel was ready to get back together with him. So, the fact he's able to offer the same hope to Sara is really a full circle moment.
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Source:  anissagraces
Oliver beginning to believe he is worthy of forgiveness is a direct result of the many hours of therapy with Diggle and Felicity. He is finally starting to really hear them. That's why this moment with Diggle at the end of the episode is truly note worthy.
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Diggle should have this date embroidered on a pillow because it's not often Oliver will admit he was right. But Oliver is not done yet.
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He breaks out some Russian vodka and confesses to Diggle he was not always on the island the five years he was gone. Oliver is ready to unburden some of the secrets he works so hard to keep buried.
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Source: laurelscanary
Oliver is able to see his own demons reflected in Sara and it finally connects the dots for him. He doesn't have to remain isolated in the world like Sara. Oliver can see Diggle (and Felicity) reaching out to him and he FINALLY reaches back. This is monumental character growth.
Sara: You three are quite the team.
Diggle: We have our moments.
Why Diggle and not Felicity? I think it's easier for Oliver to tell his war stories to another solider. He also doesn't have any fuzzy bunny feelings towards John, which makes things simpler between them. But every time Oliver opens the door to the past, and shares his pain, he is one step closer to the future he truly deserves.
Laurel Lance
Laurel is sitting second chair in Moira Queen’s prosecution, which is actually an INSANE CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Marc Guggenheim, you are a lawyer sir. What is this nonsense?  
Never fear! Laurel has used all her pull to get Moira a plea deal - life with the possibility of parole. Understandably the Queen family isn’t thrilled. It’s either life or the death penalty.  Laurel even discussing Moira’s case with Oliver is improper ex parte contact. She should be excluded from the case and sanctioned, but this is Arrow and that’s never going to happen.
In the middle of all of this, Oliver continues to ask if Laurel is okay. She is trying to kill your mother, Oliver. I feel how this is impacting Laurel shouldn’t really be your top concern. He is so exhausting around her. Take the hint, my dude. She doesn’t want your help and I’m tired of you two having the same fight episode after episode.
But this episode is not just another round of the same old some old. No, my friends this is a very special episode because it contains one of the best Laurel and Oliver scenes to ever grace our television. Oliver needs to protect Laurel from the League of Assassins, so he takes her out to dinner. Then he walks Laurel back to her apartment (because assassins) but she thinks he’s come up for a very different reason.
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And OLIVER REJECTS HER.  The way I cackled.
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I’m going straight to hell, but I don’t care. This moment is glorious. First of all, Laurel did not have a drink at dinner, so she can’t blame the booze and pills. She just flat out reads the situation wrong. Oliver apologizes for sending a mix signal, but he’s a bit confused. Didn’t they decide they shouldn’t be together out of respect for Tommy? Yes, Oliver. Yes you did. WHAT ABOUT TOMMY, LAUREL?!! This woman did not deserve that man.
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Oliver promises Laurel he will never leave her and has certainly made every effort to help her, but it is the capacity in which he will stay in her life that is really in question. This moment is HUGE in terms of where Oliver is at emotionally. He is drawing a firm line in the sand. There was a time when Oliver would’ve welcomed Laurel trying to climb him like a tree no matter the circumstance, but not anymore. He clearly states that he cares about Laurel but only as a friend. His concern has no romantic undertone to it.
The balance of power in their relationship has always been tipped toward Laurel. This is the first time it feels like a more even playing field. Instead of Laurel rejecting Oliver – he is rejecting her and for a very good reason. Oliver is not stoned on pills and he remembers they don’t work. They tried to go back and it failed. Oliver has not interest in trying again. For the first time, Oliver is looking forward.  
And Laurel, cemented in the past and alone her in apartment, takes some pills.
Stray Thoughts
This secret Moira is keeping is a real humdinger if she’s ok with life with the possibility of parole.
Oliver and Thea promise Moira that she will not lose them no matter the secret. Sure Jan.
"Gee I didn't get you a bag of dirt." Bless this cupcake.
Where did Sara get her suit?
Malcolm Merlyn is also a member of The League of Assassins.
"Oliver’s lucky to have you both as friends. He hasn’t always had the best of luck in that area." Sara’s not so casual remarks about Slade and Shado are friggin ominous. It’s time to get real nervous about the flashbacks.
“You think because you are the beloved that you will be granted your freedom?” We all know who Sara’s beloved is and I’m very much looking forward to her arrival.
"Pain and I came to a little understanding a few years back." Sara takes a licking but keeps on kicking. This is such a bad ass line. The episode is chalk full of them. I love the OG Canary.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x05!!
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proton-wobbler · 4 months
Not-Warbler Showdown; Bracket 10.2, Poll 2
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Rose-breasted Chat (Granatellus pelzelni)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: resident; central Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, as well as much of central Brazil
Habitat: tropical rainforests and their edges, but also tolerates drier deciduous forest; typically by rivers or lagoons at their interior
Subspecies: 2
Wrenthrush (Zeledonia coronata)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: resident; Costa Rica to western Panama, purely in the highlands
Habitat: montane evergreen and elfin forests, especially near streams; a big fan of wet, fog-covered regions.
Subspecies: none
Image Sources: RBCH (Dubi Shapiro); wrenthrush (Leonardo Valverde)
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starpirateee · 3 months
For the ask game: ✍️ 🔎 👀 please :)
The Traveller had let Anna stay. John and his party of friends from New York— the twins and Margaret, who seemed to glow for some reason and yet managed to phase nobody but her with that revelation— all decided to leave on their own accord, and that was fine, but all the same, she couldn't help but to miss them. She'd become good friends with Rose and Margaret over the months they'd spent in Guyana, and to not have their presences around felt a little strange.
"An Englishman, so I've heard. They found him alive, but god knows the building blew up around him, so you can imagine how they found him... Heard he's lucky to even be breathing."
"Mhm, thought as much. You ain't got nothin' to worry about, though, we're bang in the middle o'winter, it could well've been this dark at five pm."
The middle of winter...
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news-of-the-day · 1 year
Putin announced Russia would be sending nuclear weapons to Belarus. It would maintain control of them but they would be housed there. Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner mercenary group, announced they were withdrawing from Bakhmut following Russia's victory, and added 20K of his troops died in the battle.
Floridian Governor deSantis announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. People have been talking about him running for president for so long, I hadn't realized he hadn't actually officially launched his campaign yet.
The announcement was streamed live on twitter but there were many technical difficulties, which people like to point out as Musk's failures after his takeover of the company. Musk has been vocalizing for a bit that he wants to step back from twitter to return focus on Tesla and SpaceX, and last month he announced a new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, head of advertising and partnerships at NBC.
I'm trying very hard to keep on top of the Pakistani elections but the situation keeps changing regularly. You may remember there's a big hubbub regarding former Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, who was ousted a year ago after a no-confidence vote. My general sense is the existing powers that be are trying everything to keep him from running again, from throwing antiterrorism or bribery charges at him. In the past week the government has considered banning his party altogether after there were clashes with police when they tried to arrest Khan or just protest in general. Thousands of members of his party have already been arrested and many high-profile leaders have resigned. It's a very tense situation. The backdrop to all this is Pakistan is running out of money and is on the edge of a default, trying to convince the IMF to bail it out.
US jobless claims rose slightly to 229K last week, and unemployment fell to 3.4% in April. GDP was 1.3% annualized rate in Q1.
The Supreme Court handed down a ruling limiting the EPA's ability to regulate wetlands under the terms of the Clean Water Act.
Richard Barnett, the man who was pictured putting his feet up on Pelosi's desk during the January 6th riot, was sentenced to 4.5 years.
I apologize, yesterday I forgot to mention the fire that killed 19 students was in Guyana. It's also come to light the student's phone was confiscated because she was texting her older boyfriend, who is now expected to be charged for statutory rape since she was under 16, so the entire situation is awful and terrible.
1) Politico, Guardian, WSJ 2) Miami Herald 3) NYT, Barrons 4) WSJ, Al Jazeera 5) Reuters 6) USA Today 7) Washington Post
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thedragonchilde · 7 months
G Gundam meta/notes, episodes 17-20:
"Challenge! Mysterious Masked Fighter"
-there's nothing like Domon's relationship to Master to really highlight that he's naive and wants to believe the best of people at heart. Or at least that he's lost everyone else in his life and cannot handle the thought of this being another thing that's wrong. Either way he needs a damn hug.
-so there seems to be a real setup here of Chibodee and George crushing on Rain - they were both chivalrous enough to her before, but the thank-yous are something else! Chibs drops his voice like he's trying to sound sexy, and George, oh man! "Show your gratitude" like he needs coached? The single red rose? And leaving it there for her forlornly? Either he's stunningly bad with women and Raymond pushed him to thank her so he did it in the overblown way he's learned from example, or he's got it bad. (Or a combination.) Either way, these feel like a spin on the classic 'you were nice to me'/hero crush.
-Nastasha is so fucking interesting!! She's so professional and logical, but her relationship with authority (both her own and that above her) chafes in such a neat way that you just know there's some good conflict ahead
-this is quite jaunty music for an "evil Master plotting" scene
-"I'll smash you and the whole forest into tiny pieces" okay Domon that's a hilarious threat
-it only just occurs to me that only one of Domon's sleeves is slashed. So that's just as likely to be a slapshot mending job as a fashion statement! (Did Domon mend it? Or Rain? Either way it's kind of a shitty job)
-kind of a sexy way to finally lose a match, with his arms tied up like that
-Domon calls Guyana his "homeland". That has some REALLY interesting implications.
"Steal the Secret! Scheme of the Beautiful Warriors"
-"Sparks fly between Shining and Maxter" ehehe
-"his destined rival" will never get old
-Schwarz hooking them up specifically is hilarious, and his affectionate referrals to their youth ("the cubs sharpen their claws" and all that)
-drunk Chibodee is funnier when you realize that timeline-wise he may have just turned 21, and sad when you realize he was probably trying to drink the flashbacks away
-"I have no chance against Master if I can't overcome a simple waterfall" what is that logic?
-"the first time anyone ever treated us like real people" oh my god, poor girls, I love you
-"I can feel great energy from him, but what's he actually doing??"
-between Chibodee awing at the scenery and Bunny freaking out at the snake, I'm just reminded that they're city slickers
-uh, Chibodee, how long have you been watching Domon train exactly? I don't think the weather changed that quickly
-oh, I so love that they're on the same wavelength, just immediately both "yeah this fight is great, he's so good at this :)"
-Shirley just like "ughhh FML"
-Domon enjoying the fight so much that he doesn't notice the SOS - is that the gay or the autism?
-"I have to beat this thing" what, nature??
-Domon is so excited about Chibodee's power level
-oh my god, Shirley thinks Chibodee's gonna throw them aside for a minute, doesn't she
-Bunny just openly weeping though
"Fierce Battle! Dragon Gundam vs. Bolt Gundam"
-Sai is a little shithead and I love it. I know it's played for laughs and is actually pretty disturbing when you think about it, but this could also tell us some neat stuff about how he was raised (presumably away from women) and what happens is exactly what the fuck you expect to happen when you loose a hormonal teenage boy on women for the first time.
-Domon throwing himself into the water rather than answering Rain, like,,, yeah, me too, dude
-do we get an explanation for Sai and Argo being there? Were they compelled by the crests and didn't realize it?
-it says something that Nastasha's first reaction is to shoot
-"where's the intruder?" and Argo just looks up at the sky like "he fucking died probably"
-Seriously, Nastasha arguing with the higher-ups!! Good, good stuff ahead
-Sai, you chose the one person whose ego isn't bruised by being called a coward
-"you can't get away no matter where you go" why do I feel like there's some projection going on here, Nastasha?
-man, Sai keeps getting into situations where others pose as him
"George, Beat the Nightmare!"
-Raymond has been with the family for 45 years, which presumably puts him in his mid sixties
-I want Raymond Bishop to be my grandpa
-George is actively fighting being helped, even moreso than the others. That's interesting.
-interesting that Neo France has a tournament to decide their Gundam Fighter, meaning several Gundams are built for this
-"more coffee"
-We appear to be ambiguous on whether George has living family. Presumably if they were around we'd know, but they're not explicitly dead either. The bond with Raymond seems to suggest he raised George more than his parents did; very interesting canon fodder
-Rain "envies" Domon's friendships... that he doesn't seem to be aware he has
-I feel some kind of way about the undertones, esp in Chib and George's eps, that, like,,, trauma is weakness/cowardice? And it's especially interesting with who it's coming from, and who it isn't. Schwarz seems to be the main mouthpiece for this, and I guess he's using denigration as a motivating tactic, but idk. Meanwhile Domon seems more compassionate (and contrasts with the narrative "having traumatic flashbacks is the same thing as choosing to be a cowardly piece of shit actually" in a way I can't quite articulate).
-Mirabeau can join Michelo in the "fashionable asshole" club
-oh yeah, George is fighting this all the way down
-oh, now all of a sudden Shuffles can heal DG infections without sacrifice
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Roadmap to unity: Brazil accelerates drive for regional integration
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Brazil is stepping up efforts toward integrating South America and the Caribbean through regional logistics projects.
The administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has mapped out five routes to improve logistics and trade ties in South America as a bridge to connect with the Caribbean. To that end, it plans to hold meetings with representatives of neighboring Guyana and Suriname on the sidelines of the IDB-IDB Invest annual meeting in the Dominican Republic on March 6-10.
Historically, Brazil's trade focused on Europe and the US, prioritizing routes across the Atlantic Ocean. In recent years, it has seen a big increase in trade with Asia. 
Between 2002 and 2023, its annual exports of goods and services to South American trading partners rose from US$7.4bn to US$40bn, while exports to Asia surged from US$8.8bn to US$139bn.
Continue reading.
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dmeadwwes · 2 years
“Father, forgive me. I know that I have gone astray, ‘Cause when I saw my reflection, it was a stranger beneath my face.”
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did you hear that [ DORCAS MEADOWES ] will be attending the Black Ball during the coming weekend? They recently arrived in London for the social season and we will be excited to see if they make a splash this year. I heard that they are currently working as an [ CURSEBREAKER ] and that they have been quite successful. They always reminded me of [ A LIFETIME OF EXPECTATIONS SHOULDERED ALONE, THE BLISS OF COMPLETE SOLITUDE, CHAMPAGNE FLUTES AND GUILT CREEPING IN AT NIGHT ] and I heard that they can be [ ADAPTABLE + DILIGENT ] but also [ RUTHLESS + SECRETIVE ]. Rumor has it that they are [ WORKING AGAINST ] Tom Riddle, but you know that you can’t believe everything you hear. As far as I know, they are a model member of pureblood society.
tl;dr: if she likes you, she’ll die for you. if she hates you, you might as well have been burned out of existence already.
full name. dorcas adara fawley meadowes. nicknames. doe, dork, dory, cas, cassie. do not use any of these if you want to keep your fingers unless your name is regulus or she’s decided you’re her friend. age. twenty four. birthday. november 18th, 1960. gender & pronouns. non-binary (demigirl? questioning) & she/they. blood status. halfblood claimed pureblood, ward of her grandmother, florentina fawley. sexual orientation. bisexual / queer. occupation. cursebreaker with the ministry of magic, department of gringott’s liaison. relationship status. single, though probably betrothed to a second son of a well respected pureblood family (hey, dorcas may not be respected, but her grandmother is). moral alignment. chaotic neutral? chaotic good? take your pick. affiliation. regulus black the orpheus society, slash anybody who is working against tom riddle. birthplace. guianan moist forests, guyana. spoken languages. english, guyanese creole, portuguese, french, spanish, latin. 
faceclaim. maisie richardson-sellers. height. 5ft 5 1/2in. weight. 55kg. eye colour. brown. hair colour. black / dark brown. hair style. wears her natural hair sometimes, though she mostly has her hair straightened and then curled, as her grandmother prefers her hair to be. she also wears her hair braided, much to her grandmother’s dislike, though she tempers this by using fawley family colour - blue, white and silver - within her braids (yes, she knows those are also ravenclaw colours, but sacred 28 blood trumps house). scars / distinguishing features. dorcas has no tattoos. they have triple ear piercings, and no real distinguishing scars. she has a birthmark vaguely the shape of a flower on her left leg. clothing style. dorcas tends to slip into muggle or more comfortable styles. their outfits are mostly chosen for practical usage, as she works as a curse breaker and the work is more arduous and physical than, say, work done at the ministry. she does wear robes a lot, though, and tends to wear blue and green when the situation calls for the more formal outfits. 
school. hogwarts. house. slytherin. extracurriculars. charms club, potions club, ancient runes club, slug club. wand. yew (reported to endow its possessor with the power of life and death, with a particularly dark and fearsome reputation in spheres of duelling and curses), dragon heartstring (the wand core with the most magical power, easiest to turn to the dark arts, prone to being somewhat temperamental), 10in, considered brittle, excellent for duelling & considered to be an incredibly dangerous combination by ollivander, especially so considering the core was taken from a female hungarian horntail. boggart. it used to be her grandmother using the cruciatus curse on her, though now it’s death himself. although, they’re less afraid of actually dying and more the aftermath concerning people she cares about. amortentia. ginger, orange roses, water lilies, blueberries, freshly baked bread, peppermint, wand polish, spice cake, & roasted plum. mirror of erised. a world in which tom riddle is dead and she’s free.
hometown. dorset, england. parents. alexandra fawley (deceased) & amadeus meadowes (deceased). guardian. florentina fawley. pets. owl named apollo, and a cat named artemis. extras. she was born in a tent during a curse breaking operation that her father had been sent on - her mother, then engaged to him, had fled to be with him when she gave birth to their child. that same operation ended up costing both alexandra and amadeus their lives - leaving their daughter in the hands of amadeus’s best friend and partner. when he returned home, dorcas was taken by her grandparents, florentina and perseus fawley, and he was imprisoned briefly while they questioned him. she was raised predominantly by her grandparents, who, rather quickly, covered up the fact that the meadowes in question was not a pureblood from the relatively unknown meadows line from guyana, but a muggleborn, and that they were unmarried. though this saved her from being looked down upon by most members of the sacred 28, it did not save her from their judgement and the implicit fact that she would never be betrothed to marry any heir to any great house, though, technically, she would inherit one of her own. to most who grew up around her, this was sort of considered a death sentence, but to dorcas, it granted her that extra piece of freedom. her grandfather, a staunch tom riddle supporter and wizengamot member, died when she was 15. his seat in the wizengamot was taken up by her grandmother - who, according to her, has many, many more years to live before she dies (enough time, she expects, to truly mold dorcas into the perfect heir - or to give the seat to whomever dorcas chooses to marry). she is the youngest member of the fawley family, now extinct in the male line. she is set to inherit the majority of shares in puddlemere united upon the death of her grandmother, florentina, as her only living fawley relative (she inherited it from her husband when he passed away). she found out about her true parentage when she was 13. she never met her dad’s family, and she’s ashamed of the fact that she knows her grandfather had them killed so she couldn’t go looking. she’s all but sworn herself to serve tom riddle in order to have revenge. it doesn’t hurt that regulus is there, either, one of the few people dorcas would consider herself loyal to, as a friend. her grandmother isn’t happy about her occupation, but she reluctantly accepted it on riddle’s word. she would be an asset, to him, as he is not blind, despite not being allseeing. 
positives. adaptable, diligent, protective, observant, resourceful. negative. ruthless, secretive, paranoid, closed off, cold. likes. sweet wines, sleeping in her own bed, solving complex runic riddles, the fawley family libraries, the bronze sparks from her wand whenever she picks it up, the feeling of the sun on her skin, lounging around with her friends after fancy dinners, ice cream, the burn of firewhiskey, watching quidditch. dislikes. bitter drinks, all purebloods who can’t acknowledge their own inherent privilege, being forced to wear dresses, gullibility, tea when the milk is put in first, pumpkin juice, blood under her nails (an occasional occupational habit), being stuck in st mungo’s, having to only work part time, eating food made by people she doesn’t know. fears. losing her mind, the orpheus society failing (or, worse, being found out), birds of prey. strengths. charms, dark arts, transfiguration (of everything other than herself), duelling, lying. weaknesses. concealment spells, being open emotionally (she’s too closed off for it), bee allergy, not great at herbology, not great at dancing. astrological sign. scorpio. myers brigg type. intj (the architect). 
wanted connections
one. her betrothed! purebloods or sacred 28 second sons/daughters apply here! two. the trusted few that she counts as actual friends (1/3 taken); open to making one of these her betrothed or maybe a fwb situation. three. her sole confidant (who knows everything, whoever applies must be against riddle or be heading down that path). four. childhood ‘friends’ (mainly purebloods, mainly sacred 28). five. people she’d secretly see at hogwarts (muggleborns can apply) as friends or otherwise. six. the secret girlfriend that got her tortured for the entirety of the summer of her sixth year that she broke things off with abruptly. seven. other members of the orpheus society. eight. people that simply dislike her. nine. distant pure cousins that she puts up with. ten. people who work with her! whether they like her or dislike her! or have no idea what to think as she has a reputation of being a cold, ruthless bitch!
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.26
Battle of Pinhincha Day (Ecuador)
Bob Day
Boulder Day (Republic of Molossia)
Carb Day
Crown Prince’s Day (Denmark)
Drool Day
Dzien Matki (a.k.a. Mother's Day; Poland)
Feast of VooDoo Economics
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Grey Day
Independent Artist Day
Mother’s Day (Poland)
National Death Busters Day
National EMS Recognition Day
National Grey Day
National Paper Airplane Day
National Poppy Day
National Ranboo Day
National Sorry Day (a.k.a. National Day of Healing; Australia)
National Wig Out Day
National Work From Home Day
Oat Grass Day (French Republic)
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (Hawaii)
Sally Ride Day
Starfleet Remembrance Day (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)
Windmill Day (Netherlands)
World Dracula Day
World Lindy Hop Day
World Orienteering Day
World Product Day
World Redhead Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
National Cherry Dessert Day
World Sherry Day
4th & Last Friday in May
Ascension Friday (Belgium)
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
Don't Fry Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
Heat Safety Awareness Day [4th Friday]
National Cooler Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Death Busters Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
National Polka Festival begins (Ennis, Texas) [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Road Trip Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Wig Out Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Portland Rose Festival begins (Oregon) Friday in late May; thru June 26]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Title Track Day [4th Friday]
Independence Days
Erenian Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Georgia (from Russia, 1918)
Guyana (from UK, 1966)
Molossia (f.k.a. the Grand Republic of Vuldstein; Declared; 1977) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Augustine of Canterbury (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox)
August Kopisch (Artology)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Doc Owl (Muppetism)
Dorothea Lange (Artology)
Eleuterus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Valley (Ancient Egypt)
Lambert of Vence (Christian; Saint)
Lemminkainen’s Day (Pagan)
Lenny Bruce Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
St. Monica (Positivist; Saint)
Oduvald (Christian; Saint)
Peter Sanz  (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Philip Neri (Christian; Saint)
Philippe de Champaigne (Artology)
Quadratus of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Shavuot (Judaism) [6 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Thargelia (Birthday Festival of Apollo & Artemis; Ancient Greece)
Totally Random Day (Pastafarian)
World Hunger Day (Pastafarian)
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Absolutely Free, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
American Pie, by Don McLean (Song; 1971)
Avengers Assemble (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Beatlemania! (Broadway Musical Tribute; 1977)
Big Jake (Film; 1971)
Buddy of the Apes (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Caspar (Animated Film; 1995)
Dracula, by Bram Stoker (Novel; 1897)
Flying Home, recorded by Lionel Hampton (Song; 1937)
Games People Play, by Eric Berne (Self-Help Book; 1966)
God’s Men, by Pearl S. Buck (Novel; 1951)
Johnny Mnemonic (Film; 1995)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (Animated Film; 2011)
Mad Love (Film; 1995)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (Film; 2017)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, by The Beatles (Album; 1967)
Sourcery, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1988) [Discworld #5]
The Whole Truth and Nothing But, by Hedda Hopper (Memoir; 1963)
X-Men: The Last Stand (Film; 2006)
Yellow Submarine, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Alwin, Philipp (Austria)
Anamarija, Filip, Zdenko (Croatia)
Filip (Czech Republic)
Beda (Denmark)
Miina, Minna, Valme, Valmi, Vella, Velli, Vilma, Vilme (Estonia)
Miina, Mimmi, Minna, Minni, Vilhelmiina, Vilma (Finland)
Bérenger (France)
Marianne, Philipp (Germany)
Alfaios, Karpos, Sinesios (Greece)
Evelin, Fülöp (Hungary)
Filippo, Pellegrino (Italy)
Eduards, Edvards, Varis (Latvia)
Algimantas, Eduardas, Milvydė, Vilhelmina (Lithuania)
Annbjørg, Annlaug (Norway)
Beda, Filip, Marianna, Paulina, Więcemił, Wilhelmina (Poland)
Carp (România)
Dušan (Slovakia)
Felipe, Mariana (Spain)
Vilhelmina, Vilma (Sweden)
Felipe, Flip, Phil, Philip, Philippa, Phillip (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 219 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 8 (Jia-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 6 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 25 Bīja; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 13 May 2023
Moon: 42%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 6 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Monica]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 6 of 32)
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jeannekwong · 1 year
Makambe Speaks at West Village Theatre
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Photo credit: Jaime Vedres Photography
Makambe Speaks
After her travels, Makambe K. Simamba returns to Calgary with the World Premiere of a new solo show, Makambe Speaks.
A co-creation with Eric Rose and the team at Ghost River Theatre, Simamba sets off to answer the question: where are you from?
“As someone who has lived in Zambia, Guyana, Virgin Islands, Calgary and Ontario, the idea of identity is fluid and very interesting to me,” Simamba says. “There is not an easy way for me to define.”
Ghost River Theatre is known for their experimental and non-traditional use of narrative for telling stories. Through the collaboration, Simamba says she was able to explore immigration and identity with humour.
“There is a lightness to the show,” she says. “I can joke about lived identity and what to offer as part of the journey.”
The work with Ghost River Theatre has been a good fit for Simamba.
“I get help to work to capture the different things that go off in my mind,” she says. “The work is representative of how my brain works and felt like a good match.”
Simamba can be seen in recent television projects, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, and True Dating Stories.
Some recent theatre productions include, ”Our Fathers, Songs, Lovers and Little Brothers,” also a solo performance that is a prayer for Black life.
Makambe Speaks runs from April 25 to May 6 at West Village Theatre. For more information and tickets visit www.ghostrivertheatre.com
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Irene Cara Escalera (March 18, 1959 – November 25, 2022) was a singer, songwriter, and actress who rose to prominence for her role as Coco Hernandez in the 1980 musical film Fame, and for recording the film's title song "Fame", which reached No. 1 in several countries. In 1983, she co-wrote and sang the song "Flashdance... What a Feeling" (from the film Flashdance), for which she shared an Academy Award for Best Original Song and won a Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance in 1984. She portrayed the title character Sparkle Williams in the original 1976 musical drama film Sparkle. She appeared in on-and-off-Broadway theatrical shows including the musicals Ain't Misbehavin', The Me Nobody Knows (which won an Obie Award), Maggie Flynn opposite Shirley Jones and Jack Cassidy, and Via Galactica with Raúl Juliá. She was the original Daisy Allen on the daytime serial Love of Life. Next came her role as Angela in the romance/thriller Aaron Loves Angela. Television brought her international acclaim for serious dramatic roles in two outstanding mini-series, Roots: The Next Generations and Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones. John Willis' Screen World, Vol. 28, named her one of twelve "Promising New Actors of 1976"; that same year, a readers' poll in Right On! magazine named her Top Actress. She graduated from the Professional Children's School in Manhattan. She was born and raised in the Bronx, the youngest of five children. Her father, Gaspar Cara, a steel factory worker and retired saxophonist, and her mother, Louise Escalera, a movie theater usher. She married stuntman and film director Conrad Palmisano (1986-1991). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #womenhistorymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7ehEBrRVH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anra-thejourneyman · 2 years
YOU would think it nothing short of sadism to pluck a man from the tropics and parachute him into the biting chill of a Scottish winter. As I write, it is 28 degrees in Belize and minus 17 in parts of Scotland. It is, as they say, Baltic. Even if you shaved 10 degrees off it here, it would be a nightmare of an acclimatisation. Add to that the 5000 mile-journey by boat from the Caribbean, zigzagging away from U-boats, in wartime; as well as jerry-built huts and inadequate clothing at the end of it, and you’d have to be extremely hardy to survive.
The 900 men who came to Scotland from British Honduras, now Belize, were as tough as old boots. They had to be to thole sub-zero temperatures when they were used to the sweltering heat of rainforests.
The British Honduran Forestry Unit (BHFU) came in two contingents for the “war effort” : in September 1941, 500 men went to camps in Haddington, Duns, and Kirkpatrick Fleming; then 400 were billeted in November 1942, in Golspie, Kinlochewe and Achnashellach.
Not everything was a bed of roses.
A welfare officer from the Ministry of Labour and National Service described the camps as “a public scandal”. There was inadequate heating and lighting, inadequate sanitation, no insulation in their huts, and inadequate clothing for men who worked like Trojans making pit props and stobs for the war against racism.
(It strikes you as bravado or jocular stoicism one of them recording later that felling spruces was like making matchsticks -- they’d cut their teeth on mahogany back home.)
Enter Rudolph Dunbar, a conductor, clarinettist and journalist from British Guyana, who was the first black man to conduct the Berlin Philharmonic (in 1946).
He’d his conductor’s stick in his knapsack during the Liberation of Europe when he was a war correspondent.
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Dunbar was way ahead of his time in his concerns about the treatment of ethnic minorities in Britain.
He wrote, of the BHFU: “The men are living in a deplorable condition. They are deprived of all forms of entertainment and the harsh treatment of most of them by the authorities does nothing to alleviate their sufferings. A great portion of the men are miserable and desperate ...and wish to return home.”
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In his 1984 memoir Telling the Truth, Amos A Ford wrote: “The huts at Duns had huge holes in parts of the floorboards and walls, and openings in the ceilings. But letting in the biting winter night air was not the only thing that was to make life in the camps a misery. The furnishing was barely adequate and provision for recreation strident by its absence.
“ The huts had single cylindrical wood-burning stoves in the centres to warm a hut accommodating around 20 men each in a building. In it the men piled logs repeatedly to stem the cold outside. Sometimes the stoves burned so fiercely that they emitted sparks and an inordinate quantity of smoke, much to the annoyance of the local RAF people resulting in a number of complaints.”
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Incompetence rather than racism was probably the reason for the cack-handed way they were treated.
Ford claimed the camp doctor rarely visited but, when he did, he’d a pink pill for everything.
The locals around most of the camps welcomed these exotic men far from their homes and were kind, as long as they kept their hands off their women. They didn’t, and there were police raids in the camp in Duns, where women were found hiding under beds.
There were definitely racial tensions from the usual suspects, the gentry. The then Duke of Buccleuch wrote to the Ministry indicating his displeasure that local women were being over zealous in welcoming the lumberjacks.
Whitehall records show the following document:
“The foreman in charge of each camp, should be a white man. I think this is most important as we must respect not only the feelings of the proprietors of the estates on which the men will be camped but we must also consider the feelings of the people living in the surrounding villages and cottages.”
Correspondence between the Duke of Buccleuch and Harold McMillan (then Colonial Office Minister) reveals institutional racism.
Buccleuch: “I do feel sorry for these people [but] I also feel unsophisticated country girls should be discouraged from marrying these black men from Equatorial America.”
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McMillan: “We try to protect them from undesirable women, as well as to protect women from undesirable members of our coloured units. This can never be a completely successful policy. All we can do is to mitigate the evil as far as possible.”
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Notwithstanding the pressures, many men found love and friendship, and settled in towns close to the logging camps. Ignoring the efforts of officials to keep black and white people apart, there were several marriages, and many children.
There were tragedies. In the blackout Army convoys etc continued. In April 1942 Ruben Law was killed instantly while trying to help a local woman, Jane Goldie, to cross the road. She died the following day and is buried alongside Law, and three foresters who died of natural causes in their 20s!! , C A Trapp. O Leon V Baker.
On July 25, 2022, the Commonwealth Foresters’ Memorial was opened at Pollok Park in Glasgow.
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Amos Ford went to the great forest in the sky in 2015, aged 98.
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“Wee Sammy” Martinez was a survivor, who outlived a hurricane that took two of his brothers, by clinging on to a tree. He was a well-known figure in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh, where he made his home. He was known as a very patient and positive man. He and his wife Mary had six children.
You had to be patient to be a Hibs fan. He died in 2016, aged 106, months after seeing his beloved team life the Scottish Cup. He was the last of the lumberjacks.
"Life has been good to me, “ he once told journalists.
“Healthy but poor. But if you’re healthy, you’re rich. That’s how I look at life, nice and easy. Don’t worry over things that don’t matter. Don’t fight with people, don’t argue with people. Peace, perfect peace. Because life is only once, that ticket only goes one way and there’s no return.”
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Hard as nails
knee-deep in the first snow
they’d ever seen
they rocked back and forth
with their crosscut saws.
as metronomes do.
They hewed mahogany
in their tropical homeland.
The Scottish spruces were like matchsticks
to these hardy woodsmen
who hunched over stoves
in their jerry-built huts,
though warned that Heinkel pilots
would see the sparks
flying out of their chimneys in the dark.
Nine hundred came
to cut pit props and stobs
from ice-blown lowland firs.
They thinned out when the war ended.
Some returned. Some married.
Wee Sammy from Wester Hailes waved
a Hibs scarf and an infectious smile.
A kenspeckle figure.
"When we arrived, the kids shouted 'here
come the coalmen'," he said.
The man who’d survived a hurricane,
that took two of his brothers,
by clinging to a tree. He lived to 106.
He died lately after watching his team
win the Scottish Cup.
The last of the lumberjacks
from British Honduras.
POSTSCRIPT: Here is a short but very moving and beautifully made documentary on the British Honduras.
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gajjarequipments · 1 day
Concrete Batching Plant in Guyana
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Gajjar Equipments Private Limited Offers a Concrete Batching Plant in Guyana. We are manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Asphalt Mixing Plants, Concrete Batching Plants, Wet Mix Macadam Plants, Bitumen Pressure Distributors, Bitumen Decanters, Road Sweeping Equipment, Material Handling Conveyors, Feeding Systems, Storage Systems, Pavement Mixing Plants. Gajjar Equipments Private Limited's manufacturing unit is located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We offer Concrete Batching Plant like stationary concrete batching plant, compact concrete batching plant, precast concrete plant, concrete mixer, pan mixer, twin shaft mixer, and planetary mixer. Available Models of Concrete Batching Plant like GECS-60, GECS-75, GECS-90, GECS-120, GECS-160, GECS-200, and GECS-240. Components of a static concrete batching plant include aggregate bins, conveyor belts, a mixing unit, a control panel, cement silos, and water and additive tanks. Our Concrete Batching Mix Plant Capacity range is 60 M3 ΤΟ 240 M3 GAJJAR's GEC-S stationary concrete batch mix plants are engineered for robust storage, uniform mixing, and high production demands. Setting the industry standard for reliability and longevity, our stationary batch plants deliver consistent performance over time. They cater to both large and small projects, offering a comprehensive solution for concrete production. Capable of handling substantial production volumes, these plants are ideal for various construction needs. The stationary batch mix plants guarantee a uniform concrete mix, ensuring consistent quality with every batch. Working Principles: Aggregate Feeding Mixing Process Cement and Water Addition Discharge and Transport Gajjar Equipments Private Limited Offers a Concrete Batching Plant in Guyana including locations like Georgetown, Anna Regina, Bartica, Corriverton, Lethem, Linden, Mabaruma, Mahdia and New Amsterdam, Mahaica, Rose Hall, Parika, Triumph, and Uitvlugt. For more information and inquiries, feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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proton-wobbler · 6 months
Warbler Showdown; Bracket 10, Poll 5
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Rose-breasted Chat (Granatellus pelzelni)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: resident; central Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, as well as much of central Brazil
Habitat: tropical rainforests and their edges, but also tolerates drier deciduous forest; typically by rivers or lagoons at their interior
Subspecies: 2
Oriente Warbler (Teretistris fornsi)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: resident; eastern Cuba
Habitat: a habitat generalist, found in all kinds of forests and scrubby thickets, from semi-arid woodlands to humid forests, lowland to high mountainous areas.
Subspecies: 2
Image Sources: RBCH (Dubi Shapiro); ORWA (Wayne Fidler)
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demerarawaves · 13 days
Girls drown during birthday outing
Two young girls  on Sunday drowned in the Enchanter Creek, Linden-Soesdyke Highway during a family outing to celebrate one of the now deceased girl’s birthday, the Guyana Police Force said. The girls, who perished at about 3:30 PM , are 10-year old Akira La Rose of Lot 95 Stewartville, West Coast Demerara and 11-year old Joylyn Jack of Lot 1726 Tuschen, West Coast Demerara. “It is alleged that…
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tfgadgets · 3 months
Rohit Sharma second batter after Chris Gayle in T20 World Cup history to... | Cricket News
NEW DELHI: Indian captain Rohit Sharma continued from where he left, leading his team from the front with another brilliant knock against England in the T20 World Cup semifinal in Guyana on Thursday.Having played a match-winning knock of 92 off just 41 balls against Australia, Rohit again rose to the occasion after losing Virat Kohli early and scored 57 off 39 balls to keep India on track for a…
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