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Recent women’s fiction book mail from the esteemed Jeannée Sacken. LOVED IT! Suffice it to say that Jamie Fraser is no longer top dog in the book boyfriend department at my house—Finn Cerelli has taken over. (The rug is a 40+ year old prayer rug made in Pakistan by Iranian refugees after the overthrow of the Shah in 1878.) @authorjeanneesacken #BehindTheLens
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Recent women’s fiction book mail from the esteemed Jeannée Sacken. LOVED IT! Suffice it to say that Jamie Fraser is no longer top dog in the book boyfriend department at my house—Finn Cerelli has taken over. (The rug is a 40+ year old prayer rug made in Pakistan by Iranian refugees after the overthrow of the Shah in 1878.) @authorjeanneesacken
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