#Jeff Koser
brilliantbiz · 7 years
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Completing Projects and Celebrating
You win big today as we’re completing projects to serve the Small Business Owner – you!
Completing Projects and Celebrating
Completing projects isn’t necessarily commonplace in small business. I know – it’s sad and true. But today we celebrate completing projects!
Why are we talking about completing projects now? Today, a team of 10 Small Business Owners have completed a major milestone in a project. Collectively, they wrote a book and it’s released today!
This is a significant accomplish since 80% of people think they have a book “in” them and they should write it. However only 10% of written manuscripts get published. These are common literary stats. So, this definitely is a project worth celebrating!
What project am I talking about and how can you get your hands on the goods?
The book Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner: Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business is released today, Nov 8, 2017! Congrats C0-Authors: Lori Bonaparte, Susan White, Dave Rebro, Nancy Lucchesi, Jake Nawrocki, Mike Raber, Stacy Kaat, Greg Nicholson, Dave Wallace, and Maggie Mongan. Together, you did it!
Whether completing projects as a team or individually, your goal must be greater than your challenges. This is the juice to keep you proceeding in the face of adversity. It’s crazy how this is understood by many, but practiced by few.  
Finding something that deeply inspires you is essential for completing projects. I believe most projects are not completed because there isn’t enough inspiration within for one to move beyond the adversity most worthwhile projects create! AKA: it’s not important enough to put ourselves through the wringer to gain the outcome. 
This book is the first in an annual series which will release at the beginning of each November.
Why November? It’s National Entrepreneurs Month. We want to honor Small Business Owners and support them with a great resource written by our authors or Brilliant Practicing ExpertsTM
I’m sure you can image we went through quite a vetting process to assure each chapter would address high value content for you. We also organized the book into 4 sections after the Introduction. The 4 sections align with Maggie’s framework of The 4 Performance Pillars of Small Business SuccessTM.
We really wanted to share the wisdom we have learned and share it with you so you can win BIG at Small Business in the 21st century!  One of our endorsers must have thought we delivered that since he said that it’s “a mini-business bible ….” thanks Jeff Koser!
We want you to have an opportunity to win BIG too!
Our goal is to get this into the hands of every Small Business Owners – that includes you. The easiest way to do this is to make an irrestible offer. So, we’re giving away free e-book copies on Nov 8 & 9, 2017. 
All you need to do is go here: http://bit.ly/BrilliantBizBook  and enter your contact information. We will send you an email and need you to confirm your subscription so we can send you that special link for your free e-book download. Tad-dah, then it’s in your hands. 
Can you do us a favor in return? 
Could you be kind enough to review the book and leave a glowing 5-star review of awesomeness and then share it with other Small Business Owners? That way we can get other Small Business Owners using this great resource while it’s still free. Thanks for helping elevate the Small Business Sector 🙂
Now, go get your e-book and remember to confirm you email subscription so we can get the goods into your hands!
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Helping Small Business Owners Improve the Possibility of Simplifying Small Business Success  Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Blessings of Success to YOU ~ Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Strategist Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Direct Dial: 262-716-7750 LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s.: If you’re in the Milwaukee area on Friday, December 1st, please join Wisconsin Business Owners Group for a great Lunch and Learn.  
Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.
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startupmke-blog-blog · 11 years
Startup Milwaukeean of the Week: Jeff Koser
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Jeff is the spirited leader of Selling to Zebras, Inc., a metrics-driven software sales enablement company.
Passionate about changing the way organizations sell, Jeff provides sales professionals with processes, tools and software that improve sales and emphasize results over busy work.  Most recently, under Jeff’s leadership, Selling to Zebras developed software that empowers sales people to manage the Selling to Zebras process in real time from the field.
Jeff has more than 30 years’ experience in leadership roles in sales, operations and marketing. He is the award-winning co-author of Selling to Zebras HOW TO CLOSE 90% of the BUSINESS YOU PURSUE FASTER, MORE EASILY and MORE PROFITABLY.  In 2010, he was recognized as one of the best sales authors of all time in the book, The Sales Gurus.   
Prior to founding Selling to Zebras, Jeff was Chief Operations Officer for Baan Supply Chain Solutions. Under his leadership, revenues grew more than tenfold in five years. Earlier in his career, Jeff held management and sales positions at companies such as NCR Corporation, MAI Basic Four and Xerox Computer Services.
At what point did you become interested in entrepreneurship?
In 1994 I joined a small Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software company headquartered in The Netherlands. Our first task was to figure out how to compete and win against large formidable companies like Oracle and SAP. We developed a profile of the type company who would have the courage to buy from a software company that they had never heard of. We failed early, and often. The excitement of figuring out everything, from the go-to-market strategy, to basic business functions like payroll and expense check processing, was intoxicating.
What has been the largest difficulty you have faced as an entrepreneur?
The most difficult part of being an entrepreneur is creating leverage. Key resources have to be leveraged across the business to allow it to scale. Scale helps create the balance necessary so principles can work on the business rather than continuously working in the business. Someone once told me if “you are the business” then you don’t have a business. Those words stuck with me. We constantly work on creating the proper balance so the business can scale.
What makes Milwaukee a unique place to start a company?
As you read in the introduction we are a sales enablement company with software and services that helps companies sell more. One of our deliverables is “the Zebra”. A Zebra is the profile of the perfect prospect. We also have a Zebra for our business. The Selling to Zebras – Zebra includes a description of the desired cultural fit between us and our customers. Our relationship with and the culture between us and our customers sets the tone for our entire business.
Milwaukee is a great place to start a business because of the people. The Milwaukee area university-level education system delivers people who are well rounded, grounded, honest, hard-working and nice. The culture of the business is the business. Milwaukee people allow us to build a business that is fun and makes a difference for our customers.
And it also helps that they are all Packer fans!
What piece of advice do you have for new start-ups?
Learn every week. Adjust your vision as soon as you have better information. Sell only to Zebras.  
What was your favorite musical artist as a teenager?
Bob Dylan. Blood on the Tracks was my favorite Dylan album. Bob couldn’t sing back then either – but his lyrics were raw and incredible.
Connect with Jeff:
Website: sellingtozebras.com
Twitter: @zebrajeff
Facebook: facebook.com/sellingtozebras
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/jeff-koser/0/604/32a
Mobile: 414.650.1494
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