#Jellal tho is a rant for another day
emile-hides · 2 years
If you could make only ONE fairy tail ship of yours canon with the magic of your brain which ship would it be? Please ramble. 💚
Laxus/Freed no question about it. It's not even a contest.
Would I like the Levy/Lily/Gajeel polycule to be real? Yes, yes of course I would, but Gajeel/Levy is canon and that's enough for me.
Honestly out of all my Fairy Tail ships (which you can see a full list of Here on my Ship Blog) Laxus/Freed is the closest to canon, and the only one I'd think "Big Win" if it did go canon.
I've never cared much about a ship I like going canon anyway. It doesn't effect much other than the amount of people talking about it.
Honestly what I'd rather do is uncanon some ships.
Number 1 being Erza/Jellal. I have such a thing against Jellal and I apologize he deserved his redemption I'm glad he didn't just like. Die or vanish into obscurity but like! I hate the idea of him and Erza being a canon couple with children some day!! Hate it!! It puts a bad taste in my mouth. I hate being negative tho so I'm not gonna ramble about it too much...
You know what else I want to uncanon?? The ship that floats the whole damn story; Zeref/Mavis
I hate it I hate it I hate it so much I hate how fanon treats it all cute and shit when it's probably the canon most Dead Dove do Not Eat kind of content canon has given us. I don't hate it because it's Dead Dove, that's actually what's holding it together for me, what I hate about it is how integral to the plot it is, how True Love it's treated, how sweet and tragic and twisted by fate it's treated.
It's not! Any of those!! It's a 400 year old man falling in love with a 13 year old girl and yes she's 20 Years Old when he actually realizes what he feels is love but she's still!! Physically!!! Thirteen!!! That's the Point Of The Curse!!! And then!!!!! He impregnates her!!!! AFTER HE THINKS SHE DIES!!!! HELL-FUCKIN-O????
I LOVE Zeref, and I really like Mavis too, I love The Curse Of Contradiction inflicting them both, I love the twisted "love" Zeref feels for Mavis, I love his desperation to find something to love to cling to project on to to save him to fix him to make him feel human again, I love Mavis' bleeding heart, I love Mavis' desire to save Zeref to fix Zeref to make him whole because she's so ful lof love for the world around her and she can see he's suffering and need someone anyone to help him
I think they're story is wonderfully dark. I think Zeref's obsession with her is something I'd very normally adore reading about, but the way it's treated in canon and fanon as a wholesome romance lovers torn apart by fate Romeo and Juilet Bella and Edward bullshit really ruins the whole thing.
Zeref/Mavis is really fucked up and I think we should treat it as such. Not in a boo hate the artist hate the shippers way but in a fun acknowledgment of Dead Dove content way.
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j-ellals · 6 years
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MERRY CHRISTMAS MERU !  ⋆  (( @solofelt​ )
                                              —   ☆ ☆ ☆   —  
I know, I know, it’s not Christmas anymore. I’m fashionably late, no surprises there. But I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that New Year’s Eve was the perfect day to post your gift — especially since I know you’ve had it rough recently. I thought that this could perhaps start your year of 2019 on a good note. That, and I’m just really fucking excited to post this drawing AGSJSGSJS.
...Oh damn, where do I start. There are so so so many things I want to write down for you — some I already said, some I haven’t, some I have but don’t remember doing so ( which happens WAY too often; memory, pls do keep up ).
Uhhh FIRST OF ALL, I want to talk about your contribution to this RPC — which is how we met. I wouldn’t be writing this to you if it wasn't for me finding your blog through a promo. Your Gray quickly found his way to my heart — the vast understanding you have of him, the accuracy of your portrayal and your amazing writing & aesthetic making it so that you became, quite fast, one of my favourite usernames to see on my dash. Through you, I became much more attached to his character than I first was. It’s always a joy to write with you, and I hope we can do that more throughout the next year. ♥
AND OUR KIDS, GOD. Together, we built a ship that ( quickly ) rose amongst my favourites. I cannot put into words just how much I ADORE Jellal and Gray and their chemistry. I love exploring all these facets of their bonds, I love exploring their future, I love writing and drawing for them…. but above all, I love that we created this together. Jelray wouldn’t be as wonderful and as close to my heart if it wasn’t for the fact that we wrote them as a team — a good one, might I add.
I’m so, so so glad that we could make them work out on Discord. I love them with all my heart, and I love that you’re just as excited and motivated as I am. It’s amazing. You’re amazing.
Meru, you’re an amazing writer, a fantastic artist, a wonderful Gray — the only Gray that matters to me — and above all else, you’re an irreplaceable, priceless and remarkable friend.
Over the course of the last eight months, you’ve become my closest online friend, my confident, my safe space. You’re kind, always ready to listen to me rant or scream, you’re understanding, talented, funny, bright and creative. You’re passionate and friendly and accepting. I love talking to you about anything and everything, whether it’s about our muses, our ship, online or irl — and each and every single one of our conversations brings a bright smile on my face.  It’s incredible how easily you cheer me up when I’m feeling down. It’s mindblowing how LUCKY I am to have met you, and everyday I’m thankful for the place you allow me to have in your life.
I also want to talk to you about snow. Snow has been a part of my life in Canada for years, for so long it’s become mundane. You, however, have never gotten the chance to see some — not real one, not in real life.
So to you, I sent pictures of my snow-coated backyard and of snowflakes up close, making me appreciate the beauty of nature’s cold again. With you in mind, I was able to summon the motivation to build a snowman. To show you what it was, I threw myself in the snow to make a snow angel — which I hadn’t done in *years*. To see you admire something I never thought of as exceptional made me find beauty in snow, in snowflakes, in the white winters. Your love for snowy winters was contagious, and it brought back my love for them, which had faded over the years. 
My thankfulness isn’t about the snow, however; this is merely an example. It’s about the place you’ve taken in my life, and the impact you’ve had on it. You made me look at life from a different point of view; you allowed me to find the beauty some everyday things. You’ve given me so much, Meru. You gave me brilliant advice and a shoulder to lean on. You gave me an amazing ship, an amazing writing partner ( spoiler: it’s u ), a precious friend ( spoiler #2: it’s also u ) and hours, days, *months* worth of happiness, of laughter and of INCREDIBLE MEMORIES. You gave me, through your appreciation of my writing and my art, motivation to create and confidence in my abilities like no one has ever done before. *Seriously*, your screaming and keysmashing makes every damn second spent creating something worth the hard work. 
You gave me so much. To know that I can give back even an inkling of the happiness you gave me by bringing even the slightest of smiles upon your face — whether it’s by a bad joke, by creating something or by being myself,,, it makes me so happy??
And can I just add, you’re the first person I feel so comfortable genuinely being myself with? To such extent, without restraint?
To be able to scream and fangirl about my weird special interests without feeling the need to apologize. To be able to confide in my issues and anxiety, to be able to break down and show my weaknesses, to be able to open myself to talk about deep-ass stuff. To be myself, at 100% —— it is incredible to do all that stuff and feel you being so welcoming, so accepting. It’s priceless. It brings tears to my eyes just *writing* this.
Throughout the years, I’ve met many people. Whether it is online or in the flesh, many of them have left their mark upon my life. You, however — I know you’ve left a big one. And while I know that eventually our paths may part ( not soon tho,,, pls ), I will forever remember you, keep you in my memory and be thankful for the amazing presence, friend, confident and writing partner you’ve been throughout my teenagehood.
Because you, Meru, didn’t just become my friend. You became my best one. Distance and age gap be damned, you showed me what a best friend was. Not just the closest kid you hang with in school, no. The real stuff.
You showed me what a real best friend was meant to be, and that spot absolutely belongs to you.
I hope 2019 is good to you. I hope you get some rest and some happiness --- and I hope I can provide some to you as well. 
( *waves a glass of apple juice bc I know you don’t want me getting drunk* )       HERE’S TO ANOTHER YEAR OF FRIENDSHIP.
Merry Christmas, sunshine  ☀️ —— because truly, that’s what you are. You light up my life like a ray of sunlight, you make the clouds part and the flowers bloom.
                                                                  With lots of love, KAAT.❄ *
@solofelt / @w-olfcry
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