#Anti Jerza
jadeluz-writes · 1 year
Y'know what, maybe I'll just pretend Fairy Tail ends at the Edolas Arc so it's a win for everyone. Lisanna comes back alive, there's no Zeref to worry about, Loke and Lucy are hinted with the "Is he your boyfriend?", Juvia and Gray don't end up together, not much of the Mystic/Jellal & Erza bs, and so forth.
That means you'd get about 95 episodes without having to worry about fanservice or forced pairings with just a tiny bit of filler in the middle. It's before it gets all "what the fuck is happening/why are we wasting so much time" segment and arcs.
A perfect ending in the rain while most of the characters concerns are finally resolved. It would be an intense, but well-executed ending instead of what we actually got.
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Attention all Anti-Nalu, Anti-Gruvia, Anti-Jerza, Anti-Gajevy, people. I want you to know a few things.
1. These are fictional characters and fictional pairings. They are not real, you are posting hateful comments about something that does not exist. So what exactly do you hope to accomplish here?
2. None of these couples would actually work in real life. None of them. Not one couple is completely healthy and rational realistically speaking. But good news, they are not real. They are in a fantasy world, so who cares if logically they’re unhealthy or not?
And 3. This is a person’s life’s work. Their art and their writing, something that they work very hard on. So to insult them like this is very cruel and rude. If you don’t like what they create then don’t read it and keep your mouth shut. Nobody is forcing you to read the manga. This person has the freedom to write whatever they please. So can’t show a little decency and respect? Or at least have the curtesy of keeping your opinions to yourself?
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of characters and shippings that I despise, but I don’t talk about it because A. It’s stupid to obsessively hate something fictional and B. I understand a person’s passion for writing and I would not want to hurt their feelings. I recognize that the writers and artists are real people with real feelings. But no, you only care about fictional characters, the ones who aren’t real.
Seriously, what’s wrong with you people? Don’t you have anything better to do? Get a life!
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freakinname · 2 years
Unpopular opinion.
If i'm being honest, i'm not really a fan of JeRza cuz not having grown up with FT or "The Big 4 ship", I'd just find them completely moronic. I kinda don't mind GruVia or GaLe cuz I don't really care for them that much however, I greatly despised NaLu cuz I get the feeling, it will be an unhealty relationship where that Natsu would caused so many problems to Lucy to the point of extreme levels of headaches. Lucy deserves someone 10 times better than that retard. Also, it's kinda feels forced in my opinion. As for JeRza... I used to hate Jellal but now I don't really care about him, he's kinda just.... there? That ship just wasn't for me. Sometimes I don't understand what Erza sees in him? But truth to be told, I kinda have a fictional crush on Erza. I don't like Jerza cuz they're relatinship feels kinda tiring and kinda boring. Also, they need years of psychological therapy which I never see them do. I really don't like it when Erza changes deamanor wherever she's around that pretty boy. It kinda feels just like when Sakura changes wherever she's around Sasuke(although, I hate Sakura for personal reasons). I mean, why ship that? When Erza can have so many fun ship dynamics with tons of other characters. But hey, it's just an or a cartoon/anime/manga. None of these relationships could work in real life... Although, I could be wrong.
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gralunaisland · 1 year
Tell me what are your thoughts on Jerza?
Graluna's Pro Jerza Masterlist
Hi, my friend! To make this easy, I'll use your ask to compile a few of my Jerza posts so it's easy for you to find them.
A post on why Jerza is very healthy:
2. A post on what I ship in FT, which includes Jerza:
3. A post that is most in depth analysis of Jerza that I have:
4. On the opposite side, here's a post for those Anti Jerza people who want to know if it's alright to be a Jerza Anti:
I go more in depth in these posts linked above so I don't think I need to rewrite it, but my very much abridged answer is I like Jerza a lot and is one of the few ships I have for FT! It's honestly one of the best things Mashima has written, especially romance-wise, and I think the way Erza and Jellal act within this ship is extremely laudable since they're both wise and mature.
Thank you for your ask and your continued support! All hail Jerza!
(I'll tag all the anti gr///via and juvia tags because if someone were to click through any of these posts, they'd be bombarded with anti stuff, and I don't want to ambush people).
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sapphicwritergal · 2 years
Erza Scarlet In My AU
• Erza Scarlet is a person who has many loved ones.
- cake
- Her gf
- Her Guild
- And those she considers very close to her
• She has short hair that she doesn't bother growing because long hair gets in the way of fighting, and if it gets pulled, she'll riot. Don't get her wrong, she still takes care of it and trims it each month with the help of her GF.
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• Erza coming to the guild unnerved her, y'know because of Tower Of Heaven incident and it took her time but they got use to others, and having to keep aware because of chairs possibly getting sent her way because of the guild getting into friendly brawls, after all she only has one eye, (I never understood as to why she needed a new glass eye, I'm aware it's to make her sexy in the eyes of men but the glass eye would not work either way.) So she has a scar over her eye.
• Erza then meets Alex, a fellow guild member who does her best to befriend Erza and it does not fail because you would see them chatting or sitting together or mentioning each other in certain situations.
• Erza as the modest but badass swordswoman and Alex as the kind florist but both equally ready to cut homophobes and a bitch down. Erza and Alex acting as enablers on each other @girlbossminerva gave me this idea when I asked one time.
• Erza's appearance can lead to her getting her gender mistaken for a man, but it doesn't bother them at all, after all, what's gender?
• Alex being a florist, helps the guild as a bartender sometimes and that doesn't change even now, she reached out to Erza when they were children, the two being friends and Erza gaining a crush on Alex over time without she even understanding it herself.
• Jellal? Brother who is highly concerned for Erza's mentality, even when he was evil behind the scenes and watching Erza when they were growing, Erza had dare devil energy, it wasn't the brightest. Although after the tower of heaven, Erza listens to her self and goes to therapy, it helped her, but the therapist needed a therapist after helping Erza. And when Jellal got arrested, she visited him and what not, telling him of their memories and what is going on with her and to say Jellal did have a little crush on Erza was right BECAUSE WHO WOULDN'T, but he came around when seeing Erza and Alex together, he playfully teased the two about it, after all we have Erza being herself and Jellal being a older brother to her and while Erza suggests something that could possibly get herself killed, but ofc she doesn't think that because Erza is like "Nah, I got this." and Jellal is giving her a confused expression like, "Are you okay?" They all hang out more, Crime Sorciere and Fairy Tail.
• Natsu and Gray are her besties, chasing them and teaching them when they were all younger, Erza has strong connection to them and she does like hanging with Lucy too
• You got a gun? She has a hammer.
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emile-hides · 2 years
If you could make only ONE fairy tail ship of yours canon with the magic of your brain which ship would it be? Please ramble. 💚
Laxus/Freed no question about it. It's not even a contest.
Would I like the Levy/Lily/Gajeel polycule to be real? Yes, yes of course I would, but Gajeel/Levy is canon and that's enough for me.
Honestly out of all my Fairy Tail ships (which you can see a full list of Here on my Ship Blog) Laxus/Freed is the closest to canon, and the only one I'd think "Big Win" if it did go canon.
I've never cared much about a ship I like going canon anyway. It doesn't effect much other than the amount of people talking about it.
Honestly what I'd rather do is uncanon some ships.
Number 1 being Erza/Jellal. I have such a thing against Jellal and I apologize he deserved his redemption I'm glad he didn't just like. Die or vanish into obscurity but like! I hate the idea of him and Erza being a canon couple with children some day!! Hate it!! It puts a bad taste in my mouth. I hate being negative tho so I'm not gonna ramble about it too much...
You know what else I want to uncanon?? The ship that floats the whole damn story; Zeref/Mavis
I hate it I hate it I hate it so much I hate how fanon treats it all cute and shit when it's probably the canon most Dead Dove do Not Eat kind of content canon has given us. I don't hate it because it's Dead Dove, that's actually what's holding it together for me, what I hate about it is how integral to the plot it is, how True Love it's treated, how sweet and tragic and twisted by fate it's treated.
It's not! Any of those!! It's a 400 year old man falling in love with a 13 year old girl and yes she's 20 Years Old when he actually realizes what he feels is love but she's still!! Physically!!! Thirteen!!! That's the Point Of The Curse!!! And then!!!!! He impregnates her!!!! AFTER HE THINKS SHE DIES!!!! HELL-FUCKIN-O????
I LOVE Zeref, and I really like Mavis too, I love The Curse Of Contradiction inflicting them both, I love the twisted "love" Zeref feels for Mavis, I love his desperation to find something to love to cling to project on to to save him to fix him to make him feel human again, I love Mavis' bleeding heart, I love Mavis' desire to save Zeref to fix Zeref to make him whole because she's so ful lof love for the world around her and she can see he's suffering and need someone anyone to help him
I think they're story is wonderfully dark. I think Zeref's obsession with her is something I'd very normally adore reading about, but the way it's treated in canon and fanon as a wholesome romance lovers torn apart by fate Romeo and Juilet Bella and Edward bullshit really ruins the whole thing.
Zeref/Mavis is really fucked up and I think we should treat it as such. Not in a boo hate the artist hate the shippers way but in a fun acknowledgment of Dead Dove content way.
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
Okay so I know that absolutely NO ONE asked but I want to say that I grew from hating JeRza to tolerating it, I don't hate it as much as I did before because I sort of understand as to why SOME ship Jellal and Erza but it hits the wrong way when I remember that there was barely enough development aside from the first time they met each other there was already unreasonable romantic tension or it was Erza being skeptical of Jellal and then they almost get to it on the beach through some words and yeah, and then they have mutuals feelings about each other after that reunion like if had Erza visit him a few weeks after her had arrested and talk to him and we got scenes or the manga revealed it to us, I would understand but we get none of that, just a meeting on one day refueled so many feelings and it confused me because if some guy was possessed and trying to kill me, I'd loose feelings after a while or a month..
I'm not a fan of Erza's personality change around Jellal, it confuses me but it is weird because Erza being I can't say romantic is a bit softer along with her tone and wording and it can be seen as romantic or her being friendly but the "Erza" around Jellal is so submissive without much reason, this is expressed in the 100 Year Quest when she...
Kisses on the window because Juvia had done it to... practice on a pillow so that she can do better on Gray and because "Erza" is a bit clueless Jellal saw it when he came to talk to her at a fast food place or somethin' when she tries it on the window and when Kiria the Diablos Guild Member (Fifth Gen Dragon Slayer) has Erza on a chain in provocative clothing or it's ripped up, I don't remember and honestly I don't want to for the sake of my mental health, a illusion of Jellal shows up and she eats up food in a bowl like a damn dog.
Tolerating is a bit of a stretch, and hating is a bit strong so I dislike this ship.
I totally get you, I don't quite hate the ship but I'm uninterested af. I think I've mentioned it before, but i used to be a huge fan of Jerza until I realized it was cause 1) I've a fictional crush on Erza and 2) it was actually the result of having found a decent writer on FFN that makes fluff i like even today. Aside from that, i literally could not care less for Jellal and it is, as you said, bc he has barely any character development.
I honestly think that Erza still having some feelings for Jellal in the nirvana arc can still make sense since they're relationship is based solely on "we used to be best friends until you were brainwashed and so i hated you for years but I still held a sliver of hope that you'd be back to normal" like i feel Erza can be a very hopeful character which is the only way that her dynamic with Jellal works, so the end in the nirvana arc is kind of a closure and i don't know how the council's prisons work but I feel she definitely could've been allowed to at least communicate with him via letters.
However, trying to extend their "romantic" tension only serves for the detriment of their characters because the only way their dynamic functions is with them never actually getting together and being in a constant stale point, which wouldn't happen of this had been let to remain as a friendship. As an attempt to romance, Erza's character becomes "woman who has not given up on a decade long teen crush and is ready to forgive everything if he turns to the good side" and Jellal's is "man who refuses to be with woman he likes cause he thinks she's too pure for him", it never moves from that point and it gets fucking boring very fast, which is why I prefer Erza in other ships where she is given space to be more. Hell, after writing a jerik fic for an exchange I even prefer Jellal with Cobra because it allows for a different better dynamic between characters that actually can have more similarities, it's the one ship where i felt Jellal's character could be explored.
Also, dear GODS I'm so glad i don't read 100yq, i did get to the scene where Erza was on a leash (though i don't remember much of it) and was appalled at how much mashima hates having a physically strong female character and feels the need to have them dominated (and also how he's gotten worse with the poorly disguised fetishes). I'm sure this is also connected to the "Erza becomes 'softer' when Jellal is around", like he's saying that at heart Erza will be submissive to the right man and i fucking hate it. To me FT ended with the main series and Erza got over Jellal and moved on with her life just being friends with him.
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underestimated-heroine · 11 months
Warning: 100YQ-negative post (it's fine if you like it but I'm critical of it)
This latest chapter of 100YQ, for me, really just serves as another instance of fan indulgence serving as a counterpoint to fan betrayal with this Fairy Tail spinoff, wherein each chapter is just one or a series of coin flips between the two.
Idk but when nalu's been transformed into an entirely different relationship than the one I got to know in the original series, these toasty Jerza/Jellal nuggets (and even world-building nuggets, with the wizard school!) just are NOT hitting the way they could be, for me. I appreciate them and think they're interesting, but when Natsu's this flanderized, when he's lost this much depth & growth as a character...the story has also lost trust with me.
I'm not thinking "wow, that's so cool Mashima shared this lore with us!" but "huh, so that's what they spontaneously came up with to generate material for 100yq." It feels less like consistent, passionate storytelling (even of the indulgent variety) than it does a manga generator meant to keep revenue alive rather than the story itself.
And I'm grateful to it both because I love fairy tail enough to take even scraps and love that it's keeping the fandom alive but idk, it's hard not to feel somewhat let down...
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xanvasofxords · 2 years
The amount of people hating on Jerza because they think Jellal makes Erza look weak is astonishing. The blalant misconception that strong people aren't allowed to be vulnerable sometimes angers me more than anything.
The toxic part of the Erza fandom acts like Erza is some goddess who can't be touched by anyone, let alone Jellal (who am I even kidding). Like she isn't a human before being anyone else. She's just as human as the other person.
She can have emotions, she can cry, she can laugh, she can joke. And she can fall in love too. She's allowed to take a break from being the guardian of the team and allow someone else to lead her the way sometimes. She can take a break from always protecting people and let her guard down, let someone else protect her. She can always take break from acting so selfless and desire to be closer to the one person she loves.
That's the point of her development in Tower of Heaven arc. Caging herself inside a armor thinking it'd protect her prevented her from being happy for years. I don't get why people want her to act like her old self, all tough.
Being with Jellal is what makes her happy, she can be herself without having to worry about anything. That's the point of love.
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stopbeingrude · 1 year
Reminder that hating on any new gen kids just cause u hate parent/parents is lowest one can ever get, aside from the fact they're fictional characters and it pathetic, it's not their fault who their parents are.
But stay mad if u want& like it.
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Imagine being so sensitive that you have to attack others when you feel your ship is "under attack" (criticized). ... This has been my common experience with Big Four shippers, and it looks like my pause from the FT fandom has not changed this trend. I really shouldn't be surprised~... But let's get into it.
Here's my original post: https://at.tumblr.com/pyropsychiccollector/fairy-tail-ask-now-what-is-by-far-the-worst-part/p8o5djvreeoe
A simple post on my preferences towards FT ships in general, right? I mean, it was *asked* of me. I'm gonna give my opinion. I honestly just hate how Jerza is portrayed in canon. That's the crux of my argument; I'm not attacking Jerza shippers or even necessarily the ship itself. If you want to ship Jerza, that's your prerogative. Ship them how you want, too. But here's the thing: I don't like how canon presents Jerza. If you observe Erza throughout the series, there's a distinct difference between Erza interacting with, say, Fairy Tail or other Guilds, and Erza interacting with Jellal. It just... doesn't go anywhere. And moreover, we're supposed to just sweep what Jellal does under the rug. That he took over the Tower of Heaven, forced Erza's friends into slavery, chased Erza away and ordered her never to come back, and then later... killed Simon, one of Erza's closest friends. I've never bought into that "possession" bs, and we have people like Ultear taking the fall for Jellal because he's too "guilty" to man up and take accountability. Consequentially, whenever Erza and Jellal talk, the mood's always dismal and uncertain, and Erza is COMPLETELY different from when she's talking to Makarov, or Natsu, or Lucy, or Gray... It's NOT vulnerability being shown, Jerza is literally running on a hamster wheel and going NOWWHERE... And we're just supposed to be fine with that? Accept that Erza has "forgiven" Jellal and that it's okay to force others to forgive him, too...? It's JUST my preference, posted here on this blog, but I don't like Jerza. It makes me "anti-Jerza" insofar that I really, really disapprove of the direction canon took with it. .... And I'm not gonna apologize for that.
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... But wait~! Here comes our latest challenger, idklanguages. Of course, of course, of course. How silly of me. Erza's not "scared" of Jellal, "that's how she acts when she's in love." It's also a bit sad this guy has to tack on the end that she "doesn't" love Natsu, like he's reassuring himself.
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... But we're not done. No, sir.
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*pinches nose* It's not about the fact she "has to be a badass all the time." Of course everyone has moments of vulnerability. ... But when she's with Jellal, that's NOT being vulnerable. She's literally feeling sorry for him, wishes things were different, wishes Jellal could be that boy in the tower who saved her way back when. This mood never changes, and Jellal perpetually brings Erza down to this one-dimensional girl that ultimately forces others to accept Jellal...even if he kills your brother. Because holding a grudge over that wouldn't make sense at all~ -_____-
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And right here's when idklanguages begins to unravel into ad hominems and being contrary for the sake of being contrary. Where the hell is your argument, idklanguages? "You can love someone and NOT be in a relationship"... I've addressed why I loathe the direction that canon's gone, why that "love" is honestly toxic. But you keep going on and on and on without making ANY points. At this point you're in it just to be contrary.
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You miss the point ENTIRELY with this nonsense. Erza, frankly, IS obsessive over Jellal with how Mashima's portrayed the dynamic. She URGES people to just accept the past and move on, and while that's all well and good, the issue is how flippant Erza is portrayed over Simon's death. She cares more about supporting her "crush", who's hurt her, traumatized her, and killed one of her best friends... as opposed to understanding how Simon's sister must feel. Here's the thing: Erza's "acceptance" of Jellal and his past sins might have been admirable if she didn't force others into doing the same, and if Jellal did something to warrant such a relationship with Erza. ... But he doesn't. His existence, as canon portrays him, is to make people pity him and forever whine about whether or not he'll make up for his past transgressions. He SHOULD feel guilty for everything, but he could also stand to accept and feel more confident about the good that he's supposedly doing, wiping out minor Dark Guilds. A life of selflessness and charity on his part isn't a bad thing; it's what he wants, frankly. But Mashima keeps pushing the Jerza agenda even though there's been no progress. No development. If that somehow appeals to you, fine. But I'll die on this hill that canon Jerza is toxic, and I'm not gonna apologize for my opinion.
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.... So yeah. We reach the end of this rant, with idklanguages making a bunch of hot air and a whole lot of, "No, I'M right, YOU'RE wrong, nyah!!!!!" It's fine for you to not like Natza, idklanguages, but just accept that I'm gonna do the same for Jerza... and properly outline arguments for WHY I think it's a toxic ship. Jerza shippers are more than welcome to keep shipping what they do - and who knows? Maybe your ideas and stories find a way to properly redeem Jellal, to give Erza a reason to look past everything he's done to her; or maybe you completely do away with all the pain he's caused her. Whatever floats your boat, more power to you. ... But just like how you lot treat Natza as "non-existent", have your own opinions, I'm gonna criticize Jerza. ... Because it DOES have problems in the source material. In this case, you ARE the aggressor, idklanguages. And all you're doing is spewing hot air. (❋•‿•❋) But go on. Come at me. This is not my first FT rodeo with Big Four fans.
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Okay it seems that I made my intentions not very clear in my last post and it led to misunderstandings.
So to clarify, I am not opposed to criticism, especially constructive criticism. I’m not opposed to expressing your feelings about a character or a ship. I made that post because some people express their opinions in very mean and hurtful ways.
I’m just trying to ask people in this Anti group to please be a little more respectful and considerate with their opinions. I’m trying to defend Hiro Mashima because I don’t think a person should feel bad about their passion or art, whether or not it appeals to the public.
I’m not against criticism in a polite manner. I’m against cyber bullying and callous insults to anyone who has the courage to make their writing or their art public.
Thank you and I apologize for anyone I may have offended.
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cheesydelphox · 2 years
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gralunaisland · 2 years
That way none of those toxic Jerza shippers come after me, can we address on how unhealthy Jerza is and why it's a bad ship? I don't like how Erza who was completely traumatized by jellal and only wanted him to be okay is now all, "Oh JeLlaL, i'M sO SuBMissIvE FOr yOu, EVen iF yOu dId nEArlY kIll mE iN tHe FIrSt SeAsoN, nOw I wAnT yOuR BaBiEs aNd wHaTeVEr."
🖤 - Anonziz
Why I don't blame Jellal for Tower of Heaven and therefore ship Jerza
(Firstly, thank you for your patience!)
Alright, let's talk about Jerza!
As I like to say, "No one is free from criticism; to pretend otherwise is folly", so even though I personally like Jerza, let's dive into this.
I'm not sure I've ever seen Erza act in the way you're describing, acting submissive and baby-crazy, though I'm sure you were just dramatizing your words for effect which is fine. Of course, I haven't been reading Fairy Tail 100yq, so maybe I'm just out of the loop, and she is acting that way now, but unfortunately, I don't have a way to confirm or deny that if it is indeed how 100yq Erza acts, so I'll just go off what I know from the anime I've seen.
I can see why you're upset with Jerza, since Jellal probably traumatized Erza by brutalizing her and for kicking her out all by herself into the world and for lying to everyone about her and keeping them enslaved. What he did was cruel. And you cannot undo actions, even if you try to make up for it. That bell can’t be un-rung.
I still ship Jerza because the reason Jellal did those awful things is because he was controlled and manipulated by Ultear with her magic. She used "possession magic" on him, and she was able to pollute his thoughts and turn him evil, which then led to him keeping the Tower of Heaven workers there on the island to finish building it. That's the only reason Jellal turned evil in the first place. As a kid, we saw how kind and strong and loving he was, and what a good leader he was.
It doesn't make the most sense to me to blame him for doing a complete 180 from that to his manipulative, lying, selfish, brutal self when it wasn't his fault in any way. The only reason he was in a position to be possessed was because he sacrificed himself for Erza. Also, after he lost his memory, he acted like his old self again. And even after he got his memory back, he was filled with remorse and self-loathing and a powerful drive to repent and to make things right for the sins he committed.
I think these facts show that his true self was the self he was before he was manipulated by evil magic.
I also think that Jerza is one of the best things Mashima has written, at least from what I've seen from the main story of FT and not 100yq, nor the last Alvarez arc. Instead of Erza throwing herself into Jellal's arms as soon he got his memories back, she let him do the right thing and turn himself in to the Grand Magic Council for judgment. Instead of trying to escape punishment, Jellal went with them willingly and then worked hard to do good deeds to make up for the horrible things he did, even though it wasn't his fault. And even though they had a chance to love each other after he'd created his own guild, he lied and said he had a fiance, and Erza pretended to believe him, because they both knew they had growth to do before they were ready. They were both selfless and put their own desire to love and be loved by the other person aside in favor of doing the right thing.
I think rather than showing how horrible it is that Erza still loves Jellal despite all he's done, I think it shows how good a person she is. It just demonstrates her virtue that she's able to forgive Jellal and to see past her own personal trauma and hurt to realize that Jellal wasn't to blame for his actions, but she knew he needed to repent for himself. I thought this showed how healthy the ship was because both people involved are putting the other person first and because they honor the other person's boundaries. (Unlike juvia.)
I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on this, though! Discussion is essential to finding the truth about things, though when it comes to this, it's probably fine to agree to disagree.
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dontmatterblog · 8 months
Make it make sense!
So according to some anti gruvians, Juvia getting Gray teaches young girls it's okay to stalk who you love and you will end up with them. How is that possible? It's fiction first of all. They have magic, dragons, celestial spirts, gods, dark guilds and many others things that we don't have in real life. Second of all, how is Gruvia's ship so related to real life but not the rest.
So Jerza ship doesn't teach you that as long as the boy was brainwashed it's okay he tried to kill you. Gajevy doesn't teach you that it's okay to crucify the girl and her friends to a tree as long as later you fall in love with said girl. NaLu doesn't teach young people it's okay for the guy to crowd your personal space and to grope because it just means he cares about you. Like if it was real life no one would deal with each other and Jellal, Gajeel, and Natsu would be in jail for sure. I love these ships too but my point is that IT'S FICTION AND IT'S OKAY TO ENJOY THINGS IN FICTION THAT MIGHT NOT BE OKAY IN REAL LIFE.
Acting like Juvia is the worst character to ever be created is wild to me. I really wish anti gruvians would watch other forms of media to realize that there are truly horrible characters who get the girl or the guy at the end. Using words such as gaslighting and manipulation to describe gruvia is crazy. She is written by an author at the end of the day. She's not even written as a toxic character. IT'S OKAY IF YOU DON'T LIKE HER CHARACTER OR THE SHIP BUT TO ASSOCIATE HER CHARACTER WITH R@PE AND SA IS CRAZY. I wish anti gruvians would go away and stop trying to convince us that we shouldn't like Juvia and Gruvia.
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thinkithinktoomuch · 2 years
If I actually return to this site in full (and not just as a lurker, as I am currently) it will probably be for Fairy Tail, but also, some of the posts in the tags for my favorite ships scare me, so like, idk?It seems like the antis get pretty intense. Anyways, if you see this and you know of good blogs for the following, please point me in their direction:
-CANAJANE (there is not enough Canajane content in the world, and if I ever start writing fanfic again, it will be for this. I have so many thoughts and feelings)
-Nalu (idc if it’s romantic or platonic. QPR nalu is my dream)
-Natsu, Lucy, and Happy being a cute little family (this includes Happy and Lucy eternally trolling each other)
-Cana Alberona (idk how to explain how great I think Cana is as a character)
-Jerza (in all of its incarnations)
-FROSCH!!! (Honestly Frosch should be at the top of this list. My bad)
-just general platonic guild-as-family stuff (especially Cana, Gray, and Lucy acting like siblings)
-Gale/Gajevy (idk, I love them but I have to be in a certain mood)
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