#Jellonetta drabbles
jellonetta · 1 year
Macaque Drabbles #1
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Alright, First Post Let's start off right with my boi Macaque! I always had a love for his character which is weird cause at first I didn't really care for him. But nooow he my bby <3 Sorry if he seems a bit ooc I'm trying to pin on how i'm going to write them. This is going to also happen with other characters to so please don't pay no mind.
Character(s): Liu Er Mihou | Six-Eared Macaque (Lego Monkie Kid) x GN! Reader Insert
Genre: Fluff, A bit of angst if you look under a microscope.
TW: None
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
He can hear the whispering air of the night soft winds that harbor secrets of many in its wake. He can take in the first pearls of raindrops onto the window that merely sits a few feet away from him. Sounds of rain bring comfort to the room where he lies, but they can never drown out the sound of your heartbeat. Its song sang so softly into his ears like a melody.
He can never understand why you make him feel such a way. Long ago, you were nothing more than a blurred face in the crowd.
An unimportant character in his story.
But, here you lie next to him enclosing him within your warm embrace. You're vulnerable with him, you leave yourself unguarded in his presence. You touch him like an ancient jewel; he can feel your eyes looking at him. Aware that they hold such softness, such love for him.
You were willing to stay up and watch over him until he dreams. He knows you are not tired, yet you still try to keep him calm in his time of need. You are everything he never knew was possible for him to have.
You are his everything.
You are beautiful even when your eyes look straight ahead lost in thought while he curled up against your chest with one arm wrapped around his waist. You are all he needs, and you know that.
That is his favorite part about you.
You are all he wants, and he wouldn’t change anything.
His hand reaches forward to trace along your shoulder blade. Your eyes flutter closed, feeling his cold fingers trailing down your skin. His fingers send shivers down your spine as his hand travels lower and lower till finally stopping at your waistline where they now rest.
"I love you.." He mutters.
"Love you too.."
You paid no mind to his sudden confession of love knowing that he rarely likes to admit it. But It seems like tonight is different. His breath fans against your neck, his voice sending goosebumps down your arms.
"No, it's just…" Macaque sighs. "It's you who makes me feel like I've been reborn into something new. You give me something precious and special to hold onto forever."
His words send chills down your spine. You feel your heartbeat pick up as his lips brush lightly against yours as he whispers, "That means more than anything to me. Nothing you do will ever change how I feel about you. I love you so much."
You could see the sincerity shining in his eyes, it was clear to see that this love he felt was true. It didn't matter to you whether he told you or not you just know deep in your heart that this man loves you wholeheartedly and deeply.
And that alone made you smile.
You let out a small yawn before speaking.
“We should get some sleep…” You suggest, but Macaque doesn’t respond just continues to stare intensely into your eyes. You look back at him noticing his gaze is now turned downward to your lips.
“Macaque?” Your question is answered by a kiss pressed gently against your lips.
You could tell his eyes were closed, but there was a spark of light shining behind them. You returned the gesture kissing him once more letting his warmth spread throughout your entire being. His hand reached up to cup your cheek as another kiss was placed against your lips.
A gentle hum escapes from your throat as you pull away slightly. You couldn’t help it, you were completely entranced by the monkey laying in front of you. Your hands reach out, intertwining with his as you lay down together under your blanket and pull him closer to you.
There was still a bit of distance between the two of you as he lay in your arms. His fingers laced with yours as his head rested comfortably on your chest, your free hand resting on his back. He seemed comfortable enough with you to just relax fully as your fingers began to dance their way up and down his back. A soft sigh escaped his lips as his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful lying there in your embrace.
You wanted to stay like this with him forever.
You don’t have any plans of moving anytime soon if you’re being honest.
“Goodnight…” You whispered, and he hummed again in response before falling asleep.
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Thank you For Reading! <3
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jellonetta · 1 year
That's when they say I lost my only friend PT. 1
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OK so this was a veryyyy long request in the making but I decided to split is into two parts. I didn't want everyone to wait any longer for more and then forget about it so here is part 1 of 2.
Content for those who are wondering, in this story Sunny Day Jack and Joseph are the same person or entity in a way. The reader hasn't moved to the farmhouse yet but will be in the second part.
Part One is like the calm before the storm to put it like that.
Requested By @chibithewitch
Character(s): Sunny Day Jack | Joseph Haberdae x GN! Chubby! Vitiligo! Reader
TW: Minor Angst, Fluff, Some one-sided feeling(?)
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
You can remember running outside with Hazel, your dog, without care. She chases, and you laugh in glee. Your family couldn't understand why they adore you over the others. Hazel loves them, but you seem like you were their favorite. Your older brother was quite jealous of your's and Hazel's bond. You think he envies it. Your family has started to take note of your relationship, too.
It's nothing special though. You just enjoy each other’s company.
Hazel has always been there for you. She understands you better than anyone. When you feel lost, or when something is bothering you, she's there. When you're sad, she'll sit right by you until you calm down. When you’re angry, she makes you feel safe. If someone hurts her, you protect her.
And if anything happens to you…well, she's going to look out for you just as well.
She's probably more protective than you are of yourself.
 She seems to sense when someone is coming up behind her and is ready to defend you from any threat. She's an excellent fighter, but even she needs help sometimes. And when she gets scared, she's very aggressive. She's not a violent beast, but she's very sensitive to any form of negative emotion. She hates it when people hurt the ones she loves.
Even after your break up with Ian, she was there to comfort you. The trick she does best is licking your face. Whenever she tries, you laugh and try to wipe her saliva off. But it never works because she can still taste how salty you are. It's so gross. She licks it off your skin anyway before licking her lips clean. You don't mind, though. She's your baby and she means well. She's happy you're happy again.
Then you met him, Joseph Haberdae, and his ghost(?), alter ego(?), Sunny Day Jack.
Joseph was quite close off when you first met him. Picking up part-time at the yogurtopia, you never held so much sympathy for a person until you saw him in the work uniform. You could have sworn you saw his eye twitching when he had to say the store slogan.
A part of him must have died that day.
He looked miserable and you didn't want to make things worse. You tried talking to him. But his answers were dry and distant. Trying to maintain the brick wall he's putting up between you two. So you let it go. He was trying to deal with something. You respected that. He didn't need you interfering in his life. That would only make things worse, anyways. So you left him alone and focused on working.
But something just change one day he started a conversation, heck even cracked a few jokes. He was in a good mood, a great one at that. You liked it saying that he should smile more you remember seeing his face turning red and rolling his eyes before going ahead to restock the topping bins.
 He was making an effort to make friends, even with his weirdly closed-off personality. After all, if his life were like yours, wouldn't he want to do the same?
And so you started hanging out with him. He was fun and funny. His jokes reminded you of a younger you, and you both shared moments of laughter. He was a great conversationalist and seemed comfortable with himself. Even though he didn't talk much, you appreciated being able to share some of your memories with him.
You worked together, and the next few months passed by peacefully. He was growing on you much more than you thought until you caught yourself talking about him to Hazel. Her eyes fill with wonder at this stranger who makes you smile like a love-sick middle school girl.
You weren't sure what happened.
Perhaps it was your newfound interest in romance and his friendly presence. Or maybe it was something else entirely. One thing was for sure though, Joseph wasn't leaving your mind anytime soon.
At least, that's what you told yourself when Joseph started acting distant. It bothered you to no end because you didn't want to lose the friendship you built. Especially when your relationship was already starting to grow strong.
But when you asked him what it was, he avoided the question. Instead, he said, "It’ll get better, (nickname). I promise." Which was the opposite of what you wanted him to say. In all honesty, you weren't sure what exactly made him upset. Maybe he was just tired. Who knows, maybe he just needed the time apart.
So when he offered to stay with you during his shift and you agreed, you assumed nothing would happen.
You were mistaken.
For once.
Something did happen.
Not long later, the three of you sat around the house. The two of you watched TV and chatted about random things, Hazel manage to bargain Joseph out of some head pats. It was not like he had much of a choice with her massive size. Then he reached out and grabbed your wrist. At the same moment he turned his head to you to ask what you were doing, he suddenly froze and began shaking.
You didn't know what was happening, but he looked terrified. Your eyes widen in concern as you tried to figure out what was going through his mind. He was frozen like a deer caught in headlights staring into your eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but he was unable to utter a sound. The longer he stared at you, the paler he got.
Eventually, with one last squeeze of your hand, he collapsed on you.
You gently moved him back onto the couch and then immediately took your phone from where you had left it charging. You turned the volume all the way down on the tv. Hazel was quick to take action going into protective mode and looking around the room for danger.
 “What just happened? Was he sick? Is something wrong with him?” Your mind was racing. How could this possibly be normal behavior for Joseph?
She continued growling until you ran toward her to check on her.
“Woah, woah, honey. Easy tiger. It’s okay.” You cooed rubbing her ears.
 “It’s okay. Nothing is wrong with him. We’re fine. We’re gonna be just fine.”
The growl stopped, but her tail stayed down as she watched Joseph cautiously. Her breathing slowly returned to normal, but her fur remained in a defensive position. You didn’t blame her. You also didn’t understand what was happening either. But you were glad she calmed down.
"Hello, Sunshine!" A sudden voice caused you both to turn around and see Joseph.
"Joseph..?" You muttered.
"No, I'm Jack, Sunny Day Jack! I'm happy to finally meet you!" He said cheerfully.
His bright blue hair bounced slightly with every move he made. He smiled at you brightly. You didn't understand what the hell is going on. It looks like Joseph from the jawline to the way his hair is combed aside from being more neat than messy. The only difference is he looks like he was straight out of a kid's show.
What is going on? Did he somehow switch places with a different person?
You turned toward him to confirm what you thought.
To your surprise, however, the face wasn't unfamiliar at all. He was grinning widely at you, and although the expression was completely different than the Joseph you knew, it still felt familiar.
"Oh my!" Jack chuckled. "You don't recognize me?" He questioned, obviously amused.
You shook your head. "I guess it wasn't the best idea to introduce myself to a stranger. Well, you're not a stranger anymore, (nickname)! I'll tell you about the whole story sometime. For now, can call her off, it looks like I'm going to become her next chew toy."
And that is how you met Jack.
Of course, you're worried at first because you still haven't been able to figure out how he switched to Joseph. You asked him many times how he did it but you never received any answer. But he never gave you any reason to doubt his sincerity.
He's quite the character from his bright blue hair, and cute clown cosmetics, down to his comical clown shoes. He doesn't push things or force himself onto you. He knows that the way you deal with emotions is different from what he does. He respects your boundaries, but never pressures you into doing anything. He just waits for you to come around and open up when you want to. So you're thankful that he did this to you.
Joseph and Jack were quite the duo with the clashing aesthetics, personality, and even the way they talk it was hard to say it was the same person. Jack loved to listen to music and Joseph was fascinated with comic books. You've learned that Joseph is a bit of a coffee addict. He'd always make a double shot and drink it while sitting at the bar counter.
He's been addicted ever since his college days he says.
 As for Jack, he enjoyed cooking. You didn't know why he was interested in cooking. But he can make anything edible. But despite his talent in cooking, he rarely cooked for himself. When he cooked for you, it was always homemade meals. He never bought ingredients. You always had to buy them for him.
You couldn't cook for shit sometimes. But hey Jack make some bomb-ass blueberries pancakes.
 Jack would laugh and you'd join in, You were happy. And the atmosphere was lightening up and that's when you realized.
You've forgotten how love felt you were.
And it felt wonderful.
You didn't realize you were smiling so wide and you didn't notice that you had gotten lost in the moment. You were brought back into reality when you heard Jack clear his throat. You looked up at him and noticed that his cheeks were flushed lightly.
"You know...you're very pretty when you smile like that.." he spoke quietly, averting your gaze.
You blinked at the sudden compliment. You honestly didn't expect to hear that from him. You never considered that anyone would think of you as attractive.
You were shocked.
"Really?! I never realized...." you trailed off.
"I mean...it's true. And Joseph seems to enjoy your company. I never understood why."
"Because I'm nice and sweet!" You smiled softly at him. "But yeah, I enjoy your company too..."
You didn't realize that was true, but you kind of liked that too. There's nothing wrong with having him enjoy your company, right?
But you were scared your last relationship left you in ruin. You were afraid you were going to fall in love again and have a repeat of the past. You didn't want it to happen again. It's hard enough knowing what happened to you before. You never want to be reminded of your past mistakes again.
And yet here he was with his hands around yours and his body pressed close to yours. If there was anything you were certain of, it was that you wanted more.
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Thank you For Reading! <3 Stay in tune for part two!
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jellonetta · 1 year
Sneak Peak ;)
This is just the beginning but its wayyy more longer than I intended to be :') but oh well.... Also thank you soo much on the likes and reblogs on my Macaque Drabbles I'm glad you like it <3
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You can remember running outside with Hazel, your dog, without care. She chases, and you laugh in glee. Your family couldn't understand why they adore you over the others. Hazel loves them, but you seem like you were their favorite. Your older brother was quite jealous of your's and Hazel's bond. You think he envies it. Your family had started to take note of your relationship, too.
It's nothing special though. You just enjoy each other’s company.
Hazel has always been there for you. She understands you better than anyone. When you feel lost, or when something is bothering you, she's there. She'll sit right by you when you're sad until you calm down. When you’re angry, she makes you feel safe. If someone hurts her, you protect her.
And if anything happens to you…well, she's going to look out for you just as well.
In fact, she's probably more protective than you are of yourself.
She seems to sense when someone is coming up behind her and is ready to defend you from any threat. She's an excellent fighter, but even she needs help sometimes. When she's scared, she hides under your bed until you come to get her. And when she gets scared, she's very aggressive. She's not a violent beast, but she's very sensitive to any form of negative emotion. She hates it when people hurt the ones she loves.
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Thank you For Reading! <3
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