#Jil pole
firerose · 2 years
of the Dawntreader movie (After watching it yesterday)
- Eustace is the funniest person in this movie.....he was such a brat but that makes for great comedy - Why did they change the order of the islands? That annoyed me a bit ....Eustace redemption was supposed to be the second island and end on that island but Nah it got pushed back for others and then stretched out for no reason!
- The mist thing was also unnecessary! The unique thing about the Dawntreader book is that for once it isn’t about fighting some dark magic force! It’s about friends sailing the seas and having adventures. Storys don’t always need stakes to be good!
-Also in the books Lucys conflict was about finding out that one of her friends was talking badly about her behind her back something much sadder but also deeper than oh she wants to look like Susan even though that never came up before ....)
- Gael and Lucy’s friendship was sweet though (I imagine Jills and hers with a similar dynamic.........if only we could see that one day)
- Edmund and Lucy were great too! Loved their sibling bonding
- Caspian being so happy hurts when you recently read silver chair :(
- “And that includes you Eustace” aww goddamit :(
- Did I mishear them namedropping Jill? (English is not my native language so I really could be wrong here)
- But if yes then ........that’s just .....again unnecessary
- Wasn’t one great thing about Silver Chair that Jill got the chance to see Narnia because Eustace became a better person?
-Why would she even be friends with him pre redemption? Didn’t he watch her getting bullied at that time?
- This just sounds like I hate the movie but honestly, I’ve seen worse
- The story choices just annoyed me a bit!
Why didn’t they make Silver Chair btw? I always thought they decided just to make three movies but here it seems like they were planning it....so why not?
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pandoramusicbox · 3 years
on continents and size.
First of all I made a simple mistake, and that mistake is easy enough to spot once you hear it. the planet music box is x14 the size of earth. (this planet is Jupiter sized, meaning way to big too be rocky) now ignoring my original mistake I will share some other things about the planet. the planet has four large moons, at least one that has its own moons. (orna,kina,noirna,luna)
the world is, due to its physical size, is revised into three seperate hemispheres by the longitude lines. the central hemisphere, so called because they named the stuff (I mean I did but its just the first one I created). the eastern hemisphere  and the western hemisphere  the world has a total of 13 continents  though there are a few phodo-continents. a large amount of the continents have names in the old dragon language, though there are a few that do not as dragons never managed to travel to them or if they did manage they never stayed long enough to have a sizable impact on the local population. the currently named continents are: 1.*kali-grafi (the grand land): technically it it in a bit of all three hemisphere. its in the north pole region of the world, and it is the largest of all continents. though most of it is uninhabited by anything but the most adapt of creatures. -its Antarctica. Central hemisphere> 2.*Juyilier /jul-nire/ ( earth): larger by a good bit than skalipia. it is very mountainous. 3.*Skalipia /ska-lee-pia/ (mountain sun): roughly the size of the eurasian continent.  the continent I have spent most time world building. part of the endless forest goes through it (bisects it in fact!) 4.*Auyilkir /alu-jil-ker/ (golden land/ land of great riches): right next to skalipia and roughly similar in size. the endless forest dose through a portion of it. 5.*GarGoraqi /gar-gore-aqui/ (north, south water): smaller in size, it is divided by a shallow sea. the equator is near it.located in Neptonian empire territory. 6.*Alunjas: larger then skalipia, big portions of it are desert. in the southern hemisphere  Eastern hemisphere> 6.*Mergo or Muergon /m’Er-go/ (home): size wise is about the same as the total land mass of both the north and south american continents together. the endless forest goes through it. the equator goes through it. 7.O’sten: isolated (apart from o’llre) about double the size of o’lre, has wast cave systems. 8.O’lre /o’llre (o’ means land of ): slightly smaller than skalipia. isolated apart from its neighbor o’sten. 9.-unknown continent- (likely rag-sec-ter) 10.-Sungorath-  Western hemisphere>  11.un-named continent of the fay: well it has a name but I can't find it in my main notes, its name is draconic, it has the endless forest going through it.in the southern hemisphere. -it is Australia -I found a note that says its name is Jalaukalwath 12. Kaliwafitsu* in northern hemisphere: it also has a draconic name. it is home to the only floating islands in the world. it has a lot of volcanic activity in the south as it sits on a ring of fire. 13.-unknown continent- * all dragon names.
thats it for now feel free to ask questions.
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The Elf’s Adventures Begin
Brandon gasped as he entered the kitchen for breakfast.
‘Bernie! He really did move! LOOK!’ He elbowed his big brother in the ribs for emphasis, amazed at the evidence of his own eyes.
Yesterday, Jil had posed a question to the boys. ‘Do you remember what this is?' She’d crouched down and held out the small stuffed elf so that Cookie, Bernie, Brandon, Nick, Ty, and even Lee could get a good look. 'He's an Elf. And starting tonight, he's going to make sure you're good little boys and he's going to go back to the North Pole every night to tell Father Christmas how you've been behaving. So you'll have to be good to get toys on Christmas morning.' She smiled. They’d actually started the tradition last year, but the majority of her sons had been just that little bit too young to enjoy it properly. This year was different. They were older, and she was looking forward to having their elf go on lots of crazy adventures for the boys to enjoy.
Such was the stuff of fond memories.
Jil had moved the elf overnight from his ‘home’ on the mantelpiece to the kitchen table where the boys would see him first thing. He was bundled up in one of Alan’s scarves and a glittery note in his lap read: It sure is cold at the North Pole! Brr!
‘Oh wow!’ Bernie’s eyes were equally wide with surprise. ‘Daddy! You have to come see this!’
‘What’s going on?’ Daddy yawned as he entered the kitchen, not entirely awake as yet. ‘Morning, love.’ He paused to give Jil a kiss before he poured himself a coffee.
‘The elf!’ Brandon shouted.
‘Yes! He’s stolen one of your scarves! Look!’ Bernie pointed.
‘An exceptional thief.’ Daddy chuckled, even though the boys were too young to understand the reference. Jil caught it and winked at him over their heads. ‘Borrowed,’ he corrected. ‘He only borrowed it, because he’s brought it back. See? And what do you expect? It’s cold at the North Pole! He’d have come back an icicle without it.’
‘Did he really go all the way to the North Pole?’ Brandon’s voice was heavy with awe.
‘Sure he did. How else is he going to tell Father Christmas about how you boys have been behaving all day?’ Jil smiled.
‘Exactly. So you’d better eat your breakfast and brush your teeth.’ Daddy nodded. ‘That glitter had best come out of my scarf. Or I’m going to take it out of your hide,’ he murmured in Mummy’s ear as he slid his arms around her middle.
She giggled, wrapping her arms atop his. ‘Promises, promises. It’s that sort of talk makes me want to dump glitter on ALL of your scarves.’
‘Naughty girl. I’m going to turn you over my knee. Later.’ He kept his voice low so they wouldn’t be overheard.
‘But I haven’t DONE anything. As yet.’ She bit her lip, a devilish gleam in her eye.
‘Ah, yes. But the intention is in your heart. Perhaps a little spanking will keep you on the straight and narrow, since the threat of a toy Elf won’t work on you.’ He gave her a light spank as he let her go. ‘I’d best go shower for work. Boys! Be good for your mother. Or else the Elf will give Father Christmas a bad report.’ He gave them all a kiss before he headed upstairs.
‘Daddy’s right.’ Jil nodded as she sipped at a steaming mug of herbal tea.
Unsurprisingly, the boys got ready for the day with a minimum of fuss.
Jil smiled to herself. Shame December only came once a year.
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breakfromwork · 4 years
May 25th - June 9th, Colorado
A couple weeks of bad P, pandemic and police murder, plus one good P, Protest. The world is on fire for just cause, and there better be change, or humanity fails again. Black Lives Matter!!
Gae and I continue to mostly lay low, but plan on joining the protest tomorrow. We continue to stay fairly busy, me with the landscaping and Gae with online classes, church and Toastmasters. I really enjoyed golfing twice, and Gae is out on her second hike today. Some pics...
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I cut and fit some composite decking as top-rails for the new herb garden bed on the 26th.
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Jil and Ken generously shared some plants from their lovely yard, and the Columbine is taking nicely in it’s new spot here.
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Kipp bought and installed a new solar light for the recently moved flag pole.
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Gae continues to feed the squirrels, and this is my favorite... ratty-tail:-)
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The 3 pounds of Clover I planted two weeks ago is slowly coming up in patches... the torrential storm the hit the same day I hand-cast them over the new soil concentrated them into puddles:-( The lesson there... rake a pattern of small troughs across the fall lines to keep them distributed, doh!
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On June 1st, I built two small tables from leftover decking for outside use.
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June 2nd Gae took a picture of us, showing off the sore on her head from some over-zealous use of a hammer to remove a stray nail in the fence.
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One of the kitchen cupboard doors came off on the 3rd, which I patched with a paired down wood golf tee epoxied into the hole left by the hinge screw... solid:-)
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Gae helped her friend, Bonnie, from church, on the 5th, and was given this handmade card as thanks.
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Her brother sent a nice picture of their puppy doing his part for safety... not a hard hat little girl!
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Gae’s niece, Kourtnee, stopped by as she was heading out the door to deliver Bonnie to the doctors on the 6th, so Gae took her home and saw her place and children.
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Gae was totally impressed with her essential oil collection organized on the shelf her boyfriend built for her.
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Her friend Bonnie was not excited to have to visit the Doctor:-(
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Social distancing in the waiting room.
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Gae took a hike with her friend Rita, to Mount Falcon Park on the 8th.
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I spent the day planting a bunch of plants in the mostly bare front yard... maybe a year or two!
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