#Jill Criswell
arpov-blog-blog · 9 months
...“We don’t have any plans for the Governor to meet with the President tomorrow,” said Jeremy Redfern, DeSantis’ spokesperson, in a statement. “In these rural communities, and so soon after impact, the security preparations alone that would go into setting up such a meeting would shut down ongoing recovery efforts.”
The White House on Friday night said the president and first lady Jill Biden will still travel to Florida Saturday, along with Deanne Criswell, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
“Their visit to Florida has been planned in close coordination with FEMA as well as state and local leaders to ensure there is no impact on response operations,” the White House said in a statement.
A White House official, who was granted anonymity to speak freely about the trip, said Biden informed DeSantis Thursday and the governor “did not express concerns at that time.”
As he was leaving Washington for Florida on Saturday morning, Biden said that he did not know what happened to the meeting, adding that “we are going to take care of Florida,” according to a pool report."
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trmpt · 10 months
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shahananasrin-blog · 10 months
[ad_1] Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deanne Criswell lauded progress in the recovery efforts in Hawaii ahead of President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden’s trip to Maui.  Ms. Criswell told reporters on Saturday that when President Biden arrives in Maui, he’ll see the devastation caused by the wildfires, which have destroyed the town of Lahaina and left nearly 100 people dead, firsthand.  She said the president will also see the progress made by FEMA and other agencies in ongoing recovery efforts, which began when President Biden signed a federal disaster declaration.  “He’s going to be able to personally stand with the community, him and the First Lady, to reassure them that the entire federal government is going to be with them every step of the way,” Ms. Criswell said.  Monday will be President Biden’s first visit to Maui following weeks of scrutiny from what critics have called a lackluster response. Ms. Criswell applauded the president’s actions, and said that disaster recovery efforts are “moving in the right direction.” Since signing the federal disaster declaration for Hawaii, the Biden administration has sent 1,000 federal workers and 450 search and rescue team members to Maui County. Ms. Criswell noted that the search and rescue teams have searched about 60% of the area ravaged by the fires.  Ms. Criswell added that FEMA and Red Cross efforts to find hotel rooms for displaced people have reduced the number of people in shelters by close to 50%.  The Biden administration has greenlit over $7 million in assistance for people affected by the fires. The president also opened up more disaster funding for Hawaii, increasing the federal cost share from 75% to 100%.  FEMA and other agencies on the ground are gearing up for debris removal, which Ms. Criswell said would be the next phase in the disaster recovery process.  “We are making progress,” Ms. Criswell said. “And we will continue to be with the people of Hawaii every step of the way.” (function (d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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thxnews · 10 months
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pdj-france · 10 months
En direct Le président américain Joe Biden et la première dame Jill Biden se rendront à Hawaï pour enquêter sur la dévastation causée par les incendies de forêt meurtriers qui ont détruit une partie importante de la station balnéaire de Lahaina à Maui quelques jours auparavant et tué au moins 110 personnes. Le président Biden aura un aperçu de première main lundi des dégâts et rencontrera les premiers intervenants, les survivants et les responsables fédéraux, étatiques et locaux, a affirmé mercredi la Maison Blanche dans une déclaration. "Je reste déterminé à fournir tout ce dont les Hawaïens ont besoin alors qu'ils se remettent de cette catastrophe", a affirmé le président Biden dans un message sur la plateforme de médias sociaux X, anciennement dénommée Twitter. Le gouverneur d'Hawaï, Josh Green, a prévenu que le nombre de morts pourrait doubler. L'enfer s'est propagé rapidement des prairies à l'extérieur de la ville à Lahaina mardi dernier, prenant les gens par surprise et carbonisant une zone de 13 kilomètres carrés de la ville en quelques heures. L'incendie a détruit 2200 bâtiments et causé des dégâts estimés à 5,5 milliards de dollars (8,6 milliards de dollars), ont indiqué des responsables. Mercredi, le président Biden a validé la demande d'Hawaï que le gouvernement fédéral rembourse le coût total de 30 jours de travaux d'urgence qui devraient être effectués au cours des quatre prochains mois, a affirmé Deanne Criswell, chef de la Federal Emergency Management Administration des États-Unis, lors d'un entretien avec les médias. briefing à la Maison Blanche. Le gouvernement fédéral a jusqu'à dernièrement déboursé 2,3 millions de dollars (3,6 millions de dollars) pour aider les familles et validé plus de 1300 demandes d'assistance, a affirmé Criswell lors du briefing de mercredi. Mercredi, les autorités locales ont rouvert une route principale à travers la ville pour la première fois depuis des jours, répondant à la frustration des habitants. L'autoroute, qui contourne le front de mer carbonisé et le centre-ville, était auparavant fermée à tous sauf aux résidents des environs, aux premiers intervenants et aux personnes qui travaillent dans les sociétés locales. L'identification des restes a été lente, en partie à cause de l'intensité de l'incendie. Le comté de Maui a publié mardi les deux premiers noms : Robert Dyckman, 74 ans, et Buddy Jantoc, 79 ans, tous deux de Lahaina. Trois autres personnes ont été identifiées mais leurs noms ont été retenus en attendant la notification de la famille. Les autres restes attendent d'être identifiés, a affirmé le comté de Maui. La vue incongrue de touristes profitant des plages tropicales de Maui tandis que des équipes de recherche et de sauvetage parcourent les ruines et les eaux des bâtiments pour les victimes de l'incendie de forêt américain le plus meurtrier depuis plus d'un siècle a indigné certains habitants. La cause de l'incendie n'a pas encore été déterminée et l'enquête est toujours en cours. Le New York Times, citant des interviews et des preuves vidéo, a rapporté que le feu de brousse qui s'est propagé à Lahaina a démarré à partir d'une ligne électrique cassée. Avec plus de 100 morts, l'incendie est l'un des incendies de forêt les plus meurtriers aux États-Unis depuis plus d'un siècle. – AAP
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dnaamericaapp · 1 year
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At Least 26 Are Dead After A Rare, Long-Lasting Tornado Tore Through Mississippi
A rare, long-track tornado left a trail of devastation across western Mississippi on Friday night — killing at least 25 people, tearing buildings and leaving thousands of homes without power. At least one person also died in storms in Alabama.
"This is a horrific event," Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves said during a news briefing. "It's heartbreaking. There's really no other way in which to describe it. It is absolutely heartbreaking."
President Biden, who spoke to Reeves on Saturday, also called the images from Mississippi "heartbreaking" and offered the full support of the federal government in the aftermath of the storm.
"Jill and I are praying for those who have lost loved ones in the devastating tornadoes in Mississippi and for those whose loved ones are missing," he said.
Biden also noted that FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell had already deployed emergency response personnel and resources to the state to assist with recovery efforts.
"To those impacted by these devastating storms, and to the first responders and emergency personnel working to help their fellow Americans: we will do everything we can to help," he added.
The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency said on Saturday afternoon that 26 people had died and dozens were injured due to the tornadoes.
Officials noted that local and state recues teams had been deployed overnight, and resources were available for victims impacted by the destructive weather.
In Alabama, the Morgan County Emergency Management Agency confirmed to NPR that at least one person in that state had died after a mobile home overturned during tornadoes.-(source: npr)
Prayers and Condolences To All Those Affected By This Terrible Tornado
DNA America
“it’s what we know, not what you want us to believe.”
#dna #dnaamerica #news #politics
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awesomegoodmusic · 2 years
TheWhiteHouseSpin.Com / SPIN PUBLISHING: LIVE 11:30 AM ET ~ Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Administrator Criswell Gaggle Aboard Air Force One Reported by Karen Ann Carr
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Administrator Criswell Gaggle Aboard Air Force One en route to en route Fort Myers, Florida USA on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 11:30 AM ET. Press Secretary Jean-Pierre and FEMA Administrator Criswell gaggle aboard Air Force One traveling with President Joseph Biden and The First Lady Dr. Jill Beden.   President Biden and the First Lady will survey storm-ravaged areas via helicopter en route to Fishermans Wharf at At 1:00 PM. They lift from Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers, Florida.  
In the afternoon, President Biden and the First Lady receive an operational briefing by federal, local, and state officials on current response and recovery efforts. This 2:00 PM briefing is convened at the Fisherman’s Wharf in Fort Myers, Florida.  
Later, President Biden and the First Lady meet with small business owners and local residents impacted by Hurricane Ian and thank the federal, state, and local officials working around the clock to provide life-saving assistance, restore power, distribute food and water, remove debris, and begin rebuilding efforts. This meeting at the Fishermans Wharf, Fort Myers, Florida is convened at 2:35 PM.  
After, President Biden presents remarks to reaffirm his commitment to supporting the people of Florida as they recover and rebuild from the devastating storm. The First Lady will attend these 3:15 PM remarks at Fishermans Wharf in Fort Myers, Florida.
#News #TheWhiteHouse #MSNBC #ABC #CBS #CNN #FoxNews #WhiteHouseSpin #SPINPUBLISHING  
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reportwire · 2 years
Biden in Puerto Rico: 'We're going to make sure you get every single dollar promised' | CNN Politics
Biden in Puerto Rico: ‘We’re going to make sure you get every single dollar promised’ | CNN Politics
CNN  —  President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden, and Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Deanne Criswell are visiting Ponce, Puerto Rico, on Monday – weeks after Hurricane Fiona ravaged the US territory. In Puerto Rico, Biden received a briefing on the storm and met with individuals who have been impacted. He also announced $60 million in funding from the bipartisan…
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insideusnet · 2 years
Biden in Puerto Rico: 'We're going to make sure you get every single dollar promised' | CNN Politics : Inside US
Biden in Puerto Rico: ‘We’re going to make sure you get every single dollar promised’ | CNN Politics : Inside US
CNN  —  President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden, and Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Deanne Criswell are visiting Ponce, Puerto Rico, on Monday – weeks after Hurricane Fiona ravaged the US territory. In Puerto Rico, Biden received a briefing on the storm and met with individuals who have been impacted. He also announced $60 million in funding from the bipartisan…
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democracyin-news · 2 years
Jill Biden to deliver remarks in Florida for Surfside memorial event
Jill Biden to deliver remarks in Florida for Surfside memorial event
Jill Biden will visit Surfside, Fla., on Friday for a memorial event honoring the victims of the Champlain Towers condo building collapse on the tragedy’s first anniversary. Biden will deliver remarks at the service and will be joined by Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deanne Criswell and Surfside Mayor Shlomo Danzinger, according to the first lady’s office. The town formed a…
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bookwyrmmm · 4 years
"Before you learn to fight, you must be certain of the value of what you're defending."
-Jill Criswell, Kingdom of Ice and Bone
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Hey everyone!
Sorry I’ve not been very active on here lately (glances at personal goals for the year guiltily), but I spent the last couple of months working on shows and prepping for BookCon.  This year was a success, I think, in terms of achieving my goal to meet as many of my favorite authors – and potential favorites – as possible.
Saturday I started the day trying to get a ticket for a Leigh Bardugo signing at the TopatoCo booth, however their organization skills were downright awful and the line quickly became a messy blob and so of course this shorty in the back didn’t get one.  I told myself to get over it (and for the most part I did.  I was bitter still, but I was over it.  Gotta focus on the authors I did get to meet right?  The only annoyance was having to carry around my hardcover of SoC all day cause it costs $ to get back into coat check (wtf)).
So after that disaster I went to the signing for Brigid Kemmerer, who was lovely to talk to, followed by Susan Dennard (who got so excited about the poster I brought of the cover for The Executioner’s Three, her story on Wattpad).  I then went to the Jordandene booth to get an As Travars shirt – sadly they were out, but I got a Geekerella one instead – and while I was there I turned around and effing V. E. Schwab was right behind me.  This was the second time in 2 years that I’ve seen her on the floor, and this time I finally got a picture with her, lol.  I swear she is my lucky charm there – I wasn’t even actively seeking her out this year since I’ve already met her twice and yet there she was anyway.
I then went a stood for two hours(!) in a line for the Coco Ma/Jill Criswell signing for their ARCs of Shadow Frost/Beasts of the Frozen Sun (respectively).  I went to the booth to ask when the line was going to start forming and the guy was like “this is the line” indicating the one I thought was for the event prior to theirs.  So yeah, got to wait for a while there.  The line moved slowly because they were both talking with people, which was nice, but I was also mildly panicking because Amanda Foody had a signing I wanted to get to as well.  But I had a nice conversation with both (Coco was wearing Gryffindor robes so we had a fun HP conversation) and I got to the HarperCollins booth just in time to see Amanda and have her sign my copy of Ace of Shades.  
I think after that I wandered the floor for a bit, before making my way over to the Eoin Colfer signing.  I loved the Artemis Fowl series growing up, so I was ecstatic when I got the ticket to his signing.  The best part was we ended up talking theatre while he signed my books because he asked me what I did and I told him I do lighting design for theatre and he started talking about preferring the backstage atmosphere whenever someone puts on a play he’s written (I had no idea he wrote plays omg I’m such a fake fan lol).  And like the idiot I was I forgot to give him my business card.
After that I kinda stalked Katy Rose Pool.  She’s the author of There Will Come a Darkness which comes out in the fall and which I am currently reading (thank you Edelweiss).  It’s.  So.  Good.  And my friend had already met her during the day and told her about me and she remembered and was so nice and sweet and signed a blank bookmark I brought.  I also saw Amanda Foody there (I love how they have this group of writer friends it’s the cutest thing ever) and got the picture with her that I forgot to get earlier lol.  I then did some more shopping (got a Stardust candle that smells like stormy woods and blackberry and had little stars on top) and walked the floor until it closed.
And omg I went to the FierceReads booth to ask about the TWCAD ARC giveaway they were doing on Sunday (because yeah okay I am reading the egalley but I want it physically too of course) and while they were explaining it KATY ROSE POOL showed up again and I got so worried she thought I was an asshole for wanting the physical ARC as well instead of letting someone else get a chance to read it.  I’M SORRY I JUST WANTED ALL THE VERSIONS.  (Actually I’m over it now.  I got the ticket for the ARC game on Sunday and it was a chance-to-win game.  Basically you had your Tarot Cards read (the tarot cards are based on the characters in TWCAD) in a past-present-future spread and the present card determined which ARC you got.  I ended up getting The Last Word by Samantha Hastings oh well, but man the girl who did my reading was really good and it was scarily accurate.  But hey that gives me hope for my future cause it sounded just like what I needed.  Anyway, while I was there I watched two people who I knew had been first in both the ticket drop and the actual event line get the TWCAD ARC and I got really happy for them cause damn they deserved that.  PLUS I ended up getting an ARC of The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring for being tenth in line how cool was that!!)
Anyway, that was Saturday.
On Sunday, after getting the tickets at FierceReads (you got two for their giveaways, and beside the Tarot Card game I got a Grisha passport one which I gave to my friend cause I wasn’t interested in it), I wandered the floor for a bit before heading over to QuirkBooks to get ready for the Ashley Poston signing.  We were told we could buy the books before the signing even started so we did, and then they had a game where you turn one of those candy/prize machines you see outside of supermarkets and you got a piece of paper that indicated a prize.  My friend got a Charmed pin which she gave to me since I love the show, and I got a coupon for a free book so I got to return the copy of The Princess and the Fangirl I had just bought there and get it for free instead.  How cool is that?  And while we were in line for the game my friend saw Ashley Poston and she came over and talked with us and again while we were waiting for the signing to start.  She was so sweet and nice to talk with.
I then made the stupid attempt to try to get a ticket for the Melissa de la Cruz signing but since Penguin refuses to start lines before a certain time and just lets people stand in a blob, I again didn’t get one.  I wasn’t too angry though because I haven’t actually read any of her books, but the one she was signing for – The Queen’s Assassin – sounded interesting.  I was just more annoyed that all my other just-in-case-I-don’t-get-that-one events were already capped as well so I wandered the floor.  I finally found an event at the FaeCrate line for a die toss game but only got a chapstick lol.  Then I went to Simon & Schuster for their lollipop wall and ended up with a contemporary YA called She’s the Worst by Lauren Spieller.
I then went to the Meg Cabot signing where she signed my copy of Shadowland, because I love love love The Mediator series by her.  After that was the Tarot Card game as described above, and then the signing for Holly Black.  She seemed really nice from the line, but sadly by the time I got to her it was 4:30 and the publishers were making her speed things up to move the line along so I only got a candid picture and didn’t get much time to talk to her.  Oh well.
After that I went and got a shirt at Out of Print because they were putting them on sale by then – I got an Elephant & Piggie shirt and I LOVE it.  And then Hoopla was doing a wheel spin still but the woman said it was closed.  I waited around though because they had sunglasses and from what I could see, plenty of them (I don’t know what it is about my sunglasses but they will last like a year and then will just randomly break when I like take them off or something.  I don’t get it.)  They reopened it and when I spun and got a popsocket I asked and they just switched it for the sunglasses.  Lol score.
And that was the end of BookCon 2019!!
Here are all the books I received/bought/brought to get signed:
And here is all the swag I got (well the Susan Dennard poster I brought with me for her to sign, and the V. E. Schwab poster my friend actually got for me lol)
Also my friend and I stayed in this hotel that looked so old fashioned we kept calling it the Tower of Terror and saying we were gonna get visited by a ghost or something.  It was awesome.
Overall I was happy because I got to most of what I wanted, saw most of the authors I wanted to see, and bought some really fun merch too.  Can’t wait for next year and to see who I might get to meet then!
BookCon 2019 |A Review Hey everyone! Sorry I've not been very active on here lately (glances at personal goals for the year guiltily), but I spent the last couple of months working on shows and prepping for BookCon. 
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sunsetcurvez · 4 years
eARC Review: Kingdom of Ice and Bone by Jill Criswell
eARC Review: Kingdom of Ice and Bone by Jill Criswell
“Lira and Reyker have lost everything. Including each other.
Lira of Stone watched her home burn and her clan fall beneath the sword of the warlord known as the Dragon. She believes the man she loves, a warrior who defected from the Dragon s army, is dead. Alongside her exiled brother and his band of refugees, she will fight the forces that conquered her island. But the greatest danger may come…
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Blog Tour ~ Beasts of the Frozen Sun by Jill Criswell: Review + Giveaway!
Blog Tour ~ Beasts of the Frozen Sun by Jill Criswell: Review + Giveaway!
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Beasts of the Frozen Sun by Jill Criswell
(Frozen Sun Saga #1) Publication date: August 6th 2019 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Burn brightly. Love fiercely. For all else is dust.
Every child of Glasnith learns the last words of Aillira, the god-gifted mortal whose doomed love affair sparked a war of gods and men, and Lira of clan Stone knows the story better than most. As a…
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pdj-france · 10 months
En direct Le président américain Joe Biden et la première dame Jill Biden se rendront à Hawaï pour enquêter sur la dévastation causée par les incendies de forêt meurtriers qui ont détruit une partie importante de la station balnéaire de Lahaina à Maui quelques jours auparavant et tué au moins 106 personnes. Biden aura un aperçu lundi des dégâts et rencontrera les premiers intervenants, les survivants et les responsables fédéraux, étatiques et locaux, a annoncé mercredi la Maison Blanche dans une déclaration. "Je reste déterminé à fournir tout ce dont les Hawaïens ont besoin alors qu'ils se remettent de cette catastrophe", a annoncé Biden dans un message sur la plateforme de médias sociaux X, anciennement dénommée Twitter. Le gouverneur d'Hawaï, Josh Green, a prévenu que le nombre de morts pourrait doubler. L'enfer s'est propagé rapidement des prairies à l'extérieur de la ville à Lahaina mardi dernier, prenant les gens par surprise et carbonisant une zone de 13 kilomètres carrés de la ville en quelques heures. L'incendie a détruit 2200 bâtiments et causé des dégâts estimés à 5,5 milliards de dollars (8,6 milliards de dollars), ont indiqué des responsables. Mercredi, le président Biden a validé la demande d'Hawaï que le gouvernement fédéral rembourse le coût total de 30 jours de travaux d'urgence qui devraient être effectués au cours des quatre prochains mois, a annoncé Deanne Criswell, chef de la Federal Emergency Management Administration des États-Unis, lors d'un entretien avec les médias. briefing à la Maison Blanche. Le gouvernement fédéral a jusqu'à dernièrement déboursé 2,3 millions de dollars (3,6 millions de dollars) pour aider les familles et validé plus de 1300 demandes d'assistance, a annoncé Criswell lors du briefing de mercredi. Mercredi, les autorités locales ont rouvert une route principale à travers la ville pour la première fois depuis des jours, répondant à la frustration des habitants. L'autoroute, qui contourne le front de mer carbonisé et le centre-ville, était auparavant fermée à tous sauf aux résidents des environs, aux premiers intervenants et aux personnes qui travaillent dans les sociétés locales. L'identification des restes a été lente, en partie à cause de l'intensité de l'incendie. Le comté de Maui a publié mardi les deux premiers noms : Robert Dyckman, 74 ans, et Buddy Jantoc, 79 ans, tous deux de Lahaina. Trois autres personnes ont été identifiées mais leurs noms ont été retenus en attendant la notification de la famille. Les autres restes attendent d'être identifiés, a annoncé le comté de Maui. La vue incongrue de touristes profitant des plages tropicales de Maui tandis que des équipes de recherche et de sauvetage parcourent les ruines et les eaux des bâtiments pour les victimes de l'incendie de forêt américain le plus meurtrier depuis plus d'un siècle a indigné certains habitants. La cause de l'incendie n'a pas encore été déterminée et l'enquête est toujours en cours. Le New York Times, citant des interviews et des preuves vidéo, a rapporté que le feu de brousse qui s'est propagé à Lahaina a démarré à partir d'une ligne électrique cassée. Avec plus de 100 morts, l'incendie est l'un des incendies de forêt les plus meurtriers aux États-Unis depuis plus d'un siècle. – AAP
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plumdwarf · 5 years
Blog Tour: Beasts of the Frozen Sun by Jill Criswell
#BookBlogTour: Beasts of the Frozen Sun by @JillCriswell #amreading #readingcommunity #newrelease #authorinterview
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Burn brightly. Love fiercely. For all else is dust.
Every child of Glasnith learns the last words of Aillira, the god-gifted mortal whose doomed love affair sparked a war of gods and men, and Lira of clan Stone knows the story better than most. As a descendant of Aillira and god-gifted in her own right, she has the power to read people’s souls, to see someone’s true essence with only a touch of…
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