#Jill Gilamar
imrowanartist · 2 years
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Thank you so much for this beautiful commission @cobaltbeam!!
And happy birthday @itsstrangelypermanent <3
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anstarwar · 2 years
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Happy buir and his ad'ika.
Little draw I did for @imrowanartist of her clone medic Purrgil and his daughter Jill in happier times on Concordia
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imrowanartist · 2 years
Last Sentence Meme
I got tagged by both @alamogirl80 and @marbled-polecat so have two sentences!
For Mel:
[Purrgil]’d have to circle back to the main house then, she often left toys and other belongings there, it would be the next logical place to look for her.
And for Mar
[Soap] realizes that his movements may be slightly erratic, when Ghost bodily steps between him and the SUV to get his attention.
Gonna taggggg @ilikemymendarkandfictional @frostbitebakery and @seascribbling
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imrowanartist · 2 years
Ooooooo!! Is 'Fishing for a better life' about THE FISHMAN? Purgill needs more fishpuns and jokes in his life! <3
Of course it's about the Fishman 😏
It's the snippet I started writing a while back, about how he meets Nash for the first time. I haven't had much time to write though, so I haven't it continued it yet.
But here's a little bit of what I have so far:
“Can you hand the comm to ba’vodu Nova for a moment, Gup?” Purrgil interrupted her, listening as she yelled her uncle’s name. There was a shuffling sound and in the background he could hear his brother’s toddler babbling. She was getting big, stringing together actual sentences already.
The comm crackled before Nova's voice broke though.
"Hey, vod. Heard you're out late tonight?"
"Yeah, emergency comm from Corr and Mereel." Purrgil sighed, "I'm on my way there now, no idea how long it's gonna take."
"They say who?"
"Of course not," he grumbled, "Walking in blind, as usual with those di'kute."
"I assume you would like me to keep an eye on Jill?"
"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks. I don't know if we're gonna have to go to the clinic. I don't know anything."
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imrowanartist · 2 years
TRTC Master Overview
The Road to Concordia is an alternate universe shared by myself, @anstarwar, @itsstrangelypermanent and @r2wedoomed, that roughly follows canon with the exception that a lot of characters who die, actually survive (because they deserved better, damn it). After Order 66 is where we diverge a bit more from canon, by having a lot of the freed clones settle on Concordia. For a rundown of events, we have made a timeline, which you can check out here!
Below is a cheat sheet for the most prominent of our OCs, with links to the ones who already have a character sheet.
Imrowanartist’s OCs:
Nova - CT-5928
Bio: Captain of Halo Company, CT bumped up to officer, part of the first ‘mutie’ batch. Batchmates with Purrgil. 
Personality: Friendly, open, but can be strict when necessary. Double dose of Dad Gene.
Partner: None. Identifies as Aroace
Kids: Tani Gilamar II, a little Pantoran girl he adopted at 1yr old. Kio, Halo’s padawan, is a pseudo son.
Keerahn ‘Kio’ Januro (Togruta)
Bio: Halo’s padawan Commander. Became a padawan two years before the war, but has a flaky master. He has a twin sister.
Personality: Needs time to warm up to people. Both overconfident and insecure. Likes pranks.
Partner: None
Kids: None
Purrgil - CT-5929
Bio: CMO of Halo Company, spent some time training under Mij Gilamar. Has formed a Medic-Trooper pair with Yara.
Personality: Grumpy, kind of a jerk really, though cares deeply. Terrible bedside manner. Gets jealous easily, often out of protectiveness. 
Partner: Nash
Kids: Jillian Gilamar Teren, his biological daughter from a fling during the war.
Yara - CT-8997
Bio: Hacked his own files so he could be assigned to Halo when he was 8yrs old. Loses his hearing at the end of the war. Medic-Trooper pair with Purrgil.
Personality: Shy at first, and quiet, but actually has a pretty sharp sense of humor. Too smart for his own good. Very geeky.
Partner: Cal Kestis
Kids: none
Omen - CT-4726 (all pronouns)
Bio: A Coruscant Guard Medic. No one really knows how he managed to pass his training and get off Kamino…
Personality: Cheerful, and just plain weird. Doesn’t know he’s Force sensitive and gets impressions of the future sometimes. Medic-Trooper pair with Moxie.
Partner: None. Identifies as Aromantic
Kids: Frog, the Tooka
Silence - (A)RC-7737
Bio: Originally trained as a commando, later re-trained as an ARC Trooper. Part of Halo Company. He is Force Sensitive but keeps that quiet.
Personality: Soft spoken, quiet, pretty serious. He often exudes a calm presence.
Partner: Hoagie
Kids: Kai, a Force sensitive twi’lek orphan they adopt at 4yrs old. Senna, a ‘failed’ Boba prototype who was kept in cryo. He is 2yrs old when they rescue him.
Karsha Januro (Togruta)
Bio: Jedi Padawan who trained as a Healer under Vokara Che. Sometimes accompanies younglings to Ilum. Twin sister of Kio.
Personality: Gentle, though strong-willed. Classy, likes things to be done well.
Partner: Fritz
Kids: Izka ‘Izzy’ Januro
Fixit - ARC-1257
Bio: Originally an ARC for Halo Company, but got transferred to the Coruscant Guard. Works mostly spec ops under Thire.
Personality: Kind, funny and a bit nerdy. Can have razor focus on a task, but also likes to joke around and flirt with people.
Partner: Renay Eli
Kids: Saradii Eli, his daughter with Renay
Other OCs:
Jinn, a Halo Lieutenant
Storm, a Halo lieutenant
Gunner, a Halo lieutenant
Ryo, a 212th medic
Renay Eli, a human woman from Coruscant
Tordann Woves, Nova’s climbing buddy
Jill Gilamar, Purrgil’s daughter
Tani Gilamar, Nova’s daughter
Kai Vennex (shared with Anstarwar), Hoagie and Si’s child (nonbinary)
Senna Vennex (Shared with Anstarwar) Hoagie and Si’s son.
Saradii Eli, Fixit and Renay’s daughter
Grisly, Yara’s batchmate
Anstarwar’s OCs:
Poke - CT-8585 (they/them)
Bio: A Coruscant Guard Medic and Geonosis veteran, who often travels along with Thorn on diplomatic missions. 
Personality: Friendly, outgoing and a bleeding heart. Bit of a ho after they first arrive at the CG. Medic-Trooper pair with Arrow.
Partner: Carrion
Kids: Twins Leo and Stone (jr.), adopted around 10 BBY
Hoagie - CT-2455
Bio: 501st Medic, part of Griffin squad and best friend of Twitch. 
Personality: Grumpy, doesn’t get along well with most. He cares deeply for his patients and close friends however. Medic-Trooper pair with Twitch
Partner: Silence
Kids: Kai, a Force sensitive twi’lek orphan they adopt at 4yrs old. Senna, a ‘failed’ Boba prototype who was kept in cryo.
Twitch - CT-5445
Bio: 501st trooper part of Griffin squad who later becomes an ARC. Best friends with Shay and Hoagie. Medic-Trooper pair with Hoagie.
Personality: Exuberant, generally happy and positive. Definitely has ADHD.
Partner: Shay Vennex
Kids: Quills Vennex, their adopted human/Mikkian daughter
Shay Vennex (Zabrak)
Bio: Born a nightsister, but sold to a pirate clan at a young age. Becomes a bounty hunter after her escape. Force sensitive.
Personality: Kind, suffers no fools. Wary of unknown people, but friendly and outgoing with those she does know.
Partner: Twitch
Kids: Quills Vennex, their adopted human/Mikkian daughter
Moxie - CT-5678
Bio: A Coruscant Guard ARF trooper, who is part of Hound’s squad. Medic-Trooper pair with Omen. 
Personality: Cheery to a fault, very laidback and friendly.
Partner: Scorch
Kids: Waffles the Massiff
Reaper - (CT-22-666)
Bio: Part of the 41st Elite battalion and Bantha squad. Prefers to use a vibro-pickaxe and has the nickname ‘Reaper the Lunatic’
Personality: Acts first, thinks later, though he has a squishy heart
Partner: Gears
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Del and Bitsy
Gears - RC-2025, demoted to CT-2025
Bio: A deck tech mechanic for the 41st elite. Was supposed to be a Commando, but got demoted to CT because he was too soft. Force Sensitive.
Personality: Quiet and observant, sensitive to sound. Initially has severe self esteem issues.
Partner: Reaper
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Del and Bitsy
Other OCs:
Nyx, part of Howzer’s battalion
Sergeant Fallon, Griffin Squad’s Sergeant 
Rev, Griffin Squad’s sniper
Arrow, Coruscant Guard Shock Trooper, promoted to 41st Elite’s ARC
Chell, nickname ‘Doc,’ a Miralian Jedi Padawan
Chi Tanne, a togruta Jedi
Kai Vennex (shared with Imrowanartist), Hoagie and Si’s child
Senna Vennex (Shared with Imrowanartist) Hoagie and Si’s son.
Leo Jr. and Stone (shared with Itsstrangelypermanent), Poke and Car’s adopted twins 
Waffles the Massiff
Quills Vennex, adopted daughter of Twitch and Shay
Ari and Ori, twins part of Bantha squad
Jynx, part of Bantha Squad
Master Rin, Cathar Jedi Master, padawans include Chi Tanne and later Chell
Hobbs, Weequay bounty hunter, mentor to Shay
Itsstrangelypermanent’s OCs:
Nuts - CT-42-3942
Bio: A medic pulled from Kamino too early due to a shortage. Bounced around several battalions until ending up with the 104th. Medic-Trooper pair with Keeli
Personality: Initially quiet and withdrawn due to trauma, he’s actually a pretty excitable and happy person. 
Partner: Keeli
Kids: Pseudo adopts Wedge Antilles after the war
Carrion - CC-1397
Bio: CMO of the Coruscant Guard.. Geonosis veteran, who badly injured his knee which never healed right. Trained under Mij Gilamar. Medic-Trooper pair with Stone
Personality: Gruff and no-nonsense, though he has a soft spot for his junior medics. Terrible at self-care.
Partner: Poke
Kids:Twins Leo and Stone (jr.), adopted around 10 BBY
Nash - Alpha-23
Bio: Originally deployed with the 649th which was destroyed. Sent back to Kamino afterward, to help train new troops.
Personality: Infinite patience and is immune to bullshit. Sharp sense of humor, often in a gruff way.
Partner: Purrgil
Kids: Has adopted Jill as his own daughter
Fritz - CT-4641
Bio: A young trooper, deployed with the 212th only towards the end of the war. He accompanies Karsha on a mission to Ilum when O66 hits. Goes blind later on.
Personality: Calm, collected. Sometimes comes across as shy. 
Partner: Karsha Januro
Kids: Izka ‘Izzy’ Januro
Del - CT-0213
Bio: 41st battalion medic and Geonosis veteran. Reconditioned multiple times because he was too soft. Medic-Trooper pair with Bitsy
Personality: Quiet, shy and generally a bit nervous. Has severe anxiety due to his reconditionings
Partner: Bitsy
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Gears and Reaper
Bitsy - CT-8293
Bio: Geonosis veteran and part of the 41st and Bantha squad. Big guy.
Personality: Straight forward and no-nonsense. Has an innate sense to protect.
Partner: Del
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Gears and Reaper
Other OCs:
Grim, CMO of the 104th
Happ, 501st, medic-trooper pair with Coric
Pait, Coruscant Guard Medic
Inky, Coruscant Guard trooper
Sticks, Coruscant Guard Medic
Ludo, Coruscant Guard medic
Leo Jr. and Stone (shared with Anstarwar), Poke and Car’s adopted twins
r2wedoomed’s OCs:
Sill - CT-9878
Bio: Captain in the 188th battalion of Kit Fisto, promoted by Monnk in the beginning of the war, Quip is his batchmate.
Personality: Determined to do what is best for his men, protective but capable of letting go if needed. Can 100% solve a strategic problem, but will also hit himself in the face while opening a jar
Partner: Aurey
Kids: Mouse, semi adopted during the war, officially adopter after
Aurey - CT-8489
Bio: ARC trooper in the 188th, had one disastrous mission where he lost his ARC partner Ghost. After that he got paired with Vaughn and was assigned to Sill’s company.
Personality: generous and practical, laughs easily, thinks before acting and is not prone to anger except in the mornings.
Partner: Sill
Kids: Mouse, semi adopted during the war, officially adopter after
Quip - CT-9880
Bio: CMO of the 188th, followed the medic track on Kamino together with Lilo, but did everything in his power to get assigned to Sill’s battalion. Medic-Trooper pair with Paulie.
Personality: methodical; shows his affection by taking care of you (aggressively), he loves fiercely, but struggles to tell people so.
Partner: Marku Matrhy
Kids: None
Ty - CT-0990
Bio: Lieutenant in the Coruscant Guard. Often works with Fixit. Bounced around a lot of battalions but lost all his friends and close brothers on Geonosis
Personality: a kind soul, but subconsciously reluctant to make deep connections with people as he fears to lose them; great actor, loves to tell stories, great with kids, loathes silence, listens to funky music
Partner: Lilo
Kids: None
Lilo - CT-2345 (they/them)
Bio: Coruscant Guard Medic, assigned to CG immediately after Geonosis, lost their batchmate Leaf on Geonosis and therefore has a leaf tattooed on their cheek.
Personality: down to earth, emotionally stable, loves their job, level-headed; not an unreasonable medic, willing to engage in a discussion, but will need a convincing reason to change their mind about letting you leave the medbay or not
Partner: Ty
Kids: None
Marku Matrhy (Pantoran)
Bio: Used to be a history teacher on a Pantoran colony until the Empire decided that his teachings were too critical. He fled before they could arrest him, forcing him to leave his ancestral home behind. He drifted around the galaxy for a bit until he met Quip four years after O66.
Personality: incredibly warm person, very patient, great storyteller; will absolutely call you out on your bullshit. Loves baking, long walks in the snow and those kind of old history books that make you afraid you break the page when you turn it.
Partner: Quip
Kids: None
Other OCs:
Mouse, Sill and Aurey’s foundling
Gus, 188th Lieutenant
Pepper, 188th sergeant
Day, 188th Captain
Pip, 188th trooper
Gwyn, 188th trooper
Paulie, 188th sergeant
Spectre, ARC trooper in 188th
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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Purrgil sketchdump! Apparently I talk about him a lot but I’ve barely drawn him oops
- Top left: Purrgil just after getting his face injured. He mad at (@anstarwar ‘s) Twitch XD
- Bottom left: Purrgil and Yara just after they have been partnered as a medic-trooper pair.
- Top middle: Purrgil hauls Nova’s wounded ass off their light cruiser, escaping Order 66
- Bottom middle: Nova and Purrgil, about 4.5 years after O66, with their spawn
- Right: Bonus image of a proud Mij Gilamar with his grandkids :D
Close ups under the cut!
Some pose references used from Kibbitzer
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@alamogirl80 @imhereforthefanartandfics @disgruntldd @attacking-those-pesky-kyojins @crazytookalady @friendly-disreputable-dog @goddess-of-congeniality @k9cat @notoriginalenoughtohavmyprefname @weareoutofmaplesyrupdave @shadowlight17 @bookroselover @littlefeatherr @fantastic-commander-fox @handsignals @thechaoticfanartist @redminibike1
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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Pride portraits!
From left to right, top to bottom:
Nova - Aroace (like myself!), Purrgil - Bi, Ryo - Non-binary, Omen - Genderfluid , Silence - Gay, Yara - Bi, Jill (her official first appearance! She’s Purrgil’s daughter) - Lesbian and Storm - Gay
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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Sometimes you just gotta draw happy post-order 66 feels with Nutsy and Jill, to cheer up @itsstrangelypermanent ^^
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imrowanartist · 2 years
The One in Which Purrgil Learns About Consequences
Summary: Purrgil learns that one of his one-night stands during the war had more consequences than he thought. (or how Purrgil accidentally acquired his daughter, Jill)
Timeline: About 4 years after O66, after the Concordia medics have set up a clinic with Mij's help.
Be warned for feels ^^
Carrion belongs to @itsstrangelypermanent and Poke belongs to @anstarwar
Read on AO3
They were just enjoying a moment of relative calm in the clinic, filling in their flimsiwork in companionable silence, when a knock on the door made both Carrion and Poke look up in surprise.
Neither of them had any more appointments for the day, though it wasn’t unusual that clan members showed up without appointments, or with an emergency that needed their immediate attention. They’d made a point early on to never turn anyway away at the Gilamar Clinic and the neighboring clans made grateful use of the medical expertise they offered to any who needed it.
Car shared a look with Poke, the same confused look in his riduur’s eyes as his own, before the door opened and Omen poked his head in, his wild curls sticking up in every direction as usual. He didn’t look too worried, Car noted right away, which released some of the tension in his body, but he still wouldn’t have disturbed them without a reason.
“Hey, Boss. Pokeypine.” Omen greeted them cheerfully and Car rolled his eyes at the nicknames. He wasn’t the boss of the clinic by any means -that title still went to Mij- but Omen still liked to call him by his old nickname. It was a remainder of their time in the Coruscant Guard, but one of the few that didn’t fill Car with dread right away, so he’d let it be.
“Hey, Omen, what’s up?” Poke answered their brother, already shutting down the datapad they were working on. Whenever Omen asked for their help, things were sure to get interesting, so with a soft sigh Car resigned himself to the fact that he would not be able to finish his flimsiwork before the end of his shift today.
"Neighbor Wad'e picked up some refugee kiddos and asked if we could make sure they're alright." Omen told them with a smile, his eyes sparkling already. He loved hanging out with kids and the kids usually loved him right back. 
It wasn't the first time they had taken in refugees and would likely not be the last. The Empire was still leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake and Car was afraid they had not seen the worst of it yet. They did what they could though, and right now there were some kids that needed them.
"Oh, sure." he said, getting up and straightening his scrubs, "Let me grab my kit. Is Wad'e bringing them here?"
Before Omen could answer there was the loud slam of a door out in the clinic's waiting room and childish voices filtered in, Wad'e's lower timbre intermingled with it.
"Sounds like the tooka has already escaped from the gundark nest." Omen grinned, and disappeared again, presumably to help Wad'e out. Car shook his head at him. He would never understand where his vod'ika picked up his weird phrases.
He shared a look with Poke, who had already put their lab coat back on. Kids weren't necessarily their speciality, but when Car gave them a questioning look they simply shrugged.
"Might as well help out." Poke told him, and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "Besides, it's better than doing flimsiwork." 
The kids were quite rambunctious, using Wad'e as their personal monkey bars and enthusiastically yelling their accomplishments at each other in a mix of Basic and Ryl. At first glance they all seemed healthy enough, jumping and running around. There were four of them, two twi'lek boys a little older than the rest, a Bothan girl who's age was a bit hard to guess for Car.
And a human girl that made him stop dead in his tracks. 
She had tan skin, an unruly mop of dark curls and golden brown eyes. She looked exactly like a clone cadet.
But that was impossible. Car knew of only one female clone of Jango Fett and she was on another planet right now.
As he studied her from a distance, however, he noticed she wasn’t quite an exact copy of a clone. She was a little taller, her facial features just a little different, her eyes a little lighter. It wasn’t that far-fetched to assume that she likely had a clone for a father then, which was something that didn’t surprise Car as much as it probably should have. As a medic he was all too aware off the non-existent sex education they had gotten on Kamino. It was no doubt a miracle he hadn’t encountered any more clone born children up until now, with how some of his brothers had loved to run wild.
Poke had clearly picked up on the girl too because they shuffled closer to him and jabbed him in his side with a pointy elbow. 
“She looks an awful lot like a cadet, doesn’t she?” they whispered in his ear, a much too mischievous grin on their face. Car rolled his eyes at them, but nodded.
“Wonder how she ended up here.” he whispered back, “And where her mother is.”
Poke’s expression turned serious, “Wad’e said they’re most likely war orphans. Some of Rex’s operatives found an Imperial base and cleared it out, unaware there were families living there.”
Car’s stomach twisted at that. The Empire had cost so many innocent lives already. It was exactly the reason they had asked Mij for help to set up a clinic. So they could at least do something. 
Like making sure these children were healthy and fed.
With Omen and Wad’e’s help they convinced the kids to sit down for a moment, keeping them entertained with snacks and a cartoon on one of the spare datapads they kept around for exactly that purpose. 
Mindful of his bad knee, Car carefully knelt down in front of the human girl, putting himself at eye level with her.
“Hey kiddo,” he asked gently, “What’s your name?”
With effort the girl pulled away her attention from the datapad and gave him a toothy smile, a gap where one of her front teeth should have been.
“Jill.” she chirped happily.
“Hi, Jill, it’s nice to meet you.” Car replied with a smile, then gestured to himself and his partner, “My name is Car and this is Poke. We’re gonna give you a little check-up, okay? Nothing scary, just making sure you’re alright.”
Jill nodded and took his outstretched hand. He guided her to the other side of the room where Poke had set up a bench and helped her up. 
He ran her through the usual scans and tests, happy to find that there seemed to be nothing wrong with her besides some scrapes and bruises. Next to him Poke was already writing up her information on their datapad.
“You have funny names.” Jill told him very seriously, as Car finished up the last of his scans.
“Do we now?” Car replied as he put his scanner aside and helped her put her shirt back on. Poke giggled from where they were sitting on the table. 
“Yeah!” she continued, “Same as my dad.”
Car couldn't help his slight hesitation with the question. Knowing that her father was most likely a clone also meant there was actually a high probability he either hadn’t survived or was still stuck under the control of those damn chips. He wasn't sure knowing the name of the poor brother who had fathered her would make it better or worse.
“Though mom usually called him Fishface when she talked about him.” Jill babbled on, clearly oblivious to his mental state, “She said he was kinda grumpy most of the time. Oh! And that he had a really big scar, like, right on his face!”
Car mind stuttered to a halt as he processed her words. Next to him Poke’s chuckles turned to coughing and as Car turned to look at them, his riduur was wheezing, barely holding on to their datapad. 
Jill looked at them both with wide eyes, having no idea why they were suddenly acting so weird.
And it couldn’t be, could it, Car thought.  It would be too much of a damn coincidence, wouldn’t it?
“What was your dad’s name, kiddo?” he asked her anyway, almost dreading the answer, though Jill visibly brightened at the question.
“Purrgil!” she chirped, “Like the fish!”
Purrgil was well on his way to certain victory, when Poke of all people interrupted his dejarik game with Yara. They weren’t subtle about it either, slamming the door open with such force that everyone in the common room looked up at the noise.
“Purg,” the Corrie began, their tone urgent and Purrgil swallowed his sharp retort at the hated nickname. Poke had been on shift at the clinic as far as he was aware and if they were this on edge it could only be something urgent.
"You need to come with me-“ Poke brought out, sounding like they had actually ran from the speeder to the house and stepping towards Purrgil as he didn’t make a move to stand up.
“I don’t kriffing have to go anywhere with you-“ Purrgil hissed, taken aback when Poke actually reached for him and grabbed him by his arm.
“Bla bla, let’s put a truce on our little rivalry here, okay?” Poke drawled as they actually dragged him up and towards the door, “This is important.”
Purrgil yanked his arm free, but didn’t turn around. Instead he gave Yara a look over his shoulder and signed [My pieces better all be where I left them when I get back]
 Yara had the gall to give him a wide eyed look of innocence.
The Clinic was only a thirty minute walk away from the main Gilamar compound, but the fact that Poke had still chosen to take the speeder to come get him started to make him more nervous the closer they got to the clinic.
Poke didn’t talk to him as they drove, but they kept giving him sideways glances, like they were reminding themselves of what he actually looked like. 
Before he could muster up enough snark to ask what their deal was, they’d reached the Clinic and Poke had already jumped out of the speeder. Not knowing what else to and what even to expect, Purrgil followed them inside.
When he entered the waiting room, he was greeted by a cacophony of voices. There were clearly a bunch of kids, and mingled with them were the voices of Omen, Carrion and Wa’de. The kids were different species, and Purrgil assumed they were another group of refugees that had been brought in. It still didn’t explain why they needed him to be there. Omen, Car and Poke were more than capable of taking care of a bunch of children. Probably better than him.
“Now what was so important you had to drag me-“ he started, but Carrion interrupted him, bringing a little human girl with him who looked suspiciously similar to a clone cadet. She was young, maybe six or seven years old and her wild curls were all over the place.
“Hey, Purrgil. I’d like you to meet someone.” Car began, and he leaned down to eye level when the little girl pulled on the sleeve of his scrubs.
“Is that him?” she loudly whispered in Car’s ear. Purrgil frowned as she pointed at him. What in the universes was going on here?
“You tell me, kiddo.” Car whispered back, not bothering to be subtle about it, “Does he look like what your mom said?” 
She nodded enthusiastically, “He really does, yeah.”
Feeling his patience running thin, Purrgil crossed his arms.
“What the kriff is going on-“ he grumbled, but Poke appeared by his side and happily sing-songed “Language.” into his ear. Purrgil pushed them aside and glared at them but they just cackled at him.
“Do you remember a woman named Ari Teren?” Carrion asked, shushing his riduur with a wave of his hand. Purrgil swallowed, the name a familiar one, but one he hadn’t heard in a long time.
“I..what? Uh yeah, maybe?” He stammered, wrecking his brain on why one of his one-night-stands would be of any importance, “But that was years ago, on Coruscant during the war…”
Poke wiggled their eyebrows at him and Car smacked them, before he gently ushered the little girl towards him, “Well, I’d like you to meet Jill.” he said, his expression a mixture of fondness and amusement, “Her daughter.”
Slowly Purrgil started doing the math in his head and he took a shaky step back. It wasn’t possible, right? Though he couldn’t remember much from his night together with Ari. They’d both hadn’t been in the clearest states of mind. Could she really be-
“And your daughter.” Carrion confirmed,
He looked at the girl, her hopeful honey eyes focused on him and yeah he could see Ari in the little face, but that didn’t have to mean anything, right? 
“What?” He managed to bring out, his voice hoarse. He took another step back, willing his hands to stop shaking, “No, that can’t be true. That’s…that’s not possible. You’re kriffing with me. It’s not karking funny-“
Car’s expression softened and he led Jill towards Poke who knelt down and softly started talking to her, though Purrgil watched her look at him over her shoulder with a baleful expression. Then Carrion moved towards him and pulled him aside, more gently than he had expected from his fellow medic.
“It’s not a joke, Purrgil.” Carrion said, his tone serious, “We pulled up her records while Poke was getting you. She was born on Coruscant two years after Geonosis. And her DNA has the markers of the offspring of a clone.”
“How do you know for sure she’s mine?” Purrgil argued feebly, “All of us carry the same DNA. She could be any clone’s kid.” 
He kept his voice low, not wanting Jill to overhear his words. He felt bad for even insinuating that her mother had slept around with a lot of troopers, but Car shook his head at him.
“She knew your name and had a pretty solid description of what you looked like. We can confirm it if you like with her exact date of birth and your memory of…meeting her mother.”
“She’s a child, she doesn’t know what she’s saying.” he heard himself say, though he knew it was a weak argument. Before he could say more, Omen walked over, their expression far away.
“Hmmm, It’s true.” he declared, “It’s true. I can feel it.”
As much as Purrgil disliked Omen's strange tendencies, he was almost always right about things and Purrgil felt his knees starting to shake. A kid. He had a kid?
“Kriffing hells, Car, I can’t take care of a kid.” he croaked to his brother, “Where’s Ari-her mother?”
Carrion sighed and gave him a crestfallen expression, “She was…killed. Jill was brought here as a war orphan.”
So Ari was dead. And the girl- Jill he corrected himself- didn’t have anyone left. Besides him. He let out a breath of air and rubbed his face. Half formed plans entered his mind, maybe Nova could take her, or maybe they could-
“I’m sorry, Purrgil.” Carrion said softly, resting his hand on his shoulder.
“It’s fine.” Purrgil lied, “I...didn’t really know her. It was just a stupid fling between deployments.”
It was. It had been. So why did he feel so guilty? He hadn’t known the woman longer than maybe a rotation. And she hadn’t been the only one he had slept with to blow off steam during the war.
“Still. It’s a lot to swallow at once.” He heard Carrion say, but he wasn’t really hearing it, “You okay? Go sit down for a second.”
He felt Carrion lead him to a bench and sit him down. Was he having a panic attack? He’d never had a panic attack before. He leaned his head in his hands, keeping his eyes shut as he forced himself to breathe. He heard murmuring around him, but couldn’t bring himself to listen.
He wasn’t sure how long he was sitting there but eventually he felt someone move close to him, clambering their way up on the bench to sit next to him. When he opened his eyes and looked beside him he saw it was Jill. She gave him a mournful look for a moment and leaned towards him touching her shoulder to him. 
When he acknowledged her, she smiled at him. He nodded softly at her and she started playing with the edge of the shirt she was wearing for a few moments before she looked up at him again.
“So are you my dad?” she asked.
The word sent a jolt through his body. Was he? Apparently he was. A dad. It felt foreign to him. He’d never thought about kids before, never had any particular desire to have any. But here he was.
“Hey, kid.” He said, then cleared his throat, “Uh yeah I guess I am. It’s nice to meet you. Jill is a very pretty name.”
He felt out of his depth. How did one even talk to a kid? He tried to remember anything he had heard Nova say to Tani, but his brother’s daughter was only two years old. This felt like a completely different world. Jill’s eyes sparkled at his acknowledgment of her though and she grinned at him.
“How are you holding up?” he asked eventually, not really knowing what else to say and then gave himself a mental kick. Her mother had died, and that was the best question he could come up with?
“Car and Poke have been very nice to me.” Jill told him in a very serious tone, not aware at all by his mental gymnastics, “And Omen is funny.”
“He is, isn’t he?” Purrgil confirmed with a wry smile, “He can say the silliest things.”
He fell silent, not really knowing what else to say or ask her. Jill didn’t seem to mind, she was sitting calmly beside him, swinging her legs back and forth and fiddling with her shirt. Purrgil followed her swinging legs with his eyes and turned the words his daughter over and over in his mind.
“Can I come live with you?” Jill asked after a while, stirring him from his thoughts.
“I…uh-we’re gonna see what is best for you, kid.” He answered her honestly, then looked up to see Carrion looking intensely at him.
And suddenly he got it. A wave of shame washed over him as he realized how irresponsible he had been. Jill was here because of him and Ari. Because they had both decided not to be careful. Ari had already done the hardest part and faced the consequences of their carelessness all by herself all this time, and here he was, ready to run away and make it all someone else’s problem. 
He had to be better than that.
“Yes, you can come with me.” he told Jill, and watched as from the corner of his eye Carrion gave him a nod, “Do you have any things to bring with you?”
“I lost them.” She answered mournfully, but perked up as he stood up and offered his hand to her.
“We’ll get you some new things, okay?” Purrgil said, “Would you like to see where most of us live? We’ll get you your own bed and you can meet my vod’ika Yara.”
She laughed as she jumped down the bench and grabbed his hand. It was so small, but it fit perfectly inside his.
“Vo-vodek?” she tried, stumbling over the unfamiliar language. He knelt down beside her so they were at the same level.
“Vod’ika.” He repeated slowly, “It’s Mando’a. It means little brother.”
Her eyes lit up at the meaning of the word. He supposed it would be quite something for her, going from having lost her only family to gaining a whole new one. 
Yara was going to love her.
“Oh! It sounds nice.” She giggled, then asked, “What is dad in Mandooa?”
Purrgil had to swallow past a sudden lump in his throat before he was even able to formulate a coherent response to that question.
“Buir.” he answered softly, squeezing her hand “Dad is buir.”
She smiled again, trying out the word a few times until she got the pronunciation right, then she turned their clasped hands over and looked at him, “Can I call you buir?”
Purrgil swore nothing had ever made him feel this soft and vulnerable before, but he couldn’t do anything but nod at her, feeling tears brimming in his eyes.
“Yeah. Yeah you can.” he said and let out an oomph as she suddenly threw her arms around his neck. She was so small, so breakable. He hugged her back, letting her curls tickle his ears and rubbed her back as she sniffled and he could feel the tension leave her body.
Daughter. Buir.
Yeah, maybe he could get used to that.
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