#clone medic ryo
imrowanartist · 2 years
TRTC Master Overview
The Road to Concordia is an alternate universe shared by myself, @anstarwar, @itsstrangelypermanent and @r2wedoomed, that roughly follows canon with the exception that a lot of characters who die, actually survive (because they deserved better, damn it). After Order 66 is where we diverge a bit more from canon, by having a lot of the freed clones settle on Concordia. For a rundown of events, we have made a timeline, which you can check out here!
Below is a cheat sheet for the most prominent of our OCs, with links to the ones who already have a character sheet.
Imrowanartist’s OCs:
Nova - CT-5928
Bio: Captain of Halo Company, CT bumped up to officer, part of the first ‘mutie’ batch. Batchmates with Purrgil. 
Personality: Friendly, open, but can be strict when necessary. Double dose of Dad Gene.
Partner: None. Identifies as Aroace
Kids: Tani Gilamar II, a little Pantoran girl he adopted at 1yr old. Kio, Halo’s padawan, is a pseudo son.
Keerahn ‘Kio’ Januro (Togruta)
Bio: Halo’s padawan Commander. Became a padawan two years before the war, but has a flaky master. He has a twin sister.
Personality: Needs time to warm up to people. Both overconfident and insecure. Likes pranks.
Partner: None
Kids: None
Purrgil - CT-5929
Bio: CMO of Halo Company, spent some time training under Mij Gilamar. Has formed a Medic-Trooper pair with Yara.
Personality: Grumpy, kind of a jerk really, though cares deeply. Terrible bedside manner. Gets jealous easily, often out of protectiveness. 
Partner: Nash
Kids: Jillian Gilamar Teren, his biological daughter from a fling during the war.
Yara - CT-8997
Bio: Hacked his own files so he could be assigned to Halo when he was 8yrs old. Loses his hearing at the end of the war. Medic-Trooper pair with Purrgil.
Personality: Shy at first, and quiet, but actually has a pretty sharp sense of humor. Too smart for his own good. Very geeky.
Partner: Cal Kestis
Kids: none
Omen - CT-4726 (all pronouns)
Bio: A Coruscant Guard Medic. No one really knows how he managed to pass his training and get off Kamino…
Personality: Cheerful, and just plain weird. Doesn’t know he’s Force sensitive and gets impressions of the future sometimes. Medic-Trooper pair with Moxie.
Partner: None. Identifies as Aromantic
Kids: Frog, the Tooka
Silence - (A)RC-7737
Bio: Originally trained as a commando, later re-trained as an ARC Trooper. Part of Halo Company. He is Force Sensitive but keeps that quiet.
Personality: Soft spoken, quiet, pretty serious. He often exudes a calm presence.
Partner: Hoagie
Kids: Kai, a Force sensitive twi’lek orphan they adopt at 4yrs old. Senna, a ‘failed’ Boba prototype who was kept in cryo. He is 2yrs old when they rescue him.
Karsha Januro (Togruta)
Bio: Jedi Padawan who trained as a Healer under Vokara Che. Sometimes accompanies younglings to Ilum. Twin sister of Kio.
Personality: Gentle, though strong-willed. Classy, likes things to be done well.
Partner: Fritz
Kids: Izka ‘Izzy’ Januro
Fixit - ARC-1257
Bio: Originally an ARC for Halo Company, but got transferred to the Coruscant Guard. Works mostly spec ops under Thire.
Personality: Kind, funny and a bit nerdy. Can have razor focus on a task, but also likes to joke around and flirt with people.
Partner: Renay Eli
Kids: Saradii Eli, his daughter with Renay
Other OCs:
Jinn, a Halo Lieutenant
Storm, a Halo lieutenant
Gunner, a Halo lieutenant
Ryo, a 212th medic
Renay Eli, a human woman from Coruscant
Tordann Woves, Nova’s climbing buddy
Jill Gilamar, Purrgil’s daughter
Tani Gilamar, Nova’s daughter
Kai Vennex (shared with Anstarwar), Hoagie and Si’s child (nonbinary)
Senna Vennex (Shared with Anstarwar) Hoagie and Si’s son.
Saradii Eli, Fixit and Renay’s daughter
Grisly, Yara’s batchmate
Anstarwar’s OCs:
Poke - CT-8585 (they/them)
Bio: A Coruscant Guard Medic and Geonosis veteran, who often travels along with Thorn on diplomatic missions. 
Personality: Friendly, outgoing and a bleeding heart. Bit of a ho after they first arrive at the CG. Medic-Trooper pair with Arrow.
Partner: Carrion
Kids: Twins Leo and Stone (jr.), adopted around 10 BBY
Hoagie - CT-2455
Bio: 501st Medic, part of Griffin squad and best friend of Twitch. 
Personality: Grumpy, doesn’t get along well with most. He cares deeply for his patients and close friends however. Medic-Trooper pair with Twitch
Partner: Silence
Kids: Kai, a Force sensitive twi’lek orphan they adopt at 4yrs old. Senna, a ‘failed’ Boba prototype who was kept in cryo.
Twitch - CT-5445
Bio: 501st trooper part of Griffin squad who later becomes an ARC. Best friends with Shay and Hoagie. Medic-Trooper pair with Hoagie.
Personality: Exuberant, generally happy and positive. Definitely has ADHD.
Partner: Shay Vennex
Kids: Quills Vennex, their adopted human/Mikkian daughter
Shay Vennex (Zabrak)
Bio: Born a nightsister, but sold to a pirate clan at a young age. Becomes a bounty hunter after her escape. Force sensitive.
Personality: Kind, suffers no fools. Wary of unknown people, but friendly and outgoing with those she does know.
Partner: Twitch
Kids: Quills Vennex, their adopted human/Mikkian daughter
Moxie - CT-5678
Bio: A Coruscant Guard ARF trooper, who is part of Hound’s squad. Medic-Trooper pair with Omen. 
Personality: Cheery to a fault, very laidback and friendly.
Partner: Scorch
Kids: Waffles the Massiff
Reaper - (CT-22-666)
Bio: Part of the 41st Elite battalion and Bantha squad. Prefers to use a vibro-pickaxe and has the nickname ‘Reaper the Lunatic’
Personality: Acts first, thinks later, though he has a squishy heart
Partner: Gears
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Del and Bitsy
Gears - RC-2025, demoted to CT-2025
Bio: A deck tech mechanic for the 41st elite. Was supposed to be a Commando, but got demoted to CT because he was too soft. Force Sensitive.
Personality: Quiet and observant, sensitive to sound. Initially has severe self esteem issues.
Partner: Reaper
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Del and Bitsy
Other OCs:
Nyx, part of Howzer’s battalion
Sergeant Fallon, Griffin Squad’s Sergeant 
Rev, Griffin Squad’s sniper
Arrow, Coruscant Guard Shock Trooper, promoted to 41st Elite’s ARC
Chell, nickname ‘Doc,’ a Miralian Jedi Padawan
Chi Tanne, a togruta Jedi
Kai Vennex (shared with Imrowanartist), Hoagie and Si’s child
Senna Vennex (Shared with Imrowanartist) Hoagie and Si’s son.
Leo Jr. and Stone (shared with Itsstrangelypermanent), Poke and Car’s adopted twins 
Waffles the Massiff
Quills Vennex, adopted daughter of Twitch and Shay
Ari and Ori, twins part of Bantha squad
Jynx, part of Bantha Squad
Master Rin, Cathar Jedi Master, padawans include Chi Tanne and later Chell
Hobbs, Weequay bounty hunter, mentor to Shay
Itsstrangelypermanent’s OCs:
Nuts - CT-42-3942
Bio: A medic pulled from Kamino too early due to a shortage. Bounced around several battalions until ending up with the 104th. Medic-Trooper pair with Keeli
Personality: Initially quiet and withdrawn due to trauma, he’s actually a pretty excitable and happy person. 
Partner: Keeli
Kids: Pseudo adopts Wedge Antilles after the war
Carrion - CC-1397
Bio: CMO of the Coruscant Guard.. Geonosis veteran, who badly injured his knee which never healed right. Trained under Mij Gilamar. Medic-Trooper pair with Stone
Personality: Gruff and no-nonsense, though he has a soft spot for his junior medics. Terrible at self-care.
Partner: Poke
Kids:Twins Leo and Stone (jr.), adopted around 10 BBY
Nash - Alpha-23
Bio: Originally deployed with the 649th which was destroyed. Sent back to Kamino afterward, to help train new troops.
Personality: Infinite patience and is immune to bullshit. Sharp sense of humor, often in a gruff way.
Partner: Purrgil
Kids: Has adopted Jill as his own daughter
Fritz - CT-4641
Bio: A young trooper, deployed with the 212th only towards the end of the war. He accompanies Karsha on a mission to Ilum when O66 hits. Goes blind later on.
Personality: Calm, collected. Sometimes comes across as shy. 
Partner: Karsha Januro
Kids: Izka ‘Izzy’ Januro
Del - CT-0213
Bio: 41st battalion medic and Geonosis veteran. Reconditioned multiple times because he was too soft. Medic-Trooper pair with Bitsy
Personality: Quiet, shy and generally a bit nervous. Has severe anxiety due to his reconditionings
Partner: Bitsy
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Gears and Reaper
Bitsy - CT-8293
Bio: Geonosis veteran and part of the 41st and Bantha squad. Big guy.
Personality: Straight forward and no-nonsense. Has an innate sense to protect.
Partner: Del
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Gears and Reaper
Other OCs:
Grim, CMO of the 104th
Happ, 501st, medic-trooper pair with Coric
Pait, Coruscant Guard Medic
Inky, Coruscant Guard trooper
Sticks, Coruscant Guard Medic
Ludo, Coruscant Guard medic
Leo Jr. and Stone (shared with Anstarwar), Poke and Car’s adopted twins
r2wedoomed’s OCs:
Sill - CT-9878
Bio: Captain in the 188th battalion of Kit Fisto, promoted by Monnk in the beginning of the war, Quip is his batchmate.
Personality: Determined to do what is best for his men, protective but capable of letting go if needed. Can 100% solve a strategic problem, but will also hit himself in the face while opening a jar
Partner: Aurey
Kids: Mouse, semi adopted during the war, officially adopter after
Aurey - CT-8489
Bio: ARC trooper in the 188th, had one disastrous mission where he lost his ARC partner Ghost. After that he got paired with Vaughn and was assigned to Sill’s company.
Personality: generous and practical, laughs easily, thinks before acting and is not prone to anger except in the mornings.
Partner: Sill
Kids: Mouse, semi adopted during the war, officially adopter after
Quip - CT-9880
Bio: CMO of the 188th, followed the medic track on Kamino together with Lilo, but did everything in his power to get assigned to Sill’s battalion. Medic-Trooper pair with Paulie.
Personality: methodical; shows his affection by taking care of you (aggressively), he loves fiercely, but struggles to tell people so.
Partner: Marku Matrhy
Kids: None
Ty - CT-0990
Bio: Lieutenant in the Coruscant Guard. Often works with Fixit. Bounced around a lot of battalions but lost all his friends and close brothers on Geonosis
Personality: a kind soul, but subconsciously reluctant to make deep connections with people as he fears to lose them; great actor, loves to tell stories, great with kids, loathes silence, listens to funky music
Partner: Lilo
Kids: None
Lilo - CT-2345 (they/them)
Bio: Coruscant Guard Medic, assigned to CG immediately after Geonosis, lost their batchmate Leaf on Geonosis and therefore has a leaf tattooed on their cheek.
Personality: down to earth, emotionally stable, loves their job, level-headed; not an unreasonable medic, willing to engage in a discussion, but will need a convincing reason to change their mind about letting you leave the medbay or not
Partner: Ty
Kids: None
Marku Matrhy (Pantoran)
Bio: Used to be a history teacher on a Pantoran colony until the Empire decided that his teachings were too critical. He fled before they could arrest him, forcing him to leave his ancestral home behind. He drifted around the galaxy for a bit until he met Quip four years after O66.
Personality: incredibly warm person, very patient, great storyteller; will absolutely call you out on your bullshit. Loves baking, long walks in the snow and those kind of old history books that make you afraid you break the page when you turn it.
Partner: Quip
Kids: None
Other OCs:
Mouse, Sill and Aurey’s foundling
Gus, 188th Lieutenant
Pepper, 188th sergeant
Day, 188th Captain
Pip, 188th trooper
Gwyn, 188th trooper
Paulie, 188th sergeant
Spectre, ARC trooper in 188th
27 notes · View notes
starry200156 · 7 years
Two months
Author's notes: Sorry for not updating in a while I’ve been busy with life. This one shot is about what happen two months that Boruto mentions. In the one shot Her eyes.
Two months ago
Sarada and I were coming home from a mission we just completed together. It was just the two of us, since Mitsuki was on another mission and our mission required someone with an optical dojutsu. That left me, Himawari but she was on a mission with her team and Hima is still a genin. That old man probably won’t feel save sending his daughter on a A-rank mission just yet. Then there was Sarada she was the one other person who has an optical dojutsu, the Sharingan. I could of gone on the mission by myself and handle it just fine. It was a bad idea for my dad to tell her go on the mission. I had a gut feeling that something bad would happen on the mission somehow and it did.
At the moment Sarada and I were being attacked by some what seem to be rogue ninja. They were after Sarada probably her Sharingan. Damn it! I shouldn’t have let her go on this mission with me.
“Sarada I can do the mission on my own it won’t be the first one,”
“Boruto you need someone when an ocular dojutsu and Himawari can’t come since she on a mission with her team. And I’m one of the few people who carry an ocular dojutsu,”
“I know that Sarada. I have my Jougan I’ll be fine,”
“I know but you need to be careful using it,”
“Same with you Sara. Sakura-san said you need to be careful using your Sharingan you can’t overdo it. It’s bad for your eyes,”
“I won’t I’m careful,”
“Not all the time Sarada,”
“Boruto what if something happens and I’m not there to help you. What if one of the Kara member attacks you. What if-”
“Sara, quit with that ‘What ifs’ If something does happen I can take care of it on my own. If something were to happen on the mission I couldn’t risk your safety for it. Master Sasuke and Sakura-san will have my head if anything happens to you,”
“Boruto I am a perfectly capable kunoichi of Konoha,”
“I know that Sarada,”
“Boruto please for this one time,”
She look at me with those eyes I finally cave in.
“Hosenka no jutsu,” I heard Sarada said. (phoenix flower jutsu in english)
I blocked an attack from the enemy. I was trying to figure out some kind of plan to get away this situation. We were out number on this one but the rogue shinobi were out power by Sarada and I. They have her busy, she couldn’t help me at the moment. From the corner of my eyes I saw Sarada use her Sharingan against the rogue ninja.
The two rogue shinobi were on the ground knocked out. She must of used genjutsu on them.
“So the Sharingan and that means your his daughter,” the rogue ninja said.
“So what if I am it doesn’t change anything,” Sarada said to the rogue shinobi.
“It has everything to do with that,” the rogue shinobi said. I have to do something or something bad is going to happen to Sarada. I think Boruto, think! Usually Sarada is the one with the plan of attack. I don’t even know if they want her Sharingan or not.
“Enlighten me,” Sarada said to the ninja.
“Of course it’s simple we are not after Sasuke Uchiha, but are after the eyes of his precious daughter Sarada Uchiha,”  the rogue nin said. I shouldn't of known.
“There’s not way in HELL I’m going to let you rip Sarada's eyes!” I shouted at the rogue nin.
“Oh really,” He said raising an eyebrow.
“Your going to have to go through me first,” I said teleporting behind the rogue ninja. I have my katana in my hand just in case.
“What the-” before he could finish his sentence Sarada comes and punches him straight in the face which makes him go flying.
“You okay,” I asked.
“Don’t lay your guard down just yet,” Sarada told me.
“There is more isn’t there,” I said.
“About two or three more,” She said.
“Where are they exactly,” I asked her.
“Somewhere back behind those tree,” she said pointing in the direction. I threw shuriken in the directions that Sarada told where is was.
“We know you’re there so come out. We know your after the Sharingan,” I said.
“Smart boy,” the tall rogue nin said.
“Turn yourselves in now or else,” I said trying to make the situation easier to deal with.
“Or what’s a boy like you going to do. I’m more worried what the little Uchiha princess is going to do to me. Oh and, I forgot to introduce myself to you two. How rude of me even my own men didn’t I better do something about that. I’m Ryo and my two partners are Kai and Daichi,” Ryo said to us.
“You talk too much,” Sarada said to Ryo.
“There’s no need to be rude,” Ryo said.
“She’s right,” I said.
“Boruto stay out of this,” Sarada said.
“What?! I can’t do that. You can’t take three rogue shinobi on your own,” I said to her.
“Kai Daichi take care of blondie of over here. I’ll take care of the Uchiha princess. Don’t kill him I want him alive so he can watch me rip out the girl’s Sharingan. The Uchihas need to be stopped. I’ll his daughter first and then I’ll kill him when he in pain over losing his child,” Ryo said.
Kai and Dacho attack me out of nowhere I was barely able to block their attacks.
“Ninja art: wind blade jutsu,” Kai said. A forceful amount of wind chakra cane at me I was able to dodge it.
“Ninja art: lightening stream jutsu,” Dachi said. I felt a painful shock of lightning hit me. Damn it! I slowly got up.
“Rasengan,” I said throwing a Rasengan towards Dachi. I saw a herd of snake go by at Kai. I smirked.
“Boruto are you alright. I heard you and Sarada went on a mission together and Lord Seventh was starting to worry so I can after you two,” Mitsuki said coming at the right time.
“These are much of rogue nins and they’re after Sarada’s Sharingan,” I said.
“Where is she,” Mitsuki asked.
“Fighting Ryo,” I said. At the moment we heard a scream I know that scream it belong to SARADA!
“I’ll take care of these two. You go after Sarada,” Mitsuki said.
“Alright just don’t go overboard,” I said to Mitsuki.
“Alright Boruto,” Mitsuki said.
When I got over to where Sarada was half of the area looked destroyed between Sarada and Ryo attacks for each other. Sarada looked beaten up Ryo barely had a scratch on him. Sarada was extremely low on chakra. She looked bloody and bruised. What did he do to her? I felt a surge of rage inside of me.
“Boruto Stream,” I said attack Ryo with my katana.
“Clever boy you're here to save her. Your a little too late I think I went a little overboard on her. She’s a damn good fighter,” Ryo said.
“I’m going to kill you for this,” I said.
“Oh really I’ll like to see you try,” Ryo said. I backed away I teleported to Sarada who was on the ground.
“Hey Sara,” I gently to her.
“Bo. He’s stronger than I thought,” Sarada whispered I could tell the pain in her voice.
“It’s going to be okay,” I said to her.
“What about Kai and Daichi,” Sarada asked.
“Mitsuki came to help us out. He’s taking care of them I’ll take care of Ryo. You just rest okay,” I told her. She nodded. Sarada needed medical attention and she needs it soon. I’ll just have to make the quick. I made a shadow clone.
“Take her somewhere safe,” I told my clone.
“Okay no more funny business I was trying to be the reasonable nice guy, but when you decide to hurt the people I cherish the most. I’m not the nice guy anymore,” I said activating my jogan and my curse mark.
“What the-” I cut him off by attacking him. I was too fast for him pace. After I good while I was able to finish him. I tied him up I went over to Mitsuki.
“Put him with the others,” I said to Mitsuki. So he did.
“Where’s Sarada,” Mitsuki asked again.
“I’m going to go get her she’s with my clone,” I made another another one.
“Take these rogue ninja back to the hidden leaf,” I said to my clone. Mitsuki and I went to get Sarada.
“Sarada,” I called out to her.
“Boruto Mitsuki you’re okay,” Sarada mumbled. She was barely conscious.
“Yeah we are let’s get you out of here,” I said to her. I pick her up in bridal style. I teleported the three of us to the hospital. I walked in with Sarada in my arm.
“I need Sakura-san now. Her daughter Sarada has been injured,” I said calmly as I could. The nurses paged Sakura-san. I’m dead after this.
“Boruto what’s this about my Sarada being injured,” Sakura-san said then she saw Sarada condition.
“Get a bed now!” Sakura-san shouted. The nurses got one. I placed Sarada gently on the bed
“I need one of you to page Ino, Shizune, and maybe even Tsunade-shishou if she is in the village. Boruto what happened,” Sakura-san said.
“We were attacked by six rogue shinobi. Their leader attacked Sarada and gave her those injuries. They were after Sarada’s Sharingan,” I said to Sakura-san.
“Alright. Boruto I need you to wait out here while I and my team work on Sarada,” Sakura-san said. They rolled Sarada away. I ran to all the way to the Hokage tower.
“You should've never let her go the mission with me!” I yelled at my dad.
“Boruto what are you saying,” dad asked me.
“The mission to assign to me and you let Sarada to go on! She nearly died because of your stupid decision to let her go on the mission!” I yelled at dad again.
“Boruto calm down,” master Sasuke said to me. I’ve been so angry and yelling at my dad I didn't even notice he was in the room.
“Boruto what exactly happened,” dad asked me.
“The mission itself was a complete success. When we were going back to the village until six rogue ninja attack us, and their leader attack Sarada and injured her. If it wasn’t for Mitsuki Sarada might be dead,” I said to them.
“You took her to Sakura right,” master asked me. “Yes,” I said.
“I was having Mitsuki looking into those six rogue shinobi. We had our suspension that they were are the Sharingan,” dad said.
“They were. They were after Sarada’s Sharingan,” I said.
“It doesn’t surprise me,” dad said.
“She would of been safer if she stayed in the village,” I said.
“If would of known I’ve would have never agree to let her go with you,” dad said. I walked out of the tower and went back to the hospital and to wait for Sakura-san to finish fixing up Sarada.
Back in the Hokage tower.
“I don’t give me that look Teme!” Naruto said to Sasuke.
“You put my daughter’s life in danger. Thanks to your son and her teammate she has survival chance,” Sasuke said bitterly to Naruto.
“How was supposed to know that was going to happen!” Naruto said.
“She is an Uchiha and she has the Sharingan and she my daughter, Naruto. She going to have no one little enemies. It always had been like that since she was born. Sakura and I have always tried to protect her from the danger,” Sasuke said.
“I know and now Boruto wants to do the same. You should go and see her,” Naruto said to Sasuke and he felt the tower.
I was in the waiting more waiting for some news about Sarada it’s been about two hours. The wait is killing me.
“Boruto will you quit pacing your going to burn a hole in the floor,” Konohamaru-sensei said. Mitsuki had sent a message to our sensei and our friends to let them know what had happened to Sarada. Most of them are on missions. Inojin was able to come over to the hospital. Shikadai was probably still on his mission and Chou-Chou was still on hers. Iwabe, Denki, and Metal Lee had a team mission together. Himawari was still on her mission with her team. Well I stand corrected now.
“Nin-san,” I heard Hima say.
“Hey Hima,” I said.
“I got the message what happened to Sarada onee-chan. Have you gotten any updates on her yet,” Himawari said worriedly.
“No I haven’t,” I said.
“Nin-san how bad was it,” Himawari asked me.
“It was pretty bad but don’t worry Sarada is going to be alright,” I said to my kid-sister.
“Boruto you didn’t answer my question,” Himawari said.
“Himawari some rogue ninja attacks us. One of them severely injured Sarada,” I said to Himawari. It’s my fault why Sarada is in the condition that she is in.
“Quit the self blame. It wasn’t your fault why she got injured it was the rogue ninja’s and you know that,” HImawari said.
“If only I didn’t let her go on the mission with me. She wouldn’t be in condition she’s in,” I said to Hima.
“Like I said it wasn’t your fault you couldn’t possibly know that she was going to be targeted by some damn rogue shinobi! So quit blaming yourself what would Sarada onee-chan think if she knew that you were blaming yourself for what had happened to her,” Himawari snapped at me.
“She’s right Boruto,” Mitsuki said.
“Boruto!” Shikadai, Chou-Chou, Iwabe, Denki, and Metal Lee all said at the same time while coming in.
“We got your message about Sarada,” Shikadai said.
“Have you’ve gotten any updates on her condition yet,” Chou-Chou asked.
“No,” I said.
“Let’s hope she’ll be fine,” Himawari said.
“Boruto what exactly happened,” Iwabe asked.
“Six rogue ninjas attacked us on our way back to the village. They were after Sarada and her Sharingan,” I said.
“Just six ninja after the Sharingan. They must wanted the Sharingan really bad,” Denki said.
“The Sharingan is one of the most powerful dojutsu to exist,” Shikadai said.
“Shikadai is right,” I said.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” I heard Sakura-san say.
“No you’re not. How is she,” I asked worriedly.
“Sarada is going to be fine,” Sakura-san said.
“Thank Kami,” I said.
“I’m not done. Sarada has strain in her eyes from using her Sharingan. Pouring too much chakra. Her chakra is depleted too. Sarada has three broken ribs, a broken leg, a fracture shoulder, and few chakra burns on her hands. She does have a few bruise. It’s going to take a few months before Sarada will be able to go on missions again,” Sakura-san told us. I couldn’t help but blame myself for what happened to her.
“Can we see her,” I asked.
“Yes I only want one of you to go see her. I don’t want all of you to startle her if she wakes up,” Sakura-san said.
“Nin-san just go stay with her. I think she’s would like to see you when she wakes up,” Hima said.
“Let me show you her room,” Sakura-san said.
I walked in to see Sarada lying in the hospital bed. She was hook up to machines and she was bandage up. There were even bandages over her eyes. I walked over and sat down at a chair near her bed. I pulled the chair closer to her bed. I took one of her hands and held it.
“I’ll leave you two alone. Get me if she wakes up,” Sakura-san said leaving the room.
“Sarada I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t be blaming myself for what happened to you. I can’t help myself. If you were a wake you would probably slap me or call me stupid Boruto-baka for blaming myself. When I saw your broken, bruise, beaten up body I felt terrible. If I could I would take away your pain. I shouldn’t have left you alone to fight that guy. Sara I don’t think you’re weak just didn’t want you to get hurt like you did. I don’t know if you can hear me, but I love you Sarada Uchiha I’ve have for along time. I never want to see you hurt. I want to help you become hokage, I want to stand by your side, I want help protect the village with you. First we need to stop the Kara together. You’re not like other girls you’re something special. You are the only one I’ve ever felt like this for. I know I should tell you this when you’re wake,” I confess to Sarada. I gave her hand a light squeeze. I felt her give me a squeeze back. I cried.
Sakura was outside Sarada’s hospital room. She signed. It took a lot out of her to heal Sarada. She felt someone put their hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see her husband.
“Sasuke-kun,” Sakura said.
“Is she going to alright,” Sasuke asked his wife.
“She’ll be fine. It’s going to be awhile before she heals. I’m worried how she going to react when she wakes up. Sarada doesn’t take defeat all too well sometimes. She’s not going to like being in a hospital bed for a couple of weeks,” Sakura said.
“Hn. Six rogue ninja attacked them,” Sasuke replied to Sakura.
“I know Boruto told me,” Sakura said.
“Hn,” Sasuke said.
“She strained her eyes again. You need to talk to her. She doesn’t want to listen to me when it comes to her Sharingan,” Sakura said.
“I will. Is Boruto with her,” Sasuke said to Sakura.
“Yes he is. He’s been really worried about her,” Sakura said.
“He seem to be,” Sasuke said.
“Sakura-san!” Sakura heard Boruto say.
“You really are an idiot. But you are a lovable idiot,” I heard her said.
“Sa-Sar-Sarada,” I sturred out.
“Yeah I’m awake,” She said trying to sit up but I heard her wince in pain.
“Here let me help you,” I said helping her sit up. She seem still in some kind of pain.
“Sarada what hurts,” I asked her.
“Almost everywhere it mainly hurt in my ribs,” Sarada said painfully.
“I’m going to get your mom. Maybe she can ease the pain. Sakura-san,” I said.
“Boruto what’s wrong is Sarada awake,” Sakura-san said rushing in master Sasuke followed behind her.
“Yes she is,” I said.
“Sarada where does it hurt,” Sakura-san asking Sarada knowing that she would be in pain.
“Ev-every-wh-where, b-but ma-mainly m-my r-ribs,” Sarada sturred out.
“I need you to hold still honey,” Sakura-san said to Sarada.
“Sarada you can hold my hand,” I said to her. She did that. Sakura-san lightly felt Sarada broken ribs. I felt Sarada squeeze my hand hard. I heard Sarada wince in pain.
“Mama it hurts,” Sarada groaned.
“I know sweetheart,” Sakura-san said using medical jutsu to ease Sarada’s pain. Sarada eventually calmed down.
“There that should ease some of your pain Sarada. Get some rest,” Sakura-san said giving Sarada a kiss on the head.
“Papa you’re here,” Sarada said.
“I am. Sarada listen to your mother. Get some rest. I’ll come by tomorrow to see you,” master Sasuke said to Sarada creasing his thumb on her cheek.
“Boruto I heard what you said, well most of it,” Sarada told me holding my hand.
“Really well I-um,” I sturred out I didn’t know what to say to her right now.
“And I love you too,” Sarada said.
“Is that the only part you listen to,” I asked.
“Nope I heard how you want to be by my side. I want to be yours too. Great, I probably sound ridiculous right now,” Sarada said.
“No you don’t. Is Sarada Uchiha confessing her love to me,” I said dramatically.
She laughed. “Ow. Don’t make me laugh to hard or my ribs are going to start hurting me again,” She said. I put my hand on her cheek.
“May I,” I asked. I don’t want her to slap me for kissing her like when we were in the academy when Iwabe elbowed me into her and I ended up kissing her shoe.
Sarada nodded.
I leaned forward our lips touched. After our lips parted our foreheads were touching.
“I love you Sarada Uchiha,” I said to her.
“I love you too Boruto Uzumaki,” She said to me.
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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Another fun little art collab between @anstarwar and myself!
Ryo and Poke explore their fashion style after the war <3
Poke (on the right) belongs to Anstarwar and Ryo (on the left) to meee
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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Pride portraits!
From left to right, top to bottom:
Nova - Aroace (like myself!), Purrgil - Bi, Ryo - Non-binary, Omen - Genderfluid , Silence - Gay, Yara - Bi, Jill (her official first appearance! She’s Purrgil’s daughter) - Lesbian and Storm - Gay
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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I just wanted to introduce my new ARC trooper, Silence, but then I thought hey I haven't drawn Kio in a while so let's add a sketch with him and Si. Then I remembered that I said ages ago that I also wanted to draw @alamogirl80’s Slasher giving piggy back rides to Kio. And then I also added another Si with Hoagie (who belongs to @anstarwar) just because and then yesterday I accidentally made another OC, so uh yeah meet Ryo, my new 212th medic as well. Oops?
Used a bunch of references from Kibbitzer's pose packs
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@griseldafury21 @imhereforthefanartandfics @disgruntldd @attacking-those-pesky-kyojins @bi-witch-rose @friendly-disreputable-dog @goddess-of-congeniality @therealrobinceballos @k9cat @notoriginalenoughtohavmyprefname @weareoutofmaplesyrupdave @shadowlight17 @bookroselover @purgetrooperfox @littlefeatherr @fantastic-commander-fox @handsignals @thechaoticfanartist @redminibike1
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imrowanartist · 2 years
❤️Not an ask. Just letting you know you are amazing and deserve the world!❤️
Omg you are too sweet, anon thank you so much T^T
Have a doodle I made last night of post O66 Ryo exploring their clothing style
(They definitely go shopping with @anstarwar’s Poke)
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imrowanartist · 2 years
OK OC ASK TIME: Kio: 18. How does your OC see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them? Nova: 7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to? AND 14. If your oc spent one day free from any consequences or recognition for their actions, would they act? Purrgil: 21. What's a fact you haven't shared about this oc? Ryo: 10. Who's the first person they go to to talk about something that made them happy/sad/angry?
Questions can be found here
So many!
Kio: He actually doesn't have a very good self image, poor kiddo. He knows he's not as advanced as other padawans his age and he struggles with his control of the Force. Which leads to him overcompensating sometimes, and pulling moves that are not very well thought through. I think the others (Nova, and other members of Halo he's close with) see this too, but also see the potential in him and encourage him to be more confident in the skills he does have.
Nova: 1. Aaahhhh I had to think about this one haha. So the song Nova reminds me of and that is one of my favourites is My Silver Lining from First Aid Kit! Nova is definitely someone who keeps going no matter what, and tries to find good in the situations he finds himself in. I think Indie/Folk is also very much what he would listen to! Probably combined with some indie rock. 2. He would have given Kio's Master a piece of his mind a looooot sooner. Ask him how he could leave his Padawan alone during a war, how he could frame him and get him kicked out from the only home the kid had ever known. Nova does get the chance to do this years later (and he doesn't pull his punches) but at that point the emotional damage has already been done to Kio.
Purrgil: Hmmm, I feel like I share a lot about him (with you at least lol) 'cause he's one of my favourite OCs. So when Nova first starts to develop some vitiligo on his face due to stress (their first live fire exercise), Purrgil freaks out. He's convinced Nova is sick, maybe even dying and tries to figure out what is wrong with him. They're maybe 4 or 5 at this point? So he tries asking the trainers, he tries to get access to datapads etc, but to no avail. Eventually Nova gets taken away and for a while Purrgil thinks he's decommissioned. Later he finds out that his batcher has actually been put with some other 'muties'. The whole ordeal is actually what lands Purrgil on the medic track!
Ryo: Trapper is Ryo's other half and they would tell him absolutely everything! Trapper is also very good at getting Ryo to talk when they maybe don't want to, or when they're clearly bothered by something. If Trapper is for some reason unavailable, Ryo would also confide in Helix, their CMO. They would probably also go to Helix for relationship advice and to get advice of a more smutty nature XD
Thank youuuuu!
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