#Jim gordon Isnt homophobic
Favourite thing about gotham they introduce a f/f relationship within two episodes and make the leads partner canonically bisexual
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ants-personal · 4 years
no ones said anything about jerome and johnnys relationship but they be doing coupley things while doing crimes imagine if Gordon goes to Jerome and Johnny separately trys to make em spilt up cuz ‘jerome is chaos and Jonathon you could be sane again with the right help he’s probably toxic Johnny we can help you etc etc’ and the opposite for Jerome lmaoo or some Jimbo shit then jerome catches jim talking 2 Jon hell brakes loose
Yeah honestly i mean most rogues dont mention or care about which rogues are dating you run the risk of injury plus some just feel it isnt any of their business just useful info. I think Jervis is the only one and its to complain about how annoying and gross they are he jokes that living with them has made him homophobic. It probably did take alot by surprise who the hell could deal and like jerome at the same time, but if oswald and ed or ecco and ivy or whoever zsasz ends up with for the week can find love in this twisted city shrugs. 
Course and this is just personal I feel Jim really is just lowest key homophobic like that season one scene with barbara after she tells him she dated Montoya just always felt off like idk. So yeah i can really see him trying to “help” Jonathan since Jerome is a lost cause. Jonathan is one of the rogues that if he really tried he could get better and stop his life of crime hes pretty sane. So Jim probably mentions is once after his capture or a run in and hed promise to make sure Jonathan gets actual help unlike last time. And well Jonathan wouldnt take to kind that himself and he certainly wouldnt like Jim trying to act like his friend. Bringing up Jerome would just piss him off more Jim has no idea what hes talking about all he knows is Jerome is crazy Jonathan already knew that but hes gotten to see and learn things about Jerome hes pretty sure only he knows minus a few with Jervis. Jim took his father his last family and in a way even if he doesn't like to admit it he has found a new one with Jerome and Jervis even the legion. Probably not good to go after one of the only rogues that can and will pinpoint your mental weakness and use it against you he does have a degree is psychology. So that encounter probably earned Jim a nice dose of gas and a broken nose.
Now if Jerome were to catch wind or Jonathan just told him since he seemed extra huffy after this encounter which is strange he didn't get caught so whats the biggie. Jerome would get angry Jim trying to stick is stupid nose in Jeromes business he usually takes it as a form of flattery but not this time trying to take something Jerome cares away oof. Hes gonna make sure Jim learns to stay out of Jeromes personal life would end with sadly Barbara Gordon becoming paralyzed he'd be sure to let her know its her father's fault and would torture Jim with footage of it sad he had to ruin a kids life do early, but hey one less future annoying captain gordon to deal with oh well 
ALOT of this is just personal hc and ideas and certainly arent set in stone but Jim should really just focus on being a better person than who rogues end up dating. Harvey gets it cmon man shgjsghfj
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gordons-moved · 7 years
character meme: james gordon jr, barbara gordon
James Gordon Jr.
First impression: Black Mirror was one of the first Batman stories I read and I immediately fell in love with evil chihuahua boy. I’ve always been a huge sucker for creepy/unsettling/anxious type of horror and James fits that profile perfectly. I actually found out about him through some fucking stupid “TOP 10 SCARIEST COMIC VILLAINS OF ALL TIME!!!!” and he seemed neat so i picked up Black Mirror.
Impression now: He is so beautiful and perfect, I would gladly go to the depths of hell for him. I would gladly jump into the lions mouth for him. There isnt a single thing i dislike about him. I love the type of horror he manifests and he’s my handsome boy were marries bye.
Favorite moment: The moment in Black Mirror where Babs stabs him through the eye and he gets right back up and is just like “haha bitch”. It was neat.
Idea for a story: God there’s so fucking many I’ve thought about but idk recently I’ve been thinking a lot about him being an Outlaw with Jay and Duela that’d be neat. He’s a rebellious teen with mental illness and parental issues he fits the profile perfectly. Also one where he temporarily teams up with Babs to beat the shit out of the jokes man I’d cry tears of joy. OR him being the main villain of the Batgirl movie okay theres a lot
Unpopular opinion: he’s hot dont be homophobic
Favorite relationship: Romantically? Idfk uhhh he had a crush n Amanda Waller in Nu52 SS that was cute but only as a one sided thing. I’ve seen a lot of people ship him with Duela but in all honesty? He’s gay he loves men
Favorite headcanon:  While Babs has always been the mathmatical, logical Gordon, James has always had a gift for art. Jim used to sign him up for a surplus of art classes to try to release some of his violent frustration. I mean it didnt work but James is a good artist he drew my fursona for me. Also he’s gay-
Barbara Gordon
First impression: I have been in love with Batgirl/Babs since I was like 7. I remember firs being introduced to her while watching young justice at a really young age and IMMEDIATELY falling in love with her. 
Impression now: She’s probably one of my fav fictional characters of all time she’s helped me cope with so much stuff and I get emotional just thinking about her. I have a whole wall in my room dedicated to her and I love her so fuckng much. Not a day goes by where I dont think anout how perfect she is.
Idea for a story: Her and James make up and go to disney world and have a good sibling bonding time. She also gets married to Dinah.
Unpopular opinion: Sort of unpopular??? but She’s best as Oracle and prefer her as Oracle than Batgirl but I do love Babsgirl sm
Favorite relationship: Dinah Dinah Dinah Dinah Dinah Dinah (Also HelenaDinahBabs)Send me a Character and Ill give you my opinion.
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