Jimmy’s Less Than Fortunate Day- (American Horror Story: Freak Show)
(Just a precursor, this author of this fic, Livid FIgure Skating Lover, has never actually seen an episode of American Horror Story in her life and I bullied her relentlessly for days until she finally gave in a wrote me some good thick Jimmy Darling whump. So sit back, and enjoy.)  
Jimmy's eyes peeled open to be met by a musty room. Maybe not even a room, all he knew was that he wasn't in the hospital anymore. His back ached as he attempted to sit up. Everything felt numb and achy. Jimmy lifted his arms to rub the sleep out of his eyes but was met by bloody bandaged stumps. Everything felt hazy, but the pain began to register in his cloudy mind.
Jimmy moaned and set his stump arms back down to where they were before. Where am I? He thought to himself. Every nerve seemed to be shooting pain up to his brain, as he moaned again.
"Jimmy?" a female voice called out. The call echoed through the space and seemed to bounce back to Jimmy's less-than-receptive wars in the form of a pounding headache. The waves pulsed like punches to his brain and made him wince, wanting to rub his temples with his now nonexistent conjoined fingers.
"W-who's there?" Jimmy mumbled incoherently.
"It's Maggie, Jimmy", Maggie sighed as she stopped over by the handless man.
"Oh... hi Mag-" Jimmy was cut off by his own sabotaging lungs when a huge coughing fit escaped his lips. Jimmy winced in pain as the coughs racked his body and left him in pain. More waves of the awful achy feeling washing over him.
"Damnit, Jimmy", Maggie sighed "Of all the times to get sick. Now?"
"Sorry..." Jimmy mumbled as he shivered.
Maggie sighed again and put a palm to rest on Jimmy's forehead. Warm, but not much she could do about it right now.
"What hurts, Jimmy?" Maggie asked straightforwardly to the sick and injured boy.
"Everything... but to be specific-ish, I guess my head, chest, and my hands. Or... where my hands used to be", Jimmy wanted to start sobbing. All of these emotions, random, bubbling, ready to burst. He was in pain, and Maggie knew she needed to comfort him.
"Well, you're achy because of your fever. And your hands... well... they're gone. But you already knew that. I have some clean bandages and alcohol to disinfect the amputation areas, but it'll sting, and I don't want to make you hurt any more than you already are", Maggie sighed with pity for the shivery male laying on the rickety bed.
"Change them now. They feel all soggy and gross. I don't like that feeling. I don't care if it hurts just do it. I don't want to feel worse because of the infection", Jimmy rambled. Another set of harsh and wet coughs racked his body. Chest tightening, Jimmy wheezed for breath and continued to cough. When the torture ceased, he slammed his head back onto the pillow and moaned with a sharp wince.
Maggie felt so bad for this weak suffering boy as she grabbed the fresh bandages and bottle of alcohol.
"Okay, Jimmy. If anything hurts too bad, tell me to stop okay?" Her voice was gentle, she felt like any second, Jimmy would snap and begin sobbing for no particular reason besides the fact his hands, while... different, had at least been bands, and were now gone. Maggie could only begin to believe how Jimmy felt right now.
Maggie placed a ginger hand on Jimmy's left stump arm and picked the corner of his bloody and peeling bandages. This tiny action alone produced a wince and a slight shift from Jimmy as he prepared for the agonizing pain this would surely induce. Maggie began to unravel the blood-soaked bandages and reveal more of Jimmy's irritated and red skin.
He bit his lip to keep from crying out,  he knew this needed to be done sooner or later, might as well get it over with now. Jimmy squeezed his eyes tight as the last of the crusty and soggy bandages were peeled off the festering stump of an arm. Moans of pain escaped Jimmy's lips before he could stop them and Maggie felt a tug of guilt pulling at her soul.
"I'm gonna have to put some alcohol on the wound, Jimmy. Just gonna coat this rag and then rub your wrist, okay?" Maggie asked quietly.
It took Jimmy's feverish and pained mind to register her question. He finally replied, "Yeah... I'm ready."
The alcohol made a sickening slosh as it coated the thick rag. The smell wafted through the air towards Jimmy's nostrils and made his head spin with pain. He felt like hurling. Maggie placed a careful hand under Jimmy's bicep and gently dabbed the rag along his stump.
Immediately, Jimmy reacted. Screams of pain, hissing, curses, and incoherent words jumbled together on top of a moan and cry of agony as the stinging sensation racked through his system and didn't seem to stop. Burning pain made Jimmy's chest tighten more and left his wheeze crying in the rickety bed as Maggie lamely stroked his hair as a pathetic attempt to comfort him. Tears slipped down Jimmy's cheeks as he bit down on his lip.
"I'm sorry, Jimmy" Maggie sobbed pathetically as Jimmy cried out.
She took the fresh bandages and began to cover the burning and stinging nubs. The red agitated skin looked ready to mutate and chomp off Maggie's head. Every touch of the smooth new fabric laid on Jimmy's arm produced another wince or cry, and Maggie felt terrible.
"We need to do the other arm, Jimmy. Then I can get you something for your fever", Maggie stated gently, pulling the other bloodied nub to her lap.
Jimmy's muddled and pain filled mind processed this information as slow as a snail through molasses. He finally mumbled, "Just... get it over with. I already feel terrible"
Maggie sighed another pitiful sigh at the pitiful boy as she unwrapped the foul-smelling bandages and scrabbled them onto the floor.
"Last time, for now. I promise", Maggie cooed.
The rag of dramatic burning torture was placed onto Jimmy's other nub as he yelled and cried the same as before. It was all a flash, and then it was over. Not nearly as bad as the other arm. This was simply because Jimmy was slipping in and out of consciousness from his burning forehead.
Maggie, exhausted from hearing poor Jimmy's screams, grabbed a fresh rag and doused it with cool water from a nearby basin. She wrung it out and cool water dribbled onto Jimmy's chest as she prepared the cloth. Jimmy melted into the tiny drops, craving more of this soothing cool sensation.
"P-please. I'm just, dying here. Hell, just do something to help me, please", Jimmy stumbled for words as his eyelids grew heavy.
"I know, Jimmy. Here", Maggie said softly as she placed to cool rag onto Jimmy's scorching forehead. Instantly, the achy headache was numbed and Jimmy smiled a half smile.
"Thanks, Maggie. I think I'm gonna go to sleep now, though. If that's okay", Jimmy mumbled, already half asleep.
Maggie chuckled lightly, "Sleep tight Jimmy."
We would like to commemorate the opening of our blog, Whumptastic Wednesday, by posting a pre-written American Horror Story whump at 2:26AM on a Tuesday!
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