zaenight · 1 year
His girl chapter 6
Gabriella was out of the hospital , Jośe and her Heading to the clubhouse , ready to tell everyone She was really a chick.
Heading into the clubhouse The guys went over to them asking what was wrong.
"Nothing is wrong but I have somthing to tell you , José tell them." She said wacking the boys shoulder.
"You tell them." José said rolling his eyes.
"Tell us what?" Brad asked.
"Imreallyachickandnotadudebutdontthinkilltreatyouanydifferent." She said real fast that they asked her to speak slower.
"Im really a chick and not a dude but don't think i'll treat you any different." She gasped out as José patted her back.
"So Dean , how are you." She said trying to change the subject , it didn't work.
"Your a chick,You"ve seen stuff little girls ain't supposed to see!" Kevin screeched.
"One Im eighteen , almost nineteen , two , I usually cover my eyes , and rarely go into the showers , unless needed." Gabriella said side eyeing José who squinted his eyes.
"I thought i told you , anyways ,don't expect me to go easy on you scr- where the hell is Pete , Im not doing this again man!" She exclaimed with a glare.
"Dad im not helping selling girl scout cookies." She stated sitting by José , who wrapped a arm around her , and brad , who was still wrapping his head around the fact He was a she.
"Your cousin's fingers bleed for this." He said with a pointed look , dramatically turning away , and then speaking to Pete.
"Dramático como un maldito gato." She said shaking her head.
(Dramatic as a damn cat)
"¿De dónde crees que lo sacaste? Eres como el maldito oscar el cascarrabias y la sra. Piggy mezclado." José said wincing as he was hit , By a very offended Gabriella.
(Where do you think you get it from , your like freaking oscar the grouch and mrs. Piggy mixed together.)
"Why is everbody so calm." Pete said causing her to roll her eyes.
"I have a nervous stomach if that makes you feel better , oh and Luca is a girl." Brad said , after it being agreed he would tell Pete.
"Your a girl." Pete asked blinking.
"Don't think I'll treat you any different scrub." She saod lundging her head towards him , causing him to launch back.
"Don't even think about flirting with her Punk , you and your damn friend are lucky I didn't hunt him down for spraying her with Paint." Jośe glared , untill she placed a hand on his shoulder.
Pete raised hands in surrender.
"Kinda big news." Pete continued from his earlier conversation.
"Don't you know nothing scrub , Dean's contract is up next year." Jośe said staring at him.
"Gotta make him think the team can live without him , duh." She said.
"So do We still call you Luca or-" She cut Pete off , saying he and brad will continue calling her Luca.
"Maybe But what if he becomes another Bobo Rodriguez." Pete explained.
"Who the hell is that?" She questioned , looking at José , his brows raised as he shrugged.
"You know dean was the center of the block buster trade I pulled off last week on my fantasy baseball team." Brad said.
"Why would you trade dean , He's the franchise ?" Pete questioned.
"Now , but the longer he waits the more likely he's gonna get injured or old." Brad continued as Gabriella snorted.
"He's gotta point." Jośe said flicking Luca's forhead to wake her up.
"Ow." She said rubbing the spot.
"No he doesn't." Pete said defensive.
She zoned out until she heard Pete tell Jośe to stop saying Brad has a point , and feeling Deans hand on her shoulder.
"Hey whats up kid , give me a little tape , Thank you ." He said as She passed it to him.
"Dean's not the player you should be worried about anyway." She said snickering.
"What does she mean , man that sound weird." Pete questioned , as She wacked him.
"Let's just say I'd use the buddy system in dark places." José said as He wacked him twice , grabbing Her hand , as the two snickered.
"He's back." She said laughing as she turned back to pete , Then Her and José turned away , her father still trying to sell cookies.
Baines , Baines was back , that why she warned him , Those two must be enjoying watching Pete young suffer.
"Baines is back?" Pete said.
"Go say hello petey boy." She said leaning into José.
"And kiss your mama , and pick out a suit , cause he's gonna put you in the ground." José said into his ear , the two laughed quietly.
"Yo scrubs someone wants to see ya." She said after the game , okay maybe Jośe and her spoke a bit more , they would've made out untill lou walked in.
Not fun at all.
"But watch your back , all we know is Baines took his took his bat with him tonight." José said , as Pete shook his head , the two once again laughing.
A couple of days later , the news article came out saying stuff about Ellis , Her dad had to stop a fight from breaking out , and José slapped stuff out of his hands.
Yeah it was very eventfull.
But by the end of the day Dean got to stay however...
"Did you guys hear , Dean gonna stay the petition worked !" He exclaimed , litterally running down the steps.
"What petition?" Jośe questioned.
"It doesn't matter , point is no more trade." Pete rushed out.
"Not exactly." Brad said as he nodded towards Baines empty locker.
"Baines." Pete said sighing.
"Team got scared when they heard I might leave , Thats the power of Ellis hayes right there." Ellis said as Luca rolled her eyes.
Once again she dozed off untill she was woken up by José.
"Lucky for you huh scrub." Chris said as he passed Pete.
"Yo let's go to the batting cage." José said grabbing her hand.
"Like I have a choice." She said.
"So before lou interrupted we were about to kiss , do you wan-" He was cut off as She kissed him.
Sparks flew as he kissed back , pulling back they looked into eachothers eyes.
"Siento que debería llevarte a un par de citas antes de pedirte que seas mi novia, pero quiero que seas mi Chica Gabriella Tavares, ¿quieres?" He questioned as She smiled
(I feel like I should take you on a couple dates before asking you to be my girlfriend , but I want you to be my Girl Gabriella tavares , will you?)
"Me encantaría ser tu chica Jośe, ahora me gustaría volver a besarte, y que a papá no le dé un infarto cuando se lo digamos." She laughed as he smirked , pulling her closer.
(I would love to be your girl Jośe , now I would like to get back to kissing you , and hope dad doesn't have a heart attack when we tell him.)
"Now that I can do Mi amor." Jośe said as the two kissed.
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