#Joana D'Arc
gabiruart · 1 year
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Joana d'Arc e Abraham Lincoln from Clone High
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01298283 · 1 year
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Joana d'Arc
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leozxx · 1 year
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sadstarryeyes · 1 year
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Sempre achei curioso quando pessoas se deparam com obras que se parecem com elas. Faz um tempo que encontrei essa pintura do Albert Lynch (1903) da Joana D'Arc e ela estranhamente me lembra muito alguém conhecido... eu mesma, daí dessa arte. Acho que é o olhar, não sei. Apesar disso, acho que dona Joana é uma ótima pessoa pra se assemelhar! Que sua força e determinação estejam presentes em mim e nas batalhas que se travam ao longo do meu caminho!
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sal-s-sal · 2 years
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a-moorcita · 2 years
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tita-ferreira · 6 months
A Comissão da Verdade e os crimes do regime militar-fascista - A Propósi...
"Omissão Nacional da Verdade ou Comissão Nacional da Mentirá"
Sobre "o mascaramento da memória, a política de conciliação e o velho (...) e sujo jogo do poder que permanece."
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agomeangelcat · 2 years
A Fair Lady indeed.
The armored figure grabs the rosary from their chest, breaking the chain.
Fighting for god brought them nothing but death and the hot flames of the bonfire, now they want to kill humanity!?  unforgivable, if that's what God wants, unfortunately, the sword cannot allow it. 
Throwing the symbol of their faith to the ground. 
It was no longer for God, but for humanity.
Silence, the arena was silent. 
The blue flames around the armored figure, the sword in the shape of a cross, rising from the fire.
"Ladies and Gentlemans, Gods and Goddesses and others, the represent of humanity is The warrior who died in the name of God, but even so was not heard by him, or any other god, The Witch!!!" 
The armored figure reveals the face, the face of a woman, thrusting her sword into the ground and the flames around her die. 
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Brazil: Lula bans official commemorations of the 60th anniversary of the coup d'état
The organizations that work to preserve the memory of the crimes of the military dictatorship are outraged by the former opponent's decision, which is also causing a stir within Lula's political party.
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"Lamentable and dangerous!" A dejected Joana D'arc Fernandes Ferraz didn't mince her words when it came to describing Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's attitude. Ferraz, a sociologist and left-wing activist, is a member of the organization Tortura Nunca Mais ("Torture never again"), which fights to preserve the memory of the crimes committed by Brazil's military dictatorship (1964-1985). But the president's recent statements on the subject have disgusted her. "How can he say such a thing when Brazil is going through such a critical period?" she asked.
Her anger stems from Lula's decision to ban any official commemoration of the coup d'état that took place 60 years ago, on March 31 and April 1, 1964. The head of state has forbidden members of his government to speak publicly on the subject, even when it comes to the victims of the dictatorship. However, the human rights minister, Silvio Almeida, had planned an awareness-raising campaign on the subject, entitled "Without memory, there is no future." It has been shelved.
"I'm not going to continually rehash [the past]," Lula said firmly on February 27 in an interview with the RedeTV! channel. He said he was "more concerned about the January 2023 putsch," which saw thousands of far-right militants ransack Brasilia's institutions, "than about the one in 1964." The latter "is part of history, it has already caused the suffering it caused. The people have already won the right to democratize this country," he concluded.
Lula has not stopped at banning official ceremonies. He has also abandoned the idea of a museum of memory and human rights, focusing on the dictatorship. Furthermore, he has not reinstated the Special Commission on Political Deaths and Disappearances, abolished by his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro, a former captain nostalgic for the dictatorship who had no qualms about celebrating the 1964 putsch. Yet this measure was one of the left-wing president's campaign promises.
Continue reading.
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angelshitface · 20 days
I love joana d'arc but she would probably hate me, lol
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01298283 · 2 years
My Queen 👑
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mireoceu · 4 months
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Oração a Santa Joana D'arc
Ó Santa Joana d’Arc, vós que, cumprindo a vontade de Deus, de espada em punho, vos lançastes à luta, por Deus e pela Pátria, ajudai-me a perceber, no meu íntimo, as inspirações de Deus. Com o auxílio da vossa espada, fazei recuar os meus inimigos que atentam contra a minha fé e contra as pessoas mais pobres e desvalidas que habitam nossa Pátria.
Santa Joana d’Arc, ajudai-me a vencer as dificuldades no lar, no emprego, no estudo e na vida diária. Ó Santa Joana d’Arc atenda ao meu pedido (pedido). E que nada me obrigue a recuar, quando estou com a razão e a verdade, nem opressões, nem ameaças, nem processos, nem mesmo a fogueira.
Santa Joana d’Arc, iluminai-me, guiai-me, fortalecei-me, defendei-me. Amém!
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birdmadb · 8 months
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Joana d'Arc - I made this draft during work, sneakily, as they don't allow me to draw
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Jean Seberg as Joana d'Arc in Saint Joan, Otto Preminger, 1957
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quenga-do-nordeste · 11 months
This is Joana D'Arc! another pet from Lydia. This girl seems to really like animals...
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Seems to have a Skye finger in it...
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coffincoitus · 1 year
you know what would super cool and queer and progressive? if timothée chalamet played joana d'arc 👍🏻
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