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É uma caneca portuguesa, com certeza!
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Os tempos mudam. Está calor.
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Kissing you until you lose
Fandom: Hetalia
Prompt: (GRIP) holding mine by the back of the neck
Characters/Pairing: Netherlands/Portugal
Notes: I hope I understood what the prompt meant- Anyway, it’s really a small drabble, so please, take a look :3 Have a nice reading!
Afonso slept, solemnly, with a dream running through his mind, which he would eventually forget when he open his eyes.
Little by little, his conscience began to awaken; and for some reason, he felt something moving in his back, from his hip to his neck – and, suddenly, he felt a tightness in the back of his neck.
He opened his eyes quickly, his heart pounding with fright. He turned to Tim, who was sitting on the bed, looking at him.
“What the hell was that, Timmy?! Do you want to kill me of fear?!”
"No," he replied. "I remembered that you still owe me money from that time we went out to drink."
"And did you have to wake me up like this?!"
Afonso felt grumpy and put his face back on the pillow, trying to get back to sleep. Tim, however, continued to caress the back of his neck, hampering his goal.
"If you make breakfast, I can consider reducing your debt."
"You are talking like the debt is huge, when in reality it's only three euros, you son of a bitch."
Not that Afonso saw, but Tim smiled and distributed several kisses on the other's neck, who only grumbled in murmurs and turned to Tim. The latter took advantage and started kissing Afonso's face and neck.
"Rascal," he murmured, but let him continue and even started to stroke Tim's hair.
 However, Tim stopped kissing him. Afonso looked at him, confused.
"Can you make breakfast?"
"You opportunist!"
Although upset, Afonso couldn’t stand it and had to laugh at the situation. He stroked Tim's hair again; it was good to see him with his hair disheveled.
"Well, if you clean the dishes after..."
After several (many, in fact) kisses, they both got out of bed and went, finally, to prepare the blest breakfast.
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This Tumblr ad is right. Absolutely right.
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Hetalia 1hr drawing challenge 
Theme colour: blue  【0000ff】
Characters: Nyo Latvia
It took me like, 2 hours, but I did it
Twitter version
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Dancing in the rain
EngBelg Secret Santa
Fandom: Hetalia
Prompt: Playing in the rain
Characters/Pairing: England/Belgium
Notes: Hi, hi, @cafe-j ! I’m your Secret Santa of @engbelgweek ! Actually, I’m a backup, but regardless, I hope you enjoy this present! I’m sorry it took me so long to finish it, but I’m bad at fluffy and endings :’3 Enjoy!
The clock was five hours and fifty two minutes in the afternoon when the bell on the door of the cafe announced the departure of these two – regular patrons of that comfortable corner at the end of a London street, lovers of the tea and cakes served there.
Arthur and Laura had found this cafe at random, in a rain escape; and since then they had become customers.
On that winter day, when the skies announced a rain like the one that had brought them to this enchanted place, they asked for green tea and lemon pie – and were well served.
So they left that establishment with happy smiles, holding hands.
"The lemon pie here is excellent," Laura commented, her eyes on Arthur. “And the tea matched very well. You chose well, Artie. ”
"Why," Arthur smiled, a smile from those sincere ones Laura loved so much. "It was the owner's suggestion."
"Yes, I asked the other day we ate the same pie," he said, a proud expression on his face. He was glad Laura had enjoyed that combination. "All for you."
"You know how to please me, Artie!"
Laura hugged Arthur's arm without releasing his hand and felt a drop fall on her nose. She muttered an "ah" before several more drops fell on them. Grudgingly, Arthur broke away from the hug and opened his umbrella; he was already used to that rainy weather in the English capital. He just wished it hadn't started to rain at that moment of affection.
To his surprise, however, Laura turned away from him.
"Laura, come under the umbrella!"
Her response was a laugh, like a child doing tricks. Laura spun around, her long coat and scarf swirling with her in that charming grace.
The rain carried a fey air around Laura; this is in Arthur's opinion, a passionate romantic by profession. Luckily, no one else was there to see how lovely Laura could be.
"Drop the umbrella and join me!"
"I'm afraid we'd be sick later," Arthur said, approaching her to shelter her.
"It won't be a rain that will put me to bed."
"It happened to you once."
She pouted, sulking, but then smiled again. Laura held out her hand.
"Would you give me the honor of dancing with me?"
"It should be me asking that," Arthur replied and closed his umbrella, dropping it to the floor. "But I do."
He grabbed Laura's hand and pulled her to him. That moment seemed to stop in time, only the drops that insisted on falling on the dancing bodies.
But in a strange paradox, this moment was also ephemeral, too fleeting for Arthur. He wished that would last forever.
Laura's laughter made him happy. The music to his ears.
For her part, Laura also felt something similar. The desire to stay with Arthur forever, to travel and try new things with him, to venture out with him. Maybe it was a cliché, simple and childish wish, but it was what she wanted, and seeing that tender expression of Arthur, she knew he wanted it too.
They both stopped dancing when they heard the bell of a nearby church announcing the six o'clock sharp.
"Ah, your favorite series will start soon, Laura," Arthur commented and bent down to pick up his umbrella. "Let's go home? I'll make you some hot chocolate when we arrive.”
"That's indeed an interesting proposal, Artie!"
Arthur opened his umbrella and sheltered Laura from the rain, although both were already quite wet. And that didn't stop Laura from jumping into the puddles, soaking her boots.
All Arthur could do was smile at that.
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My first contribution for this fandom
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In Portuguese, the suffix “-inha” means “small”, which hints at the existence of something bigger and greater than “Joaninha” (Ladybug), the legendary...
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Japan: Have you read Detective Conan?
America: I've read a bit so we can talk about it!
Japan: Oh! How far have you read?
America: Hmmm... When people die!
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Lunar side
Aph Rare Pair Week 2019 – Day 2
Fandom: Hetalia
Prompt: Language
Characters/Pairing: Brazil/Portugal
Notes: The year is 2012. The Lusophonic fandom was still alive. 12 years old Joana read a lot of BraPort fanfics. 19 years old Joana, today, sobs at the nostalgia. BraPort forever in our hearts. "Som do Coração" is one of the best fanfics ever.
Also, you: uwu my ship talk different languages.
*dies* okay sorry how are you? Ready for this? This fanfic was based on the music "Lado Lunar" by Rui Veloso. And this Brazil belong to @megthekitsune (hi Vamãe!) Have a nice reading. 💕
There was something about Afonso that bothered Luciano.
For more years passed, Afonso only showed the light of his face when he smiled, as if he had come from the bottom of a dream that reassured Luciano on the hot summer nights. It made him believe that Afonso had no dark side in him, or scars on his immortal heart.
Luciano didn't want to love Afonso just by his bright side. He wanted to know the other side, the anxieties, the sadness, the dust of lost and forgotten dreams, and the ruins of impossible loves.
He needed to know the coldness on that side to love the warmth of the false light that Afonso's smile sometimes transmitted. Sometimes he wondered whether it was too much to ask such a thing, or whether he deserved such confidence for Alfonso to open up and lean on him. Luciano also had his dark side, but his bright side overshadowed him. Laugh to not to cry, as the people say and rightly so.
He looked at Alfonso, who was reading the paper at the table.
"Do you have something to say?" Afonso asked, not taking his eyes off the newspaper.
"Well, we can speak the same language, but if you don't tell me what you're thinking, I won't know what you want," he finally looked at Luciano. Again, there was a smile on Afonso's face, a smile from one who wanted to take care of the other with all his will. He was worried about Luciano and was willing to help.
"Oh, well... You're always smiling."
"So are you."
"Yes, but... I feel that you hide something and wanted to get to know you better."
"Oh, you want to meet my lunar side?"
"Lunar side?"
"Yes, it isn't only your words that taste like cinnamon," Afonso informed and closed the newspaper. He leaned against the table, drawing his face closer to Luciano's. "I'm glad to know you care about me, but sometimes it's better to keep some things just for us. Maybe in the future."
Luciano bit his lip in frustration.
They could speak the same language with different pronunciations, but it didn't mean that they both danced at the same rhythm. He believed, however, in Afonso's words, that one day they would be dancing to the same music. Maybe with cinnamon flavor.
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| Germany x Hungary | GerHun |
All started with a puppy love…
Happy birthday, @tulip-and-plum !
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Magic trick
Aph rare pairs week 2019 – Day 1
Fandom: Hetalia
Prompt: Magic
Characters/Pairing: England/Belgium
Notes: I wrote this at 2am after listening to a very popular Portuguese song called "A Carta" by Toranja.
He woke up with the beams of light that entered through the window without permission.
He grunted, as usual, and looked to his side.
He wasn't accustomed to waking without her by his side.
In an act of agony, he pressed his face against the pillow.
But then he remembered that he was a magician sorcerer and that his crystal ball was a sheet of paper.
In it he wrote his feelings, that anxiety caused by the absence of his beloved that Sunday morning.
In the end, he folded it and lit the lighter. That flame was his and hers, restless and unforgettable passion that burned in his heart. He smiled, maybe a spell was cast and brought his lover to his side.
He opened the window for the smell to come out and felt the warmth of that hot summer morning. He missed the taste of the fruit of the gardens, which were the kisses of his beloved.
Stuck in his memories, he didn't hear the sound of the wheels of the travel bag crashing against the stale floor. Like a trick of magic, as if from a top hat, several doves flew toward him, waking him from his trance and forcing him to look down.
As if by magic, there she was.
"Good morning, Artie!"
"Laura, what are you doing here?" Arthur asked, surprised but free of his previous anxiety. "I thought you were only coming back on Wednesday!"
"Why, it was supposed to be a surprise!" She laughed, a breeze of fresh air to Arthur's ears. "I was going to make you a surprise breakfast... ~"
He smiled. This was his Laura, his beloved.
"You're still on time."
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Belgium: !!! She replied!!!
Netherlands, thinking: Goodness, she'll finally be able to sleep now...
Ukraine, via message: Sorry for the late reply! 😭💦 I dropped my phone in the tub, and it just turn on now!💦💦 Sorry!
Belgium: I thought so! *Writing* "I wasn't waiting or anything..." Or maybe I'll ask what sticker is that...
*30 minutes later*
Belgium: aah, my message is too long again...
*1 hour later*
Belgium: I'd better just use a sticker...
Netherlands, already at bed: I'm begging you, go to sleep.
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A dream in ruins
Fandom: Hetalia
Prompt: Silence - A Fable: dreams, symbols, nightmares.
Characters/Pairing: Italy/Japan
Notes: Me and open endings: a love story. I also don't know the definition of drabbles because yeah, this is kinda of long if we compare to real drabbles huh. XD Alas I'm proud that I could think in another way to write this prompt since I had already wrote something with it and I didn't to repeat it... Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! 💕
It was the color of that strange thread that linked Kiku's finger with someone unknown.
Kiku knew what that meant, but he also knew that it was only a dream.
After all, the time seemed to have stopped and that fellow had his face outraged, as if Kiku wasn't allowed to recognize him. Not now, at least.
"Who are you?" He asked. The guy answered, but the sound Kiku had heard sounded like the sound of an interrupted frequency.
But Kiku knew that place. He had seen it when he had interviewed an art club student for the university newspaper; it was the club's room.
Was that a clue?
"Do you know this place?" the guy asked, and Kiku understood.
"Tomorrow, at the beginning of the third period, can we meet here?"
"What... Oh, yes?"
The guy took a brush and drew something on the canvas, but Kiku's vision got blurred and he couldn't see what it was.
He woke up.
When Kiku went to the arts club room, there was no one there.
Feliciano didn't know what the thread was, much less who he was.
He only knew the other was sad.
"You weren't in the room."
"Ah, yes, when I got there, I didn't find you... My brother delayed me and ---."
"Brother? Do you have a brother?" He seemed to be curious; Feliciano wished he could see his face, see his reactions...
"Yes, actually, I have two. I'm the middle son."
"Oh," he murmured. "I'm the only child."
Feliciano smiled and looked around. It was the schoolyard, now blessed by flowering cherry trees.
"Can we try to meet again? Here?"
The other shook his head positively.
No one was there the next day.
"You didn't come."
Kiku was confused.
"But I went? I waited for you for an hour."
"What? I also waited for you and didn't appear- Ugh..." He grunted in pain and before Kiku could ask what was happening, he woke up.
Kiku never dreamed of the other ever again.
Instead, he dreamed about the university, but it was in ruins.
The red thread was still there, following a path unknown to Kiku.
But he was afraid.
Afraid to follow the thread and find out something he shouldn't. But he had to be strong.
With each dream, it seemed more like a nightmare. The city was completely destroyed.
The smell was agonizing. It was blood.
Kiku looked at a building, equally destroyed, and noticed a poster there for any spectacle. He approached quickly.
The date was two years into the future.
In two years, his city would be destroyed.
He looked back at the red thread and sighed. He was still alive, Kiku felt.
But he had to do something...
In those two years, Kiku needed to find out what will happen and he needed to prevent the destruction, no matter what.
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That day you decided to go walk in that small forest close to your house.
It was a nice afternoon, after all.
In the forest, however, you found a hatchet. It was weird, as soon you looked at it, you had a feeling of bringing it home. As if you were enchanted by it, you took it to home.
At night, you woke up from your sleep nervously. As if you had a nightmare, except you couldn't remember anything of it.
You soon noticed you couldn't move.
You looked at the door and you saw a little girl. She had the hatchet at her hands and she was looking at it as if it was her precious doll.
"Ah ah ah minha machadinha~, ah ah ah minha machadinha~, quem te pôs a mão sabendo que és minha?~" She sang and, slowing, she looked at you, with such a big smile. You were afraid. She started to getting close to you, with the hatchet ready to hit you at any moment. "Quem te pôs a mão sabendo que és minha?~"
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Crows' Servants
Fandom: Hetalia
Prompt: The Raven: omens, worry, sanity. 
Characters/Pairing: Romania/Belarus
Notes: I just finished it today because I had a test yesterday.~ I have one more drabble to write uwu I hope you enjoy this!
"Ah, the crows are here again."
Natalya looked away from her black hardcover book and faced Andrei, who kept his attention on the black plumage birds.
"They are more and more, I guess it's an omen," he continued, now looking at Natalya with a smile on his face.
"Death seeks us," Natalya merely murmured and returned to her book. Sooner or later Death would be knocking on the door of that aged mansion.
And she came.
The knocking on the door echoed through the mansion. Andrei adjusted his black butler dress and went to the door. Natalya merely sighed and placed the book on the coffee table. It was time for her work.
The visitor dressed in black, just like her hair. Her face was thin and bony, rather pale. Maybe because of the tiredness – the dark circles indicated that.
If Death were human, that woman would be the best image for her.
But she wasn't Death.
"Sorry to show up here without warning..."
"No need to apologize," Natalya said, moving her arm as if to signal the other to sit down.
She did so and quickly introduced herself.
"I really need your help," she began. Her face was tense, as if she were desperate. "Things... Are happening in my house. I don't know how to explain, but I feel there's something there... A creature or something that I can not see, but that's constantly watching me, if that makes sense. "
"Beyond this feeling of being observed, is there anything else? Like sounds or objects moving..."
"Oh, yes, once my grandfather's picture fell, just out of nowhere... And I hear footsteps in the middle of the night..." The lady lowered her gaze, staring at the red carpet that protected the floor. "Miss Natalya, don't you think I'm losing my sanity? Everyone around me says it's just my imagination, maybe even stress! I'm worried that I'm becoming paranoid, but..."
"I don't think so," Natalya replied, causing her to look at her with a look of surprise. "It's not the first time I've ever had such a case. Besides," she smiled and got up. Andrei came over and helped her into her long coat. "All the cases that have been entrusted to me have always been resolved, yours will be no different."
Death is everywhere. They are spirits that can't leave this side for some reason, and it is the function of Natalya and Andrei to help them.
After all, they are the Crows' Servants.
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