#Jodie Cormer
redpool · 3 months
Meet the cast & their characters
Jodie Cormer as Kathy Cross (née Bauer)
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Austin Butler as Benny Cross
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Tom Hardy as Johnny Davis
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Michael Shannon as Zipco
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Mike Faist as Danny Lyon
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Boyd Holbrook as Cal
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Damon Herriman as Brucie
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Beau Knapp as Wahoo
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Karl Glusman as Corky
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Norman Reedus as Funny Sonny
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“28 Years Later” release date via Deadline
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tianmicons · 5 months
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bonniebird · 5 months
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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: Hey B! Can I please get an Aemond Targ imagines. Aemond has a crush on a highborn lady that lives in the keep or in kingslanding but his cousin from essos arrives and starts stealing her attention from him. Aemond x fem reader plz. Jodie Cormer and Viserys dany's brother for the face claims please.
You watched quietly from one of the landings of the large castle halls as everyone rushed around. Nobody seemed to notice you today. It wasn’t strange for highborn lords or ladies to look at you as if they had no idea why you were standing near them. Ordinarily, if you passed the king you would curtsey, perfectly, and he would smile and nod to you, sometimes asking how Helena was. You would answer most loyaly, a staunch defender of all Helena did. 
But today no one stopped to greet you or ask after the princess. It felt strange that no one wanted to hear what you had to say about Helena. That was, after all, why you were there. Your father had set his ambition upon residing in the Red Keep at the king's service. But having achieved his goal, he found that he wanted to return home. Your mother, who hated Kings Landing, had been more than happy to leave. But you had managed to befriend the princess. She was a few years older than you but you were both quieter and gentler than those that typically lived in the city. The pair of you had started a shy friendship and soon, finding yourself invited to her side at every occasion you found yourself following her around during feasts and dances. 
The two of you became so attached that she threw a fit when you left with your family. So much so that gold cloaks were sent to fetch you from the Kingsroad as your family began their return home. Helena had greeted you at the gates of the keep as if you had just returned from war and it was quickly agreed that you would be taken under the care of House Hightower and stay at the keep with Helena. 
Footsteps behind you and rushed talking broke you out of your thoughts. Blinking a few times you turned and found the Queen whispering to one of her maids, gesturing for them to leave her. 
“What is happening?” You asked as she approached. The cold sternness on the queen's face left as she looked at you and smiled, reaching for you. She wrapped arms with you and the two of you walked the halls together.
“The king has relatives from Essos arriving. He is… beginning to worry the keep is not grand enough.” She sighed in a tone of voice that made it clear Alicent thought the fuss was ridiculous.
“But… He is the king. Why should he care what someone else thinks?” You asked and she scoffed and smiled.
“Exactly what I said. According to my father, there has always been some sort of contest between the king and his… cousin… uncle. I think his cousin. Though with these Targaryen marrying customs…” Before she could finish she trailed off. The two of you had walked towards the entrance of the keep where a group of people were hanging Targaryen banners. Aemond was walking towards the two of you, dragging Aegon behind him so quickly that Aegon’s feet skittered over the smooth floor as he helplessly tried to find his footing.
“There you are!” Alicent said as she dropped your arm and went over to greet them.
“Why do I have to be here? I hate him.” Aegon grumbled. He gave you an uncomfortable grin which fell from his face when Alicent scolded him, pulling him away towards his rooms. No doubt hoping to sober him up before the ship from Essos arrived.
“Who is it that everyone is so upset about?” You asked Aemond. He had taken a moment to answer a question for one of Alicent’s maids. Nodding to her she scurried away as he turned to you.
“My cousin's father.” Aemond said stiffly. While Aemond turned away to instruct a group of men, carrying a statue on which was the correct corridor to take, you went over all the Targaryen’s you could name and tried to figure out just which relative it could be. Finding the list too complicated to keep track of, you nodded slowly and fell into step with Aemond as he began to walk down the long corridor away from the stairs. 
“We are to greet them at the docks this afternoon.” You muttered as you recalled Helena informing you of the trip to the docks over breakfast. Aemond grumbled to himself and he sighed.
“I had hoped he would come by himself. He’s bringing his son. The eldest one.” Aemond said as he stopped at a window and glared out towards the sea.
“You do not get along?” You asked. Aemond sighed and said nothing as a boat came into view in the distance. A maid called you away before you could talk anymore and ushered you to Helena’s rooms. Alicent entered a few moments later with dresses for both of you. Helena’s was a light grey velvet with pale green adornments stitched over the back, down the sleeves and around the neckline in a style that the princess favoured. Your own was similar though less grand than the princesses. Once Aliencet had approved of you both the three of you trekked through the halls to a small carriage. 
“Why he could not dock at the private docks…” Alicent grumbled to herself as she wafted herself with a green hand fan. Helena reached for your hand and squeezed it encouragingly.
The carriage ride was short however the three of you were left in the carriage while it was secured and the heat began to build. When the door finally opened the breeze was bracing. Cole helped Helena and the queen out, walking away and leaving Aemond to quickly hurry over and help you down the step out of the carriage. 
“This must be your young wife!” You heard a loud booming voice over the crowd that had gathered to see the king and the visitor. Looming over the crowd you could see a huge ship, larger than even the ships Lord Corlys would travel in.
When Helena became nervous and looked for you to link arms with someone tugged you forward and away from Aemond who had managed to hide the both of you from sight behind three lords each taller and wider than the last.
“I hope we can leave soon.” Helena whispered to you as her arm twisted with yours and she clutched your hand.
“With such a grand feast prepared I can not imagine we will be here long.” You said quietly as you turned away from the procession that passed. One of the white-haired young men stopped and looked at you both. Helena groaned under her breath as he began to come closer. Her grip on your arm tightened and she looked at him with such a stern expression it was a wonder he had the courage to come closer.
“Cousin.” He drawled out sweetly. Helena said nothing but bowed her head slightly in a jerked nod. His eyes flicked to you and then he did a double take as he smiled. “You… you are new.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, my lord.” You said quietly and dropped a little in a small curtsy. Helena’s grip on your arm refused to loosen and when you rose again you could see several of Cole’s men over the boy's shoulder. They looked rather worried.
“I wish to get out of this heat.” Alicent’s voice called out over the crowd. Helena took this as an opportunity to yank you backwards as she moved towards the carriage. You crashed into Aemond who kept you steady. He gave you a look that you imagined was an attempt at encouragement before seeming to realise he was still holding you by your shoulders and letting you go so that Helena could continue her retreat.
“Ridiculous performance.” Alicent complained as she joined the two of you in the carriage. Cole slammed the door shut and shouted for the queen’s guard to escort the carriage back to the keep. She looked over at the both of you and reached across the carriage to touch your forehead. “We shall be resting today. I do not care what that beast of a man wants. We’ve been out in this heat too long.”
It quickly became obvious why everyone was on edge about the Targaryen’s for Essos. The father, Maehagor Targaryen, was a foul man, rude, lude and greedy. He seemed to be in constant competition with the king, so much so that Daemon was sent for at the request of Viserys who, to you had always seemed rather gentle and kind, had lost his temper one evening due to Maehagor’s comments about bedding Alicent. Daemon responded with a letter refusing to appear until Maehagor returned to Essos. Alicent refused to be alone with him due to his constant remarks towards her and she barely tolerated him during group dinners.
Luckily you didn't have to put up with Maehagor. You did however have to deal with his son, Daelon. At first, he had seemed rather charming and you didn’t mind helping entertain him as he joined you and Helena for walks in the Keep gardens or warm afternoons lazed in the cool shade. But once Aegon and Aemond joined the group things changed rather quickly. It seemed that Daelon took after his father in more than just looks. He out drank Aegon and antagonised Aemond so that they argued every time they saw each other. 
 It was early evening and everyone had reached their limits with the guests. Helena had retreated to her rooms claiming that she needed to rest. The queen had vanished into her rooms as well leaving you with little to do. 
“Aemond?” You asked gently as you found him. He was sitting alone in the courtyard looking up at the Weirwood tree. He glanced towards you and, upon seeing it was you, made little effort to move on the bench he occupied.
“I needed a moment's peace.” He muttered. You walked closer and sat, forcing him to scoot over on the seat.
“Why does your father not send them home? Everyone is so unhappy.” You asked and he huffed. There was a tense pause before Aemond answered bitterly.
“My father does not think enough of me to share such decisions.” He stood and then stopped as someone walked to the entrance of the courtyard. Daelon spread his arms wide as he sauntered over to the two of you.
“Cousin… Are you joining us for the meal this evening.” Daelon immediately turned his attention from Aemond to you. You felt Aemond step closer and his stare fixed on Daelon who seemed unphased.
“I… have been invited by her grace, the queen.” You said hesitantly. He smiled and reached out, squeezing your face between his fingers. You winced and tried to pull away but his grip squeezed until Aemond intervened. 
“You know perhaps I shall ask my father to have the king give you to me. You will like Essos.” He grinned as he let Aemond pull his hand from your face, turned on his heels and left as quickly as he arrived. You stared after him and blinked a few times.
“Are you alright?” Aemond asked without looking at you. Aemond had always been rather kind to you so it surprised you when you found yourself unable to find words without letting out a small sob and nodding instead. He looked worried as you turned and fled to find Helena.
Dinner quickly approached. Despite her best efforts and objections, Helena couldn’t stop you from being herded down to the dining hall. “Mother! Grandfather! What he said was upsetting, you cannot expect (Y/N) to join us!” She whined, having given up on all else but their sheer devotion to her.
“Helena I am sorry…” Alicent started. Finding nothing new from her mother Helena whipped her attention solely to her grandfather who seemed rather startled by the girl's ferocity, gentle and nurturing as it was, it was still quite the challenge.
“I have tried to have (Y/N) sit between you and Aemond or next to your mother. I can make no promises though.” Otto admitted. This for the moment placated Helena. She took up your hand and clutched it tightly as everyone filed into the room. You felt the Queen’s nervous grip on your shoulder as she squeezed before letting you go as she moved to be greeted, taking her seat beside the king. Helena rushed you all to your seats, which was met with no objection from Aegon as he liked to be bearishly drunk before even setting eyes on Daelon. Seeing silvery hair from the corner of your eye as you sat beside Helena you turned with a smile to thank Aemond for coming to your rescue in the courtyard only to find Daelon. He had slouched down into Aemond’s seat seconds before Aemond couldsit. Judging from the clutch Otto had on Aemond’s wrist and the way he pulled Aemond’s hand from the back of the chair, Otto had prevented Aemond from tipping Daelon onto the floor.
“We meet again.” Daelon said. His voice was smooth and charming though it had a tone to it that made you tingle unpleasantly. Making you feel rather like a rabbit who had just realised its companion was a wolf. Your smile became so strange and twisted that even the king glanced at you with a frown. You found that even with your best effort. You could not improve the grimace on your face.
Having spent a long time as Helena’s most adored guest at the Red Keep you had endured a great many awkward dinners. Though the Targaryen house enjoyed celebrating their triumphs, you were never actually sure if any of them liked each other. This dinner, however, made all of the ones before seem like casual, even joyous occasions.
It began with everyone sitting. After Daelon has stolen Aemond’s seat Otto guided Aemond to sit opposite his mother, he then took up a place at the end of the table leaving a large space beside Aegon on the other side of the king intended for Maehagor. 
Maehagor, in a moment of great wisdom or madness, decided to squeeze on the corner of the table between Otto and the queen instead.
There were three courses to the meal. During the first Maehagor called Otto an old fool and said that it was his turn to be the hand which was met with a round of awkward laughter. During the second round, the queen accidentally stabbed Maehagor’s leg with her fork when he scooted his chair too close for her liking. At the same time Helena, having been helpfully passing you sauce in a hot serving dish, dropped it on Daelon’s lap which caused him to let go of your hand, which he had taken up and refused to let go of, despite a polite request from you and a rather rude comment from Aegon, hop up from his chair and shout before hurrying out of the room. The final course was never actually served. In fact, the maid that brought it to the table was sent right around the room and back out like an animal on a race track. The poor woman seemed rather glad to flee the room. You were all excused by Alicent who was trying to mediate a fight between the king and Maehagor who began shouting at each other so loudly that Cole had to come in and escort Maehagor out. 
Having had enough for the evening you slowly made your way to your rooms. The air in the corridors was cool, a light breeze followed you through the halls. The faint sounds of the last birds settling for the night filled the air and you found yourself smiling as you dawdled to enjoy the moment a little while longer. You stopped when you heard low talking. Leaning closer towards the corridor that opened up into a balcony, overlooking one of the courtyards you listened carefully after glancing around to make sure no one would catch you.
“I won't let you.” Aemond’s voice came out sharp and clear.
“Let me. Your father will do anything for us to return to Essos.” You cringed at the sound of Daelon’s voice. Aemond scoffed and there was some shuffling. Curiously you crept round the corner and peaked down into the courtyard. You could see Aemond stepping closer to Daelon in a threatening manner.
“Why not find yourself some girl in Flea Bottom?” Aemond’s tone was harsh as if he were holding himself back. You couldn’t see Daelon’s face but you could see his shoulders move as he laughed.
“You see it is not the girl I want. It’s revenge. The moment I set eyes on the two of you I could see it. So I'm going to steal her away from you.” Daelon’s words were sharp and spat out at Aemond who was stirred to anger before you could wonder who they were talking about. Daelon flinched as Aemond swung at him and Cole rushed across the courtyard. 
“You will do no such thing!” Aemond shouted as he escaped Cole to dive for Daelon who had laughed as he practically danced his way out of Aemond’s reach. 
“I’ll take all the girls I want. That (Y/N). A fine treat for myself when I return to Essos.” Daelon said wickedly. You felt panic prick you and for a moment you froze.
Had you been foolish enough to believe that your friendship with Helena, that your mother’s friendship with the queen would protect you from the desires of the dragons? Cole glanced up at you as you jumped back to avoid being seen. You weren’t sure if he saw you or if he stopped Aemond from swinging again. You had already turned to flee as your mind swam with fear. The king wouldn’t really send you to Essos. Not when he went to such great lengths to negotiate with your family to have you stay. But he was the king. Had your father led when he said he’d negotiated? Had the king demanded your presence and it was given? If so… would you be able to find a way to avoid being sent off?
The fear of your own thoughts had your breath angrily clawing at your throat as a painful tight feeling built up. Hurrying past the door to your rooms you continued to Helena’s.
When you reached her rooms you burst in and flung yourself down on one of her bench seats. 
She fussed while you tearfully tried to explain what was said. Alicent was fetched by one of the maids who, unable to decipher your sobbed distress, were convinced something dreadful must have happened. You faintly heard Cole’s voice as the tear-blurred figure of Alicent hurried towards you, hugging you tightly to her chest as you blubbed and sniffed.
“Mother? What happened.” Helena asked after a few moments when she realised that you were too upset to find words that could give her any sense of what you’d gone through.
“From what Cole has explained to me… Daelon has threatened to take (Y/N) back to Essos with him.” Alicent explained which started you crying again. Helena gasped and clung to you. Alicent had warned you both during the carriage ride home of what she heard Daelon did to his women in Essos. All were dreadful, so much so that Alicent had only informed you of the list of tragic and terrible summing everything else up with a simple warning. 
When she had managed to calm and settle you Alicent stormed from the rooms. She made her way to the King’s quarters, knowing Viserys and her father were still in a deep discussion on what to do if Maehagor decided to stay in Westeros. She threw the doors open, startling everyone who looked overly nervous. When she saw Aemond she understood why.
“Alicent.” Otto said as he gestured to Aemond. His tone was pleading.
“That is not sufficient!” Aemond bellowed and for a moment she feared that the boy might strike his own father. Alicent raised an eyebrow and stepped forward.
“Aemond. Calm yourself.” She cooed but she shook her off. His breath was hard and heavy, his hair tangled and messy. There was a smudge of blood running down from his nose and a wild look in his eye.
“No! He has admitted what he plans to do! (Y/N) has served our house well. Does that not earn her protection from being sold off to stop someone annoying you?” Aemond barked out. He glared at his father who looked as if he himself thought Aemond might lash out. Viserys eventually held his hands up.
“If she agrees then…” Viserys said and glanced at Otto. Alicent scoffed and shook her head as she gripped Aemond’s arm, pulling him back so she could take a turn to unleash her own fury.
“Agrees? She weeps in your daughter's arms for fear of being shipped off across the seas to some dreadful monstrous boy because of a petty rivalry that the two of you have with your kin.” Alicent glared at Viserys and then at Aemond whose expression softened.
“What would you have me do?” Viserys asked as if he was at his wit's end. Alicent sighed. She had told Viserys several times what he needed to do.
“Summon them! You know how he feels about Daemon. Demand his presence and Rhaenys’ too. She will keep him in line. We all know Maehagor is afraid of her.” Alicent was stern as she spoke and Otto did his best to agree with her. He had suggested something similar days ago as had most of the council. “You are the king and you let this man come here and torment your keep.” With that Alicent left, storming from the room with a fury that seemed more ferocious than the fire Viserys was sat before. Aemond hesitated and followed her.
“Mother.” He muttered as he hurried to catch up with her.
“You will need to defend her.” Alicent said as she stopped. She had her back to Aemond and he stopped a few paces behind her, hesitant to approach.
“(Y/N)... I…” Aemond started to say but she turned, gripping him by the shoulders.
“Maehagor is the kind of man who will do anything. You know he has been trying to interfere with your father's rule since it began. He is so shameless he had no choice but to retreat to Essos. His son is worse. (Y/N) is strong and brave. But she is gentle-hearted and sheltered. I swore to her mother I would take care of her. Seven help me if that beast of a man takes her.” Alicent spoke in a harsh tone he hadn’t heard for many years. She was almost as furious as she had been the night he lost his eye. It made his stomach turn with nerves.
“Daelon. He said he wants revenge.” Aemond said nervously. She frowned at him and let him go. For a moment, just one, there was a glint of fury in her eyes as if she were accusing him of a great many wrongs. All the ills man had caused her, Helena and you were thrust at him with that look and he withered under the glare.
“Revenge for what?” She asked.
“There… there was a tourney. The one I was in after Rhaenyra left Kingslanding. The one for Aegon’s name day.” He muttered and stared down at the floor. She said nothing and even without looking up he could feel her anger burning into him. “I ignored Cole’s advice to let Daelon win and… humiliated him.”
“A tourney… I have sworn to defend that girl as if she is my own and she may be snatched from our protection because of a tourney contest between boys!” Alicent’s tone was sharp and Aemond shrank back as if he had been struck. She said nothing more to him, her dress storming around her, whipping the fabric into a furious sea of soft swishing sounds as she furiously walked away. 
Alicent’s fury remained. So much so that when Daemon and Rhaenyra arrived with their brood of wildlings they had given Aemond sympathetic looks and mildly friendly gestures when they greeted the travellers. 
You had been summoned to dinner by the king. He had sent Otto himself to invite you along with his word as king that you would be safe. When you walked down the hall two bluish figures seemed to float out of the semi-dark corridors around you and fell into step on either side of you. 
The Velaryon twins. Stony guards at your side that didn’t budge and were so stern in their defence even Daelon kept his distance. Jace hurried forward to help you to your seat and he sat on one side with Baela and Luke sat with Rhaena on the other. Rhaenyra sat with Alicent talking quietly while Daemon watched Maehagor from across the table with a neutral look that made him all the more menacing. Rhaenys sat beside the king while the rest of the family scattered around the table. Helena was opposite you and gave you a hopeful smile. You returned one to her and she beamed in relief.
“Thank you.” You said quietly into the air before you. Baela reached over and gently squeezed your arm for just a moment before reaching for her cup while Rhaena smiled to herself and nodded. The meal was consumed with awkward silence. Broken only by murmurs between Otto and Corlys at one end of the table and Rhaenyra and Alicent at the other.
When the meal was finished Daemon loudly dismissed ‘the youngsters’. No one objected though Maehagor clearly wanted to. Luke and Jace rushed to sweep up Daelon in conversation and stopped his approach as Helena joined her Velaryon cousins in hurrying from the room with you.
“I am sorry you were so upset.” Helena said to you as you stopped by her door. She kissed your cheek and hugged you tightly.
“It is alright Helena. It wasn’t your doing. I am grateful for…” You trailed off and smiled awkwardly. You weren’t as close with the twins as you were with Helena and you weren’t sure if thanking them for their aid would offend them. After all, they seemed like the sort to think defending anyone from the likes of Daelon was part of their duty. Baela, sensing your dilemma cleared her throat before saying.
“Well, Daelon is a beast, more so than Aegon and all who come across him deserve protection of their own.” She spat out Daelon’s name as if it disgusted her to say it. Rhaena shyly agreed with her sister and said their goodbyes to Helena who hurried off into her room to see her children to bed. Aemond approached you shortly after. Baela and Rhaena waited to see if you wanted to speak with him before relinquishing your safety to him.
“I hope you find good rest.” Rhaena said cheerfully to you while Baela and Aemond stared at each other until Rhaena pulled her sister away.
“I am sorry.” Aemond said awkwardly. You frowned then sighed.
“That your cousin is a beast?” You asked and he chuckled then, quickly, looked rather guilty. He shuffled and fiddled mindlessly with the dragon fastings on his shirt. He walked with you down the corridor, the short distance from Helena’s door to yours.
“He would not be so fixated on you if it were not for me.” He stopped outside your door and gave you a rather shameful look. 
“Your mother said why he was doing this. Because of the tourney. She was very angry about it but mostly because of Daelon.” You explained and he winced. You reached out for his hand but he pulled away slightly. “It is not your fault he can not let that go.”
“That is one reason he is interested.” He said quietly and his hands dropped down by his side. You waited, wanting him to go on and explain but Aemond’s mouth was firmly shut and he simply gestured to your door. Realising that for tonight at least there would be nothing more from Aemond you retreated to your rooms. 
“Oh sweet (Y/N)! I am so in love with you that my cousin plans to kidnap you in vengeance for a childhood slight.” Aegon sang out loudly as your door shut and cackled as Aemond turned on him and wrestled him away from your door, his hand over his brother’s mouth as Aegon continued.
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tinseltown-rp · 2 months
paul mescal, jodie cormer, tomer capone, jonathan daviss, fiona palomo, kj apa, camilla mendes, lili rienhart, nina dobrev, zoey deutch, jacob elordi, austin butler, donald glover, willa holland, mandy moore, stephen amell, dove cameron, avan joga, carlacia grant, and andrew garfield all come to my mind. members, who else?
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vintagepresley · 1 year
As someone who comes from London and barley ever watched the BAFTA’s before Austin was there and nominated i can say that i’ve never heard of newish American actors winning a BAFTA against some of the other people that were nominated. (Especially if they’re British) but austin winning it speaks volumes because yeah, they hardly ever give it to the new actors, let alone American ones.
Jacob is a flop and can only play one character, a guy who screams at a camera, makes you uncomfortable, and abuses people lmao. Wtf is Sofia yapping about him having ‘Elvis’ Charisma’ oh shut the fuck up. He literally has no other credentials of good movies he’s been in. I mean come on, Austin has literally been in a Quentin Tarantino movie with fucking Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie and was literally unrecognisable.
He’s been in a Baz Luhrmann movie, with Tom Hanks, who only praised him to the high heavens. Is staring in Dune pt2 by literally Denis Villeneuve, alongside Zendaya (who Jacob Elordi cheated on like a freak) Timothee Chalamet and Florence Pugh, not to mention he was referenced by Timothee as terrifying and not like himself at all.
The Bikeriders literally has Tom Hardy and Jodie Cormer in it and people are literally comparing Austin to James Dean, and praising the movie. Tom Hanks cared so much about Austin that he gave him the role in Masters of the Air and that speaks volumes too.
Starred in Broadway with Denzel Washington for gods sake and he liked him so much he called Baz to put a good word in for him.
He won a BAFTA, Golden Globe, AACTA, people’s choice award, Satellite award, another AACTA award so many others and was nominated for a Oscar.
Yet..Jacobs only awards were from 5 years ago in 2018 when he won Top ten breakout stars award and STARmeter Award for breakout star, keep in mind this was before Euphoria when his ‘breakout’ movies were fucking kissing booth.
Keep fucking dreaming Elordi, because you’ll never be Austin, you also lost your girl to him too! I’m calling he took the role partly to make a subtle fuck you to Kaia and Austin but it’s not even intimidating, it’s laughable that he thinks he’s someone In Hollywood.
(Sorry for the rant and if i mistyped anything😝)
LMFAOOO PERIOD. I didn’t even know who he was before this. But I’ve always known Austin. 😂
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Idk if it's any consolation, but I also wanted to throw up when the first romantic lead in something was actually my age (i'm 28, but this was a few years ago). I think it was either Jodie Cormer from Killing Eve or Anya Charlotra from the Witcher was the first time I noticed a romantic lead the same(ish) age as me and I...did not like it.
Lead actresses should be more than a decade older than me. This just isn't right, i'm baby.
Rihanna was my first experience with this. Umbrella came out when I was a sophomore in college. When I found out she was actually a year younger than me, I was not okay.
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erin-bo-berin · 1 year
I would think if Joe was very close to Taylor or a fan of hers, he would of attended one of tour concerts like Millie or even David did the other day.
He is clearly supportive of people who knows, like supporting Jodie Cormer on Broadway.
I saw Millie and Jake went the other day and David take his step daughters too and my HEART 🥺
Also, it was so adorable to see Joe go support Jodie! He seems like he’d be such an amazing and great friend to have honestly.
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kuzupekos · 1 year
cannot believe i saw tatiana maslany and jodie cormer back to back on broadway. huge week for me, a 2015 tumblr lesbian.
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x-psdontwrite-x · 2 months
I read big swiss and it totally got me back into reading again. I'd been in a slump for a few months. It's about a woman who does transcriptions for a sex therapist in a small town and then gets into a relationship with one of the therapists clients. I felt like it was a little on the nose with its trendiness at times, but also it was generally just really easy to read, which is exactly what I needed? HBO are making a series of it with jodie cormer so i'm glad i got to it before that happens.
So thennn i read our wives under the sea which i also really liked. I think it being a horror put me off reading it for a couple of years (i've read too much bad horror), but it was actually really slow and creeping and not cheesy. it kind of reminded me of the mountains of madness & annihilation. it was maybe a bit tooo slow at times, but i was still really into it. it is about a woman who goes on a submarine voyage and comes back wrong. and her wife who is trying to comprehend what has happened.
and now to conclude my fortnight of bangers I just finished goodbye to berlin, which is set in 1920's/30's berlin. there's not much plot, but the narrator is kind of just drifting between people who catch his interest and describing his time with them. they happen to be people who are/will be effected by the present creeping rise of the nazi's. it's been on my shelf for ages but i finally picked it up because i'd been wanting to watch cabaret and this is the book that inspired it.
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iconichipsterdotcom · 3 months
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Austin Butler, Tom Hardy And Jodie Cormer Attend 'The Bikeriders' Premiere In London
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redpool · 3 months
Old people could never appreciate that movie the way I appreciate that movie.
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thequeendomhq · 5 months
female fc suggestions for the refuge? <3
Jodie Cormer, Jessica Green, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Kasia Smutniak, Niamh Walsh, Maude Hirst, Chu Ja-Hyeon, Millie Brady, Peijia Huang, Zoe Robins, Katy O'Brian, Anna Diop, Jessica Henwick, Diane Guerrero, and Gemma Chan.
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tianmicons · 4 months
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bonniebird · 9 months
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This is a list of current requests I have pending: 
This list will be updated as / when fics are queued.
Requesting information here
1. “Are you wearing my (Hoodie)?”
 Allison Argent x Male!Reader
- Requested by: @ab1nsur​
- Notes: Smut
2. “You're a vampire! I knew it!”
 Kol Mikaelson x Fem!reader
- Requested by: ​@thatweirdoleigh
- Notes:
3. “What will this alliance cost me?”
 Lucien castle x witch fem reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: Frenimes to lovers
Full Requests:
1. John agrees to help Dean find you after you’re taken by vampires during a hunt
Dean Winchester x Reader
- Requested by: @ellobruv
- Notes:
2. Stiles doesn’t trust Peter to protect you when you go with the other werewolves to help protect Beacon Hills
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
- Requested by: @ellobruv
- Notes: 
3. your brother Lucifer teams up with Mazikeen after they find out you have fallen for Chloe Decker
Chloe Decker x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
4. Lydia confesses her feelings to you when Magnus interrupts the wedding
Lydia Branwell x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Meeting and falling in love with Freya when you visit New Orleans
Freya Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. The Mikaelsons are shocked to find out tat you, their childhood friend, are still alive
Rebekah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Your brother Sweets accidentally reveals your private relationship with Cam
Camille Saroyan x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Your childhood best friend Derek finds out that you and Emily Prentiss are dating
Emily x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
6. Confessing to your childhood friend that you're in love with them
Tyler Lockwood x female reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
7. Hotch begins to panic when you're late for work
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Requested by Anon
8. You and Bill work together to keep each other safe during the Hogwarts battle
Bill x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
9. Finally meeting your pen pal, Ambrose Spellman, after your house arrest is up (Part three)
Ambrose x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Part One
Part Two
10. Alicent Hightower arranges for you, the daughter or Rhaenyra's closest ally to wed Aemond Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Face claim requested - Jodie Cormer
11. You and Rhaenyra Targaryen spend the night together after an argument
Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Oneshot format, smut
13. Aemond Targaryen finds himself in competition for his crushes attention when his cousin from Essos arrives at Kinglanding
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Face claim requested - Jodie Cormer, Viserys GOT
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swaterhousett · 1 year
camilla morrone, sam claflin, riley keogh, bradley cooper, billie lourd, taron edgerton, imogen waterhouse, robert pattinson, richard madden, gemma chan, jack whitehall, joe mchale, maude apatow, jodie cormer, lukas gage and more open and wanted !!
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