#Joe Sandwich you absolute riot
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[Text ID: I had first run across him as a freshman in my Basic Sike class several years before. I regularly conduct those experiments aimed at demonstrating the highly personalized nature of sensory responses in moments of surprise or crisis, and hence the unreliability of much eyewitness testimony.I have people rush in the door while I am lecturing and stage a fracas. There is a confusion of wielded knives and drawn pistols. Shots are exchanged, with blanks of course, and then as suddenly as it all began, the melee ends. The participants rush out the door clutching simulated wounds and shouting at the tops of their voices, and whatnot. I then have the class write out detailed reports of what they have seen. Naturally, there are as many versions as students. Sandwich’s prowess as a prankster having come to my ears, I rang him in as one of the “assailants.” However, in the last minute, he double-crossed me with variations of his own. At the height of the gunfire, he exclaimed, “Oh my god, Pepperrell, I said to put blanks in that gun! You’ve loaded it with— Oh my god, you’ve— you—“ and drawing from his shirtfront a hand stained crimson, courtesy of a confederate in chem lab, he dropped to the floor with a sickening thud right in front of my desk. I was frightened out of my wits, and later could scarcely give a coherent account of what had happened. Proving the whole point I was trying to make, you see. End Text ID.]
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Live Blog: Riot Fest 2017
Riot Fest 2017 Douglas Park; Chicago, IL [September 15-17] by Joe Hemmerling on 09-27-2017 Looking back a year on from my Riot Fest 2016 coverage, I can marvel at my own naivety. Languishing in the jaws of the presidential election cycle, I (and many like me) thought this was as bad as it could get. Trump’s ascent to the top of his party — fueled by a complex cocktail of white nationalism, working-class rage, misogyny, and partisan inertia — had exposed some hard truths about this country that many of us didn’t want to face, but we were coming up on the finish line. November wasn’t too far around the corner, and when the dust settled, we were confident that we’d have a president who, while not universally beloved (even among her own constituents), would at least restore a semblance of sanity to federal politics. But we all know how that turned out. This year’s festival roster responded to the direness of our present political situation in a variety of ways. Ministry’s Al Jourgensen answered with fury and exhortations to violent resistance, Gogol Bordello’s Eugene Hutz and Pedro Erazo with calls for unity among people of good will — hell, even the happy-go-lucky Tim Kinsella of Cap’n Jazz let slip the nihilistic observation that his privileges are paid for by the murders of people all over the world. The enormity of Trump’s presidency threatens to make punk rock’s defiant posturing look hollow and inconsequential. Yet it was a challenge many of the performers were willing to meet head on, even if some of the boldest, most transgressive, and genuinely punk performances of the Fest came from outside the white male-dominated sphere of punk rock. But before we get too far into that, let’s take care of some administrative items: * Despite last year being the biggest yet for the festival, Riot Fest scaled back for 2017, cutting out its Denver fest and paring back its lineup to 91 acts. This may, in part, be due to recent death of fest founder, Sean McKeough (May he riot in peace). * While I feel for Denver missing out, the smaller lineup was a boon. Bands got longer sets, and it made it easier and more worthwhile to cut out in the middle of a set if there were overlapping acts you wanted to watch. * This being our third year attending the festival (“our” being my wife and I), we tried to take in a little more of the nonmusical aspects, getting some yummy street tacos from Tica’s and witnessing the death-defying high wire acrobatics of Circus Una. * Security was friendly, but, like, maybe too friendly. The guards felt around my wife’s bust for that switchblade and set of brass knuckles she stores in her bra (lucky for us she stowed them back in the glove compartment). But, honestly, they could have strip-searched me and put three fingers up my asshole because (most importantly)… * FREE BEER WAS BACK IN THE PRESS TENT. The courteous festival staff kept the wheels of journalism thoroughly lubricated with all the Dos Equis and Heineken we could get down our gullets. --- The Essentials Saul Williams (Photo: Amanda Athon) Genre-bending rapper and father of slam poetry, Saul Williams began his set Friday with an improvised spoken word rendition of “Coded Language,” all those lengthy clauses beginning with and punctuated by the legalistic conjunction “whereas,” culminating in a litany of radicals, artists, and martyrs. But while the framework of his jeremiad was familiar, its contents were targeted specifically at us. “A riot is not a festival,” he chided. “A riot is a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.” And to drive his point home further: “Your punk rock isn’t that punk rock if it doesn’t make fascists explode.” It took a moment for me to realize that the stage behind him was bare of equipment and that no band would be joining him. This drew hostility from some in the crowd, at least one member of which repeatedly shouted, “We came to hear music!” as he trudged off in the direction of the main stages. Williams was undaunted, taking aim at targets as large as the Catholic Church and Silicon Valley and as small as the Trump-supporting members of his audience. He attacked the gender binary, the digital revolution, and the sharing economy using the “Hack into…” lyrical framework of “Colton as Cotton,” before launching into an a capella rendition of “Black Stacey.” It was probably the gutsiest performance I’ve seen in my life, standing on that stage all alone and putting to lie the late capitalist notion that we can spend our way to a revolution, to call each member of the audience to account for their part in the oppressive structures that weigh us all down (albeit not equally). Unlike the Prophets Of Rage, who on Sunday asked their audience if they were ready to have a good time, Williams was there to educate, not to entertain. Next to him, even the most radical declarations of resistance seemed like kids’ stuff. Cute Riot Fest audience members (Photo: Amanda Athon) Friday’s other highlight was industrial metal pioneers Ministry. Uncle Al was eager to tell his audience how happy he was to be home, joking, “You all know I’m from here. Some of you have probably ripped me off on cab fare.” They played a relentless, career-spanning set, including a brand new song from their forthcoming album, “Antifa,” celebrating the anarchist resistance network. Watching masked dancers parade around the stage waving red and black flags filled me with a curious sense of unease. The uncritical acceptance of vigilante justice that I see coming from certain corners of the left is alarming for a variety of reasons that I don’t have the space for here, but suffice to say that I personally regard Antifa’s rise to prominence as, at best, a risky development for political discourse in America. Jourgenson’s embrace of the controversial group is hardly surprising, given his outspoken leftwing politics and heavy metal’s enshrinement of ideological, as well as sonic, extremity. In fact, a Ministry show seems like exactly the place where buttoned-up lefties can crow over fascists chowing down on a knuckle sandwich. I guess I just never thought we’d reach a point where the kinds of things that get shouted out at a heavy metal concert were being considered as a blueprint for political strategy. My political hand-wringing aside, Ministry was on fire. Jorgenson’s voice is as caustic as ever, and his band remains a finely honed engine of destruction. In lieu of footage from the stage, the band fed surreal psychedelic imagery into the screens: distorted pictures of nude women bleeding into news coverage, music video footage, and internet memes. They ripped through mid- and late-career highlights like “Senor Peligro” and “Bad Blood,” but aside from opening their set with “Psalm 69,” they saved most of their classics for a whirlwind four-song finale of “N.W.O.,” “Just One Fix,” “Thieves,” and “So What.” Peaches (Photo: Amanda Athon) If Saul and Al had to split ownership of Friday between them, Saturday belonged entirely to Peaches. The Canadian provocateur delivered a riotous and confrontational set of explicit sexuality and gender-fuckery. She opened with her ode to female ejaculation, “Rub,” wearing an absurdly bulky pink fur-suit and anatomically detailed vagina hat. During her second song “Vaginaplasty,” her backup dancers sauntered out in enormous vaginal headgear, while the artist herself stripped down to a flesh-colored leotard to which giant purple nipples and a fuzzy pink merkin had been affixed. By her third song, she was over the photo-pit rail and into the audience, and by the end of the fourth, her leotard was down around her waist. There were no fucks given. When Peaches needed to switch costumes, she turned her back and stepped out of whatever she was wearing right in front of the audience. Her dancers shed more and more clothing as the show went on, until by the end they were topless in a latticework of fetish-gear and undulating against the singer in simulated sex acts. Peaches performed a good chunk of the time in nothing but her skivvies and flesh-colored nipple-covers. It was, by turns, hilarious, titillating, and unnerving (like, should we be seeing this? Is this LEGAL?). Despite the lack of explicit political commentary, Peaches’ defiant ribaldry felt like an act of resistance, an expression of female power and self-determination. And it was some of the most fun I had the whole weekend. High-Wire acrobats (Photo: Amanda Athon) Still, despite the stiff competition, my absolute favorite set of the fest belongs to Chicago’s own Cap’n Jazz. This marks the seminal Midwestern emo group’s second reunion since their dissolution in 1995. Reunions as a whole tend to reek of cash-grabbery, and usually they don’t improve in quality upon repetition, but Sunday’s performance was as pure and unique a concert-going experience as I’ve ever been part of. Frontman Tim Kinsella may have crossed the threshold into his forties, but he remains a childlike presence, hurling his body across the stage, turning sloppy backwards somersaults, and generally jackassing around with the audience. His ebullience was infectious and his seeming disregard for his own safety and the integrity of the performance created an electric tension. Kinsella made a game between songs of requesting the return of a tambourine that he’d tossed out into the audience, and then throwing it immediately back into the crowd. During their cover of “Take on Me,” he hurled his mic over the photopit rail, but somehow managed to recover it just in time for the big final chorus, just like he miraculously recovered his sunglasses, lost early on in a crowd-surfing excursion. His bandmates played the grownups, with drummer Mike occasionally bristling over his brother’s showboating. They kept the grooves going when Tim’s shenanigans came between him and his singing duties, like during closer “Que Suerte!” when Tim stuffed the mic down his pants, threaded it through the bottom of his jeans, only to stick it back down once more and thread it down the other leg (he needed help from the security team to get it out his second pant leg). But if all of this sounds like the music took a backseat to the antics, you can put that right out of your head. The band was in peak form, hitting all the lurching starts and stops, tempo and signature shifts like clockwork, and all the while, they looked like they were having the time of their lives. Third Kinsella brother and American Football alum Nate stood in for Davey von Bohlen on guitar and brought a fan’s enthusiasm to the proceedings. Their set covered almost everything from their sole album Burritos, Inspiration Point… aside from “Bluegrassish,” “Flashpoint: Catheter,” and “Precious,” and they filled the rest of the set out with favorites like “Ooh I Do Love You” and “Forget Who Are.” --- Let-downs Bad Brains (Photo: Amanda Athon) This is uncomfortable for me to say, so I’m just going to blurt it out. X and Bad Brains were pretty boring live. I know. I KNOW. These guys are legends. They’ve been doing this for four decades now. They have nothing to prove. They’re up there in the years, and at least in H.R.’s case have health concerns. Not everyone can be Iggy Pop, who’s pushing a thousand and still writhing around on the floor like a teenager. They still sounded great, but there wasn’t a lot of energy in their sets. Saturday night’s penultimate act At the Drive-In had the opposite problem. Cedric Bixler-Zavala still tosses the mic around and launches himself off the drumkit with no apparent care about whether he’ll come down on his feet, but the volume they were playing at really muddied their sound and overwhelmed Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s precise guitarwork. It was still enjoyable to hear my favorite cuts off Relationship of Command, from which their set drew heavily, but years of being baited by ATDI’s reputation as a live band set my expectations at a level they couldn’t quite reach. Plus, no “Transatlantic Foe”? Come on, guys… --- Honorable Mentions Liars (Photo: Amanda Athon) I’ve drifted away from Liars’ recorded output over the years, but there’s no question these guys can still bring it live. Angus Andrew stalked onto the stage in a white wedding dress, his long lace veil billowing in the wind. Standing before a small podium, he fiddled with dials that hellishly distorted his vocals during the bouncier electronic numbers like “Mess on a Mission” and “House Clouds,” as well as on more harrowing fare like “Scarecrow on a Killer Slant.” The Buzzcocks made a good showing for old-head punk rock. Their hit-laden set (anyone with a copy of Singles Going Steady could do a reasonable job keeping score at home) was brisk and tuneful, and their chemistry forty-plus years in the making shined through at every turn, particularly on spacier numbers like “Why Can’t I Touch It?” Finally Nine Inch Nails brought Friday to a close with a riveting headlining performance. The fog-machines were going into overdrive throughout the set, such that the stage was constantly cloaked in billowing smoke like the steaming maw of hell. Reznor was intense, if a little aloof as he careened throughout his discography, lightly dusting his set with hits like “The Hand that Feeds,” “Closer,” and “Head Like a Hole.” Buzzcocks (Photo: Amanda Athon) Gogol Bordello (Photo: Amanda Athon) Gogol Bordello brought their brand of feel-good bedlam to the fest on Saturday and convinced me that I need to revisit Transcontinental Hustle. I was left pretty cold by the album when it came out back in 2010, but goddamn if every cut they played off it didn’t bring the house down, particularly “We Comin’ Rougher (Immigraniada),” which has taken on a pointed significance in the era of Trump. Following Dinosaur Jr.’s sublime album playthrough of You’re Living All Over Me, I crashed the angry party that Prophets Of Rage were throwing on Sunday night long enough to hear them drop a pair of RATM covers (“Testify” and “Take the Power Back”) amid some original songs from their hot-off-the-presses eponymous debut. But it was the siren song of M.I.A. that ultimately seduced me. The British emcee was in fine form, if surprisingly mute on politics. She knocked out hit after hit for her eager crowd, while a mesmerizing light show engulfed the stage. At the risk of losing all my punk cred, after that kind of spectacle, Jawbreaker just couldn’t hold my interest. Beyond one or two songs of Dear You, I’d never quite managed to find my way into them, but the die-hards in the front row seemed to be getting everything they wanted out of them, so that’s all that matters, right? --- And that, in a nutshell, was Riot Fest 2017. There’s a ton I missed out on, including Shabazz Palaces, Wu Tang Clan performing 36 Chambers, Built to Spill’s play-through of Keep It Like a Secret, and festival mainstays Gwar and Andrew W.K., but some of the sets I was able to take in this year numbered among the most powerful and exhilarating festival experiences I’ve ever witnessed. As the situation in the outside world grows more dire, we continue to look to art for solace, and there was plenty of that to be found. But the bravest artists offered something we needed more: a kick in the ass to get back out there and try to change something, however small and however futile that might appear. http://j.mp/2fSiPUP
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Complete 2017 Coachella Party Guide: From Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch to Kylie & Kendall Jenner's Hang Outs
Coachella is not only one of the hottest music festivals of the year, it’s also party central.
Celebs like Katy Perry, Kendall and Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens are known to swarm Indio, Calif. to take in the tunes and enjoy all the star-studded bashes and pop-ups that Palm Springs has to offer. In fact, ET has learned the “Chained to the Rhythm” songstress is throwing a soiree of her own this year.
While certain events are invite or VIP-only, tons are open to the public. Check out ET’s complete guide below for Coachella weekend one!
THE SEPHORA EXPERIENCE WHEN: April 14 -16, 11:00am - 7:00pm (YES, all three days!) WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: In the past, this pop-up shop has offered complimentary perks/treatments to all festival goers with celebs of all sorts stopping by! Go freshen up your make-up or hair with a free sweet treat! And they'll be there weekend two (April 21-23), as well! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
#HotelREVOLVE Pop-Up Shop WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm  WHERE: Arrive Hotel: 1551 N Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92262 WHAT TO EXPECT: Revolve clothing will take over Arrive Hotel to host an influential network of more than 30 of the world’s best bloggers and performing artists. Influencers like Olivia Culpo, Aimee Song, A$AP FERG, Natasha Oakley and more are expected. The shop will feature exclusives by Lovers & Friends, For Love & Lemons, Beach Riot, House of Harlow 1960, Chiara Ferragni Collection, and more. You can also pick up a “Festival V.I.P” #REVOLVEbeauty kit featuring a curated selection of products from OUAI, ColourPOP and more. You might catch Nicole Richie and Alessandra Ambrosio here on Friday! Basically, this will be a fashion lover’s dream stop! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
American Express Onsite Experience on the Coachella Grounds WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: This onsite experience will feature the first-of-its-kind, robot-powered, interactive video activation that allows visitors to star in and share their own mini music videos. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
RELATED: Coachella 2017 Fashion and Beauty Trends: Sheer and Sporty Pieces, Glitter Roots, Braids and Bold Lips
Galore x Grinder Queens of the Desert with CharliXCX WHEN: April 14, 1:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: The Galore Motel: 210 W. Stevens Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92202 WHAT TO EXPECT: CharliXCX is the star of this bash! But attendees can also expect DJ sets from Orange is the New Black star Taryn Manning, Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods, Alie Layus and Simihaze. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
BUICK at Coachella’s Special Wellness Day WHEN: April 14, 9:00am WHERE: Ace Hotel: 701 E Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92264 WHAT TO EXPECT: Harley Pasternak, trainer to celebs like Lady Gaga and Kanye West, will host a workout boot camp session and Q&A followed by a 5-course lunch with celeb chef Bo O’Connor. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
CIROC ‘Summer Colada’ Take Over at Hard Rock Hotel WHEN: April 14 -16  WHERE: Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Ciroc is transforming the Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs into a swanky summer hotspot mixing old-school and new school hip hop. ET has learned Jhene Aiko is set to host a kick-off pool pool party event on Friday. Some of the starlets set to hit the hotel bash throughout the weekend include Ashley Greene and Ashley Tisdale. And if we could guess – we should expect to see a mini High School Musical reunion as it’s likely Vanessa Hudgens is also on the list. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
RELATED: Lady Gaga Will Replace Beyonce at Coachella
The H.Wood Group presents: Blind Dragon Pop-Up Desert Experience WHEN: April 14, 2:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Vista Santa Rosa, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: The celeb guest list is under-wraps for this bash but Post Malone will be taking center stage for a performance. Celebs who are fans of Blind Dragon in LA include Kendall Jenner, Patrick Schwarzenegger and more! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Present a Coachella Welcome BBQ WHEN: April 14, 3:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This exclusive, private event will host a 150-person “VVIP” dinner with acoustic performances from Republic’s class of 2017, including Hailee Steinfeld, Justine Skye, Post Malone and surprise guests. Guests will experience a curated menu from HYDE Sunset Kitchen + Cocktails and adult beverages inspired by the desert vibes of the Coachella landscape. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
PrettyLittleThing and Paper Magazine’s Pretty Little Playground WHEN: April 14, 3:00 - 8:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: An evening of fab festival fashion good vibes, and a special TBD musical guest. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
NYLON’S Midnight Garden Party WHEN: April 14, 10:00pm – “late” WHERE: The NYLON Estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Special DJ sets by Virgil Abloh, Johnny Wujek, Markus Molinari and Ana Calderon. While NYLON likes to keep the guest list for this bash on the DL, celebs who have attended this soiree in the past include: Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Skrillex and Kristen Stewart. Guests will be treated to a Batiste Dry Shampoo hairstyling station where beGlammed artists will give you a festival-inspired look. We’re also told to expect a flower crown accessory station and made-to-order ice cream sandwiches provided by Coolhaus. Guests can also cool down with refreshing, specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktails, provided by Johnnie Walker in their exclusive 21+ lounge. VIP gift bags will feature the Guess brand’s newest fragrance, GUESS 1981. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
VELOCITY BLACK x 1 OAK/Up & Down Beach Club WHEN: April 14, 2:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Richie Akiva, known friend to Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Scott Disick, and P. Diddy will transform an elite mega-mansion, complete with its very own lake into a weekend long beach party. Velocity Black, a global membership club known for curating the most memorable experiences, is treating VIP guests to an epic day party with music by DJ Taco (of ODD Future) as partygoers beat the heat with cocktails by Absolut Elyx and food by CATCH LA. ET has learned the annual star-studded pop-up will also feature surprise performances. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
8th Annual NEON CARNIVAL presented by The Levi's Brand with Tequila Don Julio WHEN: April 15, 10:00 pm – 4:00 am WHERE: Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport: 56-850 Higgins Drive, Thermal, CA 92274 WHAT TO EXPECT: This is Coachella’s must star-studded and well-known event. Attendees can expect new games and amusement park rides. Batiste Dry Shampoo will host on-site hair styling stations and offer samples to attendees seeking a quick hair refresh. Showing up single? Tinder will pair you with a new match on their bumper car ride. VIPs can enjoy bottle service with specialty drinks provided by Tequila Don Julio -- we’re also told all party-goers can cool off at a customized Bud Light station. While the guest list for this one won’t be released until the day of the party, last year’s guests included: Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joe Jonas, Courtney Love, Derek Hough, Nina Dobrev, Jared Leto, Kyle Richards, Scott Disick and Scott Eastwood. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only (Guests will need to present their special Neon Carnival wristbands and a one-of-a-kind Lokai for admittance.)
American Express Platinum House at The Parker Palm Springs WHEN: April 15-16, 11:00am – 5:00pm  WHERE: The Parker Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Guests can enjoy SoulCycle classes (taught by trainer Stacey Griffith), custom flower crown and flash tattoo stations, hairstyling and an assortment of premium food and drinks. ET has learned Bebe Rexha will also be performing while Hannah Bronfman will handle DJ duties. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Open exclusively to platinum card members
The Lucky Lounge Presents: Desert Jam at The Ingleside Inn WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Noah Cyrus will be the belle of the ball at this bash -- she’s slated to perform alongside a slew of “friends.” We’d love to see big sis Miley show up to support – perhaps with fiance’ Liam Hemsworth?! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
WINTER BUMBLELAND WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-6:00pm  WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: ET can confirm that Kendall and Kylie Jenner will host this soiree on Saturday while Ashley Graham will take over on Sunday. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
The Bootsy Bellows Estate with Chevy and PacSun WHEN: April 15, 2:00-6:00 PM WHERE: Private estate in Rancho Mirage, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: After Kendall and Kylie Jenner are done hosting Winter Bumbleland, both ladies are expected to show up to this shindig – after all, they do have their own PacSun line. Coachella queen Katy Perry is also slated to be there -- her BFF Marcus Molinari is a partner at the H.Wood Group. G Eazy is also on the list. We’ve heard Selena Gomez could also show up. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Topshop Topman Presents: The Escape at Korakia WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-5:00pm WHERE: Korakia Pensione WHAT TO EXPECT: Topshop Topman will be curating a pop-up personal shopping experience around their exclusive festival edits. Each day guests can relax by the pool and enjoy Korakia massages and meditation sessions along with complimentary laser facials from Skin Laundry. Accessorize with some Kitchhair bands, cosmetic glitter and face jewelry by The Gypsy Shrine, floral head crowns from Miss Daisy jewelry from the Bauble Bar. Guests can sip some CoCo21, Dulce Vida Tequila, Banfi Wines, Chagit health shots and more. Saturday will feature a Mediterranean spread of tapas with candy from Sugarfina along with other snacks to nosh on while Sunday will feature a recovery brunch menu along with Sugarfina and Chagit. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
#REVOLVEFestival WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-7:00pm WHERE: Revolve estate in La Quinta, CA  WHAT TO EXPECT: The fashion e-tailer’s 2nd annual star-studded bash will kick off Saturday with performances by Rick Ross followed by Migos on Sunday. A few of the confirmed celebs who have RSVP'd to this bash include Olivia Culpo, A$AP Ferg, Rocky Barnes, and Jasmine Sanders. Guests will be served Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial – the first champagne designed specifically to be enjoyed over ice. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Pool Party WHEN: April 15, 12:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This private party will feature DJ sets, acoustic performances and appearances by several Republic artists including Joe Jonas, Giorgio Moroder and other “major” surprise guests. We’re hoping Joe brings along brother Nick and/or Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Zoe Report’s ZOEasis WHEN: April 15, 1:00 - 5:00pm WHERE: Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Rachel Zoe will be joined by tons of fashionistas like Kate Bosworth, Chanel Iman and Jamie Chung at her third annual music festival retreat with a special performance by The Aces. Guests will be pampered with spa and facial treatments in the SK-II® Extreme Expedition Skin Rescue lounge, which will also feature an extreme weather sampling bar. Google is set to unveiling their newest Google Pixel Live Case designed by Rachel Zoe. May Kwok and Pamela Katz will be DJ'ing. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
1800 Tequila Presents: The HypeBeast Hotel WHEN: April 15 - 16, 12:00 - 6:00pm WHERE: 333 E Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT:  Expect tons of artists who are performing at the festival to show up -- word on street is D.R.A.M and Gucci Mane could be there.   OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch WHEN: April 16, 1:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private location in La Quinta, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Katy Perry will host an Easter Sunday “recovery” brunch featuring an exclusive pop-up of her debut Katy Perry Footwear collection! Guests can re-fuel with vitamin elixirs, oxygen bars and reflexology massages, then keep the festivities going with a Cover Girl Easter egg hunt.  DJ sets will be provided by Mia Moretti, Balthazar Getty & Bobby French. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Happiest of Hours at Nylon Estate WHEN: Sunday April 16, 12:00pm  WHERE: The NYLON estate WHAT TO EXPECT: A star-studded pool party to close out music’s most celebrated festival weekend. Start the morning with some recovery and relaxation from Liquid IV packets and Health-Ade Kombucha. Float the day away in the pool on a FUNBOY float (one of Taylor Swift’s favorites) while sipping on a crisp specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktail or indulge in a one-of-a-kind Johnnie Walker adult root beer float in their exclusive 21+ lounge. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
And, if you'll be at Coachella for weekend two, Mixology is hosting a pop-up shop bash at Miramonte Resort that's free for festival goers 21+ if you RSVP to [email protected]. Guests will be treated to a performance by Emergency Tiara and can shop goodies from Ricky's NYC, Nomad vii by Anne Bowen and more! 
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Complete 2017 Coachella Party Guide: From Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch to Kylie & Kendall Jenner's Hang Outs
Coachella is not only one of the hottest music festivals of the year, it’s also party central.
Celebs like Katy Perry, Kendall and Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens are known to swarm Indio, Calif. to take in the tunes and enjoy all the star-studded bashes and pop-ups that Palm Springs has to offer. In fact, ET has learned the “Chained to the Rhythm” songstress is throwing a soiree of her own this year.
While certain events are invite or VIP-only, tons are open to the public. Check out ET’s complete guide below for Coachella weekend one!
THE SEPHORA EXPERIENCE WHEN: April 14 -16, 11:00am - 7:00pm (YES, all three days!) WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: In the past, this pop-up shop has offered complimentary perks/treatments to all festival goers with celebs of all sorts stopping by! Go freshen up your make-up or hair with a free sweet treat! And they'll be there weekend two (April 21-23), as well! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
#HotelREVOLVE Pop-Up Shop WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm  WHERE: Arrive Hotel: 1551 N Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92262 WHAT TO EXPECT: Revolve clothing will take over Arrive Hotel to host an influential network of more than 30 of the world’s best bloggers and performing artists. Influencers like Olivia Culpo, Aimee Song, A$AP FERG, Natasha Oakley and more are expected. The shop will feature exclusives by Lovers & Friends, For Love & Lemons, Beach Riot, House of Harlow 1960, Chiara Ferragni Collection, and more. You can also pick up a “Festival V.I.P” #REVOLVEbeauty kit featuring a curated selection of products from OUAI, ColourPOP and more. You might catch Nicole Richie and Alessandra Ambrosio here on Friday! Basically, this will be a fashion lover’s dream stop! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
American Express Onsite Experience on the Coachella Grounds WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: This onsite experience will feature the first-of-its-kind, robot-powered, interactive video activation that allows visitors to star in and share their own mini music videos. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
RELATED: Coachella 2017 Fashion and Beauty Trends: Sheer and Sporty Pieces, Glitter Roots, Braids and Bold Lips
Galore x Grinder Queens of the Desert with CharliXCX WHEN: April 14, 1:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: The Galore Motel: 210 W. Stevens Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92202 WHAT TO EXPECT: CharliXCX is the star of this bash! But attendees can also expect DJ sets from Orange is the New Black star Taryn Manning, Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods, Alie Layus and Simihaze. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
BUICK at Coachella’s Special Wellness Day WHEN: April 14, 9:00am WHERE: Ace Hotel: 701 E Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92264 WHAT TO EXPECT: Harley Pasternak, trainer to celebs like Lady Gaga and Kanye West, will host a workout boot camp session and Q&A followed by a 5-course lunch with celeb chef Bo O’Connor. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
CIROC ‘Summer Colada’ Take Over at Hard Rock Hotel WHEN: April 14 -16  WHERE: Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Ciroc is transforming the Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs into a swanky summer hotspot mixing old-school and new school hip hop. ET has learned Jhene Aiko is set to host a kick-off pool pool party event on Friday. Some of the starlets set to hit the hotel bash throughout the weekend include Ashley Greene and Ashley Tisdale. And if we could guess – we should expect to see a mini High School Musical reunion as it’s likely Vanessa Hudgens is also on the list. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
RELATED: Lady Gaga Will Replace Beyonce at Coachella
The H.Wood Group presents: Blind Dragon Pop-Up Desert Experience WHEN: April 14, 2:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Vista Santa Rosa, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: The celeb guest list is under-wraps for this bash but Post Malone will be taking center stage for a performance. Celebs who are fans of Blind Dragon in LA include Kendall Jenner, Patrick Schwarzenegger and more! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Present a Coachella Welcome BBQ WHEN: April 14, 3:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This exclusive, private event will host a 150-person “VVIP” dinner with acoustic performances from Republic’s class of 2017, including Hailee Steinfeld, Justine Skye, Post Malone and surprise guests. Guests will experience a curated menu from HYDE Sunset Kitchen + Cocktails and adult beverages inspired by the desert vibes of the Coachella landscape. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
PrettyLittleThing and Paper Magazine’s Pretty Little Playground WHEN: April 14, 3:00 - 8:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: An evening of fab festival fashion good vibes, and a special TBD musical guest. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
NYLON’S Midnight Garden Party WHEN: April 14, 10:00pm – “late” WHERE: The NYLON Estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Special DJ sets by Virgil Abloh, Johnny Wujek, Markus Molinari and Ana Calderon. While NYLON likes to keep the guest list for this bash on the DL, celebs who have attended this soiree in the past include: Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Skrillex and Kristen Stewart. Guests will be treated to a Batiste Dry Shampoo hairstyling station where beGlammed artists will give you a festival-inspired look. We’re also told to expect a flower crown accessory station and made-to-order ice cream sandwiches provided by Coolhaus. Guests can also cool down with refreshing, specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktails, provided by Johnnie Walker in their exclusive 21+ lounge. VIP gift bags will feature the Guess brand’s newest fragrance, GUESS 1981. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
VELOCITY BLACK x 1 OAK/Up & Down Beach Club WHEN: April 14, 2:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Richie Akiva, known friend to Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Scott Disick, and P. Diddy will transform an elite mega-mansion, complete with its very own lake into a weekend long beach party. Velocity Black, a global membership club known for curating the most memorable experiences, is treating VIP guests to an epic day party with music by DJ Taco (of ODD Future) as partygoers beat the heat with cocktails by Absolut Elyx and food by CATCH LA. ET has learned the annual star-studded pop-up will also feature surprise performances. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
8th Annual NEON CARNIVAL presented by The Levi's Brand with Tequila Don Julio WHEN: April 15, 10:00 pm – 4:00 am WHERE: Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport: 56-850 Higgins Drive, Thermal, CA 92274 WHAT TO EXPECT: This is Coachella’s must star-studded and well-known event. Attendees can expect new games and amusement park rides. Batiste Dry Shampoo will host on-site hair styling stations and offer samples to attendees seeking a quick hair refresh. Showing up single? Tinder will pair you with a new match on their bumper car ride. VIPs can enjoy bottle service with specialty drinks provided by Tequila Don Julio -- we’re also told all party-goers can cool off at a customized Bud Light station. While the guest list for this one won’t be released until the day of the party, last year’s guests included: Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joe Jonas, Courtney Love, Derek Hough, Nina Dobrev, Jared Leto, Kyle Richards, Scott Disick and Scott Eastwood. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only (Guests will need to present their special Neon Carnival wristbands and a one-of-a-kind Lokai for admittance.)
American Express Platinum House at The Parker Palm Springs WHEN: April 15-16, 11:00am – 5:00pm  WHERE: The Parker Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Guests can enjoy SoulCycle classes (taught by trainer Stacey Griffith), custom flower crown and flash tattoo stations, hairstyling and an assortment of premium food and drinks. ET has learned Bebe Rexha will also be performing while Hannah Bronfman will handle DJ duties. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Open exclusively to platinum card members
The Lucky Lounge Presents: Desert Jam at The Ingleside Inn WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Noah Cyrus will be the belle of the ball at this bash -- she’s slated to perform alongside a slew of “friends.” We’d love to see big sis Miley show up to support – perhaps with fiance’ Liam Hemsworth?! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
WINTER BUMBLELAND WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-6:00pm  WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: ET can confirm that Kendall and Kylie Jenner will host this soiree on Saturday while Ashley Graham will take over on Sunday. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
The Bootsy Bellows Estate with Chevy and PacSun WHEN: April 15, 2:00-6:00 PM WHERE: Private estate in Rancho Mirage, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: After Kendall and Kylie Jenner are done hosting Winter Bumbleland, both ladies are expected to show up to this shindig – after all, they do have their own PacSun line. Coachella queen Katy Perry is also slated to be there -- her BFF Marcus Molinari is a partner at the H.Wood Group. G Eazy is also on the list. We’ve heard Selena Gomez could also show up. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Topshop Topman Presents: The Escape at Korakia WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-5:00pm WHERE: Korakia Pensione WHAT TO EXPECT: Topshop Topman will be curating a pop-up personal shopping experience around their exclusive festival edits. Each day guests can relax by the pool and enjoy Korakia massages and meditation sessions along with complimentary laser facials from Skin Laundry. Accessorize with some Kitchhair bands, cosmetic glitter and face jewelry by The Gypsy Shrine, floral head crowns from Miss Daisy jewelry from the Bauble Bar. Guests can sip some CoCo21, Dulce Vida Tequila, Banfi Wines, Chagit health shots and more. Saturday will feature a Mediterranean spread of tapas with candy from Sugarfina along with other snacks to nosh on while Sunday will feature a recovery brunch menu along with Sugarfina and Chagit. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
#REVOLVEFestival WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-7:00pm WHERE: Revolve estate in La Quinta, CA  WHAT TO EXPECT: The fashion e-tailer’s 2nd annual star-studded bash will kick off Saturday with performances by Rick Ross followed by Migos on Sunday. A few of the confirmed celebs who have RSVP'd to this bash include Olivia Culpo, A$AP Ferg, Rocky Barnes, and Jasmine Sanders. Guests will be served Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial – the first champagne designed specifically to be enjoyed over ice. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Pool Party WHEN: April 15, 12:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This private party will feature DJ sets, acoustic performances and appearances by several Republic artists including Joe Jonas, Giorgio Moroder and other “major” surprise guests. We’re hoping Joe brings along brother Nick and/or Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Zoe Report’s ZOEasis WHEN: April 15, 1:00 - 5:00pm WHERE: Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Rachel Zoe will be joined by tons of fashionistas like Kate Bosworth, Chanel Iman and Jamie Chung at her third annual music festival retreat with a special performance by The Aces. Guests will be pampered with spa and facial treatments in the SK-II® Extreme Expedition Skin Rescue lounge, which will also feature an extreme weather sampling bar. Google is set to unveiling their newest Google Pixel Live Case designed by Rachel Zoe. May Kwok and Pamela Katz will be DJ'ing. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
1800 Tequila Presents: The HypeBeast Hotel WHEN: April 15 - 16, 12:00 - 6:00pm WHERE: 333 E Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT:  Expect tons of artists who are performing at the festival to show up -- word on street is D.R.A.M and Gucci Mane could be there.   OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch WHEN: April 16, 1:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private location in La Quinta, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Katy Perry will host an Easter Sunday “recovery” brunch featuring an exclusive pop-up of her debut Katy Perry Footwear collection! Guests can re-fuel with vitamin elixirs, oxygen bars and reflexology massages, then keep the festivities going with a Cover Girl Easter egg hunt.  DJ sets will be provided by Mia Moretti, Balthazar Getty & Bobby French. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Happiest of Hours at Nylon Estate WHEN: Sunday April 16, 12:00pm  WHERE: The NYLON estate WHAT TO EXPECT: A star-studded pool party to close out music’s most celebrated festival weekend. Start the morning with some recovery and relaxation from Liquid IV packets and Health-Ade Kombucha. Float the day away in the pool on a FUNBOY float (one of Taylor Swift’s favorites) while sipping on a crisp specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktail or indulge in a one-of-a-kind Johnnie Walker adult root beer float in their exclusive 21+ lounge. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
And, if you'll be at Coachella for weekend two, Mixology is hosting a pop-up shop bash at Miramonte Resort that's free for festival goers 21+ if you RSVP to [email protected]. Guests will be treated to a performance by Emergency Tiara and can shop goodies from Ricky's NYC, Nomad vii by Anne Bowen and more! 
0 notes
Complete 2017 Coachella Party Guide: From Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch to Kylie & Kendall Jenner's Hang Outs
Coachella is not only one of the hottest music festivals of the year, it’s also party central.
Celebs like Katy Perry, Kendall and Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens are known to swarm Indio, Calif. to take in the tunes and enjoy all the star-studded bashes and pop-ups that Palm Springs has to offer. In fact, ET has learned the “Chained to the Rhythm” songstress is throwing a soiree of her own this year.
While certain events are invite or VIP-only, tons are open to the public. Check out ET’s complete guide below for Coachella weekend one!
THE SEPHORA EXPERIENCE WHEN: April 14 -16, 11:00am - 7:00pm (YES, all three days!) WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: In the past, this pop-up shop has offered complimentary perks/treatments to all festival goers with celebs of all sorts stopping by! Go freshen up your make-up or hair with a free sweet treat! And they'll be there weekend two (April 21-23), as well! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
#HotelREVOLVE Pop-Up Shop WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm  WHERE: Arrive Hotel: 1551 N Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92262 WHAT TO EXPECT: Revolve clothing will take over Arrive Hotel to host an influential network of more than 30 of the world’s best bloggers and performing artists. Influencers like Olivia Culpo, Aimee Song, A$AP FERG, Natasha Oakley and more are expected. The shop will feature exclusives by Lovers & Friends, For Love & Lemons, Beach Riot, House of Harlow 1960, Chiara Ferragni Collection, and more. You can also pick up a “Festival V.I.P” #REVOLVEbeauty kit featuring a curated selection of products from OUAI, ColourPOP and more. You might catch Nicole Richie and Alessandra Ambrosio here on Friday! Basically, this will be a fashion lover’s dream stop! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
American Express Onsite Experience on the Coachella Grounds WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: This onsite experience will feature the first-of-its-kind, robot-powered, interactive video activation that allows visitors to star in and share their own mini music videos. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
RELATED: Coachella 2017 Fashion and Beauty Trends: Sheer and Sporty Pieces, Glitter Roots, Braids and Bold Lips
Galore x Grinder Queens of the Desert with CharliXCX WHEN: April 14, 1:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: The Galore Motel: 210 W. Stevens Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92202 WHAT TO EXPECT: CharliXCX is the star of this bash! But attendees can also expect DJ sets from Orange is the New Black star Taryn Manning, Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods, Alie Layus and Simihaze. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
BUICK at Coachella’s Special Wellness Day WHEN: April 14, 9:00am WHERE: Ace Hotel: 701 E Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92264 WHAT TO EXPECT: Harley Pasternak, trainer to celebs like Lady Gaga and Kanye West, will host a workout boot camp session and Q&A followed by a 5-course lunch with celeb chef Bo O’Connor. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
CIROC ‘Summer Colada’ Take Over at Hard Rock Hotel WHEN: April 14 -16  WHERE: Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Ciroc is transforming the Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs into a swanky summer hotspot mixing old-school and new school hip hop. ET has learned Jhene Aiko is set to host a kick-off pool pool party event on Friday. Some of the starlets set to hit the hotel bash throughout the weekend include Ashley Greene and Ashley Tisdale. And if we could guess – we should expect to see a mini High School Musical reunion as it’s likely Vanessa Hudgens is also on the list. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
RELATED: Lady Gaga Will Replace Beyonce at Coachella
The H.Wood Group presents: Blind Dragon Pop-Up Desert Experience WHEN: April 14, 2:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Vista Santa Rosa, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: The celeb guest list is under-wraps for this bash but Post Malone will be taking center stage for a performance. Celebs who are fans of Blind Dragon in LA include Kendall Jenner, Patrick Schwarzenegger and more! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Present a Coachella Welcome BBQ WHEN: April 14, 3:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This exclusive, private event will host a 150-person “VVIP” dinner with acoustic performances from Republic’s class of 2017, including Hailee Steinfeld, Justine Skye, Post Malone and surprise guests. Guests will experience a curated menu from HYDE Sunset Kitchen + Cocktails and adult beverages inspired by the desert vibes of the Coachella landscape. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
PrettyLittleThing and Paper Magazine’s Pretty Little Playground WHEN: April 14, 3:00 - 8:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: An evening of fab festival fashion good vibes, and a special TBD musical guest. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
NYLON’S Midnight Garden Party WHEN: April 14, 10:00pm – “late” WHERE: The NYLON Estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Special DJ sets by Virgil Abloh, Johnny Wujek, Markus Molinari and Ana Calderon. While NYLON likes to keep the guest list for this bash on the DL, celebs who have attended this soiree in the past include: Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Skrillex and Kristen Stewart. Guests will be treated to a Batiste Dry Shampoo hairstyling station where beGlammed artists will give you a festival-inspired look. We’re also told to expect a flower crown accessory station and made-to-order ice cream sandwiches provided by Coolhaus. Guests can also cool down with refreshing, specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktails, provided by Johnnie Walker in their exclusive 21+ lounge. VIP gift bags will feature the Guess brand’s newest fragrance, GUESS 1981. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
VELOCITY BLACK x 1 OAK/Up & Down Beach Club WHEN: April 14, 2:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Richie Akiva, known friend to Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Scott Disick, and P. Diddy will transform an elite mega-mansion, complete with its very own lake into a weekend long beach party. Velocity Black, a global membership club known for curating the most memorable experiences, is treating VIP guests to an epic day party with music by DJ Taco (of ODD Future) as partygoers beat the heat with cocktails by Absolut Elyx and food by CATCH LA. ET has learned the annual star-studded pop-up will also feature surprise performances. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
8th Annual NEON CARNIVAL presented by The Levi's Brand with Tequila Don Julio WHEN: April 15, 10:00 pm – 4:00 am WHERE: Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport: 56-850 Higgins Drive, Thermal, CA 92274 WHAT TO EXPECT: This is Coachella’s must star-studded and well-known event. Attendees can expect new games and amusement park rides. Batiste Dry Shampoo will host on-site hair styling stations and offer samples to attendees seeking a quick hair refresh. Showing up single? Tinder will pair you with a new match on their bumper car ride. VIPs can enjoy bottle service with specialty drinks provided by Tequila Don Julio -- we’re also told all party-goers can cool off at a customized Bud Light station. While the guest list for this one won’t be released until the day of the party, last year’s guests included: Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joe Jonas, Courtney Love, Derek Hough, Nina Dobrev, Jared Leto, Kyle Richards, Scott Disick and Scott Eastwood. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only (Guests will need to present their special Neon Carnival wristbands and a one-of-a-kind Lokai for admittance.)
American Express Platinum House at The Parker Palm Springs WHEN: April 15-16, 11:00am – 5:00pm  WHERE: The Parker Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Guests can enjoy SoulCycle classes (taught by trainer Stacey Griffith), custom flower crown and flash tattoo stations, hairstyling and an assortment of premium food and drinks. ET has learned Bebe Rexha will also be performing while Hannah Bronfman will handle DJ duties. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Open exclusively to platinum card members
The Lucky Lounge Presents: Desert Jam at The Ingleside Inn WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Noah Cyrus will be the belle of the ball at this bash -- she’s slated to perform alongside a slew of “friends.” We’d love to see big sis Miley show up to support – perhaps with fiance’ Liam Hemsworth?! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
WINTER BUMBLELAND WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-6:00pm  WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: ET can confirm that Kendall and Kylie Jenner will host this soiree on Saturday while Ashley Graham will take over on Sunday. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
The Bootsy Bellows Estate with Chevy and PacSun WHEN: April 15, 2:00-6:00 PM WHERE: Private estate in Rancho Mirage, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: After Kendall and Kylie Jenner are done hosting Winter Bumbleland, both ladies are expected to show up to this shindig – after all, they do have their own PacSun line. Coachella queen Katy Perry is also slated to be there -- her BFF Marcus Molinari is a partner at the H.Wood Group. G Eazy is also on the list. We’ve heard Selena Gomez could also show up. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Topshop Topman Presents: The Escape at Korakia WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-5:00pm WHERE: Korakia Pensione WHAT TO EXPECT: Topshop Topman will be curating a pop-up personal shopping experience around their exclusive festival edits. Each day guests can relax by the pool and enjoy Korakia massages and meditation sessions along with complimentary laser facials from Skin Laundry. Accessorize with some Kitchhair bands, cosmetic glitter and face jewelry by The Gypsy Shrine, floral head crowns from Miss Daisy jewelry from the Bauble Bar. Guests can sip some CoCo21, Dulce Vida Tequila, Banfi Wines, Chagit health shots and more. Saturday will feature a Mediterranean spread of tapas with candy from Sugarfina along with other snacks to nosh on while Sunday will feature a recovery brunch menu along with Sugarfina and Chagit. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
#REVOLVEFestival WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-7:00pm WHERE: Revolve estate in La Quinta, CA  WHAT TO EXPECT: The fashion e-tailer’s 2nd annual star-studded bash will kick off Saturday with performances by Rick Ross followed by Migos on Sunday. A few of the confirmed celebs who have RSVP'd to this bash include Olivia Culpo, A$AP Ferg, Rocky Barnes, and Jasmine Sanders. Guests will be served Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial – the first champagne designed specifically to be enjoyed over ice. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Pool Party WHEN: April 15, 12:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This private party will feature DJ sets, acoustic performances and appearances by several Republic artists including Joe Jonas, Giorgio Moroder and other “major” surprise guests. We’re hoping Joe brings along brother Nick and/or Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Zoe Report’s ZOEasis WHEN: April 15, 1:00 - 5:00pm WHERE: Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Rachel Zoe will be joined by tons of fashionistas like Kate Bosworth, Chanel Iman and Jamie Chung at her third annual music festival retreat with a special performance by The Aces. Guests will be pampered with spa and facial treatments in the SK-II® Extreme Expedition Skin Rescue lounge, which will also feature an extreme weather sampling bar. Google is set to unveiling their newest Google Pixel Live Case designed by Rachel Zoe. May Kwok and Pamela Katz will be DJ'ing. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
1800 Tequila Presents: The HypeBeast Hotel WHEN: April 15 - 16, 12:00 - 6:00pm WHERE: 333 E Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT:  Expect tons of artists who are performing at the festival to show up -- word on street is D.R.A.M and Gucci Mane could be there.   OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch WHEN: April 16, 1:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private location in La Quinta, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Katy Perry will host an Easter Sunday “recovery” brunch featuring an exclusive pop-up of her debut Katy Perry Footwear collection! Guests can re-fuel with vitamin elixirs, oxygen bars and reflexology massages, then keep the festivities going with a Cover Girl Easter egg hunt.  DJ sets will be provided by Mia Moretti, Balthazar Getty & Bobby French. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Happiest of Hours at Nylon Estate WHEN: Sunday April 16, 12:00pm  WHERE: The NYLON estate WHAT TO EXPECT: A star-studded pool party to close out music’s most celebrated festival weekend. Start the morning with some recovery and relaxation from Liquid IV packets and Health-Ade Kombucha. Float the day away in the pool on a FUNBOY float (one of Taylor Swift’s favorites) while sipping on a crisp specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktail or indulge in a one-of-a-kind Johnnie Walker adult root beer float in their exclusive 21+ lounge. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
And, if you'll be at Coachella for weekend two, Mixology is hosting a pop-up shop bash at Miramonte Resort that's free for festival goers 21+ if you RSVP to [email protected]. Guests will be treated to a performance by Emergency Tiara and can shop goodies from Ricky's NYC, Nomad vii by Anne Bowen and more! 
0 notes
Complete 2017 Coachella Party Guide: From Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch to Kylie & Kendall Jenner's Hang Outs
Coachella is not only one of the hottest music festivals of the year, it’s also party central.
Celebs like Katy Perry, Kendall and Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens are known to swarm Indio, Calif. to take in the tunes and enjoy all the star-studded bashes and pop-ups that Palm Springs has to offer. In fact, ET has learned the “Chained to the Rhythm” songstress is throwing a soiree of her own this year.
While certain events are invite or VIP-only, tons are open to the public. Check out ET’s complete guide below for Coachella weekend one!
THE SEPHORA EXPERIENCE WHEN: April 14 -16, 11:00am - 7:00pm (YES, all three days!) WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: In the past, this pop-up shop has offered complimentary perks/treatments to all festival goers with celebs of all sorts stopping by! Go freshen up your make-up or hair with a free sweet treat! And they'll be there weekend two (April 21-23), as well! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
#HotelREVOLVE Pop-Up Shop WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm  WHERE: Arrive Hotel: 1551 N Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92262 WHAT TO EXPECT: Revolve clothing will take over Arrive Hotel to host an influential network of more than 30 of the world’s best bloggers and performing artists. Influencers like Olivia Culpo, Aimee Song, A$AP FERG, Natasha Oakley and more are expected. The shop will feature exclusives by Lovers & Friends, For Love & Lemons, Beach Riot, House of Harlow 1960, Chiara Ferragni Collection, and more. You can also pick up a “Festival V.I.P” #REVOLVEbeauty kit featuring a curated selection of products from OUAI, ColourPOP and more. You might catch Nicole Richie and Alessandra Ambrosio here on Friday! Basically, this will be a fashion lover’s dream stop! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
American Express Onsite Experience on the Coachella Grounds WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: This onsite experience will feature the first-of-its-kind, robot-powered, interactive video activation that allows visitors to star in and share their own mini music videos. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
RELATED: Coachella 2017 Fashion and Beauty Trends: Sheer and Sporty Pieces, Glitter Roots, Braids and Bold Lips
Galore x Grinder Queens of the Desert with CharliXCX WHEN: April 14, 1:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: The Galore Motel: 210 W. Stevens Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92202 WHAT TO EXPECT: CharliXCX is the star of this bash! But attendees can also expect DJ sets from Orange is the New Black star Taryn Manning, Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods, Alie Layus and Simihaze. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
BUICK at Coachella’s Special Wellness Day WHEN: April 14, 9:00am WHERE: Ace Hotel: 701 E Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92264 WHAT TO EXPECT: Harley Pasternak, trainer to celebs like Lady Gaga and Kanye West, will host a workout boot camp session and Q&A followed by a 5-course lunch with celeb chef Bo O’Connor. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
CIROC ‘Summer Colada’ Take Over at Hard Rock Hotel WHEN: April 14 -16  WHERE: Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Ciroc is transforming the Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs into a swanky summer hotspot mixing old-school and new school hip hop. ET has learned Jhene Aiko is set to host a kick-off pool pool party event on Friday. Some of the starlets set to hit the hotel bash throughout the weekend include Ashley Greene and Ashley Tisdale. And if we could guess – we should expect to see a mini High School Musical reunion as it’s likely Vanessa Hudgens is also on the list. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
RELATED: Lady Gaga Will Replace Beyonce at Coachella
The H.Wood Group presents: Blind Dragon Pop-Up Desert Experience WHEN: April 14, 2:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Vista Santa Rosa, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: The celeb guest list is under-wraps for this bash but Post Malone will be taking center stage for a performance. Celebs who are fans of Blind Dragon in LA include Kendall Jenner, Patrick Schwarzenegger and more! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Present a Coachella Welcome BBQ WHEN: April 14, 3:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This exclusive, private event will host a 150-person “VVIP” dinner with acoustic performances from Republic’s class of 2017, including Hailee Steinfeld, Justine Skye, Post Malone and surprise guests. Guests will experience a curated menu from HYDE Sunset Kitchen + Cocktails and adult beverages inspired by the desert vibes of the Coachella landscape. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
PrettyLittleThing and Paper Magazine’s Pretty Little Playground WHEN: April 14, 3:00 - 8:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: An evening of fab festival fashion good vibes, and a special TBD musical guest. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
NYLON’S Midnight Garden Party WHEN: April 14, 10:00pm – “late” WHERE: The NYLON Estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Special DJ sets by Virgil Abloh, Johnny Wujek, Markus Molinari and Ana Calderon. While NYLON likes to keep the guest list for this bash on the DL, celebs who have attended this soiree in the past include: Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Skrillex and Kristen Stewart. Guests will be treated to a Batiste Dry Shampoo hairstyling station where beGlammed artists will give you a festival-inspired look. We’re also told to expect a flower crown accessory station and made-to-order ice cream sandwiches provided by Coolhaus. Guests can also cool down with refreshing, specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktails, provided by Johnnie Walker in their exclusive 21+ lounge. VIP gift bags will feature the Guess brand’s newest fragrance, GUESS 1981. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
VELOCITY BLACK x 1 OAK/Up & Down Beach Club WHEN: April 14, 2:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Richie Akiva, known friend to Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Scott Disick, and P. Diddy will transform an elite mega-mansion, complete with its very own lake into a weekend long beach party. Velocity Black, a global membership club known for curating the most memorable experiences, is treating VIP guests to an epic day party with music by DJ Taco (of ODD Future) as partygoers beat the heat with cocktails by Absolut Elyx and food by CATCH LA. ET has learned the annual star-studded pop-up will also feature surprise performances. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
8th Annual NEON CARNIVAL presented by The Levi's Brand with Tequila Don Julio WHEN: April 15, 10:00 pm – 4:00 am WHERE: Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport: 56-850 Higgins Drive, Thermal, CA 92274 WHAT TO EXPECT: This is Coachella’s must star-studded and well-known event. Attendees can expect new games and amusement park rides. Batiste Dry Shampoo will host on-site hair styling stations and offer samples to attendees seeking a quick hair refresh. Showing up single? Tinder will pair you with a new match on their bumper car ride. VIPs can enjoy bottle service with specialty drinks provided by Tequila Don Julio -- we’re also told all party-goers can cool off at a customized Bud Light station. While the guest list for this one won’t be released until the day of the party, last year’s guests included: Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joe Jonas, Courtney Love, Derek Hough, Nina Dobrev, Jared Leto, Kyle Richards, Scott Disick and Scott Eastwood. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only (Guests will need to present their special Neon Carnival wristbands and a one-of-a-kind Lokai for admittance.)
American Express Platinum House at The Parker Palm Springs WHEN: April 15-16, 11:00am – 5:00pm  WHERE: The Parker Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Guests can enjoy SoulCycle classes (taught by trainer Stacey Griffith), custom flower crown and flash tattoo stations, hairstyling and an assortment of premium food and drinks. ET has learned Bebe Rexha will also be performing while Hannah Bronfman will handle DJ duties. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Open exclusively to platinum card members
The Lucky Lounge Presents: Desert Jam at The Ingleside Inn WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Noah Cyrus will be the belle of the ball at this bash -- she’s slated to perform alongside a slew of “friends.” We’d love to see big sis Miley show up to support – perhaps with fiance’ Liam Hemsworth?! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
WINTER BUMBLELAND WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-6:00pm  WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: ET can confirm that Kendall and Kylie Jenner will host this soiree on Saturday while Ashley Graham will take over on Sunday. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
The Bootsy Bellows Estate with Chevy and PacSun WHEN: April 15, 2:00-6:00 PM WHERE: Private estate in Rancho Mirage, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: After Kendall and Kylie Jenner are done hosting Winter Bumbleland, both ladies are expected to show up to this shindig – after all, they do have their own PacSun line. Coachella queen Katy Perry is also slated to be there -- her BFF Marcus Molinari is a partner at the H.Wood Group. G Eazy is also on the list. We’ve heard Selena Gomez could also show up. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Topshop Topman Presents: The Escape at Korakia WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-5:00pm WHERE: Korakia Pensione WHAT TO EXPECT: Topshop Topman will be curating a pop-up personal shopping experience around their exclusive festival edits. Each day guests can relax by the pool and enjoy Korakia massages and meditation sessions along with complimentary laser facials from Skin Laundry. Accessorize with some Kitchhair bands, cosmetic glitter and face jewelry by The Gypsy Shrine, floral head crowns from Miss Daisy jewelry from the Bauble Bar. Guests can sip some CoCo21, Dulce Vida Tequila, Banfi Wines, Chagit health shots and more. Saturday will feature a Mediterranean spread of tapas with candy from Sugarfina along with other snacks to nosh on while Sunday will feature a recovery brunch menu along with Sugarfina and Chagit. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
#REVOLVEFestival WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-7:00pm WHERE: Revolve estate in La Quinta, CA  WHAT TO EXPECT: The fashion e-tailer’s 2nd annual star-studded bash will kick off Saturday with performances by Rick Ross followed by Migos on Sunday. A few of the confirmed celebs who have RSVP'd to this bash include Olivia Culpo, A$AP Ferg, Rocky Barnes, and Jasmine Sanders. Guests will be served Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial – the first champagne designed specifically to be enjoyed over ice. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Pool Party WHEN: April 15, 12:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This private party will feature DJ sets, acoustic performances and appearances by several Republic artists including Joe Jonas, Giorgio Moroder and other “major” surprise guests. We’re hoping Joe brings along brother Nick and/or Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Zoe Report’s ZOEasis WHEN: April 15, 1:00 - 5:00pm WHERE: Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Rachel Zoe will be joined by tons of fashionistas like Kate Bosworth, Chanel Iman and Jamie Chung at her third annual music festival retreat with a special performance by The Aces. Guests will be pampered with spa and facial treatments in the SK-II® Extreme Expedition Skin Rescue lounge, which will also feature an extreme weather sampling bar. Google is set to unveiling their newest Google Pixel Live Case designed by Rachel Zoe. May Kwok and Pamela Katz will be DJ'ing. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
1800 Tequila Presents: The HypeBeast Hotel WHEN: April 15 - 16, 12:00 - 6:00pm WHERE: 333 E Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT:  Expect tons of artists who are performing at the festival to show up -- word on street is D.R.A.M and Gucci Mane could be there.   OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch WHEN: April 16, 1:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private location in La Quinta, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Katy Perry will host an Easter Sunday “recovery” brunch featuring an exclusive pop-up of her debut Katy Perry Footwear collection! Guests can re-fuel with vitamin elixirs, oxygen bars and reflexology massages, then keep the festivities going with a Cover Girl Easter egg hunt.  DJ sets will be provided by Mia Moretti, Balthazar Getty & Bobby French. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Happiest of Hours at Nylon Estate WHEN: Sunday April 16, 12:00pm  WHERE: The NYLON estate WHAT TO EXPECT: A star-studded pool party to close out music’s most celebrated festival weekend. Start the morning with some recovery and relaxation from Liquid IV packets and Health-Ade Kombucha. Float the day away in the pool on a FUNBOY float (one of Taylor Swift’s favorites) while sipping on a crisp specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktail or indulge in a one-of-a-kind Johnnie Walker adult root beer float in their exclusive 21+ lounge. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
And, if you'll be at Coachella for weekend two, Mixology is hosting a pop-up shop bash at Miramonte Resort that's free for festival goers 21+ if you RSVP to [email protected]. Guests will be treated to a performance by Emergency Tiara and can shop goodies from Ricky's NYC, Nomad vii by Anne Bowen and more! 
0 notes
Complete 2017 Coachella Party Guide: From Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch to Kylie & Kendall Jenner's Hang Outs
Coachella is not only one of the hottest music festivals of the year, it’s also party central.
Celebs like Katy Perry, Kendall and Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens are known to swarm Indio, Calif. to take in the tunes and enjoy all the star-studded bashes and pop-ups that Palm Springs has to offer. In fact, ET has learned the “Chained to the Rhythm” songstress is throwing a soiree of her own this year.
While certain events are invite or VIP-only, tons are open to the public. Check out ET’s complete guide below for Coachella weekend one!
THE SEPHORA EXPERIENCE WHEN: April 14 -16, 11:00am - 7:00pm (YES, all three days!) WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: In the past, this pop-up shop has offered complimentary perks/treatments to all festival goers with celebs of all sorts stopping by! Go freshen up your make-up or hair with a free sweet treat! And they'll be there weekend two (April 21-23), as well! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
#HotelREVOLVE Pop-Up Shop WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm  WHERE: Arrive Hotel: 1551 N Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92262 WHAT TO EXPECT: Revolve clothing will take over Arrive Hotel to host an influential network of more than 30 of the world’s best bloggers and performing artists. Influencers like Olivia Culpo, Aimee Song, A$AP FERG, Natasha Oakley and more are expected. The shop will feature exclusives by Lovers & Friends, For Love & Lemons, Beach Riot, House of Harlow 1960, Chiara Ferragni Collection, and more. You can also pick up a “Festival V.I.P” #REVOLVEbeauty kit featuring a curated selection of products from OUAI, ColourPOP and more. You might catch Nicole Richie and Alessandra Ambrosio here on Friday! Basically, this will be a fashion lover’s dream stop! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
American Express Onsite Experience on the Coachella Grounds WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: This onsite experience will feature the first-of-its-kind, robot-powered, interactive video activation that allows visitors to star in and share their own mini music videos. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
RELATED: Coachella 2017 Fashion and Beauty Trends: Sheer and Sporty Pieces, Glitter Roots, Braids and Bold Lips
Galore x Grinder Queens of the Desert with CharliXCX WHEN: April 14, 1:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: The Galore Motel: 210 W. Stevens Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92202 WHAT TO EXPECT: CharliXCX is the star of this bash! But attendees can also expect DJ sets from Orange is the New Black star Taryn Manning, Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods, Alie Layus and Simihaze. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
BUICK at Coachella’s Special Wellness Day WHEN: April 14, 9:00am WHERE: Ace Hotel: 701 E Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92264 WHAT TO EXPECT: Harley Pasternak, trainer to celebs like Lady Gaga and Kanye West, will host a workout boot camp session and Q&A followed by a 5-course lunch with celeb chef Bo O’Connor. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
CIROC ‘Summer Colada’ Take Over at Hard Rock Hotel WHEN: April 14 -16  WHERE: Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Ciroc is transforming the Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs into a swanky summer hotspot mixing old-school and new school hip hop. ET has learned Jhene Aiko is set to host a kick-off pool pool party event on Friday. Some of the starlets set to hit the hotel bash throughout the weekend include Ashley Greene and Ashley Tisdale. And if we could guess – we should expect to see a mini High School Musical reunion as it’s likely Vanessa Hudgens is also on the list. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
RELATED: Lady Gaga Will Replace Beyonce at Coachella
The H.Wood Group presents: Blind Dragon Pop-Up Desert Experience WHEN: April 14, 2:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Vista Santa Rosa, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: The celeb guest list is under-wraps for this bash but Post Malone will be taking center stage for a performance. Celebs who are fans of Blind Dragon in LA include Kendall Jenner, Patrick Schwarzenegger and more! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Present a Coachella Welcome BBQ WHEN: April 14, 3:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This exclusive, private event will host a 150-person “VVIP” dinner with acoustic performances from Republic’s class of 2017, including Hailee Steinfeld, Justine Skye, Post Malone and surprise guests. Guests will experience a curated menu from HYDE Sunset Kitchen + Cocktails and adult beverages inspired by the desert vibes of the Coachella landscape. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
PrettyLittleThing and Paper Magazine’s Pretty Little Playground WHEN: April 14, 3:00 - 8:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: An evening of fab festival fashion good vibes, and a special TBD musical guest. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
NYLON’S Midnight Garden Party WHEN: April 14, 10:00pm – “late” WHERE: The NYLON Estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Special DJ sets by Virgil Abloh, Johnny Wujek, Markus Molinari and Ana Calderon. While NYLON likes to keep the guest list for this bash on the DL, celebs who have attended this soiree in the past include: Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Skrillex and Kristen Stewart. Guests will be treated to a Batiste Dry Shampoo hairstyling station where beGlammed artists will give you a festival-inspired look. We’re also told to expect a flower crown accessory station and made-to-order ice cream sandwiches provided by Coolhaus. Guests can also cool down with refreshing, specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktails, provided by Johnnie Walker in their exclusive 21+ lounge. VIP gift bags will feature the Guess brand’s newest fragrance, GUESS 1981. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
VELOCITY BLACK x 1 OAK/Up & Down Beach Club WHEN: April 14, 2:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Richie Akiva, known friend to Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Scott Disick, and P. Diddy will transform an elite mega-mansion, complete with its very own lake into a weekend long beach party. Velocity Black, a global membership club known for curating the most memorable experiences, is treating VIP guests to an epic day party with music by DJ Taco (of ODD Future) as partygoers beat the heat with cocktails by Absolut Elyx and food by CATCH LA. ET has learned the annual star-studded pop-up will also feature surprise performances. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
8th Annual NEON CARNIVAL presented by The Levi's Brand with Tequila Don Julio WHEN: April 15, 10:00 pm – 4:00 am WHERE: Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport: 56-850 Higgins Drive, Thermal, CA 92274 WHAT TO EXPECT: This is Coachella’s must star-studded and well-known event. Attendees can expect new games and amusement park rides. Batiste Dry Shampoo will host on-site hair styling stations and offer samples to attendees seeking a quick hair refresh. Showing up single? Tinder will pair you with a new match on their bumper car ride. VIPs can enjoy bottle service with specialty drinks provided by Tequila Don Julio -- we’re also told all party-goers can cool off at a customized Bud Light station. While the guest list for this one won’t be released until the day of the party, last year’s guests included: Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joe Jonas, Courtney Love, Derek Hough, Nina Dobrev, Jared Leto, Kyle Richards, Scott Disick and Scott Eastwood. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only (Guests will need to present their special Neon Carnival wristbands and a one-of-a-kind Lokai for admittance.)
American Express Platinum House at The Parker Palm Springs WHEN: April 15-16, 11:00am – 5:00pm  WHERE: The Parker Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Guests can enjoy SoulCycle classes (taught by trainer Stacey Griffith), custom flower crown and flash tattoo stations, hairstyling and an assortment of premium food and drinks. ET has learned Bebe Rexha will also be performing while Hannah Bronfman will handle DJ duties. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Open exclusively to platinum card members
The Lucky Lounge Presents: Desert Jam at The Ingleside Inn WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Noah Cyrus will be the belle of the ball at this bash -- she’s slated to perform alongside a slew of “friends.” We’d love to see big sis Miley show up to support – perhaps with fiance’ Liam Hemsworth?! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
WINTER BUMBLELAND WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-6:00pm  WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: ET can confirm that Kendall and Kylie Jenner will host this soiree on Saturday while Ashley Graham will take over on Sunday. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
The Bootsy Bellows Estate with Chevy and PacSun WHEN: April 15, 2:00-6:00 PM WHERE: Private estate in Rancho Mirage, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: After Kendall and Kylie Jenner are done hosting Winter Bumbleland, both ladies are expected to show up to this shindig – after all, they do have their own PacSun line. Coachella queen Katy Perry is also slated to be there -- her BFF Marcus Molinari is a partner at the H.Wood Group. G Eazy is also on the list. We’ve heard Selena Gomez could also show up. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Topshop Topman Presents: The Escape at Korakia WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-5:00pm WHERE: Korakia Pensione WHAT TO EXPECT: Topshop Topman will be curating a pop-up personal shopping experience around their exclusive festival edits. Each day guests can relax by the pool and enjoy Korakia massages and meditation sessions along with complimentary laser facials from Skin Laundry. Accessorize with some Kitchhair bands, cosmetic glitter and face jewelry by The Gypsy Shrine, floral head crowns from Miss Daisy jewelry from the Bauble Bar. Guests can sip some CoCo21, Dulce Vida Tequila, Banfi Wines, Chagit health shots and more. Saturday will feature a Mediterranean spread of tapas with candy from Sugarfina along with other snacks to nosh on while Sunday will feature a recovery brunch menu along with Sugarfina and Chagit. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
#REVOLVEFestival WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-7:00pm WHERE: Revolve estate in La Quinta, CA  WHAT TO EXPECT: The fashion e-tailer’s 2nd annual star-studded bash will kick off Saturday with performances by Rick Ross followed by Migos on Sunday. A few of the confirmed celebs who have RSVP'd to this bash include Olivia Culpo, A$AP Ferg, Rocky Barnes, and Jasmine Sanders. Guests will be served Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial – the first champagne designed specifically to be enjoyed over ice. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Pool Party WHEN: April 15, 12:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This private party will feature DJ sets, acoustic performances and appearances by several Republic artists including Joe Jonas, Giorgio Moroder and other “major” surprise guests. We’re hoping Joe brings along brother Nick and/or Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Zoe Report’s ZOEasis WHEN: April 15, 1:00 - 5:00pm WHERE: Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Rachel Zoe will be joined by tons of fashionistas like Kate Bosworth, Chanel Iman and Jamie Chung at her third annual music festival retreat with a special performance by The Aces. Guests will be pampered with spa and facial treatments in the SK-II® Extreme Expedition Skin Rescue lounge, which will also feature an extreme weather sampling bar. Google is set to unveiling their newest Google Pixel Live Case designed by Rachel Zoe. May Kwok and Pamela Katz will be DJ'ing. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
1800 Tequila Presents: The HypeBeast Hotel WHEN: April 15 - 16, 12:00 - 6:00pm WHERE: 333 E Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT:  Expect tons of artists who are performing at the festival to show up -- word on street is D.R.A.M and Gucci Mane could be there.   OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch WHEN: April 16, 1:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private location in La Quinta, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Katy Perry will host an Easter Sunday “recovery” brunch featuring an exclusive pop-up of her debut Katy Perry Footwear collection! Guests can re-fuel with vitamin elixirs, oxygen bars and reflexology massages, then keep the festivities going with a Cover Girl Easter egg hunt.  DJ sets will be provided by Mia Moretti, Balthazar Getty & Bobby French. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Happiest of Hours at Nylon Estate WHEN: Sunday April 16, 12:00pm  WHERE: The NYLON estate WHAT TO EXPECT: A star-studded pool party to close out music’s most celebrated festival weekend. Start the morning with some recovery and relaxation from Liquid IV packets and Health-Ade Kombucha. Float the day away in the pool on a FUNBOY float (one of Taylor Swift’s favorites) while sipping on a crisp specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktail or indulge in a one-of-a-kind Johnnie Walker adult root beer float in their exclusive 21+ lounge. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
And, if you'll be at Coachella for weekend two, Mixology is hosting a pop-up shop bash at Miramonte Resort that's free for festival goers 21+ if you RSVP to [email protected]. Guests will be treated to a performance by Emergency Tiara and can shop goodies from Ricky's NYC, Nomad vii by Anne Bowen and more! 
0 notes
Complete 2017 Coachella Party Guide: From Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch to Kylie & Kendall Jenner's Hang Outs
Coachella is not only one of the hottest music festivals of the year, it’s also party central.
Celebs like Katy Perry, Kendall and Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens are known to swarm Indio, Calif. to take in the tunes and enjoy all the star-studded bashes and pop-ups that Palm Springs has to offer. In fact, ET has learned the “Chained to the Rhythm” songstress is throwing a soiree of her own this year.
While certain events are invite or VIP-only, tons are open to the public. Check out ET’s complete guide below for Coachella weekend one!
THE SEPHORA EXPERIENCE WHEN: April 14 -16, 11:00am - 7:00pm (YES, all three days!) WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: In the past, this pop-up shop has offered complimentary perks/treatments to all festival goers with celebs of all sorts stopping by! Go freshen up your make-up or hair with a free sweet treat! And they'll be there weekend two (April 21-23), as well! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
#HotelREVOLVE Pop-Up Shop WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm  WHERE: Arrive Hotel: 1551 N Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92262 WHAT TO EXPECT: Revolve clothing will take over Arrive Hotel to host an influential network of more than 30 of the world’s best bloggers and performing artists. Influencers like Olivia Culpo, Aimee Song, A$AP FERG, Natasha Oakley and more are expected. The shop will feature exclusives by Lovers & Friends, For Love & Lemons, Beach Riot, House of Harlow 1960, Chiara Ferragni Collection, and more. You can also pick up a “Festival V.I.P” #REVOLVEbeauty kit featuring a curated selection of products from OUAI, ColourPOP and more. You might catch Nicole Richie and Alessandra Ambrosio here on Friday! Basically, this will be a fashion lover’s dream stop! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
American Express Onsite Experience on the Coachella Grounds WHEN: April 14 -16, 10:00am - 5:00pm WHERE: On festival grounds WHAT TO EXPECT: This onsite experience will feature the first-of-its-kind, robot-powered, interactive video activation that allows visitors to star in and share their own mini music videos. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Yes!
RELATED: Coachella 2017 Fashion and Beauty Trends: Sheer and Sporty Pieces, Glitter Roots, Braids and Bold Lips
Galore x Grinder Queens of the Desert with CharliXCX WHEN: April 14, 1:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: The Galore Motel: 210 W. Stevens Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92202 WHAT TO EXPECT: CharliXCX is the star of this bash! But attendees can also expect DJ sets from Orange is the New Black star Taryn Manning, Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods, Alie Layus and Simihaze. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
BUICK at Coachella’s Special Wellness Day WHEN: April 14, 9:00am WHERE: Ace Hotel: 701 E Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92264 WHAT TO EXPECT: Harley Pasternak, trainer to celebs like Lady Gaga and Kanye West, will host a workout boot camp session and Q&A followed by a 5-course lunch with celeb chef Bo O’Connor. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
CIROC ‘Summer Colada’ Take Over at Hard Rock Hotel WHEN: April 14 -16  WHERE: Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Ciroc is transforming the Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs into a swanky summer hotspot mixing old-school and new school hip hop. ET has learned Jhene Aiko is set to host a kick-off pool pool party event on Friday. Some of the starlets set to hit the hotel bash throughout the weekend include Ashley Greene and Ashley Tisdale. And if we could guess – we should expect to see a mini High School Musical reunion as it’s likely Vanessa Hudgens is also on the list. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
RELATED: Lady Gaga Will Replace Beyonce at Coachella
The H.Wood Group presents: Blind Dragon Pop-Up Desert Experience WHEN: April 14, 2:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Vista Santa Rosa, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: The celeb guest list is under-wraps for this bash but Post Malone will be taking center stage for a performance. Celebs who are fans of Blind Dragon in LA include Kendall Jenner, Patrick Schwarzenegger and more! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Present a Coachella Welcome BBQ WHEN: April 14, 3:00 – 6:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This exclusive, private event will host a 150-person “VVIP” dinner with acoustic performances from Republic’s class of 2017, including Hailee Steinfeld, Justine Skye, Post Malone and surprise guests. Guests will experience a curated menu from HYDE Sunset Kitchen + Cocktails and adult beverages inspired by the desert vibes of the Coachella landscape. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
PrettyLittleThing and Paper Magazine’s Pretty Little Playground WHEN: April 14, 3:00 - 8:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: An evening of fab festival fashion good vibes, and a special TBD musical guest. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
NYLON’S Midnight Garden Party WHEN: April 14, 10:00pm – “late” WHERE: The NYLON Estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Special DJ sets by Virgil Abloh, Johnny Wujek, Markus Molinari and Ana Calderon. While NYLON likes to keep the guest list for this bash on the DL, celebs who have attended this soiree in the past include: Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Skrillex and Kristen Stewart. Guests will be treated to a Batiste Dry Shampoo hairstyling station where beGlammed artists will give you a festival-inspired look. We’re also told to expect a flower crown accessory station and made-to-order ice cream sandwiches provided by Coolhaus. Guests can also cool down with refreshing, specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktails, provided by Johnnie Walker in their exclusive 21+ lounge. VIP gift bags will feature the Guess brand’s newest fragrance, GUESS 1981. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
VELOCITY BLACK x 1 OAK/Up & Down Beach Club WHEN: April 14, 2:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: Richie Akiva, known friend to Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Scott Disick, and P. Diddy will transform an elite mega-mansion, complete with its very own lake into a weekend long beach party. Velocity Black, a global membership club known for curating the most memorable experiences, is treating VIP guests to an epic day party with music by DJ Taco (of ODD Future) as partygoers beat the heat with cocktails by Absolut Elyx and food by CATCH LA. ET has learned the annual star-studded pop-up will also feature surprise performances. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
8th Annual NEON CARNIVAL presented by The Levi's Brand with Tequila Don Julio WHEN: April 15, 10:00 pm – 4:00 am WHERE: Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport: 56-850 Higgins Drive, Thermal, CA 92274 WHAT TO EXPECT: This is Coachella’s must star-studded and well-known event. Attendees can expect new games and amusement park rides. Batiste Dry Shampoo will host on-site hair styling stations and offer samples to attendees seeking a quick hair refresh. Showing up single? Tinder will pair you with a new match on their bumper car ride. VIPs can enjoy bottle service with specialty drinks provided by Tequila Don Julio -- we’re also told all party-goers can cool off at a customized Bud Light station. While the guest list for this one won’t be released until the day of the party, last year’s guests included: Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joe Jonas, Courtney Love, Derek Hough, Nina Dobrev, Jared Leto, Kyle Richards, Scott Disick and Scott Eastwood. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only (Guests will need to present their special Neon Carnival wristbands and a one-of-a-kind Lokai for admittance.)
American Express Platinum House at The Parker Palm Springs WHEN: April 15-16, 11:00am – 5:00pm  WHERE: The Parker Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Guests can enjoy SoulCycle classes (taught by trainer Stacey Griffith), custom flower crown and flash tattoo stations, hairstyling and an assortment of premium food and drinks. ET has learned Bebe Rexha will also be performing while Hannah Bronfman will handle DJ duties. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Open exclusively to platinum card members
The Lucky Lounge Presents: Desert Jam at The Ingleside Inn WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private estate in Palm Springs WHAT TO EXPECT: Noah Cyrus will be the belle of the ball at this bash -- she’s slated to perform alongside a slew of “friends.” We’d love to see big sis Miley show up to support – perhaps with fiance’ Liam Hemsworth?! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
WINTER BUMBLELAND WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-6:00pm  WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: ET can confirm that Kendall and Kylie Jenner will host this soiree on Saturday while Ashley Graham will take over on Sunday. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
The Bootsy Bellows Estate with Chevy and PacSun WHEN: April 15, 2:00-6:00 PM WHERE: Private estate in Rancho Mirage, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: After Kendall and Kylie Jenner are done hosting Winter Bumbleland, both ladies are expected to show up to this shindig – after all, they do have their own PacSun line. Coachella queen Katy Perry is also slated to be there -- her BFF Marcus Molinari is a partner at the H.Wood Group. G Eazy is also on the list. We’ve heard Selena Gomez could also show up. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Topshop Topman Presents: The Escape at Korakia WHEN: April 15 -16, 12:00-5:00pm WHERE: Korakia Pensione WHAT TO EXPECT: Topshop Topman will be curating a pop-up personal shopping experience around their exclusive festival edits. Each day guests can relax by the pool and enjoy Korakia massages and meditation sessions along with complimentary laser facials from Skin Laundry. Accessorize with some Kitchhair bands, cosmetic glitter and face jewelry by The Gypsy Shrine, floral head crowns from Miss Daisy jewelry from the Bauble Bar. Guests can sip some CoCo21, Dulce Vida Tequila, Banfi Wines, Chagit health shots and more. Saturday will feature a Mediterranean spread of tapas with candy from Sugarfina along with other snacks to nosh on while Sunday will feature a recovery brunch menu along with Sugarfina and Chagit. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
#REVOLVEFestival WHEN: April 15 -16, 1:00-7:00pm WHERE: Revolve estate in La Quinta, CA  WHAT TO EXPECT: The fashion e-tailer’s 2nd annual star-studded bash will kick off Saturday with performances by Rick Ross followed by Migos on Sunday. A few of the confirmed celebs who have RSVP'd to this bash include Olivia Culpo, A$AP Ferg, Rocky Barnes, and Jasmine Sanders. Guests will be served Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial – the first champagne designed specifically to be enjoyed over ice. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
REPUBLIC RECORDS, SBE and HUDSON JEANS Pool Party WHEN: April 15, 12:00 – 5:00pm WHERE: Private estate WHAT TO EXPECT: This private party will feature DJ sets, acoustic performances and appearances by several Republic artists including Joe Jonas, Giorgio Moroder and other “major” surprise guests. We’re hoping Joe brings along brother Nick and/or Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Zoe Report’s ZOEasis WHEN: April 15, 1:00 - 5:00pm WHERE: Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Rachel Zoe will be joined by tons of fashionistas like Kate Bosworth, Chanel Iman and Jamie Chung at her third annual music festival retreat with a special performance by The Aces. Guests will be pampered with spa and facial treatments in the SK-II® Extreme Expedition Skin Rescue lounge, which will also feature an extreme weather sampling bar. Google is set to unveiling their newest Google Pixel Live Case designed by Rachel Zoe. May Kwok and Pamela Katz will be DJ'ing. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
1800 Tequila Presents: The HypeBeast Hotel WHEN: April 15 - 16, 12:00 - 6:00pm WHERE: 333 E Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, CA WHAT TO EXPECT:  Expect tons of artists who are performing at the festival to show up -- word on street is D.R.A.M and Gucci Mane could be there.   OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite only
Katy Perry’s Easter Day Brunch WHEN: April 16, 1:00-6:00pm WHERE: Private location in La Quinta, CA WHAT TO EXPECT: Katy Perry will host an Easter Sunday “recovery” brunch featuring an exclusive pop-up of her debut Katy Perry Footwear collection! Guests can re-fuel with vitamin elixirs, oxygen bars and reflexology massages, then keep the festivities going with a Cover Girl Easter egg hunt.  DJ sets will be provided by Mia Moretti, Balthazar Getty & Bobby French. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
The Happiest of Hours at Nylon Estate WHEN: Sunday April 16, 12:00pm  WHERE: The NYLON estate WHAT TO EXPECT: A star-studded pool party to close out music’s most celebrated festival weekend. Start the morning with some recovery and relaxation from Liquid IV packets and Health-Ade Kombucha. Float the day away in the pool on a FUNBOY float (one of Taylor Swift’s favorites) while sipping on a crisp specialty Johnnie & Soda cocktail or indulge in a one-of-a-kind Johnnie Walker adult root beer float in their exclusive 21+ lounge. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? Invite Only
And, if you'll be at Coachella for weekend two, Mixology is hosting a pop-up shop bash at Miramonte Resort that's free for festival goers 21+ if you RSVP to [email protected]. Guests will be treated to a performance by Emergency Tiara and can shop goodies from Ricky's NYC, Nomad vii by Anne Bowen and more! 
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