#Joe burrow hot
burrowbaddie · 1 year
Joe Burrow x Female Reader
Series Summary: Childhood friends to lovers to nothing. You and Joe had history, you were each others first and then you were nothing. Years later, you guys rekindle the flame but with more obstacles in the way this time.
Chapter 2 Summary: You and Joe decide it’s time to be selfish.
Word Count: 7.2k
Warnings: Afab!reader, smut, swearing. Oral (female & male receiving), vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cheating! (You are the side girl, sorry.), mild violence (small fight scene).
Series Masterlist
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Joe flips through the photos while you pace your kitchen. He places the pictures down with a long sigh.
"Maybe someone is just being funny."
"Joseph, nothing about this is funny. They know where I live. They personally dropped this off."
"What do you want me to do? I hire a bodyguard and-"
"No. That will draw more attention. I don't know. If this gets out-"
"Cheeks, look at me. I won't let anything happen to you. I will find out who did this. They have nothing here."
"They have a photo of us kissing. You're publicly dating everyone's favorite news anchor. If this gets out, I will be the one whose name gets dragged through the mud. Not yours and not Nicole's. You said you would break up with her."
"And I am. Her mother is really sick. I don't want to be an asshole." Joe takes a deep breath realizing how that sounds right now. He pulls you in a hug and kisses your forehead.
"We should stop. This isn't good."
Joe doesn't let you go. He knows it's wrong, and he knows he should end the affair, but Joe doesn't want to lose you again. He won't.
"We will figure it out."
"You should go. I'll call you later. I have to do this thing with my mom and about Thanksgiving. Just forget I asked. My dad will understand."
"Stop. I'll come. Remember how we used to spend Thanksgiving: my family and your family? Game boards and watching our dads argue over a simple game." Joe kisses your lips and grabs his keys, leaving you to your thoughts. Mya comes over a few hours later to cheer you up. You have no one to confide in right now, and you're close to spilling everything to her. She hands you a glass of wine.
"Talk to me. I can see the wheels turning in that big head of yours."
"I'm in love with some I cannot have." You confess.
"Why not? You're a gorgeous independent woman; what idiot wouldn't want you?" Mya laughs, throwing her head back. You stare into the glass of red wine.
"He has a girlfriend."
"Oh. OH!" Mya puts her glass down and turns her complete attention to you. You're about to gush on everything when her phone rings. Mya groans and grabs it, answering a call from her mother. You down your glass and pour another glass while waiting. Mya returns, jumping down on the couch and smiling.
"He's not married, so I don't see the harm. He's the one in the wrong, not you. It's not your relationship, so who cares." She encourages you to make yourself happy and keep seeing the guy. You met Mya during your first year in residency. She was a couple of years older than you, but she reminded you of Quinn. After a few more glasses and a pep talk, you are feeling yourself. Mya heads to the guest room to sleep, and you take the time to send Joe risky photos. In recond time, Joe is facetiming you. You fix your robe and sit on your bed.
"Hello, Joey," You grin, holding the phone up, only showing your face.
"Stop playing with me. Put the phone down."
"What?" You can't hold your laughter when you place the phone on the bed. You hear Joe groan, complaining about you. Standing up, you drop your robe to the ground and pick up the phone. This time letting Joe get the full view.
"Fucking hell, Cheeks. I'm not even home right now." Joe groans, rolling his eyes.
"Where are you?"
"Reviewing plays and watching old footage at Tee's place. Half of me is ready to leave so I can fuck-"
"Yo J, we're going to order late-night take out you in?" Ja'Marr calls. Joe mutes his phone and puts it down. You pout and put your robe back on. Joe returns to the phone, frowning.
"I gotta go. This game Sunday is-"
"I get it. Go ahead." You nod your head and end the call without a goodbye. You decide to drink some water, take some pills, and let sleep do the rest. In the morning, you spend a good chunk of the day in bed trying to catch up on the Netflix show "You." Your phone starts ringing, and you see it's a facetime from Quinn.
"Quinn, what's up."
"I can't get married! Like, think of how hot I am. To be tied down but one extremely hot and wealthy man? He is so lucky!" She shouts. You laugh at your friend and sit up in bed.
"He is fortunate to have you."
"Fran told me you and Joe are on speaking terms. I'm glad to hear that. Have you been okay? Sorry, I'm such a shit friend."
"No. Stop. You're busy, and I understand. I am also busy. I'm doing okay. With everything."
Quinn gives you that look, the look of "I know you are lying." look. You take a deep breath.
"I will uninvite him to my wedding," Quinn states, making you laugh again. She always knows how to cheer you up.
"It's fine. Joe is your friend just as much as he is mine. We're okay. I promise."
"I worry about you. I don't want you to spiral down because of that prick."
"You and I both know Joe isn't a prick."
"Hurting my best friend makes anyone a prick. I could use a more vulgar word if you want."
"I'm fine. I swear. And we don't see each other often, so it's okay."
You stay on the phone with Quinn for another hour before hanging up and deciding to visit your parents. Your mom immediately starts nagging you about settling down and giving her grandkids. You have no plans to have children anytime soon. Leaving your mother, you decide to go downstairs and spend time with your dad before dinner.
"Is Joey boy coming to Thanksgiving dinner?"
"He has a girlfriend. I'm sure he will spend it at her house with her family."
"How did you mess that up? You guys were attached at the hip before."
"Dad. We mutually ended things. I wanted my career, and he wanted his."
"I know. But you were sad for a long time. I was really worried about you. I am proud of you—my beautiful little doctor." He kisses your head just as your mother calls for dinnertime. You stay at your parent's house pretty late. When you get home, Joe is sitting on your steps. You unlock the door, and he follows you in. Your mind tells you to kick him out, but when he touches you, your sense dulls, and you become putty in his hands. Joe places you down on the bed and kisses you softly. He whispers how much he loves you with each kiss, starting from your lips and working his way down your body. You pull Joe back up to kiss him—just a simple kiss. Joe starts down at you with some much love in his eyes. You look away and push him off.
"I'm tired." You whisper, wiping your tears. Joe pulls you close to him, and you both drift to sleep. In the morning, while getting ready for work, Joe sits on the bed, watching you with a grin.
"You look so hot in your doctor uniform."
"Joey, it's 4 am. Cool yourself down, boy."
"I can't!" He pouts, turning on the tv. You sit on his lap and kiss his soft lips. Joe sneaks his hand into your pants, slowly rubbing you through your panties. You look down at him, and he is wearing a big smile. Joe uses his index finger to slip past your panties into your drenched folds. You arch your back and moan as he rubs your clit in circles. Your body damn near shuts down when you hear Nicole's voice coming from the tv. All at once, you pull his hand out and stand up, fixing yourself. You can see the large strain on Joe's sweatpants. Joe stands up, adjusts himself in his pants, and turns off the TV, not before sucking on the finger that was just in your cunt. You shudder and walk away. You go your separate ways, and it's hard making it through a long shift when your mind is stuck on this morning. All you can think about is getting off and going home, calling him over to fuck you into oblivion. But that doesn't happen; in fact you and Joe don't see each other until Thanksgiving, when he shows up with his family and his girlfriend.
"It is so nice to meet you. I feel like I'm meeting a celebrity." Your mother gushes over Nicole as you push food around your plate. Joe won't even look your way. He knows how fucked up this is, but Nicole asked to come with the family at the last min. He couldn't say no.
"Pass the mashed potatoes, sweetie." Your dad shouts down to you. You pick it up and pass it to Joe's mom. Joe kicks you gently under the table. You don't look up. You refuse to look up at Joe.
"Omg, Joey babe! Is that a photo of you? Look how little you were, omg!" She points at the photo of you and Joe during your 8th-grade dance.
"Yeah, it was our dance for 8th grade," Joe confirms.
"You guys went together?"
You don't speak, and neither does Joe. Nicole's smile slowly turns into a straight line as she puts things together.
"Did you guys date?" She finally asks. You don't speak. Joe doesn't talk. Your parents look at Joe's parents.
"Freshmen year of college. But they broke up when he went to LSU." Your mother breaks the awkward silence. Joe coughs as Nicole stares at you.
"The best friend that broke your heart. I thought you meant that in a funny way. But I get it now. Bathroom?" Nicole gets up, and your mother takes her to the bathroom. Joe's mother looks at you and then at Joe.
"You didn't tell her you used to date? Joe, that was a bomb. She looked totally caught off guard."
"I'll go talk to her. I didn't think it was important." Joe says, standing up to chase after his girl. You start biting on your lip, trying not to let his words get to you. You're not important; those were his words.
"I have to take this call." You say barely above a whisper. You go to your bedroom and answer the call. Thank the heavens you are on an on-call shift because you are needed at the hospital right now. You say goodbye to everyone except Joe and Nicole. Joe excuses himself from the family game to follow you to your car.
"Not important." You swing your door open, waiting to hear what he has to say.
"Cheeks, you and I both know I didn't mean it like that."
"Right. Not telling your current girlfriend anything about your ex makes perfect sense. Especially since you're still fucking that said ex." You get in the car, ready to slam the door, but Joe grabs it.
"Everything okay?" Nicole asks, standing on the steps of your parent's house. You look up at Joe, asking him to let go of the door. Joe nods his head and closes your door. You pull out of the driveway, leaving them behind. Nicole crosses her arms, waiting for Joe to speak.
"Let's get home. I'm tired and want to look over some footage." He takes her hand, leading her back inside.
You and Joe avoid each other for the next few weeks, but that stops when you both attend Quinn's New Year's Eve wedding. You smooth out your emerald green satin bridesmaid dress and take a deep breath. The long slit going down the left leg gives little to imagine. Quinn is insane for designing this dress for a wedding. You take a look at the cleavage and shake your head. Insane.
"Quinn, this dress is way too revealing for a wedding. Like my tits are almost popping out."
"That is why it is an adult-only wedding. I wanted my bridesmaids to show some leg show some tits! Be free! Look at my wedding dress! The girls are popping out as well."
You just shake your head and laugh. The door opens to Francis, Quinn's twin brother, and two other bridesmaids.
"Don't you look absolutely stunning?" He pulls you into a hug.
"I told you, you looked amazing. Ladies! The countdown begins." Quinn claps, getting everyone's attention. Your nerves are running a bit crazy because you know Joe will also be here, even though Quinn said she would uninvite him because of you.
"Alright, we have to get going. See you down the aisle." Francis pulls you and the others out of the room. You stand lined up, ready to start the ceremony. The doors open, and it begins. The ceremony is 30 mins long, followed by the reception. You did your best not to make eye contact with Joe during the ceremony, but he now sits directly across from your table during the reception. The best man stands up and makes his speech, and you know you are up next as the maid of honor. You down your drink to give yourself some liquid courage and stand up. Everyone's eyes are now on you, but the only pair that matter are the baby blue eyes piercing your heart.
"I have had the pleasure of knowing Francheska, aka Quinn, for 14 years. We have been through Hell and back. Quinn is the sister I have always wanted. She is always in my corner just as much as I am in hers. Watching her grow into this amazing woman has been my pleasure. Thank you for allowing me to be on this journey with you. Nico, thank you for loving her unconditionally. When you asked me to help you find a ring, I could barely contain my excitement. But I knew she deserved you just like you deserved her. I want to wish both of you happiness and love always. To Quinn and Nico." You raise another glass and toast. Quinn wipes her tears and stands up to hug you.
"That's my best friend. It's so funny because me and Francis always thought it would be her and Joe getting married first. I beat you guys!" Quinn shouts. Joe claps and laughs, and you shy away from the attention. Throughout the night, you are happy people keep Joe busy with conversations. That is until Fran pulls you, Joe, and Quinn, into a private room.
"Sorry, Nicki girl, this is a friend zone. Just the four of us." Quinn says, closing the door on Nicole. You sit on the couch away from Joe, who is leaning against the door. Fran starts pouring shots.
"To us! 14 years later and still hanging strong! One down, three to go! Fran hands out the shots. You clink glasses and throw them back.
"I know Joey can not get plastered, but let's take a few and enjoy this night for me!" Quinn shouts. After three more shots, the guys leave. Quinn grabs your hand as the door closes.
"What's wrong? Are you going to be sick? Last night at the bachelorette party, you seemed spaced out talking to me."
"I've been sleeping with Joe for the last few months. Last month we had a small fight and haven't done anything since. We haven't even talked, but seeing him here again. I feel dizzy."
"I knew it! Fran owes me $20. You know Joe was acting super weird too, but Fran didn't know what was up. This is too good!"
"Quinn, what do I do? He has a girlfriend. He's moved on. It's not fair for me to keep seeing him." You pour another shot, trying to drink yourself into a reason. Quinn hugs you again.
"Talk to him. I'll be back." She leaves, and you sit on the couch; as time passes, you start pacing. When the anxiety is no longer bearable, you grab the bottle and return to the party. Nicole is pinned to Joe's side. There is no way you can grab him to talk, so you force yourself to have fun and forget him. This is your best friend's big day, after all. After many rounds of dancing and drinking, you take a break to use the bathroom. As you're about to close the door, a hand stops it. You stumble back and look up at the man you've been avoiding all night. Joe closes the door locking it behind him. He looks at you up and down, biting his lip. Without another word or second, Joe is scooping you up and kissing you heavily. He sets you on the vanity. Your hands are fumbling with his belt as he kisses on your neck.
"You look so fucking amazing tonight. Do you know how hard it was for me to hold myself back all night?" He whispers against your neck. You successfully get his belt loosened and pants down. Joe easily rips your underwear off and stuffs it into his pocket. You spread your legs allowing Joe to finger fuck you on the sink. Your head hits the mirror as you throw it back, moaning in his ear.
"Please." You beg. You knew both of you didn't have any time to waste. Joe pulls down his briefs, and your mouth practically waters, watching his cock spring out, hitting his stomach. Joe gives your pussy a few taps with the tip, running it up and down your slits to get natural lubricant. When he slides in you, try everything to suppress your moans.
"Don't do that. It's fine. No one can hear us. I want to hear those pretty noises you make for me, Cheeks." He groans in your ear. Your walls break, and you're giving Joe exactly want he wants. You a complete mess, moaning and crying out his name. His thrusts speed up as he battles his wall. You're cumming, unable to hold back anymore.
"Don't stop," You cry out, holding on to Joe for dear life. Joe had no plans to stop. His head was buried in your neck as he continued to give you deep and long strokes fucking you through your orgasm. And when it's Joe's turn to cum, he doesn't bother pulling out, emptying every last drop into you. Sweaty, breathing, heavy, and in pure bliss, you start a clumsy messy make-out session.
"I missed you so much." Joe pulls away and cups your face. You look up at him softly, nodding your head. Joe kisses you again on the lips, then your forehead.
"Hey! I need to pee!" A guest bangs on the door. Joe helps you down and regain your balance. Both of you quickly freshen up and leave the bathroom. Joe follows you into the room from earlier. He sits you on his lap and begins rubbing your leg.
"I'm going to break things off with Nicole. I know I keep saying it, but I am this time. I just want to know where that will leave us." Joe looks up at you with puppy eyes. You kiss his lips.
"Joey, I've never stopped loving you. I want to be with you again."
"I'll work things out. Can I see you when we get back home?"
"Of course." You smile into the kiss. Joe lays you down on the couch and begins feeling your body up and down. He's holding back this time because if he doesn't, Joe will take you again right here on the couch, not caring that he left his girlfriend alone. It's you that breaks away from temptation first. You return to Quinn's side, who gives you a sly smile. You made it just in time for the NYE countdown. As the clock ticks down to one, you turn to see Joe and Nicole share a kiss. Your heart sinks a bit, but you know what Joe said. After tonight he would end things. But, of course, fate has other plans.
When you arrive back home, you're tossed into a hectic work schedule. You hear from Fran that Nicole's mother passed away. Joe doesn't leave his fragile girlfriend; he continues to have both of you. You should know better. You should stop this relationship. But you can't. You can't help but fall into his arms. Joe can't help but to call and look for you whenever he needs you. You two become comfortable again.
Joe kisses your back and rolls over. He's going to the Superbowl, and as soon as he arrives home, he drives straight to your place to celebrate. Last night, Joe practically fucked you everywhere in the house. You run over, smiling at him, and kiss his lips.
"How are you feeling, champ?" You ask, playing in his hair. Joe pulls you on top of him, and you feel his erection.
"I am on top of the world right now. I'm going to the Superbowl. I got to wake up to this beautiful woman. I'm about to fuck her again and-"
You place a pillow over his face giggling. Joe is insane if he thinks your body is ready for another session. He tosses the pillow and flips you over. Joe pushes your legs against your chest, putting you in a mating press. Before he can begin his morning routine, his phone rings. Your mood falters because of the ringtone. Joe lets you go and reaches over to the nightstand for his phone.
"Where are you? The guys are already home."
"I had to stay at my parents' place. My dad wanted to celebrate. I didn't want to bother you because I know you had an early shoot." Joe sits on the bed, watching you limp to the bathroom. Joe relentlessly fucked you all night, and your legs still felt like jello. Your body is covered in his kisses, and his covered in scratches and your kisses. He follows you into the bathroom, putting the phone on speaker as you brush your teeth. Joe starts playing with your pussy making you squirm at the sink. He smiles and winks at you through the mirror.
"Really? I'm at your parent's house now." Nicole crosses her arms staring at Joe's mother. Joe takes it off speaker and leaves the bathroom. You turn the shower on and climb in, letting Joe deal with his problem. A few mins later, he joins you after brushing his teeth.
"Who did you lie about being with this time?" You ask, grabbing your blue loofah.
"I told her I was with Marr, which isn't a complete lie. I'm going there after this." Joe turns you around and lifts you.
"All night into the morning and again? I don't think I can handle you," You whisper against his lips. Joe was ready to slide in again, but this time interrupted by your phone. It was the hospital. He put you down and quickly let you finish your shower. You rush to your phone and return the call. After getting dressed, you kiss him goodbye and tell him to lock up. Joe follows your instructions, and after feeding Peaches, he leaves your house, going straight to Ja'Marr's house.
"Really? You were at my house? My girl called me bitching me out about covering for you." Ja'Marr rolls his eyes and follows Joe to the game room, where other teammates lounge around.
"Messy, man. You know our girlfriends are in a group chat together, right?" Von says, shaking his head.
"So, who is she? I've heard of having mistresses in other states, hell, even other cities, but having your side right here in the same city as your wifey. It's insane, my man," DJ Reader laughs, sitting on a recliner. Joe picks up a pool stick, ignoring them.
"She is his childhood friend slash ex-girlfriend. She's fine as fuck. Look at her Instragram." Ja'Marr passes his phone around, letting the guys check you out. Joe snatches it away.
"How do you have her Instagram? It's private."
"I followed her on my backup account. Relax. Me and Cheeks are kinda best friends right now." Ja'Marr takes his phone and sits down with a wide grin.
"So, are you going to end things with Nicole? I need to know the game plan since she's best friends with my girlfriend." Sam speaks up, this time earning a nod from the other guys. Joe scratches his head.
"I plan to break up with her."
"But?" Sam sits up, waiting for the next part.
"Every time I'm ready to end things with Nicole, something comes up. Her mother dying. Right now, she is still on bereavement from work, so I haven't found the right time to end it. But I will, and it won't blow back on you, Sam." Joe takes a seat looking at a text from Nicole.
"Listen, we all need to get our heads in the game. Stop thinking about women and side dishes-"
"Stop calling her my side dish or mistress."
"I mean, that's what she is—realistically speaking," DJ speaks again, earning some head nods.
"We're going to the Superbowl! Fuck everything else!" Ja'marr claps, bringing the group back to the main focus. Joe doesn't say anything else for the rest of the gathering. He is pissed off and doesn't want to cause friction, but at the same time, having anyone disrespect you doesn't sit right with him. So, Joe lets it stew all week, and it's not his fault, either. DJ keeps taking shots at him as well. Joe left his phone at your house and called you from Ja'Marr's phone. You arrive at the facility and sit on the sidelines, waiting for training to be over. During a break, Joe leads you to the locker room.
"Joey, not here. And you're all sweaty and gross." You yelp as he wipes his sweaty head on you.
"You can be sweaty and gross too." Joe kisses on your neck. You give him a shove.
"Behave. Here's your phone. Call me later?"
"Of course." Joe smiles and slaps you on the ass as you walk away. After practice, he is eager to visit you.
"Off to see that side piece of yours?" DJ laughs, throwing a towel at Joe. Joe takes a deep breath.
"Watch your mouth." Joe tosses the towel back. DJ stands up and gets in his face.
"Or what, pretty boy."
"Uh, Oh!" A teammate shouts, egging the situation on.
"Why don't we focus on the game? Why I do off the field doesn't have shit to do with you." Joe doesn't back down. His jaw clenches as he stares DJ down with the same firey expression.
"Cool." DJ turns around mid-way and stops.
"But once you're done with your side bitch, why don't you send her my way for a few rounds." DJ laughs. Joe snaps and throws the first punch. DJ quickly recovers and tackles Joe to the ground delivering a few punches. Ja'Marr and Sam jump in, separating the fight before it gets out of hand.
"What the fuck is going on? Get up now!" The coach yells while Ja'Marr holds Joe back and Sam holds DJ.
"I don't know what the fuck has gotten into the two of you, but it's showing on my fucking field! I don't care what goes on in your personal lives, but when you're here in my uniform, you act accordingly. Knock it off."
You swing your door open, surprised to see Joe standing there with a black eye and busted lip.
"Jesus! Are you okay? Is this from practice?" You ask, pulling him inside. You take him to the kitchen and give him an ice pack.
"Yeah. It's from practice. Dinner?"
"I ordered out. I didn't know you would be coming over, so-"
"It's fine. I won't stay long. I just needed to see you." Joe wraps his arms around you, surprising you. You hug him back, unsure of what to say.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. You know I love you, right? No matter what anyone says. I love you with my entire being."
"Yes. Where is this coming from? What's going on?"
"Nothing. I just needed to know that you knew that. Will you be at the Superbowl?"
"I couldn't get off. I'm sorry. But I promise to watch it."
Joe kisses your forehead and says his goodbyes. Nicole is waiting for Joe in the bedroom when he arrives home. She immediately touches his face. Joe explains practice got a little rough. After eating dinner, they sit on the couch watching tv. Joe's mind slips back to you. He wonders how different life would be if he had stayed in Ohio.
"I'm so proud of you. I know how stressed you've been about the Superbowl. No matter what happens, you will still be you, Joe." Nicole kisses his lips and climbs onto his lap.
A few days later, they attended the Superbowl luncheon. Joe and Ja'Marr take some photos and greet others. Nicole sits with the other girlfriends, gossiping.
"No, because if you think about it, he doesn't call you at all when he's in Buffalo. Girl, he's cheating." Amber, Sam's girlfriend, says, shaking her head. Nicole continues to scroll through texts, not really listening to the conversation.
"Look at the wives. Sitting separately from us like they're so high and mighty. They can get cheated on just as easily as us. They probably get cheated on more." Jessica, Tee's girlfriend, speaks up this time. Nicole puts her phone down with a chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Jess asks.
"I don't have to worry about any of that nonsense."
"Oh, right, because not all guys can be like your sweet Joe." Jess rolls her eyes. Eliza, Ja'Marr's girlfriend, downs her drink and giggles. Ja'Marr has told her on multiple occasions how Joe is fucking someone else. In fact, She has covered for Joe a few times, including last week.
"Do you think Joe is going to pop the big question soon? I mean, imagine he wins his ring and then asks you!" Sam squeals, thinking about the idea. Nicole blushes and fixes her hair.
"I don't know. We'll see what happens tomorrow."
Joe makes his way through the crowd greeting people. At one point, he sees DJ pull Nicole from the group to talk. A reporter is asking him questions, so he cannot leave immediately.
"Excuse me for a second," Joe finally gets a chance to catch up to them. Nicole turns, smiling at him.
"Everything okay?" She asks, fixing his shirt.
"Yeah. What are you guys talking about?"
"Just about the excitement for the game. DJ was also asking me to hook him up with a friend. All my friends are taken but your friend from college. She is single, right? A doctor too. I've only met her twice, but I think maybe you two could hit it off."
Joe stares at DJ, clenching his jaw.
"She is single. But I don't think she's into footballers," Joe laughs it off.
"Well, we won't know that until you give me a chance," DJ says, patting Joe's back extra hard.
"How about we set up a double date? Joe will let you know the details." Nicole walks off to find Amber. Joe smiles until she is out of earshot. He shoves DJ in his chest hard.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
"Hey, I asked for her to hook me up with a friend. Not my fault she brought up Cheeks." DJ winks and walks off. Joe runs his hand through his hair and looks for Ja'Marr.
"You look like you're about to kill someone," Ja'Marr jokingly says, handing him a drink. Joe declines the drink and runs his hands over his face.
"Fucking DJ talked to Nicole. Now they want to do a double date with Cheeks."
"He's such an ass. Don't let him get to you, though. Right now, he is our teammate. We need to focus on tomorrow and get this win."
Joe knows he's right. So, as much as it kills him, he sucks it up. The next day his head is on straight, and his mind only thinks about one thing. Winning. But right before taking the field, you facetime him.
"I just wanted to say good luck. And show you that I'm watching! See!" You point to the TV showing highlights of the conference game. Joe smiles, wishing you were here with him.
"I love you. Thank you, baby." Joe blows you a kiss. You hang up after saying I love you back. Leaning in your chair, your turn to your computer to enter some reports. Unfortunately, the Bengals lose to the Rams. You don't hear much from Joe for the next few days. You knew he must be taking the loss really hard, so you gave him space. Your parents invite you for dinner at the Burrow's place, and you accept, hoping to see Joe. Joe is there with his girlfriend. Of course, he is; what did you think would happen?
"Cheeks, Am I allowed to call you cheeks, or is that a Joe and you thing?" Nicole asks. You shake your head, allowing her to continue.
"You're single, right?" She asks, causing your mother and Robin to peek over at the two of you at the counter.
"I, umm, am."
"Great! How about a double date? Me and Joe and our good friend. He's a great guy and asked me to hook him up with a friend. Since you and Joe are so close, I figured it would be okay."
"Sure. That's okay. Who is it?"
"DJ from the team."
"Oh wow. I guess that would be fine. Excuse me; I have to take this call." You pull your phone out, walking away—a double date. There is no way you can handle that. Joe spots you in the hallway. He rubs your arm.
"You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm more worried about you." You reach up to rub his face, and Joe leans into your touch. You start to play with his ears.
"I feel like a failure."
"Joey, it's one game."
"The most important game."
"You're not a failure. Nothing close to that. You lost. It happens. yOu have to pick yourself up and go harder next season. I know you can do it."
Joe tries to kiss you, but you block it with your hand.
"Our parents are here, and so is your girlfriend, who asked me to join on a double date."
"What? She what? With fucking DJ. This fucking guy. I swear I'm going to beat the shit out of him."
"Why? What's going on?"
Joe shakes his head and walks away. Dinner was less awkward than Thanksgiving but still uncomfortable. You thank them for dinner and head home. When you arrive home, your door is cracked open. Your place is completely trashed. You call out for Peaches, who comes running towards you. You find photos of you and Joe scattered all over your kitchen. Your face is scratched out with the word "Whore" written on it. You put the cat down and try to calm your nerves. With shaking hands, you dial Joe but quickly hang up when Nicole answers. You're scared to call the police but too scared to stay there. You pack Peaches up and go to a hotel for the night.
"Hey?" Mya touches your shoulder, scaring you.
"Sorry, I didn't hear you come up. I will be in the Emergency Department all day if anyone needs me." You grab a clipboard and start working.
"You're jumpy today. Didn't get enough sleep?"
"I've been staying at a hotel for the last few days, so no."
"What? Why?"
"Someone broke into my house."
"Omg! Are you okay? Did they take anything?" Mya asks, following you. You pull her into a storage room.
"I've been sleeping with Joe. They have photos of us together. Intimately. It was all over my apartment floor when I came home."
"Burrow." You whisper. Her eyes widen.
"I knew it! I knew you were seeing someone from the Bengals! Fuck he's so hot. But omg Nicole. Nooooo, not my Nicole!" she pouts.
"Someone has been following us, and I need to tell Joe, but-"
"Listen, if you need to stay with me, my home is open to you. Fuck I can't believe you're sleeping with Joe fucking Burrow!"
"Sorry. It's going to be okay. Don't let it get to you. Whoever this person is obviously has no plans; otherwise, you would be on TMZ right now." Mya reassures you. But as days go by, you become more paranoid. It doesn't help that you receive a letter from this secret person telling you to keep everything to yourself. So, you do for Joe's sake. No one likes a cheater. He could lose a lot more than you. So, when the night of the double date comes up, you do your best not to look at him.
"You're gorgeous. I can't believe someone hasn't wifed you up." DJ smiles, making you giggle.
"Work keeps me too busy to date." You reply.
Joe sits back in his chair, staring at the both of you. It feels like he is burning holes in your faces. Nicole leans her head on his shoulder, returning him to the conversation.
"I'll get the check." Joe stands up, leaving the three of you to talk. You exchange numbers with DJ and end the night on a good note. He offers to take you out again. Joe is once again burning holes in the side of your face. DJ walks you to your car as Nicole pulls Joe towards his car. Dj kisses your hand and bids you goodnight. You drive to Mya's place and park in the driveway, reading Joe's text. Before you can respond, he calls you.
"Did he go home with you?"
"I'm on my way over now. So, if he's there, he needs to get the fuck out. Right now. I'm not even joking."
"Joe. I'm not home."
"Did you go to his place?"
"I have the right to see who I want to see, Joe. You're not my father, and I'm a grown adult."
The line is silent, but you know he's still there because he's breathing hard.
"I need to see you, so just tell me where you are." Joe pleads. He sounds broken and hurt. You give him Mya's address. She's working a double, so you should be safe right now. And when Joe arrives, he quietly follows you into the guest room, scooping you up and kissing you softly.
"Go away with me for a few weeks."
He pulls you out of your dress quickly. Joe's eyes scan over your body. You become shy under his gaze.
"I need you. I only need you. Let's getaway. How much vacation time do you have saved up?"
"A lot. But I need a more extended notice." You sit up on the bed, unbuckling his pants. Joe comes out of his pants and boxers. You take him into your hand and slowly stroke his dick. Joe watches you intensely as you kiss the tip swirling your tongue around.
"Fuck." Joe groans once you start deep-throating him. He throws his head back and bucks his hips. You pull his cock out with a pop and lick from the base to the tip again. Joe shakes his head.
"I want to cum inside of you." He pushes you back and tosses your underwear. Joe is quick and is between your legs, devouring your cunt. You wiggle and squirm as he holds your hips down. Joe sits up, pushing your legs to your chest, putting you in a mating press as he slides in easily. Both of you moan at the new sensation.
"I love you. I swear you're the only thing that matters to me in this world. You're mine." Joe whispers against your lips. You're so fucked out of your mind that you can't respond. Your mouth hangs open.
"Too deep." You cry out. Joe was hitting your spot, sending your mind into a dizzy spell. Joe releases your legs and holds them up in the air by your ankles. He watches his cock slide in and out of you while you cum. Your body jerks up when he starts snapping his hips faster, overstimulating your sensitive body. Joe lets go of your legs and spreads them wide to get a better view of everything. He reaches down to rub your clit, and you moan incoherently.
"Wait! Joey! Wait! I can't!" You cry out as he pulls out, and you squirt on his abdomen. Your body shakes, and Joe leans down, coaxing you through your high. He whispers how pretty you look right now.
"I don't want you to be with anyone else—only me. I want to be selfish with you. I want to be the only one making you cry like this. I want this pussy to be filled with only me. Can you let me be selfish just this once?" He begs. You nod your head, feeling him rub your thighs. Joe turns you over and enters you again. You find the strength to get on your hands and knees. Joe digs his fingers into your hips, watching your ass collide with his pelvis. Skin slapping skin, moans, and grunts fill the room with every thrust. Joe presses you down on your back, causing you to give him a more profound arch.
"Such a good girl." Joe bends down to kiss your spine. You start whimpering as he returns to his position and continues pounding away. Your knees and arms give out, and you collapse onto the bed, letting Joe have his way until he came. Joe pulls out and flips you over, spreading your legs to get a look at his cum leaking out of you. You shiver and whine when he pushes it back in.
"I want to get you pregnant. I'm not even joking. Can you imagine how beautiful you will look carrying my baby?"
You cover your smile at his words. Joe leans over to kiss you.
"I love you so much, Joe. If you give me a few weeks, I will take that vacation with you, but there's something I need to tell you."
"Is everything okay?"
"Someone broke into my place. They had photos of us again and-"
"Are you okay? Why didn't you call me?"
"The person threatened me, which is why I don't want you to take any actions. I can handle it myself."
"They've been in your house. You're not safe there. You have to move. I'll find you a place close to my house for now and stay with your parents. I'll hire security and-"
"Joseph, I said I can handle things. If you get involved, it will only make things worse. Until you end things with her, we can't. No one can find out about us." You cup his face forcing him to look directly into your eyes. Joe mumbles a yes and buries his face in your neck. And three weeks later, you find yourself in the Maldives with Joe.
A/N: Omg, I can't believe so many people like this fic! The title is called Second Strings, and it is a series. I linked the master list up top. If you want to join the taglist I have linked it here as well! But there is a limited amount of people I can tag. Thank you for all the love messages comments and reblogs! It motivates me so much. I know this was such a long chapter, but I had some time! Things will get more interesting as we continue!
Tags: @joselyn001@savii999@lostaurorax@simpgirl-lat@edenhess@blinkloverx3 @dboanalooaa
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burrow-ix · 1 year
Daddy • JB
Part Two
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Since you’ve had your beautiful baby boy, it’s been hard to have some private 1:1 time with your man, and he makes it happen.
Warnings: smutty smut smut #sorrynotsorry, (still getting used to writing it so pls bare with me😅), Dad!Joe (🥵), it’s so fluffy that it’s sickening
Here’s the part two👀
Part One is here
His eyes turn dark and he leans in, smashing his lips to yours. He nibbles on your bottom lip and slides his tongue past your lips to tangle with yours. You moan into his mouth, as your arms around his neck, your hands going into his longer hair.
“Jump” he mumbles against your lips before quickly reattaching them. You jump and he places his hands on your ass and you wrap your legs around his hips. This time already being better than the past two.
He lays you gently on the bed, detaching your lips so he could latch onto your neck. Kissing down your neck and to the top of your shirt. He comes back up to your lips, smirking against them.
“You have too much on, baby” he murmurs into your lips.
“Care to help me out?” You ask and he grins.
He grabs the bottom of your shirt and pulls it up and over your head and throws it across the room. He looks down at your chest and moans lowly.
“Much better” he leans back down and presses hot, open kisses on both of your breasts.
“If I could have you naked all the time, life would officially be perfect” he says, looking up at you through those beautiful eyelashes.
You let out a shaky breath, his words making you feel loved, even after your little breakdown you had earlier. He makes you feel sexy, he makes you feel like a hot mom, despite the way you have been personally feeling.
He makes his way down your body, kissing down your tummy and smiling up at you. God, he is everything.
He slips off your panties and practically drools. He slips your legs over his shoulders and kissing the inside of your thighs delicately, like he will break you if he is any more rough with you.
“Please” you whisper.
“I got you, baby” he says before licking a nice stripe up your slit.
“Oh shit” you gasp, gripping the sheets sheets below you.
“I want you to watch me devour you” his voice low and raspy catches your attention as you sit up enough to lean back on your elbows, your eyes meeting his now dark blue ones.
He repeats the same motion and you bite your lip excessively hard. God, this was your favorite view, one that could make you let go just by looking at him between your thighs.
He smirks before getting to work, flicking his tongue over and over and over again against your clit. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you couldn’t help but throw your head back.
You missed this a little too much.
“Eyes on me, Mama” he stops and you about come right there.
You lift your head back up and look at him, you’re already out of breath and he’s barely done anything but you were about to go over the edge.
He continues his attack, his tongue continuing the same motions when he takes you by surprise by sucking harshly on your clit, the noises becoming too much to bare. Your hips come off the mattress, just to be pushed back down by Joe’s arm. You grip onto his hair with one hand and his forearm that laid across your lower tummy with the other.
“Joe, I’m not gonna last long” you whimper.
“That’s okay” he says before slipping a finger into you, getting you off in a heavenly way with his fingers and tongue.
“Oh my god! Fuck Joey!” You cry out, your back arching as you release all over his face and onto the sheets, moaning Joe’s name multiple times. Woah, it’s been awhile since you’ve done that.
Joe cleans you up with his tongue, your body jumping every time, the over sensitivity kicking in.
He comes back up, attaching his lips to yours, your wetness still coating his chin and once again slipping his tongue into your mouth where you can taste yourself on him. You couldn’t help but moan against him. He’s so hot.
“It’s nice to know I can still make you do that” he murmurs against your lips.
“It’s clearly not very hard to do. You make it look easy” you sigh, trying to catch your breath.
“I’m just that good” he smirks and you roll your eyes.
“Your turn” you smile, reaching down and gripping onto his cock.
“As much as I want that, I want to be inside you even more, it’s killing me” he says and you raise your brows at him.
“I won’t say no to that” you lock your lips with his as he gets in position and slowly slides through your plush folds.
Your eyes screw shut and you gasp against his lips. This kind of freaked Joe out so he stopped, pulling his face away from yours.
“Am I hurting you?” He asks, his voice concerned, the worry lines on his forehead making an appearance.
Did it hurt? Him stretching you out after awhile? Maybe a little, but it only came with a sharp feeling of pleasure right after and you couldn’t get enough of it. Enough of him.
“No, you feel so good, Joey” you whimper, reaching down to his ample ass and pushing him deeper into you, causing you to let out a borderline pornographic moan.
“I’ve missed you so much” he breathes out, his head dropping to your shoulder as he continues slowly thrusting into you.
“I’ve missed you more” you murmur into his neck; wrapping your arms around his neck, letting one of your hands go into his hair.
As much as you love this, him doing all the work and enjoying the feel of you, and you feeling every vein on his cock, you roll the two of you over to where you were on top of him, straddling his delicious hips.
You sink down onto him and you both moan embarrassingly loud, both of you feeling him bottoming out.
“Oh fuck” he groans, grabbing your hips.
You start rolling your hips back and forth, side to side. He grips your hips tightly, helping you move. You felt every part of him, every vein, every dip, everything and it was so good.
“You are fucking unreal” he says, his mouth falling open and throwing his head back.
“Look at me while I ride you, Daddy” you smirk down at him, trying to suppress a moan at the way he look’s below you.
His head shoots up and his eyes wide as you continue to roll your hips against his.
You have never used the term, “Daddy” until you know, he became one. You decided to use reverse psychology when he used “Mama” earlier, since it got such a rise out of you. And it seems to have gotten a rise out of him, literally. His eyes go darker, if that was even possible and you feel him get painfully harder inside of you.
You roll your hips extra hard and you both curse. The feeling of you two connected like a puzzle piece becoming too much in all of the right ways.
He lifts your hips up and he pulls out of you which causes you to look at him confused. He grabs the back of your neck and brings your lips to his, you bare chest against his and his hand in your hair. As your lips lock, he slams back into you, quickly and repeatedly.
“Oh shit” you whine into his mouth.
“Fuck baby” he groans, “I’m not going to last very long”
“Me neither, oh god-“
You bounce back onto him to help speed up the process. With a couple more thrusts, you both loudly spill over the edge, him giving one last delicious thrust up into you, moaning each other’s names and both of you in a state of ecstasy.
He slips out of you, but he keeps your limp body on top of him, enjoying holding you.
“Now that one had to be top 3” he says and you giggle into his neck.
“Oh for sure” you agree.
“I’m sorry for making you feel like I didn’t want you this way, that couldn’t be farther from the truth” his fingers running up and down your back with one hand, his other holding onto your waist.
“It wasn’t you, Joe. It was me and my own screwed up way of thinking” you sigh, nuzzling your face more into his neck.
“It’s not screwed up. I know you’ve been feeling a certain way about yourself this whole pregnancy and even now that you’ve had him. I’m going to do everything in my power to make you feel beautiful again, so you can see yourself how I see you”
You pull your face out of his neck and look at him. You couldn’t help but smile with tears in your eyes. He cares so much about you and you don’t ever realize how much.
“I love you so much” you bump your nose against his and he smiles.
“I love you more” he winks and kisses you lovingly, rolling you both over to where he is slightly hovering over you.
“Want to go again?” He smirks and you laugh.
“You are incorrigible, Joseph Lee” you giggle, “but yeah, I do”
He chuckles and reattaches his lips to yours sliding his hand down your side, and down to your ass, squeezing it generously.
Just as you two were about to have your way with each other again, little cries could be heard on the baby monitor. You both smile against each other’s lips and he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours.
“Well, we got farther than I thought we would” he chuckles and you smile.
“A solid round and a half” you giggle and he sighs.
“We’re finishing this tomorrow night” he pecks your lips sweetly.
“I’ll be ready” you wink and go to get up when he gently pushes you back down.
“No, I’ll get him” he says, continuing to press loving kisses to your lips, over and over.
“If I can stop kissing you then I will” he chuckles against your lips and you could help but giggle as he continues to kiss you a couple more times before pressing one last kiss to your cheek.
He gets up and throws his shorts back on over that perfect butt before heading to the nursery.
You stare up at the ceiling as you hear Joe’s little coo’s to your baby boy on the monitor. How did you get so lucky to have two boys completely take over your life, your heart, your soul?
You couldn’t help but get teary eyed just thinking about them both and hearing them talk to each other through the monitor.
You get up and throw Joe’s shirt back on and walk to the nursery to see Joe and your baby in the rocking chair, talking away to each other. Your heart soared.
“Come here, Mama” Joe smiles over at you.
You smile back and walk over to your boys where Joe motions for you to sit on his lap to which you do, gladly.
You and Joe sat there watching your now wide awake baby boy, enjoying each other’s presence and realizing that nothing could get better than having these two boys that you love so much that it hurts.
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toppersbitch · 1 year
"You Like That One Huh?" // Joe Burrow x Reader
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18+ Minors DNI
Summary: While watching one of Joe’s post-game interviews you can’t help but get excited, he knows when he gets home and treats you.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: NFL Joe, dom Joe, horny joe, horny you, cunnilingus, unedited work
You sat patiently waiting for Joe to return home, the post-game interview was playing loudly through your shared house. You listened as you chopped various mixed vegetables to grill for his dinner. You couldn’t tell anyone's voice apart but Joe’s, his voice making you miss him even more. You loved the game day when you could attend, but were saddened when you couldn’t. You couldn’t wait until joe returned, you’d eat dinner, watch interviews and such about the game while he rubbed your feet. He was the most generous partner ever.
“You like that one?” you heard Joe’s voice from the TV, snapping you out of your thoughts, but quickly you were put back in. Joe always said things like that when he would eat you out, in between heavy breaths. The images running through your head made your stomach light and your legs weak. You tried to stop them, Joe would be too tired for sex tonight. 
To no avail, you ended up in your bedroom, on top of the sheets, touching yourself, replaying images and his voice in your head. 
You were reaching your climax, so close to tipping over the edge, eyes squeezed shut in euphoria just when the door unlocked. You shot out of bed, pulling your pants up, you hurried out into the kitchen, busying yourself with the vegetables. 
“Hi baby,” Joe turned the corner, dropping his duffle. His face lit up, shining his pearly whites at you. 
“Hi,” You smiled back, walking over to plant a kiss on your cheek, “go shower, and dinner will be ready,” you ran your hand down his arm. He sent you a puzzled look as he left the room.
You set the table waiting, he walked out his casual clothes in their usual mismatched but somehow stylish order. 
“Are you okay today?” were his first words as he sat at the table.
“Yeah, why do you ask?” “You didn’t do your usual greeting,” He frowned as he took a bite. Your usual greeting, running to him at the front door, jumping into his arms, and giving him the sloppiest kiss on the cheek. You’d done this every single game, whether you went or not. 
“Oh, I was just busy with dinner I guess,” You lied, not convincingly, it was a pathetic excuse and even you knew it.
“No, what's really wrong?” he raised one eyebrow at you. How could you possibly tell him that just his voice turned you on? Such weakness would be used against you lovingly in the future. 
“No really, just dinner,” you couldn’t meet his eyes. He stared you down from across the table. His gaze makes your cheeks feel hot, “okay fine I was in the bedroom doing something, and I lost track of time.”
“The bedroom?” his eyes turned intense as he took a sip of water. You simply hummed in response, “what could you have been doing in the bedroom?” He knew, but wanted to make you squirm, “No were you?” His eyes widened for show, teasing you. 
“Joe,” one simple word and he was out of his seat walking towards you. 
“What was it?” he was asking what made you so horny, you didn’t want to wait anymore. After one ruined orgasm you couldn’t wait one more second.
“Your post-game interview,” you looked down submissively. He tilted your head up by your chin.
“Mhm what part?” he ran his hand down your cheek.
“The part when you said you like that one?” you looked into his eyes. He smirked before crouching down to meet your face. He got close, brushing his lips past yours. He motioned for you to stand and you did so. 
He lifted you, wrapping your legs around his torso, you leaned in for a kiss but he simply tsked. He knew what he was doing now, and he knew exactly why that phrase turned you on so much. He set you so you were sitting on the table, pushing your plate off to the side, it clattered on the ground, food spilling onto the floor. His eyes didn’t leave you. 
“Let's find out which one you like?’ he lets his finger trace your thigh through your pants.  He reached the waist and pulled them down, your panties were soaked, slowly slipping them off then twirling them on his finger and flinging them. You watched intently as he kneeled, his face inching closer to your heat. 
His nose connected with your inner thigh, your breath hitching. His arms wrapped around your legs pushing them apart. You pushed your body forward, his mouth finally making contact. You let out a whimper as he placed a kiss on your clit, and then another. Then he was sucking, the suction making you feel ecstatic. His finger came up, playing with your slit, never entering. 
“Do you like this?” his breath made your hips buck. You moaned in response.
He pushed his tongue inside you, twirling it around, letting it drive you crazy. Your hands grabbed onto his hair, holding for support. 
“Mhm, you like this one better?” The vibrations of his voice were thrilling, it felt like electricity shot through your body. He pushed a finger inside, his mouth working on your clit. He pumped his fingers in and out, making a wave motion hitting your g-spot repeatedly. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, he began to flick his tongue over your clit. You moaned, pulling his blonde hair hard. You squeezed your eyes shut, the euphoric feeling from earlier returning.
“Joe!” you yelled out.
“Oh, you like that one huh?” You felt yourself release the second his mouth met your clit again. His arms held your legs open, not a fair fight in the slightest. You felt your body tense and relax and tense and relax. 
“Yes!” you answered his question, your voice shaking, “oh my god, yes” he removed his finger slowly, your walls tensing around them. He backed away, his body forcing itself against you, your legs staying open. Your cunt so sensitive even the cool air made you jump. He placed a long sweet kiss on your lips, pulling you into a hug, and rubbing your bad.
“I like that one too,” he said softly into your ear, you knew he was smiling.
I really really like this one...lmk what you guys think <333
Check out my other works HERE
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lovecincy · 2 months
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Thx Pinterest!!!🧡
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milenawarren9 · 3 months
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a-g-u-s-t-d1432 · 6 months
I have been having an obsession with 2 men and they are Jack Hughes and Joe Burrow. The content that I have been getting about those two are just so MAGNIFICENT. The content that I have been getting is just making me even more obsessed with them like look at some of the pics that I have seen.
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They are so goddamn hot and so adorable
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Oh dear 🥵
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Via Bengals
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iheartjustinh · 9 months
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my little princess <3
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stephstars08 · 8 months
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(Via BurrowsDaily on Instagram)
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lovecincy · 22 days
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Oh how I love Pinterest!!💞
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mrspablopaezgavira · 2 months
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Why is he so hot
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jherbo10 · 3 months
My vid of Joe ❤️
Here’s another vid from that day !! One of my fav vids I took, look at that jawline 🤭❤️👀
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ember02 · 5 months
No second thought I'll agree to whatever joe says
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anakinsempress · 5 months
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was looking for more photos to make another long haired joe edit and hot damn
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joesheistyy · 1 year
Busted on Ice
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This was inspired by me busting my ass on Wednesday because of ice and still having to go to class <3 yes, my ass has a bruise and so does my arm and my ego but I promise I’m fine and nothing is broken :)
Wintertime in Cincinnati showed no remorse to anyone. The weather would switch between mid 60s to low 20s within a day, and who knew if it was going to rain, sleet, snow, or be sunny.
You were one to study the weather, checking it multiple times a day, almost like it was social media. For the past few days, the forecast had been predicting ice and maybe snow. Or snow and maybe ice. It could be anything.
Both you and Joe were not fans of the cold. A nice, crisp 60° day was your favorite, and same with Joe. So this cold weather system coming through made you want to hibernate until it was done with.
“Do we have everything we need in case we lose power?” Joe asked as he entered the living room to see you charging your computer on your lap while playing the Sims.
“Yeah I think so. I mean we’ve got plenty of blankets cause of my blanket addiction and we’ve got non perishable foods so we should be fine,” you reply, not looking away from your game.
“So I guess we just wait it out now, don’t we?” He asks, sitting down next to you.
“Yup, sounds about right,” you said with a shrug.
As the day went on, the weather got worse. Going from rain to sleet to snow and back to sleet. You and Joe spend most of the day cuddled up on the couch, avoiding the cold at all costs.
You two headed to bed in hopes that the roads and ground wouldn’t be as bad as the meteorologists had predicted.
As the sun rose the next day, you and Joe made sure to enjoy the warmth of your shared bed as long as you could. You had plans with your friends and you’d be damned if you missed them. First, yoga class, then mimosas.
You began to get ready in the bathroom as Joe stayed in bed, turning on an episode of SpongeBob. You put on your favorite lululemon leggings and align top and tossed one of Joe’s sweatshirts on top.
Joe got out of bed and decided to remote start the car for you as you made your water bottle. You bundled up and grabbed your bottle, heading out through the garage. The car was partially defrosted, but you always left with plenty of time for situations like this.
You stepped out from the safety of the dry garage, but what you didn’t know was that the ground below was frozen solid, yet clear.
You hit the ground, falling on your right arm.
The most blood curdling scream left your mouth.
Joe came running outside the moment he heard your scream. You were sitting on the ground, clutching onto your arm. Your clothes becoming wet. You were in shock, your eyes filled with tears.
“Oh my god y/n, what happened?” Joe questioned, pulling you carefully into the garage. Your butt slid along the ice until it hit the hard concrete garage floor.
“This fucking piece of shit weather,” you cried out, grasping your arm and trying to make it feel even the slightest bit better.
“Baby, you gotta be more careful,” he said as he pulled you upright, trying to avoid the arm that you fell on.
“Joe I heard a crack and it’s numb, I literally can’t feel anything right now,” you croaked out, looking up at him with fear in your eyes.
Joe gave you the same look, a look of shock as to the status of your arm. “Babe, we gotta take you to urgent care or something,”
“I refuse to leave this house because of this fucking ice,” you yelled, walking back into the house, still cradling your arm.
Joe followed you inside, pulling out his phone to call the team doctor to see if he had any suggestions. You sat on the couch, grabbing at your arm and trying not to move it because of the immense pain it caused. You were still in shock, your body language radiating pain.
“Okay the team doc said to take some Tylenol…” Joe trailed off as he frantically walked throughout the kitchen, “oh I know what would help…ice,” Joe laughed out, thinking he was being funny.
“Not fucking cool, Joseph. Tylenol isn’t gonna help the fact that I probably just broke my fucking arm. Quit being such an asshole,” you barked out, frustrated that you were in so much pain and at the comment that Joe made. Glares were exchanged between the two of you.
“You didn’t let me fucking finish, y/n,” Joe responded with a harsh tone. The last thing you needed was to bicker with Joe, yet here you were.
When it came to injuries, you were usually pretty self sufficient. Bandaids and sprains didn’t shock you in the least, but this time around was different. You weren’t used to being in this much pain and shock, so of course you were going to be frustrated and angry.
“The doctor is gonna make his way over here to take a look at you. He said he’s safe to leave his house and not slip and break a bone in the process,” Joe snipped at you. That had your blood boiling, only making things worse. At this point, you gave Joe the silent treatment until the doctor arrived.
The doctor came in and took a look at your arm. It was swollen up pretty bad and your range of mobility was lacking. He gave you some pain pills and a sling and said that when it’s safe for you to leave to go see an orthopedic doctor.
Joe walked out with the team doctor, having not said much the whole time he was there.
“Let’s get you up to bed,” Joe says, outstretching a hand to you to lead you upstairs.
You follow Joe, he had gotten you a bottle of water to set on your bedside. You took Joe’s pillow and set it under your arm for support.
“I’m gonna go get some stuff from the store,” Joe says as he walks out of the room “text me if you need anything,”
Your pain medication made you drowsy, so you decided to take a nap. You were upset with Joe for talking to you the way he did, and you were upset with yourself for much more than just falling.
Upon Joe’s arrival back home, he put the groceries away. He felt immense guilt for the way he got snippy with you. He didn’t want to admit that your fall made him anxious, but he didn’t mean to be so short either.
Not much can make up for the fact that your arm was most likely broken, Joe was upset with you, and you missed yoga and mimosas. You were a sucker for mimosas.
But, Joe got you some things in hopes of making you feel better. A bouquet of flowers because he felt guilty for being short with you, a bottle of nice champagne to make up for the missed mimosas, and some of your favorite snacks. He even got you a new blanket. Sometimes, Joe loved to spoil you. You hated it because you always want to give in return, but he always says no. This was one of those instances where you wouldn’t be upset with him for spoiling you. Life seemed like it couldn’t get much worse.
Joe arranged the flowers and staged them in the middle of the island. He set the grocery bags of gifts on the island so he could slowly pull them out one by one to show you what he got you. He climbed the stairs to find you still asleep, partially sitting up to rest your arm comfortably. He sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked your non-broken arm to wake you gently.
“Hi baby, how’s your arm feeling?” He asked as your eyes fluttered open.
“Terrible,” you groaned out a bit. Joe reached over to grab the sling to help stabilize your arm. He lifted the blankets off of you and held out his hand to help you out of bed.
You followed him downstairs to see a beautiful arrangement of flowers and a few bags full of gifts. Joe pulled out a barstool and assisted you up.
“I feel bad for everything that happened today so I got you flowers and other goodies,” he said with a small smile, leaning in to give you a sort of side hug.
“Joey, that’s very sweet, thank you,” you leaned into his hug with a smile, taking a nice whiff of his detergent.
“Lemme show you what I got!” He said excitedly, walking to the opposite side of the counter to give you a haul. He always loved when you showed him what you got, but the roles being reversed was just as fun.
Joe showed you all the things he got, making sure to continue to apologize about being so short with you. And the comment he made about ice helping really set you off, and he knew that. He hated that you were in pain and he wished he could take it away.
Joe made sure to take the best care of you that he could. He made sure to serve you all the mimosas you wanted and drape you in your new blanket, along with cooking you all your favorite things. And, of course, give you all the snuggles and love in the world and try his hardest to keep you out of pain.
This idea was much cuter in my head 🫠 anyway, it’s something for you all! I’ve got more ideas churning and so many great pictures of Joe that are inspiring me!! Let’s hope I can manage to put content out while dealing with classes 😂 this is like my way to detox and settle down and I love it. I love y’all!!
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muncedes · 1 year
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that’s hot
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