#Johannes Ndanga
Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe: The Pentecostal Moonies
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▲Johannes Ndanga of the FFWPU and Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe
“Nations are subordinate to religious orders."
—Sun Myung Moon
I don't belong to Zimbabwe as a country anymore. I don't belong to Africa alone. I now belong to the whole world. This is why I am here in Korea today, because I offer myself to become a global citizen, a responsible citizen, an ideal person. Having accepted the teachings and having realized they are biblical, as a responsible citizen and as a leader, I took it upon myself to educate others, so that we can together share the blessing. As we share the blessing, God would view it as an act of restoration. As the True Parents have taught, it's an act of restoration, a return to the garden of Eden.
—Johannes Ndanga
Johannes Nyamwa-Ndanga, founder of Pentecostal Christ Church International (PCCI), founder and leader of the Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe, Chairman of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification - Zimbabwe, has had a colorful history before getting involved with the Moonies.
He was a long-time supporter of Robert Mugabe, former President and Prime Minister of Zimbabwe. Mugabe won the hearts of the masses for a time due to his own revolutionary career, believing he was a champion of decolonization, but many leftists in Zimbabwe believed he abandoned his ideals in the midst of the war for independence. Economic crises in Zimbabwe due to western sanctions played a role in pushing Ndanga out of favor. 
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▲ On the right: Grace Mugabe, former First Lady of Zimbabwe, greets those at a rally; on the left: Ndanga
In 2013, Ndanga is reported to have said that Mugabe is a king and that people trying to oust him through a peaceful election, like Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangiraiare, were committing a grave sin. Ndanga marched his followers at the time to cheer on the Minister of Information and Publicity Webster Shamu as he declared the “the bullet is mightier than the pen”. Members were ordered to vote for Zanu PF, Mugabe’s party.
President Robert Mugabe is known to have used the church on numerous occasions as a platform for political campaign.
Mugabe resigned in 2017 despite decades in power due to his party threatening to introduce an impeachment resolution against him.
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Ndanga's church is a branch of African Zionism, an African Indigenous church tradition that traces its roots to the pre-Pentecostal Christian Catholic Church movement based in Zion, Illinois. This traditional is not necessarily Zionistic in terms of their perspective on Israel-Palestine policy.
In 2017, there was also a mass exodus of members from the ACCZ, many of which expressed being disappointed by Ndanga’s leadership. The former secretary general of the ACCZ, Rev. Mathias Tsine, accused Ndanga of running a one-man show. He allegedly claims he is the “life president” of the council.
The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has started investigating Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) president Bishop Johannes Ndanga on allegations of defrauding more than 20 000 followers of their money in botched housing stands and vehicle schemes. There are no known public reports about this investigation.
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Ndanga since at least 2017 has also been connected to the Universal Peace Federation and Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. He has been assigned to bring Christian churches into the Family Federation. Ndanga claims that the denomination he runs includes a thousand churches with a membership of 8 million. Ndanga ran blessing ceremonies since 2017 on his property of 40 hectares of land, which has been dedicated to peace activities and includes a church. In 2018, 4,000 couples from Ndanga's church participated in a blessing ceremony. 
And what motivates Ndanga’s acceptance of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han as the Second Comig of Christ?
One of the reason we came to Korea is to come and get the blessing for the nation, not my personal blessing. Zimbabwe hasn't got its own currency at the moment; we are using the US dollar. I know the whole world is under pressure insofar as the economy is concerned. Our situation is worse. Even in the banks, there is no money. People living in the rural areas do not even have bank cards. So I have come here to collect the blessing from True Mother. If the blessing is pronounced on the nation, I am sure it will heal. We have so many natural resources -- minerals, gold, platinum, chrome, diamonds, we have everything. Just a few people exploit these resources, because we haven't got the blessing. I am optimistic that once we receive the blessing as a country, as a continent all those problems are going to go. Once the blessing is pronounced and the investors come, Zimbabwe can get back to its feet.
Bizarre Korean cult leader jets into Harare, Zimbabwe
Panic as Michael Mahendere snubs Korean Family Federation ‘cult’ leader, Hak Ja Han
Christians plan Harare demo against Korean cult leader
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
President of Zimbabwe to attend Hak Ja Han’s Peace, Family Festival
Hak Ja Han going to Zimbabwe to hold mass wedding
Korean cult leader gives journalists $20 each
World Leaders at UPF Conference this Past Weekend Memorialized both Shinzo Abe and Sun Myung Moon; FFWPU Worldwide Memorializes Moon
The Situation of “Providence” in Côte d'Ivoire
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in Sun Myung Moon’s church Choomonim Is Back Through An African Sister (2001)
Côte d'Ivoire’s Choong Mo Nim and Heung Jin Nim, and the FFWPU’s Involvement in the Drug Trade
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Did Bishop Johannes Ndanga Just Call POLAD "Jokers"?
Did Bishop Johannes Ndanga Just Call POLAD “Jokers”?
While calling for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and MDC leader Nelson Chamisa to find each other and work out a remedy to solve a fast deteriorating political and economic situation that has seen prices surge almost every day, eroding incomes earned by most workers in the much-resented local currency, controvertible Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) leader of Bishop Johannes Ndangablu…
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afroinsider · 5 years
LATEST: ACCZ leader false prophet Johannes Ndanga lambasts Nelson Chamisa's 16 August mega demo
LATEST: ACCZ leader false prophet Johannes Ndanga lambasts Nelson Chamisa’s 16 August mega demo
CONTROVERSIAL Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) executive moderator and false prophet Archbishop Johannes Ndanga has lamented MDC Alliance and a section of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who are planning protests and demonstrations in the country in an attempt to unlawfully unseat a democratically elected Government.
Speaking during the ordainment of seven Bishops of seven…
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satodaynews · 6 years
President Mnangagwa and Christians snub Korean 'cult’ leader, Bishop Johannes Ndanga breathes fire - https://youtu.be/WQBWwIjSUGM
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Hak Ja Han cancelled donations to Zimbabwe war veterans after poor turnout at her festival
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Photos from the Harare, Zimbabwe November 21, 2018 event
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The expected thousands of couples did not come.
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News / National
Korean cult leader donates $50,000 to American war veterans
by Mandla Ndlovu                     05 Dec 2018
Korean cult leader of The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Hak Ja Han Moon, recently donated over $50,000 to four American organizations that serve war veterans and their families.
The Korean cult was in the country in November where Mrs Moon was supposed to address a crowd of 100 000 people at the National sports stadium in a bid to expand the wings of her cult.
The media put much pressure on the church and the political leadership and the event was snubbed even by the President Emmerson Mnangagwa who was supposed to be the guest of honour.
Sources who were in the organising team revealed to us that Moon was supposed to donate money to Zimbabwe war veterans, church institutions and other charity organisations but ended up not doing so after Zimbabweans snubbed her event.
In America, Moon donated $13,000 each at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York to the following four veteran organizations:  
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Department of New York, a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard and reserve forces.
Union Cyber, a national nonprofit network for veterans that prepares men and women for careers in cybersecurity.
Headstrong, a non-profit in the NY area that offers free, and confidential treatment for post-9/11 military veterans. They provide support and services by veterans, for veterans facing mental illness, PTSD, substance abuse, etc.
Black Veterans For Social Justice, a nonprofit that assists military personnel in making a smooth transition from active duty to civilian life. They are dedicated to servicing military personnel, veterans and their families in the areas of social readjustment, housing, employment, compensation, disability, substance abuse, medical treatment, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, family intervention, prison counseling and relocation into the community, legal advocacy, discharge up-grade and redress of grievances within and outside the military.
In Zimbabwe Moon was welcomed by Minister of Defence Opah Muchinguri-Kashiri and Deputy Minister of Information Energy Mutodi.
Local Churches under the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) discouraged the Christian community against attending the highly publicized Peace and Family Festival saying they do not identify with the teachings of the movement.
President Mnangagwa and Gospel Musicians pulled out of Hak Ja Han’s Zimbabwe fiesta
Korean FFWPU cult leader gives journalists $20 each
Speaker at FFWPU Festival in Harare, Bishop Johannes Ndanga, being probed for fraud
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
The Fall of the House of Moon
On a mission from God: South Korea’s many cults
Sun Myung Moon jailed for two years in Seoul in 1955 during the Ewha University sex scandal
Japan High Court judge upholds “FFWPU used members for profit, not religious purposes”. This has serious ramifications.
Japan looted for the benefit of the Moons. Complaints reach over $1billion
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
“Ancestor Liberation must be done” Hak Ja Han 2015
Nansook Hong – In the Shadow of the Moons book, part 1
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Hak Ja Han Moon’s $1billion white marble palace in Korea
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President Mnangagwa and Gospel Musicians pulled out of Hak Ja Han’s Zimbabwe fiesta
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Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han sit on thrones wearing shamanic crowns while followers bow to them. It looks like a cult.
                                       updated November 26, 2018
President Emmerson Mnangagwa did not show up at Hak Ja Han’s festival. Zanu-PF Politburo member, Cde Josiah Hungwe, read his speech.
Archbishop Johannes Ndanga, who is being probed for fraud, did speak.
Newsday – November 22, 2018
By Winstone Antonio
SOME local artistes, including Mathias Mhere and Michael Mahendere, who were billed to entertain guests at the Peace Starts with Me (Peace and Family) Festival yesterday, pulled out at the last minute amid indications that they did not subscribe to Family Federation for World Peace and Unification leader Hak Ja Han Moon’s doctrine. [She claims to be the Only Begotten Daughter of God who was born without original sin.]
The Unification Church, whose followers are popularly known as Moonies, believe, among other things, that although Jesus created the conditions necessary for humanity’s spiritual salvation, he miscarried God’s plan for man’s salvation because he did not marry.
It was founded by Han’s husband, Sun Myung Moon, who claimed to be the messiah.
Mahendere told NewsDay Life & Style that he pulled out because he could not compromise on his faith.
“At first, we did not know much about this event until we did our research. My team and I are Christians. We believe in the Bible and we don’t really agree with what they believe in. That is my faith, and I feel I cannot compromise on my faith over this event,” he said.
“I don’t have anything against them, but I just said I cannot be part of this (festival) because it’s against my faith and my belief system.”
Mhere said he pulled out so as to protect his brand. “Following discussions with the AFM church leadership, taking into consideration the statements presented by the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Council of Churches towards the Peace and Family Festival, I decided to pull out,” he said.
“I have noted that Hak Ja Han Moon is not a Christian, and I, as a Christian, have seen it not fit to be associated with the event she is hosting.”
Trailblazing gospel songbird, Janet Manyowa, also dismissed reports that she would be part of the event. “We did not pull out of this event as we never went into any agreement to be a part of it. Thank you for your continued love and support as we continue to lift up the gospel of Jesus Christ our King,” she said in a statement.
Gospel musicians Kudzi Nyakudya and Kuda Mutsvene, however, performed at the event.
Satanism Fears: Zimbabweans snub Hak Ja Han Moon-Family Federation for World Peace event
By Takunda Shumba  –  November 22, 2018
Hak Ja Han of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification was the guest of honour at a government organised “Peace and Family Festival” being held at the National Sports Stadium in Harare on Wednesday.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa was billed to attend the event but had a change of heart after it was alleged that his guest belongs to a satanic cult.
The Peace Starts with Me (Peace and Family) Festival held at the National Sports Stadium on Wednesday was poorly attended after fans and gospel musicians stayed away citing the presence of alleged cultist, Dr Hak Ja Han. Han is the co-founder of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification church which has been described in some circles as a “cult” with links to satanism.
The church’s followers’ who are known as “Moonies” believe that Jesus miscarried God’s plan for man’s salvation because he did not marry, among other things. Han’s husband, Sun Myung Moon, also claimed to be the messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent.
Speaking to News Day, Michael Mahendere said, “At first, we did not know much about this event until we did our research. My team and I are Christians. We believe in the Bible and we don’t really agree with what they believe in. That is my faith, and I feel I cannot compromise on my faith over this event.
Mathias Mhere also added, “I have noted that Hak Ja Han Moon is not a Christian, and l, as a Christian, have seen it not fit to be associated with the event she is hosting.”
newsday, agencies
Mnangagwa hosts Korea cult leader as Zimbabwe churches denounce visit
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
Speaker at FFWPU Fest in Harare, Bishop Johannes Ndanga, being probed for fraud
High Profile Christians Work With FFWPU / Unification Church to Bring Only Begotten Daughter of God to America
Black Heung Jin Moon from Zimbabwe – Violence in the FFWPU
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Shamanic Trees and Magical Thinking at the Cheongpyeong Training Center
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
“Ancestor Liberation must be done” Hak Ja Han 2015
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Korean FFWPU cult leader gives journalists $20 each
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by Mandla Ndlovu            20 Nov 2018
Korean cult leader of Unification Movement / Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Hak Ja Han Moon, today resorted to dishing out goodies to journalists who attended her press briefing held in Harare on Tuesday in a bid to motivate them to write positive articles about her.
Journalists were given USD$20 each for attending as a form of appreciation. A journalist who spoke to Bulawayo24.com after the event said, "Yes it is true that we were given some appreciation money. We were also promised more money if we write good stories about Mother. The only problem was that the people who were given money were given USD but they changed them and gave us bonds. There was a suggestion that an association of journalist will be formed where members will be taught how to write stories in line with the unification movement and its agenda."
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The press briefing which was addressed by the Zimbabwean leadership led by Johannes Ndanga was organised to explain Moon's maiden tour of Zimbabwe and unpack the peace festival that will be held on Wednesday.
Moon was personally invited to Zimbabwe by President Emmerson Mnangagwa since she does not agree to go to any country unless a Head of State invites her.  She will be initiating many projects throughout the country to cement her cult.
The Zimbabwe Council of Churches issued a statement distancing themselves for the event.
One journalist asked a question if Zimbabweans have failed to pray for peace and need an outsider, Ndanga responded saying, "You must admit that we need help as a country. Mother is coming to give her help for free. With the influence of Mother, we are going to get rid of sanctions very soon."
The Unification movement believes that God s original intent was for Jesus to form a perfect marriage in order to redeem humanity and undo the harm perpetrated by Adam and Eve.
Because Jesus (the second Adam) was executed before accomplishing his mission, a third Adam was needed to form this perfect marriage and complete Jesus task. This third Adam would be recognized as the second coming of Christ. As the perfect man, he would marry the perfect woman and become the [sinless physical] True Parents of humankind.
Members of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification regard Sun Myung Moon and his latest wife, Hak Ja Moon, as these True Parents. Married couples and their families within the movement are regarded as “Blessed Families” and linked to God through the True Parents [or messiahs].
Speaker at FFWPU Fest in Harare, Bishop Johannes Ndanga, being probed for fraud
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
Mnangagwa hosts Korea cult leader as Zimbabwe churches denounce visit
Gospel musicians pull out of Hak Ja Han Zimbabwe fiesta
Japan High Court judge upholds “FFWPU used members for profit, not religious purposes”. This has serious ramifications.
Japan looted for the benefit of the Moons. Complaints reach over $1billion
Shamanic Trees and Magical Thinking at the Cheongpyeong Training Center
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Nansook Hong – In the Shadow of the Moons book, part 1
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Panic as Michael Mahendere snubs Korean Family Federation 'cult' leader, Hak Ja Han
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Bulawayo 24 News                Nov 19, 2018, updated Nov 20, 2018
Gospel musicians Michael Mahendere and Janet Manyowa drop out
There was panic in the Zimbabwean chapter of the Korean cult led by Hak Ja Han Moon over the weekend when gospel musician Michael Mahendere signalled that he will not be attending the much publicised peace festival penciled for the November 21 at National Sports Stadium. The event is organised by Family Federation and World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) [which used to be known as the Unification Church]. The event will be graced by President Emmerson Mnangagwa. “I can confirm that there was panic in the movement over the weekend when Mahendere refused to accept the money offered to him for his scheduled performance at the peace festival. Mahendere allegedly did not know that the event was a non-Christian event since Johannes Ndanga a well known Christian leader was part of the organisers. Things changed when reports came out in the open that ‘True Mother’ actually does not subscribe to conventional Christian doctrines.” said a source in the entertainment committee of the festival. Another award winning Zimbabwean gospel musician, Janet Manyowa, is reported to have also snubbed the Korean cult organised peace festival. Speaking to Buylawayo24, Pastor Sengezo Muchengeti of Christ the King Fellowship welcomed the developments. “I am very happy that after we came out in the open and described this event for what it is; an official cementing of Korean cultism in Zimbabwe, seasoned Christians like Michael Mandere and Sister Janet have disassociated themselves from this whole thing. We just pray God open the eyes of President Mnangagwa to see that some of these misfortunes happening in the country are because of these other gods whose altars we are erecting in Zimbabwe.” 
Hak Ja Han Moon is expected to land in Zimbabwe on Tuesday afternoon where she will have a press briefing after meeting President Mnangagwa at his Munhumutapa offices. Hak Ja Han is a Korean religious leader. She is the second [or fourth] wife of Sun Myung Moon. Her late husband, Sun Myung Moon, was the founder of the Unification Church. 
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▲ Moon and Han were married in April 1960 when she was 17 and he was more than twice her age. They have 10 living children and over 30 grandchildren. In 1955 Moon had an illegitimate son while married to his first wife. They divorced in 1957. In 1966 Moon had another illegitimate son while married to Hak Ja Han. The Unification movement believes that God's original intent was for Jesus to form a perfect marriage in order to redeem humanity, and undo the harm perpetrated by Adam and Eve which introduced original sin to all mankind. Because Jesus (the second Adam) was executed before accomplishing his mission, a third Adam was needed to form this perfect marriage and complete Jesus' task. This third Adam would be recognized as the second coming of Christ. As the perfect man he would marry the perfect woman and become the true spiritual parents of humankind. Members of the Unification Church regard Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han, as these 'True Parents’. Married couples and their families within the movement are regarded as 'Blessed couples' and are linked to God through the 'True Parents’. [Children in the direct physical lineage of the 'True Parents' are regarded as being without original sin and are known as the 'True Children'.] Hak Ja Han Moon claims to be the ‘True Mother’, the ‘Only Begotten Daughter of God’, who is reversing the Fall of Man by bearing children and starting a sin-free bloodline. She claims to be is ushering in a new era known as Cheon Il Guk (The Kingdom of Heaven). But, after marrying the 40-year-old Sun Myung Moon at just 17 and giving birth to seven sons and seven daughters, Hak Ja Han is the one to take control of her husband's church, along with his multibillion-dollar global empire and his spiritual legacy. 
[This article has been edited for accuracy and clarity, and the wedding photo added.]
Hak Ja Han’s ‘Cheon Il Guk’ Constitution is troubling
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
Sun Myung Moon: If Jesus had married his half sister, he would not have been crucified!
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
Hak Ja Han and Sun Myung Moon and the United Nations
High Profile Christians Work With FFWPU / Unification Church to Bring Only Begotten Daughter of God to America
Sun Myung Moon: “Christianity is an organization of idiots”
Sun Myung Moon’s plans to impregnate Mrs. Jesus back in 1978
The FFWPU / Unification Church and Shamanism. At its heart it is not Christian; but it uses a Christian signboard.
Sun Myung Moon’s birth name was Moon Yong-myung. Yong means dragon, originating from serpent.
Bizarre Korean cult leader jets into Harare, Zimbabwe
Black Heung Jin Moon – Violence in the FFWPU
Christians plan Harare demo against Korean cult leader
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Hak Ja Han going to Zimbabwe to hold mass wedding (and promote herself as the OBDoG)
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RELIGION REPORTER             Nov 3, 2018
Veronica Gwaze Forty thousand couples from over 200 countries will rededicate their marriages in Harare this month in a huge ceremony that will be led by Dr Hak Ja Han Moon.
The international peace crusader is the widow of Sun Myung Moon, who founded the Unification Church / Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
Dubbed “Peace starts with me, Peace starts with my family”, the rededication ceremony is being organised by the Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe in partnership with the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Universal Peace Federation.
Participating couples will be drawn from Zimbabwe, Botswana, Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria, the United States and other countries.
ACCZ president Archbishop Johannes Ndanga said the ceremony would boost religious tourism.
“This is the first time that Dr Moon will be coming. The event will be a major tourism boost and we will be working closely with the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority to make sure that the tourists are well taken care of,” he said.
The Department of Immigration has been roped in to facilitate smooth passage into Zimbabwe.
ZTA chief executive officer Mr Karikoga Kaseke said the country was developing a robust religious tourism sub-sector.
“Countries such as Egypt and Israel have developed their economies partly through religious tourism. We are working towards developing this sector and such events, as the one coming in November, comes as a major boost.”
He said in the past, conferences by the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance, the United Family International Church and Jehovah’s Witnesses attracted tens of thousands of visitors.
The ZTA is targeting average expenditure of US$1,200 each per visitor.
Who is ‘True Mother’ Hak Ja Han Moon?
Hak Ja Han calls Christians heretics
Sun Myung Moon: “Christianity is an organization of idiots”
Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene – official FFWPU teaching
Sun Myung Moon’s plans to impregnate Mrs. Jesus back in 1978
$1 billion Cheongpyeong palace and 120 crowns for Hak Ja Han, representing her kingship over 120 countries.
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Church & The Politics Of Truth Over Former President Mugabe's Legacy
Church & The Politics Of Truth Over Former President Mugabe’s Legacy
The remains of Zimbabwe’s former president Robert Gabriel Mugabe have arrived in the country from Singapore on Wednesday following his death last week, heading home for burial in a nation bitterly divided by the “hero-turned-despot’s legacy”.
Mr Mugabe, a guerrilla leader who swept to power after the southern African country’s independence from Britain and went on to rule for 37 years until he…
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Indigenous Churches Will Not Support Friday Demos: Archbishop Ndanga
Indigenous Churches Will Not Support Friday Demos: Archbishop Ndanga
Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) President Johannes Ndanga has condemned the mass demonstrations planned by the main opposition party and scheduled for this Friday.
The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is projecting to orchestrate a “Free Zimbabwe” demonstration on the 16th of August. The planned demos aims to pressure President Emmerson Mnangagwaand his government to rectify…
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Do Apostolic Churches Have Stronger Affiliation to ZANU-PF Than Other Religions?
Do Apostolic Churches Have Stronger Affiliation to ZANU-PF Than Other Religions?
In their latest study entitled Religion and Politics in Zimbabwe, the Research and Advocacy Unit (RAU) revealed that members of the indigenous religious apostolic sect (Vapostori) are mostly affiliated to the ruling Zanu PF party.
Using data from Round 7 (2017) of the Afrobarometer, the independent think tank said the sect’s affinity to the revolutionary party and their voting patterns greatly…
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Political & Socio-Economic Impasse Divides The Church In Zimbabwe
Political & Socio-Economic Impasse Divides The Church In Zimbabwe
Since the antique age, the religion has been an elemental part of the corpus of political life.
In Zimbabwe, the church has been active on the political scene on various fronts yet its exact role within the context of political transitions has been least explored, save only for the constitution-making process, the November 2017 events that elbows out former President Robert Mugabefrom power and,…
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Prominent Church Archbishop Under Anti-Corruption Commission Investigation for Fraud!
Prominent Church Archbishop Under Anti-Corruption Commission Investigation for Fraud!
The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has started investigating Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) president Archbishop Johannes Ndanga on allegations of defrauding over 20 000 followers of their money in botched housing stands and vehicle schemes.
This serious allegation of fraud and that of abusing office first came to surface in 2015, with the ACCZ executive alleging that…
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afroinsider · 5 years
LATEST: ACCZ leader false prophet Johannes Ndanga lambasts Nelson Chamisa's 16 August mega demo
LATEST: ACCZ leader false prophet Johannes Ndanga lambasts Nelson Chamisa’s 16 August mega demo
CONTROVERSIAL Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) executive moderator and false prophet Archbishop Johannes Ndanga has lamented MDC Alliance and a section of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who are planning protests and demonstrations in the country in an attempt to unlawfully unseat a democratically elected Government.
Speaking during the ordainment of seven Bishops of seven…
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Speaker at FFWPU Fest in Harare, Bishop Johannes Ndanga, being probed for fraud
Last updated Oct 4, 2018
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Johannes Ndanga, the president of the Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) and long time supporter of President Robert Mugabe (Picture by NewsDay)
The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has started investigating Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) president Bishop Johannes Ndanga on allegations of defrauding more than 20 000 followers of their money in botched housing stands and vehicle schemes.
“The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission is investigating a case of fraud as defined in section 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) Chapter 9:23 that was reported to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission,” according to a letter written by ZACC recently to officials from the Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe.
“I hereto allude to the meeting that was held at my office with Bishop Komichi, Rev Manongwa, Pastor Dzvene and three investigation officers namely Masimba, Ndlovu and Jere in the same matter from which we resolve that the three elders of the church should go and collect the information from all their members who paid money towards some residential stands and did not get (them).
“This will facilitate further investigations and you will be advised of our progress as investigations continue,” reads the ZACC letter.
Bizarre Korean cult leader jets into Harare, Zimbabwe
Panic as Michael Mahendere snubs Korean Family Federation ‘cult’ leader, Hak Ja Han
Christians plan Harare demo against Korean cult leader
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
President of Zimbabwe to attend Hak Ja Han’s Peace, Family Festival
Hak Ja Han going to Zimbabwe to hold mass wedding
Korean cult leader gives journalists $20 each
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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