#unification church in zimbabwe
The Dark Shadow Cast by Moon Sun Myung’s Unification Church and Abe Shinzo (Part 2)
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▲ Maitreya ‘future Buddha’ statue and marble vase – both made in UC factories in Korea – for sale at vastly inflated prices.
Asia Pacific Journal | Japan Focus Peter McGill October 15, 2022
Concealment and Deception One of many charges made against the Unification Church is its lack of candour about numerous front groups, often given titles offering no clue as to their cult origins. 
In Japan, recruitment and fund-raising have frequently involved concealment and deception. Sakurai says this has been necessary to hide both the Judaeo-Christian elements of the Moon cult in a country that lacks any monotheistic tradition, and its lacing with Korean nationalism. Recruiters “don’t disclose who they are but aim first at establishing a strong emotional relationship,” he notes. Elderly Japanese and housewives are particularly vulnerable to a strategy that employs fortune-telling and ancestor worship.
Moon’s boldest subterfuge in the late 1980s was to establish a Buddhist cult called Tenchi Seikyo (‘True teachings of heaven and earth’) to wring more money out of Japan. A ‘clandestine convergence’ of ‘traditional Japanese folk Buddhism’ with the Christian messianism of the Unification Church, Tenchi Seikyo met the expedient requirement for ‘a more direct fund-raising and witnessing approach within a predominantly Buddhist country,’ Thomas H. Pearce noted in a paper.2 The forerunner of Tenchi Seikyo was started in Hokkaido in the late 1950s by a charismatic spiritual medium, Kawase Kayo.
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▲ Kawase Kayo with Sun Myung Moon
Her cult’s object of worship was the Maitreya ‘future Buddha’ (Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩). In the early 1970s, she secretly joined the Unification Church, but did not announce this to her followers, who continued to worship Miroku Bosatsu. This did not trouble Kawase, as according to Moon’s syncretic doctrine, the Korean messiah could also be Buddha: 
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▲ Moon as Maitreya Buddha  ‘Naturally, the Lord of the Second Advent [i.e., Moon], who comes as the central figure of Christianity, will also play the role of Buddha, whom Buddhists believe will come again, as well as the role of the “True Man” whose appearance Confucianists anticipate, and “Chung Do Ryung” (“Herald of the Righteous Way”), whom many Koreans expect to come. In addition, he will also play the role of the central figure whom all other religions await.’ (‘Divine Principle,’ 1973)   Kawase founded Tenchi Seikyo after receiving a “heavenly message” in 1987. The messenger was a young African who had belonged to the Unification Church in Zimbabwe. Cultists believed him to be the incarnation of ‘Lord’ Heung Jin, the second son of Moon who died in a car accident in 1986. During a visit to Japan, the African Heung Jin instructed Kawase to obtain legal status for a new Miroku church.
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▲ Cleopas Kundiona at a Tenchi Seikyo dojo in Japan
‘Within months,’ the Unification Church ‘had organised Tenchi Seikyo centres throughout the country. Thousands of members and a large amount of money were invested in creating this new organization.’ In the 1990s, out of 111,000 followers of Tenchi Seikyo, only 8,000 had been informed that the Miroku Bosatsu they were worshipping was actually Moon Sun Myung. Members of the Unification Church were in charge of running the Tenchi Seikyo centres, known as dojo, and they all believed that Moon was Miroku Bosatsu,’ while their ‘core concern’ was that Moon needed ‘money and members to save the world.’ Pearce was told by an officer of Tenchi Seikyo that his cult had made ‘very large contributions to Moon.’ 
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▲ Cleopas Kundiona at a Tenchi Seikyo dojo in Japan. Note the miniature pagodas and the marble vases.
In order to peddle Unification Church products, such as marble vases, miniature marble pagodas, ivory inkan seals, Buddhist prayer beads and ginseng tea, Japanese consumers first had to be won over.
Typical Moonie approaches to Japanese strangers have included “Please cooperate in this questionnaire into youth consciousness,” or “I am studying palm reading. There are stress lines in your hand that indicate a transition period.” Bit by bit, they drew out personal worries, and family and financial misfortunes. 
Pearce interviewed a Unification Church female member who claimed to be a trainee monk and gained entry to Japanese homes by promising to read a householder’s fortune. The kanji characters of the victim’s name inevitably would indicate trouble in the spirit world, but this could be rectified by buying a new inkan seal. After the order was placed, the Unificationist would continue to visit the house and give instructions on worship at the family altars, so that the ancestral curse would be lifted. Once the inkan arrived, the target would be invited to a showroom for the sale of marble vases. 
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▲ Inkan name seal
Remedies from bad karma, “to free you from the fateful destiny of ancestors,” were all exorbitantly expensive. One bottle of concentrated ginseng extract was peddled for ¥80,000. A carved pagoda would set you back ¥5.4 million. Missionaries scanned death notices to identify the recently bereaved, who were then offered special communication channels to the spirit world in return for a sizeable donation. 
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▲ Sun Myung Moon and Hak Jan Han with a miniature pagoda. They claimed they knew nothing about the pagoda scam in Japan.
The Unification Church has defended such fraudulent practices. “Imagine that one of our ancestors committed a sin in his life and is now in hell, but let’s say he can ascend to heaven from hell through our ancestor donations. He can be freed from hell. How great is this?” spokesman Ahn told the Al Jazeera news channel in 2012.
The Asian financial crisis of 1997-8 dealt a heavy blow to Unification Church finances. In 2005, Moon’s fourth son Kook Jin, who has an MBA from the United States, was put in charge of restructuring the Tongil (‘Unification’) Group, the church’s business empire in Korea.
In 2012, Moon Kook Jin told a Unification Church assembly in Seoul that the cult had “fought a very difficult battle against the Japanese government’s persecution of our church” and had “prevented the government from closing our church down.” Both membership and income in Japan had posted healthy growth, he assured cult members. Net membership in Japan increased by “15,000” in three years and debt incurred from settling legal claims had been cut by more than $300 million. “We are doing just fine,” he assured.
If confirmed, this increase in membership may be linked to targeting of Zainichi ethnic Korean permanent residents, who either immigrated to Japan before 1945 or are descended from them. 
According to Sakurai of Hokkaido University, most members of the Unification Church in Japan “are ordinary Japanese.” However, in 2005 the Public Security Intelligence Agency reported that a “unique group” had established “a new organization with the purpose of gathering Koreans living in Japan and that exhibited attempts to extend its influence by incorporating these Zainichi Koreans and affiliated parties” and was “inciting a sense of danger and anxiety” to expand its power. The following year, the agency added that the group “advocates the unification of the Korean Peninsula and has made moves to create friction with Zainichi organizations by making Zainichi Koreans and affiliated parties attend gatherings in South Korea and through other means." In response to opposition questions in the Diet, the Cabinet clarified on August 15 that this “unique group” being monitored was the Unification Church. It was categorised as unique because of “doctrines and claims that deviate from social norms.”3
A huge Moon Church scam in Japan is revealed
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
What’s happening in Japan, and what will happen in the global church
The Unification Church has acquired billions the past few years from selling off properties, smaller but economically solid subsidiaries, and through weapons deals and military contracts over the past few years, including both the FFWPU and Hyun Jin’s GPF/Family Peace Association, and to a lesser degree Hyung Jin Moon (who through Kook Jin is not selling off church properties but instead pushing for even more military contracts with Kahr and Saeilo, and had recently re-claimed/acquired subsidiaries in Japan)
What is to result from all of this? FFWPU will continue to lighten the load of members in the imperial core, and due to public demand, will create reforms in Japan with what members it will have left, but they will continue to recruit and exploit members, and meddle in public affairs, in Mongolia, the Philippines, Nepal, etc.   And the Unification Church in the US will be replenished by these recruits, as it has been the past few years. Many active members in NJ and NY joined the Unification Church sometime in the late 80s into the late 90s. More and more Filipino members have been integrated into the mainstream FFWPU the past few years, allowed to live off of church properties, or work outside of leaders’ houses, and with their own families and spouses.
That said, the FFWPU in the US has been rapidly downsizing the past decade as well, but its business and industrial empire is booming. That said, in countries like Nepal that are trying to develop more and more close relations with the Republic of Korea, both diplomatically and economically, or Zimbabwe, where the UPF and FFWPU head Ndanga openly speaks of meeting with Hak Ja Han to bring economic “blessings” back to his country,  With waning Japanese guilt among the members, with more and more Japanese members leaving due to right-wing nationalist sentiment (denouncing the Divine Principle as containing historical lies about Japan and Korea) but even more due to the recent incidents empowering them to leave. Now the public largely sees the Unification Church as both abusive and a political tool. 
Since the time of the assassination of Shinzo Abe, and due to Hyung Jin(Sean) and his rallies, at least 1,000 Japanese FFWPU members have joined Sanctuary Church. It has been said that there is a small but growing number of Hyun Jin (Preston) loyalists as well, with a surge of recruits and curious members inquiring around the time of the assassination. No matter what, due to both the evangelism of other sects (including smaller sects, such as the Woo group) and the public shaming, the mainline Unification Church, or the Family Fed, in Japan is bound to wither away. Properties and subsidiaries are actively and rapidly being sold off. Many of their companies rely on their scams, too, and are already getting hit by a growing refusal of church members to be scammed. Members are being asked to fund Hak Ja Han’s new palace in Cheongpyeong
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K. Gordon Neufeld in 1999:
I once made a point of reviewing old newspaper articles from the New
York Times from 1976 and 1977, when the scandal involving Bo Hi Pak and
the alleged payoffs to congressman (especially through the agency of
Tongsun Park, not a Unification Church member) first broke. I may post
some of those old articles. They reveal that in the late 70s, it was
well known that Bo Hi Pak was involved with the KCIA. One reporter who
was more recently looking into Moon's involvement with a Russian ballet
troupe told me that Bo Hi Pak admitted to him that he was/is a KCIA
agent. Yet I have a copy of an article from the Times in 1976 where Pak
denies the connection.
I have at times wondered if Pak was the real power behind the throne, and if the entire Unification Church was not in fact a KCIA plot from the get-go. However, there are several things that make this doubtful. It is far more likely that the KCIA backed Moon merely because they felt he could be useful, but they were never able to fully control him. As such, Pak may have been the crucial link between Moon and the KCIA, and when Moon felt he could safely get away with it, he dispatched Pak through the bizarre agency of the falsely resurrected Heung Hin Moon. As far as I know, Pak has never been as prominent since. Yet for Pak to have submitted to the beating he received from the Zimbabwe pretender, he would have had to have been a believer - or could there be another explanation? Could it be that Pak felt he had to put up with it for some reason that is even more compelling, such as fear of Moon or others doing even worse to him, or fear of his KCIA buddies back in Korea? The man is a mystery.
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Church Intensifies Fight Against Sanctions, Launches CAS
Church Intensifies Fight Against Sanctions, Launches CAS
The Zimbabwe Amalgamated Council of Churches(ZACC) has intensified their fight against the Western-imposed sanctions by launching the Coalition Against Sanctions (CAS) as the European Union, the United States and British governments remain unremitting in lifting their economic boycott of Zimbabwe, regardless of the growing calls to by the government.
CAS is a group of various organisations in…
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Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe: The Pentecostal Moonies
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▲Johannes Ndanga of the FFWPU and Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe
“Nations are subordinate to religious orders."
—Sun Myung Moon
I don't belong to Zimbabwe as a country anymore. I don't belong to Africa alone. I now belong to the whole world. This is why I am here in Korea today, because I offer myself to become a global citizen, a responsible citizen, an ideal person. Having accepted the teachings and having realized they are biblical, as a responsible citizen and as a leader, I took it upon myself to educate others, so that we can together share the blessing. As we share the blessing, God would view it as an act of restoration. As the True Parents have taught, it's an act of restoration, a return to the garden of Eden.
—Johannes Ndanga
Johannes Nyamwa-Ndanga, founder of Pentecostal Christ Church International (PCCI), founder and leader of the Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe, Chairman of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification - Zimbabwe, has had a colorful history before getting involved with the Moonies.
He was a long-time supporter of Robert Mugabe, former President and Prime Minister of Zimbabwe. Mugabe won the hearts of the masses for a time due to his own revolutionary career, believing he was a champion of decolonization, but many leftists in Zimbabwe believed he abandoned his ideals in the midst of the war for independence. Economic crises in Zimbabwe due to western sanctions played a role in pushing Ndanga out of favor. 
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▲ On the right: Grace Mugabe, former First Lady of Zimbabwe, greets those at a rally; on the left: Ndanga
In 2013, Ndanga is reported to have said that Mugabe is a king and that people trying to oust him through a peaceful election, like Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangiraiare, were committing a grave sin. Ndanga marched his followers at the time to cheer on the Minister of Information and Publicity Webster Shamu as he declared the “the bullet is mightier than the pen”. Members were ordered to vote for Zanu PF, Mugabe’s party.
President Robert Mugabe is known to have used the church on numerous occasions as a platform for political campaign.
Mugabe resigned in 2017 despite decades in power due to his party threatening to introduce an impeachment resolution against him.
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Ndanga's church is a branch of African Zionism, an African Indigenous church tradition that traces its roots to the pre-Pentecostal Christian Catholic Church movement based in Zion, Illinois. This traditional is not necessarily Zionistic in terms of their perspective on Israel-Palestine policy.
In 2017, there was also a mass exodus of members from the ACCZ, many of which expressed being disappointed by Ndanga’s leadership. The former secretary general of the ACCZ, Rev. Mathias Tsine, accused Ndanga of running a one-man show. He allegedly claims he is the “life president” of the council.
The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has started investigating Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) president Bishop Johannes Ndanga on allegations of defrauding more than 20 000 followers of their money in botched housing stands and vehicle schemes. There are no known public reports about this investigation.
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Ndanga since at least 2017 has also been connected to the Universal Peace Federation and Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. He has been assigned to bring Christian churches into the Family Federation. Ndanga claims that the denomination he runs includes a thousand churches with a membership of 8 million. Ndanga ran blessing ceremonies since 2017 on his property of 40 hectares of land, which has been dedicated to peace activities and includes a church. In 2018, 4,000 couples from Ndanga's church participated in a blessing ceremony. 
And what motivates Ndanga’s acceptance of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han as the Second Comig of Christ?
One of the reason we came to Korea is to come and get the blessing for the nation, not my personal blessing. Zimbabwe hasn't got its own currency at the moment; we are using the US dollar. I know the whole world is under pressure insofar as the economy is concerned. Our situation is worse. Even in the banks, there is no money. People living in the rural areas do not even have bank cards. So I have come here to collect the blessing from True Mother. If the blessing is pronounced on the nation, I am sure it will heal. We have so many natural resources -- minerals, gold, platinum, chrome, diamonds, we have everything. Just a few people exploit these resources, because we haven't got the blessing. I am optimistic that once we receive the blessing as a country, as a continent all those problems are going to go. Once the blessing is pronounced and the investors come, Zimbabwe can get back to its feet.
Bizarre Korean cult leader jets into Harare, Zimbabwe
Panic as Michael Mahendere snubs Korean Family Federation ‘cult’ leader, Hak Ja Han
Christians plan Harare demo against Korean cult leader
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
President of Zimbabwe to attend Hak Ja Han’s Peace, Family Festival
Hak Ja Han going to Zimbabwe to hold mass wedding
Korean cult leader gives journalists $20 each
World Leaders at UPF Conference this Past Weekend Memorialized both Shinzo Abe and Sun Myung Moon; FFWPU Worldwide Memorializes Moon
The Situation of “Providence” in Côte d'Ivoire
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in Sun Myung Moon’s church Choomonim Is Back Through An African Sister (2001)
Côte d'Ivoire’s Choong Mo Nim and Heung Jin Nim, and the FFWPU’s Involvement in the Drug Trade
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Zimbabwe Unification Church Tragedy – over a decade after Cleopas (Black Heung Jin)
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Pictured: Brigitte Wakabayashi
Zimbabwe Church and Court Case 
Brigitte Wakabayashi
, June 19, 2000
One Zimbabwean brother is in jail – his court case is due to start today according to the information I have – because he sold a car on the instructions of the Japanese National Messiah. (This car had been damaged and given to the Japanese National Messiah (JNH) by the Korean National Messiah (KNM). The JNM then went about fixing it up and selling it – he apparently took part of the money to cover his costs, and he gave another part to the KNM). The brother who is now in jail was recently accused by the KNM to have sold the car illegally – but it is a trumped-up charge. The person who bought the car in good faith is very angry about the whole situation.
It seems that this brother was among a group of members who confronted the KNM about the way he spent a large sum of money given by True Mother [Hak Ja Han] for the purchase of a training center. (At that time, the bookkeeper of the movement, a sister, was jailed because drugs were planted in her room and the police called in. This sister was subsequently released.)
The Japanese HQ has been informed of this situation. However, things are very confused and complicated, and it would be best if someone “neutral” can go there and investigate what’s really going on (outside groups influencing the KNM, his disease, the role of members). There seem to be so many parallels to the Cleopas situation – and at that time also, we begged the World Mission Department (WMD) to come and investigate – we even offered David Hose to pay for his ticket – but before he could take up this offer his mission changed. The southern part of Africa has never recovered from that disastrous time.
I sincerely hope that this time the situation will not be ignored. __________________________
R. Kachisi

June 20, 2000 To add on to what Brigitte Wakabayashi said, the situation in the Zimbabwe church can best be described as a tragedy, not only for that particular brother but for the whole church. The arrest and incarceration of an innocent brother because of a Korean national messiah’s abuse of power should be condemned in the strongest terms. The continued incarceration of this brother is not just a tragedy on its own, but the gross indifference and insensitiveness of all those who are called “leaders” in our HQ is one that leaves a lot to be desired. This brother has now been languishing in prison for three weeks – and here I am talking of a breathing human being with a human spirit and not an animal. By neglecting this brother HQ is sending a very strong message to all of us and to all those who have enough brains about the nonexistence of this so-called “true love” that we are always clamoring about. I use the word “so-called” because this was the real test and we seem to have failed the test. We are therefore still to see this word in real action.
Many reports have been sent ever since, and even two weeks ago to Rev. Kwak and Rev. Hwang. Someone should not tell me “they are too busy”. Busy doing what? How do we expect to serve the whole world if we cannot serve only one person, innocent for that mater, who is locked behind bars. Can someone really tell me that our top leaders are failing to find time to just send someone to Zimbabwe to assess the situation, and make sure Rev. Do Hee Park drops all these false charges. I am sorry I am too angry, that’s why I mention his name. If it were a progressive organization HQ could have organized all its resources to make sure this situation is immediately addressed, but it looks like there some people who are beyond reproach, and they have a right to destroy any soul willy-nilly.
Someone should not tell me I shouldn’t have written this kind of letter, because I believe, silence or purported neutrality in wake of such abuse of power and hate is in itself very EVIL. Having reached the top (sending of reports) I think almost all major channels have been exhausted but our HQ has done nothing. Again, someone should not tell me that I am pre-judging the HQ, maybe they will do something. I am sure those who have been on this list can still recall such a story about Zimbabwe, when the same leader was involved in the planting of drugs on a sister, but, not even a soul from HQ has been seen there to investigate. There are [four] possibilities that can be derived from this:
1. HQ has lost control of the organization 2. It’s a policy to leave a member to face the music alone if he gets into serious trouble (maybe this concept of indemnity) or maybe we can now call it heavenly brutality. 3. The actions of this Korean national messiah were sanctioned by HQ itself. 4. This leader has become completely untouchable, so no one should never attempt to cross his path or even come close to him.
Having seriously looked at this I came up with the following small poem: If I sit on my hands and watch the injustice and brutality over my fellow brother, I am a hypocrite Though I approve of the goals of human liberation and salvation, if I let the moment to act pass me by, I betray the imperative [of] love, as real love test comes in crucial times.
Though I might study God’s word through Hoon Dok Hae and the Divine Principle, or even be raised into a leader, I become a hypocrite if I consider one member’s suffering as trivial.
Externally, our movement hasn’t got any checks and balances in place, but most significantly, love has not yet existed as a culture. Love still exists in the realm of philosophy. In other words I am saying, we only have a very good teaching on the topic “TRUE LOVE”.
The question that now remains is, who will be responsible for this member’s legal fees? Some will say the member has to be responsible by himself. Some will say, HQ should be responsible since this National messiah is a representative of our movement, since by its silence, HQ is taking responsibility for the actions of this leader. THAT SHOULD BE YOUR FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
Rev. Chong-yong Yu Took Thousands from the Malaysian Church
Young members in South America were exploited by Korean leaders.
Rev Kim purchased a nice house in Seattle – paid for by the local members, and Rev Lee purchased one which he later sold for $450,000.
Complaints of corruption and a call for help from members of the UC in India
Indian rape reported to UC Continental director Chung-sik Yong – who, it seems, did nothing.
Dr. Chung-sik Yong caused many problems in Oceania and now, after an absence of over a decade, he’s back there (2013 letter).
Onni Durst lied under oath
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon church
Is Cleopas Kundiona the new messiah? “The Umanian Kingdom is now a reality.”
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Bizarre Korean cult leader jets into Harare, Zimbabwe
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by Mandla Ndlovu
Bulawayo 24 News  13 Nov 2018
Hak Ja Moon, the leader of a Korean cult, The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (which was known as the Unification Church), is landing at the National Sports Stadium in Harare on the 21st of November to advance her bizarre beliefs that have drawn worldwide condemnation over the years.
Han is coming under the guise of healing the wounds of the past and to support the Zimbabwean government's endeavours for peace and reconciliation.
The Moon cult has lined up music heavyweights such as Oliver Mtukudzi, Mathias Mhere, Minister Mahendere and Hope Masike among others to offer entertainment during the event which they have dubbed; Peace and Family Festival.
In Zimbabwe, the movement is led by Reverand Bosako Iyolangomo.
Pastor Scotch from Christ the Saviour Ministries spoke to Bulawayo24 and said,"This is very worrying that a time when we are supposed to seek the face of the one true God, we are seeing our country being invaded by strange people of bizarre beliefs. This woman and her late husband have all over the years taught a strange doctrine about our Lord Jesus Christ and they claim they are the physical parents of all humanity.
"If our government allows this woman to come and preach her doctrine and cement it in Zimbabwe using her money that she is flashing around, we are bound to see God reacting by deserting our country.
"I am even shocked at how this woman got seriously known Christians like Minister Mahendere and Mathias Mhere to be part of her event.
Hak is the second [or fourth] wife of Sun Myung Moon the late founder of the Unification Movement.
The Unification movement believes that God's original intent was for Jesus to form a perfect marriage in order to redeem humanity and undo the harm perpetrated by Adam and Eve.
Because Jesus (the second Adam) was executed before accomplishing his mission, a third Adam was needed to form this perfect marriage and complete Jesus’ task. This third Adam would be recognized as the second coming of Christ. As the perfect man, he would marry the perfect woman and become the true spiritual parents of humankind.
Members of the Unification Church regard Moon and his [fourth] wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, as these True Parents. Married couples and their families within the movement are regarded as [Blessed Families] and linked to God through the True Parents.
Sun Myung Moon: If Jesus had married his half sister, he would not have been crucified! Incest is required in Sun Myung Moon’s “Providence of Restoration”
Hak Ja Han going to Zimbabwe to hold a mass wedding
President of Zimbabwe to attend Hak Ja Han’s Peace, Family Festival
Who is ‘True Mother’ Hak Ja Han Moon?
Hak Ja Han calls Christians heretics
Sun Myung Moon: “Christianity is an organization of idiots”
Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene – official FFWPU teaching
Sun Myung Moon’s plans to impregnate Mrs. Jesus back in 1978
$1 billion Cheongpyeong palace and 120 crowns for Hak Ja Han, representing her kingship over 120 countries.
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Sun Myung Moon, Cleopas Kundiona from Zimbabwe (known as Black Heung Jin), and Hak Ja Han in 1988.
Black Heung Jin Moon from Zimbabwe – Violence in the FFWPU
Christians plan Harare demo against Korean cult leader
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Zimbabwe Church Tragedy, Over a Decade After Cleopas
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Pictured: Brigitte Wakabayashi
Zimbabwe Church and Court Case Brigitte Wakabayashi June 19, 2000
One Zimbabwean brother is in jail - his court case is due to start today according to the information I have - because he sold a car on the instructions of the Japanese NM. (This car had been damaged and given to the JNM by the KNM. The JNM then went about fixing it up and selling it - he apparently took part of the money to cover his costs, and he gave another part to the KNM). The brother who is now in jail was recently accused by the KNM to have sold the car illegally - but it is a trumped-up charge. The person who bought the car in good faith is very angry about the whole situation.
It seems that this brother was among a group of members who confronted the KNM about the way he spent a large sum of money given by TM for the purchase of a training center. (At that time, the bookkeeper of the movement, a sister, was jailed because drugs were planted in her room and the police called in. - This sister was subsequently released.)
The Japanese HQ has been informed of this situation. However, things are very confused and complicated, and it would be best if someone "neutral" can go there and investigate what's really going on (outside groups influencing the KNM, his disease, the role of members). There seem to be so many parallels to the Cleophas situation - and at that time also, we begged WMD to come and investigate - we even offered David Hose to pay for his ticket - but before he could take up this offer his mission changed. The southern part of Africa has never recovered from that disastrous time.
I sincerely hope that this time the situation will not be ignored.
R. Kachisi June 20, 2000
To add on to what Brigitte Wakabayashi said, the situation in the Zimbabwe church can best be described as a tragedy, not only for that particular brother but for the whole church. The arrest and incarceration of an innocent brother because of a Korean national messiahs abuse of power should be condemned in the strongest terms. The continued incarceration of this brother is not just a tragedy on its own, but the gross indifference and insensitiveness of all those who are called "leaders" in our HQ is one that leaves a lot to be desired. This brother has now been languishing in prison for 3weeks now, and here I am talking of a breathing human being with a human spirit and not an animal. By neglecting this brother HQ is sending a very strong message to all of us and to all those who have enough brains about the nonexistence of this so-called "true love" that we are always clamoring about. I use the word "so-called" because this was the real test and we seem to have failed the test. We are therefore still to see this word in real action. Many reports have been sent ever since, and even two weeks ago to Rev. Kwak and Rev. Hwang. Someone should not tell me "they are too busy". Busy doing what? How do we expect to serve the whole world if we cannot serve only one person, innocent for that mater, who is locked behind bars. Can someone really tell me that our top leaders are failing to find time to just send someone to Zimbabwe to assess the situation, and make sure Rev. Do Hee Park drops all these false charges. I am sorry I am too angry, thats why I mention his name. If it were a progressive organization HQ could have organized all its resources to make sure this situation is immediately addressed, but it looks like there some people who are beyond reproach, and they have a right to destroy any soul willy-nilly.
Someone should not tell me I shouldn’t have written this kind of letter, because I believe, silence or purported neutrality in wake of such abuse of power and hate is in itself very EVIL. Having reached the top (sending of reports) I think almost all major channels have been exhausted but our HQ has done nothing. Again, someone should not tell me that I am pre-judging the HQ, maybe they will do something. I am sure those who have been on this list can still recall such a story about Zimbabwe, when the same leader was involved in the planting of drugs on a sister, but, not even a soul from HQ has been seen there to investigate. There are 3 possibilities that can be derived from this;
1. HQ has lost control of the organization
2. Its a policy to leave a member to face the music alone if he gets into serious trouble (maybe this concept of indemnity) or maybe we can now call it heavenly brutality.
3. The actions of this Korean national messiah were sanctioned by HQ itself.
4. This leader has become completely untouchable, so no one should never attempt to cross his path or even come close to him.
Having seriously looked at this I came up with the following small poem;
If I sit on my hands and watch the injustice and brutality over my fellow brother, I am a hypocrite
Though I approve of the goals of human liberation and salvation, if I let the moment to act pass me by, I betray the imperative love, as real love test comes in crucial times.
Though I might study Gods word through Hoon Dok Hae and DP or even be raised into a leader, I become a hypocrite if I consider one members suffering as trivial.
Externally, our movement hasn’t got any checks and balances in place, but most significantly love has not yet existed as a culture. Love still exists in the realm of philosophy. In other words I am saying, we only have a very good teaching on the topic "TRUE LOVE".
The question that now remains is, who will be responsible for this members legal fees? Some will say the member has to be responsible by himself. Some will say, HQ should be responsible since this National messiah is a representative of our movement, since by its silence, HQ is taking responsibility for the actions of this leader. THAT SHOULD BE YOUR FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
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Kirov Ballet School Rehired an Embezzler. Then $1.5 Million Vanished.
By Rebecca J. Ritzel    March 16, 2020    New York Times
The ex-employee is now charged with taking the money from the Kirov Academy, which was created by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church.
WASHINGTON — In the summer of 2017, when one of the country’s premier dance schools was looking to hire a comptroller, it just so happened that someone with experience in the role was looking for a job.
Sophia Kim had been the treasurer at the Kirov Academy of Ballet here two decades earlier, when the school was affiliated with the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
But Ms. Kim also had a gambling habit and had recently spent almost two years in prison for embezzling $800,000 from another nonprofit affiliated with the church.
So it was more than a bit surprising when the Kirov Academy, for reasons that remain tremendously opaque, hired Ms. Kim back, put her in charge of the books, gave her a Branch Banking & Trust debit card and access to the school’s accounts.
“I wondered myself, ‘Why would they rehire her?’” said Michael Beard, a former executive director of the school who retired in 2012. “I was completely shocked.”
The consequences of that decision became clearer earlier this month when Ms. Kim appeared in court to face charges that, not long after she started working again at the academy, she misappropriated $1.5 million from its coffers.
According to a Federal Bureau of Investigation affidavit, over a period of nine months in 2018, Ms. Kim wrote checks to herself and used her academy bank card 120 times to withdraw cash and pay off losses at the MGM Grand Casino in nearby Maryland.
“These losses really hurt us a lot,” said Pamela Gonzales de Cordova, the executive director of the academy, who said the school was brought to the brink of bankruptcy.
Ms. Kim, who has yet to plead in her case, was arrested in November at the MGM casino. She was released on Nov. 20 after promising to stay away from gambling establishments. But, actually, the government said in court papers, she has been back to the casino many times since her release.
Ms. Moon, then known as Hoon Sook Pak, was on tour with the Washington Ballet in 1984, preparing for the lead role in “Giselle,” when Rev. Moon’s 17-year-old son, Heung Jin, ran his car off the road. Having died single, he was not eligible to enter heaven under the church’s teachings, so Ms. Moon agreed to marry the dead teen’s spirit in a lavish ceremony in which she carried his portrait.
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▲ The wedding of Hoon Sook Pak / Julia Moon. Her father, Bo Hi Pak is holding a photo of her husband, Heung Jin Moon.
Full story: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/16/arts/dance/kirov-ballet-academy-embezzlement-moonies.html
Three years later, in July 1987, Cleopas Kundiona from Zimbabwe claimed to embody the spirit of the deceased Heung Jin Moon. Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han believed him. It ended badly.
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▲ Cleopas Kundiona with Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han in 1988.
Black Heung Jin Moon – Violence in the FFWPU
A huge FFWPU scam in Japan revealed; Black Heung Jin involved
The FFWPU / Unification Church and Shamanism
Bo Hi Pak and the KCFF scam – and Sun Myung Moon’s ROFA scam
Bo Hi Pak contradicts himself about being the father of Sam Park
Bo Hi Pak declared he was leaving the UC and tore up his application form in a leader’s meeting
Las Vegas Salvation: A Member’s Story
Sun Myung Moon speaks: “Famous actresses gamble, lose money then fall into debt … then are forced to sleep with men.”
Sun Myung Moon, Lord of 500 slot machines (in Uruguay)
Hak Ja Han and Sun Myung Moon went nightclubbing in Las Vegas, gambling in Atlantic City and bought a $65 million hotel-casino in Uruguay.
Suicide of Moon money mule in Uruguay as Moon opens casino
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Foul Cry Mars FFWPU Peace Festival in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
AllAfrica – The Citizen  September 1, 2019
By The Citizen Reporters
Dar es Salaam — More than 40,000 people flocked the National Stadium yesterday for a 'peace and family' conference organised yesterday by a popular South Korean religious movement, amid claims the participants were promised capital for start-ups, which they never received.
Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Paul Makonda graced the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) event on behalf of President John Magufuli.
The FFWPU was founded in the 1950s by self-styled messiah Sun Myung Moon, whose Unification Church became famous for marrying thousands of people in a single ceremony.
He claimed to have millions of members across the world, but was accused of brainwashing and profiteering.
In Dar es Salaam yesterday, the organisers said the event attracted over 43,000 people. Entrance fee was Sh3,000 per participant.
However, many of those who attended claimed that they had been lured to the event after promises that they would be given capital for start-ups by "their sponsor".
But a senior official of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Stylos Simba, refuted claims they promised to give money to the attendees.
"We organised the seminar to provide education on how people can survive in their marriages... we didn't promise to give money to anyone," said Mr Simba.
Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Paul Makonda also dismissed the claims saying this should be a lesson to Tanzanians.
"You can't expect someone to give you Sh100,000, when you give him Sh3,000; this should act as a wake-up call to my fellow citizens," said Mr Makonda, who spoke from his offices.
One of the participants, who wished not to be named, claimed he and his colleagues were forced to pay Sh1.2 million to hire a mini-bus from Arusha.
Another attendee, Mr Jaffari Mtimbuka said he felt cheated because he didn't get what he was promised for taking part in the event.
"What we found here is contrary to what we were promised when we paid the attendance fee... I feel cheated," said Mr Mtimbuka.
Another attendee Mr Edson Mbwambo said at first he didn't want to pay the attendance fee but due to family pressure he ended up doing so.
He complained that they were promised to be paid only to be provided with education on how to survive in marriages.
Towards the end of last year, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification sparked a storm in Zimbabwe where it held a similar event, and at least 40,000 couples from over 200 countries were billed to dededicate their marriages at a huge ceremony led by Dr Hak Ja Han Moon, widow of the founder of the movement.
Local churches under the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) discouraged the christian community against attending the highly publicised Peace and Family Festival saying they do not identify with the teachings of the movement.
The movement has been accused of cult-like practices – allegations its leaders have previously dismissed as a result of being "misunderstood and even persecution". We're not exclusive to this misunderstanding or treatment."
Sun Myung Moon, the founder, died aged 92 years in 2012.
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Hak Ja Han cancelled donations to Zimbabwe war veterans after poor turnout at her festival
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Photos from the Harare, Zimbabwe November 21, 2018 event
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The expected thousands of couples did not come.
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News / National
Korean cult leader donates $50,000 to American war veterans
by Mandla Ndlovu                     05 Dec 2018
Korean cult leader of The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Hak Ja Han Moon, recently donated over $50,000 to four American organizations that serve war veterans and their families.
The Korean cult was in the country in November where Mrs Moon was supposed to address a crowd of 100 000 people at the National sports stadium in a bid to expand the wings of her cult.
The media put much pressure on the church and the political leadership and the event was snubbed even by the President Emmerson Mnangagwa who was supposed to be the guest of honour.
Sources who were in the organising team revealed to us that Moon was supposed to donate money to Zimbabwe war veterans, church institutions and other charity organisations but ended up not doing so after Zimbabweans snubbed her event.
In America, Moon donated $13,000 each at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York to the following four veteran organizations:  
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Department of New York, a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard and reserve forces.
Union Cyber, a national nonprofit network for veterans that prepares men and women for careers in cybersecurity.
Headstrong, a non-profit in the NY area that offers free, and confidential treatment for post-9/11 military veterans. They provide support and services by veterans, for veterans facing mental illness, PTSD, substance abuse, etc.
Black Veterans For Social Justice, a nonprofit that assists military personnel in making a smooth transition from active duty to civilian life. They are dedicated to servicing military personnel, veterans and their families in the areas of social readjustment, housing, employment, compensation, disability, substance abuse, medical treatment, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, family intervention, prison counseling and relocation into the community, legal advocacy, discharge up-grade and redress of grievances within and outside the military.
In Zimbabwe Moon was welcomed by Minister of Defence Opah Muchinguri-Kashiri and Deputy Minister of Information Energy Mutodi.
Local Churches under the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) discouraged the Christian community against attending the highly publicized Peace and Family Festival saying they do not identify with the teachings of the movement.
President Mnangagwa and Gospel Musicians pulled out of Hak Ja Han’s Zimbabwe fiesta
Korean FFWPU cult leader gives journalists $20 each
Speaker at FFWPU Festival in Harare, Bishop Johannes Ndanga, being probed for fraud
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
The Fall of the House of Moon
On a mission from God: South Korea’s many cults
Sun Myung Moon jailed for two years in Seoul in 1955 during the Ewha University sex scandal
Japan High Court judge upholds “FFWPU used members for profit, not religious purposes”. This has serious ramifications.
Japan looted for the benefit of the Moons. Complaints reach over $1billion
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
“Ancestor Liberation must be done” Hak Ja Han 2015
Nansook Hong – In the Shadow of the Moons book, part 1
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Hak Ja Han Moon’s $1billion white marble palace in Korea
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Côte d'Ivoire's Choong Mo Nim and Heung Jin Nim, and the FFWPU's Involvement in the Drug Trade
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▲ IRFF volunteers in Côte d'Ivoire in the late 1980s
The mention of "Choo Mo Nim" brings back intense memories that marked a turning point in the great muddy water filled with falsehood in a virtual and imaginary providence in Ivory Coast. I am aware of all these events related by brother Houago Joël who thought he was Heung Jin Nim's return to earth. I am therefore an eyewitness to all these events and I was currently occupying important positions in the Unification Church in Côte d'Ivoire.
Sister Dago Suzanne also had spiritual problems, receiving messages from the spiritual world. I must recall that Sister Suzanne met the Unification Church in Bouaké in 1988 where I was the assistant pastor. It was I who introduced him to the “divine principle” in a three-day seminar. After this seminar, her spiritual problems started where she told me that Reverend Moon was coming to talk to her, she also told me that she saw a big light in the shape of a crown on my head. When she begins to pray, she can do about 10 to 15 hours of prayer. Her husband was very afraid of her because of her possession of evil spirits. But at the time, our Unification Church leaders thought she was communicating with the divine.
This situation resembled the phenomenon the church experienced in Zimbabwe with Brother Cleophas. The sister became authoritarian and she claimed the place of brother Emmanuel Kouassi's wife who had died of an attack of malaria. The strength of character of Sister Dago Suzanne was such that she forced Brother Emmanuel Kouassi to have sex with her. She abandoned her home to move in with the brother who had lost his Filipino wife to her. These unfortunate facts have divided the church into several groups.
Apart from Dago Suzanne's group, there was another group I was part of, that of black Heung Jin Nim. Brother Houango Joël saying he was the return to earth of Moon's son, Heung Jin Min. We went to their residence to praise and adore the black Heung Jin Nim in the person of Houango Joël. I was the one presenting the message of the Divine Principle, Sister Nobah Monique was the spiritualist prophet of the group, and Houango Joel was the embodiment of Heung Jin Moon.
The whole city was moving to go to this center of healing and prophecy named “Residence HEUNG JIN NIM”. Positionally, I was number 3 in the group. 
Thus the church was divided into three great groups, the main branch of the Unification Church, the branch of black Heung Jin Nim and that of Dago Suzanne.
The great church officials were hiding at night to go and meet the Black Heung Jin nim and the prophetess to predict the future. Great was my surprise to find that the black Heung Jin slept with the sisters who came for treatment. But long before, I had weird dreams and I saw the behavior of the prophetess sister who did not inspire me with confidence. She was involved in shady dealings with Korean missionary Hae Yong Kim.
I would like to specify that our group was infiltrated by the Ivorian secret service because it was informed that our church was involved in drug trafficking. The investigators whom we had received as patients or people who came to the Divine Principle seminary to discretely carry out their investigations for months, but they did not find any trace of drug trafficking in this group of the black Heung Jin Nim. So they explained to me the content of their mission and they asked me to help them infiltrate the group of the missionary of the Unification Church and the National President of the Church. I had to collaborate and it paid off.
It was established that the National President of the Unification Church in Côte d'Ivoire named Adama Doumbia, the Korean missionary Hae Yong Kim, Mr. Bakary Camara, the American missionary Kathy Rigney, and others were all involved in a large network of drug trafficking initiated by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. They paid a bond of $15,000 to the Ivorian state to hush up the case. I was the only inconvenient witness that they bought silence with greenbacks. After gathering enough evidence that I was on the wrong path, I decided to expose bad practices by stepping away from the Unification Church. This is the subject of my position in “Reverend Moon is an impostor” on Facebook. 
Ms. Dago Suzanne lived in Bouaké, a town 500 kilometers from Abidjan in central Côte d'Ivoire. When the religious leaders saw that she was restless and giving revelations from the spiritual world, they asked that she come to Abidjan. When she arrived, and after a test, she was turned away by the church and she found refuge with Nobah Monique where the black Heung Jin (Joel) lived. It was this group that could accept it. During his short stay with black Heung Jin Nim, they did not work together but these hosts gave way to him. She took control as the central figure and the others watched her act. Her hosts seemed to say that if Suzanne came to live with them, it was because they were in the truth. In the end, they did not last together and Suzanne found refuge with an older Moonist brother named Cisset Koné.
Suzanne started her own Unification Church group and did marriage blessings – but she's dead now.
The Situation of “Providence” in Côte d'Ivoire
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in Sun Myung Moon’s church Choomonim Is Back Through An African Sister (2001)
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President Mnangagwa and Gospel Musicians pulled out of Hak Ja Han’s Zimbabwe fiesta
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Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han sit on thrones wearing shamanic crowns while followers bow to them. It looks like a cult.
                                       updated November 26, 2018
President Emmerson Mnangagwa did not show up at Hak Ja Han’s festival. Zanu-PF Politburo member, Cde Josiah Hungwe, read his speech.
Archbishop Johannes Ndanga, who is being probed for fraud, did speak.
Newsday – November 22, 2018
By Winstone Antonio
SOME local artistes, including Mathias Mhere and Michael Mahendere, who were billed to entertain guests at the Peace Starts with Me (Peace and Family) Festival yesterday, pulled out at the last minute amid indications that they did not subscribe to Family Federation for World Peace and Unification leader Hak Ja Han Moon’s doctrine. [She claims to be the Only Begotten Daughter of God who was born without original sin.]
The Unification Church, whose followers are popularly known as Moonies, believe, among other things, that although Jesus created the conditions necessary for humanity’s spiritual salvation, he miscarried God’s plan for man’s salvation because he did not marry.
It was founded by Han’s husband, Sun Myung Moon, who claimed to be the messiah.
Mahendere told NewsDay Life & Style that he pulled out because he could not compromise on his faith.
“At first, we did not know much about this event until we did our research. My team and I are Christians. We believe in the Bible and we don’t really agree with what they believe in. That is my faith, and I feel I cannot compromise on my faith over this event,” he said.
“I don’t have anything against them, but I just said I cannot be part of this (festival) because it’s against my faith and my belief system.”
Mhere said he pulled out so as to protect his brand. “Following discussions with the AFM church leadership, taking into consideration the statements presented by the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Council of Churches towards the Peace and Family Festival, I decided to pull out,” he said.
“I have noted that Hak Ja Han Moon is not a Christian, and I, as a Christian, have seen it not fit to be associated with the event she is hosting.”
Trailblazing gospel songbird, Janet Manyowa, also dismissed reports that she would be part of the event. “We did not pull out of this event as we never went into any agreement to be a part of it. Thank you for your continued love and support as we continue to lift up the gospel of Jesus Christ our King,” she said in a statement.
Gospel musicians Kudzi Nyakudya and Kuda Mutsvene, however, performed at the event.
Satanism Fears: Zimbabweans snub Hak Ja Han Moon-Family Federation for World Peace event
By Takunda Shumba  –  November 22, 2018
Hak Ja Han of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification was the guest of honour at a government organised “Peace and Family Festival” being held at the National Sports Stadium in Harare on Wednesday.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa was billed to attend the event but had a change of heart after it was alleged that his guest belongs to a satanic cult.
The Peace Starts with Me (Peace and Family) Festival held at the National Sports Stadium on Wednesday was poorly attended after fans and gospel musicians stayed away citing the presence of alleged cultist, Dr Hak Ja Han. Han is the co-founder of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification church which has been described in some circles as a “cult” with links to satanism.
The church’s followers’ who are known as “Moonies” believe that Jesus miscarried God’s plan for man’s salvation because he did not marry, among other things. Han’s husband, Sun Myung Moon, also claimed to be the messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent.
Speaking to News Day, Michael Mahendere said, “At first, we did not know much about this event until we did our research. My team and I are Christians. We believe in the Bible and we don’t really agree with what they believe in. That is my faith, and I feel I cannot compromise on my faith over this event.
Mathias Mhere also added, “I have noted that Hak Ja Han Moon is not a Christian, and l, as a Christian, have seen it not fit to be associated with the event she is hosting.”
newsday, agencies
Mnangagwa hosts Korea cult leader as Zimbabwe churches denounce visit
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
Speaker at FFWPU Fest in Harare, Bishop Johannes Ndanga, being probed for fraud
High Profile Christians Work With FFWPU / Unification Church to Bring Only Begotten Daughter of God to America
Black Heung Jin Moon from Zimbabwe – Violence in the FFWPU
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Shamanic Trees and Magical Thinking at the Cheongpyeong Training Center
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
“Ancestor Liberation must be done” Hak Ja Han 2015
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Christians plan Harare demo against Korean cult leader
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Hak Ja Han in Harare
by Mandla Ndlovu
19 Nov 2018
A section of Christian community has organised an emergency demonstration again the Billionaire Korean cult leader of Family Federation and World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), Hak Ja Han Moon, who arrived in the country on Monday.
Reports are that the pastors are seeking an urgent clearance letter form the Zimbabwe Republic Police so as to rally their members to show their displeasure about the presence of Hak Ja Han Moon in the country.
The demonstration is reportedly planned for Tuesday afternoon in Harare.
On Monday gospel musicians Michael Mahendere and Janet Manyowa pulled out of the list of entertainers who were supposed to sing at the event.
Moon is in the country to officiate a Peace and Family Festival that will be held on 21 November 2018. President Mnangagwa is expected to officiate the event.
Commenting on Moon's presence Founder, GCFIC Ministries Bishop Dave Chikosi said, “So Zimbabwe seeks peace thru Hak Ja Han’s FFWPU. Why do we need foreign religious entity to heal the nation when we have our own Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Council of Churches and the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference? Why is the government ostensibly endorsing a religion (one foreign to the majority Zimbabweans)?
“The Majority of Zimbabweanss are Christian. This group is not. Hak Ja Han calls herself the ‘Only Begotten Daughter of God’. Her late husband Rev Moon claimed to be the Second Coming of the Messiah. Zimbabwe  Christians believe true peace can only come from the Prince of Peace. Not this outfit.”
On Monday Moon had a briefing with Minister of Defense Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri and Minister of Information Energy Mutodi in Harare. She was recieved by ZANU PF women’s league members at the Miekels Hotel.
In 1948 Moon was arrested for bigamy, sent to Heungnam prison for five years and excommunicated
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Hak Ja Han and Sun Myung Moon and the United Nations
High Profile Christians Work With FFWPU / Unification Church to Bring Only Begotten Daughter of God to America
Black Heung Jin Moon from Zimbabwe – Violence in the FFWPU
What is the real agenda of the Family Federation for World Peace?
Shamanic Trees and Magical Thinking at the Cheongpyeong Training Center
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Rev. Chong-yong Yu Took Thousands from the Malaysian Church
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Left: Kook-jin nim and In-jin nim with the Malaysian Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (red tie); also present are Ariana Moon and Rev. Chong-yong Yu; Right: Kook-jin nim in conversation with the Speaker of the House of Representatives
“I left from the Malaysian Unification Church almost a decade ago. The main reason was the former national leader misused and took the public money and ran away to Korea. His name is Yu Choong-Yong, a Korean national leader of Malaysia around ten years ago. From when this case happened until now, the Unification Church HQ has never given us any explanation. This meant that UC HQ allowed the National Leader to seize the public money and not need to take the responsibility.”
April 15, 2022
Zimbabwe Unification Church Tragedy – over a decade after Cleopas (Black Heung Jin)
Young members in South America were exploited by Korean leaders.
Rev Kim purchased a nice house in Seattle – paid for by the local members, and Rev Lee purchased one which he later sold for $450,000.
Complaints of corruption and a call for help from members of the UC in India
Indian rape reported to UC Continental director Chung-sik Yong – who, it seems, did nothing.
Dr. Chung-sik Yong caused many problems in Oceania and now, after an absence of over a decade, he’s back there (2013 letter).
Onni Durst lied under oath
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
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Korean FFWPU cult leader gives journalists $20 each
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by Mandla Ndlovu            20 Nov 2018
Korean cult leader of Unification Movement / Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Hak Ja Han Moon, today resorted to dishing out goodies to journalists who attended her press briefing held in Harare on Tuesday in a bid to motivate them to write positive articles about her.
Journalists were given USD$20 each for attending as a form of appreciation. A journalist who spoke to Bulawayo24.com after the event said, "Yes it is true that we were given some appreciation money. We were also promised more money if we write good stories about Mother. The only problem was that the people who were given money were given USD but they changed them and gave us bonds. There was a suggestion that an association of journalist will be formed where members will be taught how to write stories in line with the unification movement and its agenda."
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The press briefing which was addressed by the Zimbabwean leadership led by Johannes Ndanga was organised to explain Moon's maiden tour of Zimbabwe and unpack the peace festival that will be held on Wednesday.
Moon was personally invited to Zimbabwe by President Emmerson Mnangagwa since she does not agree to go to any country unless a Head of State invites her.  She will be initiating many projects throughout the country to cement her cult.
The Zimbabwe Council of Churches issued a statement distancing themselves for the event.
One journalist asked a question if Zimbabweans have failed to pray for peace and need an outsider, Ndanga responded saying, "You must admit that we need help as a country. Mother is coming to give her help for free. With the influence of Mother, we are going to get rid of sanctions very soon."
The Unification movement believes that God s original intent was for Jesus to form a perfect marriage in order to redeem humanity and undo the harm perpetrated by Adam and Eve.
Because Jesus (the second Adam) was executed before accomplishing his mission, a third Adam was needed to form this perfect marriage and complete Jesus task. This third Adam would be recognized as the second coming of Christ. As the perfect man, he would marry the perfect woman and become the [sinless physical] True Parents of humankind.
Members of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification regard Sun Myung Moon and his latest wife, Hak Ja Moon, as these True Parents. Married couples and their families within the movement are regarded as “Blessed Families” and linked to God through the True Parents [or messiahs].
Speaker at FFWPU Fest in Harare, Bishop Johannes Ndanga, being probed for fraud
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
Mnangagwa hosts Korea cult leader as Zimbabwe churches denounce visit
Gospel musicians pull out of Hak Ja Han Zimbabwe fiesta
Japan High Court judge upholds “FFWPU used members for profit, not religious purposes”. This has serious ramifications.
Japan looted for the benefit of the Moons. Complaints reach over $1billion
Shamanic Trees and Magical Thinking at the Cheongpyeong Training Center
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Nansook Hong – In the Shadow of the Moons book, part 1
Peace Starts with Me • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification • FFWPU • Only Begotten Daughter of God • Hak Ja Han • True Mother • True Parents of Mankind • Sun Myung Moon • True Father • Lord of the Second Advent • Messiah • Second Coming of Jesus • Unification Church • Moonies • Shamanism • President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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