#John Corballis
straykatfish · 5 years
Held in St Nicholas Church, Bramber.
All the work shown is for sale (with one exception) and wherever possible I will include links to the artist’s website or, if they don’t have one, to their page on the Steyning Arts site. Where possible I spoke to the artist about their work but many had taken a well-earned break on what was an extremely hot day.
These photographs are by Wendy Ball who says she take them for her own pleasure and, although she has won a number of prizes, appears not to have a website. Some of them are printed on aluminium which seems to add an extra layer of cold air to the mostly winter scenes. I found the compositions interesting and the colours, but mostly I was taken by the patience necessary to capturing a moving animal in the right spot at the right time,
These acrylics by Mike Kelly, reminded me of stained glass, fractured and with lead partitions between the pieces. I remember making pictures at school using black paper over red and orange tissue pasted onto cartridge to mimic the effect. 
  These prints are by Andrew Purches who doesn’t seem to have a website. I was drawn to the simplicity of the demarcations in line and colour in these landscapes.
  These are by Carol Wagstaff whose work is both prolific and varied. These two are probably not my most preferred in terms of my own likes and dislikes, but I think they represent her artistry. Her instagram account gives a far better idea of her range and includes portraiture and abstracts from her recent humanitarian project currently on exhibition in Shoreham. She describes her work as “Multi Media Artwork encompassing Painting, Sculpture, Installation, Photography and Print.“
These marvelous little textiles are by Jean Griffiths “Textile Art and 2D”. As someone who has no skill or patience with a needle, this kind of work is a challenge too far. I can imagine making them with inks though – dark umber, gold, and orange. This small group is called ‘Fractured Earth’,
the next two, ‘Violet Sunset’ and ‘Seascape’ which are almost collages of fabrics stitched into their composition.
‘Welsh Landscape’ (bottom right) also includes a section of ordnance survey map.
I met John Corballis at last year’s art trail and saw him several times around the village on his bike. I hadn’t known how ill he was, and perhaps he didn’t either at that time, so his death later that year was a shock to all of us. This is a token exhibition of his work in oils – precise, controlled, and detailed which might be expected of a man whose life had been the law.
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Crafty corner! These lovely little pieces are made by Carol Parker using flotsam found on the beach. I find the compositions compelling in their simplicity, balance, and colours.
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  These digital photography prints are the work of Andrea Shelton who doesn’t seem to have a presence on the Steyning Arts site. I was attracted like the magpie I am to the bright colours and sense of floating light which reminded me of some of the virtual world environments I have experienced.
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Further round the exhibition I found more of Carol Wagstaff’s work. Simple marks with a core subject. Taking photos through glass doesn’t do them justice.
Sarah Duffield ‘Sussex Landscape Artist and art tutor’, is probably one of our more high profile members with her signature style of non-natural colours and simplified shapes, all derived from local landscapes. She uses her instagram account to post preparatory sketches, often in charcoal, and to talk about her work.
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I love Janet Butterworth‘s tables; in fact I have one next to my TV with a lamp and a sculpture of Alien made with bits of motorcycle parts on it! Janet ‘distresses’ and rescues old furniture by adding mosaics and colour. All of them sound furniture in addition to being things of beauty. Janet was the only artist there to talk to and she was busy fielding questions about possible purchases of other artists’ work on their behalf. We did have a brief chat but I never made the connection between her and the tables as she was down the opposite end of the church from them.
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These are all by Rosalind Landreth who seems able to cover a range from botanical through to photorealistic. Again, glass, reflective in strong light, impairs photographed image,
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  I think I would like to make work like these by Alison Millner-Gulland (Mixed media paintings, printmaking and ceramics). Almost cartoons, collaged, a bit abstract but with a message if you can stay to look and read it in there. There’s a lot to look at and so many interesting marks on her various supports. I’m interested in the frames too – how do people choose? How do you find the right one for each piece?
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Lino prints by Melissa Birch, ‘Linoprint Artwork and Design’. I have to confess no idea at all how these works are made, my only experience being carving out channels in chunks of old lino at school, plastering the surface with poster paint, and slapping them onto paper to finally reveal an acorn or a spider or whatever we thought we had marked out. I suspect the operation is more sophisticated than that and I should ask – Melissa lives only a couple of hundred yards from me.
Jill Blake – ‘Water Colour and Acrylic Painting‘ – makes originals and prints of natural scenes, objects, and animals. I forget what she calls the technique used in the picture of teasels (bottom left) but it involves leakage.
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Finally, these are by Karen Corballis, widow of John. She describes her work as ‘Mixed Media, Oil, Water Colour and Print Making’. The one I like best is a landscape of trees in a left-to-right, background-to-midground composition done in vibrant summer greens and yellows with a slash of dark trunks marking the line, and a sliver of sky above. It’s on her Steyning Arts website.
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    Steyning Arts summer exhibition Held in St Nicholas Church, Bramber. All the work shown is for sale (with one exception) and wherever possible I will include links to the artist's website or, if they don't have one, to their page on the Steyning Arts site.
0 notes
missmcspooks · 2 years
Meet Cordelia Botkins. Her story regards a deadly affair, and a sweet lust for death by chocolate. This is a story that will give you another reason to never take candy from a stranger. Let’s begin with her story.
I normally start these stories out with the background of their childhood, to try and give some light on what could’ve possibly contributed to their heinous thoughts and actions, but for some reason there’s no information recorded regarding her childhood, or her youth in general. All I can give you is that her maiden name is Brown, and she was born in 1854, and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, and later moved with her family to California. 
Cordelia met a man named Welcome Botkin, and they ended up getting married in 1872. They settled down in Stockton, California, where Welcome worked as a grain broker, and Cordelia stayed at home with their son, Beverly. Eventually, their relationship became estranged, leaving Cordelia feeling very bored and unsatisfied. Cordelian had a lust for excitement and passion, and wanted to act like she did back when she was young and promiscuous. 
I’m going to put a small pause on her story and introduce you to someone else named John Preston Dunning. He was widely known for being a war correspondent, and was married to a woman named Miss Mary Pennington. They met in Dover, Delaware, and moved to San Francisco to settle down, and had a daughter together named Elizabeth. John would eventually become an alcoholic and a gambler, and would eventually lose his job as an AP Bureau Chief due to embezzling over $4,000 to pay off his gambling debt. John, just like Cordelia, was feeling very bored and unsatisfied in his marriage. Mary was a very modest and deeply religious woman, and therefore wasn’t into the same kind of stuff that he was into. She was a good mother to their daughter, she ran the house well, but outside of that, he just wasn’t feeling very fond of her anymore.
Now that you’ve met both Cordelia and John, let’s begin the story of their wild affair. The two met each other one afternoon in Golden State Park. Cordelia was sitting on a bench, and John came riding down to her path on his bicycle. He saw her and just immediately stopped. It’s not as if Cordelia was known for her good looks, as she was very frumpy and not exactly someone who would turn heads if she walked into a bar. But nonetheless, he was just so smitten by her, even though she was forty-one and nine years his senior. Cordelia was a woman who had great confidence, and loved having her picture taken. She would brag that she’s had hundreds of photos taken of her, in various different poses. They began talking and ended up spending a lot of time together in bars and casinos and of course, they were sleeping together very often. He just couldn’t get enough of Cordelia, he finally had a woman who was exciting to him. She loved everything he did. Alcohol, gambling, she was like one of the guys. Lets not forget about the wild sex, which is something she wanted more than anything else. They continued this affair for three years, and eventually they talked a little more about their spouses, and John mentioned to Cordelia that his wife loved chocolate, and that she also had a friend named Mrs. Corbally. 
In 1896 John’s wife found out about their affair, and she refused to just ignore it and stay together simply because they’re married. She took their daughter and left to go stay with her parents. After the three year mark, John started feeling kind of bored with Cordelia. He was never really in love with her like she was with him. For John, this was purely a sex based affair for thrills and excitement, and he realized he didn’t actually want to be with Cordelia long-term. He got the wild stuff out of his system. It was around this time where John received an amazing job offer to be a journalist covering the Spanish-American War, so he had to leave for Cuba right away. He ended up telling Cordelia that when he came home, it wouldn’t be to her, it would be to his wife Mary and their daughter. She desperately pleaded with him to stay with her, but he made it clear that he would never be returning to her. He sincerely wants to make amends with his wife. 
To say that Cordelia took this news hard is a gigantic understatement. No, this woman went completely ballistic. While John was in Cuba, Cordelia started writing taunting letters to Mary, telling her that John was continuing multiple affairs, and warned her against even bothering to make any reconciliations with her husband, as he has many mistresses and would never be a faithful man to her, or a devoted father. These letters were of course signed anonymously. When she realized that John was still planning to go back to his wife, and her taunting letters were failing, she had to think of the last resort to ensure that Mary would never take John away from her… Death by chocolate. Cordelia went to the drug store and purchased two ounces of powdered arsenic and stomped along in her wild fit of rage. She then proceeded to buy a box of chocolates from a candy store called Market Street Candy, located in San Francisco. When she bought the chocolates, she asked the clerk to pack them in a plain box, but to only pack half of the box because she wanted to include her own chocolates in the other half. The clerk thought this was kind of a super fishy thing to ask for, because who goes to a fancy candy shop and asks for only half a box of chocolate so you could include your own chocolate as well? Nonetheless, she fulfilled her request and didn’t have a second thought about it. After that she went to a store called “The City of Paris” and purchased a handkerchief. 
Now that Cordelia has purchased all the things she needed for her delicious deadly plan, she proceeded to make homemade chocolates that were laced with a lethal amount of arsenic. The box that was given to her didn’t have the logo of the candy store, so there was less of a chance of these chocolates ever tracing back to that store. She placed the handkerchief on the top, and on the bottom of the handkerchief next to the logo, “The City of Paris,” was written “With love to yourself and baby. -Mrs. C.” So obviously, Cordelians plan is to frame this murder on Mary’s friend. She made sure to not put a return address on the box and mailed it out. It was delivered five days later. 
Mary was so excited to get this box of chocolate, and for some reason couldn’t figure out who Mrs. C was. Nonetheless, she had many friends and didn’t think she had any enemies who would want to harm her, so she accepted the box of chocolates. After dinner, she and her family along with some neighbors sat outside together to enjoy the chocolates. However, the only people who have eaten the chocolates were her, her sister Ida Dean, Ida’s two small children, and two of their neighbors. Almost immediately after they consumed the chocolates, they all got extremely sick. But Mary and Ida were the ones who ate most of the chocolate, and they both ended up passing away within a day of each other. Everyone else thankfully survived. 
Thank goodness Mary’s father paid good attention to detail, it was probably one of the main reasons they were able to catch Cordelia. When he noticed the handwriting on the package looked exactly like the handwriting on the letters that were sent to taunt his daughter, he went to the police and reported it, thus launching their investigation. The police wanted to speak to Mary’s husband, so John was notified of what happened and made his way over to Dover. When the police showed him the evidence of the package and the letters, he instantly knew that Cordelia was the culprit. He remembered he told Cordelia in passing that Mary loved chocolate and had a friend in San Francisco named Mrs. Corbally, aka Mrs. C. The chocolates were expected and traces of arsenic were found inside of them. John took the letters that were written to Mary and compared them to the love letters that Cordelia had written for him, and the handwriting was completely identical. Just to be sure, they had an expert in handwriting confirm that it was indeed Cordelia's handwriting. 
As soon as they confirmed the handwriting, Cordelia was arrested and held as the rest of the investigation continued. Eventually, clerks from the candy store, the novelty shop, and the drug store, all remembered seeing Cordelia on the same day. The postal clerk also remembered Cordelia, as his name was John Dunnigan, and the package was written out to Mrs. John Dunning, so the name was very easy to remember. 
In the end, Cordelia Botkins was found guilty of two counts of murder in the first degree in December of 1989, and was sentenced to life in prison. She was originally supposed to go to San Quentin State Penitentiary, but was instead sent to Branch County Jail. It was later reported that Cordelia made a deal with the guards and was trading sexual favors for a little bit of freedom outside of the jail. However, there was an earthquake in 1906 and the County Jail became too overcrowded and she was sent to San Quentin State Penitentiary afterall, losing all the good little benefits she was getting in the smaller jail. 
Cordelia did end up spending the rest of her life in jail, but it turns out that the people she loved and knew all ended up dying one after the other, all before she passed away herself. Her father passed away in 1900, just two years after her sentencing. Her husband, Welcome, passed away in 1904 of a heart condition, and her son passed away of the very same heart condition just a year later in 1905. Then, John Dunning, her ex lover, died in 1907, most likely due to years of drinking. Eventually Cordelia became extremely depressed, and ended up passing away in 1910 at 56 years old. Her cause of death was softening of the brain due to melancholy.
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feaw-blog · 4 years
ปลาบิเชีย หรือ ปลาไบเคอร์
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          Bichir ปลาไบเคอร์ หรือ บิเชีย เป็นชื่อที่นิยมเรียกกันในประเทศไทย เป็นปลาน้ำจืดที่กระจายพันธุ์อยู่ในแหล่งน้ำจืดของทวีปแอฟริกา ซึ่ง 9 ใน 10 ชนิดของปลาบิเชียจะพบแค่ในแหล่งเก็บน้ำ Zaire บางชนิดมีความยาวได้เต็มที่ประมาณ 1.2 เมตร แต่ส่วนใหญ่แล้วจะมีขนาดประมาณ 30 ซม.
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          ปลาบิเชียเป็นปลาที่มีเอกลักษณ์ชัดเจน คือ การพัฒนาในส่วนต่างๆของมันมีลักษณะที่แปลกตาค่อนข้างโบราณ ทำให้เป็นที่น่าสนใจในการศึกษาทางโครงสร้างและวิวัฒนาการ
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          ปลาบิเชียเป็นปลากระดูกแข็งจัดอยู่ในอันดับ Polypteriformes ซึ่งปลาในกลุ่มนี้มีอยู่เพียงตระกูลเดียว คือ Polypteridae มีอยู่ 17 ชนิด แบ่งออกได้เป็น 2 สกุล ได้แก่
สกุล Erpetoichthys (Smith, 1865)
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 • Erpetoichthys calabaricus (Smith, 1865) 
ชื่อสามัญ Reed fish 
โตเต็มที่มีความยาวประมาณ 90 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม : demersal; freshwater; brackish; pH range: 6.0 - 8.0; dH range: 5.0 - 19.0 ; depth range - 0 m; Climate: tropical; 22 - 28 C 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: ปากแม่น้ำ Ogun ใน Nigeria จนถึงแม่น้ำ Chiloango ใน Congo Brazzaville
สกุล Polypterus (Lacepède, 1803)
 • Polypterus ansorgii (Boulenger, 1910) 
ชื่อสามัญ Guinean bichir 
โตเต็มที่มีความยาวประมาณ 28 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater; Climate: tropical 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: แม่น้ำ Corbal (Corubal) ใน Guinea Bissau และมีรายงานว่าพบใน ลุ่มน้ำ Niger ใกล้ Kouroussa ใน Guinea และในทะเลสาป Kainji และ แม่น้ำ Ogun ใน Nigeria
• Polypterus bichir (แบ่งออกได้เป็น 2 ชนิดย่อย) 
o Polypterus bichir bichir (Lacépède, 1803) 
ชื่อสามัญ Nile bichir 
โตเต็มที่มีความยาวประมาณ 72 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; potamodromous (Ref. 51243); freshwater pH range: -; dH range: -climate : tropical 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: แม่น้ำ Nile , ทะเลสาป Turkana และแม่น้ำ Omo ; ทะเลสาป Chad, แม่น้ำ Chari และ แม่น้ำ Logone 
o Polypterus bichir lapradei (Steindachner, 1869) 
ชื่อสามัญ Bichir 
โตเต็มที่มีความยาวประมาณ 74 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater pH range: -; dH range:-climate : tropical แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: พบในแม่น้ำ Senegal, แม่น้ำ Gambia , แม่น้ำ Geba , แม่น้ำ Volta ,แม่น้ำ Niger, แม่น้ำ Benoue และ แม่น้ำ Ou้m้. ทะเลสาป Chad และ Logone และแม่น้ำ Chari
• Polypterus delhezi (Boulenger, 1899) 
ชื่อสามัญ Barred bichir, Armoured bichir 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 40 เซนติเมตร 
พบกระจายพันธุ์ในแม่น้ำคองโกตอนกลางและตอนบน ในแถบทวีปแอฟริกาตอนกลาง
• Polypterus enlicheri (แบ่งออกได้เป็น 2 ชนิดย่อย) 
o Polypterus endlicheri congicus (Boulenger, 1898) 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 97 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater ;pH range: -; dH range: - ;depth range 0 - 10 m; climate : -°C แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: ลุ่มน้ำ Congo และทะเลสาป Tanganyika.
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: พบในแม่น้ำ Senegal, แม่น้ำ Gambia , แม่น้ำ Geba , แม่น้ำ Volta ,แม่น้ำ Niger, แม่น้ำ Benoue และ แม่น้ำ Ou้m้. ทะเลสาป Chad และ Logone และแม่น้ำ Chari 
o Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri (Heckel, 1847) 
ชื่อสามัญ Saddled bichir 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 63 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; potamodromous ; freshwater ;pH range: -; dH range: - ; climate : tropical 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: แม่น้ำ Nile , ลุ่มน้ำ Chad , แม่น้ำ Niger , แม่น้ำ Volta , แม่น้ำ Bandama , แม่น้ำComo&eacuteตอนบน และ แม่น้ำOuém&eacute
• Polypterus faraou (Otero et al., 2006) 
• Polypterus mokelembembe (Schliewen & Schafer, 2006) 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ : ส่วนกลางของลุ่มแม่น้ำคองโก ทวีปแอฟริกา
• Polypterus ornatipinnis (Boulenger, 1902) 
ชื่อสามัญ Ornate bichir 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 60 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater ;pH range: -; dH range: - ; climate : tropical ; 26 - 28°C 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ : ทวีปแอฟริกา ลุ่มแม่น้ำ Congo (ประเทศ Congo, Angola, Cameroon) ; ทะเลสาป Rukwa ทะเลสาป Tanganyika
• Polypterus palmas (แบ่งออกได้เป็น 3 ชนิดย่อย) 
o Polypterus palmas buettikoferi (Steindachner, 1891) 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 35.3 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater; pH range: 7.0; dH range: 10.0 climate : tropical; 26 - 28 C 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: ทางตอนบนลองแม่น้ำ Casamance ใน Senegal จนถึง แม่น้ำ Saint Paul River ใน Liberia ตะวันตก 
o Polypterus palmas palmas (Ayres, 1850) 
ชื่อสามัญ Shortfin bichir 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 30 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater ;pH range: 7; dH range: 10 ; climate : tropical ; 26 - 28°C; 7°N - 10°S 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: ลุ่มแม่น้ำใน Côte d'Ivoire ลุ่มแม่น้ำของ Liberia ตะวันออก ขึ้นไปถึง แม่น้ำ St. John 
o Polypterus palmas polli (Gosse, 1988) 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 32.1 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater; climate : tropical; 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: ทางตอนล่าง และส่วนกลาง ของแหล่งน้ำ คองโก
• Polypterus retropinnis (Vaillant, 1899) 
ชื่อสามัญ West African bichir 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 32.5 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater ;pH range:-; dH range: - ; climate : tropical ; - °C; 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: ช่วงกลางลุ่มแม่น้ำ Congo และ แม่น้ำ Ogoou&eacute
• Polypterus senegalus (แบ่งออกได้เป็น 2 ชนิดย่อย) 
o Polypterus senegalus meridionalis (Poll, 1941) 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 70 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater ;pH range:-; dH range: - ; climate : tropical แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: ลุ่มแม่น้ำ Congo ลงไปถึง Yangambi, รวมถึงแม่น้ำ Lualaba และ Katanga 
o Polypterus senegalus senegalus (Cuvier, 1829) 
ชื่อสามัญ Gray bichir 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 50.5 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; potamodromous ; freshwater; pH range: 6.0 - 8.0; dH range: 5.0 - 19.0 ; climate : tropical; 25 - 28 C 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: ลุ่มน้ำ Nile และ แอฟริกาตะวันตก รวมไปถึง Senegal, Gambia, Niger, Volta ทะเลสาป Chad
• Polypterus teugelsi (Britz, 2004) 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 41.5 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater; pH range: 7.4 - 7.5; dH range: 1.0; climate : tropical; 25 - 27°C 
แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ ทวีปแอฟริกา: มีการพบในท้องถิ่น ในแม่น้ำ Cross
• Polypterus weeksii (Boulenger, 1898) 
ชื่อสามัญ Mottled bichir 
ขนาดโตเต็มที่ประมาณ 54 ซม. 
สภาพแวดล้อม demersal; freshwater; pH range: -; dH range: -climate : tropical; แหล่งแพร่กระจายพันธุ์ : ส่วนกลางของลุ่มแม่น้ำคองโก ทวีปแอฟริกา
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          ปลาบิเชียจัดเป็นปลาน้ำจืดที่มีโครงร่างแตกต่างไปจากปลากระดูกแข็งและปลากระดูกอ่อนทั่วไป โดยเป็นปลาที่มีพัฒนาการมาจากยุคก่อนประวัติศาสตร์ คือ 
          ส่วนหัวมีขนาดเล็กแต่กว้าง ช่วงลำตัวรวมกับส่วนอก ลำตัวมีลักษณะเรียวยาวคล้ายกับงูมากกว่าจะเหมือนปลาทั่วไป 
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          ส่วนอกนั้น มีครีบที่ค่อนข้างแข็งแรง มีลักษณะเป็นฐานพูเนื้อคลุมด้วยเกล็ด คอยช่วยยึดเส้นครีบทั้งหลายที่แผ่ออกมาเป็นแฉก ๆ เหมือนจานพังผืด ซึ่งช่วยในการเคลื่อนไหวในพื้นน้ำเหมือนกับการเดินคล้ายกับปลาซีลาแคนท์
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          ในส่วนของกระดูกแข็งนั้นพบว่ามีกระดูกอ่อนเป็นจำนวนมาก มี spiracles (ช่องน้ำออก) 1 คู่ และภายในลำไส้มี spiral valve ลักษณะขดเป็นเกลียว ซึ่งจะเป็นลักษณะเฉพาะของปลาในกลุ่มฉลามและกระเบน ทั้งยังมีเหงือกแบบพิเศษอยู่หลังตาแต่ละข้าง เกล็ดเป็นแบบกานอยด์ (ganoid scale) ซึ่งเป็นเกล็ดที่พบในปลามีกระดูกสันหลังในยุคแรก มีรูปทรงเป็นสี่เหลี่ยมรูปว่าวและมีส่วนยื่นรับกับข้อต่อ ระหว่างเกล็ดแต่ละชิ้น ซึ่งปัจจุบันจะพบปลาที่มีลักษณะเช่นนี้ ได้แก่ ปลาในอันดับปลาเข็ม, ปลาฉลามปากเป็ดและปลาสเตอร์เจียน เป็นต้น
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          ส่วนหลังจะมีชุดครีบ ประกอบไปด้วย 5-18 ครีบ ซึ่งรวมกันเป็นครีบหลัง แต่ละครีบนั้นจะมีแกนครีบเดี่ยว 1 แกน รองรับด้วยพังผืดเล็ก ๆ ในแต่ละครีบ ครีบหางมีลักษณะกลมใหญ่ปลายแหลม
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          ส่วนท้องจะมีถุงลม 2 ถุง ช่วยในการหายใจทำหน้าที่คล้ายกับปอด ถุงลมด้านซ้ายมีการพัฒนาน้อยกว่าด้านขวาเช่นเดียวกับปลาปอด ตั้งอยู่บริเวณช่องท้องโดยยึดติดกับหลอดอาหาร โดยที่ทำงานร่วมกับเหงือก ทำให้สามารถอยู่โดยปราศจากน้ำได้เป็นเวลาหลายชั่วโมงมีท่อจมูก สำหรับดมกลิ่น 2 ท่อ เนื่องจากเป็นปลาที่สายตาไม่ดีจึงต้องใช้การดมกลิ่นในการหาอาหาร ปลาบิเชียยังมีความพิเศษอีกอย่างคือสามารถปรับตัวให้มีชีวิตรอดในสภาพแวดล้อมที่แห้งล้อมได้อีกด้วย นับได้ว่าปลาบิเชียนั้นเป็นรอยต่อที่สำคัญ��ะหว่างปลาโบราณกับปลายุคปัจจุบันที่แสดงให้เห็นถึงวิวัฒนาการจากปลาขึ้นมาจากน้ำมาใช้ชีวิตอยู่บกอีกจำพวกหนึ่ง ซึ่งในช่วงฤดูแล้งหรือฤดูร้อน ที่แหล่งน้ำที่อยู่อาศัยเหือดแห้ง ปลาบิเชียสามารถที่จะขุดรูเข้าไปจำศีลในใต้พื้นดินเพื่อรอให้ถึงฤดูฝนเช่นเดียวกับปลาปอด 
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          การแยกเพศของปลาบิเชียสามารถแยกได้โดยดูลักษณะครีบก้น (anal fin) เพศผู้จะมี ครีบก้นที่มีขนาดใหญ่กว่าเพศเมีย 
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          การเพาะพันธุ์ทำได้ค่อนข้างยากในที่เพาะเลี้ยง ตัวเมียจะออกไข่ครั้งละ 300 ฟอง และตัวอ่อนจะออกจากไข่ภายในระยะเวลา 4 วันนับจากแม่ปลาวางไข่ 
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          ปลาบิเชียที่ยังเล็กนั้นจะมีลักษณะพิเศษที่แตกต่างจากตัวเต็มวัยก็คือเหงือกจะโผล่ออกมาเป็นกิ่งก้านสาขาคล้ายต้นไม้ให้เห็นออกมาภายนอกบริเวณแผ่นปิดเหงือกด้านข้างลำตัว และจะค่อยๆหายไปเมื่อพวกมันโตขึ้น
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          การเลี้ยงปลาบิเชีย ในพื้นที่เลี้ยงควรจะมีที่หลบซ่อนและมีระดับน้ำควรลึกอย่างน้อย 1 ฟุต และควรมีฝาปิดตู้ เพราะปลาบิเชียสามารถโดดได้เช่นเดียวกับปลาอื่นๆ ปลาบิเชียสามารถกินอาหารได้ทั้งอาหารเม็ดและปลาเหยื่อหรือสัตว์อะไรก็ตามที่เล็กกว่าของปากมัน โดยปกติแล้วปลาบิเชียเหมาะที่จะเป็นแทงค์เมทของปลาอื่นๆได้เป็นอย่างดี เพราะมันเป็นปลาที่ไม่มีนิสัยก้าวร้าวแต่อย่างใด (แต่ถ้าปลาที่เลี้ยงด้วยกันเล็กกว่าปากของบิเชียร์ ก็อาจจะกลายเป็นเหยื่อของปลาบิเชียได้นะครับ) และด้วยเกล็ดที่มีความหนาและเหนียวทำให้มันสามารถทนการงับของปลาใหญ่เช่น อะโรวาน่าได้
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kilmainhamwoodgfc · 5 years
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#KwoodGFC_Lotto Kilmainhamwood GFC weekly lotto draw took place in Cormeen on Monday 13th Jan 2020 at 9pm where the jackpot was €6,200
The Numbers Drawn : 04, 05, 26 & 28
No Jackpot winner.
5 Lucky Dip winners each received €20:- * Ray Madden, Kilmainhamwood (Online) * Sylvia Reilly, Aughamore (Online) * Theresa McConnell, Kilmainhamwood * Alex & Ella Armstrong, Aughamore * John Corbally, Keenanagh
Next draw for a STORM-BRENDAN-SURVIVING jackpot of €6,400 will take place in Keogans on Monday 20th Jan 2020 at 9pm
Play our lotto online at http://bit.ly/kilmainhamwoodgfc and our lotto motto is #ItsThereToBeWon
The weeks to come:- Sat 18th Jan - 09:30 in K-wood : Kilmainhamwood GFC Healthy Club would like to invite you to join our 8-week walking group. Club membership €20 per adult, €10 per child or €50 per family. All ages & abilities welcome. Contact Bernadette (087) 2910896 or Geraldine (087) 2242437
Wed 22nd Jan - 19:30 in K-wood : Kilmainhamwood GFC Healthy Club walking group
Sat 25th Jan - 09:30 in K-wood : Kilmainhamwood GFC Healthy Club walking group
Wed 29th Jan - 19:30 in K-wood : Kilmainhamwood GFC Healthy Club walking group
1994 U21 & Intermediate final DVD’s for sale. €8 each or the two for €15. Contact me on 086 8030558.
The GAA National Club Draw has proved hugely successful over the last number of years. Tickets for the NCD 2020 and are available  https://member.clubforce.com/tickets_m.asp?LL_ID=299  All money raised are retained by the club. Individual who buy tickets get the chance to win one of an amazing set of prizes ranging from cars to holidays to match tickets which are funded by the GAA.
2020 club membership is available online at https://member.clubforce.com/memberships_cart_m.asp?LL_ID=299&intMF_ID=5790#Anchor
regards Shane Russell & the lotto committee
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Altered States Of Awareness   1972
Brain and awareness -- Introduction -- The electrical activity of the brain / W. Grey Walter -- The analysis of brain waves / Mary A.B. Brazier -- The reticular formation / J.D. French -- The physiology of imagination / John C. Eccles -- Altered states of awareness : internal control -- Introduction -- Patterns of dreaming / Nathaniel Kleitman -- The states of sleep / Michel Jouvet -- The pathology of boredom / Woodburn Heron -- On telling left from right / Michael C. Corballis and Ivan L. Beale -- Learning in the autonomic nervous system / Leo V. Dicara -- Altered states of awareness : external control -- Introduction -- Marihuana / Lester Grinspoon -- The hallucinogenic drugs / Frank Barron, Murray Jarvik, and Sterling Bunnell, Jr. -- Experiments with goggles / Ivo Kohler -- The split brain in man / Michael S. Gazzaniga -- The physiology of meditation / Robert Keith Wallace and Herbert Benson
‘‘Experiments with goggles‘‘ hmmmm......
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Trainer Targets 06/11 - 11/11
Here are the trainer target races for Tuesday 06th November to Sunday 11th November. Tuesday
14:05 Exeter Gold Cup
P Nicholls 3/10 30% +1pt +6.79pts PLACE
Entered; San Benedeto & Diego Du Charmil. These are selections.
TR George 2/5 40% +15pts +6.4pts PLACE
Entered; Gods Own. This is a selection.
These are only selections if the prices make sense to back all 3.
14:25 Handicap 1m2f
David O'Meara has a 2/3 66.67% +6.5pts WIN, +1.2pts PLACE record in this race. He won it in 2015 with Maraakib and 2014 with Open Eagle. Jacbequick was unplaced in 2016.
Entered; Custom Cut. This is a selection.
15:00 Claiming Stakes
Richard Fahey is 2/3 in this race 66.67% +1.28pts
He won it in 2015 with Piccadilly Jim and 2012 with Arley Hall.
Entered; Andok. This is a selection.
13:05 Maiden Stakes 1m
R Beckett has a 3/10 30% +9.88pts WIN, +0.45pts PLACE record.
Entered; Nette Rouse. If this runs it is a selection.
13:25 Maiden Hurdle 2m
Philip Hobbs 2/3 66.67% +14.5pts WIN, +1.58pts PLACE
Won this in 2012 with Orabora and 2010 with Arthurian Legend. Ink Master was unplaced in 2014.
Entered; Crooks Peak, Ebony Gale, Melchior King, Whatsmeanttobe. If any of these run they will be selections.
17:45 Novices 1m
John Gosden normally likes to come from a 1m Maiden here in November. I'm not sure if they've changed this from a Maiden to a Novice race.
He's 3/3 100% +7.13pts WIN, +1.63pts PLACE.
Entered; Dubai Warrior, Forest of Dean, Gantier, Private Secretary. If any of these runs then they will be a selection.
18:15 Handicap Nursery 6f
Jamie Osborne has an incredible record in this. He's 2/5 40% +6.5pts WIN, with 5/5 places +6.59pts PLACE.
Entered; Society Shock. If he runs then he will be a selection.
12:40 Conditional Jockeys Handicap Hurdle 2m
Philip Hobbs has a good record in this. He won it in 2017 with Poppy Kay and was placed in 2011 with Tony Star. 2/4 50% +4.5pts WIN, +2.94pts PLACE.
Entered; Majestic Touch. If it runs the horse will be a selection.
16:10 NHF 2m
Gordon Elliott is 2/2 in this +4.5pts WIN, +0.91pts PLACE.
He won it in 2016 with Hardline and 2015 with Ball Darc.
Entered; Column of Fire, Conflated, Conflicted, Final List, Grand Mogul, Santana Plessis,
Noel Meade won this in 2017 with Daly Tiger and 2011 with Corbally Ghost
He's 2/2 +7.75pts WIN, +1.68pts PLACE.
Entered; In Your Shadow, Road Warrior, Cenotice.
11:50 Novices Hurdle 2m6f
Rose Dobbin 2/5 40% +5.5pts WIN, +0.39pts PLACE.
Won it in 2015 with Jonniesofa and 2010 with Jurisdiction.
Entered; Diamond Brig.
Miss Lucinda Russell 2/5 40% +15pts Win, +3.95pts PLACE.
Entered; Ask The Tycoon, Blaydon, Scales of Justice.
1:55 Handicap Chase 2m1f
Donald McCain has won this twice in the past, both with Swift Arrow.
He's 2/4 50% +9pts WIN, +1.28pts PLACE.
Entered; Middlebrow
12:20 Apprentice Handicap 7f
Keith Dalgleish 2/2 +15.5pts Win, + 3.61pts Place.
Won it in 2017 with Whats the Story and 2012 with Chookie Royale.
Entered; Tough Remedy
John Quinn 2/4 +8pts Win, +0.4pts Place.
Entered; Captain Jameson
12:40 Novices Hurdle 1m7.5f
P Nicholls 2/3 +0.61pts Win, -0.91pts Place.
2017 Mont Des Avaloirs was unplaced, won in 2016 with Capitaine and 2015 with Marracudja.
Entered; Grand Sancy, My Way, Southfield Stone.
14:25 Novices Chase Grade 2 2m4f
P Nicholls  3/4 +2.84pts Win, +1.73pts Place.
Won it in 2017 with Modus, 2016 with Frodon, 2014 with Southfield Theatre.
Entered; Dynamite Dollars, Secret Investor
Ffos Las
13:25 Novices Hurdle 2m
Nigel Twiston-Davies 2/3 +3.75pts Win, +1.63pts Place.
Won in 2017 with Angels Antics, Southport 2nd in 2017, won in 2010 with Mediolanum.If he has one running it will be a selection.
15:05 Handicap Hurdle 3m
Kim Bailey 2/2 +8.75pts Win, +2.12pts Place.
Won in 2015 and 2014 with Mollys a Diva.If he has one running it will be a selection.
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voncrobead · 7 years
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#Repost from @theblaquelioness with @regram.app ... Before Kaepernick, The 'Syracuse 8' Were Blackballed By Pro Football ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ These student-athletes wanted better medical care for injured players and stronger academic support for black student-athletes; the right to compete fairly for any position on the starting team; and racial integration of the football coaching staff. Although called the "#Syracuse8" by the media in 1970, the group included nine individuals. They are Gregory Allen '72, Richard Bulls '73, John Godbolt '73, Dana Harrell '71, G73, John Lobon 9'73, Clarence "Bucky" McGill '72, A. Alif Muhammad '71, Duane Walker '80 and Ron Womack '71. The activism actually began in the spring of 1969 with the black players accusing (then) Coach Floyd "Ben" Schwartzwalder of discriminatory practices. The ensuing season began with a home game against Kansas and the most potent riot in Syracuse campus history. A pre-game confrontation between nearly 100 policemen and at least 400 students featured flying rocks, bottles, and wood, pepper gas, and nightstick beatings. Later that school year SU Chancellor John E. Corbally Jr. convened a commission to investigate and assess the situation. The commission's 60-page report concluded that the players' response to the racial injustices of the time, and their efforts to bring about change, were justified. In 2006, at halftime of the SU-Louisville game, the group was recognized and presented with their SU Letterman's jackets, which they never received after leaving the team in 1970. These men sacrificed playing the sport they loved and a possible career after college to stimulate social change and needed awareness. #BlackHistory #theblaquelioness
0 notes
allineednow · 7 years
<p>Limerick FC secure Premier division survival in Galway United draw</p>
Throughout a contested district court hearing, Judge Marie Keane was advised that the offence happened at the teenager's home in a village in Limerick
The man was convicted at Limerick District Court of drug driving after a contested hearing
Eamon O'Neill to take up new role next month
Limerick Circuit Court was told that the defendant, Who's successful amateur boxer, was identified as the culprit after gardai found his profile on Facebook
Ger Walters was a household name at the Limerick fuel business for over 60 years
A Vango 800 tent, like those stolen from Croom
John Gibbons, Corbally, with a large tree that fell in his back garden as a result of Storm Ophelia Picture courtesy of: John Gibbons
After opening this June, the $2.4m crematorium, the only one along the west coast of Ireland, has seen more than 120 cremations take place
0 notes
Is She the Man?
English 240
Professor John Corbally
November 10, 2013
Is she the man?
No, she is not the man, not in, “She’s the Man”, or in, “Twelfth Night or What You Will”. The latter was based directly on William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” and the former was also based on it but it was not identical to it and the comparisons are hard to come by. After much comparison the similarities and differences are plenty. “She’s the Man” is an unnatural companion to, “Twelfth Night or What You Will” but the similarities can be discovered throughout. First are the similarities in character names as they are similar to and differ from each other in the movies. Viola and the love interest of Duke as Olivia all the same names in both these movies. One major difference is Viola wears a wig in the later version of made for teenagers comedy, and does not wear a fake mustache as she is still attending high school. But Viola’s character in the original movie cuts her long hair and wears a false beard. But Viola wears sideburns which are not real. Or are they? “Sebastian: [indicating Viola's false sideburns] are those real? Viola: Oh yeah, I'm growing sideburns now- NO!” The two movies are different in that the older version uses an older form of English while the new movie use regular English used these days. The new movie is based on a high school experience and it is in the school named, Illyria, while the other older movie is based on a prior time in the town Illyria. Illyria is displayed on the scoreboard of the school soccer tournament while Sebastian carries a book called, “Illyria” in the older version of movie. In the high school movie it is seen that Sebastian leaves to London to play music and his sister knows this and disguise as him. But in the older version of the film both brother and sister think that each other died in sea during a terrible storm, where they were last together on board a ship. But Viola covers up and becomes her brother on necessity. The duke is her master, but Duke is the roommate of Viola who is disguised as Sebastian in the teen comedy.
Olivia gets interested in Sebastian after seeing the sensitive guy he portrays to be and she is falling for him thinking it is the real Sebastian and that he is not a girl.
Viola: [as Sebastian] I got to be completely honest. The whole dissecting thing kinda freaks me out, so uh... I think you may have to take the reins on this one.
Olivia: Wow, most guys would have never admitted that.
Viola: Oh crap! You are right.
Olivia: No, don't worry I think it's refreshing.
Viola: You do?
Malcolm: [interrupts] No paper near the Bunsen burner.
Viola: Wait!
Olivia: What's this? Poems?
Viola: Lyrics. They're his... my, my old stuff.
Olivia: [reading] "Wake up I’ve been waiting for you".
Olivia: Those are really good. So honest.
Viola: I know. I keep telling him... me... meself... my... myself.
Malcolm: I write songs too, Olivia.
Olivia: Really? Wonderful.
Malcolm: Check it out.
Malcolm: I see you through your window, while I'm standing on a tree outside
In, “She’s the Man” Sebastian and Viola are twins, and in “Twelfth Night or What You Will” they are brother and sister. In both movies Duke or The Duke loves Olivia and wants help from Viola, who is acting like she is Sebastian. Both Violas loves the Duke and wants him to love her. In the adolescent movie Viola’s voice change to her original girl voice sometimes by accident and one time when she is acting like a girl or when she is in the phone but in the other comedy she never sound feminine though her thoughts show a feminine side of her. “Viola: [walking by, dressed as Sebastian, while on the phone] Mom, I will pick out my own dress. And no, I will not wear high heels. Because heels are a male invention designed to make women's butts look smaller... and to make it harder for them to run away.” In the teen-age version Sebastian deserted his girlfriend when Viola was acting like Sebastian and Sebastian as himself, making her say, “Not again”, meaning getting cast off again. But that is not so in the original remake of the movie.
In both movies Olivia kisses the male Sebastian, even though they fell in love with Viola acting as Sebastian. In juvenile movie the brother just returned from London to his school, and Olivia comes up to him and kissed after reciting a poem he wrote, which Viola has earlier showed to her, when she was trying to be her brother. The earlier version shows Olivia kiss Sebastian and then they go off and get married which is not shown in the teenage version as it is a young teen comedy. When Viola was acting like Sebastian in the earlier version she understands that Olivia does not love the Duke, but she suddenly realizes that, “she loves me”. There is a lot of drunkenness and alcohol consumption in the previous movie, but as an age appropriate entertainment the latter movie does not involve that. The bath scene of the Duke is interesting as he is naked in the bath and Viola disguised as Sebastian gets to rub his back with a sponge and in the teenaged account she sees Duke pass her by as he takes off his towel and her mouth drops open wide with surprise. Another similarity between both the movies is that Olivia in the older form of the film was in moaning of her brother’s death hence wearing only black but after starting to like Sebastian, who was actually acting as Cesario, she started wearing color dresses, and the young movie has her as just been discarded by her boyfriend and when she bumps into Sebastian who is really Viola she likes him and starts getting interested in him and is over her depression mood soon. “Fester: Good Madonna, why mournest thou? Olivia: Good fool, for my brother's death.”
Both movies have some great inspirational likes in the older account Malvolio says it. “Malvolio: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” In the newer depiction Duke says it. “Duke: It's just like what Coach says before every game: Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Both Olivia’s were followed by two men who were interested but she was not interested in. In the new one that guy is the one who first realize that they are twins and when confronted is confronted with the wrong gender twin. But in the older one after accusing Sebastian who is really Viola, this man goes off, and Viola follows and enter her brother making her seem like a mirage. There is a letter written to this Sir Andrews saying to wear yellow stocking, but in reality it was a joke on him since it was, “the color she[Olivia] abhor”. This was only seen in the older version.
The reason for Viola to fake her identity was to play soccer and that is differing from the other version which is much like the real Shakespearean writing. It looked like that her parents
were getting back together and that is different from the plot line of the earlier version too. The boy who pursues Olivia is talked to as a nerd in the teen drama comedy movie. There is a lot of music available in the older movie and William Shakespeare’s great poem, “When That I Was and A Little Tiny Boy” is sung at the end which is a wonderful ending to the movie making it a great ending with the work of art of a genius. There is a part where Duke is kissing Viola at the kissing booth. There is a part with Viola breaking up with her boyfriend. Both these are non-existent in the older version of the movie. The movies were released 10 years apart; the first in 1996 and the other in 2006. Sometimes it is really funny how it comes out when Viola starts to show some emotion as a girl and then when she realizes she has to cover it up.
Duke: [Using one of Viola's tampons after getting into a fight with Justin at the carnival] Oh, yeah, I uh, borrowed one of your... yeah... and you're right, they really do work.
Viola: Oh my god you're hurt...
[Clears throat]
Viola: I mean, suck it up, be a man and rub some dirt on it
Duke: Okay, I'll rub some dirt in it...
Viola does not like Duke to date Olivia as she is in love with him, and to show him that as Sebastian she tries to get him not to like her. “Viola: Speaking as a completely third party objective with absolutely no personal interest in the matter, I'm not really sure that you and Olivia really mesh well together.” Cesario’s is the place that Olivia goes on a date with Duke, but in the other version Cesario is who Viola tries to be, which is unlike in the new version as Viola is trying to be Sebastian. Both movies are great movies that replicate the great work of William Shakespeare, one the earlier version directed by Trevor Nunn and the latest version by director Andy Fickman. Though they are sometimes different as night and day they both show the beauty, humor, and hardship of trying to be another gender; its portrayal is humorous, brave, and beautiful all at the same time. Both do justice to the literature genius on its own merit.
Works Cited
Fickman, Andy. “She’s the Man”. Putlocker.bz.Web. 9 November 2013. <http://putlocker.bz/watch-shes-the-man-online-free-putlocker.html>.
Nunn, Trevor. “Twelfth Night (Nata E Dymbedhjete) | Movie 1996”. Youtube.com. 10 June 2013. Class XB - XIIB, Private School NR.1. Web. 10 November 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sNT0KjeEV4>.
“Twelfth Night or What You Will (1996) Quotes”. Imdb.com. Web. 11 November 2013. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117991/trivia?tab=qt&ref_=tt_trv_qu>.
“She's the Man (2006) Quotes”. Imdb.com. Web. 12 November 2013. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454945/trivia?tab=qt&ref_=tt_trv_qu>.
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kilmainhamwoodgfc · 5 years
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#KwoodGFC_Lotto Kilmainhamwood GFC weekly lotto draw took place in Cormeen on Monday 19th Aug 2019 at 9pm where the jackpot was €2,400
The Numbers Drawn : 01, 15, 19 & 28
No Jackpot winner
5 Lucky Dip winners each received €20:- * Emma Foley, Mullagh (Online) * Gillian Farrelly, Kells (Online) * Ann Ditri, Kilmainhamwood * James Cleary c/o John Keogan * Fiona Kiernan, Kilmainhamwood
Next draw for a HOPING-FOR-LAST-OF-THE-SUMMER-RAIN jackpot of €2,600 will take place in Keogans on Monday 26th Aug 2019 at 9pm
Play our lotto online at http://bit.ly/kilmainhamwoodgfc and our lotto motto is #ItsThereToBeWon
The week in review:- Tues 13th Aug - 19:00 in Carlanstown: U14 Paddy O’Brien Cup Roinn 5 Semi-Final. Result Kilmainhamwood 23-13 : 8-11 St. Michael/Nobber
Wed 14th Aug - 19:15 in K-wood: Minor Football Championship Div 2A Rd1. Result Kilmainhamwood 2-4 : 3-16 Drumconrath/Meath Hill
The weeks to come:- Tues 20th Aug - 19:00 in Bective: U14 Paddy O’Brien Cup Roinn 5 Final vs. Bective/Cannistown
Sat 24th Aug - 12:00 in Castletown: U7/U9 Football Grp 1 Rd 2 vs. Castletown - 12:00 in Castletown: U11 Football Grp 1 Rd 2 vs. Castletown
Sun 25th Aug - 11:00 in Moynalty: U-15 Football Div 6 Rd 1 vs. Moynalty/Carnaross - 14:00 in Seneschalstown: JAFC Rd 6 vs. Dunsany
Wed 28th Aug - 19:00 in Kilbride: Minor Football Championship Div 2A Rd2 vs. Kilbride
Sat 14th Sept - 19:00 in Kilmainhamwood: Minor Football Championship Div 2A Rd 3 vs. Dunshaughlin
Please note that Kilmainhamwood GFC recently celebrated 25 years of lotto draws. The first draw took place on the Sunday night of Henry Corbally’s 40th birthday party ... so you can guess his age!! Many of the original lotto committee still manage the weekly draws. I joined the lotto committee in 2008 when I launched our online option. So Thank You to the entire lotto committee (too many to name individually) who have worked tirelessly to raise the funds necessary to maintain our club.
regards Shane Russell & the lotto committee
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kilmainhamwoodgfc · 5 years
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#KwoodGFC_Lotto Kilmainhamwood GFC weekly lotto draw took place in McKenna’s on Monday 12th Aug 2019 at 9pm where the jackpot was €2,200
The Numbers Drawn : 13, 17, 21 & 27
No Jackpot winner
5 Lucky Dip winners each received €20:- * Lisa Morris, Cormeen (Online) * John Clinch, Milltown (Online) * John White, Kilbeg * Rose McCabe, Tierworker * Maria Carolan, Kilmainhamwood
Next draw for a LEAVING-CERT-RESULTS-ANTICIPATING jackpot of €2,400 will take place in Cormeen on Monday 19th Aug 2019 at 9pm
Play our lotto online at http://bit.ly/kilmainhamwoodgfc and our lotto motto is #ItsThereToBeWon
The week in review:- Fri 9th Aug - 19:30 in Drumbaragh: JFCA Group B Rd 4. Result Kilmainhamwood 2-13 : 1-08 St. Brigid’s. Report http://www.kilmainhamwoodgfc.com/jfca-2019.html
The weeks to come:- Tues 13th Aug - 19:00 in Carlanstown: U14 Paddy O’Brien Cup Roinn 5 Semi-Final vs. St. Michael/Nobber
Wed 14th Aug - 19:15 in K-wood: Minor Football Championship Div 2A Rd1 vs. Drumconrath/Meath Hill
Wed 28th Aug - 19:00 in Kilbride: Minor Football Championship Div 2A Rd2 vs. Kilbride
Please note that Kilmainhamwood GFC recently celebrated 25 years of lotto draws. The first draw took place on the Sunday night of Henry Corbally’s 40th birthday party ... so you can guess his age!! Many of the original lotto committee still manage the weekly draws. I joined the lotto committee in 2008 when I launched our online option. So Thank You to the entire lotto committee (too many to name individually) who have worked tirelessly to raise the funds necessary to maintain our club.
regards Shane Russell & the lotto committee
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kilmainhamwoodgfc · 5 years
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#KwoodGFC_Lotto Kilmainhamwood GFC weekly lotto draw took place in Keogans on Tuesday 6th Aug 2019 at 9pm where the jackpot was €2,000
The Numbers Drawn : 01, 05, 17 & 25
No Jackpot winner
5 Lucky Dip winners each received €20:- * Delma Farrelly, Kilmainhamwood (Online) * John Bennett, Cormeen * Agnes Clarke, Kingscourt * Rose McCabe, Tierworker * John Corbally, Kilmainhamwood
Next draw for a PREMIER-LEAGUE-RETURNING jackpot of €2,200 will take place in McKenna’s on Monday 12th Aug 2019 at 9pm
Play our lotto online at http://bit.ly/kilmainhamwoodgfc and our lotto motto is #ItsThereToBeWon
The week in review:- Sat 3rd Aug - 14:00 in Meath Hill: U12 Ciaran Crosby Tournament. Report http://www.kilmainhamwoodgfc.com/u12.html
Tues 6th Aug - 19:00 in Marty: U14 Paddy O’Brien Cup Roinn 4 Quarter Final vs. St. Ultan’s / Cortown Gaels
The weeks to come:- Fri 9th Aug - 19:30 in Drumbaragh: JFCA Group B Rd 4 vs. St. Brigid’s
Sat 10th Aug - TBC in K-wood: U7, U9 & U11 Go Games vs. Round Towers - 19:00 in K-wood: IFC Group A Rd 3 Nobber vs. Drumbaragh
Tues 13th Aug - 19:00 in Moynalty: U14 Paddy O’Brien Cup Roinn 4 Semi Final
Wed 14th Aug - 19:15 in K-wood: Minor Football Championship Div 2A Rd1 vs. Drumconrath/Meath Hill
Please note that Kilmainhamwood GFC recently celebrated 25 years of lotto draws. The first draw took place on the Sunday night of Henry Corbally’s 40th birthday party ... so you can guess his age!! Many of the original lotto committee still manage the weekly draws. I joined the lotto committee in 2008 when I launched our online option. So Thank You to the entire lotto committee (too many to name individually) who have worked tirelessly to raise the funds necessary to maintain our club.
regards Shane Russell & the lotto committee
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kilmainhamwoodgfc · 6 years
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#KwoodGFC_Lotto Kilmainhamwood GFC weekly lotto draw took place in McKenna’s on Monday 9th July 2018 at 9pm where the jackpot was €7,200.
The Numbers Drawn … Na huimhreacha a tarraingíodh : 04, 09, 12 & 16
No Jackpot winner ... Ní raibh aon bhuaiteoir.
5 Lucky Dip winners agus gheobhaidh siad €20 an duine:- * Martin Farrelly, Kilkenny (Online) * John Corbally, Kilmainhamwood * Kelvan Blaney, Kilmainhamwood * Fergal McKenna, Kilmainhamwood * Tom McDermott c/o M&F, Kingscourt
Next draw for a FOOTBALL-MAY-OR-MAY-NOT-BE-COMING-HOME-BUT-ITS-CERTAINLY-PUT-ITS-POSTCODE-IN-THE-SATNAV jackpot of €7,400 will take place in Cormeen on Monday 16th July 2018 at 9pm.
Beidh an tarraingt eile ar siúl i Cormeen ar 16/07/18 agus tá €7,400 sa phota
Play our lotto online at www.locallotto.ie/kilmainhamwoodgfc and our lotto motto is #ItsThereToBeWon
The week in review:- Mon 9th Jul - 20:00 in Donore: ACFL Div 4 Rd 11 Result St Mary's 2-9 : 1-12 Kilmainhamwood
The weeks to come:- Tues 10th Jul - 19:30 in Clonard: U16 Summer League Group D Rd 3 vs. Longwood/Clonard
Thurs 12th Jul - 19:00 in Drumconrath: U14 Summer League Roinn 4 Group 1 Rd 1 vs. Drumconrath/Meath Hill
Sat 14th Jul - 16:00 in Kilmainham: U12 Summer League Roinn E Group 2 Rd 2 vs. Round Towers
Thurs 19th Jul - 19:00 in K-wood: U14 Summer League Roinn 4 Group 1 Rd 2 vs. Clann na nGael
Sat 21st Jul - 10:00 in K-wood: U8 Group 6 Rd9 vs. Wolfe Tones - 11:00 in K-wood: U10 Group 6 Rd9 vs. Wolfe Tones - 16:00 in Ballinlough: U12 Summer League Roinn E Group 2 Rd 3 vs. Ballinlough
regards Shane Russell & the lotto committee
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kilmainhamwoodgfc · 6 years
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#KwoodGFC_Lotto Kilmainhamwood GFC weekly lotto draw took place in Keogans on Monday 2nd July 2018 at 9pm where the jackpot was €7,000.
The Numbers Drawn … Na huimhreacha a tarraingíodh : 07, 10, 21 & 23
No Jackpot winner ... Ní raibh aon bhuaiteoir.
5 Lucky Dip winners agus gheobhaidh siad €20 an duine:- * Edel Farrelly, Castletown (Online) * Alan Jackson, Eden * Paddy Clarke, Cormeen * John Kangley, Moynalty * Edel Corbally, Kilmainhamwood
Next draw for a LOOK-AT-YOU-THERE-WITH-YOUR-BIG-MELTED-HEAD jackpot of €7,200 will take place in McKenna’s on Monday 9th July 2018 at 9pm.
Beidh an tarraingt eile ar siúl i McKenna’s ar 09/07/18 agus tá €7,200 sa phota
Play our lotto online at www.locallotto.ie/kilmainhamwoodgfc and our lotto motto is #ItsThereToBeWon
The week in review:- Tues 26th Jun - 19:30 in K-wood: U16 Summer League Group D Rd1. Result Kilmainhamwood 8-14 : 3-11 Moynalty/Carnaross
Wed 27th Jun - 19:00 in K-wood: On Wednesday 27th June 2018 Kilmainhamwood GFC hosted Chicago GAA St. Jarlath’s in an U14 Jim Condra memorial match. Jim was our chairman from 2002 up until his untimely death in May 2017. Meath County Board Chairman Peter O’Halloran unveiled a plaque and spoke eloquently about Jim and regaled some good stories. Jim’s brother Michael spoke lovingly about his brother presented the Jim Condra trophy to Kilmainhamwood GFC U14 captain Jack Gillespie. Read the full report c/w photos at http://www.kilmainhamwoodgfc.com/u14.html
The weeks to come:- Tues 3rd Jul - 19:30 in Castletown: U16 Summer League Group D Rd 2 vs. Killary Emmett
Sat 7th - 10:00 in Moynalty: U8 Group 6 Rd8 vs. Moynalty - 11:00 in Moynalty: U10 Group 6 Rd8 vs. Moynalty
Tues 10th Jul - 19:30 in Clonard: U16 Summer League Group D Rd 3 vs. Longwood/Clonard
regards Shane Russell & the lotto committee
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kilmainhamwoodgfc · 7 years
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#KwoodGFC_Lotto Kilmainhamwood GFC weekly lotto draw took place in Keogans on Monday 13th November 2017 at 9pm where the jackpot was €7,200.
The Numbers Drawn … Na huimhreacha a tarraingíodh : 02, 15, 17 & 23
No Jackpot winner ... Ní raibh aon bhuaiteoir.
5 Lucky Dip winners agus gheobhaidh siad €20 an duine:- * Grainne Weldon, Nobber (Online) * John Bennett, Cormeen * Peter McKeon, Kingscourt * Peter McConnell, Kingspan * May Corbally, Kilmainhamwood
Next draw for a SQUEAKY-BUM-TIME-TOMORROW-AS-THE-BOYS-IN-GREEN-TAKE-ON-THE-DANES-TO-DETERMINE-WHO-GOES-TO-THE-WORLD-CUP jackpot of €7,400 will take place in McKenna’s on Monday 20th November 2017 at 9pm.
Beidh an tarraingt eile ar siúl i McKenna’s ar 20/11/17 agus tá €7,400 sa phota
Play our lotto online at www.locallotto.ie/kilmainhamwoodgfc and our lotto motto is #ItsThereToBeWon
The week in review:- Sun 12th Nov - 11:00 in K-wood: U15 Div 6 Semi-final. Result Kilmainhamwood 4-16 : 0-3 Boardsmill. Report http://www.kilmainhamwoodgfc.com/u16.html
The weeks to come:- Sat 18th Nov - 19:30 in K-wood: Kilmainhamwood GFC Annual General Meeting for 2018 will take place on Saturday 18th November at 7:30pm in the Day Care Centre. Everyone is invited. We would encourage all players and existing members to attend and try to bring a friend. We would encourage the parents / guardians of all juveniles to attend so we can continue our development plan.
Sun 19th Nov - 11:00 in Dunganny: U15 Div 6 final vs. Slane/St. Mary’s - 12:00 in Páirc Tailteann: U21C final Nobber vs. Kilbride. Kilmainhamwood GFC players Cathal Bennett, Paul Carolan & Bernard Reilly are playing with Nobber and we wish everyone the best of luck.
The GAA National Club Draw has been launched for 2018. Tickets are €10 each and can be purchased online at https://www.myclubfinances.com/tickets_m.asp?LL_ID=299&intTE_ID=835#topp Tickets will also be available from club players and members. The GAA National Club Draw is now an annual event following its success over the past three years, in which over €6million has been raised by clubs. The sole purpose of the GAA National Club Draw is to assist clubs in their drive to raise much needed funds to aid in the development and the promotion of our games … more information available at http://www.gaa.ie/news/national-club-draw/
If you would like to book our AstroTurf for the winter please contact our AstroTurf manager Michael Berrill on 087 6365534
Finally, if you would like a stocking filer for Christmas, why not check out our club shop at https://www.oneills.com/shop-by-team/gaa/ireland/kilmainhamwood-gfc.html
Regards, Shane Russell & the lotto committee
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kilmainhamwoodgfc · 7 years
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#KwoodGFC_Lotto Kilmainhamwood GFC weekly lotto draw took place in Keogan’s on Monday 19th June 2017 at 9pm where the jackpot was €3,000.
The Numbers Drawn … Na huimhreacha a tarraingíodh : 02, 06, 23 & 26
No Jackpot winner ... Ní raibh aon bhuaiteoir.
5 Lucky Dip winners agus gheobhaidh siad €20 an duine:- * Alan Smith, Kingscourt (Online) * John White, Kilbeg * Michael Crosby, Kingscourt * William Mooney, Kingscourt * John Corbally, Kilmainhamwood
Next draw for a OK-LETS-PUT-THE-KILDARE-WOEFUL-DISPLAY-BEHIND-US-AND-FOCUS-ON-THE-SLIGO-MATCH jackpot of €3,200 will take place in McKenna’s on Monday 26th June 2017 at 9pm.
Beidh an tarraingt eile ar siúl i McKenna’s ar 26/06/17 agus tá €3,200 sa phota
Play our lotto online at www.locallotto.ie/kilmainhamwoodgfc and our lotto motto is #ItsThereToBeWon
The week in review:- Wed 14th June - 20:00 in Sean Newman Park: All County A Football League Div 3 Rd 9. Result Kilmainhamwood 0-14 :1-15 St Ultan's. Report http://www.kilmainhamwoodgfc.com/2017-div3-league.html
The weeks to come:- Sat 24th June - 10:00 in K-wood: Go Games U8 Football Group 6 Rd 8 vs. St. Michaels - 11:00 in K-wood: Go Games U10 Football Group 6 Rd 8 vs. St. Michaels
Wed 28th June - 20:00 in Ballinlough: JAFC Group B Rd 3 vs. St. Brigid’s
Regards, Shane Russell & the lotto committee
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