#Johnny nearly laughing in the 2nd gif.
djfatchip · 1 year
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Antique, junky variety. Wonder if it even works.
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 4 years
The Look
Like Tripping, I tried to post this through the app, but the content didn’t appear. What a bummer, so we’re starting all over again. 
My subconscious is telling me that this week’s all about the past, so here’s the actual continuation on one of my first posts here. 
You’re a true Johfam if you’ve heard of the title before. If not, maybe this GIF can help you refresh your memory?
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Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 
Summary: To continue what I was saying in the beginning, this piece is the continuation of this one, plus a necessary flashback. I hope that the main timeline is making more sense as I post more of my old writing though. Are you following along or not really? Please let me know.
POV: 2nd person 
Word count: 1,200 + words 
Warning: Italics are for thoughts. As per usual, the video of the song mentioned will be embedded below for your listening pleasure. 
Once upon a time, Mark Lee has told you about The Look.
It was the look that Johnny gave when he was flirting.
His eyes narrowed, and his already full lips seemed like they wanted to kiss the person they were talking to.
And right now, you saw that he was giving you The Look. At your family home. With your mother and sister moving around the dining table both of you were seated at. They were busy preparing for your dinner, and he was your guest of honor.
“So Essie,” he started, one of his long arms reaching over you, “have you ever thought of spending Christmas with somebody other than family?”
Your eyes widened at his question. October was about to end, and he had already been thinking of Christmas.
“Well, I can, but I don’t think most of my friends are free during that day? Why do you ask?”
“I was thinking if you can come home with me in Chicago? You know, my parents know you’re one of my best friends, and I think you’re the only one who hasn’t been there in our house,” he said while running a hand through his glossy locks.
There was it again – The Look. It was as if he wanted to pull you into his lap and kiss you, but at the same time, he had to behave since it was his first time at your house with your family.
“Is that so? Well…maybe?” You mumbled, looking away from his come hither stare.
But before he could even reply, he was cut off by your sister. “Essie, can you help us set the table, please?” With her request, you were immediately up and running. Johnny stood up too and helped you. He held the plates and utensils in his arms as you put placemats on all the seats. You placed the utensils while he set the plates. You had teamwork down pat to the point that you gave each other fist bumps after doing so.
“Nice work, dude!” You laughed, which he returned with a shy smile. You raised an eyebrow at him since this wasn’t the usual response he gave you after a fist bump. In return, he held your wrist and dragged you away from the dining area.
He stopped when both of you were on the porch, where you saw the sun about to set. It was a beautiful sight – hues of blue, orange, and pink painted the sky. You sighed at the wonder that is nature, and you heard him do so as well.
“What’s up?” You asked, swiveling your body towards him. “Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you privately,” he replied, moving closer to you.
“What is private about this?” You gestured to the open space in front of you – there were houses beside you, and there were still some children playing across your home.
“Well, they wouldn’t listen to what we’re going to talk about, eh?” He cocked his head to the side, The Look forming on his face again.
“And what do you mean by that?” You had your hands on your hips, about to get sassy on him. To be honest, The Look was making you feel nervous.
He’s my best friend, yet he’s acting so flirty with me. I don’t want to get the wrong idea, unless…
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled him to his chest. You were about to protest, but you felt one of his big hands caress your hair. You know that made you weak.
“I can’t take this anymore, Essie,” he purred, his voice making your legs feel like jelly. You could only look at up him in surprise.
“I want us to be more than what we are now,” he said, eyes twinkling with conviction. He even had to pull you away a bit and make you steady.
Your eyes widened once more at what you’re hearing. He was full of surprises today, and at least your poor heart can still handle it.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
It was as if the world stopped that moment – your eyes stared into Johnny’s, his hands now clasped on yours. All he needed to do was bend, like the prince that you secretly thought he was. And when he did, everything went black.
You woke up to the sound of ‘Supermassive Black Hole’ by Muse. “Why would someone play that song so early in the morning?” You grumbled, rubbing your eyes agitatedly at the loud sound booming from your speakers.
Once your vision has adjusted, you saw your boyfriend in his boxer briefs dancing and lip-syncing to the song.
Oh shit, you thought, your mind racing with a million thoughts. Did he sleep over at my house or what?
Once he reached the falsetto part, you noticed how tight his underwear was. And of course, he was sculpted to the gods. But since you are a grumpy person before having coffee, you smacked him with a pillow.
“Put some clothes on, Johnny motherclucking Suh!” You said, your voice still hoarse.
He didn’t get mad that you threw a pillow to cover his nearly naked figure. He laughed instead and decided to torture you more. He got back into the bed with you and tickled you until you were in tears both from laughter and pain.
“Stop it, please,” you said in between panting, getting tired from his unique torture exercise. He did what was told and flipped you to face him. You saw stubble on his face, and you couldn’t help but peck at it. You found it sexy since he always shaves it. “You really like it when I have facial hair, no?” He whispered, his breath almost tickling your ear.
“Yeah, I like it when you look a bit dirty,” you said, your hands now cupping his face. He gave you The Look, and your hands found its way around his neck.
“You know, I was dreaming about your confession.”
This startled him a bit, and he tightened his grip around your waist. “What about it?”
“I can’t believe that I fainted when you did,” you said, burying your face on his shoulder.
“I bet you fell for my Disney prince imitation,” he snickered, moving a bit so he could see your flustered face.
“You know I have a weakness for that!” Your whine was met with a peck after, which led to some kisses here and there.
Today was Day 2 of you and Johnny becoming official. He stayed over at your house after Key left, helping you clean the house. Although you know you can be quite a horny bitch, Johnny didn’t do anything funny or anything that you did not approve of. You slept hugging each other since both of you were tired from the chores you had to do.
“You sure are a messy girl,” You remembered him telling you, rolling his eyes to annoy you even more. You replied with a thwack on his butt. “Shut it,” you grumbled before you hugged him tighter.
“Night night, baby princess,” he said, kissing you on the forehead. You smiled in your sleep, wholeheartedly contented and satisfied with life.
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