#Joy Kartt
terresdebrume · 1 year
Also I think one of the things I like about this scene is that they actually have similar problems with each other
"Even though I know I should pass to you. You're so selfish and arrogant. Every time I do it makes me want to fucking puke"
"I had a poster of you on my wall when I was a kid. Used to love watching you play. But you're not the player that you used to be and just because you won a few trophies, you walk around here expecting everyone to kiss your ring."
I love that even just four episodes in, there's already this level of parallels, of them being more similar than perhaps they realize, and it playing a bigger role than they are willing to admit (or see) in the state of their relationship
I love that what makes them fight in the beginning (at least partially) is also what can help them get each other later on in a way that I don't think other people always manage
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terresdebrume · 1 year
There's a. Trend that bothers me in post Man City Roy/Jamie fics and it's this tendency to like. Suddenly remove any conflict between them?
It's like. Roy sees Jamie be verbally abused, hugs him, and then... Immediately goes into full protective acts of service mode, constantly being soft and patient and understanding while Jamie suddenly cries all the time and expresses what he wants without seeming to have much of a difficulty with it aside from being unsure he deserves it
Which like. These are not personality changes exactly, they just feel like they like... Sand off too many of the edges imo
As in, like, Sunflower does it better than the fandom in this case imo, because Roy's still a grumpy ass and Jamie's still a dick, and they're getting closer but in a way that feels more... Idk, plausible, so to speak
Of course, I'm aware most of the aforementioned fics were written before Sunflower came out so that reference wasn't there to help, but at the same time it's like. Changing is hard and takes time, even if you really want to.
Roy was still difficult and prickly with Keeley, a d he still sometimes takes his nerves out on Jamie, and Jamie is still a bit of an ass with Roy sometimes even if he's visibly feeling better and more comfortable with everyone around
Idk it's just. Yeah, some changes happen fast and radical like, all but also some shit just hangs on and it's...Mmh. weird to me when fics don't seem to remember that. Idk.
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terresdebrume · 1 year
This is not the Roy/Jamie concept i thought about yesterday or the one I thought I would write when I started trying (also idk if/when I'll add to it tbh...)
But here, have a monk!Jamie and barbarian!Roy small interaction I guess
"Sorry about your leg," Roy says after a long silence, nodding to where Jamie's dabbing at his shin with a clean piece of his stupid yellow leg wrappings.
"'S fine. Don't really feel anything there anymore, anyway."
Roy frowns, can't help it. He's always figured Jamie was better than average at bouncing back from pain, somehow. Used to be so fucking jealous about it, even. He'd spent his whole life building up his ability to rage past the pain, and there Jamie was, a practically barefoot little prick prancing about with a shit eating smile, like taking a beating was no different than a shower. Roy would have eaten his own fucking shield in jealousy if Jamie—Tartt, back then—hadn't been such a bitchy little muppet.
Nerve damage makes more sense now that he's Jamie rather than Tartt—now that he's finally settled in Roy's head as an actual person and not the human personification of a knob. It makes more sense, but it also makes this worse.
"It's true," Jamie's saying, voice climbing into the top of his register even as he tries to maintain a reasonable volume. "It's part of the training."
The thing is, Roy doesn't need to ask whose brilliant idea this whole shit was. He remembers that day in Nelson road, when Jamie's dad had decided to pay a visit and the whole company of sellswords sat there and listened to the man do his level best to humiliate his son without lifting a finger. He remembers Beard trying to get the old asshole out, failing, and sighing in relief like everyone else when Sam's spell forced Tartt senior to leave.
Most vivid of all, Roy remembers Jamie frozen in place when he normally never stays still for more than a second. The way he hadn't clocked Roy approaching until he was halfway across the inn, and then only to flinch like he was about to get socked.
"Not in the monasteries I know," Roy says, but it must be the wrong thing to say because Jamie closes off, reaching to his left to pluck his bag from the ground.
Roy watches Jamie's arm disappear in there down to the elbow, rummaging for a moment and coming back up with one of those weird pastes Lasso has been trying to teach them all how to make. Roy is not a fucking cook, and he's really not a fucking cleric, so he's determined to leave the prep to others, but he knows from experience it'll keep Jamie's wound clean.
"It was in mine," Jamie says, and there's something final to his voice.
Roy wants to pry, of course, but...well, it's been nice, this weird truce he's got going with Jamie. It's frustrating at times because hating Jamie and being okay with using him as an emotional punching bag whenever he needed one was actually kind of convenient. But it's also fucking nice. A rest, a break in the relentless waves of anger and annoyance from before.
It doesn't hurt that they no longer wake the rest of the group with shouting matches when they take a watch together, which is more often than not.
All of this is still new though, still fragile, so instead of asking more questions he nods, and finishes his watch in silence.
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terresdebrume · 1 year
The main downside of coming up with good dialogue in script form at half past midnight is that i can't share it here otherwise I ruin the culmination of that fic I am, apparently, writing
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terresdebrume · 1 year
Fuck, I still have hope tho
I hate that i still have hope when I'm 99% certain it's not going to happen but I do
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terresdebrume · 1 year
So I still don't want to put the whole thing here because it needs to be made into a proper scene before it's publishable but there's a typo in there that made me laugh so here it is, with a little bit of context
Roy: you can't promise that Jamie : Sure i fucking can! Ten gold says you get tired of me within the week. Roy: give me some fucking credit, Tartt Jamie: fine, three weeks, tops. [Mumbling] 'no guarantee I'll stay with you', I'll stay with you so much you'll be crying for personal space in no time, and that's a threat, grandad Roy: *laughs* Jamie, after preening: now will you kiss me, or do you want to spend more time fighting about shit we agree about? J Maas, from the ground: Personally I would greatly appreciate it if you two could kiß so I can go back to sleep
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terresdebrume · 1 year
Read a Roy/Jaimie fic today where Roy is a telepath (and so is Tartt Sr.) and Jaimie has pyrokinesis and like
It was really nice but unfortunately
It made me want to write my own, when my creative juices are at an all time low ;_;
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terresdebrume · 1 year
Finally a reason to remake one of these :P
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