#Joyce: I can’t believe you! this is the last straw Chloe
chloepleasestopdying · 6 months
I know that ‘we got drunk and got married’ is popular trope but I don’t like it for most ships because I feel like it takes a certain kind of character to do that believably.
Pricefield tho…. I can totally see them getting married after like five drinks in pretty much any universe.
Personally I think it would be hilarious if Max never returned to Arcadia Bay but got the courage to at least message Chloe to apologize about how everything went down and they slowly make up over phone calls and text. Maybe Chloe’s on the road with Steph so it takes for forever to meet in person. They meet up on Max’s 21st birthday, get absolutely hammered and wake up married. 
I just like this version a lot because I’m imagining a conversation between Max and her parents where she confess that she got married accidentally and her dad is demanding to know what man he has to beat the shit out of and Chloe walks into frame like 🧍‍♀️ ‘Hi Mr.Caulfield’. Or Chloe accidentally tells her mom and when Joyce throws a fit Chloe defends herself by saying that she should be happy that Max is in law instead of some biker dude and then David has an aneurysm because Joyce does a complete 180 when hearing that it was Max that she married. 
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