#Juhi Zo
juhihuji · 2 years
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pic I drew for my friend @FlorescentColo2 on Twitter! From left to right there’s Shino, Juhi (my OC!), Remih (her OC!), Kiba, and Akamaru!
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juhihuji · 3 years
I adore your rendering!! The way you make skin and clothing folds look so smooth is so good!! No pressure and if it’s too much then totally dw about it! but would you mind showing your art process? or, maybe what you did/ learned from that made your art so realistic? Keizo with the beanie and june with her stone bracelet is just so good to look at grrrr!
uuuuu THANK YOU! lmao I did those a few years ago so idk what my process was back then...but I know I was inspired my some Range Murata illustrations. My thinking was the subjects were infront of a warm source of light, maybe a lamp located where the viewer is so it's lit right in front! I'm gonna try to show how I tink about it...but it's real quick n messy and I'm bad with words!
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Here...I am using an old Juhi sketch to colour...
1. The sketch!
2. Flat fills! Each colour group is it's own layer with the transparency locked. It's the same as using them as colour masks I think?
3. Thinking about how the light source is right in front, I add darker colours around the contours of the larger forms where it recedes away from the light. The colours I chose were slightly warmer too, cuz I feel like that's what I see in Murata's illustrations. I think earlier on he used alcohol markers, which gave it that look...for the skin I feel like it enhances a fleshy look!
4. I blend it out quite a bit! I want the larger forms to look really roundy and soft and gradiated...
5. I add shadows around the smaller forms like the nose, eyes, lips, etc. I paint the hair texture in really rougly because I'm lazy and it doesn't get much better from here ;•)
6. Blending the finer shadows!
7. Pushing values with darker colours closely along the edges of the contours and adding cast shadows, like under the jaw, on the further back cheek, etc
8. Blending the darker contour shadows but not the cast shadows
9. Roughly adding highlights! Towards the front where the lightsource is. I use a lighter shadw with a slightly yellower hue cuz mmm warm also some redness on top of her cheeks and forehead for flush
10. Blending the highlights
11. Colouring in the facial details and shading them the way I shaded the skin. Also added little shadows around the eyes
12. Blended the lil shadows
13. Added highlights to the facial features. When colouring the eyes I think of shading the iris like a concave bowl, and there's a clear, shiny lense that domes over everything that reflects a sharp highlight
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These are the different ways I think of where to add highlights and shadows. But adding shading is kind of like the inverse! Idk if any of this makes sense GOMEN
this link here explains different stuff about light and shading way better than I can!
I adjusted the colours on Juhi with sliders and gradient maps just use whatever you think looks best follow your heart
But I tried to point out how the different shapes can effect how the highlights look uuuuuh get it??? idk AAAAAAAA
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then I liquify tool it to adjust stuff and put some wholesome noise on it
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juhihuji · 3 years
Comms on lotteries. Today's draw five hours late. 17-36-47-60-61-15-3=A J UHIOC. Do you have meaning?
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lol I'm sorry I didn't reply to this for so long...I hope I'm understanding what you're tryna say 👁👁 I haven't done much with Juhi lately! But I guess I plan to do stuff with her soon!! So now maid Juhi is here!!!!!!!!!!!
She always looks different...but she represents a lot to me so she can have a lot of different looks 🤤
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juhihuji · 3 years
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juhihuji · 4 years
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doodle dumppp
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juhihuji · 3 years
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wwwwwwwwWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH anon.....................I must be rly tender lately cuz I been cryin a lot but this gave me a good cry WAAAAAAAAAA I’m so happy my content n my blog can be that for you...and that there’s someone out there who just likes whatever I post man!!!!!!! Every time I post something I think a lot of “there’s no point since nobody wants to see it” and I feel embarrassment over everything I post lmao but I’m glad it’s not all a waste I hope 2021 can be better for everyonnne! and yes create what you wanna see! make it happen! first n foremost you gotta please yourself with the things you create! and I’m sure a lot of us always look at something and think it could be different or better, so we’ll make something that satisfies us the way we want it to 👁👁 I hope we can get over our blocks together...there are ideas that need to be made a reality 👁👁👁 also............ppl enjoying anything involving my oc’s is so extremely flattering and fulfilling to me lmaoA I can’t believe anyone even knows Juhi’s name not like it’s hard but!! idk she exists in ppl’s heads other than mine wtf it’s so weird to me  AGH ur message just made me super duper happy I’M EMBARRASSED GUSHING ABOUT IT but rn it is my happy thought thanks so much for takin tha time to write it 🥺 I haven’t drawn them in a while but here’s some Juhi bugging Shino (>:•3c)
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juhihuji · 4 years
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cringy obsessive doodles and thumbnails of Juhi (oc) and Shino some of them unnerve me…
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juhihuji · 5 years
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haven’t rly had anything to post lately cuz I keep destroying every sketch I like with ink as is ordained by the gods of inktober hahhe lole
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juhihuji · 4 years
my big cringy text post full of useless info about Juhi Zo (oc)
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Uhhh this is in response to the anon from curious cat who asked ‘bout my oc...it was too much text.......
Hey. HEY? r u tryna make me cry cuz that's how you do it I'm so happy ppl like her when I was so ashamed and embarrassed to show her lmao Ah...there's so so so much about her and I've tried typing it out over n over but it's hard to tell her story without going off on long tangents trying to explain other details. Like, it wouldn't make sense without them...and I didn't wanna make this post super long and I'm still embarrassed about talking about it ...I hope u r cool with just hearing random facts and snippets of story about her ah I'm sorry ;_;
I created her with the intention of using her for self inserting/shipping lmao but that's probably obvious...and idk if she breaks any rules of the universe and I feel weird talkin' about her cuz I'm only in the middle of Shippuden so I don't know what the whole world is like lol but uuh
She's left handed
One of her hobbies is jewelry making. She mainly uses wire and ceramic beads and gives them as gifts to her friends. They might wear it to be polite but nobody really likes it lmao
Her team consists of herself, her lil brother Zitien, her big sister Agneya, and is lead by her mom or dad. They switch out cuz they care about spending time with their kids lol
Some of my art depicts her skin tone as richly saturated for aesthetic reasons, but she's meant to be quite grey because of a mineral in her body! It's part of her kekkei genkai™
She has a seal on her back and it's got two parts! One seals her entire weight, the other seals her entire temperature???? Kinda like how Tsunade's holdin' in her old, like suckin' in a gut. It's like that with Juhi's body temperature and weight and she can partially open each seal individually. Full grown at 5'4", she weighs 3.4 tonnes unsealed and her body is a hot hot 2100°C when unsealed. She's just super dense and hot and heavy! Like she's made of metal or something. When fully unsealed the weight and heat can warp her body structure as if she's melting, and when she seals that shit back up and her body cools back down she could remain permanently deformed! There are doctors on her home island who specialize in fixing some of that through corrective surgery, like parts of her skeleton fusing into one big mass, but not everything can be fixed! So she's gotta watch it!
 She has nightmares about her face melting and people being scared of her or not being able to recognize her cuz you can't bring the face back to normal after it melts. Everyday she wakes up and checks her face obsessively to make sure all her features are the same distance apart and the same shape and whatnot
Even when fully sealed, full grown she weighs 300 pounds with an internal body temp of 40°C and for that reason she sinks like a rock and is terrified of large bodies of water! Learning to walk on water was the first thing ppl of her clan with the same kekkei genkai learn.
When her temperature is higher, she can (for the most part, aside from the melting at the highest temps) withstand and survive temperatures the same as hers or slightly higher, but for example at an internal temp of 400°C she will burn at 450°C
 I love drawin' sweat and I even draw Juhi with sweat on her body cuz I can't help it but she doesn't sweat! She's always dehydrated and most of her body's moisture evaporates through exhalation as a complication caused by her kekkei genkai.
People from her island are trained to use a different type of chakra and her kekkei genkai also makes her body extremely efficient in using that chakra, so a little goes a long way. One of the things that comes from that is she doesn't typically get uncomfortably hot or cold. She can sense changes in temperatures, but her body is really efficient at maintaining homeostasis and she just don't get too bothered by it! To a point, anyway.
wow i talked lots about her KG but just the boring useless facts about it and not what it actually is but i did say random hahee :���)
For her Naruto AU she exists on a branching timeline, one branch where she falls in love with Shino and one where she falls in love with Kankuro! ew!
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In the Shino timeline she takes on a more taijutsu focused fighting style thus we have taiJuhi! 
Because of her weight/density she moves pretty slow for a ninja, but her mental reaction speed is typical of any decent shinobi. So don't let her catch you cuz her punches swing like a cannon and she will grapple her opponents and cook them alive. Her weight also makes it hard to knock her off balance.
Not great at long distance fighting. Sometimes uses a metal two-handed weapon.
Bein' a ninja's really tough for her since she's slow, but she wants it badly and works hard to keep up
Later in life she moves to and works in Konoha at a nuclear power plant owned and run by her clan wtf
Shino has been to Juhi's home island a couple times and he has to wear a lead suit to survive the harsh and nearly uninhabitable environment. The people from the island evolved to withstand it.
The first time he went, they took a ship to the island then went by train for a few hundred miles into the centre where the village is. The first time was for a mission, another Aburame came too. Some time during their friendship, Juhi gifted Shino beetles from her island that can survive the environment. Shino selectively bred them to be usable as an extra layer of protection beneath his and his clansman's skin to protect their internal organs while on the mission! How goofy
In the Kankuro timeline she takes on a more ninjutsu focused fighting style thus we have ninJuhi! 
Later in life she works a job 6 months out of the year on her home island as a sentinel for the family who governs the island?? 
In this timeline she dies some time during the events in Boruto ig (still haven't gotten to Boruto yet tho). Her seal malfunctions and everything she touches burns or melts and everywhere she stands she sinks into the ground. She's far from home and all she can think to do to save everyone from herself is to run into the ocean. Her footfalls sound like thunder and the ground shakes deeply as she pounds the ground running towards the shore. The sand turns into a hard crust beneath every foot step that hits the beach. Suddenly, her sprinting figure turns into noise and white haze as she reaches the tides and nobody can see her anymore. It's the water, hissing deafeningly loud as it evaporates into thick clouds instantly upon contact with her body. Her body's efficient energy usage takes her far into the ocean before she begins to run out of chakra. Her body starts to cool down from the ocean water and she's getting too tired to hold up the weight of her 3.4 tonne body. Eventually she crumples on the ocean floor and dies, melting and embedding into the earth's crust.
She loves spicy food
uhhh that was a lot of boring information sorry about that! wanted this post to be short but got carried away :•( her life's supposed to be kind of a crooked painful mess but she's pretty cheery cuz to her it's all normal and she's got the love and support of her friends and family baby! ain't that how it always goes in Naruto also sorry for sloppy writing im dum
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juhihuji · 5 years
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damb….that a lot of juhi……………………my ninjasona? naruto oc? one of those things
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juhihuji · 5 years
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another kank doodle except ruined because i put my oc juhi in it
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