#Julia PaTB
mousegirlheart · 11 months
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orangecat30 · 26 days
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Did you heard Julia's song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxKGCkOcCWA
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nastya-sokolova-2002 · 9 months
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Julia Brain in new outfit❤️🤍
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pinkydoggy83 · 1 year
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♦️🌿— Finally got to draw these two. You have no idea how much I love this au for them.
Julia’s design is based on tuesdaysart’s design
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Things I'd like to see in season 3
Slight Spoilers Ahead!
--A callback to "A Pinky and the Brain Christmas" in "How The Brain Thieved Christmas". Nothing too big, I want the two-parter to do it's own thing and not be a rehash, but it's hard to imagine that there wouldn't be a reference to it given that the reboot often references events that happened in the first show and the PatB spinoff. Maybe reveal that Brain still has the globe keychain, something like that.
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--If Slappy does indeed return (and it seems like she will), for Slappy not to be softened. Not that I think it will happen, but this is their first time writing for Slappy in the reboot, so I expect her characterisation will be at least a little different. Which I'm fine with as long as they don't change her morality. I say this mostly because the last time she had dialogue was Wakko's Wish, but she felt a bit too mellow in that. She's not like the Warners who, while I won't deny often act in self interest, do tend to help people in their own zany, annoying way ("La La Law", "Hooked on a Ceiling", "Magna Cartoon", etc). Slappy, on the other hand, only really looks out for herself and Skippy, and can be way harsher because she lacks their moral code ("The Sound of Warners"). This is the same woman who tried to blow up up a critic's house whilst she thought he was inside all because he didn't think she was funny and threatened to blow up a jury if they didn't vote her not-guilty on a crime she technically did commit...and then when they did she blew them up anyway. Not that she's never justified, she keeps to herself often only does this type of thing in retaliation (the previously mentioned jury were clearly biased against her), but still, let her be mean and violent!
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--Assuming Slappy comes back, for them to include Skippy. He was already in "Good Warner Hunting" and was shown to still be a kid, so aging him up isn't an option, meaning he's either gotta be left out or be re-casted. I'm really hoping they just recast him, there's no need to write him out just because his original voice actor is no longer a child. I don't like it when characters are written off or killed off just because their original voice actor can no longer do the voice, it feels unnecessary to me. If Slappy is on her own then fine (because let's be honest she's the one we watch her segments for), but Skippy brings out the best in her, I think he should be there.
--More Scratchansniff in general, but specifically him acting like a father towards the Warners (in more than one episode). Nothing too cutesy, the Warners will always find ways to stress him out, but I much prefer it when he's attempting to take care of them.
--Hopefully a satisfying ending to Julia's story, but given that they didn't know season 3 would be the last when writing this season, it's not likely. Not their fault if this one doesn't happen, I'd be happy enough to see her return.
--A FULL WAKKO SONG. Multiple Wakko songs actually, that would be great. I do prefer the other two Warners over him but they each have multiple songs in the reboot whereas Wakko only has one so far-"Gruesome Ol' Gruel"...and it's like 50 seconds long. I think he deserves more (Yakko got four in season 2 alone!) Scratchansniff has more songs than Wakko in the reboot so far. Granted, he didn't sing much in the original series so it's great that he sings more here, but him getting more new songs than a main character is kinda weird. Well, I guess you could count "Hot Washed Buns", but I don't (that one's even shorter than "Gruesome Ol' Gruel" anyway). I think this one is likely, season 1 focused a lot on Dot and season 2 focused a lot on Yakko, so maybe season 3 will do the same for Wakko!
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my favorite patb pieces
art trade with and au by @artizonka​
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sqweegee · 1 year
I’ve only watched one episode of season 3 but god do you know how much potential they wasted not bringing Billie back to team up with Julia. You could literally create the perfect PaTB parallel with them, one is a GENIUS the other’s INSANE
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thunderlina · 4 months
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Saw an Ace Attorney meme and immediately had to do this
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acmelab · 1 year
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lovey boys
and bonus lovey girls
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punk-angel · 2 months
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she's cool 💥💥
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mousegirlheart · 11 months
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Friendly Guide To Drawing Julia
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orangecat30 · 11 months
Julia, Brain and the color GREEN
I don't know if you had noticed, but the first episode of Julia, she was wearing a green suit when she was Brain's wife. Also, the first and last Julia moments in that episode had blue background and a balance between green and blue in the Brain and Julia moments. of course Brain ruined it because he's gay and a psycho [?] Then the colors changed in the second episode of julia, the objects around her and her outfit was red, orange and black. Also the final scene of that episode it was Julia in a red parachute and then scaping with a orange bird and the background was totally orange and yellow, that's nothing green. For now, this could be just a overthinking from me BUT, in the third episode of Julia, well... fake Julia, THE DOOR WAS GREEN, the house was green, Julia was wearing green, also the "salsa verde", everything was green in the fake reality. Fake Julia transforms into a robot with green stuff with this green was different because it's just Julia using Brain's stuff (with green colors) to destroy him. Finally, the last moments of fake Julia was just the color between red and blue, I like to everthinking that blue is sane Julia but red/orange is insane Julia. Anyways, the thing is that Julia + green = Brain controlling her
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nastya-sokolova-2002 · 9 months
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1, 3, 5)My edit with Julia Brain
2, 4, 6)Original
New coincidence or Julia Brain and Billie swaped roles like in the first post where I drew Billie as Julia.
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pinkydoggy83 · 1 year
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♦️ 🌿— Some actual art of them interacting <3 Julia’s first design near the top is based on tuesdaysart’s design
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Ranking the reboot's new characters
You'll know who the top 2 are if you've seen this post, but I haven't talked about a lot of the other characters here much, so this is an opportunity for me to do that. Plus season 3 gave me more to talk about regarding some of them. This will only rank the RECRURRING characters, so no Gigi, Future Brain, Jürgen, etc.
Least Favourite - Nils
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I don't dislike Nils, he's fine and gets some good lines, but why wasn't he a one off? I don't see what made him so interesting compared to other "special friends" that he just had to appear more. He's cocky, mean and...an athlete I guess? That's about it. Yet I guess the writers wanted him to be the Warners' rival? The Warners already had a guy with a heavy accent as a foil-Dr Scratchansniff. If Scratchy wasn't in the reboot I guess I'd understand Nils being a recurring character...but he is, and his relationship with the Warners is more fun and interesting. Granted, he's in way more episodes than Nils (counting both the original show and the reboot since the reboot does act as a continuation) so maybe that isn't a fair comparison, but that doesn't make it any less true.
Plus he essentially does the same thing every time-he encounters the Warners, he provokes them, hijinks ensue for varying periods of time, the Warners win. Sure characters like Mr Director and Miss Flamiel came back, but their situations changed whenever they did. Next time we see Mr Director, his career's gone down the drain. Next time we see Miss Flamiel, she has a better handle of the Warners and manages to get them to behave marginally better in class. The only thing that changes with Nils is his gimmick (athlete, soda-obsessed, warrior, etc) but not his status or relationship with the Warners.
Although I'd argue the Warners don't even need a rival-or at least not a legitimate one. The closest thing they have to a "rival" is Ralph, but that's not taken seriously since the Warners easily dupe him, and as a recurring joke that works. Their whole thing is that they are (or at least appear to be) underdogs, yet despite the fact that they are children and a lot of their foes are adults who should have power over them, they win quite easily. Characters like the Warners don't need legitimate rivals because that kills the joke. They're extremely competent so there is no competition, and that doesn't make for a good rivalry. If they played it off as a joke, like if Nils took great pride in being their self-proclaimed rival but the Warners barely remember who he is every time they bump into him before figuratively (...maybe literally...) curb stomping him nonchalantly-I think that would be funny; but as is he's just another special friend who debuted in a very good segment before becoming a kinda pointless recurring character. I don't really mind that he was barely in season 3.
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I won't lie, Egwind basically just serves the same purpose as Larry (poking fun at the idea of adding a third mouse to Pinky and the Brain)...but Larry's not in the reboot (minus a voiceless cameo), so he automatically has more of a purpose than Nils! 😁
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Starbox is what Buttons should have been.
No, seriously.
The main reason I don't like the Buttons and Mindy segments, ironically enough, is because I LIKE Buttons. He's not a bad person, he's loyal and brave for what he goes through to keep Mindy safe. However he's not anthropomorphic like a lot of the other animals on the show, so when he constantly is on the receiving end of slapstick, then gets berated at the end of the segment, often to the point of him cowering and/or whimpering...it just looks like a dog-literally just a normal dog-being abused. Which isn't funny. If Buttons was established to be horrible (like maybe establish that he only saves Mindy in the hopes of getting rewarded, otherwise he wouldn't bother, maybe even have him be mean to Mindy to get this point across) and was anthropomorphic (not constantly walking on his hind legs, since he's a pet, but have him talk and maybe walk on two legs when Mindy's parents aren't around) so he'd seem more like a cartoon dog rather than just...a dog, it would make "Buttons and Mindy" A LOT more bearable.
Starbox is an anthropomorphic alien who wants to destroy the Earth. So yeah, he sucks...which is good! When he gets hurt, it feels deserved and can actually be funny. It means "Starbox and Cindy", as a segment, can actually work. Although between him falling for that doll and possibly warming up to Cindy at the end of their last segment of season 3, it seems he might have a softer side to him.
The Incredible Gnome in People's Mouths
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His shtick is berating rude people. Very loudly. Which is fine. Take away the utterly bizarre premise of his segments and you're left with something that a little derivative of the Warners' or Slappy's segments, but he's still OK.
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He's dramatic!
Yeah that's about it really. Fun character, probably would've been higher if he was in season 3.
Cora/Flora Dora
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I like that Cora was portrayed sympathetically towards the end of "My Super Sour Sixteen" and that she brought out Dot's more empathetic side. I know some people probably didn't expect her to make amends with the Warners at the end, given they usually just beat their "special friends" and that's the end of that, but remember the majority of the Warners' "special friends" are not other children. Cora was acting bratty, but she's a teenager meaning she still has some growing up to do. She's not gonna have the same level of maturity as an adult. The rest of the Warners' antagonists are fully grown adults. Sure, no one's perfect, but adults should know better than to act purposefully cruel, especially towards children. So to treat Cora as harshly as the rest of the Warners' antagonists wouldn't have been fair. Unfortunately she is kind of an example of the "angry Latina" stereotype for most of her screen time in her debut segment. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but it's still unfortunate. Thankfully she's not portrayed like that in "23 and WB". She acts more disinterested than she does angry, which is a good change of pace for her character, and given the events of "My Super Sour Sixteen" it makes sense she'd try to act less bratty. Like Benedict, I wish she was in season 3.
I liked Flora Dora's bond with the Warners and even her bond with Ralph. She really does seem to value her family, even if she's more than willing to pit them against each other in competitions. I guess that's just her way of pushing them to be the best they can be? Hence Nora's phrase "It's the Norita way." Also it's just nice to see a member of Nora's family who DOESN'T have anger issues (I can't tell if Nora's sisters do given their lack of screen time, but they seemed mean). She doesn't do too much after she restores the status quo in "Season 3 and WB", so I decided to just put her and Cora in same rank. Cora's more developed as a character but Flora Dora doesn't fall under a harmful stereotype, so it balances out...I think.
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Cindy is very imaginative, and often just seems lost in her own thoughts. Hearing Cindy's constant rambling about random stuff in the background makes for a pretty funny running gag. Apparently a lot of her lines are improvised, and yeah that's not too surprising, it feels like she says any random thought the instant it pops into her head. She's also playful, cheerful, a self proclaimed "monster" (again, she's imaginative), and even though she tends to be careless, for whatever reason is really attached to Starbox.
So to recap she has a more than one personality trait, an adequate amount of screen time, has a reason to exist in the show, and doesn't fall under any harmful stereotypes (as far as I'm aware of), so...third place. Good for her.
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In her debut episode, Julia was depicted as somewhat placid, thoughtful, outspoken and always willing to give a helping hand. One thing she wasn't was submissive-she was more than willing to go against' Brain's plans and call him out if she felt what he was doing was wrong. Brain, being Brain, didn't appreciate this, and had already installed an obedience chip her brain so he could mind control her. However, because of her resistance to its affects, Brain turned up the settings of the device too high, causing it to malfunction and seemingly fry Julia's brain, but she did break free Brain's control.
The next time we see her in “Reichenbrain Falls”, she's become an over-enthusiastic, crazy genius out for revenge. She was hilarious in that segment, but I still kinda wish she had a more nuanced portrayal than someone who's interested in organ harvesting and beats animals now, considering she is basically a trauma survivor. But I guess those things could just be attributed to her Kentucky Fried brain. Personally I like to believe that she wants to take over the world not necessarily because she’s hungry for power, but more because of sunk-cost fallacy (she was really close to succeeding before Brain tried to mind-control her, plus her exact words were “…because I deserve to rule the world!”). It would also be the perfect way to get revenge on Brain...aside from outright killing him, which she also plans to do. Fair enough.
I really like Julia! She's really funny and I can't help but root for her, what Brain did to her was wrong. Her leitmotif is an inverted version of the Pinky and the Brain theme song, which is a neat little detail. Her voice constantly switches from calm and collected, to giddy with energetic glee, to utterly enraged; it gives a good picture of her mental state. She’s kind of like Brain and Pinky combined, she has Brain’s intelligence and Pinky’s insanity. Julia breaks the formula the Pinky and the Brain. Despite starting out as Brain's ally she wasn't co-dependent like Pinky, unlike people who Brain had tried to hypnotize before she breaks free from his mind control on her own and not due to some external force or by being lucky enough to avoid it completely, and she serves as a lasting consequence of Brain being a control freak. Whatever him and Pinky get up to is usually swept under the rug by the end of an episode as they return to the lab for tomorrow night, but not this time.
She also seems to have a consistent interest in literature, given that she mentions getting into arguments on Goodreads and getting into the Iowa Writers' Workshop; even her computer program counterpart was working on a book proposal and planned to write about how well she's doing in a holiday card. So I guess her and Brain's...I'll go with "rivalry" is basically STEM vs Humanities lol.
Julia's a wonderful addition to the cast and one of the best things to come out of the reboot. I'm not at all surprised that she's become a popular character.
Favourite - Nora
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Yep, my favourite's still Nora. Julia's great, but Nora has the advantage of being in more than just 3 episodes and not having an incomplete storyline.
Nora was established to be condescending, stern, and selfish. She was no-nonsense whereas the Warners always mess about, so she was like a foil to them. She also seems to care a lot about her physical appearance and health, given that she's seen exercising a lot. Now I liked her personality in season 1 but she didn't have much screen time, which was a problem because she was essentially Plotz's replacement, but he was a much more proactive antagonist who actively tried to control the Warners (demanding that Scratchansniff "de-zanitise" them, hiring a teacher for them, selling them to other studios, etc). Nora, on the other hand, didn't want anything to do with the Warners and would get them away from her as soon as possible. I'm glad she was never a carbon-copy of Plotz, but if she was gonna replace the person who was essentially the show's main antagonist, you'd think she'd act like she was the main antagonist. In season 1 she doesn't really...do anything. She's mostly just seen either exercising in her office or briefly being dismissive of her employees' needs.
Season 2 gave her more screen time and fleshed out her character, and that's great! We learn that she overcompensates for her lack of parenting skills by buying her daughter whatever she wants, and we find out her upbringing is why she's so competitive (side note you think Nora having a bad relationship with her two siblings was meant to serve as a contrast between her and the Warners? Again adding to the whole foil thing). But she also became angrier and more violent, which in hindsight I think was kind of a poor decision because, like Cora, it sorta seemed like she became the "angry Latina" stereotype at times. Yeah her freak out in "WhoDonut" did indicate she was secretly pretty crazy herself, so it's not like her having crazed outbursts came completely out of nowhere, but when this kind of thing is done with Latina characters all the time (not this show specifically, in all sorts of media) it eventually gets a little irksome.
Thankfully in season 3 they toned down her temper. It's still there, but less exaggerated most of the time. On top of that, she's actually acting like a proactive antagonist now, not just in "Season 3 and WB", but with her exploitation of Gigi, making her employees work on the day before Christmas, etc. She fulfils the role Plotz did but in a way where she's not just copying Plotz. She's a lot more competent and manipulative. Her knowing all the Warners' tricks in "Season 3 and WB" makes sense. Not only is she the CEO, she's been established to be a perfectionist, it's not surprising she'd have seen most of what Warner Bros. had to offer, and therefore could predict the outcome of their gags. They nailed it with Nora's characterization in season 3, which makes me all the more hopeful this isn't the last we see of her.
Overall, I think the new characters introduced were pretty solid! Nora and Julia are some of my favourite Animaniacs characters in general, and even the worst ones are at least a little fun. I genuinely hope that if we get new Animaniacs content at some point in the future that at least some of them are included.
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morgueradish · 1 year
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i haven’t drawn julia in one trillion years so excited for s3 :P
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