#Just a typical day in the household; Xiaomin trying to sneak attack her grandpa XD
iimexpensiive · 11 months
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✧ @rage-reloaded ✧ — Watch out old man that's a dropkick ambush from the granddaughter coming from up above!
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This was just another typical interaction for the two celestial monkeys. Probably one of their more pleasant ones at that even if from the outside it looked anything BUT pleasant. He always encouraged his granddaughter to test her skills after all — it not only helped her practice what he had taught her but it got out some of that restless energy she had. Plus, it was always fun to mess around like this.
Blocking the sneak attack from overhead with ease, having paused in his stroll to the nearby kitchen to grab a quick snack. The all too familiar metal rob that he was often fiddling with was now being used to hold back Xiaomin's attack. An amused note leaving him in the moment.
"Mhm, almost had me that time sweetie — "
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" — buuut still a little noisy with the approach."
His wrist flicking lightly, sending the young girl flying back — making sure to ease up just a bit on the force behind it. This wasn't training after all and he wasn't about to hurt his beloved granddaughter. Oh no, he never wanted to hurt her — disappointment was enough and even he beat himself up for that when she wasn't around. Going back to leisurely scratching his neck with the metal wand in his hand. His smile lazy but showed his fondness in the moment, she was improving after all and it made him proud.
"You want a snack or you wish to try again?"
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