#Just in case I didn't make it clear I do like your unpopular headcanon!
smartzelda · 1 year
New unpopular headcanon dropped: Fem Near watches My Little Pony
You know what? Sure, anon, I'll bite
Now that you've brought this up I'm going to personally headcanon any version of Near with any form of gender (or lack thereof) as an MLP enjoyer
They are also not immune to playing with toy ponies just as much as toy cars!
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beevean · 3 years
Gonna add to the encyclospeedia discourse a bit late since I pop a look into the fan base every once a few months to a year, but in the case of Chronicles the reason they have to cut it and decononize that game is because scharacters like Shade were heavily influenced by Ken Penders's Lara-Su Characters. Penders sued Archie and also tried to sue Sega and Bioware as a result, anything from Chronicles cannot be used in any new Sonic games as result. So Sega's trying to keep Penders from going sue happy. Not an excuse but it is an explanation. Now onto the canoncity of the encyclospeedia, I thought it wasn't canon????? Like Sega's endorsing it but unless the Sonic telephone rabbit hole game is very broken then I thought Sega wasn't making it canon so that means Flynn's writing for this should be taken with a very heavy grain of salt??? But yeah, if he's doing that with the encyclospeedia that bodes not good for Frontiers writing
That's fair. I don't expect Chronicles to be canon, and I'm superficially familiar with Penders' whole mess. I was just poking fun at how Flynn made a huge reach with the Mist Dragon "clearly" resembling Dulcy, an unpopular character from a cartoon that SEGA proper never acknowledged, and even commented "everything is canon"... but he had to come out and say "no guys, Chronicles is still a line I can't cross" :P
Flynn also could have been more clear with his "Emerl's creators are once again a mystery". It could mean that we don't know anything about them, which is true... but if it means that we don't know who they are, no, Battle describes quite in detail how and where Gerald found him.
Anyway. If the Encyclospeedia isn't canon... what's the point of reading it, then? I might as well go on the Sonic Wiki or Sonic Retro. Why should fans spend money for incorrect information that can easily be disproven by finding one playthrough on Youtube? At this point we found so many franky dumb mistakes:
"Precurator" Shade instead of "Procurator"
King Shahryar mistook Sonic for a demon (no he didn't, he called it a pincushion)
The Mist Dragon is a "clear" reference to Dulcy (not true, and why would it be)
Lancelot comments on how the Earth (or Red as he calls it) Dragon resembles the Biolizard (why would the book character know the Biolizard? Sonic did!)
The Bark, Bean and Nack that attack you at the end of Mirage Saloon Act 1 are the real deal, and then Heavy Magician copied them (this is stated nowhere and it's much easier to assume that Magician already shapeshifted after the miniboss fight, maybe inspired by the Wanted posters)
One of the images of Sea Gate feature an '06 mod that replaced Amy's model. Whoever chose the images couldn't even distinguish between Heroes' graphics and '06's graphics
And don't forget the stolen art :V
Seriously. They're all small mistakes, but an encyclopedia isn't the place to dump your headcanons and spread information without fact-checking. People paid for this!
And this is only a fraction of why my reaction at the news of Flynn writing for Frontiers wasn't "yayyy best writer replaced stinky pontaff! :D" but it was "jesus christ why"
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