#Just look at people playing Stulifera Navis with and without Lappland lol
shuttershocky · 1 year
Hi Shutters, I'd really appreciate your input on a dilemma I'm having with my 5★ selector ticket. I'm torn between going for Lappland and Warfarin. I've got plenty of good Medics, but not much in the way of ATK buffers — only Aak and Pallas, who are hardly one size fits all solutions. At the same time, though, I'm also lacking a bit in both Ranged Guards and Silence, with Midnight and more recently Arene being the best I've got in the former department, and Jaye and Podenco for the latter, and I broadly prefer Jaye's S2 to his S1 for most situations.
I could of course just hold on to the ticket until I get one and then pick the other, and I'm seriously considering that, but that's the least immediately useful option, so this is sort of a "if I had to pick one" thing.
Warf is great, but she's also an all-in option. Who she buffs is entirely random, so with buff comps you're often having only a single operator sit inside Warf's range and everyone else trying to throw buffs on your operator from further away. These are often used for speedrunning / cheesing boss stages, such as using Warfarin and Elysium to delete IC-9's drone boss in mere seconds.
Lappland on the other hand, is Lappland. With her range, versatile skillset, and 5 second long silence at E2 with no conditions (the jump in talent upgrade is 1 second silence at E1 to 5 seconds at E2 which is hilariously big), she's irreplaceable.
Sure you could argue that silence isn't needed all the time whereas DPS rules over the whole Tower Defense genre, but the thing is you can solve most problems without Warfarin without seeing much change in difficulty, only speed. Lappland on the other hand, is an extremely hard counter to anything that CAN be silenced. Even in the current event, silence disables the Durin's 100% physical evasion, meaning you can just slap them normally and ignore their whole enemy faction gimmick with no shits given.
Any time someone tries to argue that Lappland is situational, it's good to remind yourself that Arknights is a puzzle game and brother, you're going to find yourself in situations eventually.
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