#Justyna Kamińska
breathtechnologies · 8 months
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doomedandstoned · 6 years
Tripping Through the Void with SUNNATA
It's been four years since Doomed & Stoned visited SUNNATA and my how they've grown in the interim! Three successful independent releases, legendary live performances, an exponentially growing fanbase, and broad critical acclaim have shifted the spotlight on the Warsaw doomers. Long before they became the juggernaut of the heavy underground, we knew them as an exciting upstart called Satellite Beaver. This week, we give Sunnata’s latest collections of songs a thorough going over and speak with Szymon Ewertowski (guitar, vox), Adrian Gadomski (guitar), Michał Dobrzański (bass), and Robert Ruszczyk (drums) about what fuels their fire.
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Heart of Storm
By Simon Howard
Polish loners Sunnata offer the melodic pilgrim a ritualistic, dark, heavy journey into the atmospheric Outlands, hypnotizing us with an eternal 48 minutes of tripping. Pineal glands will decalcify, doors of perception will be cleansed, and the listener will be enlightened.
Sunnata have been creating a musical Zenith in a blend of genres since 'Climbing the Colossus' (2014) and 'Zorya' (2016). This well-crafted album is hard to believe, in the fact that this band have only been around since 2014. Incorrect. Jump in the TARDIS of Tunes, and rewind ourselves back to 2008. Under the moniker of Satellite Beaver, they released two demos and one final EP in 2012, aptly named, The Last Bow. If the reader is not familiar with Satellite Beaver, then you have an amazing musical journey ahead of you.
Outlands by SUNNATA
'Outlands' (2018) was recorded at Monochrom Studio, mixed and mastered by Haldor Grunberg of Satanic Audio, and brilliantly saturated in the artwork by Maciej Kamuda.
I really cannot attest to what was in the Kool-Aid at Monochrom Studio, but the results are spiritually absorbed into the listener's soul. Mind expanding mantras like "Lucid Dream," "The Ascender," and the epically entrancing closing track "Hollow Kingdom" appeal to me on planes we can only experience ourselves. Outlands transitions from mellow meditational hymns to heavenly heavy riffs, blending this album into something transcendental for avid or new fans of Sunnata. This journey will be taken upon by many, and many times. Musical Mecca has been found. The void has been filled.
Soon It Will All Be Gone
A Conversation with Sunnata
Interview by Billy Goate | Photos by Justyna Kamińska
How would you characterize the evolution of sunnata from ‘Climbing the Colossus’ to ‘Zorya’ to your latest record, ‘Outlands’?
It’s been a long way. I would describe it as emotional trip from anger on our debut Climbing the Colossus, through spatial epicness and a need for air on Zorya to introverted melancholia you can dive into on Outlands. In general, we have always been the "sad guys" who were into kind of a gloomy, dark state of mind and soul and our approach towards the music evolved along with our skills of using instruments to express what we feel inside. That’s why I’d characterize our evolution as a path to greater complexity of emotions, where our debut was the simplest and our latest album the most complicated, emotion-wise.
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Are there thematic motifs that the band finds attractive when writing songs? Which themes were most influential on 'Outlands’?
We definitely have become more lyrically confident since our previous album and even though we still consider the role of our lyrics as backing for the rest, I think we can finally admit that Sunnata actually has something to say! (laughs) It might not be your most positive answer ever, but our motifs on Outlands consist of loneliness, despair, the negative influence of religious fanaticism, helplessness, and development of the self and whatever conflict you have inside of you. We dig deep, reopen wounds, and push to get to the core. We prefer fighting yourself to fighting others, until you turn into none.
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Are the songs on the new album connected in any way? Is this all a “Lucid Dream” that culminates in a journey into the “Outlands,” with “The Ascender” climbing some forbidden mountain of the gods? And what is the “Gordian Knot” -- an internal fight-or-flight struggle? At the end of the journey, is the prize the conquest of a “Hollow Kingdom”? So many questions!
Sure! Song order always comes last, so we have no intention in putting a story together in any way. However, this sort of lyrical consistency allows us to arrange one after another in a way that triggers certain emotions and impressions. Let’s get through the album piece by piece:
"Lucid Dream" encourages you to give, not to receive; to understand that if you separate your self-esteem from the external world and build value of self and the will to explore, you will grow as a human.
"Scars" is a story of being misled, lied to, cheated on, and abandoned on the one hand, but also a story of growing strength and power to end whatever harms you.
"Outlands" was actually inspired by some politically related events. It's all about sacrifice as a way to bring attention to an idea or social problem ignored before. Too deep to dig into it in a single interview.
"The Ascender" track is focused around any sort of radicalism giving an illusion of being permitted to force your point of view on others. We disagree with anyone’s feeling to be justified for actions that do harm. It’s an illusion that keeps you away from self.
"Gordian Knot" is exactly what you have interpreted: inner struggle -- one that can make you fall apart or disintegrate, in any way.
"Hollow Kingdom" has been chosen as climax, the ending song in praise of emptiness. Its structure, repetitive feeling, and overwhelming melancholia are the best ending of an album we could choose from this track list.
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Tell us about the artwork, the artist you chose, and the layers of meaning behind this many-faced wraith?
The only constant is change to us. That’s why this time, instead of going with the magnificent Jeffrey Smith of Ascending Storm once again, we decided to go with another talented artist, Maciej Kamuda, who is also author of Weedpecker and Major Kong artwork. We felt a strong urge to do something different. Deity presented on the front cover is a variation on deep symbolism of Goddess Kali. We didn’t want her to look in a way she’s known from Hinduism. We were inspired more by deep, complex symbolism behind her various forms. If you read about her, you will instantly get it.
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One consistent word that comes up in all the descriptions of your music -- live performances especially -- is “ritualistic.” Whether it is the careful setting of the stage, the lighting of the incense, or the hypnotic, trance-like rhythms of the music. What is the importance of ritual for the band and what does this bring to your compositions and performances.
Ritualism in our music comes from trance-inducing forms we create. Immersed in void and drugged with noise, we jam a lot in search of the desired emotion trigger -- we can’t name it, we just get the feeling. If we do, we proceed further. Our work routine and who we are as people actually doesn’t have much to do with dark shamanism, but everything changes once we take instruments and start playing together. It’s similar to being possessed with something. All other details you mentioned -- stage setting, light, clothes, and merch -- are secondary to this and their role is to create certain atmosphere to take people on the journey with us.
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I've heard rumors of a music video in the works?
Videos are our curse. We’ve been working on them for every album, but for various reasons all these projects were abandoned. Right now, we are at the beginning of production process for video of "The Ascender" song and we really do hope that it will work out this time. I can’t tell much yet, but we would like the outcome to be something similar to our music -- '90s aesthetics in a psychedelic, doomy setting. We’ll see what time will tell.
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Let’s close by giving our readers a peek at your touring plans for 2018 and beyond. What “Outlands” are you off to in the days and months ahead?
We can’t reveal many dates since they are not officially announced yet, but after the our spring tour of Scandinavia with the crazy lads of Boss Keloid, we have various festivals in the summertime confirmed and good perspectives on touring Europe with Dopethrone in October, plus an appearance at Gizzardfest in Rotherham, UK. I believe that best is yet about to come. We just need to follow our own path.
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Ruling Land of Emptiness
By Shawn Gibson & Billy Goate
To understand the significance of Sunnata's musical achievements, we need at least a cursory understanding of the soil in which the band is planted. Poland's heavy music scene has been experiencing a surge of activity over the past decade or two, but its music roots are deep-seated and stretch back generations to the darkly complex oeuvre of composers like Frederic Chopin, Leopold Godowsky, Karol Szymanowski, Henryk Górecki, and so many others.
Sunnata's home base of Warsaw encompasses an impressive if turbulent history, evolving from a smattering of villages more than 1400 years ago to become one of the ten largest capital cities in Europe. Warsaw has had more than its share of doom to contend with, too, from disease and famine to regional and global wars -- including the devastating Nazi occupation, which spurred the great underground resistance movement known as the Warsaw Uprising.
Given this context, it's significant that Sunnata has adopted a name representing one of the fundamental principles of Buddhism. Śūnyatā is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word शून्यता (pronounced as "shoonyataa"), which signifies voidness. Think of it as a meditative state of "emptiness" in which the mind is devoid of desire, specifically the stubborn presence of that word we all learn by age two: mine. Śūnyatā involves the diminishing of one's ego, and the band that wears this name has dedicated the better part of a decade to exploring this philosophy through the medium of ritual heavy music.
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Photo by Aleksandra Burska
"Hollow Kingdom," the closing track on Outlands, is one example of Sunnata's approach to voidness, with its droning ups and downs and subtle twists. Sunnata let this song be the pedals of a cherry blossom drifting in the breeze. Another highlight is "The Ascender" (my favorite of the record). It's the kind of vessel one imagines boarding to cross over to निर्वाण (nirvana). The backing vocals near the beginning of the song calls to mind prayers and mantras of Tibetan monks. Guitars buzz like propellers, shuttling you along to another plane of existence. The heavy psychedelic vibe and stirring chorus makes for an uplifting experience that is, one imagines, not unlike astral projection. Sunnata are your gurus fixed atop the mountain, lulling you ever closer on an ascendant journey skyward. Along the way, there's an avalanche of emotions.
One imagines the many plagues, fires, wars, and uprisings that might have influenced "Scars." The song strikes a thrash-like tempo, with jazzy cymbals and a psyched-out tambourine. Then, at the five-minute mark, all hell breaks loose with a thundering bassline, fuzzed-out guitars, and a pummeling drumbeat. Doom has come to claim its reign! Similarly, "Gordian Knot" attacks like a nest of pissed-off hornets. Still rocking hard by the two-minute mark, things lighten up for a spell as fuzzy desert riffs and reassuring chants (with those wonderful backing vocals) lull you to sanctuary. The aggressive pace returns, leading to a crescendo of screaming vox to chase every worry from your mind. Only the journey consumes you now.
Taken in sum, Outlands is an exhilarating magic carpet ride, albeit with some turbulence. Sunnata hone the powerful elements of rock and metal like master alchemists, dispensing measured doses of doom, sludge, psychedelic, and stoner, melding them seamlessly, and transcending boundaries only few conceived possible. The heavy doom passages are somehow made even heavier by this psychedelic blend, which brings one closer to a state of voidness.
High spiritual concept meets the earthy might of doom in Outlands. It is the enlightenment of the yogis, the ascension of gurus, a musical Kathmandu. I've visited the temple now multiple times over the course of weeks and months and it continues to be a cathartic experience for me. Outlands will make your heart flutter and embolden your spirit with its mesmerizing riffs and hypnotic rhythms. It will usher you down a river of feeling and bury you in a cascade of sonic desolation. The chants and mantras sent my spirit soaring heavenward. Returning to earth, I felt as if I have been everyplace in existence and at the same time perfectly still, third eye open -- mind, body, and spirit aligned. Awareness is the gift I received from this Outlands. Who knows? In listening, perhaps you will find your own Śūnyatā, as well.
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endlich-allein · 2 years
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Rammstein part 3 (Warsaw, Poland, 16-07-2022) © Justyna Kamińska for rockmetal.pl
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aurora-daily · 3 years
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AURORA @ Off Festival by Justyna Kamińska // 04.08.18 // Katowice, Poland
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vm4vm0 · 4 years
Włodi/1988 - Wyobraź Sobie REMIX from Bujas / Kosz on Vimeo.
Scenariusz i Reżyseria - Kuba Bujas, Krzysztof Kosz Zdjęcia - Kamil Płocki Produkcja - Dorota Bafi Świderska, Izabela Łopuch Drugi Reżyser - Roma Zachemba
Scenografia - Marta Zając, Kuba Zwolak / Najs studio; Mateusz Gryzło, Mateusz Kozak, Kamil Nowakowski Kostiumy - Zofia Komasa, Hanna Maciąg Charakteryzacja - Ewa Drobiec, Piotr Dzbanek Włodarczyk Make up/Włosy - Koleta Colette Gabrysiak, Ola Łęcka Dyżur - Mariusz Maniek Haska, Daniel Zielak Zieliński
Kamera - Marcin Mikołajczyk i Grzegorz Olkowski / ATM System Focus Puller - Tomasz Czerwiński Asystent Kamery - Michał Warren Cholewiński
Światło - Krzysztof Bors / Piramida Film Gaffer- Robert Płaskonka Oświetlacze - Bartek Waszczuk, Olaf Jurdyga Grip - Dasiek
Supervisor na planie - Sylwester Lipiński
Lokacja - Billennium
Postprodukcja - Katarzyna Michalak / Televisor Montaż - Katarzyna Orzechowska Kolor - Piotr Nowicki Supervisor - Paweł Krzemiński On-line - Mariusz Seliga, Damian Bogusiak Oprawa dźwiękowa - Katarzyna Orzechowska, Przemysław Jankowiak
Casting - Paweł Czajor, Ola Gruber Wystąpili - Paweł Włodi Włodkowski, Paweł Ławrynowicz, Piotr Sędkowski, Kiril Denev, Dorota Glac, Mateusz Dobies, Wojciech Wachuda, Kinga Jasik, Dagmara Brodziak, Przemysław Jankowiak, Agata Skórska, Marek Kossakowski, Paulina Napora, Maria Patykiewicz, Piotr Pamuła, Krystian Modzelewski, Mateusz Kamiński, Piotr Grabowski, Ewelina Zawada
Pies - Elvis Opieka psa - Miłosz Wiśniewski, Maja Dobrowolska
Podziękowania specjalne - Frederick van Eeden, Bartosz Łopiński, Ewa Goska, Justyna Książek, Magda Ceran, Billennium, Zofia Kamińska, Marcin Skajer Skajnowski, Piotr Śliwa Mr. Pancake, Witek Michalak, Piotr Zajączkowski, Marcin Drabiński, Chimney, Katarzyna Michalak, Televisor, ATM System, Piramida Film, MJUD, Anna Słowińska, Rekwizytornia Praga
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gimpresska-blog · 7 years
X Festiwal Pieśni Patriotycznej w Wyszkowie
"Pieśni Legionów, żołnierskie śpiewki,
znane melodie, słowa
niechaj nie milkną, by wciąż w nas trwała
tożsamość narodowa"
Śpiewająca lekcja patriotyzmu i historii, która chwyciła za serca wszystkich widzów, odbyła się 28 XI 2017 r. Już po raz dziesiąty w Samorządowej Szkole Podstawowej w Wyszkowie najmłodsze pokolenie, czyli przedszkolaki, uczniowie szkół podstawowych i gimnazjów z powiatu węgrowskiego, gmin: Grębków, Liw, Korytnica Węgrowska, Wierzbno i Miedzna, wyśpiewali przepiękne pieśni i piosenki na X Festiwalu Pieśni Patriotycznej.
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 Jak co roku celem imprezy było popularyzowanie pieśni patriotycznych               i piosenek żołnierskich, twórcze uaktywnienie dzieci i młodzieży, integracja środowisk szkolnych i lokalnych, a przede wszystkim promocja dorobku kulturowego placówek oświatowych z różnych gmin. Pomysł zorganizowania festiwalu narodził się w 2008 roku dzięki zaangażowaniu pani  Barbary Kazimierczak - nauczycielki muzyki i edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w SSP                 w Wyszkowie. W jubileuszowym konkursie wzięło udział 73 uczestników              z 6 przedszkoli, 11 szkół podstawowych i 3 gimnazjów.
Komisja w składzie:
Maria Sawicka – nauczycielka historii i emerytowany dyrektor tej szkoły,
Katarzyna Chlebny – kierownik Referatu Oświaty Gminy Liw,
Sylwester Drużba - organista z parafii św. Leonarda w Liwie i instruktor pianina w WOK-u,
Anna Kostyra – wokalistka zespołu "Voci Cantate" oraz zespołu jazzowego "Trochę jazzu”
jednogłośnie wyłoniła zwycięzców:
W kategorii PRZEDSZKOLA:
Laura Grenda, Kinga Kowalczyk, Joanna Gerej, Patrycja Wojtyra („Polska”) z Samorządowego Przedszkola w Ruchnie, opiekun                  - p. Elżbieta Żołędowska,
Marta Gzocha, Klaudia Bałdyga („Wojenko wojenko”) z Przedszkola nr 3 im. Marii Konopnickiej     w Węgrowie, opiekun - p. Barbara Bardadyn,
Szymon Dobrzyński i Magdalena Wróblewska („Gdy żołnierze idą drogą”) z Oddziału Przedszkolnego w Szkole Podstawowej w Trzebuczy, opiekun   -  p. Sylwia Zalewska.
W kategorii SZKOŁY  PODSTAWOWE  kl. I-III:
Antonina Miklaszewska („Flaga”) z Zespołu Szkolno-Przedszkolnego w Grębkowie, opiekun -  p. Aneta Miklaszewska,
Aleksandra Zajkowska („Dziś idę walczyć mamo”) z Samorządowej Szkoły Podstawowej w Liwie, opiekun -  p. Elwira Sulich,
Gabriela Mieszała („Bo w piechocie fajno jest”) ze Szkoły Podstawowej w Miedznie,  opiekun - p. Edyta Ryczkowska. W kategorii SZKOŁY  PODSTAWOWE kl. IV-VII:Julia Topolska i Justyna Karczewska („Niepodległa, niepokorna”) z Zespołu Szkolno– Przedszkolnego w Grębkowie, opiekun -  p. Hanna Żółkowska-Koper,Maja Szczepanik oraz chór w składzie: Natalia Frączek, Marta Gawor, Gabriela Strzałkowska („Psalm stojący w kolejce”) z Samorządowej Szkoły Podstawowej w Liwie, opiekun -  p. Zofia Kamińska,Magdalena Kuryłek i Aleksandra Paczuska („My tu znamy każdy kąt”) z Samorządowej Szkoły Podstawowej w Wyszkowie, opiekun -  p. Barbara Kazimierczak,               3.Olaf Kowalczyk i Huber Siwczyk („Tango na głos, orkiestrę i jeszcze jeden głos”) z Zespołu Szkolno–Przedszkolnego w Korytnicy, opiekun - p. Agnieszka Kałuska.Pani dyrektor Irena Sowińska wręczyła dyplomy i nagrody dla zwycięzców konkursu oraz podziękowania dla nauczycieli, którzy przygotowali uczestników festiwalu. Podziękowania otrzymali również sponsorzy. Dyrektorzy przedszkoli i szkół biorących udział w festiwalu z okazji jubileuszu otrzymali pamiątkowe statuetki i foldery. Irena Sowińska serdecznie podziękowała także wszystkim nauczycielom, uczniom prowadzącym i zaangażowanym w przygotowanie konkursu oraz Radzie Rodziców za przygotowanie poczęstunku dla uczestników i gości. Nie obyło się bez jubileuszowego tortu, który zakończył uroczystość. Festiwal Pieśni Patriotycznej w Wyszkowie  został wpisany do Kalendarza Imprez Powiatu Węgrowskiego na 2018 rok.Szczególnie cieszy duża grupa laureatów I miejsca festiwalu pochodząca z naszej szkoły. Gratulujemy!Hanna Żółkowska-Koper
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jaspersonsmilla · 7 years
Ian McGuire - Na wodach północy
Marcin Wójcik - Celibat
Colm Toibin - Nora Webster
Martyna Bunda - Nieczułość
Richard Flanagan - Śmierć przewodnika rzecznego
Michael Crummey - Dostatek
Adam Wajrak - Wilki
Elizabeth Asbrink - 1947
Sven Lindquist - Wytępić całe to bydło
Marcin Wicha - Rzeczy których nie wyrzuciłem
Bernadette McDonald - Keeper of the mountains
Zadie Smith - Swing Time
Bernadette McDonald - Kurtyka
Radka Franczak - Serce
Paul Beatty - Sprzedawczyk
Anna Kamińska - Simona
Jon Krakauer - Missoula 
Bea Uusma - Ekspedycja
Wojciech Kuczok - Czarna
André Aciman - Call me by your name
Wojciech Jagielski - Z zachodu na wschód
Andrzej Zawada - K2 pierwsza zimowa wyprawa
Julian Barnes - The Only Story
Anna Dziewit-Meller - Damy, dziewuchy, dziewczyny. Historia w spódnicy
Anna Dziewit-Meller - Damy, dziewuchy, dziewczyny
Karl Ove Knausgard - Zima
Karolina Sulej - Wszyscy jesteśmy dziwni
Hisham Matar - Powrót
Richard Flanagan - Nieznana terrorystka
Barbara Seidler - Pamiętajcie, że byłem przeciw
Justyna Kopińska - Z nienawiści do kobiet
Aleksandar Hamon - Dwa Razy Życie. Bośnia i Ameryka
Mohsin Hamid - Exit West
Elizabeth Strout - Amy and Isabelle
Ali Smith - Autumn
JM Coetzee - Lata szkolne Jezusa
Maurice Herzog - Annapurna
Edward St Aubyn - Patrick Melrose 1
Charlie LeDuff - Detroit
Anne Enright - Tajemnica rodu Hegartych
Andrzej Mularczyk - Co się komu śni
Kristin Hannah - Słowik
Jonathan Safran Foer - Strasznie głośno, niesamowicie blisko
Enright -
Cezary Łazarewicz - Koronkowa robota
Jacek Leociak - Młyny boże
Bartek Dobroch, Przemysław Wilczyński - Broad Peak. Niebo i piekło
Nino Haratischwili Ósme życie
Zyta Rudzka - Krótka wymiana ognia
Agneta Pleijel  - Wróżba
Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir - Wyspa
Edward St. Aubyn - Mleko matki. W końcu.
Mikołaj Grynberg - Księga wyjścia
Gabriel Tallent - Moja najdroższa
Dorota Masłowska - Inni ludzie
Agnieszka Jucewicz, Grzegorz Sroczyński - Żyj wystarczająco dobrze
Reni Eddo-Lodge - Dlaczego nie rozmawiam już z białymi o kolorze skóry
Emily Fundland - History of Wolves
Ewa Winnicka, Cezary Łazarewicz - 1968
Paweł Smoleński - Syrop z piołunu
Asne Seierstad - Dwie siostry
John Steinbeck - Grona gniewu
Orhan Pamuk - Rudowłosa
Arlie Hochschild Russell - Obcy we własnym kraju
Marek Edelman - I była miłość w getcie
Nino Haratischwili - Ósme życie tom 2
Kasia Nosowska - A ja żem jej powiedziała
Marcin Michalski, Maciej Wasielewski - 81:1. Opowieści z Wysp Owczych
Marlon James - Księga nocnych kobiet
Jakub Małecki - Dżozef
Gail Honeyman  - Eleanor Oliphant
Vigdis Hjorth - Spadek
Bob Dylan - Kroniki
Julian Barnes - Pedant w kuchni
Rafał Fronia - Anatomia góry
Aleksandra Lipczak - Ludzie z placu słońca
Anna Bikont - Sendlerowa
Olga Tokarczuk - Opowiadania bizarne
Agata Tuszyńska - Oskarżona Wiera Gran
Janice Y. K. Lee - Emigrantki
Kirstie Clements - Vogue
Marie Darrieussecq - Świństwo (Truizmy)
Sorj Chalandon - Zawód ojca
Naomi Alderman - Siła
Mohsin Hamid - Uznany za fundamentalistę
Philip Roth - Spisek przeciwko Ameryce
Alysia Abbott - Tęczowe San Francisco
Miasto cierni
Piotr Trybalski - Ja, Pustelnik
Królowe mogadiszu
Karolina Bednarz - Kwiaty w pudełku
Dziecko w czasie
Vernon Subutex
Wolność i spluwa
Silva rerum
Kurt Vonnegut - Śniadanie mistrzów
Kurt Vonnegut - Syreny z tytana
Kurt Vonnegut - W dniu urodzin Wandy June
Jorge Luis Borges - Fikcje
Aldous Huxley - Crome Yellow
McEwan - Pokuta
Problem trzech ciał
Jorge Luis Borges - Alef
Jorge Luis Borges - Labirynty
Kurt Vonnegut - Slapstick albo nigdy więcej samotności
Kurt Vonnegut - Niech pana Bóg błogosławi, panie Rosewater
Kurt Vonnegut - Niech pana Bóg błogosławi, doktorze Kevorkian
Aldous Huxley - W cudacznym korowodzie
McEwan - Saturday
Aldous Huxley - Kontrapunkt
Aldous Huxley - Niewidomy w Gazie
Amerykańska - ogar piekielny
Tom Hanks
Księga szeptów
Więzy krwi
Ministerstwo niezrównanego szczęścia
McEwan - Czarne psy
Saul Bellow - Henderson król deszczu
Saul Bellow - Ofiara
Roth - Ludzka skaza
Roth - Teatr Sabata
Roth - Goodbye, Columbus
Peter Carey: A Long Way from Home
Krótka historia o długiej miłości
Heart Berries, by Terese Marie Mailhot
The House of Impossible Beauties, by Joseph Cassara
Mrs., by Caitlin Macy
Biografia Herberta
The Mars Room, by Rachel Kushner
Dehorah Levy: The Cost of Living
Aleksander Lwow - do kupienia
Christina Hesselholdt - Vivian
Marina - sprawdzać legimi
Barry Unsworth - Sacred Hunger
Kevin Powers: A Shout in the Ruins
Ali Smith: Winter
Urodziłem się pewnego błękitnego dnia
Michelle Obama
Kobieta na schodach
Jonathan Franzen - Wolność
Javier Marias - Tak się złe zaczyna 
Javier Marias - Serce tak białe - do kupienia
Javier Marias - Twoja twarz jutro. Gorączka i włócznia
Javier Marias - Twoja twarz jutro. Taniec i sen 
Javier Marias - Twoja twarz jutro. Trucizna, cień i pożegnanie 
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Generał w labiryncie
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Jesień patriarchy
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Życie jest opowieścią
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breathtechnologies · 8 months
Synergy and Commonalities Between Mindfulness Meditation and Psychedelics: Exploring the Potential for Mental Health Treatment
Paweł Holaś and Justyna Kamińska’s research explores how mindfulness meditation and psychedelic-assisted therapies might work together to improve mental health.
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Detailed Study Analysis
The study looks at how these two methods overlap in brain function and experience. It shows they are effective in treating depression, addictions, and anxiety disorders, leading to significant improvements in symptoms and overall well-being.
Key Research Insights
The research finds that both mindfulness and psychedelics change how we think about ourselves, increase awareness of the present moment, and have similar effects on brain pathways that can help with depression. The study suggests that using these methods together in therapy could lead to better results.
Visual Elements in the Study
The study includes:
Diagrams showing how mindfulness and psychedelic experiences are similar in the brain.
Flowcharts about how these therapies could work well together.
Graphs comparing their effects on mental health conditions.
Additional Learning Resources
For more information, the study recommends:
Original research articles in neuropsychology journals.
Online platforms about combining different mental health treatments.
Websites and forums focused on mindfulness and psychedelic research.
Conclusions and Future Directions
The study concludes that combining mindfulness meditation with psychedelic-assisted therapy could be a strong approach to treating mental health issues. However, it points out the need for more well-designed studies to confirm these findings and understand how they can be used in clinical practice.
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endlich-allein · 2 years
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Rammstein part 2 (Warsaw, Poland, 16-07-2022) © Justyna Kamińska for rockmetal.pl
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endlich-allein · 2 years
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Rammstein part 1 (Warsaw, Poland, 16-07-2022) © Justyna Kamińska for rockmetal.pl
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vm4vm0 · 4 years
Włodi/1988 - Wyobraź Sobie REMIX from Bujas / Kosz on Vimeo.
Scenariusz i Reżyseria - Kuba Bujas, Krzysztof Kosz Zdjęcia - Kamil Płocki Produkcja - Dorota Bafi Świderska, Izabela Łopuch Drugi Reżyser - Roma Zachemba
Scenografia - Marta Zając, Kuba Zwolak / Najs studio; Mateusz Gryzło, Mateusz Kozak, Kamil Nowakowski Kostiumy - Zofia Komasa, Hanna Maciąg Charakteryzacja - Ewa Drobiec, Piotr Dzbanek Włodarczyk Make up/Włosy - Koleta Colette Gabrysiak, Ola Łęcka Dyżur - Mariusz Maniek Haska, Daniel Zielak Zieliński
Kamera - Marcin Mikołajczyk i Grzegorz Olkowski / ATM System Focus Puller - Tomasz Czerwiński Asystent Kamery - Michał Warren Cholewiński
Światło - Krzysztof Bors / Piramida Film Gaffer- Robert Płaskonka Oświetlacze - Bartek Waszczuk, Olaf Jurdyga Grip - Dasiek
Supervisor na planie - Sylwester Lipiński
Lokacja - Billennium
Postprodukcja - Katarzyna Michalak / Televisor Montaż - Katarzyna Orzechowska Kolor - Piotr Nowicki Supervisor - Paweł Krzemiński On-line - Mariusz Seliga, Damian Bogusiak Oprawa dźwiękowa - Katarzyna Orzechowska, Przemysław Jankowiak
Casting - Paweł Czajor, Ola Gruber Wystąpili - Paweł Włodi Włodkowski, Paweł Ławrynowicz, Piotr Sędkowski, Kiril Denev, Dorota Glac, Mateusz Dobies, Wojciech Wachuda, Kinga Jasik, Dagmara Brodziak, Przemysław Jankowiak, Agata Skórska, Marek Kossakowski, Paulina Napora, Maria Patykiewicz, Piotr Pamuła, Krystian Modzelewski, Mateusz Kamiński, Piotr Grabowski, Ewelina Zawada
Pies - Elvis Opieka psa - Miłosz Wiśniewski, Maja Dobrowolska
Podziękowania specjalne - Frederick van Eeden, Bartosz Łopiński, Ewa Goska, Justyna Książek, Magda Ceran, Billennium, Zofia Kamińska, Marcin Skajer Skajnowski, Piotr Śliwa Mr. Pancake, Witek Michalak, Piotr Zajączkowski, Marcin Drabiński, Chimney, Katarzyna Michalak, Televisor, ATM System, Piramida Film, MJUD, Anna Słowińska, Rekwizytornia Praga
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