#Jyushi Aimono Drabble
partyofwords · 1 year
3:43 PM ~ *Jyushi Aimono*
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Summary: Since you’re studying botany, you visit your local flower shop every day. Much to the delight of a certain worker there...
Pairing: Jyushi Aimono X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 654
Warning: OOC maybe? It’s not my best work.
“Here you are ma’am. Thank you for stopping by! You picked some lovely flowers.” Jyushi smiled brightly at the old woman as he handed her her bouquet of flowers.
She smiled back at him. “Such a nice boy! Thank you for helping me!”
His smile never faltered as she left the flower shop and he gave a self-satisfied sigh when she was gone. As he started to wipe down the counter, his coworker slid up next to him.
“You’re such a nice boy, Jyushi!” Kuko cooed, pinching his cheek.
Jyushi pouted. “Kuko! Stop being so mean to me!”
“Leave him alone, Kuko.” Hitoya, their manager, yelled from the back room.
Kuko rolled his eyes. “You people are no fun.” Setting himself down on the stool behind the counter, he asked, “So, do you have today’s flowers all picked out and ready?”
Jyushi felt his cheeks burn hot at the mention of the special flowers he set aside once a week for a very special customer. Almost a year ago, you started coming into the flower shop with a giant encyclopedia. After a couple of weeks of trying to talk to you but being too shy, Jyushi managed to learn that you were studying botany, specifically flowers, and were taking notes on the different flowers the store had. So he took it upon himself to help you out. Every week since then, when you came in with your notes and dazzling smile, he would hand you a flower and spew out facts about it from the research he did during the week before your visit. It soon became his favorite part of the day, not that he would ever tell you that.
Nodding, he pointed to a wrapped bundle of white flowers. “Yep. I have magnolias already prepared for today.”
“Magnolias, huh?” Jyushi nearly jumped out of his skin, seeing you at the counter, your smile almost blinding him.
He nodded again, a bit more bashful, causing Kuko to snicker before leaving the two of you alone to talk. “Yeah. Magnolias. Did you know that the flowers bloom before the leaves appear on the plant?”
Your eyes widened and you quickly jotted the fact down. “I do now! Seriously, Jyushi, what would I do without you? With your help, I’ll be able to become a professional botanist and work with flowers everyday for the rest of my life.”
“That would be wonderful.” He couldn’t help but smile. You always get so passionate and excited about your future. Your optimism always wore off on him, not that he minded in the slightest.
Taking one of the flowers from the small bouquet, you held out your hand. “May I borrow the scissors, please?”
After Jyushi handed them to you, you cut the stem shorter and tucked the flower behind your ear. Little did you know, but the cheeks of the boy in front of you exploded in pink. Did you even know how cute you look right now? You looked like some floral goddess. His heart skipped a beat.
“You look so pretty.”
Both of you were speechless, but Jyushi was panicking. He didn’t really say that out loud now, did he? Please tell him he didn’t just embarrass himself in front of you! He would never be able to live this one down! His life was effectively over.
However, you laughed. It was a pretty sound that seemed to make the sun shine brighter and the flowers around you both began to glow. “Aw, thank you! You’re pretty handsome if I do say so myself.”
Again, his cheeks darkened. “Oh, ah, thank you.”
Jyushi’s heart jumped into his throat when you gently took his hand in yours. He looked at you confused, shocked, and desperate, while you just grinned softly. It was then he thought, perhaps your heart was beating just as fast as his at this exact moment.
“So, tell me more about these magnolias…”
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
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This is a small drabble I wrote for my friend @7000f1, who has been so sweet to draw me the icon I've had in my blog in this period! Please, take a look at her art! She's amazing!! Toffee, I really hope you like the drabble and the drawing too qwq please, let me know if there's something you don't like, okay? So I'll immediately fix it! Also even if you don't like the drawing, I'll be happy to know if there's something you haven't appreciated qwq so I can do better next time!♥ Thank you again for the icon and for being such an amazing friend! Love u~
Summary: Jyushi realized he has a crush on Kuuko and decided to suggest him to have a sleepover all the Bad Ass Temple members. In deep he'd love to confess his feelings for Kuuko as soon as possible but, in the end, Hitoya would have helped him for the umpteenth time doing it.
Ship: Jyushi x Kuuko
Words: 1191
Warnings: nothing! Only something adorable for our sweet bois~
~♥"𝙸 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚝.."♥~
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"A sleepover, you say?"
Kuuko asked as Jyushi strangely suggested both him and Hitoya to have a sleepover all together. 
"Sure! It sounds fun!"
The black-haired young man looked happy to get both his division's members in a sleepover but.. He was even happier to think about Kuuko being with him more..! It was true.. He had a crush on him. And it felt strange as he realized it but.. He couldn't help.. Jyushi felt genuinely happy only when being with that crazy red-haired and small monk. Did Jyushi think to confess his feelings? He had tried to get prepared for it in front of his room's mirror.. He didn't know it was that hard to confess! But.. He didn't know.. Should he have confessed or not? Jyushi sighed and sat on his bed for the umpteenth time. He put his hands on his hair, looking at the glowing moon he had on the wall. He then turned his eyes to face Amanda, his adorable pig-plush. He took it between his arms and hugged it tightly, closing his eyes.
"Amanda.. Help me.. do I have to tell Kuuko about my feelings..? Would he.. Think that I'm a weirdo?.. I..."
He couldn't help but started crying silently, trying not to be caught by his mother, who was downstairs. 
The next evening it would have been the sleepover's day! Jyushi got prepared and brought a black backpack  with him. Inside he got his pajamas, his earphones, his smartphone and.. Amanda, of course. While walking to the Buddhist Temple, Jyushi was keeping thinking about each word he would have used for his confession for Kuuko. He occasionally turned his gaze towards Amanda, that was into his backpack, and as he got some more courage from his dear soft friend, he sighed and kept walking. His heart was already pounding like crazy.. 
Hitoya already knew about Jyushi's feelings for Kuuko. He was such a parental figure for both them most of the time, so he had discovered about Jyushi's crush while comforting the vocalist who was crying. Some days before Jyushi got a slight panic attack to the thought that he had a crush on Kuuko and decided to talk to Hitoya about it, since he looked up to that lawyer a lot.
And now Hitoya was there, standing in front of the Buddhist Temple and waiting for Jyushi. He occasionally looked at his wristwatch and sighed. Soon he spotted Jyushi who was walking towards him and smiled warmly. 
"I'm.. So sorry if I'm late, Hitoya-san!", Jyushi's cute voice said. He looked like he had run. Hitoya giggled and reassured him. Then they both entered the temple and reached Kuuko, who had prepared some futons in the same room for them all. The red-haired man greeted them and then kept his eyes on them while they were taking off their shoes before entering the temple. Kuuko looked excited to have a sleepover! He had prepared some scary stories or Buddhist legends to tell Jyushi and Hitoya and he really couldn't wait to have that sleepover started! 
"Get ready, because I've prepared some great stories for you!", Kuuko said with his scratchy voice as he laughed. Hitoya and Jyushi was sitting on their futons while the monk was still the only one standing, looking at them with his yellow piercing eyes. As those eyes reached Jyushi, the black-haired young man couldn't help but blushed and looked away, pointing his blue eye to Hitoya. The lawyer was smiling at Jyushi, trying to reassuring him. Kuuko had noticed the vocalist's strange behaviour, but had decided to ignore it.. Oh well, until Jyushi himself would have told him, of course!
It was a matter of minutes before Kuuko sat down on his own futon too and started telling Jyushi and Hitoya about some random Buddhist legends or Japanese horror stories. Hitoya frowned his eyebrows, holding the fear inside his chest, while Jyushi was literally shaking, holding Amanda between his arms and barely covering his own face behind the plush. 
Soon Hitoya decided to tell an horror story too and got both Jyushi's and Kuuko's attention. Oh well.. He actually got only Kuuko's attention, since Jyushi couldn't help but blushed, staring at Kuuko's perfect counture. The monk wasn't wearing his usual black monk-dress but a blue kimono, the one he used to wear to sleep. Since Kuuko was sitting on the floor, and his back was slightly curving onwards, his chest's pale skin was slightly visible and Jyushi couldn't help but noticed it. He blushed heavily and also smelled his scent.. His musk shampoo.. And the smelling of the incense. There was a golden statue of Buddha in the room's corner too. Jyushi was looking at all this, focusing on Kuuko, and wasn't really paying attention to Hitoya's words, until the lawyer screamed, imitating the yell of fear of one of his story's character. That loud yell got Jyushi surprised as he gasped and screamed too, frightened. Instinctively Jyushi turned and hugged Kuuko while starting crying afraid. The monk opened his eyes wide and looked at the crybaby with an annoyed gaze. His yellow piercing eyes.. They were so beautiful to Jyushi...
"Jyushi!! What the hell is wrong with you?!", he said and then tried to push him away. As he managed to, Hitoya sighed to himself. He was trying hard to help Jyushi and Kuuko confess to each other but.. Kuuko's attitude was making it impossible. As he turned to look at one of Buddha's statue, which was wrapped in a giant ribbon, he got an idea. He stood up and reached that statue, while Kuuko was scolding Jyushi for being afraid of horror stories and while Jyushi was crying. Hitoya looked at that statue and got that ribbon, coming back to his "sons". 
"What are you doing?!"
Those were Kuuko's confused and surprised words while Hitoya was wrapping both him and the black-haired vocalist with that red ribbon. Kuuko was shaking, trying to move away, while Jyushi was trying not to get hit by the monk's movements.
"Now that you're both stopped and close, can you please talk about it?!", Hitoya sighed and sat in front of them, while Kuuko and Jyushi were very close due to that ribbon around their bodies. Kuuko couldn't look at anything else but Jyushi's face. They were both forced to look at each other! At first they didn't understand what Hitoya meant by those words but.. after a few seconds Kuuko and Jyushi blushed and looked away from each other's face. They could feel the other's heart racing and their bodies starting sweating in nervousness.��
"Kuuko-san... I..", Jyushi whispered, trying to speak to the monk. The red-haired man interrupted him: "I already know it.. Make it fast. Just tell me you also love me so this stupid brat can free us."
Hitoya laughed and Jyushi blushed more in response: "I... I love you.."
"Hey!! I thought you would have taken some more hours or days to say it..!", Kuuko's scratchy voice yelled at Jyushi. The monk paused and then sighed as he teased the vocalist: "We could have been like this more..."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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hypnomicimagines · 2 years
jyushi with goodbyes please?
Aimono Jyushi: 
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Goodbyes: You saying goodbye to the character before you/they leave on a trip.
Jyushi had made so much progress.
It wasn’t as easy to shake his fragile heart anymore, he had taken all of Kuko’s lessons seriously and he felt he had truly grown as a person. While he fueled that passion and sudden intense emotion into other things there were times where it backfired, where he felt like even if the situation was an understandable one to cry in, he was somehow going backwards with his progress. It brought him a little more stress than it might other people but he had fought tougher battles than tears!
Or so he thought.
He remembered Hitoya once telling him to keep a stiff upper lip, that sadness didn’t last forever, but it was hard to take that advice when it was actually needed. He had helped you pack your things all day but he was noticeably quiet, where he would normally be happy to talk about this or that he seemed to be trapped in his own mind. Him nearly stumbling down the stairs and becoming a tangle of limbs on the floor is what finally had you taking a break, insisting he sit down and get a drink while you closed the car up.
You found him huddled on the couch with an indescribable look on his face.
“Are you okay, Jyushi?” You leaned down to pinch at his cheeks, startling him. He looked up at you with watery blue eyes, blinking rapidly in a way that told you he was about to cry. The sight of it always made your heart clench, your arms wrapping around his head as he rested his head against your stomach. There’s some sniffling and you’re positive your shirt is soaked but he’s not loudly whining; you had to wonder if he had really started being less of a crybaby or if he had just learned to hide it better… You hoped he didn’t think that he couldn’t trust you, that you would ever judge him because of his sensitivities…
“I’ll miss you—” He sniffled again, holding on to you even tighter. “I want to tell you not to go!”
“I don’t want to leave you either but I have to for the sake of my job…” You stroked his hair, “But I promise I’ll be back in a snap. It won’t feel like anytime at all!”
‘The days are going to drag on without you!’ Old Jyushi would have sobbed, ‘I’ll miss you so much I won’t be able to get out of bed in the morning!’
He kept the thoughts to himself, knowing it would only fill you with guilt when it wasn’t like you were truly abandoning him. He tried to get ahold of his more irrational thoughts which were often what led to his crying fits, it was a process he had learned to interrupt which was what led to his crying habits changing but it didn’t mean it wasn’t like a knife to the chest every time something emotionally got to him.
“You’ll be back soon… You’ll be back soon…” Jyushi mumbled to himself, nodding his head.
“I don’t have to leave yet. We can stay and cuddle a little bit longer, okay?”
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
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━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Day 17/25 -  Jyushi Aimono
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Pairing: Jyushi x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 492
Quote/AU: I can’t skate and I need someone to hold my hand
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ���
“Y/N!” Jyushi cried out, grabbing onto the railing of the ice rink. He was struggling to stand upright on the ice and you couldn’t help but smile a bit as you skated over to him slowly.
“It’s okay, Jyushi, just let go and try to balance,” you told him, showing him how you managed to stand up on your ice skates. Jyushi shook his head, tears in his eyes as he wobbled slightly.
“No, I can’t let go! I’m gonna fall!” he exclaimed, his grip on the railing only tightening.
Some kids skated beside you, laughing and having fun going as fast as possible on their skates, making you wonder how they were gliding so effortlessly. All around the rink, couples were smiling and laughing, families were skating alongside one another, and everyone was sliding beneath the beautiful Christmas decorations hung up all around the rink.
“Maybe we should go back,” Jyushi mumbled, frozen in place.
“We don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,” you said, offering him a smile as you held out your hand. “But at least hold my hand so we can try to make it back to the entrance, okay?” you asked him. Jyushi took a moment to look at your outstretched hand as he struggled to let go of the railing.
“It’s really scary…” he whined, leaving one hand as his other quickly grabbed your arm.
“Just hold onto me, okay? I’ll keep you upright; you’re not gonna fall” you reassured him.
Jyushi took a deep breath until he finally let go of the railing and threw himself onto you. For a moment you teetered as his full weight was now holding onto your arm, but then you steadied yourself and the two of you began to slide on the ice.
“Y/N!” Jyushi shouted in fear, burying his face in your shoulder as he stood rigid on the ice, only moving when you pulled him along. You let out a slight chuckle as you wrapped your arm around him securely.
“It’s alright, Jyushi. You can open your eyes. See? We’re skating!” you told him, urging him to open his eyes. It took him a moment, and the two of you were moving at such a slow pace that you had to make sure you weren’t just standing still, but eventually, Jyushi poked his head up.
“Woah,” he whispered, as the two of you slid along the ice. “We’re actually doing it! We’re skating!” he shouted, a grin filling his face as his eyes lit up. His hands were still digging into your arm, but you didn’t mind. Seeing the gleeful smile on his face was worth it, and you nodded at him as you continued to slowly drift on the ice.
“Yea, we are,” you agreed. “See? I told you I wouldn’t let you fall,” you told him with a wink. Jyushi turned back to you with pink cheeks, pouting slightly.
“I know…thank you Y/N.”
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pa-stella · 2 years
Happy birthday, Kuko!!
As usual, a kuujyu oneshot that it's not really kuujyu lol it's not even a good birthday story! I had another idea, but I'll keep it for a future longer fanfiction.
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Title: Vision Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Pairing: Kuko/Jyushi but not really
“Kuko-san, can we take a break?” Jyushi whined loudly as he let the broom he was holding touch the ground.
“We’d be done already, if you hadn’t complained the entire time.” The young monk replied and picked the broom up.
During the previous night, a sudden thunderstorm had hit Nagoya. The strong wind and heavy rain had swept away the summer heat, but they also left the temple’s garden in poor conditions. Leaves, branches and other debris had filled the usually neat yard until Kuko had decided to get to work and fix everything. Of course, he forced Jyushi to spend the entire afternoon helping him.
Kuuko sighed, pointing to a small mass of branches. “I only have to move that pile away, then we can stop for today.” He proclaimed in the end. 
“Oh, I’ll go to buy something to drink in the meantime!” Jyushi ran towards his coffin shaped bag that he had left on the veranda without waiting for a reply. He knew the monk wouldn’t stop him. They were both tired and sweaty after hours of hard work. A cold drink would be a perfect award after all that fatigue.
After taking some coins from his wallet, Jyushi crossed the courtyard and went down the steep stairs of the temple. Any other day he would have ran to the vending machine on the other side of the road, but his body wanted some mercy. His legs, arms and back really hurt.
Once he had purchased the beverages, a Coke can for Kuko and a bottle of yuzu flavored Fanta for himself, the visual kei artist began to walk back without hurry. As the sunset approached, the calm scenery was starting to change. A slight breeze moved the trees where cicadas were already singing. He could also hear the noise of shutters in the distance. Shops were closing. People were getting ready to go back home after an entire day at work. 
At the top of the stone stairs, Jyushi stopped to admire the view of the temple tinted in the warm shades of the dusk. A few lanterns had already been lit, standing out against the buildings covered in a dark purple shade. The sun was slowly going down, leaving more space to the evening lavender sky. 
Even Kuko had stopped what he was doing to look at that spectacle. He was holding the metallic rake in his hands and the pile of branches was still in the same spot. The sound of footsteps startled him and, when he turned to look at Jyushi, the latter almost stopped breathing. The last sunbeams framed the monk’s figure, creating a sort of halo behind him. 
“What’s with that face?” Kuko smiled and for an instant Jyushi saw his eyes shine like the disappearing sun.
“Uh…? I was…. I was looking at the sunset…” He whispered while handing him the Coke.
The redhead nodded, turning once again to look at the horizon. “What a wonder, right?” 
Jyushi squeezed the bottle a little harder. “Yes, a real beauty.”
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imaginemic · 4 years
i saw requests were open so,, if possible,,,, could i get a nsfw scenario of jyushi with a soft dom male s/o? if you need a prompt maybe jyushi got caught getting off or something? i’m not really good with prompts hsjsjdhd so if you want to write something different that’s okay!!! thank you!!
MM: I think this is my first Jyushi thing? I got a little carried away but uh, I hope you enjoy ;;
It was a soft whimper that caught your attention followed by a strained gasp. Jyushi’s door was cracked open - just enough that the sounds came out clear enough in the hall as you passed. You knocked on the door, but there wasn’t a clear answer - only more whimpers. 
“Jyushi?” You pushed open the door, eyes widening as you saw your boyfriend in a rather compromising position. His legs were spread, his cock red and leaking precum over his hand which was extremely pale in comparison. His position exposed the red jeweled plug settled in his ass, a sight that you weren’t expecting at all - but of course, you weren’t opposed to seeing him like this.
“Ah… I’m sorry!” Jyushi scrambled to cover himself - not out of embarrassment that you caught him, but rather that he was caught without having your permission to touch himself. You weren’t mad, not when it felt like all your blood had decided to make your jeans a little too tight and you had tunnel vision with just how debauched he looked. The way his cheeks were flushed, the color decorating his perfect skin with red blotches, the way his skin shone with sweat and strands of hair stuck to him - he was the perfect picture of beauty.
“Why didn’t you come to me?” You asked, your voice soft to keep him calm since he didn’t fare well if you raised your voice even slightly. You sat at the edge of the bed, rubbing a hand over his thigh, “You know that I’ll always help you when you’re needy like this.”
“I..I didn’t want to bother you,” You smiled as Jyushi took your wrist, leading it to his cock, which twitched in anticipation. You dragged a finger along the vein, the whimper it pulled from his lips - his eyes closed and his hips raised to encourage you to touch him more.
“You know that I love taking care of you,” He smiled and blushed as you wrapped your hand around his cock and started to jerk him off, “But catching you like this was a nice surprise.”
Jyushi whined, pressing his face into your side to hide the pretty noises he was making. His hand found its way to your crotch, massaging your already aching cock with his nimble fingers - he might have been meek and shy, but Jyushi was a deviant when it came down to it. 
“Sir,” The formality came out in a high pitched whine, “I’m close.”
Your hand left his cock and he gasped as his brain had to reel back in from his denied orgasm, but you weren’t just going to let him get off that easily. He did break the only rule that you had - to not touch himself without permission and needed to be punished for that. But you were a loving dom and Jyushi was so good otherwise, so you wouldn’t leave him so desperate to cum like that.
“Let me just get undressed,” You reassured him with a kiss to the cheek, quickly undressing before settling between his spread legs. Your finger circled the plug, pushing it slightly before pulling it out with a slick pop, “Be a good boy for me, okay Jyushi?”
“Yes sir!” His already high pitched voice jumped a few octaves as you pulled his hips, filling him completely in one motion. He looked beautiful as he pushed his bangs out of his face, his mouth opened in silent moans and tears slipping down the slides of his face. He was an angel and you weren’t sure that this was much of a punishment for him as much as it was for you, you wanted to just lay claim to every inch of his pale skin but he was a performer and you couldn’t mar his image just because you wanted to be selfish. He arched into your chest, his hand wrapping around his cock and you wanted to scold him for touching himself - but he looked so dazed, his eyes unfocused on you and a mess of sir and please coming out in just barely a whisper. You were certain that he could do no wrong at that moment, not when his lips fit so perfectly against yours and a hand on the back of your neck to keep you like that. His body tensed and he let out a choked moan against your lips, his hips jerking against yours as his cum spilled out across his stomach. It was just enough to bring you tipping over the edge, squeezing his hips as you bottomed out and came with a gasp. 
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
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Scenario/Drabble Headcanon Requests 💮 Yandere 🩸
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🎧 Ichiro Yamada
Sleeping on their bed, while wearing their clothes (Ichiro, Samatoki, Jyuto)💮
⚽ Jiro Yamada
📱 Saburo Yamada
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🐺 Samatoki Aohitsugi
Sleeping on their bed, while wearing their clothes (Ichiro, Samatoki, Jyuto)💮
Shy sibling💮
🚨 Jyuto Iruma
Sleeping on their bed, while wearing their clothes (Ichiro, Samatoki, Jyuto)💮
"I-I-I wasn't drawing you! Don't stare at it." 💮
💣 Rio Mason Busujima
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🍭 Ramuda Amemura
📚 Gentaro Yumeno
🎲 Dice Arisugawa
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🩺 Jakurai Jinguji
“I don‘t have a fever! I am blushing! I mean… I have a fever… Forget what I said.” 💮
Dating 💮
💛 Hifumi Izanami
🖨️ Doppo Kannonzaka
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🎭 Sasara Nurude
👓 Rosho Tsutsujimori
💵 Rei Amayado
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⛩️ Kuko Harai
C, I, V, Z (fluff alphabet)💮
🧸 Jyushi Aimono
⚖️ Hitoya Amaguni
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🎙️ Otome Tohoten
💎 Ichijiku Kadenokoji
🌼 Nemu Aohitsugi
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partyofwords · 1 year
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Series = 🎆 / Reaction = 🛍 / Drabble = 🎀 / AU = 🧞‍♀️ / Song = 🍧 / Prompt = 🍭 / Word = 🍬 / Fluff = 💝 / Angst = 💓 / Suggestive = 🐙 / Unusual = 🐷 / Favorite = 🪷
Buster Bros!!!:
Ichiro Yamada:
Older Sister Yamada 🎀💝🪷
I’m Not Afraid of You 💝💓🪷
Jiro Yamada:
How to Give a First Kiss 💝
Saburo Yamada:
Bake a Cake 🎀💝
Just Besties 🎀💝
Mad Trigger Crew:
Samatoki Aohitsugi:
Only Soft for You 🎀💝🪷
Babysitting Bad Boy 🎀💝🪷
Jyuto Iruma:
Beach Vacation 🎀💝🪷
Rio Mason Busujima:
Radar Love 🍧💝
Fling Posse:
Ramuda Amemura:
Making Out with Ramuda Amemura 🎀💝🪷
Gentaro Yumeno:
Dice Arisugawa:
Crash 🎀🍬💝💓
11:01 PM 💝🐙🪷
Jakurai Jinguji:
A Kind of Sick 🎀💝
2:33 PM 💝
Having Tea with Jakurai Jinguji 🎀💝
Making Out with Jakurai Jinguji 🎀💝🐙
Hifumi Izanami:
5:59 AM 💝
Doppo Kannonzaka:
Admired From Afar 💝
Bad Ass Temple:
Bad Ass Temple as Gods 💐🛍🎀🧞‍♀️💝
Kuko Harai:
Chaos God Kuko 🎆🧞‍♀️💝💓🪷
Temple Kitten 🎀💝🪷
Lake Day 💝
Jyushi Aimono:
An Hour Till Showtime 🎆💝🪷
3:43 PM 🧞‍♀️💝
Hitoya Amaguni:
Dotsuitare Hompo:
Sasara Nurude:
Bad Comedy 🎀💝🐷
Rosho Tsutsujimori:
First Night Drunk 💝🐙🪷
Party of Words:
Ichijiku Kadenokoji:
Nemu Aohitsugi:
Recommendation Masterlist
WIP List
Requests are OPEN! ~ Rules
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pa-stella · 2 years
for the prompt thingie
can I
can I ask 4 with kuujyu...? 🥺💜
Yep! Sorry for the late reply, but tumblr was acting weird this afternoon.
I'm not really happy with the final result and it's mostly one character playing with the other's hand. Sorry in advance.
Title: Just a moment Fandom:Hypnosis Mic Pairing: Kuuko/Jyushi Prompt: Playing with each other's fingers
“Oi, Hitoya, didn’t you say you wanted to offer us breakfast? Where the fuck are we going?!” Kuko complained when they stepped into the lobby of the skyscraper. Right next to the monk, Jyushi got quickly distracted by the luxurious hall.
“Lower your voice, kid.” Hitoya replied and walked towards the elevators. “Last time I let you two choose where we should meet, the coffee was terrible. I don’t want to risk that again.”
“I’m not a kid.” 
“Don’t act like one, then.”
The short bickering got interrupted by the liftman, who closed the door of the elevator and pushed one of the many buttons. 41? Were they really going to the 41st floor?
When the trio finally reached the right floor, they were met with a long line in front of a small café. Without batting an eye, Hitoya just cut through to speak to the hostess at the front desk. 
“Ah, yes, a reservation for a table by the window, right?” The woman smiled while confirming their reservation. “Follow me, please.”
The rest of the group got at the front of the line, trying to ignore the dirty looks they were receiving from those still waiting for their table. Inside, the place was crowded but the atmosphere was still relaxed and quiet. Until the waitress showed them their table.
“Oh, Kuko-san, look! You can see the entire city!” Jyushi exclaimed. He placed his hands on the big window. His eyes were almost sparkling. “I have never been in a place like this!”
“And I understand why…” Hitoya sighed and forced him to sit down. “Kuko has a bad influence on you.”
“Ah, sorry…” He lowered his head a little, making Kuko chuckle. He was right though. The view was sublime. There was not a single cloud in the sky and the monk was sure they could have seen the temple from there if the café had been on the other side of the building.
The two teens were almost ready to order (both settled for waffles with different toppings) when Hitoya’s phone rang. He looked at the screen and sighed. “Work.” He explained and stood up. “Order a cup of coffee for me, okay?”
“Nothing else?” Jyushi asked and pouted. 
“Mh, chiffon cake.” He was about to leave the table, but he stopped on his tracks. “Please, behave.” He looked at Kuko, then moved his eyes on Jyushi. “Take Amanda out of your bag. She’s in command while I’m away.”
The last comment made Kuko roll his eyes. As if he was scared of an inanimate object like that. He looked at the plush that was in Jyushi’s hands. Well… she was kind of creepy in a sort of way. He observed her empty eyes for a few seconds before ending the staring contest and focused on the other teen’s hands instead.
“Oh, you got a new ring?” He asked and gestured for Jyushi to show him.
He nodded, resting his hand on the table. Kuko took it and started to examine the jewel. It was a simple silver ring with a crown symbol. “Yes, I bought it when I helped Ichiro-san in Tokyo.”
The monk nodded, but if he had to be honest, he wasn’t listening. Jyushi’s hand was warm and soft as usual. He slowly touched his long fingers decorated with many other rings.
“And… There is this second-hand store in Ikebukuro, it’s quite hidden…”
Kuko didn’t register the way Jyushi’s voice trembled. He was just too focused on his hand. There were a few calluses and bruises on his fingers, clear evidence that he had never stopped practicing guitar. But they still looked elegant and curated. He played with the fingertips as if they were keys of piano before finally filling the spaces between Jyushi’s fingers. Holding his hand was calming, soothing…
He looked up to see a very flustered Jyushi. He was blushing, but a small smile adorned his face. Suddenly aware of what he was doing, Kuko released his hand and coughed a little. “Sorry. I got distracted. What were you saying?”
“Ah… I… I don’t remember…” Jyushi murmured. His blue eyes were fixed on the now free hand. He looked deep in thought as he was lightly biting down his lower lip.
Before Kuko could say anything, the waitress came over to take their order. The moment was gone, but the warmth of that hand against his was still there.
I was inspired by Cafè du ciel which is a real place in Nagoya. It's actually at the 51st floor of a skyscraper. The second-hand store in Ikebukuro is probably my favorite shop of the chain Closet Child.
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
Jyushi and 1, please! Happy Valentine’s Day~
1 with Jyushi pls! Tysm uwu - another anon
1. Holding their hands when they are shaking.
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“Jyushi…baby, please look at me,” you pleaded, your voice soft and gentle. You boyfriend was sitting on the floor with his head buried in his hands, shaking slightly. You reached out ever so slowly to touch his hand, and as you did, you felt him start underneath your fingers.
You weren’t even sure how it began, only that he was now on the floor shaking, eyes looking up at you glossy and slightly lost.
“Y…Y/N?” Jyushi stuttered, hiccupping slightly as you watched a lone tear slide down his cheek. You quickly reached out to gently take hold of his hand as you sat beside him.
“It’s okay. I’m right here with you. Everything is gonna be okay,” you hushed him, wrapping an arm around him, but still holding onto his other one tightly. Jyushi paused to take a look at you, but then his face immediately fell as he began to sob once more.
You pulled him into your chest, feeling him grip onto your shirt as with one hand as the other one grasped your other one tightly. He cried softly into your chest as you secured your grasp around him, rocking back and forth gently, hushing him and telling him that he was okay.
“I-I’m sorry,” Jyushi cried, slightly muffled into your chest. You hushed him and squeezed his hand lovingly.
“Don’t ever be sorry baby. I’ll always be right here with you,” you reassured him, kissing his head and leaning back against the wall with a sigh.
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
hello! can i get number 22 with jyushi for the valentine's day prompts? thank you very much! >w<
22 Listening to them while they vent
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You sat in the dressing room of Jyushi’s visual kei band, watching him pace back and forth in frustration.
“Jyushi, why don’t you just talk to me about it. Maybe that’ll help,” you told him, encouraging him to vent. He looked like he was about to break down into tears, but you could tell it was out of frustration and not sadness.
“I just...” Jyushi started, a bit tentatively at first, but after looking at your encouraging, small smile he groaned. 
Within moments, he was explaining everything to you, telling you about the other singers he was working with and how they were constantly saying that his lyrics weren’t as good as theirs. He ranted about how they never saw him as an equal, and how much he just wanted to prove to them that he was one of the best performers out of all of them.
You wanted to tell him that they were all idiots and that he didn’t have to worry about anything, but you didn’t want to interrupt him so you simply sat upright in attention, nodding and letting out little hums and agreements when you needed to. Eventually, Jyushi was tired out and sat next to you with a sigh.
“I’m sorry for saying all of that...” he began to apologize, already his demeanor shifting from one of intensity and annoyance, to uncertainty and nervousness. You cut him off before he could get too sad though. 
“Jyushi, it’s okay. You never have to apologize to me for expressing your feelings.”
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
4 for Jyushi? 😳👉👈
4. Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
“Jyushi, is that you? Come here, I have something for you!” you exclaimed, walking over to the door where he had just walked in and tugging him along into the kitchen.
“Y/N, I had a really bad day, can we please just - ” Jyushi cut himself off as he stared down at the Napolitan pasta in a bowl in the center of the table. 
“Surprise!” you said, waving your hands a little bit with anticipation. “I know you texted me that you were having a rough day so I made you your favorite,” you explained, glancing back and forth between the food and Jyushi who was currently frozen in place. 
After a moment of silence, your smile wavered and you reached out a hand towards your boyfriend, clearing your throat a bit.
“If you don’t want to eat right now that’s totally fine too, we can just -” this time you were the one cut off as Jyushi immediately let out a loud sob and threw his arms around you, crying as he did. “Jyushi!” you exclaimed, worriedly, but when he pulled away, you could see a small smile on his face.
“This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I love you so much, thank you, Y/N, I don’t deserve this,” he sobbed, tears flowing freely from his eyes as you smiled softly at him, running a hand gently through his hair. 
“Of course, Jyushi. I just wanted to make you feel a little better after a bad day.”
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
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━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Day 6/21 - Jyushi Aimono
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Pairing: Jyushi x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 461
Quote/AU: We're going to a costume party but you only like cute costumes and I only like scary costumes
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
You rummaged through the box of fake props, searching desperately to find something that would spark an idea for the perfect Halloween costume.
“Y/N-chan! Why don’t we try on these! Look at how cute they are!” Jyushi said from behind you.
You turned around in anticipation, only to find him holding up two costumes – one was a bee and one was a flower. You did your best to gather a smile for him but shook your head.
“Jyushi, that’s too cute. Why don’t we go as something different! Maybe something like…this!” you exclaimed, searching through the rack for a moment before pulling out a dark, scary clown costume.
Jyushi visibly shuddered and immediately began to pout with tears pooling in his eyes.
“Nooo, Y/N-chan, we can’t! That’s too scary!” he exclaimed, hugging the flower costume close to his chest as he vehemently shook his head.
You let out a sigh and clenched your fist as the radio overhead played ‘Spooky Scary Skeletons’ for the third time that afternoon. Or was it evening now? You had been searching for so long, you had completely lost track of time.
To say that you and Jyushi were on opposite ends of the spectrum was…an understatement. At first, you had expected him to be okay with a scary, creepy costume because he wore costumes all the time when he was on stage. You were proven to be wrong though, and all Jyushi really wanted to wear were the cutest couple outfits he could possibly find.
You couldn’t be too angry with him though. The idea of him wearing a little bee costume was too cute. Or maybe the flower costume.
“Jyushi, I don’t know if we’re going to be able to decide on anything like this,” you sighed, sadly. Your tastes were just too different at this point. “Maybe we should – ”
“Ah, wait! Y/N-chan, what about this?” Jyushi asked, excitedly as he shoved a costume towards you.
You stared down at the burgundy and black fabric that made up the pirate costume as you immediately began to think about all the ways you could accessorize the costume. You could get a sword. And a bloody hook. You could put fake scars all over your face and you could –
“I want a parrot to go with mine!” Jyushi exclaimed, pulling you from your thoughts as he shoved a cute little plush parrot at you. “He’s not as cute as Amanda, but he’ll have to do,” Jyushi shrugged, shooting you a sweet smile.
You let out a small laugh and nodded, telling him that you thought that was a great idea. You might both be going to this costume party as pirates, but you had a feeling they would be very different types of pirates indeed.
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
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25 Drabbles of Christmas Masterlist~
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
✧ Day 1 - Dice Arisugawa
Quote/AU: Going For a Walk in the Snow
✧ Day 2 - Rosho Tsutsujimori
Quote/AU: “I almost let it slip that Santa isn’t real.”
✧ Day 3 - Ramuda Amemura
Quote/AU: Decorating the Christmas Tree
✧ Day 4 - Juto Iruma
Quote/AU: “This is the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen.”
✧ Day 5 - Yotsutsuji Kannabi
Quote/AU: Building a Snowman
✧ Day 6 - Nemu Aohitsugi
Quote/AU: Gift Giving
✧ Day 7 - Hifumi Izanami
Quote/AU: Christmas Movie Marathon
✧ Day 8 - Tom Weathercock
Quote/AU: “I mean, I knew you had Christmas spirit but this is ridiculous.”
✧ Day 9 - Ichiro Yamada
Quote/AU: Flirting via marshmallows in hot chocolate
✧ Day 10 - Gentaro Yumeno
Quote/AU: Snowed In Together Building Pillow Forts    
✧ Day 11 - Saburo Yamada
Quote/AU: We’re supposed to be making paper snowflakes for class, but you keep sending me love notes on cut out pieces of paper
✧ Day 12 - Kuko Harai
Quote/AU: Decorating a Gingerbread House
✧ Day 13 - Rei Amayado
Quote/AU: Snuggling by the Fireplace
✧ Day 14 - Iris Traiter
Quote/AU: “You said not to buy you any gifts, so I made you a gift instead”
✧ Day 15 - Doppo Kannonzaka
Quote/AU: “This is the strangest office holiday party I’ve ever been to.”
✧ Day 16 - Otome Tohoten
Quote/AU: Going to a Christmas Village/Market
✧ Day 17 - Jyushi Aimono
Quote/AU: I can’t skate and I need someone to hold my hand
✧ Day 18 - Hitoya Amaguni
Quote/AU: "I can’t wrap gifts for the life of me."
✧ Day 19 - Taromaru Rex
Quote/AU: Snowball Fights
✧ Day 20 - Jakurai Jinguji 
Quote/AU: Christmas Engagement 
✧ Day 21 - Riou Busujima
Quote/AU: Baking Holiday Cookies
✧ Day 22 - Ichijiku Kadenokoji
Quote/AU: “It’s kind of chilly outside...do you want to cuddle?”
✧ Day 23 - Jiro Yamada
Quote/AU: "Are you eating cookies right now? It's 3 AM!" "If Santa can do it so can I."
✧ Day 24 - Samatoki Aohitsugi
Quote/AU: “I decorated for Christmas…you don’t like it?
✧ Day 25 - Sasara Nurude
Quote/AU: “This party is boring me to death, do you wanna go Christmas shopping instead”
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