#Jyushi Fanfiction
partyofwords · 1 year
3:43 PM ~ *Jyushi Aimono*
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Summary: Since you’re studying botany, you visit your local flower shop every day. Much to the delight of a certain worker there...
Pairing: Jyushi Aimono X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 654
Warning: OOC maybe? It’s not my best work.
“Here you are ma’am. Thank you for stopping by! You picked some lovely flowers.” Jyushi smiled brightly at the old woman as he handed her her bouquet of flowers.
She smiled back at him. “Such a nice boy! Thank you for helping me!”
His smile never faltered as she left the flower shop and he gave a self-satisfied sigh when she was gone. As he started to wipe down the counter, his coworker slid up next to him.
“You’re such a nice boy, Jyushi!” Kuko cooed, pinching his cheek.
Jyushi pouted. “Kuko! Stop being so mean to me!”
“Leave him alone, Kuko.” Hitoya, their manager, yelled from the back room.
Kuko rolled his eyes. “You people are no fun.” Setting himself down on the stool behind the counter, he asked, “So, do you have today’s flowers all picked out and ready?”
Jyushi felt his cheeks burn hot at the mention of the special flowers he set aside once a week for a very special customer. Almost a year ago, you started coming into the flower shop with a giant encyclopedia. After a couple of weeks of trying to talk to you but being too shy, Jyushi managed to learn that you were studying botany, specifically flowers, and were taking notes on the different flowers the store had. So he took it upon himself to help you out. Every week since then, when you came in with your notes and dazzling smile, he would hand you a flower and spew out facts about it from the research he did during the week before your visit. It soon became his favorite part of the day, not that he would ever tell you that.
Nodding, he pointed to a wrapped bundle of white flowers. “Yep. I have magnolias already prepared for today.”
“Magnolias, huh?” Jyushi nearly jumped out of his skin, seeing you at the counter, your smile almost blinding him.
He nodded again, a bit more bashful, causing Kuko to snicker before leaving the two of you alone to talk. “Yeah. Magnolias. Did you know that the flowers bloom before the leaves appear on the plant?”
Your eyes widened and you quickly jotted the fact down. “I do now! Seriously, Jyushi, what would I do without you? With your help, I’ll be able to become a professional botanist and work with flowers everyday for the rest of my life.”
“That would be wonderful.” He couldn’t help but smile. You always get so passionate and excited about your future. Your optimism always wore off on him, not that he minded in the slightest.
Taking one of the flowers from the small bouquet, you held out your hand. “May I borrow the scissors, please?”
After Jyushi handed them to you, you cut the stem shorter and tucked the flower behind your ear. Little did you know, but the cheeks of the boy in front of you exploded in pink. Did you even know how cute you look right now? You looked like some floral goddess. His heart skipped a beat.
“You look so pretty.”
Both of you were speechless, but Jyushi was panicking. He didn’t really say that out loud now, did he? Please tell him he didn’t just embarrass himself in front of you! He would never be able to live this one down! His life was effectively over.
However, you laughed. It was a pretty sound that seemed to make the sun shine brighter and the flowers around you both began to glow. “Aw, thank you! You’re pretty handsome if I do say so myself.”
Again, his cheeks darkened. “Oh, ah, thank you.”
Jyushi’s heart jumped into his throat when you gently took his hand in yours. He looked at you confused, shocked, and desperate, while you just grinned softly. It was then he thought, perhaps your heart was beating just as fast as his at this exact moment.
“So, tell me more about these magnolias…”
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routlandish · 5 months
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let’s write a hypmic fanfic together!!! i dont know how this works but if you want to write a hypmic fanfic together lets do it!!! we can figure it out together please im so desperate to meet new hypmic fans
message me if you want to write something together :3
im down for anything honestly
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1800ruvibing · 8 months
my first ever kuujyu fic! check it out:) its short, sweet, and fluffy!! very self indulgent
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bingbong21 · 2 years
Y’know, I was doing pretty well working through my backlog of WIPs. 
But then I decided to watch With from Mercury and now I’m stuck on the idea of Jyushi and Amanda as Suletta and Ariel with Dice as Miorine
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teenytinytippy · 19 days
Some cute Hypmic headcanons I thought of at 3 A.M
(Spoilers ahead for some characters!!!)
Used to kiss his younger bros goodnight when they were little kids. Now he does it now and then when he thinks they're asleep (Sabs caught him in the act, though).
King of Bisexuality.
Had a small crush on a tomboy he met at the orphanage. They used to play football together. One day, she got adopted, and he never saw her again.
Has a little music box given to him by his mother when he was a baby. It's the only clear memory he has of her, so he holds it dear. It's also the source of his fondness for classical music. Nobody knows where he hides it, though.
Used to do Nemu's hair after their mother passed. As a result of this, he's very good at styling hair.
Also used to sing to his sister, mostly to calm her down during his father's violent outbursts. He sometimes hums to himself while thinking of her.
Had a gay awakening when he was a teenager. An upperclassman approached him so cunningly and lifted his chin with his hand while questioning him about something, similar to how Jyuto questions guys now. He still thinks about that boy from time to time.
Went to the U.S. when he was 3 years old and stayed there with his father's family for three years. His father is Irish-American.
He's intersex, as are most of the clones created after him. Some of them, however, appeared to be fully male.
Likes collecting fashion dolls from time to time, and has four custom ones: one of each Fling Posse member and another of the former owner of Empty Candy, Hanabi Maijou.
Has convinced his teammates to cuddle with him in bed.
Is on the Autism spectrum while his twin brother is not.
Is interested in FlingPoly fanfiction.
Ramuda gave him a boudoir doll as a present once.
Got a nosebleed after seeing Ramuda in a peculiarly cute outfit. The image stayed in his head for quite a long time. (Inspired by what Dice's new stage actor said in the cross talk, after seeing Ramuda's stage actor in costume for the first time)
He sometimes purrs unvoluntarily. Gentaro and Ramuda tease him for it.
Has sung Yotsutsuji to sleep on some occasions. He also did that to Hifumi and Doppo one night.
He was very popular with the girls back in the day, and word got out that he had a huge crush on someone. Hitoya even teased him for it. Little did he know that Jakurai's crush was Hitoya himself.
Was very effeminate growing up. He especially liked to play with his sister's necklaces and other jewelry.
Cried when Jakurai sang them to sleep that one night.
He stims by drawing circles on the floor with his finger, something he has done since pre-school when he was alone. When he's angry or frustrated, he does it with his middle finger.
Had a funny, contagious laugh when he was a baby or so his mother would say. Everyone who heard him in passing would smile or laugh as well. Maybe he was a comedian from the very start, after all.
Learned to talk before he learned to walk and could say very complicated words and phrases for a toddler.
He can whine his hips pretty well.
Ichiro is the one who resembles him the most in his youth.
Sometimes, he sees himself and his wife/baby mama in Rosho and Sasara. He would never admit that to them, though.
Can dabke and taught his teammates and also Ichiro how to dabke.
In the rare times when he feels like crying, he either meditates alone or next to someone he absolutely trusts, which, as of right now, includes his father Shakku, Hitoya, and Jyushi. The latter two were confused when it happened but felt more at ease and honored after Shakku explained this to them.
Sometimes does nail art on Kuko's nails.
He fluctuates between masc and femme styles on the daily. Kuko once mistook him for a young woman passing by when he came to the temple to greet him.
Was a big fat baby who grew into a skinny child.
Is actually swole.
Will become a father of girls (and the best father anyone could have).
In her teenage years, she would use poetry as a means to vent her frustrations. She would also go on to dedicate poems to her ex-husband and, later on, her first son Dice.
Was absolutely smitten with Dice in his first years, insisting on doing the motherly affairs by herself, much to the maid's dismay.
Really wanted a daughter and was seriously thinking about giving Dice a little sister before everything went down with her marriage.
She and her sister would often wear matching bows to school in her younger years.
Lets Nemu adorn her hair with ribbons and flowers during their outings. She secretly loves the look, even if it looks messy.
Was a premature child.
Is not good at styling her hair since it's something her mother and brother used to do for her. Sometimes, she unknowingly self-soothes by stroking it.
Was interested in ballet at some point in her childhood.
Queen of Bisexuality.
Is a pretty good dancer and gymnast. She used to do ballet and acrobatics in her youth.
Was the type of girl who would absolutely destroy her dolls while playing with them.
Sleeps in a fetal position.
Is pretty quiet when sneaking in. He even startled Jakurai once.
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cielphantxmhive · 2 years
✒┈┈┈┈┈ 𝙒𝙀𝙇𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀 !! 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘰+𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵...↴
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𝔚elcome to my blog! I'm Ciel / Leo, and here I will write fanfiction for various fandoms. If anything seems familiar, it may be because some of these have been previously posted to Wattpad.
You can request a fanfic, if my requests are open, from the fandoms and characters listed below. I ONLY write gender neutral or male reader.
Request ONLY 3 characters at a time, please!
Please, do NOT repost any of my works ANYWHERE without my consent.
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— Love Unholyc
when they play games with you (hi, leo, sol, william, eater, shalotte)
- JungHi
- Leo
- Sol
- William
- Eater
- Shalotte
when they play video games with you (iori, yamato, tamaki, sogo, mitsuki, nagi, riku)
with their little sibling (iori, yamato, mitsuki)
- Iori
- Yamato
- Tamaki
- Sogo
- Mitsuki
- Nagi
- Riku
- Tenn
- Gaku
- Ryuunosuke
- Haruka
- Minami
- Touma
- Torao
— Hypnosis Microphone
- Ichiro
- Samatoki
- Jyuto
- Rio
- Ramuda
- Gentaro
- Dice
- Jakurai
- Hifumi
- Doppo
- Sasara
- Kuko
- Jyushi
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pa-stella · 3 years
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Title: Fukutoshin Line
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Pairing: Jiro/Jyushi
That day the only thing Jiro had wanted was a present for his brother, not his heart stolen by a beautiful stranger on the route to Shibuya.
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akkivee · 4 years
idk why i don’t like using a ‘y’ in juto’s name, i just don’t lol but since jakurai looks ugly with a ‘y’ i was at least consistent. but then jyushi came along and messed that up for me so now i wanna kick myself in the shin for my inconsistencies lmao
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partyofwords · 1 year
An Hour Till Showtime
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Summary: There’s an hour until you see Jyushi perform for the first time. However, can he perform perfectly just for you? Or will he crack under pressure? Only time will tell.
Pairing: Jyushi Aimono X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 2428
Warning: Anxiety
One hour. All he had to do was wait one hour until he got to see you. Jyushi’s foot was tapping erratically and he knew he was probably stressing his hair stylist out with how often he was dragging his hands through his hair. But he couldn’t help himself.
When Jyushi first started visual kei, he would get nervous like this all the time. Sometimes it would get so bad, he’d throw up. But he learned to hide it behind overconfidence, bordering on arrogance. However, now he felt like a scared little kid once again. All he needed was a text, or better yet, he needed to see you again. But you weren’t responding to him. It was making his nerves go crazy.
He lifted his hand to run it through his hair again when he heard a strained sigh. His hair stylist was watching him. With an awkward half smile, he dropped his hand and his gaze. Jyushi then began to fiddle with his phone. Perhaps he should text you again, to make sure you were really coming. You said you’d be here. It would be the first time you’d see him perform in his band in person. As excited as he was to see you in the audience, he was also scared to death you weren’t going to come. He checked the time on his phone.
Fifty minutes. Time was going so slow. Perhaps he could send one more text, just a quick check-in to see where you were and if you were still coming. Sure, Jyushi had already sent over twenty unanswered texts already and he called at least five times, but one more little check couldn’t hurt. So he sent one, asking if you were still on your way.
As he waited for your response, he tapped his foot incessantly, like the rhythmic tapping of a drummer. Where were you? Usually you were so good at texting him back. Why weren’t you responding this time? Were you okay? Were you lying dead in a ditch somewhere? Did he need to come find you?
Or did you think that if you ignored him and pretended like tonight didn’t exist, you wouldn’t have to come? Did you think he forgot you were coming? No, you couldn’t be thinking that. He had tried to contact you for an hour already! He had hoped you would be here early so he could show you around, introduce you to the band, and talk so you could calm his worries.
But you weren’t here and it was really stressing him out!
Jyushi wanted to be angry with you. He wanted to call you and tell you how much he hated what you were doing to him. But he was more scared than anything. Something was wrong. He could feel it in his gut. He couldn’t help but think that this was your less-than subtle way of telling him you didn’t like him as much as he liked you. He thought you were friends! How could you do this to him! How could you break his heart like this!
He could feel tears well in his eyes and, in an effort to will them away, he glanced at the clock above the mirror before him.
Forty-five minutes. His phone vibrated, alerting him that someone texted.
It was from you.
‘I am so sorry I’m just now seeing your messages! I should have been paying more attention! Yes, I am on my way right now. I promise I’ll be there before you know it, so don’t you worry. See you soon!’
Jyushi had to read it over a couple of times before he finally allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief. It was real. You were coming. You were on your way in fact. He had nothing to worry about. You’d be here soon and everything would be okay. You would finally get to see him perform the first time in person.
A new wave of anxiety crashed over him. Wait, you were going to see him perform for the first time in person! What if he messed up? What if he tripped over his own feet? What if he sang the wrong part, his voice cracked, or he forgot to sing at all? Could he handle the humiliation that would come after it? As tears welled in his eyes, he shook his head and thought he couldn’t. Hearing you mock or even pity him for any mistake would be too much to bear. It would be like back in middle school, when everyone made fun of him. He couldn’t go back to that. He couldn’t hear it from you.
He started to dab at his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket before he felt someone place a hand on his shoulder. It was his stylist. She was handing him a handkerchief. Though she looked slightly annoyed, she still had an encouraging smile on her face.
“Chin up, kid. You’re going to do great tonight.”
“Are you sure?” His voice wobbled.
She nodded. “I’ve heard you sing. You’re really good. I’m sure whoever you’re trying to impress tonight is going to be blown out of the water as soon as they hear you.”
Jyushi let a small smile break through as he finished collecting the stray tears with the handkerchief. “Thank you. I really needed to hear that.”
Taking the handkerchief back, she sighed. “I’ll be back in twenty minutes to touch up your makeup again. Try not to let it run too much, okay?”
He nodded. “I’ll try. Thank you again.”
As she left, he glanced back at the clock.
Thirty minutes. There was a knock at the door.
Jyushi practically sprinted to the door. You were here! Finally! He was so worried-
“Yo, Jyushi!”
He tried to not let his face fall upon seeing Kuko and Hitoya. He was glad they were here. But they weren’t you. The least he could do was be polite while they were here and not know how disappointed he was it wasn’t you.
Hitoya heavily clapped his hand on his shoulder. “You look good, kid. And I’m sure you’re going to sing just as good.”
“Ah, thanks Hitoya.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” Kuko stated, all matter-of-fact like as he casually walked around the green room. “I’ve never seen you sing visual kei live. I’ll be the one to judge if you’re really as good as Hitoya says you are.”
Right. Kuko had never seen him live either. But he didn’t think it was a big deal, as he had heard him rap on stage as a member of Bad Ass Temple. So it didn’t matter that he was here. You’ve never heard him sing or rap before. That’s why he cared so much about your opinion about the concert.
“Where’s your little friend?” Hitoya asked. “Didn’t you say they would be here?”
“They’re running a little late.”
He nodded though he made a face. “You know, there are two things I don’t appreciate in life. One, clothes that don’t fit properly and two, lateness. Have you tried talking to them?”
“Yeah. They’re on their way. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He tried to assure him.
“It doesn’t look fine.” Kuko called out, flopping onto one of the couches in the green room. “Or is your makeup supposed to look that runny?”
Jyushi’s hands flew to his face. His stylist did mention his makeup was smudged, but he didn’t think it was that big of a deal! Did he really look that bad? One look in the mirror confirmed his makeup was more ruined than he anticipated.
Hitoya shook his head before smacking Kuko upside the head. “It’s not that bad. Your stylist can fix it I’m sure. But you do seem worried.”
He tried to appear nonchalant like Kuko. “It’s nothing. It’s just, this is their first time seeing me perform live. I don’t want to mess up.”
“I understand. But you’re good at what you do. I wouldn’t have encouraged you to pursue this dream if I didn’t think you could do it. All you have to do is show them how much music means to you. Sing from the bottom of your heart and they’ll understand. Does that make sense?”
With the way Hitoya was talking about things, Jyushi supposed it was that easy. Still, the nervous butterflies swarming in his stomach wouldn’t cease. He was scared to death of failing in front of you. He didn’t want to ruin his already fragile reputation in front of you.
Hitoya seemed to pick up on the fact that there was more to the situation than he was letting on because he asked. “What are you really afraid of?”
As he tried to avoid eye contact, he looked at the clock.
Twenty minutes. He told them everything. How he really, really, really liked you and how his intense feelings scared him. How he wanted tonight to be perfect because then maybe you’d like him as much as he liked you. How if all went well, he’d be more confident to ask you out in the future.
Kuko laughed and Hitoya smacked him upside the head again for it. He then said, “Look, kid, you’re putting too much pressure on this concert. They’re going to like you know matter what you do. You’re pretty special, you know? So just do your best.”
“Yeah, it’s not like you can screw up so bad that they hate you forever.” Kuko added, earning a cold glare from Hitoya.
“But what if-”
He shook his head. “Don’t even entertain the what ifs. Just go out there and shine like fourteen moons.”
A dusting of pink colored his pale cheeks. “You really think I can do this? I won’t ruin everything with a bad show?”
“Not at all. It’ll take more than just one flop concert for someone to stop liking you, I promise.” To seal his words, he crossed his heart.
Jyushi gave a small smile. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.” Standing up, Hitoya clapped his hands together. “Well, we’ll let you get ready for your show. C’mon Kuko. We gotta go.”
“Aww, c’mon old timer! I just got comfortable.” He nestled deeper into the couch cushions and Jyushi had to stifle a giggle.
Hitoya rolled his eyes and grabbed him by the ear. “We’re going, now.”
“Ow, ow, ow! Okay! Jeez!” Before leaving, he said, “See ya out there Jyushi.”
“Bye.” He mumbled, watching them leave and the door clicking shut behind them. He let out a sigh.
Even though he was grateful to speak to them before the concert, he was still worried. What if they were wrong? What if you didn’t even show up? What if he did mess up and you never wanted to see him again? He knew he shouldn’t be getting hung up on the what ifs, but he couldn’t help himself. It was just like him to worry over the smallest of things.
The door opened again and in walked his stylist. She had all her makeup with her, prompting him to get back in the makeup chair. As she set up, she told him how much time until the concert.
Fifteen minutes.
“I saw your friends were here earlier.” She said as she set up. “I hope they gave you some words of encouragement.”
Jyushi shrugged. “They tried.”
She sighed. “Look, kid, you’re going to be just fine. I’ve heard you sing. You’re really good. Just don’t get too into your head and let it all out on the stage, okay? Everything will all work out in the end.”
For some reason, her words lifted a little more of the weight on his chest. Maybe that’s all he needed: the bluntness of a third party. Sure Kuko could be to the point and a little aggressive, but he was still a friend that Jyushi cared about. And he did care about his stylist, but she didn’t know him as well as Hitoya and Kuko did. Her words carried a different kind of weight. And he appreciated it.
“Well, you look better now.” She mused. “And it’s not just because I’m redoing your makeup for the third time tonight. You’re sitting straighter and there’s less worry clouding your eyes. So that’s good to see.”
Looking deep into the mirror, he could see she was right. He didn’t look as anxious as he did before. He was still worried like crazy, but it seemed he was slipping into his confident persona without noticing. It made him smile a little. At least he could protect his heart this way. No matter what happened tonight, his friends and his stylist believed in him. He would be just fine, even if you didn’t like what you saw or heard.
A snap of an eyeshadow case jolted him out of his thoughts. “You look perfect now. So don’t mess it up, got it?”
Her scolding held a teasing lilt which made him chuckle. “I’ll be okay now.”
“Good.” She nodded before adding, “Would you like me to tell the rest of your band you are ready?”
“Yes please.”
Before she left, she said, “Really, it’s going to be a great night tonight. I can feel it.”
That made one of them. But he didn’t let it show. He was fully absorbed into the confident and arrogant Jyushi now. Nothing could bring him down until after the show.
He stood up and adjusted his outfit. After doing one last check in the mirror to make sure he looked as perfect as his stylist said, he nodded. He was ready. He glanced at the clock before heading out.
Five minutes.
Backstage, he saw the other members of ArgoξOrchestra waiting for him. They smiled when they saw him and he returned it.
“You ready?” Genichi asked.
He nodded. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Good. This is one of our biggest crowds yet so everyone needs to try their best tonight, okay?”
Everyone nodded and put their hands into the center of the circle. Jyushi’s hand was on top. He smiled, ready to take the stage.
“Let’s give it our all and rock the place down!” Genichi shouted. “Let’s do this thing!”
“ArgoξOrchestra, standby!” The stage director called as everyone got to their places. Jyushi was front and center. He took a deep breath to calm the last of his nerves.
One minute.
He peeked through the curtain. There you were. Right in the front. He let out a breath of relief.
“Let’s do this.”
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veyzex · 7 years
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And here, it’s less black and white and more yellow for Jyushi.
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Hi, I haven’t posted in quite a bit or drawn properly in the past three or so weeks
Meanwhile, I’ve been sucked into a new fandom called Osomatsu-San
I read a really amazing fanfiction called ‘The Disappearance of Osomatsu San’ by aorinapollo, and decided to draw something
It has a tumblr too, @tdoos
This is the Monochrome Dreamland that appears in it. It’s not completely accurate since there are supposed to be more papers but,,,
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fics: "i’ll never be this happy again" + "ephemera"
Sidelines, a fanzine dedicated to Ososan’s side characters, has just been released!! I contributed two fics to the zine, each one centered around one of the girls! :)
i’ll never be this happy again
Rating: Mature (forced sex work, implied/reference sex/sexual abuse, suicidal thoughts, implied/referenced self-harm, basically everything depressing about Homura) Relationships: Jyushi/Homura  Characters: Homura, Jyushi, some scumbag of a manager  Summary: For the first time in years, Homura is happy.
Rating: Teens and Up (canon character death, i-want-to-be-human plot) Relationships: Chibita/Flower Fairy Characters: Flower Fairy (Shion), Chibita. Oso makes a cameo, as well as a random florist.  Summary: The lifespan of a flower doesn’t last very long. The Flower Fairy is all too aware of this fact.
I hope you guys enjoy my works!! Please let me know what you think ;v;
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bingbong21 · 3 years
Pro fic writing strat: Don’t make Gentaro and Jyushi converse with each other. Or just don’t write Gentaro period. 
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I am sorry if someone already ask. Oh maybe I didn’t look hard enough, but do you have any ships or favorite bromance? I really like jakuramu, samaichi, samajyu, hifudo, and kuko/jyushi. And my favorite bromance is the Fling Posse and a Buster Bros.
Good choices! I’m not sure what you mean by a bromance, so I’ll go with close friendships for that. Because some people don’t like seeing certain ships and I don’t want to clog up ship tags with non-content, I put it under a cut. Open at your discretion.
Ships I like:
Ramuda / Jakurai is my OTP for Hypmic. I love the potential in their character dynamics for interesting interpretations and what they bring out in one another.
Hifumi / Doppo can bring warm, fuzzy feelings. There’s a lot of sweet fanart and fanfiction about this.
Gentarou / Dice doesn’t necessarily bring me joy, but it exists in the “yeah, that’s canon if canon had shipping involved” category for me like Hifumi / Doppo.
Sasara / Roshou is in that category too. It’s pretty cute.
Samatoki / Juuto doesn’t bring me joy either, but my dear friend and typesetter Cosmo ships it, so I look out for it. It’s a ship-in-law.
Ichirou / Kuukou is really cute.
Ichirou / Nemu is also cute.
Samatoki / Sasara amuses me. I like their interactions.
Otome / Ichijiku is, I think, one sided from Ichijiku’s end.
Ramuda / Dice has a lot of very nice fanart. A friend (the incredibly talented and sweet Nana) once brought up a concept for Ramuda / Dice which is unfortunately lost to the world in our Twitter DMs that revolutionized the way I approach this ship, hahaha.
To be honest, I’m fine with almost any ship. Outside of Ramuda / Jakurai, I don’t have particularly strong feelings about ships. I’ll go, “haha, that’s gay” when working on the manga because I have the maturity of a ten year old, but I don’t really think about them that much unless I see fan interactions. Fan art or fanfics are wonderful because you can see the individual’s love and attention for whatever it is they’re working on. That’s what I enjoy more than any ship - watching other people be happy and have a good time thinking about something they care for.
Friendships I especially like:
Anything in the above list but multiplied times ten. I tend to like platonic interactions more than romantic interactions.
ESPECIALLY Hifumi and Doppo. These two dudes have had each other’s backs for what, twenty-two years now? They’re best friends who live together and shape each other’s lives in mostly positive ways. This is the relationship IDEAL. Love this for them. Fuck yes!
I know I never write it because I am a sell-out used to writing romance, but purely platonic Ramuda and Jakurai is so fucking satisfying. Going on adventures together! Broadening each other’s horizons! Being comfortable enough with their bodies to do whatever the hell Ramuda is doing in every TDD panel Yes! Fuck yes!
destroying everything out of happiness Riou and Dice are such FUCKING GOOD BOYS with a super chill, no strings attached friendship that is nothing but supportive on both sides. YES!!
The Fling Posse friendship is IT. Constantly roasting one another, hanging out together and enjoying each other’s company, being the most ride or die bitches you’ll ever see, growing together - FUCK YES!
The entire Mad Comic Dialogue friend group is phenomenal. I love their banter and their willingness to mess around. This is the SHIT.
The Dirty Dawg’s friendship interactions are amazing too. On one end, you have the babysitters (Ichirou and Jakurai) who are bonding over coffee while on the other end, you have Ramuda taking immense delight in fucking with Samatoki at any given opportunity. We have a chapter about this to drop very soon, and I love it. It was a much-needed fleshing out of them. Delicious. Delightful. Thank you, Karasuduki-sensei.
Whatever the fuck Bad Ass Temple has going on is beyond incredible. Maybe it’s only because Kuukou is there (I really like Kuukou), but the dorkiness in Hitoya’s treatment of the two kids, Juushi opening up to them both, and Kuukou’s loudmouth attitude makes this good. So good.
Oh yeah, I think Nemu and Jirou could be really good friends. They had a cool interaction in the TDD manga. I’d be so down to see Nemu hanging out with the younger part of the cast and causing havoc.
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tsunflowers · 3 years
i dont ship matenrou i ship hifudo. and fling poly. thats what fling posse pt3 is called. and kuujyu. thats kuuko and jyushi. and samasasa (samatoki and sasara) and sasarosho (sasara and rosho) and my rare pair rosasama (sasara and rosho and samatoki). i also ship individual fling posse like ameyume (gentaro and ramuda) or gendice or ramudice or ramuda×gentaro. ramuda x ichiro js cute to but the age difference makes it kind of weird so i dont talk about it much. but maybe poly matenrou could be cute i didnt consider it really
this is just words to me bc I don't remember hypmic characters very well. but I remember fling posse being funny together from watching a few episodes of the anime
see that's how this happened, I watched some of the anime back when it came out and I never finished it but I liked the vibe between the three guys in matenrou. so I ended up reading some fanfiction about them and it's lived in my head rent-free all this time I guess
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pa-stella · 2 years
Hypmic Piercings&Tattoos Headcanons
Ichiro - He had thought of getting a tattoo when he was younger, but never actually got one. He got a piercing on his bellybutton after losing a bet with Kuuko.
Jiro - I can see him getting a septum because it's one of the easiest to hide, but then he forgot to flip it once and Ichiro found out. He got scolded, but that didn't stop him from getting his lip and eyebrow pierced... a few years later.
Saburo - He doesn't like tattoos and piercings, so he won't probably get neither.
Samatoki - You know that common headcanon of him having his back covered in ink? Yeah, that's it. Also, he deserves a tongue piercing.
Jyuto - He has at least a pierced nipple.
Rio - I've red a fanfiction or a post about him having a tattoo commemorating his troop... and I really like the idea.
Sasara - I don't know why, but I can see him with a thigh tattoo and hip piercings.
Rosho - He used to have a bridge piercing, but he took it out because it made him look even more scary (or so people said).
Rei - He had an almost invisible tattoos made of a few dots (6 in total) and he's the only one who knows what it represents.
Ramuda - A few cute pastel tattoos in various areas of his body. One on his rib features Bonbonribbon, Hello Kitty, Cinnamoroll and Badtz-Maru.
Gentaro - He once said he has a tattoo ispired by FP's Stella, but then said it was a lie.
Dice - Tongue and labret piercings made by a sketchy piercer. Not enough money to do anything else.
Jakurai - He likes them on other people.
Doppo - He used to have a few piercings, but he removed them when he started to work. He and Hifumi have a matching tattoo on the shoulderback. Doppo's is a simple rose.
Hifumi - He and Doppo have a matching tattoo on the shoulderback. Hifumi's is a small tigerlily.
Kuuko - Oh, boy. Tattoos on his back, chest and underboob area. Pierced nape, collarbone and bellybutton. I think he's the only character mad enough to have piercings in his... private parts. He also wanted to get his tongue split, but his father stopped him a few minutes before starting the procedure.
Jyushi - Anti-eyebrow, cheeks and corset piercings. At some point he got a small cute Amanda tattoo on his ankle. I also saw a few fanarts with Jyushi having a lower back tattoo (usually bat wings) and it could fit him too!
Hitoya - Both nipples pierced and a few old school tattos on his arms and legs.
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akkivee · 4 years
i drew a baby (15) hitoya for my bnha au and he’s adorable!!!! like i still kept the pompadour and his square jaw and high cheekbones (though not as defined lol) and i’m just proud he really looks like what hitoya could have looked like at 15 😃😃😃
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