best24news · 2 years
Rewari Crime: युवती गायब, पडोसी युवक पर अपहरण का आरोप
Rewari Crime: युवती गायब, पडोसी युवक पर अपहरण का आरोप
धारूहेडा: कस्बे से करीब 19 वर्षीय युवती गायब हो गई। युवती ने पिता ने पडोस के युवक पर अपहरण का आरोप लगाया है। पुलिस को दी शिकायत में धारूहेड़ा निवासी एक व्यक्ति ने कहा कि उनकी 19 वर्षीय बेटी 30 जुलाई को घर से गई थी, लेकिन वापस नहीं लौटी। Haryana Crime: हत्यारा सैनिक 30 साल बाद काबू युवती के वापस नहीं लौटने पर उन्होंने सभी संभावित स्थानों पर तलाश की, लेकिन कुछ पता नहीं लगाया। उन्होंने अजय नाम के…
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ankitasagaruniverse · 4 years
मुजफ्फरपुर से अगवा छात्रा गुरुग्राम से बरामद, मोबाइल लोकेशन से हुआ खुलासा
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मुजफ्फरपुर: मुजफ्फरपुर के दिघरा कांड में अगवा नाबालिग छात्रा गुरुग्राम से बरामद डकैती का नाटक रचा गया। छात्रा अपने मर्जी से पहले ही चली गयी थी। गहना रुपया तक चोरी की बात झूठी निकली। बिना सोचे समझे इसे रंग दिया जा रहा है। सरकार और प्रशासन को यह घटना फजीहत करा रही थी। आखिर इस फजीहत का गुनाहगार कौन ?
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vocalreaper · 2 years
✗ "Taste the sins of hell, the blood that I so crave. The last thing that you see, is the hunger in my eyes."
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"The Reaper leaves darkness on everything touching his Skin. A long road was left behind, rotten corpses stick to his feets, like zombies grabbing him down to hell, there is no good, there wont be a heaven and the road will never stop breathing fire in his eyes"
Name: Vayle A. Noctis
Age: 26 Years, forever
Informations: On his 26th birthday, Vayle was kidnepped, tortured and sacrificed while he was on tour with his Rockband. His band-members and friends believed in the devil and offered him Vayle for a more prosperous life, but they could'nt know what would happen, when you play with a curse. Death appeared right before their bright eyes, looking down at the group of boys, feeling pity in his chest for the bleeding, dying boy, screaming in pain to end his pain. And Death granted his wish. He took his life, took the light from his eyes, broke his bones and ripped of his chest, where he replaced Vayles heart with his own. To give Vayle all he had and ever will. Soon Vayle had to accept. To accept, that the Scythe in his hand needs flesh and blood to breathe.
Vayle formed a new band, as the lead-singer, he lures his fans backstage after his concerts, just to watch the light fade from their eyes. I think Death Metal has a new meaning with me now, hahahaha.
Hight: 1.88 m
Species: The new Grim-Reaper, Ex-Human
Languages: Deutsch, English
Smoking Cigarettes and Heavy Metal - seems like a fucking pretty , endless life. But don't touch that Scythe, don't you wanna live?
─── oc informations: prefers to speak in german, always open to new conversations, don't be shy to leave a message, sometimes it can took a while for me to reply.
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gaaagarin · 5 years
Capitalism kills
In 100 years communist regimes mudrer 100 million people. That what trump administration publish on november seven of twenty seventeen where that number come from? what method was used to count it? they will not tell you. just as they will not tell you how many people capitalism killed in the same hundred years after get his independence from france,  vietnam split in two parts in the north was democratic republic of vietnam under control of communists and republic of vietnam in the south was declared despite of geneva agreement usa helped to saigons regime with military assisnatce and build on vietnam territory it's own military bases cause for the war was incendent with us navy ship close to vietnam shore the report stated that ship was attack by north vietnam navy later it turn out to be a fake story in result of military actions of us and their allies on vietnam was thrown six million seven hundred twenty seven thousands bombsand as result of constant spraying of agent orange three million people suffer about five hundred thouthend children was born with genetic defects in the time of military actions was killed more than one million vietkong soldiers who fight against us army and army of south vietnam also was killed more than two million civillians in south and north vietnam in laos and cambojia this war become symbol of cinycism and barbarity of usa in foriegn politics recieved a hard fight back in vietnam US government transfer to new tactics of pointed strikes trying to get rid of leaders they don't like, and install the people they can trust this way bypassing direct military invasion biggest example of such tactics become , condor operation condor operation was campain pointed on extermination of political opposition, mainly against communists and socialists in some countrys of south america in 1970's and 1980's was made by dictatorship regimes of chili argentina uruguay brazil paraguay bolivia with help from US intellegence intellegence agencys of this countrys was coordinate to commit  kidnepping tourchure and executions opposition forces without any trial victims was politics diplomats and activists in total by different estimations victims of that terror was from fourty to sixty thousand of people Alfredo Stroessner Matiauda while being chief commander of armed forces made a military coup and create regime of military dictatorship this dictator commit in his country huge repressions in jails and camps was about of quater of whole population create actions for deportation and extermination of native population in time of genocide he made, guarany tribe was reduced from half of a million, down to only thirty thousands with stroessner in charge paraguay becomes a base for condor operation number of military invasions by usa during the last 50 years are pretty high it's iraq, iran. indonesia, yugoslavia lybia after the world war two US government organised more than thirty military campains and in past 100 years was part of fifty seven military conflicts but if we reduce this history about victims of capitalism only to those of usa, it would be wrong. first and second world wars wass clearly produced by capitalism those started not because of human nature, or actions of communists they was created by deep economical crises crisis and overall collapse of economical system made war for shperes of ineterset inevitable just like crisis of 2008 and it's consequence that we still can feel lead to huge confrontation of the world stage so as crises of the begining of twentyth century lead to first  and second world war direct victims of the first world war , was more than ten million of military personnel and twelve millions of civillians on the last year of the first world war,  Spanish flu epidemic erupts and war helped epidemy grow even bigger. with bad conditions food  shortage refugee camps situation and other spanish flue victims rate estimated at 50 million people second world war was even worse. only direct losses in military and civillians more than seventy one million of people number of people who died from hard conditions lack of food and other reasons, simply could not be counted and even here our story not finished because you can kill people not only with bullet. for example in russia during the period of 1990's as a result of economical reforms in addition to natural population decline 9 million man was lost and three and a half million of woman and International Monetary Fund is simply a tool for economical murder. most part of loans given by IMF to yugoslavia  in 1980's went for payouts same debt and execution of regulations  given by the same IMF Fund make yugoslavia stop economical alignment of regions which lead to separatism and further civil war that take away lifes of 600 thousands of people in 1989 IMF rprovide Ruanda with loan on conditions that government will stop provide help to farmers when in many developed countrys of the world this help is absolute norm, including usa and will made devalvation of local currency, which lead to downfall of income for people and create bloody civil war between hutu and tutsi which claim more than one and a half million people capitalism kills. and as political and economical formation, did it every day. every minute most of victims dying from hunger, ilness and lack of safety in the work place the number is hard to count. but one is for sure we need to transfer towards socislism as fast as we can we need to put interest of society infront of the interest of financial elites and faster we will do it, more lifes we will save. https://youtu.be/gwdOgJriKp8
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rinarovaa · 5 years
headcanon time
I realized something about moment in the attic from 1 eps (first scene with four of them).
Harry was whitelighter 60 years and sometimes had deal with new witches and uncontrolled powers. He didn't know which powers sisters have. He was prepared for everything. Remember globe and lamp? And that the Charmed ones! And he didn't know how much they powers was. And he tied them cos he was so TERRIFIED of them 😂 He was nervous and trying to be friendly, but inside he was AAAAAAA 😂
And he kidnapped them cos Mel hated him, Maggie was with Lucy all the time, and Macy wouldn't believe him and wouldn't go anywhere with him. Sisters fighted and don't believe each other. There is literally no way that they can be together in one room and listening him. Or he can kidnepping them... Harry was despaired 😂
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best24news · 2 years
Rewari Crime: कोसली में साले का अपहण, व्यापारी से मांगी 9 लाख की फिरोती-best24new
कोसली: कस्बा कोसली से एक प्लाईवुड व्यापारी के साले का अपहरण हो गया है। बदमाशा अपहरण करने वाले उसकी वरना गाड़ी भी अपने साथ ले गए। इतना ही बदमाशो ने रात 11 बजे फोन करके व्यापारी से साले को छोड़ने की ऐवज में 9 लाख रुपए की मांगें। पैसा नही देने पर अंजाम भुगतने की चेतावनी दी। ट्रेनो में चोर गिरोह सक्रिय, यात्री का मोबाइल चोरी पुलिस के अनुसार गांव कान्हड़वास निवासी राजबीर ने कोसली में ही प्वाईवुड का शोरूम…
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best24news · 2 years
Crime News: आखिर कहां गया मैटल व्यापरी, अपहरण या लापता, दो राज्यो की पुलिस छान रही खाख
Crime News: आखिर कहां गया मैटल व्यापरी, अपहरण या लापता, दो राज्यो की पुलिस छान रही खाख
अलवर/ रेवाडी : अलवर निवासी मैटल व्यापारी का पांच दिन बीतने के बावजूद कोई सुराग नहीं लग पाया है। जांच के लिए राजस्थान पुलिस ने रेवाडी व मानेसर में कई जगहों पर सीसीटीवी कैमरे भी खंगाले ��े। यहां मिली अखिरी लोकेशन: व्यापारी की आखिरी लोकेशन गुरुग्राम के बिलासपुर में मिली है। हालांकि परिवार वालो ने रेवाड़ी के दो लोगों पर अपहरण का आरोप भी लगाया है। व्यापारी के परिजनो ने पुलिस अधीक्षक राजेश कुमार से भी…
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best24news · 2 years
Rewari Crime: अपहरण करके नकदी व ATM छीनने वाले तीन युवक काबू-Best24news
Rewari Crime: अपहरण करके नकदी व ATM छीनने वाले तीन युवक काबू-Best24news
प्रयोग की गई मोटरसाइकिल तथा छीने गए 3500 रुपए किए बरामद रेवाडी: थाना पुलिस ने युवक का अपहरण करके मारपीट करने तथा रुपए छीनने के मामले में तीन आरोपियों को काबू किया है। गिरफ्तार किए गए आरोपियों की पहचान हुसैनपुर निवासी सतपाल उर्फ लल्लु व त्रिलोक तथा मालाहेडा निवासी अरुण के रुप में हुई है। पुलिस ने आरोपियों के कब्जे से वारदात में प्रयोग की गई मोटरसाइकिल तथा छीने गए 3500 रुपए बरामद कर लिए हैं। Rewari…
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best24news · 2 years
Rewari crime: कोसली में अपहरण कर फिरोती मांगने वाले 24 धंटे में दबोचे-Best24news
Best24news, Rewari:  कोसली में प्लाईवुड व्यापारी के साले को अपहरण करके फिरोती मांगने वाले 4 बदमाशों को काबू कर लिया है। 24 घंटे के दौरान ही पुलिस ने गुत्थी सुलझा दी है। कोसली के गांव कान्हड़वास निवासी प्लाईवुड व्यापारी राजबीर के साले बलवान को बदमाशों ने गैराज में अपनी गाड़ी लेने जाते समय अगवा कर लिया था। बदमाश एक गाड़ी में आए और बलवान को किडनैप करने के बाद उसकी गाड़ी भी अपने साथ ले गए। बाद में…
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best24news · 2 years
Rewari Crime: अपहरण करके , बंधक बनाकर जान लेवा हमला करने वाले काबू
Rewari Crime: अपहरण करके , बंधक बनाकर जान लेवा हमला करने वाले काबू
वारदात में प्रयोग की गई दो मोटरसाइकिल व दो लोहे की रॉड की बरामद कोसली: पुलिस ने युवक का अपहरण करके मारपीट करने वाले दो युवको को काबू किया है। आरोपियों की पहचान गांव नेहरूगढ़ निवासी हितेश व भोलू उर्फ संदीप के रूप में हुई है।   Rewari Crime: 322 ग्राम गांजा के साथ एक युवक काबूपुलिस मामले में दो आरोपियों गांव नेहरूगढ निवासी सोनू तथा नाहड निवासी रविन्द्र को पहले गिरफ्तार कर चुकी है। पुलिस ने आरोपियों…
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best24news · 2 years
Rewari crime: शराब पिलाकर अपहरण करने व मारपीट करने वाला काबू
Rewari crime: शराब पिलाकर अपहरण करने व मारपीट करने वाला काबू
वारदात में प्रयोग की गई मोटरसाइकिल व एक लोहे की रॉड की बरामद कोसली: स्थानीय पुलिस ने युवक का अपहरण करके मारपीट करने वाले एक आरोपी को गिरफ्तार किया है। आरोपी की पहचान नेहरूगढ निवासी सोनू के रूप में हुई है। पुलिस ने आरोपी से वारदात में प्रयोग की गई एक मोटरसाइकिल व एक लोहे की रॉड बरामद की है। एएसआई सुरेश कुमार ने बताया कि नाहड निवासी प्रवीन शर्मा ने बताया कि 09 मई को समय 9 बजे शाम रवीन्द्र पुत्र…
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