wonderloste · 7 months
i'm engaged to one of my tumblr rp partners and another tumblr rper is coming to crash on my couch for 2 weeks for a small personal visit i am truly the tumblr rp hallmark movie of our time
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turnsorrow · 2 years
what xiv blogs do you really awnna see?
I, biased, am constantly on my hands & knees crying begging screaming for more Leveilleur family content. Alphinaud, Fourchenault, Ameliance, Louisoix!!! Table hitting noises, I want more active lev family blogs SO BAD CONSTANTLY KEJRNMHKJNM. I have a bias.
I love WoL blogs bc I like seeing everyone’s interpretations of the WoL, every one is so different and it’s a nice way for ppl to ride the OC-Canon line and benefit. 😎
Less generally : Meteion / Endsinger, for sure. Underrated potential there. The MANDERVILLE CHARACTERS 😭😭 Hildi and Nashu are underappreciated in the rpc they’re such a himbo/bimbo endgame power couple pls kjnermhkjm. Ardbert, there’s a lack of Arby’s love.
The Alliance leaders are fun and rare muses to see around. Merlwyb <4
Gaia / Ryne. Ppl close to Alisaie’s age. :tear:
honestly tho non-scions / non-unsundered characters in general. not bc i don’t love them (i do) but bc i feel like there are a lot of rlly fun npcs in xiv that could be explored that are untapped 🥺 esp side characters, there are such good side characters in this game. it has been 84 years and edda still lives in my head rent free KNJERKHNM
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wonderloste · 8 months
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Zarina vc: Sorry, darling, I'm not stupid and my giving love language is physical touch and words of affirmation... but if you mean if I'm ok with gift giving from you, I totally am. u_u
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"i'll forgive you the blessing of having more than two brain cells, zarina. the gifting, well... i can manage that just fine on my own." he'd hardly complain where love is spared in words and touch over wrapping and bow : all of it combined between the two of them, after all, is quite sweet. how wonderful of her, to forgive his darkest demons. perhaps it's the familiarity in their similarly icy souls.
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