#KPLU Studio Sessions
riffsstrides · 7 years
Christian McBride Trio - Fried Pies 
The Christian McBride Trio includes: Christian McBride (bass), Christian Sands (piano), and Ulysses Owens, Jr. (drums).
KPLU Studio Sessions
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OngHwang Soulmate!AU (Part 2)
When it was finally the first day of filming for the Produce 101, Ong Seongwoo was nervous but excited to show the world the potential he has and also to meet other trainees as well. He knew there were gonna be already debuted idols as well through the news and although he was nervous, he was ready to make the world remember his name.
But he didn’t know why he felt all the butterflies (and probably a whole Safari) in his stomach when he met eyes with Hwang Minhyun among the crowds. He tried to brush it off as him being star struck by Hwang Minhyun’s visual because Hwang Minhyun is indeed handsome. He reminded himself that 1. he is in a competition, 2. he has a soulmate he hasn’t even met yet and 3. now it’s not the best time to fanboy over Hwang Minhyun and get distracted from his visuals.
'Why are they here? Is it because Pledis doesn't want to invest in them anymore? ,' one of the trainees infront of Seongwoo said. Seongwoo frowned, not liking that guy already but he choose not to comment because well he didn't want to bring any unnecessary attention to him, not especially when it was the first filming anyway. Seongwoo tried to remember that guy though, and thought to himself that he would never want to be in the same group with that guy.
The first time they actually talked was when they filmed for the Nayana dance video for the re-evaluation session. Seongwoo himself did quiet well for the dance video while Minhyun messed up the dance moves.
‘More like he didn’t bother to try,’ Seongwoo corrected his own thoughts because he was monitoring when Minhyun was filming. He knew Minhyun was capable of more than that, being in the entertainment industry for years and all. He knew Minhyun was feeling intimidated by the new changes although Minhyun has been putting up a front and made everyone think he didn’t give any fuck about being in this competition. ( ‘rebelling the company? ,’ Seongwoo guessed).
When they were told to leave the room so that another batch of trainees could film, Seongwoo touched Minhyun’s shoulder to catch his attention.
‘Hey, do you wanna practise together for the M countdown stage?’
Seongwoo half expected Minhyun to say no and walked over to Nuest members instead so he wasn’t prepared when Minhyun stared at him and slowly asked, ‘You are Ong Seongwoo, right?’
‘You know my name?’
‘Well, it’s not easy to find someone with a surname like you. ‘ Minhyun smiled and Ong Seongwoo almost forgot what he was actually supposed to say.
‘So, you want to practise with me? I mean I know you prefer to practise with your group members but since we are same age and all, I was just wondering if you would like to?’
Hwang Minhyun stares at him for a few seconds and then he finally said, ‘Since you nailed the moves, sure why not?’
What Seongwoo didn't know at that time though was that Minhyun had been keeping an eye on Seongwoo since the day-1 as well. Minhyun remembered rows of judging eyes when they first stepped into the studio. He had expected it so it was not surprising to him. What he didn't expect was a pair of eyes looking at him with just sheer curiousity, something similar to the normal reaction he usually got from his fans and that surprised him.
When it was that person's turn to perform, Minhyun told himself to remember Ong Seongwoo because if he wants to remain sane in this competition, he would need someone to trust outside of his groupmates. And it was actually a bonus that this Ong Seongwoo guy is talented as well.
Minhyun was releived when Daehwi called out his name to be the next person to pick the team. He quickly scanned the room and tried to come up with a game plan.
First choice? Easy, it's Jonghyun.
Second, Kim Jaehwan. He liked that individual trainee with really nice vocals so he even called him out to the team first.
Then he picked Kang Daniel because he is from A class and also his pink hair definitely attracted attention.
Fourth, he needed some trainees with good physique and stan attractors quality for votes, so he picked Kwon Hyunbin from YG Kplus.
As he was thinking for the last member, that same pair of eyes from the day-1 caught his eyes and he knew his team was set.
'Ong Seongwoo from Fantagio'
Seongwoo couldn't sleep. Tomorrow will be the finale of the show and the excitements, nervousness and expectations came rushing to his mind all at once. The dorm sounded so quiet with only 20 of them left and he could hear others tossing and turning on their beds as well.
'Can't sleep?,' came a voice he knew too well and Seongwoo replied, 'Yeah, guess you cannot sleep too, Minhyun ah?'
'I am nervous. What if we don't make it to the final line up tomorrow?'
Seongwoo sat up on his bed and tried to catch Minhyun's eyes in the dark.
'We will, don't worry. The public likes you, Minhyun.' he assured Minhyun.
'I wish I am as confident as you, Ong Seongwoo.' Minhyun looked up from where he was lying and smiled at Seongwoo.
Seongwoo wanted to tell Minhyun that his smiles remind him of the flowers blooming after the last snow of winter melted and that it would be a great loss to the future fans of the final group if they didn't get to see this smile often.
Instead Seongwoo just said, 'That's what I am here for, isn't it?'
'No.14, Pledis' Kim Jonghyun'
Minhyun couldn't believe it. A few minutes ago, he was so happy that he finally made it into the final line up and that he was debuting again. He was hoping that either Jonghyun or Dongho would come up to the seats and joined him because he knew the possibility of all 4 of them making into the group was highly unlikely. He was even more happy when Seongwoo came up and hugged him while shouting 'WE ARE DEBUTING!!'
But, Jonghyun? 14th place? Minhyun felt like everything around him stopped and it was as if his world came crushing down at that moment. They were supposed to debut together, everything was in their favor till the last ranking. How is he supposed to debut with another team while his members were not with him? Minhyun couldn't think and started to break down into tears. He felt hopeless despite that being in the final line up was what he wanted. He couldn't stop crying even the main cameras turned off and they moved to the backstage.
Everyone around him were telling him that it's okay but he couldn't bring himself to believe in those words.
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