#Kaisoo stable relationship
aphrodite1288 · 9 months
I'm just wondering what will the dandanies and the hater arigoms do if they ever get to know that KAISOO are happily together in a stable relationship for 13 years now?
I really am genuinely Wondering!
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devertiwrites · 8 months
Recently on the discord I was asked if I'd ever write Larry, and I said no. So they asked me if it is because I didn't want to write rpf, but that really isnt a problem to me. I wouldn't want to write Larry bc I don't think that they have such... interesting dynamic, I dont see that much appeal in them, and I don't think that there is anything interesting going on between them (tho plenty of writers make them work).
But it just made me think about the rpf pairings I would be willing to write about, and I realized that I didnt see the appeal in plenty of popular pairings, such as:
(Heavily exo-based list as I'm an exo fan)
Kaisoo. I honestly dont think that they work together at all, I dont see it. They are too different and not in a complimentary way. I think it is just that Jongin adores Kyungsoo, and that's the only basis for this pairing. Imo, the reason why Kai adores him is bc he is so insecure, and so he latches onto Kyungsoo, needing this stable and mature hyung, but I don't think that Jongin sees Kyungsoo all that well from beyond that, he only sees Kyungsoo's calmness, but doesn't see other aspects of Kyungsoo's character (his playfulness, his drive that comes from his competitiveness) and I think that Kyungsoo feels that Jongin is placing too much weight on him, and kind of tries to diffuse that misplaced adoration. They honestly have this common for introvert+extrovert thing in which the extrovert views introvert's calmness as some kind of higher plane existence, and tries to make a guru out of a person who just likes some quiet.
Hunhan. Most older brother-younger brother dynamic ever. And not in a sexy way.
Chanbaek. First, I just find Baekhyun annoying, but second oh wow two beagles together, how is it sexy? Like these two are friends, regular schmegular friends with barely anything interesting going on for them (some friendships are interesting and have lots going on, but this is not the case)
Xiuhan. They're just cute (individually), they have no chemistry beyond that (except for the fact that they are mature, certainly more mature than they seem, but like, they are working, you can tell, it is two adults who were given an assignment to sell this pairing and they sell it, but like they're co-workers, who, hell, even respect each other bc they're surrounded by kids, but thats it for them irl), mb luhan is latching a but more, but I think that he is just friendly like that, he gets attached more easily.
So I think that in terms of popular ships, you get this idea that they are just manufactured, and they are shoved into fan base's throat, but in true they don't really work, these are not people who would be attracted to each other. I think that's the reason why so often they're just visual/most popular member+, like they are made in a lab, and it is a botched hurried job.
That being said there are some rpf pairings I like, and mb could write them sometime:
SuHan. But really, their relationship was captured so beautifully by curledupkitten in "Rust and Stardust" that I feel like there's nothing else to do here. They do have this slightly pedophilic angle to them, like you definitely get the sense that Junmyeon raised Sehun, and yet this only adds the guilt to the attraction, tensing everything.
SuChen. Kind person+kind person is undervalued sort of pairing imo. It is interesting and it is touching, and yet those two are different enough that its not like they're mirrors, or that there is no place for miscommunication or misunderstanding between them, its not like they would be able to read another, they both kind of can dismiss the care from another as like - well, he is kind, but irl u def get the sense that they look after each other, recognise the goodness in one another. Junmyeon who is responsible and anxious needs to have people in his care, and Jongdae is secure enough that he would allow this without guilt or shame, plus he is slightly reckless, so he does need someone to help him with the fine details in life. And Junmyeon definitely needs some laughter and fun in his life. Plus I think they're both deeper than they seem (a usual case with kind people), like Jongdae is that religious bc he looks out into the world, sees pain in it, and decided that he would then be very kind to everyone, it's not just the matter of his good-hearted nature, so I think that he'd be able to meet Junmyeon's angst.
Mino/Jinwoo from Winner. Honestly, they're IT for me in terms of rpf couples. They have imo most interesting dynamic ever. Like there is dangerous bad boy Mino who is so gentle with sensitive sensitive Jinwoo. And Jinwoo, who seemingly is so paralyzingly insecure has some bite to him, like he isn't above manipulation, and he knows exactly what his strength/weaknesses are and how to play them (like how he weaponizes his face card, how he stayed in YG for so long), so you get this sense that the reason why Jinwoo is so often protected by Mino, isnt just Mino extending his shield towards him, but rather that Jinwoo wants it that way, he wants Mino near him, he barely lets other Winner members protect him like that, immediately puts distance even tho, all his Winner mates are half in love with the beautiful hyung, and are all protective of him (less on Taehyun part, but that's bc they have the greatest age gap), Jinwoo isn't above playing this weaker character that needs protection. And also, how Mino, despite his persona, is such a goofy and kind person, but, let's be real, not that gullible at all not to see through Jinwoo's mask, but remaining willing to play along. And so they have this external almost heteronormative performance with them (Mino the tough protective man, Jinwoo the beautiful sensitive woman), but if u dig a bit deeper, then you sense how much Jinwoo is willing to put up a performance of him playing this feminine role all to calm Mino down - like hey, you're the man here, so its not gay right, I'm prettier than girls, don't you think it is natural then for you to think I'm pretty, and to protect me, and considering this manipulation, you realize that Jinwoo is less passive in this thing than you think, mb even less helpless, that in fact he might be more dangerous than Mino, but I think that this inverted power play might actually be arousing+interesting for Mino, bc Mino is all about power, and in true he might be interested not only in that performative play, but also is fascinated by the deeper, hidden power play he and Jinwoo play.
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soofection · 5 years
I left Tumblr for exactly 1 hour and I am here back to hear yall talking about kaisoo being breaking up and all that shit, for god sake would two fuckin grown ass men Break up just because of a fucking military service?
AND given that they are in a 7+ years stable relationship.
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7th sense (open your eyes)
I think and i do believe that one of the reasons why most people are reluctant to believe in kaisoo is because their relationship is too good and great to be true or real. Imagine having someone, staying in love with them for almost a decade, knowing that you met the other during your youth. Damn, even i would feel jealous about their relationship. It was as if youre denying to accept that they are really dating just because you think it is impossible for a couple, a homosexual one at that to be strong and stable in an industry that is prejudiced and manipulative. Im just glad that they have each other amidst the toxicity and angst their career may bring them. Even if they shared how much they like working as an artist, i know they know the other side of entertainment and are willing to survive and at the same time prosper their reputation there.
They have stable, supportive, and very healthy relationship. The way they treat each other, respect and believe in each other's capabilities. The way they understand what the other want even with just the glimpse of their eyes. All i can say is they really fit each other so well. Like it is fate, as what jongin had said.
They already come a long way. And i would like to see how much more can they love each other.
Fall in love with the dynamics of kaisoo from the way they show and express their love to one another.
Stay in love with them amidst the drama, angst, and lies that are happening.
And in the end of those, everything will be okay. After all, love always wins and truth will always prevails.
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kurou3gi-blog · 5 years
Idk if it's just me I been feeling like kaisoo needs to take a vacation for a while a way from work with each other that probably would help their already stable relationship
Who knows? Maybe they already had a trip while we had shooting with the rubbish mouth guys XD If you don’t mind their destiny place are at sk only not cebu or New York XD
Tbh the latest pic set of ji’s travel trip that he sat at the somewhere bar made me think of he want us to know that he didn’t go with someone like someone think. But who and why?
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dyolulume · 7 years
I cant with the mindset of some kaisoo shippers who is so quick to doubt kd just because jgin/ksoo even smile to other people. Let them smile or interact with whoever they feel want to. They are normal human who need social interaction with others. The world just dont revolves around them alone. They need friend, family, college and stranger to keep living. So wtf with they cant even smile or stare at someone else other than them? And stop with they dont interact anymore so lets all doubt their relationship. Kids. They are adult and professional. They know how to differentiate work and personal. They dont need to prove to all of us they have stable bond between them. As a lover or friend. Just because they dont cling to each other on stage, doesnt mean anything. Thats just mean they put some barrier between them on stage and if they think this is right atm, so its okay. We gotta learn to respect them honey. Adios.
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inhibitme · 7 years
EXO’s Types of Relationships
Included OT12 cause you know
1.Baekyeol (You knew it would be here)
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The opposite bestfriend relationship
A lot of people are often intimated by Chanyeol’s out there personality
But not Baekhyun
He’s intrigued by it
Baekhyun’s outgoing but to an extent
Which Chanyeol likes because he gets to be the one to show him something new
2. Sesoo My children
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The “Open” relationship
No, not like polygamy
Like easy access
“Don’t ask a question you’re not willing to answer yourself.”
These two have a mutual understanding of each other
Kyungsoo is very bad at expressing his feelings and Sehun has walls set up around him
Which is why there is no pressure
3.Taoris cries in otp
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The “understanding” relationship
People generally just go along with Tao rather “bratty” attitude
So Tao’s used to getting his way
But not with Kris
Which he didn’t really like at first
Kris isn’t the type to give up easily
Especially not with Tao
Because he admittedly likes his attitude
But he could easily call his bluff
“I’ll leave!”
“No you won’t.”
It’s okay though because though he’d never admit it. Tao likes that someone could stop him
4. Sulay
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The “Trust Fall” relationship
Suho has trust issues(I’m willingly to bet everything on that)
So he’s not all that stable
Lay’s presence alone is enough to keep him steady
Sometimes Lay can’t always be right by him
Which scares Suho
And it might even make him go under
But it’s okay because Lay would willingly drop everything to bring him back to the surface
5.Hunhan (don’t act surprised)
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The “I hate you, don’t leave me” relationship
*BTS’ house of cards starts to play*
These two are so similar it’s dangerous
Sehun has trust issues (It runs in the family)
Which makes it a little hard for Luhan
Sehun knows that too but he doesn’t know how to tell him, that all he wants is Luhan’s attention
Because there’s something so pulling about Luhan that makes him freeze
6. Kaisoo OTP for life
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The “No Word Needed” relationship
Eyes lock and they know what each other want
They’re the quite kind of love
Light touches, short glances and soft smiles
It works because Jongin doesn’t like to share what’s his
And Kyungsoo likes to feel secure
Jongin gives Kyungsoo a feeling he’s never felt before
He doesn’t mind though because he kinda likes it
And Jongin knows too
7.XiuChen That otp material though
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“The” relationship
Because they’re what everyone hopes to get out of their relationship
A friend
They know each other
Deeper than favorite colors or birthdays
Their biggest fear
Or how their feeling without even seeing them
They are the connection
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
You said you didn’t have news from your sources yet you said some days ago that they were so stable…
Yes from what we saw and analyzed. If they're not okay we would see it on Ji's face during his lives or he would disappear completely ( like how he did in kaistal era or Jenkai era or when he broke his leg and couldn't perform or when Soo enlisted) and he wouldn't be happy and cheerful during his lives where he was only laughing and being cheerful and genuinely showing us his house and disappearing for a long ass period when Ksoo was discharged. 💁🏻‍���️
I mean if you fought with just your bestie or a dear family member, people would notice ! That you are not okay and something is going on?🤷🏻‍♀️ And they would ask you if everything is okay! Let alone when you fight with your other half your partner your lover the love of your life! Do you think you could be experiencing a breakup after an amazing 10 years relationship then do tons of lives where you are genuinely happy and always cheerful and laughing all the time telling fans to be happy coz you're happy! And swearing that you're happy and genuinely satisfied with your life when your fans keep pestering you with "Are you happy?" questions??
Ji is an open book he is very easy to read, when he is not okay you would know it no matter how much the show or the IG Live are scripted and manipulated and no matter how hard he tired to hide it, he can't! We know he is a terrible liar and terrible at hiding his feelings. On the other hand ksoo and other members are better in hiding their distress but not always, Chanyeol is also the type to be easily seen through! He is so transparent.
So of Ji was in a difficult period after breaking up with the love of his life with whom he spent his best 10 years of his youth,...do you think he would do tons of lives and be overly active and all happy and cheerful especially when Soo got discharged?? During that period he was the happiest and he even disappeared for along time when Soo got discharged 1 month earlier than his actual date of discharge in January 25th, and after that Ji came back as healthy and happy and ever! He was happy even before Ksoo's enlistment thats when all fans were all so suddenly amazed at how happy and cheerful he became, coz he knew his Bae would be discharged soon and I'm sure Ksoo was with him during his promotions supporting him, thats what explained his happiness, both his Solo debut and his Jagi coming back and supporting him during his promotions in December. He even kept telling fans that what matters is happiness and that he is so happy recently and wants them to be happy with him! And he was genuinely reminding and repeating to fans on his lysn bubble and IG lives that he is extremely happy these days, even in his Solo Promotions he wrote in his signed albums messages to fans asking them to be happy like how he is extremely happy! Coz Ksoo got discharged earlier in December becoz of Corona new rules and spent his one month vacation with his family and I'm sure he spent it with Ji coz that was the period when Ji suddenly disappeared even tho his album was just out still he took his time with Soo in the middle of his promotions period, I'm sure he scheduled for his promotions to end before Ksoo's discharge to be Able to spend time with him . Many days after he came back as happy as ever!
And if we come to compare this late 2020 and early 2021 with the second half of 2019 and the whole 2020 year til before his album release, we were able to see how Ji was sad and not the cheerful boy he is now, in his lives he was often off and always hangs out with his squad and do IG lives with them to cheer up! Let's not forget Ji disappeared for two months after Ksoo's enlistment and if it weren't for SupeM debut that he was forced to appear again to promote for the debut, I'm sure he wouldn't have appeared on SNS. We all know the drama that happened btw him and Soo in 2019 bcoz of Ksoo's sudden enlistment that he didn't discuss with him nor with the members not even with the company, and the members confirmed that when they said Ksoo came to them all of a sudden and said he was enlisting as if he said he was going out for a café with some friends and coming back later. Baek said that.
I recommend you to go read the ksoo enlistment post.
So he seemed cheerful since Ksoo got discharged as I said above and now we got to See kaisoo happy and all lovey-dovey so we assumed their relationship is stable. Coz no one would be all happy and touchy with his Ex that he loved for 10 years and just broke up with! If they broke up or had problems in their relationship we would notice it on Ji! Coz it's impossible for him to just forget a 10 years relationship in a span of few weeks and be all fine and cool with the breakup and be extremely and genuinely happy in his IG lives, while assuring and promising EXOL that he is fine and extremely happy recently when they kept pestering him with the question "Are you really happy?" I knew it wasn't scripted coz he REALLY REALLY looked happy! Like genuinely happy.
No one can get over a 10years relationship easily in a matter of few months and be all cheerful and happy. So they were stable, we assumed.
Sometimes we don't need to be told things if we can just analyse with our eyes and logic. If we gather the info that we're sure about in the past! Which we saw evidence of! Which is that kaisoo ARE LOVERS. It wouldn't be hard to assume the present. What we can't predict is the future and we clarified that in our latest Q&A.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
So today we got the news of Kyungsoo and Park Shin Hye ( she is in a stable relationship btw) went golfing with some friends (from the drama maybe) while Op said that Ksoo just went with her ⛳ he didn't know how to golf,
BUT ur telling me.. IN A SPAN OF 10 YEARS we never EVER got ONE pic of kaisoo going out for a meal as friends/Bros/Bandmates NOT EVEN ONCE (we don't count the 2015 valentine date) when Ji went eating out with everybody from the industry and every member of the Eksoz but NEVER FOR ONCE WITH KSOO?? HIS FAVORITE HYUNG? WHOM HE LOVES THE MOST?
I go out eating with my workmates that I've met for few weeks, it's impossible not to go out with your favorite BROTHER/BESTFRIEND in a span of 10 years! Not EVEN ONE PIC or RUMOUR about them hanging out.
Please don't tell me this is normal.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
I am new kaisoo shipper. I read all theory and analysis about kaisoo in Tumblr. Now I am curious about their overall relationship right now. So much happened to them in last 9 years. Are they okay? How are they doing right now? Sorry for my bad English.
They're so fine. And so stable. And your English is so good.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
at some point will you give us kaisoo tea?
I'm dying, I miss them :(
Haven't I spilled enough Tea ? 🍵
Also i was scolded for sharing stuff. That's none of my capacity. Can't share much. The anons and sources make me promise them not to tell 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can't betray their trust.
Isn't "Kadi are in a very longterm stable relationship happily every after" enough?
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aphrodite1288 · 4 years
Do you have an idea on how KS feels watching K-ai being paired with so many girls? Like I know it’s for promotion, for marketing purposes etc but still, he was paired with a lot of women, doesn't that create jealousy or problems in their relationship? Sorry if you already talk about it but I really want to know how KS reacted whenever he discovered J-ongin was going to be paired with K & J + now paired with a trainee.
Disclaimer: " I don't live with Kadi to know everything but I have solid informatiom abt Ji's dating scandles that's why I'm only talking abt them, i don't know l any solid information abt any other moment of KAISOO being jealous except the one we saw on variety shows, concerts and clips on youtube)
Kaisoo are on a whole level. They ain't some highschoolers who have a crush on each other. They mature and they been together for 10years, that shit like promotions or schedule or kiss scenes with girls waver nothing in their STABLE relationship. They adult.
Ksoo didn't accept Kaistal well at first, cuz it was the first someone (i mean S/M) messes their relationship & deny it. They had some struggles but they made them stronger & more stable in their relationship.
I don't know about other moments but about Jen/kai ksoo didn't give a flying fuck , he knows Ji is his and that's why he had a fight with S/M (i already made a long post abt this). But Ji was Hella jelly abt Ksoo's kissing scene.
Please stream Jongin's Mv and buy tons of albums 💪🏿
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aphrodite1288 · 4 years
Please don't punish all kaisooists because of a rude one...Share your proofs with us so we can shut every het shipper or hater up...
A lot of the did go check my comments section. It's so sad. Some call me liar, some call me a fake. Some call me arrogant n that act superior. All of that cuz I shared Kaisoo content which I'm so sure of..all I can say..is..Love Kaisoo n support them. They're so stable in their relationship n they love each other a lot. It's just that Ji is not over Ksoo's departure n he is still not used to his absence in his life. His mental health is not ok with all the Sperm shit n his solo preparation n Soo's problems with SM n his sudden enlistment n hiding his relationship with soo n sasaengs n His father's death still has an effect on him. He is not ok emotionally n mentally. But he is attending regularly his psychological lessons with his doctor for this. He is so not used to Ksoo being absent in his life, u can see how Ji Only has a small circle of friends which he never crosses it (Moon/kyu+Ra/vi+-Taemin) n Ksoo. Ji is so loyal n trustful. N SOO Trusts him so much cuz he knows he has a all circle of friends.
U can say Ji is the dependent partnerin their relationship. He needs some 🥛. A baby indeed.
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soofection · 5 years
Does the family of Ks and ji accept this relationship. Or there is someone who is against.
to be honest, when I get these questions, do yall think i am a prediction blog? an insider? a sassaeng? or what am I to you all?
i would love to know, but I don’t know. 
What I know is, ji’s family has always been more open minded / at least less conservative than ks’ family. Ji mentioned a few times in interview (please find them yourselves) that his family is always supportive of whatever he does, his dad (?) encouraged him to do sm audition instead of studying like (?? is ji a straight a sian or a straight b sian or a gay asian??) and they let him to ballet (some parents mind this okay aka my mom will freak if my bro wants to do ballet) hence i wont be surprised if they know.
however in 2015-2016, according to @catsandlion ‘s timeline, ks spent a lot of time hanging with his mother, a pattern never seen before during kxk. I would definitely tag that as him seeking comfort from his mom. so maybe she knew 
conclusion: i dont think anyone is against them anymore, after 2016 they became more obvious, they share an apartment, they act married, they have been dating for 8 whole fking years. 
kaisoo is in a stable relationship so 
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soofection · 5 years
Isn't kyungsoo jealous why would jongin allow someone to nitpick his relationship
well i mean a pussy generally is not THAT threatening if ji is gay.
but jokes aside, its not a choice
they probably had to, a contract, something behind the scene. because you are right, who would voluntarily let someone disrupt the peace of a stable relationship?
no one would unless they had to, same for kaisoo 
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kurou3gi-blog · 5 years
Do you think kaisoo is soulmates they been fated together with so many things and having a stable relationship for almost a decade Even though all the bad stuff I think they are
Yes anon ;x;b 
For me they are soulmates not only lover or boyfriend affair. They like who had connected their soul together. We can see they know what other want or need even they didn’t say anything to each other. 
Even on stage we can see kai walked to soo without any notice like he walking around the stage. But then when soo saw kai, he went straight to him quickly and took kai's jacket off even kai didn't say anything.
In my eyes view their interaction to each other when they were together in some rhythm are beyond the brother line and what they done to each other at some moment was so deep than what guy should do to his best friend.
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