gogopierogi · 11 months
The Thaemine raid after story was released on the Korean servers on 10/25. I'm not going to summarize the entire story, but below is a translation of the story cutscenes.
Spoilers below the cut!
The first cutscenes opens with a demonic clown music box spinning and playing a tune atop a cliff overlooking the armies of mortals and demons amassing in Boreas Domain.  Kharmine saunters up to it. 
Kharmine: It’s a sad sight, isn’t it? A being without self, wandering without an identity. 
The clown dolls responds.
Clown Doll: You speak of others. 
Kharmine: It’s different for me. I at least have a very good idea of who I am. 
The clown doll stops turning and an enraged Kakul-Saydon emerges. 
Saydon: A half-hearted, powerless subject, blah, blah, blah…shut up!
Kharmine: You’re the one ranting and raving without knowing the subject, aren’t you, Kakul-Saydon? No…you’re a traitor who will remain in the shadows until the end. 
Saydon: Traitor?! 
Kakul-Saydon goes nuts and proceeds to spin around before attacking Kharmine. 
Saydon: You think I let you live? Huh? Huh? You’re just a shell. A shell that means nothing! A shell that doesn’t exist! Shell! Place! Energy!
Kharmine: A shell…
Kakul-Saydon backs off and lets Kharmine speak. 
 Kharmine: In the beginning, everything was chaos. All of it was mine. If it weren’t for Regulus's hypocrisy... Maybe Antares was right. 
Saydon: Yours? Yours? No, no, no. It was mine! Just wait and see, if my plan goes my way…!
Kharmine: Hasn’t your grand plan already gone awry once? 
Saydon: Cheeky…!
Saydon stomps towards Kharmine, apparently about to attack again, when Kakul speaks up. 
Kakul: It’s not time yet. 
Kharmine: You even know how to assess the situation…the power of time is amazing. If he even remembers me it’s going to be bad. 
Saydon: In any case, it won’t work out the way Regulus wants. 
Kharmine: The witch’s prophecy is out of our hands, Lauriel’s twisted fate is out of our hands, and there will be a great war, as great as the first one we fought…just watch. 
The cutscene ends with Kharmine and Kakul-Saydon watching the demons and morals fight as darkness starts to rain from the sky. 
The second cutscene takes place on Petrania, in the same canyon where Thaemine entered Kazeros’s service so many years ago. Brelshaza approaches Kazaros, who appears as a cloud of darkness. 
Brelshaza: The Red Moon Ritual was completed by Baratron and the dimensions have begun to wrap. Chaos and order, light and darkness, once parallel…a single world, a path that never began…it is being realized at your will, Lord Kazeros. 
Kazeros: Thaemine…long ago, I gave him the power of darkness when all he had left was his instincts. It was an unparalleled blessing, but also a curse of lasting oblivion. 
Brelshaza: Since his defeat by Kazeros, he has been in a dream that will never be broken. All that remains to him now is  instinct. He will never know what he must seek. 
Kazeros: The dimensional rift will finally allow my soul to enter Arkasia. 
Brelshaza: Kazeros, then…
Kazeros: No more prophecies. 
Brelshaza removes her horn crown and discards it on the ground. 
Brelshaza: The prophecy is complete…I will prepare for the end of days, Kazeros.
The final cutscene features Thaemine shortly after we last saw him, having broken free of his paralysis. He’s not happy. He swings around his sword, destroying rock formations. His breathing becomes labored, he clutches his head, and for a moment he goes completely still as his blue light fades. Suddenly dark energy erupts from him.
Thaemine: Kharmine.
He then walks off to parts unknown.
Here's a video of the entire story and the accompanying cutscenes:
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