#Kakuse! Kurorekishi!!
owari-no-homo · 2 years
Owari no Seraph Drama CD: Kakuse! Kurorekishi!! (Track 2)
Link to Track 1.
Link to the audio: https://soundcloud.com/namanari/02-2a-1?in=namanari/sets/owari-no-seraph-seraph-of-the-end-drama-cd-set-2
(note: * means I am unsure of the translation for whatever reason, and *** means I have no idea what the hell they're saying and just took my best guess)
Owari no Seraph - Drama CD, Track 2: Hide It! The Dark Past!!
This is the story of young high school stars risking their lives in the competitive world of show business… continued.
Yuu: Damn it, why do we have to clean the warehouse?
Yoichi: It can’t be helped, Yuu-kun, and I think this is actually a mercy. Normally, it wouldn't be strange to get fired. 
Kimizuki: I was an idiot to go along with your plan…* Just shut up and clean the warehouse, idiot. 
Shinoa: Once you finish sweeping the floor, it's time to organize the backs of the shelves~
Yuu: Why aren’t you cleaning? You were in on it too!
Shinoa: Oh, no~ please don't get the wrong idea. Regarding that matter, I’m only here to oversee the actions of you three.*
Yuu: What sophism. This is so unfair. Only Shinoa gets special treatment. 
Kimizuki: You’re the ringleader*, so you should work the hardest!
Yuu: What was that? You were in on it too!
Kimizuki: No! I was just tagging along with you. 
Yuu: Are you trying to pin all the blame on me?!
Kimizuki: It’s your fault!
Yuu: Bullshit!
Yoichi: Now, now, you two-
Yuu & Kimizuki: SHUT UP!
Yoichi: Ehhh? This pattern again?
Yuu: Oi. Let’s settle this, right here, right now. 
Kimizuki: All right, let’s see if you’ve got the guts to go up against me.
Yoichi: Hey! Stop it!
Shinoa: Yoichi-san, it’s about time you gave up on Yuu.
Yoichi: But…
Yuu: You bastard!
Kimizuki: Don’t fuck with me!
Yuu: That hurts! 
Kimizuki: That’s my line. 
Yoichi: That sure was something.
Shinoa: It’s always the same with them. Why don't you at least check your surroundings before fighting?
Yuu: Is there anyone who would check their surroundings before fighting?!
Kimizuki: Oi. Let’s straighten out that fallen shelf. 
Yuu: Tch.
Shinoa: Please put back the scattered luggage as well. Ah! You’re back to square one of your floor sweeping.
Yoichi: Ehhh?!
Yuu: All right already! Oi, let’s straighten this up. 
Kimizuki: Damn!
Yuu: Ugh, what the hell is with this pile of DVDs? It’s such a mess!
Yoichi: You’re the one who messed it up, Yuu-kun!!
Yuu: Huh? What’s this? 
Yoichi: Eh- what’s the matter? 
Kimizuki: What is that? It’s got your name written on it.
Shinoa: Oh~? This is a recording of your audition, isn’t it? 
Yuu: Wha-
Shinoa: And there just so happens to be a DVD player right over there!
Yuu: Oi, w-wait a sec! Let go! This ain't a store!
Shinoa: What are you talking about, Yuu-san? How could we possibly go on without having witnessed this amusing- ah, I mean, this very valuable item?
Yuu: Idiot! Stop!
Shinoa: What’s this~? The disc is getting sucked into the player!
Guren: All right. Next! Enter!
Yuu: Hyakuya Yuuichirou! I'm going to take the top spot in the entertainment industry! 
Guren: Your projection* is good. So, which of your qualities are you most confident in? 
Yuu: Most confident in… To be honest, I’m better than everyone at everything!
Guren: One hell of a guy came in… 
Yuu: You don’t have to praise me.
Guren: Pfft- seriously?
Yuu: I’ll just get right to the point!
Guren: Ooh, let’s hear it. 
Yuu: If you don’t take me, you’ll regret it later. 
Guren: Pfft-
Yuu: Oh, did I say something weird?*
Guren: Ah- no. Sorry, but you see that camera over there? Go to it and say what you just said.*
Yuu: Okay! Uh, is this it?
Guren: Yeah. That camera.
Yuu: If you don’t take me, you’ll regret it later. 
Guren: Y-You’re amazing. 
Yuu: Right? That’s why you have to recruit me to the agency right away so I can debut!
Guren: Ohhh! That’s the spirit! You pass! 
Yuu: R-Really?!
Guren: Pass training school so you can move on to becoming a star.* Work hard and make your debut! 
Yuu: Woohoo! I’ll debut!
Guren: What’s with that guy? His projection* is good, and that stupid straightforwardness is way too funny! Looks like a good way to kill boredom! Hahahaha!!
Yuu: Seriously?
Kimizuki: HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Yoichi: T-The way you immediately agreed-***
Yuu: Can you not laugh at me too?!
Shinoa: Albeit by chance, we got to see something amusing, hm~?
Yuu: Haha, laugh it up while you can. If my audition tape is here, there should be others, right?
Kimizuki & Yoichi: Oh.
Yuu: You guys stay away from the DVDs!! … Hoho! Found Yoichi’s name!
Yoichi: Ehh?! Wait a minute!! Ah- hey-! You’re horrible! Kimizuki-kun, let go of me! After this, he might find yours, too!
Kimizuki: We don’t know that yet. Besides, even if you watch it, it’s not like I made any embarrassing mistakes.
Yoichi: WHA-
Yuu: Well then, Shinoa, I’ll leave it to you~
Yoichi: S-Stooop!
Shinoa: Oopsie, my hand slipped!
Guren: Next! 
Yoichi: S-Saotome Yoichi! I-I’ll do my best! Looking forward to working with you!!
Guren: Hmm, you’re very stiff. It’s okay to relax. Just try being yourself. 
Yoichi: O-Okay! T-T-T-T-Thank you v-v-very much…!
Guren: If you’re that nervous, you’re not cut out to be a celebrity. 
Yoichi: Y-Yes, that's true…
Guren: Why are you aiming for it? 
Yoichi: U-Um, well, I guess it's about my desires and interests? 
Guren: You guess?* Ehm, sure, sure, desires and interests. 
Yoichi: E-Ever since I was little, I've always been a plain, unassuming kid... I-I admired the lively kids* around me, and thought, "Maybe if I become a celebrity, I can be dazzling like them...", stuff like that. So I auditioned for this agency!
Guren: Ah… I see. All right! You’re hired. 
Yoichi: Eh? Ehhh?!
Guren: Starting tomorrow, you can start taking lessons as an apprentice in training school! 
Yoichi: Ahhh! Thank you so much!!
Guren: Well, that’s it for today. Thanks for coming. 
Yoichi: Y-Yes! I’ll be leaving then! Ow!
Guren: Haha, be careful. 
Yoichi: Sorry! Goodbye now!
Guren: He ran into the door... what an airhead. But I guess it’ll be a good laugh if it's on TV.* Well, there's a fine line between talent and mediocrity, right?*** 
Yoichi: Air…head…
Yuu: I understand your feelings.
Yoichi: Somehow, I can't see how you're so frank about understanding this sadness.***
Yuu: All right! Now let’s look for Kimizuki and Shinoa’s!
Shinoa: Ah. By the way, mine isn’t there.
Yuu: Huh?
Shinoa: I was hired through connections, so there wasn’t an interview or anything like that.
Yuu: Not fair!!
Shinoa: It’s such a sin to have good lineage, right~? Such a sin to be so cute, right~?
Yuu: Ugh, then just Kimizuki’s!
Kimizuki: I already said it before, but I’m not embarrassed to be seen. Who knows, maybe I can set an example. 
Shinoa: My, my! How in the world did this DVD with Kimizuki's name on it end up in my hand~?
Kimizuki: What the hell? 
Yuu: What? You don’t mind being seen, right? 
Kimizuki: Ha. Fine, go ahead. It’ll be nostalgic. 
Yuu: In it goes.***
Guren: Oi… the next one’s scores on everything are so good it’s kind of annoying. Heh. Welcome to the club.* No, no, no, for real—it’s fine if I skip this interview, right? Shut up, I’ll do it. Ahem. Okay, next!
Kimizuki: Kimizuki Shiho. It’s nice to meet you.
Guren: Yeah. Have a seat.
Kimizuki: Yes sir. Excuse my interrupting.
Guren: Let’s see, your practical test grades are excellent.
Kimizuki: Thank you very much.
Guren: So, why did you apply to our agency? 
Kimizuki: All of the performers affiliated with your company, whether it comes to acting, singing, or dancing, are top-notch entertainers. I think it's wonderful that the company provides a place for them to showcase that ability and increase their sales.* I would like to become a member of this agency through my audition.
Guren: What’s with that boring answer?
Kimizuki: Eh?
Guren: Oh. Doesn’t your younger sister model for our agency?
Kimizuki: Yes!! My little sister is amazing.*** I'm very proud of her gentle personality and ability to listen.*
Guren: A-Ah… so then, you wanted to join our agency as well? 
Kimizuki: Of course. My little sister trusts people right away with generous honesty; she's too kind for the world of entertainment where people will use you for their own profit! I wanted to watch over her so she wouldn't get tricked by any strange guys. 
Guren: Ooooh-
Kimizuki: So I would very much like to be hired by this agency where I can easily watch over my sister!*
Guren: Yes! That chivalrous spirit may be just what we need in this day and age! 
Kimizuki: Thank you very much. 
Guren: All right, you’re hired!!
Guren: Hmm. Eh? I said I wasn’t going to hire him?* Hehe. But he’ll become one of those siscon gags, won’t he~?
Kimizuki: S-…Siscon?
Yuu: You have a sister?
Yoichi: Kimizuki-kun, you’re super nice to your sister!!
Shinoa: Sibling love, huh? 
Kimizuki: Kggk… Since it’s come to this, let’s find Guren’s audition tape too!
Yuu: Wasn’t Guren also hired through connections? 
Shinoa: I haven’t heard anything like that.***
Kimizuki: Great! 
Yuu: Found it!!
Kimizuki: So even amateurs* can be useful sometimes!
Yuu: Huh? You say something?
Yoichi: Please don’t fight right now.*
Shinoa: Moving on~
Guren: Ahem. Ichinose Guren! My specialty is taking the top spot in everything. I’m going to take the top spot of the entertainment world too, and reign supreme!!
Kimizuki: Somehow, it feels like I’m looking at someone else.
Yoichi: He acts just like Yuu-kun…
Shinoa: Is this what they call “two of a kind”?
Kimizuki & Yoichi: Ah.
Shinoa: Oh my.
Guren: You lot… taking it real easy watching DVDs, huh? 
Yuu: Umm… w-we thought we’d follow our senpai’s example!!*
Yoichi & others: OWWW!!!
Yuu: Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Irino Miyu. I'm going to take the top spot in the entertainment world! 
Guren: Ichinose Guren, Nakamura Yuichi. I’m going to… watch over Irino-san- ahahaha!
Shinoa: Hiiragi Shinoa, Hayami Saori. I will watch over all of you. 
Yoichi: Eh, Saotome Yoichi, Okamoto Nobuhiko- tte, ah. I’ll do my best! 
Kimizuki: Kimizuki Shiho, Ishikawa Kaito. I’ll try my best to follow my senpais’ examples!
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owari-no-homo · 2 years
Owari no Seraph Drama CD: Mezase! Debyuu e no Michi!! (Track 1)
This and Kakuse! Kurorekishi!! (Track 2) were the only OnS Drama CDs I couldn't find translations for, so I decided to do it myself!
Here's the link to Track 2.
And here's the link to the audio, please listen along while you read: https://soundcloud.com/namanari/sets/owari-no-seraph-seraph-of-the-end-drama-cd-set-2
(note: * means I am unsure of the translation for whatever reason, and *** means I have no idea what the hell they're saying and just took my best guess)
Owari no Seraph - Drama CD, Track 1: Shoot for It! The Road to Debut!! 
This is the story of young high school stars risking their lives in the competitive world of show business.
Shinoa: One, two, three, four! Yoichi-san, can you lift those legs higher? Yuu-san, your rhythm is way behind! Kimizuki-san, you’ve got a very unnatural smile, eh? All right, all finished!
Yuu: This is tough!
Yoichi: I can’t move at all.
Kimizuki: I need a little break.
Shinoa: If you guys are struggling* this much with the basic dance, you still have a long way to go. 
Yuu: Wait a sec, Shinoa!
Shinoa: What is it?
Yuu: Finish up this lesson already and let me debut! No matter how you look at it, this is all just a waste of time!
Shinoa: Oh? That’s quite an airheaded thing to say, Yuu-san. You’ve barely been keeping up with the lessons at training school, so obviously making your debut would be impossible, don’t you think?
Yuu: Wha-
Shinoa: As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so the basics are-
Yuu: WHATEVER! There are plenty of people who became stars even though they couldn't dance, making a living off their own compositions, right?!*** Oh, I get it—this is workplace negligence!
Shinoa: I see. So that’s what you think. Then, is everyone else of the same opinion? 
Yuu: Of course they are! Right? I mean, even Yoichi is here because he wants to make his debut!
Yoichi: Eh? Me? Um, well, I would love to make my debut, but… but it’s not possible for me yet. Just now, I couldn’t do the dance at all…
Shinoa: That’s a difference of opinion, hm? 
Yuu: What am I supposed to do about that wimpy attitude?!
Kimizuki: You know, you can’t even follow the rhythm. The one furthest behind is you! Stop acting like our representative! I’ve already decided to debut once my song, dance, and acting are all flawless. 
Yuu: Excuse me? You’re saying you didn’t feel anything from my dancing? 
Kimizuki: Nothing! First, you need to practice properly-
Yuu: Shut up! My dancing will silence the words of unsophisticated amateurs!
Kimizuki: You’re the amateur, godammit! Or is that also too hard for you to understand?
Yoichi: Now, now, you two-
Yuu & Kimizuki: SHUT UP!
Yoichi: Ehhh?
Shinoa: The same old pattern, huh?
Yuu: Oi, you wanna go, bastard? 
Kimizuki: Yeah, bring it on. 
Yoichi: C’mon, stop fighting already!
Yuu: We’re not gonna stop, Yoichi!
Kimizuki: Yeah, let’s settle this. 
Yuu: Hah, that’s my line!
Yoichi: Aaaah! The speakers!
Kimizuki: That all you got?*
Yoichi: Aaah, the monitor! Hey, Shinoa-san…! (unintelligible), please stop them!
Shinoa: Ehh, what a pain in the- ahem. I mean, don’t hurt yourselves, you guys! It’s okay, someone will be here to stop you any minute now.
Yoichi: Huh?
Guren: I get called in for a special course and see this... what the hell. Shinoa! What happened here?
Shinoa: Yuu-san and Kimizuki-san are fighting like an old married couple as per usual. Incidentally, they’ve broken some equipment today. Ah. Doesn't this count as working together?*
Yuu: Ohoho, Guren! You came at just the right time.
Guren: Huh?
Yuu: Recommend me to be the number one young star in the agency, ‘cause I'm so awesome at it and should be allowed to make my debut early!*
Kimizuki: If anyone's gonna get recommended, it should obviously be me... right?
Yuu: Tch! Ah- ouch!
Guren: Shinoa… do your job properly. 
Shinoa: I get paid to give lessons~. Watching over and protecting office equipment… it’s difficult for a cute, weak girl like me.
Guren: You come from a family of celebrities, hailed as a genius since you were a child actress... that's not what I call cute.
Shinoa: Even though I’m this adorable~?
Guren: Jeez, are these guys going to be okay?
Shinoa: Ignoring me, hm? Well, I think they have potential.* But whether or not they'll be able to make their debuts... It depends on the instructor who gives them lessons, don't you think?
Guren: Really? Fine then. In that case, let’s get started on my lesson!
Yuu: All right! I’ll show you my talent! 
Guren: I was a Spartan star, you know.* I won’t go easy on you like Shinoa! Before the lesson, strength training! Lateral Workout: One Hundred Pushups! Begin! Until you can get your dance lesson perfect, we'll keep repeating this hundreds of times!
Guren: Theatrical Performance: Emotional Expression! … What the hell is that?! You’re not doing it at all! 
Guren: Finally, voice training! Diaphragmatic Breathing: Vocalization Regimen! … All right, that’s enough for today.
Shinoa: Your efforts are much appreciated.
Guren: By the way, I’ll be adding more to tomorrow’s schedule.
Yuu: Seriously?! It’s already mixed up as it is without adding stuff…*
Guren: See ya! Go to sleep early tonight, tomorrow’s gonna be tough. We’ll continue like this till you can make your debut. 
Yoichi: N-No way!
Guren: Ah. By the way, Yuuichirou and Kimizuki. I'll deduct the cost of the equipment you broke from your salary.
Shinoa: Students in training school don’t get a salary.
Guren: Oh, that’s right. Heh, in that case, if you ever manage to make your debut for Demon King*, you won’t get paid for about a year, how ‘bout that? 
Yuu: Eh-?
Guren: And if you fail the debut or revolt against the agency, I'll just ship you off in a cattle boat!*
Yuu: C-Cattle boat…
Shinoa: I can’t believe he’s teaching so many lessons… Finally living up to expectations*… maybe.
Yoichi: R-Really? ‘Cause somehow I expected this to be fun, but…
Shinoa: But it’s just…
Kimizuki: Just what?
Shinoa: Harassment, right? 
Yuu: Definitely…
Yoichi: This is going to continue tomorrow? I might collapse…
Kimizuki: If you slack off, you’ll be fired.
Yuu: Damn it… isn’t there any way to debut faster? Damn! Just because stupid Guren’s a little bit popular! Aarrghh! What should I do to make my debut?!
Kimizuki: Like I know. If I did, I would have done it first. 
Yoichi: Me too…
Shinoa: Yoichi-san, Kimizuki-san, you two would also like to make your debut somehow, huh?
Kimizuki: Of course.
Shinoa: If you’re that desperate, I know of a way to do it~
Yuu: Ooh, really?! What is it? Spit it out, Shinoa!
Kimizuki: I would rather debut and start making a name for myself in an unorthodox manner* than continue to be harassed like this.
Yoichi: Me too! I’m ready- ack!
Shinoa: This is something of a cheat, but recently there is the technique of becoming famous by posting your own performances onto the Internet. Therefore, if you can post an enlightening, attention-grabbing video, you might just get closer to your debut.* 
Yoichi: A recent technique to become famous, huh?
Kimizuki: But unsigned people have to put in a considerable amount of effort to get attention, no matter what they shoot.
Yoichi: True… then for nobodies like us, it’s impossible after all?
Shinoa: Such crybabies~. Why don't you take an example from your slightly overconfident senpai?
Yuu: What’s the point of being overconfident like Guren? 
Shinoa: Who knows, it might be a good idea to involve already-famous celebrities~*
Yoichi: Maybe if we knew someone famous…*
Kimizuki: Newbies like us don’t have celebrity acquaintances, and even if we did, the chances of them cooperating with us are slim...
Yuu: Oh…? Oh! What about him?
Yoichi: Who?
Yuu: Our overconfident senpai!
Kimizuki: No way, you don't mean…
Yuu: He’s popular right now, isn’t he? Guren!
Kimizuki: Are you serious?! There’s no way he would cooperate with us!
Yuu: Huh? Who said anything about cooperation? The point is to get them involved, right?
Yoichi & Kimizuki: Σ(●ꉺ▱ꉺ●)???
Yuu: Yoichi! Is the camera good to go? 
Yoichi: Y-Yeah, there’s plenty of memory and battery, but…
Yuu: Kimizuki! How’s the lighting?
Kimizuki: It’s fine. 
Shinoa: By the way, Yuu-san. Why are we doing a wake-up surprise prank? 
Yuu: Guren, the most popular young actor right now, waking up from sleep... that's definitely what everyone wants to see, right? And when they watch the video, they'll see more hot young stars around him! With all the attention this is going to get, we'll become popular in no time!*
Shinoa: Um… I'll refrain from making any statements regarding the probability of success. ‘Cause it sounds interesting.
Kimizuki: Okay, that's great and all, but it's three in the morning! Won't he get mad? We're supposed to be asleep.
Yoichi: L-Let’s not do it! He’s definitely going to be mad! 
Shinoa: Worst case scenario, he kills us. 
Yoichi: EHHH?!?!
Yuu: C’mon, even Guren understands TV etiquette.* Besides, senpai or not, I don’t care. For the sake of my debut, I’ll use him.
Kimizuki: Where does that useless confidence come from? 
Yuu: Who knew that this duplicate key to Guren's room, which I borrowed from the agency manager, would come in handy at a place like this~?
Yoichi: D-Did you really borrow that…? Yuu-kun!!
Yuu: We’re in. 
Kimizuki: This… is trespassing, right? 
Yuu: There’s someone inside, so it’s okay!
Yoichi: That doesn’t make it okay!!!
Yuu: Good morning! Ah- Yoichi, Kimizuki, c’mere, c’mere!
Yoichi: S-So much space!*
Yuu: As expected of such a big seller! If I get popular, I’ll have a room like this too!
Kimizuki: With this, we’ve cooperated on my debut.
Yuu: Ooh. First, before we barge in and do the wake-up surprise on Guren, let's look for something he wouldn't want to be seen with.
Yoichi: Why are we doing that? 
Yuu: For the views, the views!*** A diary, or, uhh... an action figure collection*, you know! If we can get our hands on something that Guren doesn't want exposed...
Kimizuki: It would be easier to get him to cooperate with us, huh?
Yoichi: That is totally blackmail.
Kimizuki: Oi! I found something.
Yuu: Oh? Lemme see.
Shinoa: I’m interested as well.
Yuu: Let’s check inside for his weakness~
Yoichi: Sure enough, it’s blackmail!? But my debut is on the line!
Yuu: What is this? I can’t tell!
Shinoa: It looks like… a lockable diary?
Yuu: Is he a girl?
Yoichi: I-I wonder where the key is?
Yuu: You’re getting into this too, huh, Yoichi?
Yoichi: N-No way!
Shinoa: If he’s hiding something important, the contents have got to be the truth!
Yuu: Mm, all right. Let’s find out the truth! … Ah, it’s pitch black. I don’t hear anything… he must be dead asleep. For now, let’s search for the keys! 
Kimizuki: Right!
Shinoa: Right!
Yuu: I’ll check the bookshelf.
Kimizuki: Then I’ll get the closet. 
Yoichi: I’ll be looking around the living room.***
Shinoa: Hm? Oh my~
Guren: You lot… what are you doing in my room? 
Yuu: Ah, umm… Good morning!! Here is Ichinose Guren-san, after his surprise wake-up!!!*
Guren: Huh? 
Shinoa: He’s completely rolling with it.
Yuu: I know this is sudden, but I'm asking Guren's fans all over the country to spread the word that he sleeps without pants on!!*** 
Guren: Hehehe… pulling this kind of shit… did you really think I’d let you guys get away with it?*
Yoichi: He’s mad!!
Kimizuki: Naturally.
Yuu: No, no, no, no… saying something like that in front of your fans… it’s not very professional!* Mkay, let’s try again!
Kimizuki: Stop! Don’t provoke him any further!
Yoichi: Yeah! Let’s just run already!
Guren: You’ll remember this. 
Yuu: Oh! I understand. We’ve got to say something nice about Guren, don’t we?* Everyone, please… don’t forget about Guren! Also, I am Hyakuya Yuuichirou!
Yoichi: Ahh, that’s not what he meant!!
Kimizuki: Idiot!
Guren: The careers* of you three…
Kimizuki: Three? Huh- where’s Shinoa?
Shinoa: Good luck~!
Yoichi: She’s already that far away?!
Kimizuki: We’re leaving too!
Yoichi: W-What about Yuu-kun?
Kimizuki: Leave him! He’s a goner!***
Yuu: Operation Wake-Up Surprise on Ichinose Guren… was a huge success!!!
Guren: It was a huge failure, you idiot!!
(Track 2 link again)
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