blahaj-ch · 7 months
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akzeriyyuth · 3 months
Far Cry 4 thoughts:
• Has anyone noticed that one of the insults hurled at Ajay from the enemies translates to "Sister f***er"? Given what happened to Ajay's sister... Damn, that's brutal. The only decency in it was that he had no idea that he even had a sister.
• Amita says at one point that Sabal has the numbers and is more popular in the Golden Path for leadership, which is an interesting subtlety-- Mohan and Sabal were both sexist AF about women not being involved outside support tasks-- so it follows that of course the people there would be dudes with similar ideas as Sabal. (Even though there are women on the frontlines.)
• Going on from THAT, if Amita is chosen as leader and doesn't have the numbers, wouldn't it be clearly obvious that the opposition would take them down even if you killed Sabal and sided with her? Like, canon sets it up as Kyrati as being a place of toppling the leader and about military and physical strength. Even if Amita "wins", that doesn't seem like it's going to work for long.
• I keep seeing a lot of people saying "Pagan Min wasn't that bad!" Like... Nah. I know he's gorgeous and clever and hilarious and I love him as a character. He did do *some* humane things and cared about some people close to him. He wasn't sexist, wasn't homophobic and didn't throw people in jail for using drugs. He didn't use religion to push his rule. In pretty much every other way, he was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TERRIBLE, but I guess when you've endured Donald Trump as President, I can sorta see how Min would look like a lesser evil.
• When I realised Ajay could ride elephants, and that no one else did, was when I started thinking, "Okay, he has some mystical connection with the land and something godlike going on." Then the thangka thing happened and I was like, "Descendant of Kalinag head canon unlocked."
• One thing I find fascinating about the game is how music gets used. Like there are hints in the lyrics of some of the songs as to the direction of the story- "Should I Stay or Should I Go" is pretty blatant, but towards the end, when Ajay is starting to become more aware of how he's being used by Amita/Sabal there's that line in "Bombay Twist" - "Why are you driving the taxi?" which makes that explicit-- and then when "The River" starts playing as you approach Pagan at the end, "...And you still owe me something... More than this" it feels pretty obvious that there's a need for Ajay to get closure beyond revenge.
But, yeah. I wish I had found this fandom when it was in its heyday because there is so much in the details and it's like, eh, no one around to discuss stuff with. :(
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swearingcactus · 1 year
almost all of the (main) far cry games uses red to show who's the enemy (like most games, really!), and i wanna point out that it even expands to the other characters and overanalyze their wardrobe. long post under the cut
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pirates wear red and so does their leader vaas who wears his #iconique red tanktop. coincidentally jason views vaas as the ultimate villain who he has to kill.
Hoyt wears a red shirt under his jacket, which if you think about could be kinda read as him being on the inside/the real guy pulling the strings underneath the surface of what jason previously know about.
"But what about Buck?" you ask, "He wears blue, which since Jason also wears blue, should mean he's one of the 'good guys'?" well yes and no. Technically, Buck does try to be buddy buddy with Jason, multiple times even, so the blue shirt as trying to fake being your friend fits. However, Buck's chest tattoo is red, and it's literally inked into his skin and is obvious to Jason and for anyone to see that he is clearly not our friend.
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Privateers also don't have any red in their color schemes, but i feel this might be a sign that at that point, Jason didn't actually have to be on the island and kill privateers.
both the royal army and the royal guards wear red colored uniforms.
Pagan wears a pink suit, which isn't exactly red, but then again, he isn't inherently antagonistic towards Ajay, who may not view Pagan as the villain at all, depending on the player's choice on letting him go or not. I would also argue Pagan's pink suit also foreshadows his retirement from the dictatorship role, he's just biding his time and not really actively doing anything.
Notice that his shoes are red though and he did take very particular offense that they got ruined when he killed a guy, so Pagan very much still is a villain
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Compare this to Paul de Pleur, who wears a red shirt, or Noore's red sash. "but, but noore was doing it because she was forced! she isn't ACTUALLY evil!" yeah that's what the sash is for, it's an add-on to her original outfit, as opposed to de Pleur's shirt that he covers with the blue vest.
(also i do think noore deserves a whole lot of credit as a villain for what she did, even if she was cornered into that position. she DID kill and pimp out pretty much anyone she can get her hands on. she DID kill innocent kids to save her own. not saying i wouldn't do it if i was in her shoes, but on a 'good-bad' spectrum noore is definitely not on the good anymore.)
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Yuma's a bit tricky cus she also doesn't have any red color scheme, instead her hair's pink just like Pagan's color. So was it like... she's just copying Pagan? That her previously 'evil' actions were set in motion YEARS before it could have any effect to Ajay's present journey to find Lakshmana now so the color has faded to pink? Maybe. But she IS obsessed with being Kalinag and became Kalinag in Ajay's hallucination when he had to kill her, and Kalinag does have a red color scheme.
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FC4 is great cus both Sabal and Amita also has red in their wardrobe which is great foreshadowing.
Sabal's red is fittingly on his prayer beads, and he used religion to slaughter people in his ending;
while Amita's red is on her boots, and she eventually rules over people, demanding lands to be used as drug fields.
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FAR CRY 5 gets a loud boooo because none of the seeds have red in their wardrobe. some peggies are tatted with red ink, and the Eden's Gate flag is red, but like, WHERE'S THE CONSISTENCY UBISOFT!
FAR CRY 6 actually goes back to Far Cry 3 in terms of character design (red = evil, blue = good) with how the libertad wears blue and the FND wears red.
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Anton, like Hoyt, wears a red shirt (and even a red tie!) under a suit. Notice that it's a white suit this time. He's covering up his mistreatment of Yarans producing Viviro with propaganda and an attempt to look squeaky clean to foreigners.
Diego wears the same uniform, out of duty, but in his civilian clothing (which you see at the start of the game), he's wearing a blue jacket-- he wants to be good. Unfortunately, he can't, as his red sneakers indicate, everywhere he steps death follows, because he is still a Castillo. and you know what Anton says to him?
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fortunately (or unfortunately), Diego wasn't the only one who wears red on their shoes on that boat, so he isn't the only one to blame for bringing death. you know who else has red on their shoes?
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THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, DANI ROJAS THEMSELVES WEARS RED LACED SNEAKS. Dani is the ONLY survivor of the boat other than Diego, and once they set foot on that boat with her, Lita's fate was sealed.
Additionally... in the FC6 DLC, we see the villains of 3-5 again, and they were still wearing their original outfits... but note that Vaas shows up again at the end of his DLC, and we see that his red tank has faded, and he's wearing a green army jacket on top of it now. he's still a villain by some standards, but he's moved on from being just the leader of the pirates in Rook Islands.
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P.S if ubisoft ever makes another continuation, i wonder what color they'll use for the protag's outfit cus they've already went with blue (jason) > green (ajay) > yellow (dani) and they usually reserve red for the enemies. im team purple myself.
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kalinag and yakshini
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lulu2992 · 1 year
I listened to the Far Cry 4 sound files!
Sadly, all of Ajay’s lines from the main campaign are missing. I don’t have Kalinag’s lines from the Shangri-La missions, either. That said, while I originally extracted 19,197 SPK files, I only got 15,445 WAV files after converting them. Apparently, it’s a known issue and I’m not sure if anyone was able to properly extract and convert the missing files... If you have information on how to fix this, your help would be greatly appreciated!
It doesn’t look like anything else is missing, but I’ll have to double-check to be sure.
I didn’t hear any new or deleted dialog. There are unreleased lines in oasisstrings (text document, available on the Wiki), but the corresponding audio files apparently don’t exist. There were some broadcasts from Pagan and his ministries I had never heard before, but it makes sense because the first thing I did in the game was liberate the Bell Towers.
I didn’t learn much except that, since several people talk about Ishwari and Pagan (or even criticize Mohan), there’s no way the Golden Path didn’t know about them, so they deliberately didn’t tell Ajay the truth. Also, I don’t know if you’ve seen that, but the Wiki says that Raju, at the Chal Jama Monastery, expresses his interest in the young Bhadra and says he would like her to give him five sons. I haven’t found this line, so either it’s one of the files I couldn’t extract/convert properly (but I apparently have the rest of Raju’s lines) or it simply doesn’t exist. Has anyone here actually heard him say that in the game… or were we once again fooled by the Wiki?
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reshrom · 2 years
Been replaying Far Cry 6 and . . . I got to thinking what kind of world Far Cry is after playing the Lost Between Worlds expansion.
Let me sum up just what kind of supernatural things live in the world of Far Cry.
Possibly Abstergo/Assassins Creed
Ancient Thangkas that apparently let you relive the myth of Kalinag and his journey through Shangri-La, which also might exist
A drug that allows you to enhance your strength and pain threshold, turn people into zombies and create some kind of fog dimension
An apple tree that gives you super powers or turns you into a hulking monster
Potentially Blood Dragons
An ancient religion that that grants you a supernatural predator, backback, and revolver gun that disintegrates people when activated. 
Alien crabs and AI on Mars
Stranger Things Upside-Down 
And finally an energy alien with reality warping capabilities
If I’m missing anything let me know
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farcrake · 2 years
Pink Elephants on parade!! (HD on youtube)
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stuffedeggplants · 2 years
While the Shangri-La missions are great at introducing us to an important figure in Kyrati culture and mythology, I think their purpose might also be to contrast Kalinag’s journey with Amita and Sabal’s in order to talk about their characters and say something about the larger story. I’m still trying to work this out and I haven’t done the last Shangri-La mission yet, so let me know what you all think!
In the third mission, Kalinag talks about how the longer he stays in Shangri-La, the more he loses his identity and forgets his original purpose, who he is and his people, etc. He begins to feel “more at home” there than in his actual home, Kyrat. He also talks about how your state of mind determines your reality, and that Shangri-La itself is a state of mind. He comes to the conclusion that he can’t abandon his people and identity in favor of just mentally existing in some manifestation of paradise, cut off from everything else but his own enjoyment. Then he would be like a Rakshasa, literally only there for himself, and the corrupting influence of that mindset is visible in physical changes and butchery all over Shangri-La, consequences of the demons that have invaded it. This is important because though Kalinag never came to Shagri-La with bad intentions, he recognizes that he could make a choice to stay there that would only have selfish outcomes that don’t actually help anyone. So Kalinag decides to free Shangri-La from the demons and return to Kyrat and his people.
What did Amita and Sabal originally want? What was their purpose? Amita would probably say that she wants to emancipate the women of Kyrat and modernize the country, transforming it in ways that will improve the lives of all its citizens with economic and educational opportunities they could never have had before, all while throwing away superstition and cultural institutions that only oppress others. Sabal might frame his goals as wanting to protect Kyrati heritage and traditional centers of community, honoring the goddess Kyra and restoring and strengthening a cultural identity that’s undergone twenty years of damage as Pagan Min destroys religious sites and seeks to replace ancient cultural symbols like Kalinag with himself.
At some point--maybe before the game even starts?--Sabal and Amita both lose sight of their original goals like Kalinag admits almost happened to him, but while Kalinag was self-aware and realized he had to stay grounded to his true purpose and walk away from an implied path that would only lead to suffering like the Rakshasas brought to Shangri-La--or at least a path that wouldn’t actually help anyone--Sabal and Amita never have this realization. If your state of mind determines your reality, then they’re both so stuck in their own worlds and in their own concept of the right path for Kyrat that they’re both completely blind to the terrible nature of the place that leads them. 
Like Kalinag, neither of them started their journey with explicitly “bad” intentions, but they fail to realize that having good intentions does not mean you always make good decisions or achieve good outcomes. They can’t see past their own egos (maybe?) and don’t even try, so while Kalinag realizes that the path he feels inertia is leading him down is actually negative and rejects it, Amita and Sabal are unable to conceive of their choices on the road to liberate Kyrat as being fundamentally mistaken or wrong. They’re unable to look back, reassess, and see that they’re running roughshod over human rights to achieve once positive goals. They replace one evil with another and in the end both turn out like the Rakshasas, corrupting something that was supposed to be good. 
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ufogoo · 5 years
ajay ghale, finally opening up: ...i feel like the real reason ive been fighting and saving the people was cause i wanted to maybe... make my mom proud... regretting all the time i spent with her doing nothing but causing trouble... i guess bringing her ashes with me feels kind of like she's here... finally spending time together on this advent-
hurk, not even listening: YOOO DUDE LOOKAT ME! I CAN almost unpeel a whole banana with ma FEET! take THAT monkeys!!!
ajay ghale:... (sighs)... good talk hurk.
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blahaj-ch · 1 year
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bro you ain’t kalinag you still gon take fall damage
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of-durgesh · 3 years
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Yuma Lau                of-durgesh
            You’re beloved Spider                 Far Cry Verse | Crossovers & AUs “I found my true calling.                                       I found Kalinag! When I reach Shangri-La, I will defeat Rakshasa, and                 I will be reborn!”
Rules // Mobile Rules.
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swearingcactus · 2 years
Little Details I Found in Far Cry 3-4
... that I found while I was rewatching stuff for fic accuracy. Jason and Ajay differences + similarities included!
whenever Citra touches Jason, she always touches his left arm first, presumably because that's where the tatau is. Which is a kinda neat detail, considering she only sees him as a warrior she could use.
This is not really something new but I just wanna say it again: when Jason woke up after he killed Vaas, the first thing he heard is Vaas saying 'we're so fucked, Jason'. not 'you're' like in the monologue.
This is also not new, but it's not mentioned anywhere in the wiki-- Jason canonically only has his left arm tatted up. His right arm being tattooed is just via the DLC/tattoo editor thing Ubisoft added and from old character arts.
Also, his tatau is canonically incomplete if you pick the 'save your friends' ending, because he was supposed to get it properly finished if he chose the path of the warrior. I'm guessing from the gameplay, it's like the last ring on his wrist.
when Ajay met up with Willis for the second time, he opened the helicopter door and started yelling about the files that were useless. Willis then scolded him saying he was un-American for not knocking. Ajay apparently listened, because the next time he meets up with Willis he knocks first.
During Durgesh, whenever Ajay sees a rakshasa the camera pulses and get all wonky which I assume is because a.) they're actually royal guards hence why they try and chase him down to put him back in his cell and they're giving him more drugs and/or b.) he's scared shitless of them
Both Jason and Ajay had supernatural experiences, and yea sure there's the magic compass and Shangri La/Kalinag thing, but also: Jason talked with a ghost of an airplane crash and Ajay can hear Yalung
Both Jason and Ajay got drugged via mysterious powder blown into their face
Both Jason and Ajay had visions of the future while they're drugged
It might be recycled animation but I will die on the hill to believe that Ubisoft made it that way so I can say: Both Jason and Ajay sleep with their hands to the side like princesses when they pass out
Albeit being the quieter of the two, Ajay actually is more vocal during surprise animal attacks. Jason does an 'augh' noise once in a while in contrast to Ajay straight up yelling 'FUCK!' / 'SHIT!!!'
Also we as a fandom always say that Ajay does whatever he's told and is esentially a doormat but the real doormat is Jason. Let's use Willis for an example: Jason does everything Willis tells him to with no objection + no questions and even thanks him for the free flamethrower. Ajay on the other hand asks questions for every single thing Willis tells him to do. (who are you, why should I help you, why do you need pictures of the body, why am I doing this-- it goes on).
This also applies to other missions- Jason never questions/challenges Citra/Dennis during the game (well, until the end). But during the first choice, regardless of who you choose, Ajay will say "you guys put me in a difficult position." In king's bridge if you chose Sabal's route Ajay'll try to argue the sudden change of plan with a "but Amita said--" and vice versa if you pick Amita's route in Jalendu, he'll actually try to ask about Sabal as well. You get my point.
Jason is more violent with stabbing syringes (not healing ones). Sometimes when he pulls it out there'd be blood squirting out of him.
Jason wears a belt. Ajay doesn't. (though to be fair he might be and it's just obscured. The reason Jason's belt is super obvious is because he's not wearing a jacket and the tail of his belt kinda hangs off)
Character model wise, it's kinda funny that during gameplay you can tell Jason gets dirtier via his fingernails while you can't see that from Ajay's gloves-- but in their actual 3d models, Jason is squeaky clean while Ajay looks like he just rolled around in dirt'
pls add more if you'd like im always a slut for little details and over-analyzing things
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broken-balance-baby · 7 months
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my very own kalinag
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lulu2992 · 5 years
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Inktober 2019, Day 1: Ring.
“As a child, my father told me stories of the Bells of Shangri-La. Their ring purged evil from the land.” - Kalinag
A Bell of Enlightenment, from Far Cry 4.
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holywaterandcrepes · 5 years
Your fave show for the fandom meme?
My favourite show would probably be...Oh, I don't know. We'll go completely different and say...Hmm...You know what, let's go Far Cry 4. It's a video game, but whatever. I'll put in brackets things you can look up on YouTube for context if you want it. The game is six years old, I'm assuming spoilers are a nonissue. If you were going to play it, you probably would have by now?
Character I first fell in love with: Pagan Min. Pagan Min came out of nowhere, stabbed a dude in the neck with a pen and said you are going to pay attention to me and I was in love. (A quick YouTube search of "Far Cry 4 opening" should show you the scene I'm talking about)
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Kalinag. Those five missions are the highlight of the game, honestly. Shangri-La is beautiful, and Kalinag has a dark sense of humour that I love to bits. ("Every seeker dreams of finding Shangri-La and being immortalized. I don't think this [frozen in time at the moment of death] is what they had in mind...") Fandom generally agrees that those segments of the game are beautiful, but too easy and therefore boring, but I think that's the point. The Shangri-La missions are meant to be a break from the actual game, a chance to sit back, relax, get away from the whole Amita/Sabal thing, and just explore and enjoy the wonder of Shangri-La. With your badass tiger that you can sick on demons. ("Far Cry 4 all Shangri-La missions" on YouTube)
Character everyone loves but I don’t: Amita. Honestly she just...gives atheists a bad name. I get that you hate the local religion but blowing up a temple and having Bhadra "sent away" (the entire fandom essentially agrees that was a euphemism for "killed") was extreme. Far too extreme to make her the "better choice", no matter how backwards Sabal's views may have been.
Aside from that: Yuma. Everyone loves her badassery, and as much as I will admit that Durgesh segment where you're drugged out of your mind was amazing, she hates far too much on Ajay. Also don't insult people's mothers. She hates on Pagan for falling in love and...not with it, honestly.
Character I love but everyone else hates: Sabal. Sabal is considered a child-raping fuckwad in fandom, and given what the fandom sees his role as, I would agree. But hear me out: Absolutely nowhere does it say Sabal is going to marry Bhadra (who is...14? I think? for those of you not in the fandom). Nowhere. In fact, I remember reading somewhere (one of the loading screens, but I can't find it now...mandela effect maybe) that the Tarun Matara was a human who became a "goddess" by being married to the god Banashur. And the King deals with finances and stuff. I think one of Mohan's journals says the Tarun Matara deals with the army and stuff, but also the priests were against Mohan marrying Ishwari, the previous Tarun Matara - which implies the priests would be against Sabal marrying Bhadra. Ishwari's Marriage to Mohan only went through because it was pre-arranged, Sabal has no such excuse with Bhadra. He's not marrying her post-game. Relax. They'd be in completely separate roles, Sabal as king, Bhadra as demigoddess. But also Banashur, being a god, literally has no body, so Bhadra being married to a god (if indeed that is canon, like I said I can't find the one throwaway loading screen that said it) is whatever. Given that Bhadra is being married to a god, and nowhere does it say Sabal as king would have any sort of relationship with Bhadra...the whole "child-raping fuckwad" thing is just misinformation. The fandom hates him for it, but...none of it is canon. The whole fandom has basically agreed he's the world's biggest son of a bitch ever, and he is absolutely an asshole, but...not for the reasons the fandom is on his case for. So I love him and I see a potential for redemption...and it frustrates me that Sabal is hated on for something there's zero canon evidence for.
Also: Hurk. Oh my god, Hurk. The fandom loves his fun-loving, gung-ho, American dorkiness, but I just think he is the single most tedious, most annoying character ever. They brought him back in Far Cry 5, and I just...ugh. Can't relate.
Character I used to love but don’t any longer: Amita. I used to love her, but the more you play through the game, the more her options just seem...too much. Like hooray for feminism, but I'll keep women oppressed a little longer if it means not appointing someone who canonically endorses child soldiers and drug addiction.
For those of you who aren't in the fandom, the idea in the game is that there is no "right" choice. Sabal and Amita are both terrible, it's about choosing the lesser of two evils. The choice is a religious zealot who murders anyone who opposes him or an atheist who supports drug money and child soldiers, and has Bhadra "sent away". Like I said, I'll keep women oppressed a little longer to not send children into war. ("Far Cry 4 Sabal and Amita endings" on YouTube should get you what I'm talking about)
Character I would kiss: Not really anybody? There's nobody who has looks and a personality to match. That's...kind of the point of the game. If I had to choose...Ajay, the main character. But mostly he just needs a hug. ("Who else pulls the trigger around here?" My poor boy.)
Character I want to slap: Sabal. I love the guy but somebody needs to smack some fucking sense into him.
A pairing I love: Sabal and Ajay. I think Ajay is enough of a moral compass to sort Sabal out, and I do like that I can explore the darker sides of Sabal's madness if I feel like it.
A pairing I hate: Sabal and Amita. I don't understand hate fucking. Never have, never will.
@hellsrhapsody I went off and you have no idea what any of this means, and I'm sorry for that, but I was just very happy to talk about Far Cry 4, because that game is a masterpiece.
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khabaruttarakhandki · 4 years
उत्तराखंड के जंगलों में आग : पिथौरागढ़ में धधके कालीनाग, रिगुनिया और मलानी क्षेत्र के जंगल
फायर सीजन के अंतिम सप्ताह में बेड़ीनाग रेंज के कालीनाग बीट में रिगुनिया और मलानी क्षेत्र के जंगल आग से धधक रहे हैं। Source link
from WordPress https://hindi.khabaruttarakhandki.in/%e0%a4%89%e0%a4%a4%e0%a5%8d%e0%a4%a4%e0%a4%b0%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%96%e0%a4%82%e0%a4%a1-%e0%a4%95%e0%a5%87-%e0%a4%9c%e0%a4%82%e0%a4%97%e0%a4%b2%e0%a5%8b%e0%a4%82-%e0%a4%ae%e0%a5%87%e0%a4%82-%e0%a4%86/
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