#Kaliyo likes to purposely annoy/anger Zi
nekorinnie · 2 years
Oc rage language
Tagged by @starknstarwars ty ^^
I do not quite know how to do the thing with the links...
Take this uquiz to find out what your oc’s rage language is…
I figured it out! I think...
Yes I figured it out >:D
Imperial Agent, Cypher Nine, also known as Zi'orse! :D
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Very true for Zi'orse, mostly when he was/is younger and in training.., and abit as Cypher Nine, tho as he gets older, and as his time as Cyther Nine continues those feelings on the inside turn numb., and after retirement, as he grew even older.... it just changes to like... disappointment...
... the little line of "I'm not mad. I'm disappointed."
There's only a few things that get him that angry however, and it's
1. Threats to civilians, an innocents
2. ..., it might just be that one...
Tho threats to his crew also might cause that... but he knows they can take care of themselves soo... yeah
Tagging @bluezeri @valoniya @disasteralien
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