#Kan Zaw
olivia2010kroth · 7 months
TASS / Almayadeen: Russia - Myanmar / Russland - Myanmar NR 11 IM FEBRUAR
TASS: Russia steps up petrochemical exports to Myanmar / Russland steigert petrochemische Exporte nach Myanmar Russia has boosted its exports of oil products to Myanmar, Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov said at a business forum of Myanmar and Russia. Maxim Reshetnikov: Russland hat seine Exporte von Ölprodukten nach Myanmar gesteigert, sagte Wirtschaftsentwicklungsminister…
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adshofar · 4 days
2024년 9월 19일 미얀마 현지신문 헤드라인
The Mirror (정부기관지) – 9월 18일 네피도 Pyinmana 타운십 Mingala Byuha Sasana Beikman 구호 캠프를 방문한 민아웅흘라잉 위원장 – 9월 18일 홍수피해가 있었던 네피도 Tatkon 타운십 군기지, 민아웅흘라잉 위원장 방문, 구호품 전달 – 9월 16-18일 라오스 비엔티안에서 열리는 제56차 ASEAN 경제부장관 회의에 대외투자경제관계부장관 DR. Kan Zaw 대표단 참석  Daily Eleven (민영일간지) – 9월 17일 인도 해군, 미얀마 수재민 구호품 약 21톤 선적, 양곤 도착 – 미얀마재난관리위원회, 홍수피해 유가족에 80만 원 지원 The Standard Time Daily (민영일간지) – 9월 17일 네피도 Tatkon 타운십의…
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italonews22-blog · 2 years
The Russian Bridge to the East: a new step towards multipolarity
The Eastern Economic Forum is traditionally held on the site of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island. However, this year, this circumstance of place takes on a symbolic connotation. At a time when the collective West is seeking to isolate Russia, Russky Island and its Russian Bridge are becoming new landmarks on the road to a multipolar world.
EEF-2022 demonstrated that Russia is responding to the challenges by actively strengthening ties with the East. In his address to the participants, organisers and guests of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin outlined the main starting points and vectors of multipolarity: "Direct bilateral cooperation between Asia-Pacific countries is strengthening and gaining momentum, as is their cooperation within such influential associations as Eurasia, the SCO, BRICS, APEC and ASEAN.
At the end of the Forum, it is reported that a record number of investment agreements were signed, as well as memoranda and agreements of intent. A total of 296 agreements worth a total of RUB 3 trillion 272 billion were signed, including agreements on infrastructure and transport projects, the development of major deposits, as well as in the fields of construction, industry and agriculture.
Let us note the following symbolic moments.
Sixty-eight countries participated in the forum. Among the foreign delegations to EEF-2022, the most representative was that of China (205 people). The second largest delegation was from Myanmar (87 people). Now, let us look at the political context of such statistics. It would not have existed for another year or two. At any rate, this aspect would not be so conspicuous: it is logical that contacts with the largest Asian power would be intensified at the Eastern Economic Forum. The fact that there was a large delegation from Myanmar would also not have been surprising. 54 million people is more than, for instance, in Ukraine. Although almost half as large as Vietnam, and that country's delegation was small.
The said statistics seem to show us that, against the background of Nancy Pelosi's recent visit to Taiwan, it is China that is Russia's active economic partner, which is under sanctionary pressure from the collective West.
Very revealing was Vladimir Putin's plenary session on 7 September, attended by Li Zhanshu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Min Aung Hlaing, leader of Myanmar, together with Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.
Sun Zhuangzhi, Director of the Institute of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), took part in the discussion 'The Role of the SCO in a Changing World'. In the discussion 'Gateway to a Multipolar World. The Far East in the New Architecture of International Relations', China was represented by Wang Wen, Executive Dean of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at the People's University of China (RDCY). Minister of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Kan Zaw attended the Russia-ASEAN session, etc.
As part of the EEF-2022 business programme, one of the partner events was "Infrastructure as a Growth Driver - China's Experience".
The International Centre for Joint Initiatives (ICJI) organised a session entitled "Russia-China: trade cannot be stopped, where do we put the comma?”.
Nikolay Vavilov, deputy director general of ICJI and a Chinese scholar, noted that trade between Russia and China has doubled in a decade and is likely to grow by another 30% in 2022, surpassing trade between Russia and Europe for the first time. Among the points of growth, he names high technology, automotive, and food security.
Such discussions are also becoming a platform for demonstrating intentions. For example, Zhang Tian, General Director of the Russia Division of the International Cooperation Directorate of iFlytek (one of the global IT giants and the largest developer of artificial intelligence in Asia); Zhang Xinhong, General Director of Zhengzhou Coal Mining Company (manufacturer of equipment used to extract two thirds of China's coal), said they were ready to cooperate with the Russian market; Wang Jian, head of the foreign trade department of Henan Wolfe Autoparts Co (a major auto parts manufacturer); Li Liang, chairman of Shengli Oilfield Kangbei Petroleum Engineering Equipment Co; Sun Deming, foreign marketing director of Weichai Lovol Heavy Industry Co (an agricultural machinery supplier).
A special theme is the Myanmar factor, which is an irritant to the collective West. A European analogy is in order. The West outcasts that state on the pretext that there was a coup d'état in February 2021. At the same time, Ukraine, where the same coup took place back in February 2014, gets the "green light" from the collective West. It is encouraged in every way possible by its Western partners. The West has safely ignored both the blatant human rights violations in Ukraine and the fact that the political forces that seized power in the country through an unconstitutional coup have unleashed a civil war in Donbas in less than two months. UN Secretary General António Guterres is demanding that Myanmar return to an inclusive and democratic society, although Ukraine has given much more reason to make such demands of it in eight years.
The Myanmar-Ukraine analogy intensifies and questions about double standards are exacerbated when it comes to nuclear power. On 6 September 2022, the Forum signed a Roadmap for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy for 2022-2023 between ROSATOM, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Electrification of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The document envisages specific steps to further build Russian-Myanmar cooperation in the nuclear sphere, such as the expansion of the bilateral regulatory framework, the possible implementation of a nuclear power plant project with small reactors in Myanmar, as well as personnel training and the formation of a positive public opinion regarding nuclear power in Myanmar.
While Myanmar's current authorities are thinking about shaping a positive public opinion regarding nuclear energy, the West is working in the opposite direction. US-based Radio Free Asia states: "Nuclear energy cooperation between Myanmar and Russia is a cause for concern. Some analysts say this is the first step in the junta's plan to develop nuclear weapons. The junta has announced that it will use nuclear energy for power generation, research, medicine and industry. However, Captain Kaun Tu Win, an army officer who has joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), believes the agreement is part of the junta's efforts to develop nuclear weapons."
Myanmar's nuclear ambitions have instantly raised fears among pro-Western analysts. Thein Tun Oo, executive director of the think tank Theining Institute for Strategic Studies, contradicts them: "Building a nuclear reactor in Myanmar is acceptable because it would help meet the country's electricity needs. As for the prospect of building nuclear weapons from nuclear waste, it should not be a concern as long as the waste is returned to Russia under IAEA supervision."
It should be noted that the current Myanmar authorities have not announced the prospect of building nuclear weapons. While it was a similar statement by Ukrainian President Zelensky about such intentions that was the trigger for a special military operation by Russia.
The Myanmar factor shows how the foundations of the unipolar world with its double standards are not flawless. Moreover, Russia is not shy about building a partnership with this Asian country. During a meeting with Myanmar State Administrative Council chairman Min Aung Hlaing, Vladimir Putin said: "Our relations are developing positively. The volume of trade and economic ties is still modest in absolute terms, but the trend is very good: 2.4 times more in the first half of this year.
We can already say that the participants of the EEF 2022 have not merely indicated their intentions, but have started a real movement towards multipolarity. 
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danstory · 2 years
The Russian Bridge to the East: a new step towards multipolarity
The Russian Bridge to the East: a new step towards multipolarity
The Eastern Economic Forum is traditionally held on the site of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island. However, this year, this circumstance of place takes on a symbolic connotation. At a time when the collective West is seeking to isolate Russia, Russky Island and its Russian Bridge are becoming new landmarks on the road to a multipolar world.
EEF-2022 demonstrated that Russia is responding to the challenges by actively strengthening ties with the East. In his address to the participants, organisers and guests of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin outlined the main starting points and vectors of multipolarity: "Direct bilateral cooperation between Asia-Pacific countries is strengthening and gaining momentum, as is their cooperation within such influential associations as Eurasia, the SCO, BRICS, APEC and ASEAN.
At the end of the Forum, it is reported that a record number of investment agreements were signed, as well as memoranda and agreements of intent. A total of 296 agreements worth a total of RUB 3 trillion 272 billion were signed, including agreements on infrastructure and transport projects, the development of major deposits, as well as in the fields of construction, industry and agriculture.
Let us note the following symbolic moments.
Sixty-eight countries participated in the forum. Among the foreign delegations to EEF-2022, the most representative was that of China (205 people). The second largest delegation was from Myanmar (87 people). Now, let us look at the political context of such statistics. It would not have existed for another year or two. At any rate, this aspect would not be so conspicuous: it is logical that contacts with the largest Asian power would be intensified at the Eastern Economic Forum. The fact that there was a large delegation from Myanmar would also not have been surprising. 54 million people is more than, for instance, in Ukraine. Although almost half as large as Vietnam, and that country's delegation was small.
The said statistics seem to show us that, against the background of Nancy Pelosi's recent visit to Taiwan, it is China that is Russia's active economic partner, which is under sanctionary pressure from the collective West.
Very revealing was Vladimir Putin's plenary session on 7 September, attended by Li Zhanshu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Min Aung Hlaing, leader of Myanmar, together with Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.
Sun Zhuangzhi, Director of the Institute of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), took part in the discussion 'The Role of the SCO in a Changing World'. In the discussion 'Gateway to a Multipolar World. The Far East in the New Architecture of International Relations', China was represented by Wang Wen, Executive Dean of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at the People's University of China (RDCY). Minister of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Kan Zaw attended the Russia-ASEAN session, etc.
As part of the EEF-2022 business programme, one of the partner events was "Infrastructure as a Growth Driver - China's Experience".
The International Centre for Joint Initiatives (ICJI) organised a session entitled "Russia-China: trade cannot be stopped, where do we put the comma?”.
Nikolay Vavilov, deputy director general of ICJI and a Chinese scholar, noted that trade between Russia and China has doubled in a decade and is likely to grow by another 30% in 2022, surpassing trade between Russia and Europe for the first time. Among the points of growth, he names high technology, automotive, and food security.
Such discussions are also becoming a platform for demonstrating intentions. For example, Zhang Tian, General Director of the Russia Division of the International Cooperation Directorate of iFlytek (one of the global IT giants and the largest developer of artificial intelligence in Asia); Zhang Xinhong, General Director of Zhengzhou Coal Mining Company (manufacturer of equipment used to extract two thirds of China's coal), said they were ready to cooperate with the Russian market; Wang Jian, head of the foreign trade department of Henan Wolfe Autoparts Co (a major auto parts manufacturer); Li Liang, chairman of Shengli Oilfield Kangbei Petroleum Engineering Equipment Co; Sun Deming, foreign marketing director of Weichai Lovol Heavy Industry Co (an agricultural machinery supplier).
A special theme is the Myanmar factor, which is an irritant to the collective West. A European analogy is in order. The West outcasts that state on the pretext that there was a coup d'état in February 2021. At the same time, Ukraine, where the same coup took place back in February 2014, gets the "green light" from the collective West. It is encouraged in every way possible by its Western partners. The West has safely ignored both the blatant human rights violations in Ukraine and the fact that the political forces that seized power in the country through an unconstitutional coup have unleashed a civil war in Donbas in less than two months. UN Secretary General António Guterres is demanding that Myanmar return to an inclusive and democratic society, although Ukraine has given much more reason to make such demands of it in eight years.
The Myanmar-Ukraine analogy intensifies and questions about double standards are exacerbated when it comes to nuclear power. On 6 September 2022, the Forum signed a Roadmap for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy for 2022-2023 between ROSATOM, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Electrification of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The document envisages specific steps to further build Russian-Myanmar cooperation in the nuclear sphere, such as the expansion of the bilateral regulatory framework, the possible implementation of a nuclear power plant project with small reactors in Myanmar, as well as personnel training and the formation of a positive public opinion regarding nuclear power in Myanmar.
While Myanmar's current authorities are thinking about shaping a positive public opinion regarding nuclear energy, the West is working in the opposite direction. US-based Radio Free Asia states: "Nuclear energy cooperation between Myanmar and Russia is a cause for concern. Some analysts say this is the first step in the junta's plan to develop nuclear weapons. The junta has announced that it will use nuclear energy for power generation, research, medicine and industry. However, Captain Kaun Tu Win, an army officer who has joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), believes the agreement is part of the junta's efforts to develop nuclear weapons."
Myanmar's nuclear ambitions have instantly raised fears among pro-Western analysts. Thein Tun Oo, executive director of the think tank Theining Institute for Strategic Studies, contradicts them: "Building a nuclear reactor in Myanmar is acceptable because it would help meet the country's electricity needs. As for the prospect of building nuclear weapons from nuclear waste, it should not be a concern as long as the waste is returned to Russia under IAEA supervision."
It should be noted that the current Myanmar authorities have not announced the prospect of building nuclear weapons. While it was a similar statement by Ukrainian President Zelensky about such intentions that was the trigger for a special military operation by Russia.
The Myanmar factor shows how the foundations of the unipolar world with its double standards are not flawless. Moreover, Russia is not shy about building a partnership with this Asian country. During a meeting with Myanmar State Administrative Council chairman Min Aung Hlaing, Vladimir Putin said: "Our relations are developing positively. The volume of trade and economic ties is still modest in absolute terms, but the trend is very good: 2.4 times more in the first half of this year.
We can already say that the participants of the EEF 2022 have not merely indicated their intentions, but have started a real movement towards multipolarity. 
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lighdesoti-blog · 5 years
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Effects of pesticide exposure on reproductivity of male groundnut farm | RMHP - Dove Medical Press
Effects of pesticide exposure on reproductivity of male groundnut farm | RMHP – Dove Medical Press
Effects of pesticide exposure on reproductivity of male groundnut farm | RMHP  Dove Medical Press
Effects of pesticide exposure on reproductivity of male groundnut farmers in Kyauk Kan village, Nyaung-U, Mandalay region, Myanmar Thant Zaw Lwin,1,2 Aye …
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maxmyanmar-blog · 7 years
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" Ayeyarwady Foundation gave health support to children of civil servants from Rakhine State "
On 2nd November 2017, Myanmar’s State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visited Rakhine State and offered to provide the necessary health care to the suffering children at Yankin Children Hospital. With the guidance of State Counselor, U Zaw Zaw (Ayeyarwady Foundation) brought two children to Yankin Children Hospital and provided the required health care.
One of them is Mg Zaw Min Paing, suffering from ventricular septal defect (VSD), who is 4 year old son of U Win Zaw Htay who is a policeman in Taung Pyo Wal, border of Rakhine Sate and another healthcare of infantile ailments resulting in nervous disorders and muscular dysfunction to Mg Kaung Htet Naing, 15 years old son of Police Sergeant U Tun Tun Naing who is current working in Kyee Kan Pyin Village, Rakhine State.
Mg Zaw Min Paing suffering from health disease was arranged to meet with Health Specialists Prof. Dr. Khin Maung Oo and then the surgery will be carried out by the Cardiac Surgeons from Myanmar and Vietnam at the end of November. Similarly, Mg Kaung Htet Naing suffering from nervous disorders and muscular dysfunction was arranged to meet with Prof. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe (Rector of the University of Medicine 1, Yangon). According to the advice of Prof. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, he was again arranged and tested with Prof. Dr. Ye Myint Kyaw at Neurology Ward of Halpin Children Hospital. Dr. Chaw Su Hlaing from that ward discussed with the child’s parent and provided the necessary treatments. Since Mg Kaung Htet Naing’s muscular dysfunction require time to recover, Ayeyarwady Foundation arranged these required diagnosis and treatments.
During the treatment period, children and their families were provided accommodation and nutrient as well as toured to the some attractions in Yangon.
(Credit : Photo)
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“widzisz kocha­nie... niektórzy mówią, ze trze­ba żyć te­raz­niej­szos­cia i nie og­la­dac sie za siebie. nie pat­rzec w przeszlosc.. ja bez przeszlos­ci nie umiem zyc. dla mnie przeszlosc to ty­siace wspom­nien.. wspom­nien zwiaza­nych z To­ba.. codzien­nie wra­cam mys­la­mi do tych wszys­tkich wspol­nie spedzo­nych chwil.. do tych kiedy by­las przy mnie.. do naszych roz­mow i tych glu­pich i tych nieco in­te­liget­niej­szych.. do zar­tow kto­re mi­mo ze nie zaw­sze by­ly za­baw­ne, my mialys­my od nich lzy w oczach i bo­laca szcze­ke.. do naszej sciez­ki, do Twoich te­lefo­now, do naszych wspol­nych ub­ran, do naszych wie­czor­nych spot­kan przed moim pow­ro­tem do do­mu, do naszych roz­mow jak szlam ciem­na uli­ca, a Ty mnie wspiera­las, wspo­mina­jac mi ze mgla za­bija ( ;* ) , do naszych po­kona­nych dzien­nie ty­siecy ki­lomet­row, do naszych wyp­raw ro­wero­wych za mias­to, do "maszy­ny która ro­bi kwad­ra­ty z siana", do naszych zna­kow dym­nych.. do naszych roz­mow na bal­ko­nie, z ka­wa i pa­piero­sami.. do tych roz­mow o wszys­tkim i o niczym.. do mil­cze­nia.. do naszych lek­cji ma­tema­tyki, do wspol­nych kla­sowek do wspol­ne­go spiewa­nia, do "Uni­sex" w auto­busie ( przep­rasza­my pan­stwa bar­dzo, ale my nies­te­ty az do cen­trum), do wszys­tkiego.. nie mo­ge za­pom­niec, jak przyszlas do mnie po raz pier­wszy, weszlas do la­zien­ki i za­pyta­las gdzie mam umy­wal­ke, od­po­wie­dzialam Ci z cal­ko­wita po­waga, ze w po­koju a Ty mnie wys­mialas.. i ta Two­ja mi­na jak weszlas do po­koju, a umy­wal­ka le­zala na loz­ku.. hah bez­cenna.. wiesz, ze prze­zylys­my ra­zem wiele.. ni­by to tyl­ko te cho­ler­ne 12 miesiecy, ale ja stwier­dzam ot­warcie, ze znasz mnie le­piej niz kto­kol­wiek in­ny.. ufam Ci bar­dziej niz sa­mej so­bie. tyl­ko Ty pot­ra­filas mnie zmo­bili­zowac, to Ty pow­strzy­mywa­las mnie od roz­nych glu­pot i to Ty pot­ra­filas mnie so­lid­nie opiep­rzyc gdy zro­bilam cos cze­go nie po­win­nam, to dla Ciebie wy­lewa­lam al­ko­hol i to dla Ciebie za kaz­dym ra­zem pod­no­silam sie z dna.. spedza­lys­my ze so­ba kaz­da wol­na chwi­le, a mi­mo to nie pok­lo­cilys­my sie ani ra­zu.. i za to chce Ci podzieko­wac. za te wszys­tkie chwi­le, za to ze zmieni­las mo­je zy­cie, za to, ze dzieki To­bie sta­lam sie sil­na i przes­ta­lam sie oba­wiac co bedzie, za to ze by­las przy mnie w kaz­dej sy­tuac­ji, czy pla­kalam czy smialam sie, czy mialam prob­le­my czy tez nie. By­las. i to sie liczy. dla mnie nie mu­sisz byc ideal­na.. choc jes­tes. dla mnie mu­sisz po pros­tu byc.. jes­tes taką mo­ja drugą po­low­ka po­maran­czy.. dlacze­go po­maran­czy? bo w jab­lkach sa tyl­ko po­low­ki dam­sko-mes­kie.. ale nie o to mi chodzi.. w po­maran­czy jest wiecej ele­men­tow kto­re musza sie do siebie do­paso­wac.. ja mam mnos­two wre­bow, wy­ciec, zat­rzas­kow i zacze­pow i tyl­kow To­bie od­na­laz­lam od­po­wied­nie bol­ce, zacze­py, uchwy­ty, kto­re pa­suja ideal­nie do stworze­nia moc­nej ca­los­ci. ca­los­ci kto­ra ja na­zywam szczes­ciem.. a te­raz.. te­raz cier­pie, nie mniej niz Ty.. te­raz przez te cho­ler­ne ki­lomet­ry.. mam nadzieje, ze wy­baczysz mi kiedys, ze nie mo­ge byc przy To­bie, gdy sie cos dzieje, ze nie mo­ge byc przy To­bie gdy mnie pot­rze­bujesz, ze nie mo­ge byc kiedy jest burza, ze nie mo­ge byc kiedy Ci sie nie uk­la­da.. ze nie mo­ge po pros­tu byc.. ze nie mo­ge byc cialem. bo wiesz, ze ser­cem i mys­la­mi jes­tem zaw­sze.. zos­ta­wilas mi os­tatnio ot­warte ok­no, pa­mietasz? by­lam.. codzien­nie szu­kam naj­lep­sze­go po­mys­lu jak dos­tac sie do Pol­ski, codzienie jest in­ny, ale za­den nie jest na ty­le per­fekcyj­ny.. przep­raszam. nie pot­ra­fie wy­razic slo­wami, ile dla mnie znaczysz, a mo­ze i na­wet nie chce.. bo­je sie, ze mo­ge nie zna­lezc od­po­wied­nich, bo mo­ga miec zbyt sla­ba war­tosc.. wiec, chce Ci tyl­ko po­wie­dziec, ze Kocham Cie po­nad zy­cie.. i od­da­labym za Ciebie wszys­tko.. mo­zesz biec w niez­na­ne, pa­mietaj, ze zaw­sze po­bieg­ne za To­ba.. . zaw­sze ser­cem.”
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IAEA Impact: Myanmar's Dairy Farmers Benefit from Cattle Breeding Programme Using Nuclear-based Techniques | International Atomic Energy Agency
IAEA Impact: Myanmar’s Dairy Farmers Benefit from Cattle Breeding Programme Using Nuclear-based Techniques | International Atomic Energy Agency
Lay Htaung Kan Village, Myanmar – Small scale dairy farmer Zaw Oo from this village in southern Myanmar may seem an unlikely beneficiary of nuclear science. But an isotopic technique used to breed more productive dairy cows at lower costs has enabled him to escape poverty and build a better future for his three children.
His life changed in 2014, thanks to Oo’s participation in an artificial…
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adshofar · 23 days
주미얀마 중국대사관 신임대사 회동
[애드쇼파르] 2024년 8월 27일 네피도에서 미얀마 외교부 장관 MR. Than Swe는 주미얀마 중국 대사관 대사 MS. Ma Jia를 접견하였다. 이번 접견에서 미얀마 안보, 경제 개발 지원, 중국의 투자 프로젝트 및 중국 국민 보호, 국제 사회에서 상호 협력 방안을 논의하였다고 한다. 이후, 기획재정부장관 Kan Zaw, 농업부장관 Min Naung과의 회동이 있었다. 신임 대사는 농업부장관에게 미얀마 농업부문에 중국 기업의 투자 환경을 조성하길 바란다고 요청하였다. 이런 회동 전에는 샨주북부 국경인근에서 중국 인민해방군의 3일간의 실탄 사��� 훈련이 진행되었다. 2023년 10월 샨주북부에서 시작된 Three Brotherhood Alliance의 1027 1차작전이 시작된 이후 중국…
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adshofar · 2 years
제3차 미얀마-러시아 무역경제협력위원회 회의 개최
제3차 미얀마-러시아 무역경제협력위원회 회의 개최
[애드쇼파르] 2022년 12월 05일 네피도에서 제3차 미얀마-러시아 무역경제협력위원회 회의를 개최하였다. 회의에는 국가관리위원회 대외투자경제관계부 장관 DR. Kan Zaw, 상무부장관 Aung Naing Oo, 미얀마 중앙은행, 미얀마 상공회의소 관계자들과 러시아 경제개발부 장관 MR. Maxim Reshetnikov가 이끄는 대표단 및 양국 기업인 300명이 참석하였다. 대외투자경제관계부 장관은 2022년 미얀마-러시아 양국 관계에 있어 중요한 한해라고 강조를 하였다. 이미 양국 지도자들이 만나 회담을 개최하였고 이번 회의에서 계약을 체결하면서 양국 파트너로서 협력 가능성을 높였다고 강조하였다. 앞으로 미얀마의 경제 성장 기회를 마련할 수 있길 바란다고 밝혔다. 주요 회의 내용을 보면…
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