#current events in ag
wearenotjustnumbers2 · 5 months
Jamal Al-kafarnah, 5 months old baby, died out of hunger. Genocide via Starvation is a real thing.
The Israeli people holding protests at the border refusing aid trucks to enter need to take a look at what they're protesting for. Although aid trucks weren't entering at all even before the protests, they stay put outside of the border for weeks, maybe months.
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
“This 98-year-old woman has had a total of 622 ‘descendants’…because at age 16 she married a 50-year-old widower with 10 children, SOME OF WHOM WERE OLDER THAN HER AND HAD THEIR OWN KIDS ALREADY, and then had 13 more children by him, but news outlets report on it like a cute human interest story”
sounds like an SNL skit where the “straight man” character gets increasingly disturbed while everyone else acts happy and charmed
And. Fucking. Yet.
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rheakira · 18 days
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Today, May 23rd, is Robin's birthday!
Happy birthday, Robin!
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plague-of-insomnia · 3 months
“You’re too online! Why are you always making such a big deal over stupid fandom issues that don’t impact anyone in real life”
Meanwhile, Texas: passed a law that has been upheld and caused sites like pornhub to disable all access for users in the state in order to “comply with the law”
The Texas law was signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in June 2023. The legislation, Texas H.B. 11811, was scheduled to go into effect on Sept. 1, but it was on hold after the lawsuit filed by the Free Speech Coalition (a group that includes Pornhub’s parent company) resulted in a preliminary injunction staying its enforcement. The law applies to online publishers whose content is more than one-third “sexual material harmful to minors” and requires them to verify the age of all visitors using a government-issued ID or “public or private transactional data.”
Does this argument sound familiar to you ???
While KOSA did not pass, this exactly the world that puritans want.
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And for those of you who think “i don’t care, bc i don’t use pornhub or other sites like it and/or I don’t live in texas” if more places adopt these things more sites will be forced to shut down or ban content completely, even stuff that could be considered educational might be left off as sites fear legal repercussions.
This is a major issue everyone should care about, even if you never consume “adult” content.
source | source | source
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silver-horse · 4 days
are you telling me I tagged every da4 related post as 'dragon age dreadwolf' but now they changed the title, so I have to go through the tag on my blog and change that tag on every post? thank you for the chore, bioware, you have done it again
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canisalbus · 11 months
I noticed you've been making more art of Machete and Vasco after they met again as adults - is this canon? Do they get to rekindle their friendship after all, or is it still brief and bittersweet? (I love your characters and art, btw!)
Thank you! I'm glad you like them!
It's canon, I believe. After their confusing and apprehensive friends-to-lovers involvement ended in their early 20's, their paths end up crossing again unexpectedly in their mid 30's and things gradually grow from there.
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everlastingrandom · 1 year
Some good news from a few hours ago! In surprise move days after Allen mall shooting, Texas House panel OKs bill raising age to buy semi-automatic rifles. The bill still has a way to go before getting passed, it is now moving up to the Calendars committee.
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I do want to hype this bill up because the ripple effect it could have on the gun control laws in other states if it is codified would be absolutely massive.
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creature-wizard · 8 months
Anybody who goes around saying shit like "all of the death that is happening right now helps the ascension process by removing our negative assumptions about death" while Israel is trying to wipe out the Palestinians should sit the fuck down and contemplate the fact that they're basically posting genocide apologia. If you're posting genocide apologia, something has gone very, very wrong in your spiritual path.
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secret-citrus · 5 months
I need the Trolls: Band Together fandom to understand that, according to the official Dreamworks TikTok account, John Dory is supposed to be in his late 20s at the time of the movie. Furthermore, Band Together is apparently meant to take place just a few months after the first Trolls film where Branch was meant to be 25 (he may be 26 now, but I digress)
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skeletonpandas · 2 months
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my morning news is just scrolling through all the latest posts on the tedependent tag
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b0bthebuilder35 · 26 days
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creaturefeaster · 1 month
How tall are Gary's dads?
Daniel is somewhere around the 6'6 mark, and Felix a couple inches taller.
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recurring-polynya · 1 month
Hello! Long time lurker. I've really enjoyed reading your work and especially love Heart is a Muscle and the way you characterise all the different relationships in it! My ask is how do you think Byakuya finds out about RenRuki. I feel like it would be one of those moments where subconsciously he'd see it coming but at the same time still be caught of guard and manage to be very Byakuya about it.
This was one of those where I wasn't quite sure if it was an ask or a fic request, but the fact is I have an old chunk of story sitting around that addresses this very question. I guess I intended to someday throw this into some post-Heart is a Muscle story, and maybe I still will, but who knows if I'm ever going to get there, so you can have it now. Takes place after everyone gets home from the Blood War (where Rukia and Renji had to confess to each other in the middle of bankai training because I thought it would be cool it was weighing on their hearts)
(I wrote this in 2019 and gave it only light edits)
| read on ao3 | request guidelines |
⚔️ 🕶️ 💕
The sun was starting to go down when Kuchiki Byakuya arrived at Practice Field #3. On a normal day, work hours would be long over, although one might find an industrious officer out in this part of the division grounds, training on their own, or a few of the younger ones playing a game of pick-up football. Tonight, it was quiet.
It had been nine days since Kurosaki Ichigo had defeated Yhwach.
A young human girl was perched on the fence surrounding the field, chatting animatedly with Byakuya's ridiculous adjutant, who snapped to attention when he sensed the approach of his commanding officer.
"Good evening, sir!" Abarai Renji barked. "Thank you for agreeing to this! I hope you don't mind, but I asked Inoue Orihime to come."
The girl hopped off the fence and bowed deeply. "Hello, again, Captain Kuchiki, sir!"
"Worried that I won't hold back?" Byakuya asked with a coolly raised eyebrow.
"Oh, I know you won't," Renji replied. "She's here so that I don't hold back."
Byakuya guffawed, and one side of his mouth quirked up. "Congratulations, Lieutenant. You've finally managed to say something humorous."
"You feeling good today, sir?" Renji asked, just a tinge of concern in his voice. "You feeling up for this?"
"I am fully recovered, thank you," Byakuya sniffed. "Yourself?"
"Feelin' good, sir."
"Then let us begin."
"Oh, one last thing, Captain. Would you mind leaving your scarf with Orihime, here? I wouldn't wanna get my blood all over another one."
"Truly, Lieutenant, you are on a roll today," Byakuya noted, unwinding the scarf from his neck and draping it around Orihime's.
"Oooh, it's so light!" Orihime cooed. "It's like nothing!"
"I'll tell Kurosaki to get you one for your birthday," Renji teased.
"Are you ready now?" Byakuya demanded.
"Yep, enough stallin'. Let's do this."
Orihime hopped back up on the fence and called up a shield in front of herself. "Good luck, Renji!" she called.
Abarai shot her a wink and took up his position on the field.
Byakuya placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, but did not draw it.
Abarai drew his and silently released into shikai. He bounced lightly on the balls of his feet. "Might wanna release, sir."
"I shall be the judge of that."
Renji gave a little nod. "As y'like. BANKAI!"
It was common knowledge that Abarai had unlocked a second level to his bankai in the Royal Realm. Byakuya was looking forward to seeing it actually, but he wasn't particularly concerned about it.
Byakuya knew quite a bit about zanpakutou and their releases. It did happen occasionally that a sword would reveal itself in stages, but it tended to retain its essential character.
Hihiou Zabimaru was an excellent bankai, powerful and versatile. It required immense spiritual pressure, iron concentration and significant amount of mental bookkeeping, Byakuya was given to understand. It had served Abarai well in his ill-advised hijinks up until now, but the fact was, it would not be truly formidable until Abarai himself had another half-century or so under his belt. It was too bulky, too finicky, too fragile. There was no other way to master bankai like that, only experience. Byakuya knew a quite bit about bankai like that, himself.
Abarai launched himself at his captain, blade swinging.
Byakuya went to shikai as he drew his zanpakutou, petals pouring forth from his sheath and forming a shield in front of him.
Abarai's blade sliced right through it.
Byakuya flash-stepped away, sweeping Senbonzakura's blades into a more solid foundation, only to find them knocked out of the way by a giant skeletal hand. Another flash step, another regrouping, and Abarai was there again.
Suddenly, it dawned on him. Hihio Zabimaru had been a joke. A prank. A giant, heavy, impossible-to-use freight train that Abarai had taken in stride, as he did every other misfortune that fate heaped upon him. It was a shadow, an echo of Abarai's real bankai.
So-oh Zabimaru also took immense spiritual pressure to summon, that much was still true. But the bulk, the unwieldy mass was gone. It was as if though Abarai's new spiritual armor was plugged directly into his spinal column. It moved with him weightlessly, astonishingly fast.
Something else had changed, too. Something about Abarai's spiritual pressure. It was more unified, more focused, more together. For the first time out of the many, many times Byakuya had fought his lieutenant, he did not feel like he was being attacked by an angry, flailing youth, but that he was facing a worthy adversary.
Byakuya was being pressed harder and harder to defend against Abarai's assault.
And the fact was, he was not fine.
The injuries inflicted on him by As Nodt were grievous. He was lucky to be alive, and if it weren't for Kirinji's healing springs, he probably wouldn't even be able to summon his zanpakutou. His soul was damaged, and although he had made a miraculous recovery, he was not completely made whole. His speed was close to what it once was, and his bond with Senbonzakura was as strong as ever, but his power and endurance were greatly compromised. He could go to bankai if needed, but it was extremely taxing, and Shuukei Hakuteiken was, at the moment, out of his reach.
He thought it wouldn't matter.
Abarai had never even come close to beating him.
Abarai wouldn't notice such a weakness and furthermore, was too sentimental to exploit such a--
He had brought Inoue.
Abarai knew exactly what he was doing.
“BANKAI!” Byakuya called out.
Abarai smirked. “You shouldna let me get that head start, Captain.”
"Renji, he's waking up!"
The world swam into view, tinted orange.
"Hey, Captain!" Abarai's grating bark rang out. "How you feel?"
"I feel fine," Byakuya snapped, starting to sit up.
"Lie down please, I'm almost done, but not quite," Orihime said firmly.
Byakuya put his head back down on the ground, and replayed the last few moments of the fight in his head.
Abarai had come out aggressively, going to bankai immediately. He had never allowed Byakuya to gain a solid footing, and pulled out his strongest attack, which Byakuya had never seen, as soon as he possibly could. Byakuya hadn’t even been able to get a good look at it, he only had the impression of fangs before becoming completely overwhelmed. Abarai, who knew his attack patterns, who knew that it took him a minute or two to work up a full head of steam, had bet everything he had on defeating Byakuya immediately and it had worked.
It had been a rout, an utter humiliation.
Byakuya could still beat his adjutant, surely, but he could no longer plow him over with superior strength, and certainly not in his degraded condition. He was going to need to think up counterstrategies. And some of them were not going to work.
He looked down at his chest and realized that his shihakushou had been sliced from shoulder to hip, and was soaked, absolutely drenched with blood.
"You didn't cut me in half, did you?" he sneered.
"No, you were definitely all still, um, attached," Renji clarified.
"Not by much, though," Orihime mumbled.
Renji nudged her firmly in the shoulder.
Orihime waved her hands, and the healing bubble collapsed into nothingness. "All done!"
Abarai held out a hand. With a twinge of reluctance, Byakuya took it, and let the younger man haul him to his feet.
Orihime scrambled up, pulling the scarf over her head, and offered it back. "Thanks for letting me watch! That was a really fun fight! You're both so, so strong and it's so much nicer when no one actually wants to kill each other."
"Hey, we don't wanna keep everyone waiting, right, 'Hime?" Renji said, glancing sideways at his captain. "We got dinner plans, everyone's leavin' tomorrow."
"Yes, Rukia mentioned it," Byakuya replied dryly.
"You okay to--"
"Stop checking on me, you fool. I have said I am well and I dislike repeating myself."
Renji nodded quickly. "Thanks for the fight, sir. I'll see you in the morning."
Three hours later, Byakuya sat in his office.
He was thinking.
He was thinking about the current state of the Gotei 13, the captain-less squads, the loss of highly seated officers. He was thinking about his Third Seat, who had never exactly been lieutenant material and was currently on medical leave after having his sword-arm completely reconstructed.
Byakuya looked up at the sound of the door opening.
"Uh, hi, Captain," Abarai said, clearly surprised to see him. "What are you doing here so late?"
"This is my office, is it not?" Byakuya snapped.
"Well, sure," Abarai replied, walking over to his own desk. "I left my sunglasses here," he explained, sticking them on top of his head.
"It's dark out," Byakuya pointed out.
"I'll need 'em in the morning," Renji shrugged. He frowned thoughtfully, then pulled open his filing cabinet and withdrew a folder. "Speaking of which, I was gonna give you this tomorrow, but as long as we're both here..."
He crossed the room and extended it.
Gingerly, Byakuya took it, then squinted at the notation on the tab. "Strongly Worded Letters to the Management of Squad 11?"
Abarai's eyes widened. "Oh, no, that was just to keep people from poking around. It's actually...well, it's pretty obvious what it is," he finished lamely.
"You aren't ready,"' Byakuya snarled.
"Yes, your new bankai is very powerful, it is true. But just because you have run roughshod over a few enemies with it hardly means you're ready to strike out on your own. You need more training, more control. A bankai like that can land you in hot water as well as it can save you. Furthermore, there's a shortage of competent lieutenants, it would be foolhardy indeed for you to set forth without experienced backup, and don't tell me you're even thinking of the Seventh. I have heard how you and Lieutenant Iba are when you two are unsupervised."
Abarai's face was twisted in utter befuddlement. "Sir, what are you talking about?"
Byakuya flipped the folder open and stared at the neat stack of papers within. "This isn't an Intent to Test for the Captains' Exam," he said, taken aback.
Renji made a choking noise. "No, sir! Cripes, sir, I just got a new bankai, why would I leave? I need you to help me learn to use it. An' I wouldn't leave you, anyway, not while you're still, you know. From the As Nodt thing. Also, who the hell wants to be captain of anywhere but the Sixth?" His voice rose steadily in both volume and pitch as he babbled.
"There is no need to shout, Lieutenant," Byakuya frowned, looking down again at the stack of papers.
It was a copy of form RHCA-48-006-C, an application to become a Family-Approved Suitor.
Stupidly, Byakuya's eyes drifted over the names written into the form's blank spaces. "With the submission of this form, Abarai Renji, Assistant Captain of the Sixth Division of the Gotei 13," (did he really need to write all that out? It barely fit in the space) "requests the approval of the Kuchiki family to court Lady Kuchiki Rukia, Assistant Captain of the Thirteenth and First Daughter of the Kuchiki."
Byakuya sat in the garden, on the bench near the koi pond. His brain was chasing about in aimless circles, much like the fish in the pond.
He looked up from the water. His sister was still dressed, despite the late hour. Byakuya recalled that she had been out earlier with Abarai and their human friends. Her hair and makeup was different from the way she wore it for formal events, sharper, wilder. It seemed surreal that parts of the city had been reduced to dust, while others had come through virtually untouched. That despite it all, life continued on.
"Are you alright?" Rukia asked, her brow creased with worry.
Byakuya smiled at her gently, affectionately. He thought about the great lengths he had once gone to protect her from the world, and now she, a woman with one of the most beautiful and deadly bankai he had ever seen, was fussing over him.
"I am fine, Rukia," he reassured her. "Will you sit with me?"
He had expected her to perch at the other end of the bench, a nervous bird, always ready to take flight. Instead, she sat close to him, and with an egregious disregard for propriety, took one of his hands between her own, holding it in her lap. "Renji's sorry, you know. He thought he should have waited another week or two, but I said--"
"He should not be,” Byakuya said stiffly. “Another week or two would have made no difference. I do not wish to speak of it further."
"Did you have something to eat--"
"Did you know that my lieutenant is in love with you?"
It was dark, so he couldn't see if Rukia's cheeks turned pink, but he did catch the shy smile that crossed her lips before she turned her face away self-consciously. Long ago, he had caused her normally unflappable sister to make that face once, maybe twice. It was possibly his greatest achievement.
"He, ah, mentioned something to that effect the other day,"
Byakuya was fairly certain that Abarai wouldn't have proceeded without Rukia's buy-in, but he felt it prudent to double-check. "I take it you... reciprocate?"
She made a pleased little hum. "He only happened to mention it at all because I had just told him that I was in love with him."
Byakuya often enjoyed whimsically deriding his ridiculously hardworking and absurdly devoted adjutant, even more so in the presence of his sister, whose affection for the man had long been obvious, if not the degree of it. But he couldn't bring himself to make jokes, not right now.
"You do not need my permission to take up with him romantically," he pointed out. "You and I have had a long-standing agreement, that as long as you were discreet about it--"
"Renji and I don't want that," Rukia interrupted. "I mean, we do. We do want to take up romantically." She made an odd face at having to say the phrase out loud. "But you're very important to both of us. We wanted you to know. We… wanted you to approve."
Byakuya glanced over at the young woman who he had adopted so many years ago, and yet, had only recently become his sister. She was, in so many ways, much like himself in his youth. Brash. Stubborn. Willful. Too brilliant by half. Byakuya adjusted his hand in hers, and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"You know I am a sentimental fool," he began, and Rukia turned to look at him again with an expression he couldn't quite parse. "I think it is embarrassingly obvious how fond I am of both of you."
Emotion broke over Rukia's face. "It is not, Brother," she tried to scold him, though her voice cracked at the end.
"He hardly deserves you," Byakuya went on.
Rukia rolled her eyes. "The two of you are so--"
"But at least he acknowledges that, and seeks to remedy it," Byakuya ignored her. "I shall be watching closely to make sure he does not become complacent, but if he continues on his current trajectory, he may eventually become worth your affection."
"So, are you going to approve his stupid form?" Rukia asked.
"That," replied Byakuya, "is a different matter."
"Oh," Rukia said softly.
"Becoming a Family-Approved Suitor has nothing to do with whether or not I like him. It is an opening of negotiations, a proof of suitability for marriage. Surely, you two don't…" He trailed off when he saw Rukia looking away again.
"We've only just started figuring this out," she admitted. "But it's not...out of the question."
"Oh," Byakuya replied. He'd always had the distinct impression that his sister had little interest in matrimony, although he knew as well as anyone the difference the "who" of the equation could make.
"That presents...a difficulty," he admitted. "The Family would not take it well. They already think I have been too selfish in these matters.”
“That’s so short-sighted,” Rukia muttered. “So he doesn’t have much money or a name that goes six generations back. He’s got bankai. He’s incredibly strong. The family hasn’t even produced anyone who can pass the vice-captain’s exam in the last hundred years.”
"You misunderstand me, Sister," he clarified. "Bringing Abarai into the family would be a tremendous benefit to me, personally. I lack for neither money nor familial pedigree. The only thing I lack is a family line. A young man of immense spiritual pressure, with no family ties of his own, and an inexplicably fierce loyalty to myself would be of great benefit to our line and perhaps to our family as a whole. It would not be very advantageous to those who are jostling to prove themselves the best among a number of poor choices. The family has not been to war in a long time, and many forget how important it is to maintain our strength. I have not forgotten.”
Rukia’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t name him…”
Byakuya made a horrified face. “Of course not.” He frowned. “Not for the family. But the Captain of the Sixth need not also be the head of the family. I told the Head Captain a year ago he was the only one I trusted to replace me in that regard, although I doubted my posthumous opinion would be respected. I suppose I should tell Kyouraku the same. This would make things a bit smoother, I suppose.” He was quiet for a moment. “I will need to think on this. I might.... I might need to talk to Grandfather. I… will do what I can.”
Rukia eased her hand from his, and slid her arms around his waist and leaned into his side. “Thank you, Brother. I love you.”
Byakuya closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He hardly deserved her, either. He pulled one arm out of her hug and rested it gently around her shoulder. “Thank you, Rukia,” he said softly. Another deep breath. “I love you, too.”
Her only response was to hug him just the teeniest bit harder.
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chiekodivine · 1 month
new york city is a shit show right now and not because of the students peacefully protesting. i’m so sick of fucking cops. research the history of the police force in america. tear-gassing students and snipers on rooftops. we all know this will escalate. it’s just when. it’s ironic, when you grow up with school shootings and no gun laws you become pretty desensitized. if the government thinks a shooting will scare people then they’re just plain stupid. ivy league students being shot at on the grounds of campus. all i can think about is the kent state massacre. everyone attending protests please be safe and mask up!!! those not attending, if you can, drop off food and water to protestors fighting for our rights. you don’t need to be palestinian to care about the genocide in gaza, you just need to be human. they don’t just want to ban tiktok because of the mass spread of unregulated information. they want to ban tiktok because of the mass spread of empathy. billions of videos depicting the human experience. i have cried so many tears and laughed until my stomach hurt all for strangers i’ll never meet. when we care about each other more than we care about the dollars in our pockets it scares them. it scares them because they feed and live off of human suffering and exploitation. they’ve manipulated our minds so much we believe we are dependent on them when really they are dependent on us. they’ve divided us so much we’ve forgotten what it’s like to love each other. they’ve allowed so much violence and so much hatred that it’s become all we know. but a heart full of empathy and love will always want to share that love. that’s what they fear. capitalism is just a circle jerk of who has the deepest pockets and billionaires can’t exist without the exploitation of the working class. calculate how many hours you’d need to work earning minimum wage in order to be a billionaire. look up the recent layoffs of thousands of hiring recruiters across the country. research the nationwide implementation of AI that accepts your résumé based on buzzwords and not actual experience. did i mention homelessness is illegal and i’m pretty sure social security is like gone now? How many hours would it take to be billionaire?
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sealrock · 1 year
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happy nameday, paris (6/1)
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